2nerr . . f Hi 4 TE OBSSRVMR JOB bXPASTMtXT Hoi been thonmoKUf supplied with every meettd 0W SUBSCRIPTION RATES i Daily, one year, poet-paid) to advance. HI Vkmt, and with the Latest Stylet cf Type, am! every manner of Job Work am wow be dot teith neatness, dispatch and cheapness. Wt can hltimh, at Short notice $8 00 4 uu 2 00 t rw Jf owttt. . i . i . Ow Jfont.... f. ......... WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (.in the eowwty) in adwrnw. .J. . . BLANKS, BILL-BEAD8 ' . LSTTSR-SRADS, CARDS, " ' TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C .2 00 .. 2 id . 1 00 CHAIO.01?TE;Ns ;&FRHAY, JUNE 13; 1879. NO. 3,213. Out of the county, postpaid,. i: VOL. XX. Six Months w- Liberal Reductions for CUtbs. Jr J. fll it. 3f .ti'aaTfti lux.' trUi . :.. ti,'rti B UKGKSS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALBB IN ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, AO. BEDDING, Ac. FJRNTTTJBE' FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! FUKNITURE ! BEADING. AO. 'BEDDING, AC. A Pull Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! HATS, &C. We nave received another lot of handsome Silk Handkerchiefs In light 'shades, suitable for making Turbans. Also a large line of Ladles' and Gents' TRUNKS In all qualities. Those in need of sucn an anaae will de well to call on us before purchasing. Do not fall to see our large stock of Fancy Dress Goods. LOUNGES f. LOUNGES! CHARLOTTE, H. C, Iks Elrlh-Plaee ef American ueeace, May f Otfc, 1775. BY OLD r AKtTKIL. I M P THE MISTER MULE. - ."''' - ' An Animal Which Honored Ploche by Hi Presence Bow soft Is tbe sun upon Charlotte, Its rays gleam with brightness today; : For here first dawned Independence . ' Long since, on the twentieth of Hay. n. Let patriots and statesmen all cherish The memory of those who that day Pledged home, life and honor, or perish, Bather than live 'neath a tyrant's vile sway. m. 'Twas Charlotte gave birth to this nation, The land of the few and the brave; And her patriots still cling with devotion To the pledges their forefathers gave. IT. A monument this nation Should build them, But if poverty denies them this boon Still the hearts of all freemen adore them Whose brightness overshadows all gloom. Let a blast from her bugle be sounded. 'Twould re-echo from Maine to the Gulf, jfor the freedom our fathers then founded Gave freedom to slajre and to serf. Yes, Charlotte's the American Mecca To her the honors Of freedom belong; And her sons here with garlands to deck her And embalm her in sweetest of song. O R T A N T ! O BSEK VAT1PN. J LOUNGES ! LOU NO EH ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PATILOB AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS' of all kinds on-hand. . COFFINS Of all kinds on hand. No. f WB3T Tram Strut. CHARLOTTE, N. C. : LADIES HATS & BONNETS, Both trimmed and untrimmed, at greatly reduced prices. Summer Cassimeres AND WHITE LINEN DUCK. Special attention given to orders. T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. June 1. SPRING CLOTHING. i and Gentlemen's Burial Kooes a one supply. Jan3 W. KAUFMAN A CO. B ARGAINS Billv Emerson, the negro minstrel, regisiereu himself at a Philadelphia hotel : "billy emerson, san francisco." But he gets a salary of $500 a week. Cremation In Paris Is being seriously considered hi th. mimintnai MMincii. and it is nroDOsea re establish an experimental apparatus at Peret Chaise. It was the rustling of the skirts of fair ones on the stairs, on their way to a military ball in war time, that originated the song: "The Camp Belles are uoming Old Blazer keeps a private tumbler at a saloon he patronizes, marked 'Business Hours," so tnai he can say he only drinks out of business hours. Cm. Sat. Night. Senator Thurman, It Is said, Is probably the most accomplished scholar now in congress, ne deltehts In literature, and manages to keep pace