i i, not a ill V . Id- SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1870. ; TI1E UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT. fUit of commencement proper tpok plce to-: ,i in tha TTnivp.i-sitv chanel.1 witness- ediy the largest crJMWer in unapei uiu. imuusuum;niwj eve, visitors continued to arrive from all parts of the State- the eastern and western trains being crowded to the ut most At ten o'clock this 4aannng thv members- of the Grand Chapter, of .Ma sons, headed. by the band and seated im wagons drawn by beautifully decorated horses, with bannersrflying,; aiTived in town and halted in the groves of the campus. This attractive display was the result'of the Mtmificence of Black well & Co.,f Durham Each wagon bore upon its lKJdyXjrffeturejof tbe JJur ham bull, al did every banner, and each mason smoked "Blackwell's Durham in a long stemmed clay pipe. Promptly at 10:30 a. m, a processioirwas foraiea in front of South building, headed by Chief Marshal J. M. Leach, Jr., and com posed of the bands, masons, State ofi cials, trustees, alumni, speakers and students. Moving through the grove, the procession passed around the Cald well monument and thence to the chap el, where i Cefled ranks' aid ptered in reversed order. v The chapel was Al ready filled with ladies, and only the speakers and eminent visitors could en terthe larger portion of the vast mul titude necessarily remaining without The exercises of the' day opened with-a hymn sung by the University choir, af ter which, Rev. Mr. Long lead in pray er. The seniors then delivered their orations, many of them lull ot elo quence, and delivered with appropriate elocution. The following is a list of the speakers with their subjects: John Moore Manning, Pittsboro; N. C "Capital and Labor as Affected by Government." James Smith Manning, Pittsboro, N. C. "Influence of Individual Character .? Robert Strange, "Wilmington, X. C "Compulsory Education." ' Richard Bullock Henderson, Warren ton, N. C "Call Things by their Right Names." Francis Donnell Winston, Windsor, N. C. "National Character as Influenc ed by Agriculture." Robert Watson Winston, Windsor, X. C. "Effects of Modern Inventions on Politics and Morality." William Joseph Peele, Jackson, N. C. "Philosophy of Reform." William Lanier Hill, Faison, N. C "The Chinese in America." The judges, members of the Almnni association awarded the "Manguhv medal" for the best oratory, to' Mr. R. W. Winston, of Windsor, N. C; Gen. J. Madison Leach, in a very happy and witty speech, presented th,e, medal. The annual report of the University for 1870, was read by Prof. C. I. Gran dy, secretary of the faculty. (Jov. Jarvis, at the request of President Battle, then presented diplomas to 11 regular gradu ates, and to several graduates in the dif ferent schools and colleges. To the regular graduates he delivered a most excellent little speech, full of truth and good advice. The medals for thebest students in Greek, Latin, chemistry and German, and for the best entrance examination, were also .presentedby', Gov. Jaryis.v The medatists vaerei 'A.i Mclver and C. " EL .MeIVetbeAt4nf Greek ; R. liansdm,.cheniistry$'"X.". Jfc terson, .Latin UAt l'himp& German i-At Grandy, farbest entrance examination Goy. Jarvis Announced that MaJing-? ham wouldiietedfter awar'd amedaffor the bestressffH'n English, written by n graduate J"'-?4lie degree of LL. I), was eonferred'typon Hon. Saml F. Phillips,.; Thos. S-A'sne and John Dillara; of 13. I), upon Hev. John C. Pickett, Rev. J lav id SaujjdersonAiA-SmithfcJFk 1L. Kerpool i of A. M-TaklL-Busljee, John Webb; $imjW&4Xrt.? ir3 The exer&sed ; iJifjictosetlfrWftli a hymn by the? &$r.!l e)ieJietji bv Jiev. Dr..iroare.