RAILROAD DIRECTORY i -v? -l W The following table show Uie Tanning of passen eer trains to and from Charlotte. , on, all. the rail roads (Washington tone): - - - - - - Bicmoim BAffmxx. ,,,-t I Arrives from Blchmond and Goldsboro, 12 40 a. m. Leaves for & MM i"'flU0a.va Arrives from Richmond, . . . . . ..v.-.i..- 1 1.12 a. m. Leavesfor ' 8.65 p. n( ATLANTA CHAKITTrB AIB-UK. ;' ;,. ; Arrives from Atlanta,,,, ;-,,..,,,.-,. , 3.40 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,.. ...... t,,, 12.40 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 3 55 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta,...;. . . i ..- . , . . . . J 1.12 a. m. CHARIiOTTK, COLUMBIA 4k AUGUSTA. . Arrives from Augusta,,,.....'.. :8i50 p. m. Leaves for Augusta,..-.,..........,'..., 12.46 a. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac. Freight). 12.10 p. m. Leavesfor Columbia,,,. ff... : 2.1$ p. m. CABOUNA CXNTKAI. y I. ST'J ' vriivesfrom Wilmington,. .....,.. 8.20a.m. Leaves for Wilmington, i. .-.'. .'. til 8.25 p; m. i rrlves from Shelby, , 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby 8.40a. m. ATLANTIC, TKNHE3SKB OHIO. j j' v rrlves from Statesvtlle, 8.00 p. m. Leaves for State8vllle,.v.i .... 8.00 a. m INUICATIONS. ' : Office Chief, jsiGNAL Officer, -1 Wasiiin6ton? Jane1r J :30 p. m. "For the South Atlantic'and EastCulf States, higliev pressure, northeast to so u theast winds, slightly cooler cloudy or partly cloudy- weather, and light local niins are probable. Local It epor t for V ettterda jr. . 7A.M.2P.M.!9P.M Rjirometer. 80.054 Thermometer. Relative Humidity, . . . a' md Direction...... " Velocity,..,,,..'; Weather 1 50 ' E. .;' - 8 ' Cloudy. Highest temperatureHjBg deg.; lowest 67. f 1 Meteorological Record. Xf' WE ATHTSB REPORT, JUNK 7, 4:20 P. M." Stations. I 80.039 30.011 71 82 65 46 N. E. N. E. 8 6 - Fair. Fair. BaromiTn.KWlnd. VeL 29.97 82 N."' , 7 30.02 86 S. E. 4 30.06 80 E. 22 49.99 81' E. 8 29.87 85 8. E. 11 29.92 83 8.E, : ! 12 29.90 82 E. 14 80.0" 82 N.E. 3 30.01 86 a E. 8 241,99 81 E. 30.05 80 E, 8 29.95 78 E. 19 30 00 85 S. W. 13 30.05 85 N. W. 4 30.06 76 N. E. 12 29.96 87 E. 2 Atlanta,.... Augusta '.. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Galveston, Indlanola... .Fair. Fair. Cloudy. . Fair. Fair..-. Clear: Clear; ' Cloudy. Clear. . Cloudy. fair, jackson'lle, Key west, Mobile.. Montgom'yj Threat'ngr-Wated N. Orleans. Punta Rasa (Jiouay. Cloudy..; Cloudy. .Cloud. Savannan.. St. Marks.. Havana...'. Index to New A&vertiecneiM WMkowsky Sc Baroch Mosquito Nettings, C. B. Wm. Lee Wolfe Notice. R. M. Miller & Sons Webster Wagons, brothers & Rankin Boots A Shoes. M. C. DUon Piedmont Nurseries, s. W. Goodson Public Lecture. HOMEPENCILIN'iS. The courts were more than usually idle yesterday. The beer garden and the park will vie with each other to-day. Mecklenburg fanners are wrestling manfully with the grass. Commencement week at Davidson College. They are expecting a big crowd. The length of this day is 14 hours and r.l minutes. It is within three minutes of the longest day in the year. The sum of five dollars was taken in at the mayor's court yesterday morning for assault and battery cases. ' The only social event or Interest dur ing the coming weekwill be the C. M. 1 . hop next Friday night The amount of money paid out for the keeping of prisoners in Mecklen burg county jail last month was 8238.50. The city was alive with-handsome turnouts yesterday afternoon. No other place in North Carolina can compare with this in that particular. People have begun to write for preg mium lists for the next fair to be held in Charlotte. Isn't it about time the executive committee was- getting it OUt?. . i,- f .' The parties in charge of Beileniont Park guarantee that order will be pre served there on Sundays and any;, occa sion of a public assembling there." The junior dance ! club had a pleasant dav of it at JMleittoht Park yesterday. They took a, , band long ud. jspeh ai most the entire day in ' dancing on the platform blliptB, for the purpose.'. '".'.",.