with current puDucauous. i lnivnnt immarkahle for "culchav7." who re sides not a thousand mites from this village, speak ing of Interments, says: "If any more of my folks dies, I'll go with one meal a day but what I'll get an italic comn.' rtnuenau x aiiK. Springer's bill forbidding soldiers to leave their quarters when stationed within two miles oiine polls on eiecuon aay was wpreu u) " . existing British statute, on the same suoject, passea aunng me reigu oi mo ikotiu to modification of the original act of the time of William III. About the time that the elder Qulncy became president of Harvard College, says tne Boston Post, lis son was elected president of a gentleman s club- On their first subsequent meeting me salu tation was "Good morning, nr. rreaiuoui, uu the response. "Good morning. Mr. President.' "Yes," said the son, "but there is some difference between being president of boys and president of men." rFroflSthe Virginia City Chronicle. 1 This morning a couple of miners were seated on a boulder alongside the road to Sutro, discussing the Wckihg powers of the mule- One. had just returned from Sutro and the other was on the way ! there, and having : met, near the rock they sat down for a talk. Have you quit over there V said the one who was eastward bound. -Yes." "Why?" "Mules." r "Fraidof 'em?" You Jbet. I saw one yesterday along side ah old boiler kickin off the rivet- heads one -tfy one. jever nnsseu. one. I was justrgoin' on shift, and when I saw the mule and heard there was more of 'em inside, I weakened and threw up my job. I've got a wife and three chil dren dependin' on me, and I don't take no chances." The worst mule I ever saw, said the other, "was in Pioche some years ago. It was one I.owned. One day it rubbed against some nail3 sticking Out of a post, and it turned square round ana drove those,, nails in one by one, using a single blow of the hoof with the iron shoe en for eJictfnail: . It never missed its lick and always drove 'em just in to the head. Then he saw a few tacks on the post alittle lower down, which were only half driven in, and he drove them in, too, with light taps of the hoof, just as gentle and easy as could be. One day a man came along and set out a can of nitro-glycerine and giant pow der. He wanted to get the mule to lrinit and then cret killed. I saw and knew what wasrup. At first I was going to stop him, but then I thought if my mule was any kind of a mule at all he could take care of himself. So l just watched. Well, the mule saw the can and walkinsr ud smelt of it, and then smiarftd himself for the kick. The man was sn fiakinff off. and iust as the mule was going to kick the can he caught aitrhr. nf r.hp. fpiifir and chanced his posi tion so that his tail was towards the man. He lifted his tail just like he was latin aim. and let flv his riOTt noOI. In me early part of every season there is a natural desire to know what are the newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and also who ate recognized as standard authority to (be fashionable world. Oar relations to, and dealings with the public, and the general standing of our house, will assure all In telligent readers that the Information given below Is authentic, reliable and correct. ; Several changes have taken place, both In shape and pattern, of fabrics m Men s uannenta, oi wnicn specuu meuuuuwm i . ii r mand to Spring Garments Is our new WEST END SACK. It has many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and Ideas instead of adhering to the old time - worn styles of the past-very stylish In appear ance and eat from Cheviots of the newest designs. Oar St Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with three of four buttons, front cut a trifle longer, giving It a neat and graceful appearance, are made up to every variety of Spring textures. THE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, In