C0TT02T AKD VIIKAT. - -pry ... f I ,. ii i '. i., i "Free from the doting scrupjeithat fetter our .8U2SDAX. JUNE; 15. 1879 TUB KHJTH PLACE IS" THE VSlOJf. Two or threeeeks;o ;and - again yesterdayfcfi anomalous ., s posHW (ilibuJjrbears in rela ' fcknutitol&iioK-jas'ithe matter: is ieftfro1irtn Northern Remiblican. r At fresh-illus tration of the feelingji.wbic,4 w6a spoke, has just manifested itself and we refer to the matter again for the pur pose of introducing this case in point. In another place in to-day's Observer we print an extract from an interview which was had last Wednesday by a reporterrf.theeWfYijrtWfeiith Senatojypamptoh J t counje df this cdHVepation eaato liniiton said, pr is rtpr&entjd lo hive said ' We do not intend to ask a place upon the Presidential ticket for a Southern man. We want the party in the North to place two good men on the ticket, and we will support it for the national success of the Democratic party. I don't think the South cares a jcon per who the next Presidential candi date may be, as long as he is a strong national man. Now to the average Southern man it would appear that the above i3 a3 free as anything could be front offence to the North, and yet what, is 'the tenor of Republican comment upon these tex ..pressionsV We copy as follows, from the New York Mail a Republican evening oaperT-of the 12th: WhaLcaaihey-mean except that the J South intends to rule the country through the Democratic4rty andpar so determined on that object that;it; does "not care a (toppeiwbbr wha the Northern Democratic figure heads may be, through whom this design is to be carried out? Inflationist E wing or hard-money Tilden is equally accepta ble. No principles are at issue save Jbe right of tfif South,-toj rul$, anc whether the Democratic party North sustains an honest currency or descends by gradual steps into the abyss of repudiation, the South does "not care a copper." If this is the attitude of the South in our politics, it is the most dangerous and disgraceful position the South ever assumed. t r Yet Senator Hampton ought to know what he is talking about. Suppose Senator Hampton had said that the South intended to have a man on i the hixV national ticket: 'What a Inwl would have gone up! It would have been declared that the Confedera cy had already actually captured the government and the next step would be the inauguration of Jejt Dayis as President of the United States. "Hamp ton would have been denounced as a co.ispirator and a perjurer and there would have gone up one universal cry to the effect that red-handed treason was stalking defiantly and openly through the corridors and cloak rooms of the national capitoi. Suppose he had fallen a little short of this, and said that te South does not? propose to ; put one of its own men on? the: national ticket but, holding as jt does die balance of power,1 intends to dictate who the can didates shall be: why, then the Ma il and others of its kidney would have lifted up their voices and with onei ac cord denounced this spirit of dictator ship, declaring that the Southern slave- drivers had come back into the Union with all their foul heresies and personal and political uncleanness, and are about to precipitate another war by attempt ing to crack the bull-whip over the men who haye saved the nation ! Butf Senatoi-'Hampton said neither, of -tticserthlngSTHe and: hir Section" ate modest. He said in effect: "We. want nothing but good government?? care, not who hold the offices so they' lire good men whoivill administer the laws equitablyy'Tp avoid even the' appe'ar ance of fiavfng designs tipxii the. per petuity df Uie Union, yw5 prefer ffiat tlieNortWir peoplibbse who ' are above Suspirton-,-imbuW nominate the candidates; this done we will vote for them provided the .are worthy of sup port. If this isn't taking a back seat at the banquet, and foregoing our rights yes, rights tor the sake of pub lic opinion and harmony allaround, then we are no judge. But note the re sult of this concession: it -is received about as (ncessiom-usuay .are; tin atf xpiaima' wnsaa 'Bsccutt terror: -wnat -uoear hi$s mean means that the South intends to rule IV Z-i J-i X tM J . Thus are the very words wbAch(eeiei used to allay, sectional animosity, , used, to provoke it. ; itataptbri's 'distinct pro-' testation that tbef; South does hot in tend to make itself conspicuous in na tional politics next year,isjbf a forced. and altogether unnatural i construction