$!s On Thursday night I h$ graftd jball and' - - i. i i :i f-1 . ' . i oiuiueucciiiei i puny "twhc piae me former In the ball room and- the latter in a larjsjfi hall fitted up for the purpose.1 The campus was beautifully iliunrinat ed with jChine.se lanterns, which were suspendedjffowwrivtiied tap pJ- ed at regular i6j9-fa JrhKUt JM grove, ia the floidst of, wliich a" Mana was erected? for. the " band which- jdis course(J sweet music till the "wee Sma?' hours j morn." The- ball loom was decorated more beautifully thanvaqv) I havepever seen being rich with evergreens, flowers, tapestrv. besoane- led birdi stars anaPtteeanWlhmJr it can truly be M$&4i was ;i HDie WJiPftiHere wji$ a. more Pfii f ect cdmbinattoW MiiAtia&l iflfissS beautifhl lecoratfln idftffe08lul cracefutvounff ladies stt a nomTnenre- menfc htHtr'ts- The ULg JJomiualicas. , f , . (iovernor Bishop, of Ohio, on Wjed nesday telegraphed to General Ewing1, expressing the belief that 'the Demo cratic ticket would sweep Ohio, and stating that all his friends wfere'ehthu siastic in Ewing's support The New York Herald thinks thei nomination of Gen. Ewing is the strongest the Demo crats could, possibly; have ,iqader pre dicts that he- will make the separate Greenback ticket a nullity, and says Mr. Foster, the Republican candidate, 'in stead of having a quiet walk over the courses-will aeed all,.J,Ji assistance -he VSHW, save- him- f iQ,tefat.";..,iTUe. Philadelphia Press, Iieyublican, ,k says "the ticket is pre-eminently military and, as far as the individual character and standing of the nominees $3 con-, cerned, is, perhaps, the strongest that could have leen selected." .Senator Thurman Wednesday night telegraphed tp Gen, Riee to .accept fthe, second place. He said: "I am delighted with the ticket; it is strong, and will win." Soon after receiving news of his nomination Gen. Ewing sent liy at ines senger the news of his nomination to his wife, who is in Washington. She replied: "Your news is stale. Over twenty have called already to congratu late me, and now do you come home and congratulate me yourself," The Washington Star says the action of the Ohio Democrats is looked upon as an act of sajracitv- 'ivhich osnrftrifted evpn t.ho Republicans, or, as Secretary Sherman U I VI. ST' " i.t- .'Ml --- 1'ua iv, a. uiu. iiuii lii ins. - luo tjnio jjem ocrats would plaaMrAwnon such a respectaoie UcKetZlGejLGarfield says me iicKec is a strong oge.JVrix I; King's Mountain Centennial King's M6uNTADeN.KG.ir J Initial proceedings looking to the cen tennial celebration of "the battle of King's !IdCnltolttXWfreJ7th-Ocmen 1880, have been inaugurated by the citi zens here, with Wv;K. Bell, principal ui iwaiuigwj3ifUuvw,jauiD74caui;iMiX().lS 1 TrnnnJAfi tft tnsilf A'a Rt.nnrli-nor rnmmiffn ofareange.menlsJ;.ejqually ; 1 divided ''be valent idea is to : hayethe military go . wivugn. uw piau.iji me uaiue on tne reauestehrWAftroAnS vrt, la A Card? 7 To an who 5erlrig from ihe wars and. !. aiscrenoBsexK efiJiyde clpethat' cay, loss of man will Send a reel will cura jo. EEBtOF CHABGB.Thla-great remedy was .- discovered by A missionary " In South Amertcat-eendra self-addressed envelope, to the BET, JOSEPnTT. INMAN, Station D, New ; , sura ajr.nlt .int-i;H-:( WwWM! :? ;Jan25 '0:V7:iMv': CottAondenfle of jTbfr-WDserver.i a i m - Proceedings 6 aPuUicl Meeting Held i 'dt TayUrleAlecKmaotii i4'.""'-' XT' nn o At an adjourned meeting of tht e citi- zens of i Alexander coun day iatl the dcourt i house; W. P. Burke; ui-rtlA1 thfhrif.h21.ir-ftfld R PJIVfathe- bn -was Appointed 'secretary, lion J Rl Z. iSnney explalhed thar the object Of the meeting was for the purpose of de termining a route dyarranging-for the orgamiation of -a Jjaibroad ttom x ayiors viiie t j. mur. ' Alexander county Cwere . suffering ' for want of cheaper and quicker means of communication with tne markets of the country. Delegates were present from Mooresville and the . enterprising town, of Enochville, in the county of .Iiowan There being no delegates from States ville, authorized to speak for her, Maj. W. M. Bobbins and Judge Furches be ing present were, asked, to participate in the proceedings. These gentlemen stated that Ithey tf ere not positively? credited to speak for StatestillS, but that they believed that StatesviUe would be willing to aid in the construc tion of a railroad. Hon. M. L- McCor kle, in his usual public spirited way, which, all who know.him, know is char acteristic of him, urged the propriety of a railroad to the markets of the" country by the way of Newton; but said, that the citizens of Alexander county had waited long enough without railroad f acilities, -an4 jthat they must secure themvho matter jfrom what quarter they come. After some remarks from Maj. Robbins and Judge Furches, the fol lowing resolution was submitted by the Rev. A. Carson : Jiesqlped. That a 'committee of five be; appointed by the Chair, whose a. duty it shall be to make a report at their meet ing to ascertain what the citizens of Alexander county, and along the line can, and will do, towards constructing a Naf row "Gauge railroadfromTaylors ville to Troutman's Depot, on the A, T.