shape and style retains its hold m popular ravor. its lengm is a uwie loiigwr mu hum " "" " ments of a genUeman's wardrobe. The materials are French Castings, Granites and various patterns oi tngusn worsieus. - w A 4. A. Ua iV. InnAAiMAn n A IWAftf Alii Our Pants stock Is complete, with every novelty in fabrics, and the shapes are penecc m our aai aeparanem, we mvii "l luc Ovated tastes, and In fine Felts and Stiaw Goods we are confident of universal approval. Out Neck Wear assortment Is almost unlimited In devices of shades and styles, but boasts particularly upon tne very recent iniroaucuon oi ui univer sity Scarf. Unique and very elegant. In White Vests we have a State reputation, and we will only assert "progress" in this season's selections, our enons nave ueenw putceupou our counters only reliable and standard goods, and in the rapid Increase of our business we are assured of the public's appreciation. We invite the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantage will be the same, lor we wm sena gooas 10 any seouon m apy.vvu, i of Inspection before payment of bill. April 27, 1819. E. t). LATTA & BRO., The People's Clotheirs. t JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF MOSQUITO NETTING IN PINK, WHITE AND BLUE. -o- -ALSO A LINE OF- CANOPIES. -o- -ALSO- f If SE?SrSS VARIOUS SHADES OF LACES FOR TRIMMING OF BUNTINGS. no ho waa crpr.tin' over a fence about a hundred feet away. The thing explo- dfid. and T npver saw the man again But next morning Pat Holland came nut in tho nppinrd. and said that the tnwti had hpn visited bv a shower of hlnnd" "Mules are immense when they get aroused." "You bet." Also a new lot of Ladies' Hat?. Two Murders Near Florer.ce, S. C. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. IN We have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include the latest noveraes 111 Men 8, lOuin s. do j s aim vmiuiou a IF D KK U Y U. ORKB KN N TIU RNW H C RRR N N N UK BN WM PU E BR n II.TTTTU II T U II T U II T II T U U RRR XKI UK K K. U RRR EK UK BK UUU L O O L O L O O L UUU LLLU rvt TTPT n n II KM ft OOO OO T H H II NM N O 6 n r r HHH II N N H Q T H H II N SN G GO OO T H HUN NN GOO UTJ R BSBB AT E. i. ItOOEKS' WABEBO0M&, be- NXXT TO POSTOITICK. Illy Stock Is very Lar. t and embraces a Full t.lne of We Invite public Inspection, and we are at all MmM nuuiv tn eive ouotaaon oi prices. .very mnent which Is sold at our noose is warranieu k i as reDresented. and In price less than can be bought elsewhere, we continue :o sen BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Che.'iruLT than anv other house, as we did tne , . ., . season, ana iney nave gaiueu iuc reimwuuu vi inir th hunt tn th frutrke". . . Wi nresent this season to ine consumer a uuc line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Incrudlngthe best makes in tne country. , inere on oion ha fmmrf in nnr Block a comDieve line oi fine Felt, sun ana iraw nam, sua nj uuu i Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purcnase before yon examine our stock, as the cheapest BARGAINS PABLO R, CHAMBEB, DINING ROO Can be had at Apru ia . W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, Comer Trade and Tryon Sts., Charlotte. N. C. AND OFFICE FUKNITURE All Goods Packed Free of Charge-! G BOCEEIK8 CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS I MEW FEATURES Come to fo l4wl Corni Sogar, Coffee,1 Ho lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie count) AGENTS WANTED for the best and fastest gelling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 83 per cent. National PUBUSHiBe Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ' $25 TO $5000 1 fWTwMKS iT. th. fnnnHutiAn fnr mrMtantial' fortunes every week, and pays an tmmense percentage wfjproflU by tne new capuauzauvu- o;ui vm. vimu stocks. Full explanation on application to Adams, Brown St Co., Bankers, 26 Broad street, N. Y. DEAR SIR: Illustrated Catalogue of RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS. Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa. BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER gee that each plaster has the word C-A-P-C-I N-E eut through it, and Insist on having no other. ! Ask .n AbMiaiui om tn its merits over sQ ethers.- -. " " A A AM BEST BYE WHISK ST. in iu nt rvumtr Hams. I sell for All good. oeUTered &g2gn hTIaaenee KtAkirtjtowWIlseBBbick'oW a.t h mail for R letter stamps. L S. A CO., Bangor, Me. ble. HNSON TTHB 8ALE. J . U.hSlH , -J, -L :) 'f-''pi-. mw. '- - Iflnlrtn tmfl On. whlC paper was tetely prlated. It was va'tf JonTson tyoundry, of PWtadelphj and? was not discarded because no wnger b ySnmt ly because It became J"JiS style of tvwL It will do good service .tat several yean to come, v It wllk tie chasers, Tand. T fonts of) -&d t& without cases. Address (this 4o ml or Charlotte. N.C. JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For veiling and buftor Mines, Lands and Hbnses, The Pennsylvania Republican State convention will meet at llarnsDurg, Pa., July 23, to nominate a candidate for State treasurer. T)r. Tt. V. Pierce. Representative in Congress from Erie county, New York, is lvinc verv ill at his residence of fever and inflammatory rheumatism. The annual meeting of the National Cotton Exchange of America meets in St. Louis the second Wednesday in Au gust, instead of July 16, as previously announced. The Cincinnati Enquirer says the Ohio Democratic platform was written by Mr. Thurman himself, and adopted by the convention without changing a word of it. A freight train on the Philadelphia and Erie road ran over a cow near Northumberland, Pju, Tuesday. The en gine and several cars were wrecked, and Engineer Daniel Morgan was instantly killed. Of the leading, candidates for the presidency Grant is 57, Hayes, 57, Sher-m-An Conkliner 51. and Blaine 48. On the Democratic side, Thurman is 60, Tilden 65, Davis 64, Hendricks 60, Bay ard 51. Grant and Hayes were born in the same year, 1822. The Rev. Arthur A. Waite, formerly a circus clown, has begun a revival at Portsmouth, N. H. He occupies a big tent, accommodating two thousand per sons and having its seats arranged after the manner of a circus, and he exhorts from what may be called the ring. Thp. cotton merchants of New York estimate that they liave lost $50,000 an nually by the theft of cotton irom naies, ar.H thov havfi tried to break up the stealing by indicting John and Nicholas Costello ana otner cotton sampicio w whom the stolen cotton has Deentracea. ThA Sfinate Tuesdav passed a bill to remove the political disabilities of J. C. Pemberton. Mr. Pemberton was a lieutenant-general in the Confederate ser vice, the personal friend of Mr; Jeffer son Davis, and will be remembered as the Confederate general who surren dered Vicksburg to Gen. Grant. He is now living in miiaaeipma. IngersoU'8 Sermor. Portsmouth Times. thp dav when Marc Antony stood by the bleeding body of imperial Csesar, pointed out the gaping wounds tnrougn wnicn ma uuguuj ovm uu. winged its flight, and ; showed the rent thJT HTIVIOIIS I laSUcI 3 Ucfcsitiv 'A. Uitwo, v juration has been uttered by. hujnan lips Sore full of exquisite beauty and in effably tender ana toucning patnos tuau that delivered by Robert Tngersoll over Jitsdead brother. :,Ther lay m adored dead,enwreaneain nowera, wmm iyuuu him sat those WUO naa oeen ins- very His' wife his sons, Jus., daughters, the brother 'wno laonzeu' iui,j wic friehdswlio fibhored ahde$teemed him, Saimj so- still.1 so unmoved by all the Agony bftheit most bitter grief. Then &'ln-geM hand "upon tito comn, in a uw no thrilledrv.utU 'griei, utiereu tne worus of edfess. wnicu, yieweu. m mi rarv and intellectual light, contains all . .J . J b.nft.Ad4Kii4 m XT laniYllllfTA OI oeauiv anu paunra mioi "j "s i. j J':j,i!..An4--t "Pft Mit. rf their verv Charleston News and Courier. On Fridav. 