manp.tn mpan. exactly the -oppogj; what it does mean. Krowiug exceecungiy urea, vve may protest until dooms-day that we are "loyal" and may pxpyeAt in everypossi ble way, but untfrwe ?goltoivbting1,he Radical ticket we may expect to be the subjects of such malignant balderdash aiUhat of the New York Mail. We for onftjire rapidly becoming indifferent to e are Bearing mat ooint jvuerp. w caiBontentiplate wittt qtierdPOTainSli suclf slanderous! and malicious scoun drel's mr TJfee jSouth has usedlbAthe means id itirpower to conciliate them an23ias faig ft has cond iojthat isl. wjy:ie we c$n uesi, anura , wu Wenjv to crack their whin -ana pt rtW ? Wa 'rfHvi'i' . " j v: D.TiTT" T f J"" f Regard hem, -JiiAhm-m W&t, Zthem eieeplrforjuajto jh 'biWixg ;o"4heiri, roltenlpartyid, hi :1 ge4 r altogether , doj ouTfiOlharapdmbt r WtfethEf ffiiV&bfitA.' f rtciliiilireilklarli Uinir tcretoredleT.feoL.:lQdyv C, ferry, wife .. mlzi . r; -mwjE-j- (Mrs. Aucrust Belmont diarf vati tHda-bout it? -xne ppwer oi u,i,h : Ni.niiai II 5oresviII: Gazette : A gentleman coming up ffom Charlotte by private . conveyance one day this week, reports crops as looking very fine. The wheat crop especially is excellent " The coun try from here to Charlotte is a fine f ai-nintf nuntrtt and IS settled brfrood! faraers, and.wia aro gtatified to Ano J "that their irtlpcts ttreooa ior une crop. Courier-JournalMr. L. ; Q. "Washing ton says "queer statements" are being made in Washington concerning Jb cero! voted ifewdaysagb in? committee' against taking it up for action. Can not Mr. Washington define himself? "Queer" is a very general term and Senators IIil and Vance are entitled to haVethe'cllargeV against them made a i Asihe 50" tesioVith -gsjgn thT NewYork Times is forcedby a sense of decency to declare tnat tne oatn is an anomaly and, an affront," and that its abrogation "wflibVJust and expedient." The Republicans did, in a better mood, repeal the worst features of the law, but the bunglerBoutwllrabi alLba&fc hen hi cofipio4 tl Be veifst4ut&. The United States Sapem Gourt has twice virtuxuly dechirealhf bur uncon stitutional ; and yet every Republican Senator voted against the repeal act. lngton-wno siogt At na tions cannot wage little wars," andEn- gland will be apt to realize the force of this remark when she gets through with this Zulu business. Twenty-five hundred Englishmen hay already per ished in that war, 26,000 regulars are now in the field, and the cost of the war is $2,500,000 a week.' ' Nothing conld b worse than this statement "' ' " 'STAffi KEWS. At-rhe majut's ufflce in Raleigh Is a slate whereon neoDle can lodere their compTinta? againstUhe administration P T1 iSrlkh Carolina MtpubUeard newspaper, will appear about the first of Augustnd-wilLbe published in Raleigh. , anDXuaband fteHnfPAsjflum, in LRileign, Will giveVan' entertaiAmeht- ln .Wilmington soon- . A meeting of the bar of Wilmington was held Friday afternoon and passed resolutions of respect .to the memory of the late W. S. Devane. The trasteps of Wake Forest College have elected Rev E. T. Winkler, JfD of Alabama, to the presidency of that institution. It is not known whether or not he will accept The.house. of ,Mr. James Reeves on "Bunker";Hllfin Pee De Milage 'wai struck by lightning on Friday last, and Mrs, Reeves and a little darkey, the on ly occupants of the house, were knock ed down and stunned. Mooresville Gazette: The postmaster at this place, Mr. Beaty,has not been notified to surrender to Miss Marietta Barringer, as was stated in The Obser ver a few days ago. We are no pro phet nor the. son or a prophet jet will venture to predict that no change of the kind will be made. The Wilmington Star' says Messrs. Chas. F. Shoemaker and Montgomery D. Parker. . of JJielife service bureau, arrived there very quietly from Wash ington, City, and wen down the. rjver Thilrsaavninliffi tqf ekmine ihe lo tah$iesjiearaja Head, with the view Of fleeting aft &pprriate spot for the preposed Cape Fear ifoe saving station. Mooresville Gazette: Huntersville is one of the most flourishing villages on the line of the AtlantiCt Tennessee & Ohio Railroad. Several new residences have been built recently, and others are now in process of erection. 