&O.Ji..li. .This resolution elicited much discussion. - Dr. J. Hi McCorkle, urged that it was the natural route for the products of Alexander county, and that for a century the products of the county had been wagoned by the farmers of Alexander county to Char lotte, and other markets, by that route. Judge Furches urged that by States viUe was the proper route ; but was an swered by Hon. R. Z. Linney and A. M. Bogle, that there was no charter for a Narrow Gauge railroad to States ville, and that to attempt the cost of a Broad Gauge railroad was beyond the ability of the county. Mr. Bogle also remind ed those gentlemen that Alexander county has been asking for a railroad for twenty years, but never found a re sponsive voice from StatesviUe, and that he was not certain that StatesviUe want a railroad in this direction. Mr. Lihney said that he was in favor of the resolution ot Rev. Mr. Carson, and urg ed its passage. The resolution was seconded and was unanimously adopt ed by the citizens of Alexander county. The chairman appointed the following gentlemen on said committee, viz : Rev. A. Carson, Hon. R. Z. Linney, S. Lane, Dr. J. R. McCorkle and Capt. J. O. Moore. Said committee, after careful consideration, submitted the following report, by their chairman. Rev. A. Car son: That it is the sense of this meeting that the people of Alexander county and South JrettelL prefer the route by the ttiotmiain road" toTroutman's Depot, on the A4 T.'&Oi R. EL-and that thev LwoUsfcujld and equip a Narrow Gauge railroad to that point, and that the work' shall be commenced at Tftylors ville and. Troutman, and at all inter mediate - points - at once, and for the speedy accomplishment of thearae;'- Resolved; That it is the sense of this meeting that the incorporators of the Charlotte & Taylbrsville Railroad, be requested and Urged to; meet at Trout-1 mansiepov.my 8th next, and there and then arrange for the purpose -of opening troops of subscription, 5uiiJ ganizing said company in accordance withttlje Charter as amended; by the LegislatuTe of 1879 This report" was submitted! the t;hairtand was unani mously adopted. ,j:z . - $ i .'1 here being no 1 urtuer'-bpslness' be fore the large and influential meeting of Alexanders public, spirited people, the meeting mIjourriea,;witb,;the request that the, Mooresville, ..Charlotte, Con CMkaxi(Lll other, papers rfriendly to the Seojrleac Alexander couttf phbirsh tfte pToeeedtngs. Wf P. Bfrke,'' R. P. Matheson, . f; .Chaitman. SeciyV" Tl lit Senator nmplStkefii Wash. Letter, 5th, to ttwtiafthnbre Sun. 2fjf1TOVade Harirptoir t6-aayaade bis jlcl1 in;the Senate ;,smce jiiftren fraAce.intathat body. Althouch hav ing lefc, he.toadi erect during tjie entire time occMpied by his speech, siroportincrfhilnself. br thfeirm- of "his chaiJ:iIelM3:pltXTommanu- Benpvwmeh- nattftHy--naftrred- the-ef- tectot its delivery. , it was. addressed to the political issues 6t ihe 'day, and was temperate and well-timed. At sev eral passages the galleries broke out in- w vppiaus, iiuLwiuistsnaing me warn ing rap of the gavel in the hands of the chair. The signs of approval were very marked when he spoke of the great pleasure it would give him if the sen atorial chkirs from the North were filled by Union generals, and that such was not the1 case'tnust be laid at the door of the North and not ' the South. He wras very emphatic in declaring that he would not under any cjrcumsiances yote to withhold sup plies from the army. He concluded with-frtiitef art eloquent outburst of wnat Mr. (jonklmg denominated "gush" in his recent great speech, but which