6th instant. F, M. Rogers, white, who lives about five miles Irom Florence, had a difficulty with one of his nesrro men, named Scipio Smart, abnnt a mule. Insultine words passed hptwfifin them at noon when the mule was brought up to be fed and watered, Jind Kncrprs m a KClOlO tliat. Ullies lie trtnk his words back, he would kill him Sninin walkfld off to his own house and locked himslf in. Rogers procured his sixteen-shooter and went after him, and told him if he did not come out he would kill him. He then fired through thp dnnr.inflietinff a wound from which Scipio died that night. Rogers has dis appeared. . On Saturday, George Morns and his hrnr.hflr-in-law. Mr. McKnieht. both white, who live about twelve miles from Florence, set out from the village on their way home, in a buggy, having a small hnv with them. Morris was in toxicated, but McKnight was sober. When they .had gone two or three miles Morns commencea to amuse iniuen uy knnokiner nff the hats of the other occu pants of the buggy, and, when they would sret out to pick up their hats, he would drive fn. so that thev had to run tn ,itch nn. McKnisht after awhile got vexed, and told Morris he would take out the horse and leave him alone in the hnjrjrv. it seems that the buggy belonged to Morris and the horse to Mc Knight. When he attempted to carry out his threat, Morris jumped on mm, knocked him down and commenced to beat him. McKnight drew his pocket- knife and stabbed Moms seven times, inflicting wounds which proved fatal : Senator Blaine's Sutatitutr. A Beautiful Assortment of LADIES' WHITE AND BLACK LACE SCARFS, Black and Colored Silk Mits, Silk Fringes, Bretonne and Torchon Laces, . - . . i -i . a . . t T ; Tr - n r fto nirn a tin firm ron Kid liioves in everv snaae ana variety oi x rices, -ljuicu a.uu vjuhou uana m nimuwuw . , A SpSndid Aortment in all kinds of Dress Goods. Another Lot of the most Fashionable Millinery has been Added to this Department. LOW PRICES AND SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. GIDIT10H CUM CLOTHING ! Our $7.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.f0. Our $12X0 English Tweed Suit sells now for $10. Our $18 and $20 French and English Cassimere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests or Diagonal, uranne, uasKei i-rencn ana ngusn uoous n Brcau, re dnced prices. Unlaundried shirts for 50 cents. The very best made in the United States for $1.00. Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, and all goods in prorortion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices. Respectfully, i June 1, 1879. L- BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. and will 'FOR SAEfe nerr u mnntantiT located, aad has all the latea ImnroTAd machinerv. 5 ' ; Bark and hides low and 10 abundance. i .if; J Vnm ravHjMilaM 1IHrMl n taaacs: Attorney May 9th, 1 879-dlsw3m&w3m t Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In my - bands for saie. j THOa F; DRAYTO& idiariotto. N a declO . A m i".WV' - - '"' "V Tj - - ' xte retail nothing but cnoice gwas. """x WWOTenMUtlcle we sell and wfll cheer- ,iiiia w ELL IMPROVED ; : J ?V:'i'9 an PROPERTY JOB sal. H Temences, fine weU of water, doc 7"-r fivmtooteswalkof the pubUe sauare, can bee cobyaw-ylagat okx. not S gv ' &SoS Tn a recent colloouy in the United States Senate between Senators Wil liams, of Kentucky, Eaton, of Connect i mt and Blaine. of Maine, the latter con fessed that he had employed a substi- he had paid full price, more than the yia steamers to Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling (uick war." and he added that his substitute, being a Democrat, did not fight This statement has elicited an inquiry into the matter, which tends to show Mr. Blaine's substitute was paid for out ot the funds of the Augusta (Me.) Loyal