1 It is to be the village of chu relies. The Associate Reformed Presbyterians have a good building already completed The Pres byterians are about ready to commence work on their building. - The colored Presbyterians also expect to build a house of worship for themselves at an early day.; Such enterprise as this about a small town is sure evidence of life and prosperity. '- - -4UJllrrrTXew-rj -'Longs borfroeul J,sho:ctee w1ioiesuiried iwork oir tfte 1;Anclior,lninjiLNational ahdGuio1 rviinesri iew-ays-ago, at reduced rates, struck again yesterday, alleging that tfi&cptnpanies refused to pay them the extra aJldxtaBcdjagreeTl "en for night work- -They also demand that the men engaged to till their places during the strike t -scha,red,Tas theyre un-qaalineaaftd-hjaTtefthe Vorfcharder for theother)k heajanlplagents deny that they gaye fni5kers;,to under Hftndthattheyerereeeive extra paytor night worte rThey 'seftalso ;that the new men will horBeUscharg 4fVjxqrtBr obligations to them. It is believed that there will 'l&no delay in the departure of steam- r-flnltr n K hQBQ, 3tmeAlL41&elFs J5fesay: "F. L Playford, a distinguished ama ur tof thel4bMRih'i6ing61ub,lntends ;otry.Hanlan'sjptyle of rowing. lie laorde ft JatOj'biiilt With aja inch slide and swinging rowlocks," The Sporting 'Life states that the trainipg'of Haitian and Elliott for their acmatcft'on' tne Tyne on Mondav. AU.UUUa T.I , PhhvAdelthia, June 14. The fire at Point Breeze smouldered all night, but lossTjyesteraay'S fire was abohfr wu, oi wnicn $50,uoo will fall upon Warden. Fur & Co,- and-a like amount upon the Atlantic Storage Company, although the, entire loss falls eventual ly upon the StandartOil Company. The log by bothtes lslialta million. M vwvy , IisneXMfr-Ofe'iWrt tlWa TMm parlv Yvcsni r-eunayivania, snow rn-, will be abo tnimsof the -uuai a crop or wnent1 an nat 'tne cornCTOD will be a failure i ftnMMllAtlnA rtf J hfl drouglir 4tarb9itetlA ponbui; there will not be over two-thirds"cf;the usual crop Hu &m trttt will t v U lirs. August lieimont, died yesterd. i K r . . of V i ar e-r- , vtuuuu,-,turtHjmui'vc uo wnoresaie oceri. of Havana, have failed. T.ia- ilities, $70,000 in gold. ' . To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nerous ireataess, earir de w. loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that WM cure you, FBXS OF UMQJ TbUugreat 1 '.z ssionam dn jj ATnenca, r Her J'.a lt-n 1,-1: uwl nw.ln' o Jan 25 , w action of Senimafiari the case of Senator Ingajla pf Kansa?, who is under MiarffeSofijritery.' taiey 4 4 men are in splendid condition. AIT VSISTEBESTII6J)1I'S WORK. Jfo easurespf le7lfs Acted AVAsmiTOi&'June 4 The army appropriation bill was report ed back from the committee on appro priations with sundry amendments, and placed on the calendar:- r - ;: Tne senate ttooK juptne- Aippissipw k iver imprevemerifc commission WE 1 A nver imprev he bill went over nd the Senate took I jap antronsidered in committee or tne "wfioie tne suDmemental indicial an- tepri2tion bilL WaUace exPlained th A long debate was had over the sec tion relating to the method of drrwing jurors and repealing the test oath, the points raised being substantially tha e discussed on the Bayard bill, lately passed, containing the same provisions. WIacehatlngrcmr! " of the biB, said? hdjdid niot wferf toffforce a long sessiofa o-nijht' ana suggested that the vote. beAakan at 4 ficlockpIonday. CRktlner 'ondoseft the faming of hour for closing the debate. There wais. no disposition to talk for the purpose' of delay, but the debate should not be. limited. The debate on the jury clauses was renewed. The Democratic argument was that while the present law provides that jurors in United States courts ate to be chosen as far as practicable in the same manner as in the highest courts of States. Federal iudsres take advantage j'of the exception, as far as practicable,' to make the rules 01 the court on tne subject to suit their own views, and. Judge Bond, was esneMajfsppken of as one who invariably chose. Republican jury commissioners uiider" hs .rule Of court The other sia'afgtfed ' that ran? abuse of the-' diCTetK)ni, Vested inHieni exposed the iudees to impeachment. At Kin tia fionnfa gjAiirnP . house. .yr. Th ittVS hour was consumed in Votfcg oSlatory motions and the bfll relative to political contributions went over without action. Buckner, chairman of the banking and currency committee, reported a. bill requiring a reserve of the national tankingAssiMjiatioffvSo be kept in tandaru gol&and iirvfer coins of the United States in lieu of lawful money Printed and recommitted. The House then resumed the consideration of the pleuro-pneumonia bill. The bill was, recommitted to the