-', htiu'i'jh Hickory Prm-' Hoke Secrebt,.the wife and child murderer, ' li'r'Mairln. jail, cried like a child last week-pon liearing of the death of Mr. FinleyT the jailor, and refused $11 donifprtjwhue lie' lay a corpse, . . . ; "''iL'C't, .'',)'' It has been agreed ;.th;at'!'s)nie time during the latter part VOtW'rdsiEiiit month, a moonlight efcwilir be 'given for the benefit of the ,Home and Hospi 1 al. A dime concertwill also probably he given at an earlier. daj;fpni iho beuer: lit of this institution. vf)'i i ' u As will be seen from our 'advertising' . columns, Rev. Dr. Alexander Clark, of Pittsburg, Pa., a gentleman who is well known in the lecture field, will deliver one of his most . popular lectures in StatesvUle next Tuesday night.- The final concert nf the Charlotte In-. stituta ifor-TTMmg' liadies,'i Tuesday nignt. The cards or admission state explicity .that thft concert will begrrrat 8.30, and ho one-will W admitted after' wards. except during the intervals be tween the pieces. The country treasurer has been au thorized, to pay thefTCoupons4jn the Mecklenburg bonds issued pri tyilmingJ ton, Charlotte & Butherfora Kailroad. There are now outstanding ' of those bonds $22,100, the interest on ''.which is $773,50. Kanitarr Itleaurei.r . The board of ,aldermen at its last meetinz strengthened the ordinance in relation to stagnant water on private 1'ieuuses vy tne aaainon qe. jne r woias "sluggish", and1, "mkt&sJio, &at'rthe ordinance now reads a follows: "That from and after the 1st day of '"ly, 1873, any person or person body politic or corporate, who shall ;know ingry and willfullv nermit statmantor sluggish Water to tfe and remain in any pool, pond, marsh or open vessel, on mai her or their lot or lots, or premises, of upon anv lokloti orwemises: 6f which he, she or they have possession or con noi, witnin the city, for the lengxn 01 48 hours at any one time after notice mereof, shall be guilty ofcac miedemean-J r, and forfeit and pay flaa fium-'of -fenn dollars to the city authorities for: the use of said city, for each and every;. day aajawaxes snailf De auowea to con tinue as afnroaQiil " - . if The closing'exer'ciS of Betbel ca4- Bikuumu in wis county, xour iuiicb iiom Davidson Collecrfei came- 6ff Fri- lay- Between : f our, ajid five hundred persons were In attendance.' sThe ad- V.ress was made bv' Cant. Cal.-OrfeiVofi'Wmrit.'c20itf 'JiT!tty7?mawrffr ' 01 compositions anq aeciamaiioi oyr lie pupils., , ,Tbe. L8Qtiool isundepthet management--pf.;rKv.fc'lklv m: is: mia ouri8hing,-endrtionr' it :l not iperfectlr fooavenlerit ta consult tout pnj'8!ciaii.for every Headache or ettaeic: of Indlges-i "Bicn-may-treuble you, tm 1M Dota isaj iid coaTenlentta use Dr. -Bull's Baltimore Pills, PromPr relieve tbe discomfort of , these at-. '.ICRS...,', jf -, -, . ' , . (IN S m etttlnjr About . the Englishmaa ' to b Jarned from HJa Letter. ; ; ro'Xwo or three men took the bod v of the Englishman who" was drowned in Phifer's pond, from Mr; Green Solo man's boarding Jioiise, yesterday after noon, and burled, it? ia tlfc potters field in ; Elm wood cemetery. The remains were encased in a plain but neat coffin. and were given a decent burial in all The coroner summoned a jury of well known citizens and the; facts con nected with the drowning were thor oughly sifted to ascertain;, witb abso lute certainty that it was accidental. The investigation brought out nothing which -; would indicate ; the - contrary. There was nothing to show , that he had been drinking. It was generally believed he was seized with the cramp. ' Very little more was found out yes terday pf the man than was known the evening he was drowned. Mr. Solo man knew nothing about him except that he came there about a month ago and asked for lodging, e was given a room, and spent most Of the days out of the house, engaged, as his landlord was told, In repairing andteaning sewing machines. ' This work Was mostly done in the houses of the own ers of the machines. He had a small box of tools which 'he carried about with him. This was the only baggage in his room , except a complete change of clothing. He told Mr. Soloman when he came