must in the sentiment exDressed com mend risen to gooa men everywhere. v nen uoy. uampton sat aown many of the Democratic Senators concrratula- Teci nim pn nis enort. jno Jiepuhlican wen near hint,u ,i-? ' ; " Deal Gently with the Stomach. ii wpromm refractory, mild discipline Is the Uilng to set It right Not all the nauseous draughts and boluses ever Invented can do half as much to remedy Its disorders as a few wineglass! ulls say three a day of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which will afford it speedy relief, and eventually banish every dyspeptic and bilious symptom,' r.Slck head ache, nervous salovnes) the complexion, iuroponuie tongue, vertigo, and those many in' descrlbable and disagreeable sensations caused by indigestion, are too often perpetuated by lnludl- dousniOTInirirTin such random and $ ladvteed, pjrtnle Should be the first step in , the ' direction of Y cure; the step the use f this standard -tonlo aHerattre; vBicnujH iecejreaoe aignest meoicai sanqdori and won unprecedented popularity. 1 June3 lw - TheDeath-fiateof Our country is getting io be learfttr klartutrig, the average of .Jlfe. being lessened every yeavwlth: out any Teasottable cause, death resulting general?, ly from the most insignificant origin. "At . this, Bea ton of the year especially, a cold is such a commoTl thing that in the harry bl every ",lay Sfe we are apt to overlook the daiigera attending It and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung .trouble has already set in. Thousands lose! their lives td this" way ev ery winter, iwmle'liadf BoBctaA exBitAir Stbop beeniakea, a cura would hive resulted, and a large blUJtrom a doctor been avolded.'cFor all diseases of the Throat and Things, Boscgra'a Qxbmax StbtjpM prIrnfaell 4a heitha ereattiat Blsoot- eiy of its IflndU mMdnef erf Dnigfelstln ttrnf country will tell you of its -wqaderfnl effect Over 950,000, bottles aold last-year without a single f allhre jfebwn.' n fftmxn h ma For UDwardfl of thirty rears Mrs. VlnsIow'sSooth. iff frig tByrup has been used for children; It corrects acidlly of the stomachy relieves wind eollc. regulates uieDoweis, cures yseniery ana ouarrntteat woeuier .rialng frem teething or olher causes, - An d and. weu anown remeay. y Ms per pome,; ... , if "Sir' Him la the fruitful source of many d!seaies, promi nent among which are DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE; COSTiVENESS. . DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEV?R, AGUE AHD FEVEK, ; JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM Ai PLAINT, COllCr CTC"' wa&,ihi vAt, I - - SYHPTOUSOFA! TORPID LIVER Mm, IiO of Appetathmd Xmaoat the -bewtdtn-r4- ture ooata vo, but Bometamea rJteraata . with looaenest), Painin tha Hettd. aocQmpaJiitid wiUiaDuUBenaaaonlnthebaokpaft.Pam in the right ride and under the shoulder blade), Tullneeai after eating, with a diain tiination to exertion of body or mind, Irri tability of temper, Low apirits, Loea ot memory, with afeelipg of haying neglected aome duty, Oeqeral weariness; Dizzinesa, fluttering at the Heart. Dots before tha eyea. Yellow Skin, Headache geaeralljf over the right eye, Beatlesanasa at night with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. ' 1T,THESE WAEJttHGSAEE UNHEEDED r SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED! 4 TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such r eses.sa 'singlef f dostei ofTects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. TUTT'S PILLS - i are eosapoaaded front anbataae.es that are free from any properties thai can injure the moat delicate organization. They I Search, Cleanse, Parity, and In vl gorat e the entire System. By relieving the en gorged LJrer, they cleaaae the blood from poisonous humors, and thus Impart health and vitality to tbo body, causing '( the bowels to act naturally, withont which no one can feel well. A Noted Divine says;. Dr. TUTT: Dear Sir; For ten years I have been ' a martyr to PysBepsis, stipatioa aodf tiefc-Lrt Spring your Puis were recommended to me; I used them ( oat with little Ukfa I am now a- weir $un, hsTe good appetite, tigestmn perfect, w0ib stools, piles