committee on agrir; culture. Herbert, of Alabama, who had charge of thenext business in order, the Sen ate bill repealing the test oath, stated that after conversation with certain Republican members, he would not press a vote on it to-day, but hoped to: obtain? a vote Monday, i i The ' Senate amendments' to the sup plemental post route bill were concur red in. Young, of Ohio, asked leave to offer a resolution for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the cause and effect of the recent exodus from Southern to Western States. Goode, of Virginia, objected onr the ground that a committee' had that sub ject under consideration. The Senate bills, removing the politi cal disabilities of Wm. R. It. Beale, of Missouri, and J as. S. Harrison, of Vb ginia, were passed. On motion of Johnston, of Virginia, Senate bill accepting from -Prof t Ed ward Fontain, of Louisiana, certain maps, etci-relativto the improvement of the Mississippi flyer passed, s Adjcirped. I .J SENirE COMMlTTEfaONTHJS ARMY BILL The Senate committee on appropria tions this morning completed the con sideration of the army appropriation bill and authorized Withers to report it back to til Senate with sundry amend ments, all of which were merely verbal or otherwise' immaterial, except ' the following: The committee have entire ly stricken out the fifth section, which provides that each member of the grad uating classes of the military academy of 79 and '80 may elect to receive $750 and mileag to his place of residence, and thereby become ineligible to appoint ment in the army except in the event of war until two years after graduation, and a clause is inserted ih the bill by the committee to repeal the existing iaw which prohibits anv promotion in fthe corps of engineers to fill a vacancy aonve tne rank of colonel. The sixth section, providrngjhat "no monev ap propriated In-this aietjS appropriated or shall bewpaid , for subsistence, equip ment, transportation or compensation f any portiOofthe ainy of the Unit ed States, to be used as a poliee force to keep peace at,the polls' at any election held within any; State," is retained in the bill without any change whatever. tubsaKca.se continued. The committee 011 privileges and elec tions met this" morning, when R. J. Brookes was recalled by agreement of the counsel of Kellogg and Spofford re spectively. ,ln reply to Merrick he said .hejiid hot make affidavit in relation to hjs pattielpatiottda the election of Kel logg, and-didnotstajie that luvreceived ' 3trAerrlckalstnfmion was that Brookes received such considera tion and had made affidavit vto that ef ifefc before' -tfotary Public'lJaroche'and othetlpecsons. Witness asked : "At whose instance did. I make the affidavit Merrick : "I don't know ; you will havd V- asvci imu nuci huts sub-committee meet in NeW Orleans." Kellogg to witness: "Were you a wit ness before the committee of the Lou isiana House of Representativee! which A J .1 xi , m , Birtiia and Irwis redtflarlrl aw from Walker, of New Orleans, that an affidavit such as he had alluded to had I been made by Brookes, and that it had aeeH mane? to jiim. Kellogg said lira inly remaining wit ness was Pierre Mogloire, the only representative-referred to in Murray's tes timony. Mogloire had travelled a hun dred and eighty miles on the way here but in view of What the chairman' stated yesterday concerning thee early ciosinsr he had The evidence; oOIuBSiy re- aJ. IKri': V j t the counsel labarger and 51errick had lewstheizhairmaa: said: e testimolay at th point Tl&ltlf Mien..- Jwne L aCrttev z v is? cigjit watchman aClark saw mill :.t JJInqter's CreeE," went mjmeat sh. early hour this mortincr amfiound no He ;a thereof SilSDectinsr: him of riminaXiiaimac'with his wife, he iuanrwice tnrougn, tne nead and ee times throush the-ch est. then shot is wife through the KeM-andlumself Qgtjf-ihe head,'; killmgi himafilf in- Vf,ZMts. Stevens and: House are 3ut cannot recover. Thousanas Tsett, Wly Hesitate j It Is adapted especially to those 4ases MMte the womb is disordered, and will cure any Irregularity of the "menses." Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regu lator acts like a charm to "whites," or to a sudden check of the "monthly courses," from cold, trouble Ask your druggist for a circular. : I if,-'' -i- ,' feSiSENATK. or tne examinanon at this point,5 ielegraphed him not tiSifcome. gre4d a telegrajirfrem Mpgloire it:?"