here that he had a check fox his trunk but that the trunk had been detained. A search for the check was made by J the coroner, but it could not be found. "' ' ' The only hope of finding out anything of the man . lay in : what could be dis-, covered from the contents of his pock ets. These contained 'a ' Colored silk handkerchief, a pair of gold or plated cuff buttons,i'two-knives, a lead: pencil,' several pictures, in; the order of 'caricar tures, an old and some what worn photo graph of a young woman,. two neat, leather-bound note , books, two dollars and three ,;3ents u silver arid popper: coins, ana, nnaiiy, two letters. 'rom the lettersndote-bwte it was learnHtltute, at the First Presbyterian church ed that his name is, J, C Benton. Verv little else can be Warned. One of the letters is dated Toccoa, Ga and is signed R?GletmFiThissimprpinti. duces him vto VMrs. Simpson' and in forms that iady that, he, is capable of j epamng. ner maciune. ine .ptner is Ather?ia.r:and appears tosbe a reply to Benton inquiring the where abouts of W. B. East, and signed A. Coleman. This states that East had gone to Norfolk, Va. ;t The note-books have been very little used. One is a diary which appears to run only through the month of April. It is written in an almost illegible hand a mere scrawl and contains no information even as to where he was at the time it was written. The follow ing is a specimen of the record of each day : "Cold and cloudy. Worked hard all day. Went over to see Mrs. M's. daughter at night ; am about to fall in love with her." The other note-book is marked "Mer chant s .Book, and contains what, ap pears to be the names of persons at whose houses he was to call and get work, but the hand-writing is so bad that none of the names can be clearly deciphered. On a page of one of the note-books is written a letter, dated Atlanta, May 8th,- and signed by Benton himself. From what can be made out of it, it ap pears to be an application to some sort of manufacturing company for work This gives the only information to be found in eithgr of the letters or note books of Uenton s antecedents, it states that he learned his trade in London, England: that he has been in America only about ten months; that he has been traveling over the country re pairihg sewing machines,but has grown weary of this kind of life and wants sleady employment. This is all that is known or .Benton. The coroner has taken' nossession of, all the articles referred to in the above; except ! the tool chest. Mr. Solomon claimed this as ; collateral for Benton's board, and was allowed 19 keep it,, Brother & Rankin. This firm has an advertisement,, to which we direct attention; in to-day s Observer.. Mr. Brothers is -a -well- known citizen; Mr. Rankin is a young man of energy and a number of years' experience, m ms ousiness. ma rela tions witl large boot 'and "shoe"' houses of the Northern cities are suclfcthat.he, inght to De aoie to duv to aavantage,. and -we- havft-.aaaoujot me- nrm- are sablje to make good to their rpatrons the fjSement. Chaocei of 8cfie4all?r On and afMJkraEBUxavlMnday), night schedi? Wftf iwj eratejcPajn the W estern J otTOJuatpiraagan Tennessee &,phioRatlroads,The. train going west or.we first named"r6ad will connect at SalisbTirVi'wtUitbe: train on WO XV1CUU1U11U Oil -AaiiiK."o uuuuau, which passes Sabisbury qoniihg south at 10 : 36 W ; to. ; 'and pmg;: easfcrr.the; Western N. C." train, wiR Connect .with the Richmond & Danville train which passes Salisbury coiner north about 6 a. m. in consequence 01 tois cnange tne t.rai if on1 1 1 thfe Atlantic.Tehnessee & Ohio Railroad will, oh, acid after Uhmotrl rw night, leave Charlotte about fl 'P leave StatesYilta but 3 US. a.rm, ,and arrive coanotta. aDouinau afcUMinus maintaining close connection at States vUle with Jtf aihS both !' way s'bn .the Uridthcne4u;;Wclf Eaypfjiistj noW(iewm:mpMi' wowh.a"w 4nd We8tn xos'inaxiJpTspect or a good bjisinesfi H r, thesuiiahiei'iiroW. the .t5ar:CttaVot: minorton. Kaleiern ana in on out .jy tno O - a 1 1 new acneduies trffiYraoanuon an wit hiiainpss. Rmce thev:iose connection both tytfW fyWQ j f AUnncM ,iu;f v'-,ii tavatr ypieq. ia vpiiiisi(. ju wittv At a meetinsr held In the couxthousdi yestetdayfpr the purpose Of organizing'; a eavalrrcomoanv. Dri'Ji'Mi Millet-was , called to the chair,-and A-T.JIoss ap-X pointed womOittmf, Thefcloliowinc6mrhiUeearwere ap- 'nnf ntrtt! Mil TJt " its ti'.;i. u ; tit a- fin uoniuiauwii anu J3v-juiw.