gona and I baregaaeforty poands solid fiesb. They srs worth their weight in gold. Kav.4iltPSCifbsTahwKy. . , TUTT'S PILlSi r first effect i to InRrea'so toe Appi Their first effect Is; Innreas iue Appc ti f c, and cause ths hodyj6Takepu flcsb, tliub .ae aygtem. is noananea, ana Dy yieir 'I'onjo Ac tion on the Dlcaativ Orcaasf itaonlar Stools are produced. f,-kiii!. . OR. J. F, HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORKiAY " Few diaeaaea exist that 9nnot be relleVed hj re Storine: too liter 4o.iU nonaill f uacttoas, analer " this purpose no remedy bee ever seen invented aat has as happy an effect aa TUTT'S PILLS." SOLO EVERYWHEBE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Office 33 Marrar Street New.. York. tr Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of ValnaWe Infor nation and Useful Receipts f wfil be moUedfM cnapplicaUom., ; a ; t t i J i f TJITT'S HAIR DYE, Gbat Hate os Whisxim ehanced to a Globst Biick by a nale application l 4hiM Dn. It fan parta a Mat oral Ooler, acta Inatantfieevalr, at is k aa HjTOrtKprin wateet tBold bfDtipaU? ot t sent hy exDieea on reoeipt of $L Office, 35 Murray St., New York. aprl ly. THET GENUINE H DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or hotti cheeks; the eyes become dull; the r pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometime? bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite " variable, sometimes voraciouswith a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone tfleeting pains inithe stomach ; occasional n'aasea' and vbm- -iting ; violent . pains throughput the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times u costive; stools slimy, not unfrequenty ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and .hard; urine turbid ; respiration U occasionally difficult, -and3icc6iiipai y med Dy hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ;ftemper variable, but jjeherallyi irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are : found; to exist, i: DR. C. McLANE'.S VERMIEUGE will ce'rfaihfy effect" a (c"Ure. IT DOES NOT CGNTAIH MERCURY in any form Itls- aTT innont. prepa ration, not cmdbti of doing tk siigfittst injury to the most Underinfant. The genuine- Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge' bears the signatures -of C. McLane; and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. MeLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as ,a,' remedy f 'f$,, all the ills, 4hai "flesh" w eix.'tp,' ixni w . affections of the liver, and in all Kl'(OU3t OtopTatvPysperJsia' -'an4.ick.tte;-ache, ot. diseases of that character, they " stand without a ivalr; M ' ; '' ' 1 A GU E' D FEVER. j No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, ori&efJtalarig Quirflxleii 0 ) i As a simple purgative they are un equaled. (T ''T 1 ! BEWARE OF IjkrtATIONsJ ! The genuine are never sugar coated I, i Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's . Liver Pills. SJ i Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. ' Insist ttpon, hav.ing.i;the igenuAne,. Ci McLane's Liver Pills, prepared, by Fleming' Bros., ofiPittshufghi-PilT'the" "'"market being full, q ..inutatioas.; of the 3-; name McLane, -spelled differently but ' same pronunciation. "Vf OTICE OF SEIZURE. i.1 T U. a INTERN Ai REVENUE, . -Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, ? StatesviUe, N. a, May 16, 1 879. Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, on May 16, 187V: ; - o! hn-rAB mannfarfrirftd tobaeeo owner unknown. VaMaa in hATAhT Pivtm tn thft owner or clMmajits I nf th a nhovA riAHnHbAd rrorArtT ; to aDDear before thereto before $hexplratlon of thirty, dara irpm, date hereof, or the. same will, be forfeited to the United States.-m'limtMM:- ilciSSS&a 3. G. Young, ." Collector. urn mnnin turn lunnu ivcn D. O. ltalijJ V 1 rA i H f. 4Atl9dK( i-rr-t t , AucUoneer. auction akd-: 1 COMMISSION ;.. Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of r MKECHANBISK AND COUNTRY PRODUCT; - Will give strict personal ' attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. TJNDEBTAnN,, :, i The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment of i COFFINS, CAStdTS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metallc. . . PBICK8 8 liOW AS ANT .. Hearses furnished, if desired Furniture of every Description Repaired at shor notice. -: W. M.' WTLHKLM, - With K. Q.