- i tneir v frv, res 4 . ue cauaes. oy. jesnng tne aiscnarge J n e?3rj instano I So also, hi eUnmli cases lis ao ItlOn II tmniDt and dw.lslva. nnd aavaa (utrvmaitVL oounfleas vllsaua.nrenmtw'a aay. iifi Official Returns to the- Department of TJ, hAgriculturg thej Department of Agriculture indi-fl cate anTinceasf in the area planted in1 cotwm ojC soinewat ovei; twogjer centy The per cehtage as cnipared(rithv4;be- average or 1878 is as follows: JNortn Carolina, 47 counties reporting 106; South Carolina, 18 counties, 100; Geor gia, 71 counties, 102 Florida, 12 counties,- Alabama. 28 ceuntios; 403 ; Mist -sissifoi,3Sfcounties,20(); IJtaisiahaylS Arkansas, 40 counties, 101 ; Tennessee, T ib counties, wa. r The average condition is not so high asjlast year, being 96,while in 78 it was OO. The Rfnnrl is cftnerallv ,btomeTwow'eekiiafer.; ' i Agriculture sliowthe average condition, of winter wheat at 90 against 98 last year. The Pacific coast shdwsf consid erably over averagfei' Oregon -rising to 104 Sbuth' Atlantic States average i 96, South Carolina reporting 108' Georgia 112. . Th'e'Statesnorth'Of the Ohidfiver average 95: " Indiana reaches1.!' New Tvh'giand averages 94. Southern Inland JStates S.MiddTStates 86 ;' Gulf! States 83. ;TraMisSisippi States T9. The drought has been felt more or less se- yerelr4fall parts' of the cotihtfy. From itt'Sbuth' ,cotoe 'isme 'complaints of winter killing, and f rdm theNc-rtfi and west or nessian ny. ' Tne grassnoppers have, also been heard . of ' beybno: the Mfssi$sippii V - .i-.i.ri i "r .Spring wheat: The Average gown this Sptirig'is about 4 per cent.' increase over last 'spring. On the ' Pacific 'coast Cali forn ia teporls over 10 per bent increase, wml e! Oregon falls 'off . V per cetit. "The Tras-ifississfppi; States and Ke'w Eng land increase' 5 per cent Texas retains her previous acreage'.' Of '"h6: ' States liorih of the' Ohid'frVo'r, 'Ohio1, and Jndi arii nrale'no. reports bf!siriiig;ivheat ; the three other States' fall' Off three1 per $ent. Minnesota- increases. 9 per cent, while Iowa decreases one per cent. 'The Middle States fall Off 10 per cent' The coriditiop of the spring wheat, is about thd same as the, winter wheat 90 all the States being below the average. The crop has been' subject to the same climatic influences as 'winter wheat. In the Territories wheat raising has advanced - Westward more rapidly than statistical inquiries have been able to reach. '''There is a .vast. increase here which hinst be" left' to ' srubsequent in quiry'. The department has informa tion that one county in Dakota, which last year sowed but fifty acres, has this year under vigorous growth over four thousand acres.- ' Many Other cases of imtnense increase are' reported. Every one i entirely wllune to be his neighbor's physician; jet tried remedies only should be em ployed, as UT; null a uaramore m Twenty-lour years of constantly Increasing use testify to the real worth of this valuable family medicine. The New Stock Sytcalattera. The new combination method of operating in stocks whleh Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bank ere, N Y., hare inaogwaied, is attracting unusual atten tion hr financial eifcJea, by reason of . lta remarka JSle success. X eustomer In Providence, invested nine times, and madeover$5,000in three months, by using from 860 to $500 capital. By this system orders from thousands of customers, in various sums, are pooled into one Immense capital, and operated as a mighty whole,' thus giving to each shareholder all the advantages of vast capital and shrewdest skill." Profits are divided every 80 days. Any amount from 810 to $75,000 can be used in Messrs. Lawrence x Co's combinations with equal proportionate success. . $15 will make $75 profit In the month. , 8200 will return $1,600, or 8 per eent. on the stock, and so on as the market varies. The new. circular gives "two unerring rules for suc cess," and shows how any one can operate profita bly. Mailed free. Stocks and bonds wanted. Gov ernment bonds supplied. Apply to Lawrence & Co.. Bankers, 57 Exchange Place, N. Y. Chafing Under Disappointment. It Is said that the reason why Butler sought the gubernatorial nomination was because he had not been fairly treated by the Republicans. The best cures for chafes of all kinds is Henry's Carbolic Salve. Try it and be convinced. Beware of coun- teneiu. June3 lw 1879 1879 T HE FOUR REVIEWS AND LACE WOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), AMD BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: they give the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. No publications can compare with the leading U . -If V. . ... . . . a uuj-ui reatauca wsauwer 01 statement, aiwi nu. nyj ui sijitj, mejr are wiuwut any equal, xney Keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether In - religion, science, lit erature, or art The ablest writers fill their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an Intelligent narration of the great events of the day. ...