-r-. W: Flemmina1 8. H. 'Hilton. -a -Ni? Q? Butt LDayidson, JKrB- PTrnr UuiforisH:i3:.1i5utier X.mmg T. h: kosL Georee Carr. - - - etrte " - T r W - .- t I After a general naflge-yiewvjrT aU presentrit; waidecided W postpone the electionof Officers Uhtil the nfe& TnfletTng. which U callfid for Satnrnay. Tnno eifc. whfln all those :from the county WhaZ neaixei m HpimeCC ,tnen selves With, the Company are earnestly, I in every instance. So also In chronic cases lis ac requested to bepresentir.r Wu ? - p tloalspromptan4deeisiye, aflBvasthec6r4s i . . ' - ii . M , j. jug 1 aTUi assured the i meeting of bis- ietat etor ri early organization, tt-.t, I. ' i. .!..! -.'.W i vi sw bits ; 1. 1 tsMiix iiik,iAfiviAtjWW'sr f feuberaatorlal' nomlnaHori was' ' because nbadotf Iteen fairly ireaieo ' dj mo nojjaui!au..-. iiwwm teares lor chafes of all kinds u jjenry-s trDono Salvel Try it; and be wnrlnced. Beware of coup- e from the determinationmsplayed . . . 1 . i . .. ' . i . . .fa y juw Vie - North : Carolina ; Railroad, has gone INorth on aJTUsinesfftripcTni ? fX It is stated that the RkMgft A'Afigik ta Air-Line road will soon put on sleep ers to i run between Raleigh & Char lotte. This begins to-look like busi ness. , The Toads are all running with the sass aaascswiTY book store seauence. , r - . 9 sequence. .mining Holes. . At the meeting of the mining board night before last only routine business was transacted. . . . , t , f , r,, After alPraYcfempUri$oripfln6t no information of importance was elicited. Work at most of the mines in operation continues unchanged. Good progress has been made in free ing the King's Mountain mine from -Work aHb4 rrirfiie piogtefese favorably, and apparently to the satis faction of the lessees. Several mines have been re-opened in Cabarrus county, and if Dr. Meares should be successful on a commercial scale as, he. claims, in, his. experimental runs, ilisjhghi robalTle t&aMwfesei and other mines would be largely oper ated. Dr. Meares is working with great persistency and energy, and is deserv ing of success. , Mining work still goes on in Davie, Montgomery, Rowan and Stanley coun ties. -Silver'Hill is reported sold, and a party from Boston with an expert have, recently Visited other mines in that sec-3 tion'with a view to purchase.-" - Iocal Religion Notes. The.wbiect.ofjdaucins beingconr sideriteffisdsej JPrebyteiiani SVnce the deliverances of the General Assembly on the subject. Rev. J. C. Hiden, of Greenville, S. C, passed, tjhrpugh -the city a day or two a ct foute to Wilmington, his old home, le will deliver a public lecture during his stay there. RirR. Atkinsoaorincinal of the Charlol tlns3tituiteK fdrOfoung Ladies,! will deliver the annual sermon before the cadftta nf thfl Parol ina. Hfilifn rxr Tn tnis evening at 8 o clock. Rev. 3.,Doty's allnegf (r?churcll Qast Sunday -was ' Only tetaporary. He Vfll conduct the usual services to-day. Rev.: I. P. O'Connell, of St Peter's Catholic, church, who went to New York several weeks since, on a visit, is detained there by sickness-. -Rev. fephen Lyon, of the Monastery, will, officiate at his church to-day. Rev. Prof. Rahn, of Mount Pleasant, will preach at the Lutheran church to day. Pltifer'v P6n. i; Within the past eighteen months four persons have been -drowned in Phifer's pond, near this city. Boys and men alike should by this time learn to keep put of it for their own safety, and in addition to this risk the pond has been posted and any one bathing there with out permission is liable to indictment. The publicity of the place should cause Eeople to refrain from bathing there, ut to such as do not regard this it may be said that there is no more danger ous body of water anywhere. Not only is the descent into it entirely abrupt at places, the water, at some points being eight, ten and twelve feet deep six feet from the shore, but the botton of the pond is filled with springs, so that the wa ter is alternately warm and cold, there by rendering bathers there very liable to attacks or cramp. These beiner the qualities of this sheet of water, we ex pect to continue to chronicle deaths bv drowning as long as people continue to go in bathing there. i .