-RogBTS, Trade Street. Hi " t"0 June 20. FOR Bottled lager Beer, K ALE AND PORTER, Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the ctty, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. MUNZLER. All orders left at John Togel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention, mart jgragg and gHedicineg. raueeisT and csaiasT, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubiii's Extracts and Colognes, English Select ' SPICES, Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully day at prepared at all hours, both night and J. H. MCADKN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE , ANT ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, t M "I -' 1, West's EttWNo. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West I aprm, Baltimore. TTlp-hfiat IfArinl unartttJt nt flantannlal lihrnnaliinfi Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted , to star a ore wsiariio degrees Fahrenheit before WW hiinui- a West it Eons, BaUTmora, , For Sale by 'DB. f. H. MoADEN, Sole Agent,' , y -CHARLOTTE, N. C xt ............ . . W .Hill. ii'T'lf I -t'ayas. : "3 THR t TrTTiit AT THE SAME OLD STAND,. Where I am prepared to furnish a superior quaHty to .alL-who may want Ice. My cart will also make daU?d!fiUvrte:Rt business or, private resldimceai-jOTdersgiveti Uie-drlv6r;-a'ddressed to me through PO. Box. 153, or delivered tome at prptaferom1 f?1 recetve Customers who begm with me will be supplied theentlre seasonatthefoUowmirneures:--- j fi in quantities less than B lbs., 2c per lb. -v? i of 6X)Ujs3andnp,ic." : - Th above Sgares are the same at wbJfch Ice has been sold dor the last two seasons, when I had competiUon; and as I have unsurpassed facilities to eonduct the business im a JegiUmate principle, TOZeJf8con8uU to1 Interest by giving ine Ice;-lte-algtjpteg In any quantity carefully packed and .forwarded wlth-pateh. xuauami . ior jour patrol sprcvitoiy. May i ., pw JiM Printed Imfl For 8ato at the! tn OBSERVER OFFICE? r ' i.l!" BOOK BIDDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN; In connection with the publication of Tag Ob- sEhvsR, and the establfshment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has Just aded a Com plete BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tlJa class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTEE PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here to as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a triaL We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as It is possible to make it LETTER HEADS, Statements, " Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars," ' , '" Envelopes,. . ...... ;i. Handbills, t; 7"' , Invitations, : - ,,' : Checks,. :; Labels BILL HEADS. Dpeds,, BOOkS, , -.i.vj : i;:Lr .orr fti K?Kl di vflt.tJ s.-a.'-. Business Caiiia, , : iw :. , ;k:-; i ;; " iii-jumi'ii'".;'! - u . : '. ''! Programmes" . i: .:; . - -' ' r;,'A ; ! : mK.'M iff; i-. " . -! . vy;MagJ(HUea an--.J-il-..'jJ .i;..K . .if .ii!i!.'W&l .. Court Blanks. In fact, ail kmds of'prhhg dAne ailndrt notice , ' 7 ..:; tA -.-. i.!-j-Ir ' BreellatteIrt6n1sven, to Railroad Prjnttnt; . boqkbkH 1 Having a larger supply ot type than most Job es- laDiisnments, W0RK-4ia been and will cont&rae a specialty with ps,: fil-Xty iWJ ftitiH '.'MiVl'.i' l li-HJS jnVttMf't'K'ir .7e-f;.!.Ji:ii .r;rKiT.1 LJiiS, oil I Address P.X).-Boxl8i 6REA.BARGAl3sfS .in Jewelry and Fancy Goods,' Gold and Silver 'I . j. Watehies,' Sliver and AafedCTable Wire,' ' ' J. T. BtJTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at 3. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 j LASNE, . From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MA1TRR, GILDER and SIL- . ; VER PLATER, , Trade Street,' opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray 'Store. ' ' .' ' i Every kind of repairs made at once at half nrioa- and warranted one year. Ever kind of Jamb-v nr I Bronze Gilding, Coloring. SUvernPlaOng and Gal- wuziog maae ai snoix nonce ana equally agooa anew; j 'Work-dene for the trade at low prices; ' ApprenUee wanted, with premium and good Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration or twelve months lor eost ot repairs. iseptlS.'; i i -. ij'ii i . UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational, and Charitable purposes In .1868, fob tbx tebm or twsmtt-jtvb tsabs, to whleh contract the Inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged with a capital of 81,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DRAWINGS will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution; GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 109TH GRAND MONTHLY AND THE EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Orleans. Tuesday, June 17th, 1879, Under the personal supervision and management OF Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. J. A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. W Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars Only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize of $100,000-... $100,000 1 Grand Prize of. . .. 50,000.... 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000.... 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000.... 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,000-. -. 20-.000 20 Prizes of 1,000 ... 20,000 50 Prizes of 500.... 25,000 100 Prizes of 300.... 80,000 200 Prizes of 200.... 40,000 600 Prizes of 100.... 60,000 10,000 Prizes of 10..... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 100 Approximation Prizes if $200 $20,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 10,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 .... ' 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of La., I nLt., Gen. J. A. Early, ll Va., ' Commissioners. Application for rates to dubs should onlv be mtuin to the office of the company la New Orleans. w rue ior circulars or senu orders to M, A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana maylS cw dttcvtiBcwcute. tone of the bowels and weaken .'the Ulgestjon, TARRANT'S : EFFERVESCENT SELTZER ..; APERIENT ,;. . tensed by rational people as a means of relieving and imnariH vienr tn thft nrvnna whlph It. nnrtflna and regulates. i .: . - j .H . Bold by all; Druggists. - , BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These -Pills will nrevent and cure DranAnWa. Ther are ah unrivalled Dinner Pill .mild Vrarinnt: and admirablv adanted as a f ami It mnriiclna- ThAv are: nsed by the- ost : cultivated people; In our 4 uiuuujf, uu tuv oueowveiy useu py paysicians in their Practice. Soldbv Dmcrtrlatq berierallv. ' RatuI fcffWroular.' R a BECKWlTH, Sole Manufaotur- ef, rewnujujg, vfc iojU iu.; -vrAoiaU : : CELEBRATED.' ; : DRi WM;H. STOKES, ; Physician, Mount Hope Retreat, Baltimore, Writes: "I have, great pleasure in adding my testi mony to the virtues of Colden's Lieblg's Liquid Rr- uovk ui xwci aau xomcmvigarawr as tne very best preparation used for deoreaalonaknaaR aiwi in. digestion and, therefore confidently reconunetHi -.If X. 11 ll'.il ruin A n. . t. ( u n LXn inan .. bl.Jl . . I. . 'and ecpenaes, or aUowa latge commiasioo. to 9ll'r Bwnd-WDodiit)nretiHa' Weawt f-' (-6ampla f. AddraaBBaiiA ftp4iUrBWMieta.' 'ill HI : .jAi as, guaranteed, to ' Shaw ft Co.,r August Qy'V- .' jnohtb and .' exp PJ I Agents;Outflt free ta, Maine. A YEAR and eXDenRfts to aentt Outfit THE HOUSEWIFEiS'; The latest and taost complete Invention of the day Crocker A Fawns worth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron. Bares the expense of fuel and the se vere task of standing over a hot Ore on Ironing dayavra- . Ih:: 1 r.-.Tnis Iron heats Itself, and will save its worth to wood consumed under the; old process In a short' ume, to say notnmg ei me neaun or tnose who do the work. . . " rikisvth 'i'irt -; We are the agents for the State of North Caroli na, and we propose to commence-thersale of It In Mecklenburg,, Gaston and. Lincoln counties at once. Any one - wishing to' purchase "the Tight to sell in other eountleauv the State wfll do well to '.