- . TKBKS FOR 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, ' $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 " For an four Reviews, 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " Fot Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three " 13 00 " For Blackwood and four " 15 00 " ' '' POSTAGE. '' This Item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, is equivalent to reduction, of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers in former years. ' CLU B S. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons.' Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be : sent to one ; address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re , views and Blackwood for 848, and so on. - 'ffiiii. PREMlUMa;'Mi! ' , j New, aubscrlben: appljtngiearly) for- the year 1 879 pay hare, wtthout oharae, be numbers for ftte lat .quarter of 1879 ofsuS periodicals as they may subscribe for.' T'lT "r ' i i Or, instead, new subscribers to any twe, three or four of, toe above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews lor 1878 tj subscribers to all five mar hare two oftheTdut Reviews," or one set of Blqckwooa'sMastoefor 187&;h ! , Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to Clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted1 direct to the publishers;! NoprenihasJ given t , f o secure premiums it,wui oe neoessary to make early appiicaaoh, as the stock, avaiif pnrpOse Is limited. ' '-tJi "for that j Reprinted by tU f lr ;TT .tm- 1 ' THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., It'8 i'-f'.'I 44 Bawlay 3i?reet. New York ttarper'sweekly; -1 : ' ! i 1 1 " ii ! i. -i'.U) ,;;ij.' ih- , III fair TBieiTitsR. ' ' !llr. -i'l'lfl l.llii Oil 41 . !- I. .The WKWtLV remains eaaUj at the bead of illus trated papers by its fine llterartr quaBty the beauty Of its type and WOOdCUtS. Snrtnirfteld nnlihtlonn i i Its pietorial attractions are superb. iand embrace 'Si "i ouujot uuuiiffiisuc (treatment Zlon's Herald.' Bodtnnl ' T .t, s Thai Wkklt u a potent agency for the dlsseml-i nation ox correct political . principles, and a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. , TEvenlng Express, Rochester. , T Harper's Magazine, one year,; ..ti iaiu. Harper's Weekly. " " , Harper's Bazar. "J" : The Three pubilcaUons, one year,. Any Two, one year, ; . Six subscriptions, one year. 5 400 . 400 . 4 00 10 00 . 7 00 20 00 Terms for lllree dllha tlim1hrt nn nnnnllraiHnr, ?osl free to aUpbscribers to the United States or Canada. , i.,rr.,l .1lU: ,hU T,.i T j;; ,-,; ; -Thdajinual volurnes of HABP'a WiKiii,ln donarpeyolume),1, for'7.00 -eaclt i- Aeomplete ceipt of tne cash at the rate of 55 per volume. sen, wmuriauiKuweuiHvoiTOiumesv sent , oa re A Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for fclHdlng, will be sent by mail postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. RenUttanoes should be nWe by postofflce money ferordrafttoaTOldchriwWlo ' Newipapersarenotto-oopy this advertisement without the erpre38 -order of Harper 4 Brothers. Address -.. ;HARPER HROTHERS, 1 -: I ii li ,.1 j2 tidies' arU libi Lastly and.te.aer totton atd l?? f fMf LiinJ,-,tn.tJA nr.Litr of Tina, increases wear oL sole-80 per hint! hti 4 sewed Shoes. Also, a fall line Genl Wkeeponly In Ladles' and Gents' Pine Shoes the best makes. M A II; 1 1879. ;i:.'.'i alii :, We have Just reeetted a nice line of zip:geer,s shoes; nlila rJ. A 4K1 9i!l s:4'l ibn'i "-'"' Conslstlngffi'r ' .4 "' 'I'" -iMOi 'iff l i:ii : 1 LADIES' BUTTON, LACE ANDii CONGRESS BOOTS SLIPPERS, NimPaBTS CHIL LI! '-'.e.-.j' DREN'S PEARL SHOES. Also a beautiful lot of GENTS' NEWARK WORK," COMPRISING Gai te rs, Oxford aiiiT Stra p Tics. .