- ' 1 ' ' S r- i : Royal Arch IVIaons. The delegates from Charlotte to the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, in Durham, report a pleasant and inter esting meeting. The following officers were elected tor the ensuing year: Grand High priest c. M. V an Ors- deli, of Wilmington.. , . . . i. : Deputy ttrand lligli Priest W. T Blackwell, of Durham." Grand King S. H. Smithi of Wins ton. Grand Scribe Thomas Daniels.' of ewberne. Grand Treasurer John Nichols, of Raleigh. . , . , , Grand Secretary D. v. IJain. of Ral eigh. Grand Clraplain Rev: Dr. Whitfield. of Charlotte . .w i, : 1 -a . 'Grand Captain of the Host Dr. E. H. Greerie,rirf Charlotte. ll ' The following is Hlist of the,appoint- ive othcers : Grand Master of Third Veil J. II. Patterson, of Newberae. Grand Master of Second v ei I James Miller, of Charlotte. Grand Master of First v eil Wall, of Durham. The chapter adjourned after two days session to meet next year at Wilson. After aJLtbebusisess hodjbeen-traris-f acted, Mr.-W. T Blackwell; of the firnf of W. T. Blackwell & Co., the tobacco nists, rigged up about a dozen teams, of two and four horses, and carried all the delegates over to Chapel Hill to attend the University commencement exercis es. The horses were ornamented with flags, the wagons decorated with a few u Durham Bulls," and when the train arrived at Chapel Hill it created a sen sation scarcely inferior to that which follows upon the neeis or a circus. While the partv were at Chapel Hill. J&t, Blackwell also" set up an old-fash ioned barbecue. The delegates were charmed with the trip. Ease A&&iifeJe UsAi EheuinitrW ) f Yes. altboueh they mar despair of relief. It la attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is, a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys important channels, for bipod purification the acrid element 'to which. pathologists tne most eminent atmoute tne painiui ijtnptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis, x no name oi mis grana aepurem is Qostetters, a preparation' likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer oontamlna- tlori of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is nigmy recommended as a medicinal stimulant oy distinguished physicians ana analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very wneucuu. xne press aiso engorges n. Generals Q. T. Beaureeard. of Louisiana, and J. . Ear It. of Virginia, sUU continue to faithfully arid energetically discharge their duties as commis sioners on oehaii ot the btate and reopie. and win give the next grand semi-annual drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery (the 109th In number of monthly drawings), their personal supervision, and ssome the sole management of the distribution whtcn occurs promptly as aaoir-on Tuesday, June 17tn, 18? , at tne opera nouse in ew urieans. For further tnIofraMkMattaress, ere It Is too late, m. a. DauDhm. tr. u. uox om. xew urieans. ,tJ j i- -" m 5rjt is adapted especially to those cases where the 1 at tne "menses." Dr. J. Bradfleiu's Female Eegu- I Wtor acts uira acnarm jnr wmie,-;rui suauen j f mm(L or mt) causes, by restoring the discharge i nnn mnm mimiiHNH hviin hiiii uraiiuuun, iutav. Ask your aruggist lor a circular. fe:iinay28 lm -nrcTrW 1 ft Ml A Word wltk Practical people. aiTbe curtate f some partJttb South seems to peculiarly foster three special scourges of the gen- malarial fever and consumDtlon or nremature de .mine alwava. The iultSoJ 3U1 otiera.