-f The aamDla TroiM hava ' arrived and am nt TT' in'. Kit Butler' hardware store. C. S. Mallard is our agent for Mecklenburg eounty. . -.." ; u lbyl6,87Al--d3m; :" , $$2!p WHEN ANY MAN " FEELS SICK WITH COLD Cm,"FEVER FLUSHES, HEADACHE and general nnoomfortaWeness, AMD 1ST DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS HIM Then Is the time to take MOTT'S PILLS. These pills a-e made of certain ineredlenu tw act specially on the Liver andat thumi at aiisSBSssm MMar - RESTORING TO HEALTH, when all other remedies fail. Take them tor Biliousness, Indigestion Costiv WITHOuTiTEQUimthey JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston A Co., Charlotte, N. c. marll SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., December 8, 1878. vriI1 1 S!6 my 80n ne dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen law worms. At the same time I gave one to my little girl, four yeais old, and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen inches long. W. F. PHILLIPS Worm OU for sale by Drogglsts' generally. Pre pared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, (fa. J Price 25 cents. teb2 1 iiri r Is a perfect Bwxm Purifier, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Ctjbes of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. S. Doggett hern Meth.) Iti?ai.?ceIlenteorit of indigestion. Have used It with prompt bq qlal results. Rev. Dr. Mangrnn, Brof. University ot N. C. I COnCUr With i&Rhfln Tlnmvtt Ira kta sstlmnto nf the Vest Pocket ST Rev. E.. A, Ytes, Pi K, N.C Conference. It ims benefitted me. Sead another package. , . Rev. leroy M. iee, D. D., Meth. HIst'n. 1 am never without It at home or abroad. It is ap. antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a " tried-eveirthine " dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Dra. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed bv the direct raninniil tastlnwmt of men ' of national fame and nf strtntneRs nf speech. It Is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support in its favor as a specific. The Word Of anv one Of the eminent divines n hn. underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness ioined with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation bj well-known physicians, removes all doubt It is,' beyond Question, wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religions Herald, Va. ReyJ a! L, tiaijney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Vst It Is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi- 'cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for in digestion and flatulent eolic sedative, soporific, . tonic, slightly aperient without nausea. SOLD BY ALlIdRUGGISTS. . For sale by: DR. T. G SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. , ODELL, RAGAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. POLK, MILLER & CO., Apothecaries and Sole Proprietors, Richmond, Va. mar 20 dAw tf. CHINA PALACE -OF- JNO. BBOOKFIELD & CO., LEADERS OE LOW .PRICES. ' Just received, a lot of 2oe Cream Freezers, best make, freeze in 5 min utes: Water Coolers, Refrigerators, Wire ' Covers, Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes, , ' Birdcages, Frait Jars and Jelly Tumblers. Wejppnstantly keep on band a full line of Plain and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware. ebuNTKy.;. ' .1VIERCIIANTS are Invited to cflL We sen goods as cheap as Northern houses, and guarantee satisfaction, will send-quotatlons on application. Thanking you for the liberal, patronage in the past we are, ? u r-1 1 j.; i Very respectfully,,; JNO. BROOKFIELD CO., Charlotte, N, a, June J, 1879.;i , IB NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, ) . -i Secrktabt ani: Trx asprbb's Ofticb, V Company Shops,N. a, May Slst 1879. ) The Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the North Carolina Railroad Company will be held In Charlotte, N.C., on the second Thursday of July, 1879) and the transfer books of stock of said company will be closed from' thlsdatwitft -After the meettogjj W. L. THORNBUBO, 1 .-.v,.::.-,.-, r. : . Sec'yN.C.'B.R.Co. '' lone S-dlw&ttfjt, - n

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