- .... PLAIN AND BOX TOE, ' Which we are now prepared to offer at attremely low prices. Thanking our friends for past favors, and wish ing to merit a continuance of the same by keeping the largest stock, best assorted, SELLING LOWER, And strict attention to business, with polite young men to show goods without trouble. W. S. FORBES, Agent Smith & Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St June 13. PEGRAM & CO., 1st National Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags. -o- With them you can find THE BEST STOCK IN CHARLOTTE. ZEIGLER BRO. Celebrated Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes d VMi also keob Miles', BurPi,' Blhrbok1 tuili iowfs, and: other best brandy ; Gents will find there the -'wile?, tofCurAwg'h 4' Ober, '-riT'wf I MUe: hand-made Boots and Shoes! Alse . 1 j: . . ',i--.i Alu ; ;i .3ii'.fa THE; CELEBRATED AND POPULAR? w ; .:iV.s. i. . . -v! ?n iuc! k ,'xl win PEGEAM ; SllOEiS1. 11 - Call sure before buying. Orders 'have' personal PEGRAM Jt' 00, rw" .!!; iFFICE OF PIEDMONT NTJRSKBTEi, I W.r PB8BOBftlN.jC.iMSy 8lH,liS7tb J 1 i .proflopftgtje, to the PRtfrms o? the, , v Fiedmont 'Nurseries, Se1 benefit of the traveftng agents' eoinmlssfbn'OD Jiursenr stock, oonsistlna of iFmit Ttaa& An and hayereuced, the pricefiq per eentPrtea ouu areacues, o.st ctaas, a to o ieet; nne unprwed Fruits as are grown to Noh Carolina,' and ready for in8ocii0tiitBeferenoarlvii ta&nv vnran In Guilford county. ; Peaches and Apples nmatng Irpm the earliest to the latest varteaes.,. Tr wlfl be packed in good stngboxes or bales, and MYcreu w niunjfia uepeta or express omees witnout any excharro torbpxes or delivery. I will fur nish at the following low rate: Peaches and An- ples In any quantity Improved fruit 10 cents each. Pears, Plums, A pricots, .Nectarines, Qoinoe, Crab Trees, Roses and Flowers' win do sold cheaper than apiMcsv Jgs, vuemes, a - cents, urnamentai can be sold, by, CaihtQaeaomnai nyihe orders.- . Any one not ha v- iJUurJuunerz.UL JBionn Ajamnna. mg cash may fill out note, slgnedby purchaaer, to be paid when trees are delivered at depot specified by Durchasef. iNote to. aaeonnniiv km rba um 5!- !e5eHs 'PsrW1? vwmjx wciKuu uu sawio. . .irces wiu oe smppeq in no. emor and purchaser notined when to weetthenv Persons ordering, win statei plajnty wgeie to Wp- ISWniWf exy pecauu&: i r TtTVAW 1 June 7 eodBm. 1 - j' ltl)S iim' ?'' Ai ii; i iT-t . i 3 -if: Ti. They will ,.. t aTC UO UCJLlViUfc FIRST-CLASS GOODS .XX .JOY i TIDD Y & BRO'S, ; 3 .'itWrgOR- r'. lii.i til; titilt k TSjTATIOiNffiRYl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1,000 Reams Writing Paper, comprising fine French, English and Irish Note,' Billet,' foolscap. ijeanT, LXaer ttesos, now ueaos, uni ncous. , oux .raper rrom iuc. to 95 per dox. BLANK BOOKS Of every description; Memorandums, Records, Day Books. Journals. Ledgers, Composition Books. Blank Note, Draft and Receipt Books, Copying Rnnka nrl rtui hnat mnlr "' H'jrJ. !- ml rJ. i AH We have the1 largest stoek'of Iht both writing and copying, that has ever been brought to this market, which we propose to sell cheap at whole sale ana retail. 200 gross Crayon Chalk Just received, and will; WRAPPING PAPER AND BAGS 1 if ill'-: -.-:."',! I A full line always on hand. We have just re ceived a lot of Pressed Paper Butter Plates, which are used by grocers In putting up butter. Sold at retail at 40a per hundred. TIDDY4 BB0. 2txv &&vzvtlsziuzhts. RYE . (rR ATT A M AND WHEAT BREAD ) ) AT RiTfiER S. CAKES ! CAKES ! Pound Sponge, Fruit, Jelly, and all kinds of Fancy Cakes at PRATHER'S, May 22. Trade Street NOTICE ! We have on hand 25 of the Celebrated WEBSTER One, two and three horse, which we are anxious to close out, and will sell LOW FOR CASH, Or WwbrennSer'i wlttiout interest Every Wagon warranted for 12 months. Come and see tbem. , I. M.MILLER & SONS. Democrat and, Home please.copy. JunesT'-1 IE HLD BROS., sera WHOLESAJUtANB BXTATL . if z.v:f '7 GBOCEBis" and DEliEBfi In COUNTRY PRODUCE Hi 51!. . i eonstaw tirou "1 ' -lilllirl., - ,iSIli.t ;.lli FRESH SOGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUB- KEYS, CABBAGE. IRISH POTATOES. IV- PXE3, DBHrJ AtUlTSf ic -1 ii.. Exclusive Dealers in i .yivSirf -.Av.fi ,:ui; m-yt- iff lsi fiM,k RAMSOUR BONNIWELL'S and A. L.