-WherrTiol vapidly fatal. Is complete prostration rl the whole system, and m mosi cases, uwennaDuuywaenve resforanon irom tne nouns ihbi oi ordinary xooa. Then the doctors all say. the only thing the stom- iuh and nancreas. and . liver, can aeoeot and turn lato vltpMzlngrbloiTd amt sojid: flowi Co Live? Oil, or rather Scott's Emulsion of the Oil with the HvnonhosDhltes of Lime and Soda. This Is a finer nutrient than the Oil alone, and la besides a splen did tonic, and then it has not the least disagreea ble taste or odor, and ts acceptame to the most - i 11 j jt ju imT-KECElVED A well selected Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which they propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with En velopes to tnateiu.- lis J'iiy.-4im. ii i-n. Aiso Paper in boxes, to suit the most fastidious ) it'll Wt'i H Si. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE 0F NEW TORE. IA standard treatise upon the laws of good society irnew ions. . . ..Miu- ,uWi.d Ux. ,. .nti ,Ay. :4!iu-:.rO fHiJn; liK'f Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot Just received; , .niunrJ'nbtit$ Edward Todd & Co.'s Celebrated RUBBER PENS;1""' Pen by seme considered superior to a Gold Pen TIDDY &BEO. are also agents for Emerson. Celebrated Bubber HAND-STAMPS, ad any orders given them will receive prompt at lennon. B. BDTTEHICK 4 CO.'S METBOPOtTTAN FASHIONS f For May, 1879, just received at ... TEDDY & BRO'S. - CASH PAID FOB BAGS. M$tlt F IELD BROS., WHOisSAUt AfTD RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE Keer eep constantly on hand 5- r FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DREED FRUITS, Ac, ; Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUR & BONNIWELL'S and A. L. SHU- FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, FBOPRTKTOK3 OF TBX , i 5 j it ... . -,- ... , , , CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished. and Is kept in Bret class style. Terms, Per Daj . v. i S 2 00 Great Inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. . "Omnibus and Carriages at every train. g FIELD BROTHERS. . ...J. Proprietors. Mr. H. S. Wilson Labt Superintendents. Hkhbt Wilponq,. Clerk. feb9 $2.00 $2.00 S J2J MARSHALL H 8 S" s E H i I 5 SAVANNAH, GA. i i A. B. LUCE, Proprietor; Beduced rate 82.00 and $2.50, according to loca . , ttlon ol Room. M. L. HARNETT. Clerk, late of Planters' HoteL 16-tE QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Chablottk, Columbia akd Augubta R. R. , Colpmbia, S. C, May 31, 1879 On and after Sunday. June 1st. the passenger schedule over this road will be as follows: DAY PASSES CTEK.V Going North, Leave Augusta ,i . . . w. . ..ii i( 50 a. k. Arrive Columbia 10 48 A. it. Leave Columbia, 10 65 a. k. Arrive Charlotte 3 50 p.m. FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED, GOIXG-Sotrm.! ' V t" I ' W a Leave Charlotte - 2 15 p.m " Bocis HUl, . 4 45 P.M. Chester, 6 80 p.m. " Winnsboro, 9 05 p.m. Arrive at Columbia.,.: 12 AO b. . Leave Columbia . ' . ... . 1 00 a, m. Arrive Augusta....: 9 00 A.K, NIGHT EXPRESS. .Leave Chariotte.iviw.... ....1245 iu M Arrive UoltunbULJ. Jwtiiv.wK'i, A--mtt n MO a. m Leave Columbia .........1. 5 85 a.m Arrive Augusta.... 9 25 a.m I FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED. Going soots. v Leave Augusta.-..- 5 15,p. x 180A.M Arrive Columbia . . Leave Columbia,.. SttftJJfteHj 30 A. H. 5 45 A.H. winnsooro, rChester,' B ID'JLK i uock mu, 10 (XLAl-H. Arrive at Charlotte.'.n .'s U tii J.'Aii 12 10 p. k, Pullman PalaceXarsTnM Augusta W NewTrork and from Greensboro to Augusta. Reclining Sleeping; Chairs fronij DarMlle to Washington via Lyncaburg. , u J .1 r. v. jUiinis, sjupenntenaent, Jho. R,LK!MPho G..P; AgeinV iiil 'i i D. Cabdwsll, - a MilUirili ' 1'.' ' " 'lllilj tlilH IlfWf;R'9o I.Mw nf rf'iw 1 : ;-rr-J mlv ho. On and afterMoadayji May g6th,: the IpiJowlng schedule will be run over this road dally (Sunday excepted) i.,jt t ,oS ,tfi tssrfi M timw Leave Charlotte.. 8 00 a. m. f "Davidson Cbllee.m 6 ftfrn. ,Anll Statesvlflefr: .'J .II !20 IrtDyldspapoe,lw " Connection made at pharlotte wlffiCarorlna Cen- trai rauwayaaa at ttasvnie wun western norm Carolina Railroad. vi, - -7. All freleht offered forshlsment to Section House. Henderson's, Alexandrians and Caldwell's rmusC - D ; prcptuu, me uciug ouiuous, at wuoa there are no Agents. The company will not be re sponsible ior irtaewrteritsjaeuvery;atsaid sta tions. ' -,-' , - - i f--5?fJsusawSa.