Mutual Alliance, an organization of persons who formed a pool to insure such of its members as might be drafted against the expense of procuring substi tutes. Mr. Blaine, it seems, was a mem ber of this association, and had sub- srrilied to its fund. Several years later the city of Augusta undertook to reim burse the subscribers to this fund, and did so in five per cent twenty-year bonds. There also appears on the re cord ot.the city's contingent expenses for 1866 the following entry: "J.ii. Blaine, for substitute, $200." est Possible I'ime to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Alr-Llne. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, 4c, apply to eitner oi ine unueraigneo. K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, J T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, X!harlotte, N. C. F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) April 30 d5m. MMM ililiilMlOIl, K. c. TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. Three Children Burned to Death. Chester (a C.) Reporter.! On last Thursday, morning the house of Jackson Moore, colored, on the plan tation of Mr. George C. Gill, was burn ed; and three of his children were, con sumed. Jackson and his wife were at work in the field. They reached the burning house only - in time to see it a mass of flames. The mother,. frantic with grief at hearing the faint cries of one of the children, had to be held to keep her from ruslring'into the fire. a n.nn tii nilna wfirfl found a tew chari ell bone's: of the eldest of the chil-. Moore is an industrious, well-behaved in this ternoie euiamuy ne nas rtKiAAWnrodd1 Rut nut af their verv i,o OTnfnni.hv nf kM ffnod citizens. . Ine. tunnd, dre,amv lovelinesscomes whitR iieonlo tot the community nave . . , . j- i r . contribtiteil promptly and liberally to the relief of hia warits, ; , :;;A JSarrow: Escape. 1 1-' i,. ' w maka. specialties ot Com, Flour, I ; - w rinAi mid raln. Sxnosure to WrtJoSti, BAtW g SorSSSSdeS ttather tasure "toTiduce colds and kindred PfLTTAntrT -Prdduce. Boliclt corresponoence t " ,h. mmedt we know of la Hall's general w""" . . C;.- .ail jromwmeswwninKyuu, t. ,u .cv BTi-LKXANDEB. CO,, M jjayg. Trade Htreei, vwvwun, a. tnem ruak. wmvu n ywiu- fv'v "y, crowning charm and render them really subliriieV In them is the expression of the warmest and truest love that hu man hearts can utter, but they contain rchester (& fcj Bulletin. this Verywail despaihich is alt : Mr3 Thomas Estes, of Baton Roug ttie TOOTB "OespaarinR- ueuw left m nfmt chUd OH laac TUesay w blessed by a single ray of hope, -a the Baage of her house; while she na No hint of the joyful resurrection, no ffijffiffl nirDiess:iri ah ad- ineMfon pfi the fblfesdf i A farunion, no ioif7?oonvti)n iretnming, to -her; thought of jmmortai Diesseoness, no j t Astonishment ioimd.4arge woruu. evef f'j'f"'- -p r'.fwiacnwniD "BjiwRe-jwtVH vvrw vopv,v a farewell which was final ftncTifwfR TiditM with the ohild's face,ian ncjangrjuijcs m.vp ton frrifii Mra. Estes - seized ahd safelydisedpt: the:childV athd: shot anxi'j'Killed thaitnake; which measured slxf eet and hreeuicnesin iengiu. T VHElt.JJLOKSOll 8 REST SWEET KAit XOBAOCQ, ever. rr i Weather PMhablllUes. Dainm. fnr the hum. Always keep it in ine. toaaeahd you wlU be on the sate stde, ,.M i .j; JunlO lw V3 CO a - u O IMPORTERS OF . ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL -R! AOSi! Merchandise, VIOLINS, GUITAR S BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, : '., FLUTES, FIFES, .; ORGANS .. ., Mt r i ...S3 . .a .,. . -n ri'v;,r) . - , - - .... Drums, Bans Instruments,: 10'. SHEET MUSIC1 feus rrwWft-tya. 1 -!!!'.:;5fK3.l Ac; a,&c ; '-- , -. WHOLESALE AND AIL.I '! jx ? v 2 c 2 if U ( t i8lBltoiwtmlttli,l,,,ulMllH,,m . I r A J . j -!! ;' -'i: of tryon Street, in insurancedbuilding. i a i' i 1 it- i f . in! I! fi :;tti i 4- 5 it 1 - 5