-SHU- FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. waTAJ'I-UOSIO'I 3 JhfWl la lrn In Im olnaa yfil211JiLSiW sl SSiUido ii-iqaH iiiw fe.iS f TL- xeu Rjtw si oj i mcfi jflm aars iijq ano t ffM.tfrny ewrteni&Wth?pSteto -OnmlbM arCawtagjes fit wrytrata MEgD BROTHERS. . ..... . . ...... , ..Proprietors. onujxm uAvx, Bupenntenoenta. HSMST WlLFONG, &UxZi. .i v-Olirtt! ....... JA- ieDW f-iiu:.l MARSHALL j tui. H aJu s E u u a 1 . iepwn aalii j tod st'siuKi," U. i n ! iaaa -mw w irn-w f f :mi vi -x.ti a, Bi)MX,K,.4PlWpitetor.bat'''T vi f. s OOU A. .Ii!fnj-i1 Ll.jUSi T Bueratl-Bo 0,ybor2ig tp W .ttonof Room. M. .Lit HABJSETT,tOeilCi:iaficflarteifs Hoteij fifOIS t not -"'v ivr ii . ny, imve an nmmrnciibie ice that vi uauuTuourjcuucB, U TOSl DO DlOK tKo. and Button Bootknf rince Albert and' Strap TieC in p'ain or b ' W & ...... iUfVj Of S .... oo f ... BROTHERS 4 fiASlrv Tiafle fitree4.jnert.door. toMra. s. gPARXLING CATAWBA SbPRlNGB. f WESTERN, N. c. . LoWand Avqrably knownlor thi, , dc ana Mteraav wnfc maXkm. Oni rSWJv- 187U. Board 2 per day. andLi 5 J. a Rmgerume, and families. Invalidswni k Ws ff advantage of four different mineral L!? tbe mineral wateJl ouuiuuu. we lunuau not-air, vaDor ami nJJr" W baths, If desired. " a"d icai SDrtnES situated 7 miles north r.. . the Western North Carolina Railroad i ?11 n !?toto"J- Forfuithertoior .' ; O. ELLIOTT v may25 3taw su tu thu 1 u WARM SPRINGS WKSTfNlltTH CAROLINA ur.lilvi iH i. -HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESOBT - HOT and cold water, unsurpassed mountain .. mate, uneaualed scenerv. and maZ'J?" baths, In cotaJmetlo with cllmaUe influenL.-V1 most specific for rheumatism, neuralgic nn and consUtaOonal diseases, dlsvises of 'the X unucys ajiu maaaer, ana malarial disorders t for descriptive circular. M Junel ii "" m 7 rr ' r 'W. H.J.ALSPAUGH'S CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, 1.V- I. load. In Alexander l onntr viim. . healthy as any where in North Carolina, Room! furnished with or without board at low terms Provisions cheap. For furtheymrtlculara adoW Little River P, 0. Alexander (xk.'iu!10 CIea?eland Mineral Springs . ;t. .WILL, OPEN JUNE 1,187a These Snrinm are 2 miles from sheihr v n ind oM'HWJft urn-C. C RaHway. Hacks ni at Spring's station on arrival of every train. Band of music and other means of amusemm for the comfort and enjoyment of guests. THE TABLE will be furnished with the bestthat the man el n fords. Kates to suit the times. S. Mc. POSTON, Proprietor. Shelbr. N c L, S. Williams; Superintendent. May 14-drtw THE SALUDHOTEL. Invalids or pleasure seekers, who desire u spend a few weeks of tbe hot weather in ;i nxt desirable locality, are informed that the SALUDA HOTEL Is now open to the public Situated on the Spar tanburg and Ashevllle Railroad, forty miles from Spartanburg, only a few miles from Flat Bock anil lendersonvllle. In a delightful climate, and sur rounded by splendid mountain scenerv. few nlaws can offer more attractions. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Terms low. A. TANNER, Proprietor. June 31 m. UMBRELLAS. Ladies buying Parasols and Sun Umbreyi will find the best assortment at the lowest pr'is at ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will also find nther goods to suit them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple DRY, GOODS is now complete, among which may be found a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and PUtow Casings In Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Red and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels In every variety; Car pets, Rugs, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings is large, and will, -be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 'HANDKERCHIEFS, COB- SETS, FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand- I 4!i'lJtliJ lo-rji'j fj.,il,'t .'HMt i ' -S Mctehhuf sad Bfl Dob UbBas; You will And them cheap, Vyihli'ilHn proportion. Can apdfliitjtar you. u..: ELIAS k, C0HEN ATTENTION reh9ooiO ftioj i-.Uo bur M 73 Ajiin rmraari TUST received fun Hne FINE ORANGES. Choice Jtencii ndBn Cii fce Jellies, Mustard AJhdCadj JPrnlts; "anTpickles of every TAh;8Up fRAaAW FLOTjB, OAT MEAL J"slf CrackeM'or every description. CREAlJvftOifEESE. jjt;-.- ';' f CELEBRATED FIFTY" BARRELS OF THE I to w? r Wii:a (icw U .hub.: :-!) 1 ear U Jtoiufj !-!i 1 ii' JdularlaslUi lo .-jTlyi'iif! q3 n .iKT- lm o 6Jt nl bio?, ed fUw Jl .mim o; ' Li j? 'iSiiJ?' l&rtJilot f"!!!,il i'tU iiJ fit oHlALSOA.XARGEST0C3tOE . .vwbiujtla ill biia il ttbld tv -1- CHEATER GRADES.. CHEAPER GRADES. uiiuaA aai .toasM A nHA ,tbniXilA soi - " n, H. lrt I .IK' i : Sugars, Coffee and anything that can be found in - a flref-class Grocery House. r f rais acrt YTiisifwi'f yti .J.R.'? r.'mi;jU Jt-Hfcf .V.B . " riOiflisi .aliw'ii 0.!.'.!'..' i.-it J I-'"- "t, 1bl Li r-r.VM i ' 'I, J f, --n'1 'i

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