-J.rK)RMLET, -- may25 - : - Sup't. MA .'I " m s k Of the mnstf erdebrated makers, which will be sold at the very lowest M3WiLES'IEGiER'S ANt) DALSHEIMER'S SHOES And a large stock of Slippers and Newpcrt Ties. ', Id ; Gents' goods we have a convince ytrathaiwe sell the same article sold elsewhere, in the rit from 15 to S. I take pleasure in announcing t an experience ot te years la the with 4 Democrat and Home copy. ADQthei l to F I V E Far ' PERCALES AND PRlNTSv LINEN LAWNS, HAMBIIKG:.GW!99,,INS,BS: 1ST HOSIERY Be sure to call aud look at our great bargains! we.pfler this week. ' We have Just received ia, splenflid assortmen June 1,187. , . , r lad , Wheeler's Elixir Phosphates An elegant preparation for sustaining the vital powers a nerve and brain food one dollar per botae. DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist. Fine Flavoring Extracts. '.45'.' U 1 i tiA Lemon, Yantlla, Pine Apble and Strawberry, at DR. Ti C. SMITH'S DRlie BTOBE. Elixirs and Fluid Extracts. The largest assortment in the city may be found at - - - DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. A Full Line of HumDhrev's Homeorjathie Medicines' always vi Jiand at ; t j DR.T. C. SMITB pRU STjOqfE Cuticura Remedies, Salve, Soap and Resolvent. Just received at . ,, -.- " DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. ' ' 1 Bromidia, lodia. Vitalized Phos Springs Mass an hates, Tama? Iadien Bedjord Seven Springs Mass, at , i DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Improved patterns, at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Five Cent Cigars One of our specialties we try to get the best call and get some at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Vest Pocket Cure And Horehound Cough Syrup, each 25 cents a bot tle, at . ' DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE 25c. Hair Dye. Has been tried and found satisfactory. For sale by .- DR, T. C. SMITH, Druggist. Piimp Cans, For holding Kerosene OH. The cheapest in Char: lotte, ar " ' DR. T. C:SMITH'S DRUG STORE. " If i Merchants : Will buy tneir Drugs and Medicines of Dr. T. C. Smith, Druggist, at Charlotte, they will find prices satisfactory and save freight charges from North ejn markets. , Visjting Strangers Will find Ice Cold Soda Water at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store, opposite the Central Hotel. -r These Hot Days Try Arctic Soda Water, and Sparkling Ginger Ale, 5 cents a glass, at DR. T. C SMITH'S DRUG STORE. If You Smoke Don't forget to try the 5 cent Cigars for sale at Va. 1, v. tSJUlXU a UHVii oTUKjS. for; SALE; Cotton in lots to subpurchasers, .fall en 'w ;! j c BURROUGHS, College Street, l-Charlotte,-iT.-. June R Sfc" : THE YRKFILlEXl!Wa fi ' ; ? The above will he t.h namn nf wnnklv TVtmn. rAatic newspaper, the publication of which wllf be commenoed at an early day at Torkrllle, a C, hy W.M. WarUcfc , ; ir . . The Nswa will be a sood advertising medium for thei business 'men of Charlotte; as the paper wilt nave a large circulation in the counties of Li rwnln. Gaston and Catawba, North Carolina. - i -: . The price of subscrintion will be 2 ner annum. Address, ... W. M. WARLJCK. June 3. '. -s -i v . i -t u ri Yorkvllle a C i&anfzttlQUtv&zs. LUXURIES i. :t n o its':-, iv .V!-...l OZH'-'-r.i'i L.'?-3-A i Bine APPles; Imperial Oranges, Extra' Large Lem- m ons., Tresh. Caramels, Erencb, Plain and Cream Candles; Pop Own, Ac., j PERRY'S. '1 .-TKr:h 0UH!l ;.l , ICECRBASt SALOON, I Fifteatm MrtlcnlarW riWeF iBwattJoh'df (Ladles, aftfaottng the attenUon of those-Whtf wish to indulge themselves in tWsltrre: 4 , J. FOYER'S NEW .SHOE STORE, .-...WW ;- FOK'XADIES AND MISSES. -n 1 i to, my old mends mat l am now staying witu jsax jvxoyer, ana ieei sausuuu , tui. Shoe and Hat business,5 1 cah sell yon goods in that line to your satisfaction. ' " arrival of 'houseboid flndf other useful Articles for Jut C ENT COUNTER superior to all others reeelvetl. : tv-it.!.-." Also a beautiful variety ot ( f LOVEtY SXESIGNS IN Great Bargains hi Ladies9 Linen Ulsters and Dresses, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. tof Rustit? Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known In Charlotte. . , ' DRESS We are now displaying elegant Hnes of BLACK AND COLORED SILK GRENDINES, BUNTINGS OF ALL COLORS AND OTHER DRESS GOODS OF ALL GRADES AND PRICES. kThis Department is Replenished Daily. May 27. , -THE BUT SOLD BT JD1500.00L BEWARE s FOR PARTICULARS -. "iwutn ADDRESS: whiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FIA.NSiKI, ' GLOVES, 1 1 ' HOSIERY, Girls' and Boya Snlts, ' Ladle' Underwear, I i i i i: Inftmf Ontflta, PRESS KAKIXG, j v WRAPS, 7 COSTUMES, RIBBONS. RTJCHING8, for prompt HANDKERCHrEFS; WHITE GOODS, : BOTTOBrs,.,., .;, , HAMBTJRGS, SKTRT1 BRAID, J SEWING SILK1' . - ''Wirsi- - ill. vjy-RI3IGES,,;i . .'! i v.q,- -;! v NEEDLES, FANCY. GQQDS, to,! QAROLDf A CENTRAL ! h ) ; ' ' 1 !' i tlX WILMDJGTON, , ' TEtRpUGti FREIGHT RpUTE : 1 f:i '."!!( i I This, Line , being; fully -equipped, for business, Freight.from : ,,;; fj ., ' : ' :i,,',:fi!i,i ' '":) .v -f;i hi". Jf i! ; i !.:: Wilmington and all Jfefthcm and Eastern Cities to ' , Greenvllie, Spartanburg all . Stations i '.; . i , -. AtUiti Tennessee & Ohio, : ;t-,i. ;:t;f ..'f t-v.y, jj-Vitt t;; ;h ' -! .u-i ,'(!:';. 3ii.r''i:fi-1' .M'U r As well ts points la Georgia UiT. Insurance and Rates guaranteed' as Low as Information furnished i-1- . !J-r,iif-.'-5 ! xliri!jn-v- '..u; W.CLAREi: ' - l.i:. ! ''"GeiLFrtlghiJent ; -II1 f'-i U itr.xtiU lilt .' u-!J .-i i!'.-: ' .;.!) t -7-f 'W-'JJi,'! sept30,af ,f CALDWELL HOUSE,1 ? CALDWELL ' HOUS ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUS E, i . Next door to City Clock, CHARLOTTE N. C, . J3. P. CALDWELL,, ,;. Proprietor. TERM&HSi2$ ;per ' day.' Special 'terms by the j. aj -vi BO Tt X TJ HO USE i l MVSfPW' - : PtJ lo Hotel,. RalelghJ il 7i l: , ( a a Brown,; Jr. Chief Clerict W O fihelburn As decr3Crw Ti-' f,i-iTIrl -.'! . ferVtWw.n'V' 'J-'l i, .! - Dr. Charles Brown, from London, England, Is in town, and will cure all Corns, Bunions, ChUblalns, ingrowing Nails; and sora feet generally; In all eases of Corns; Bonlonsj ChUblalns or- mgrowtag Nails he-' guarantees- W give- permammf relief , in from three to-fiw-winutes. without the un of in struments,' nd without drawing blood. - u -! AddressthronghPwrtomceTT 'i' mySltw''''! DRY NIGE; prices. : Also a full line of full stock of the best goods. A trial will 20 per cnt cheaper. , , ,, t our famous PLAIN AND FANCY. AND LACES., H. MORRIS & BROS. GOODS! We are now displaying elegant lines of This Department is Replenished Daily. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. SO SIMPLE WAMAHTtO HVMBK3 Hill BY TITATTi Send for Samples or irformation, and satisfy yowsdf how , cheaply and quickly you can get everything in , DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of, us by Mail or Express , We carry an average stock of about $400,000, all bought cash. ; WSTTry us. " Have the Children tend for a set of our Adveiii&yng Cards.' COOPER & CONARD, a ImporterG and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 186a - ' . 1' DIBPAT5fiLINJ NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. oaers tmetnialled faclllUes for tile, frfthsportlon of Btatesvile, Asberlue, Rutherfordton on th Atlanta a RichmoM Arr-Line. . and Western N. C. Railroads, - ' " .'!:;,! .' !":;:''.. ' . ; l -: '- . . - . - ' . Alabama and Mississippi. 1 Tla any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upoa application to to :':-k: . ; . T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C Railway, Charlotte. gjetxtistKflt D R. A W. ALEXANDER, - ; . DENTIST- I ' - i ' ' . r 7 . OFFICE OYER L B. WRISTON ft COS ' .- DSUO SlDKl.' - ',!- J 'Wlta 2&r years? experienc I guarantee cnttw UflfacUon;1 ':V 'lit ; Ull RYE,. GRAHAM i if: L ti .. r .... WHEAT.BREAI?, AT PRATHERa ; CAKESICiAKES: !; Pound, Sponge Fruit, Jelly, and aU kinds et Fahcy - CUteSat''1,1 ""C'A FBATHERk:i !;

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