LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ( :. , , ,t,, : 'Z, ' T ' - ' y""''" -:' - - - - - - ' jUHBOAD.DIBECTOBT. J. The following table shows the running of passen trains to and bom Charlotte, on ail an rau , Waahlno-tan HfnA ' . P hi 1 : i-0 roads (Washington Ume); ' BI0HJKJS1) PUHTOAA Leaves tor .,,-." ,-,-vi -ii, to ;MMi!k...5S- Leaves for .a:;.rfHr Sffi5p.m. ATLANTA CHABLOTW AIB-LIWW. ' Arrives from AUanta,'. . U: !"Vf . ,, JS.40a.rn. Leaves for Atlanta?. ff 40 a. m. ArrlTes from Atlairi. Vp' r-?- r lW m Leaves for AUatuUXiW.yly.. JH2.1 m. CHARLOTTE, OODKBIA A AUOUBTA. 1 Arrives from -AtuateJ?.JJ:t'..:i.iv. j50 p. m. iATB for Aueuata.iuKi.v-jj. vi... 12i45a. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac Freight)-. Leaves for Columbia, o , u.- 1 CAlMUn A CKNTBAIi. . j Arrives fromWltuitogtonU, Leaves for WllmlngtftU4fi(j'OriM''J-i- Arrives from Shelby. r.Hvea for Shelby... .l -jji - ArrtvwfiomtaiMv)Bte '&P' m- Leaves forStatesvine.... -8.30 a. m 0 p.m. 5 p.m. I a. m. 15 p. m. 25JP5 p. tn. p40 a. m. INDICATIONS. AVAR DEPAKTMEKT ) AV AsuiNGTOTt Jym&M'Xoy For the Smith Atlantic Hn,d Eas GfJlf sutes, higher pi-essaret: aoutuwsc to southeast Grinds, slightly:, bigher tor sta tionary temperature, and clear rpartly cleudy weather arfc yrobabe,': with pos sibly occasional "ratos in! latter district J.vcal pr lor Vetterdcvy Barometer, Thermometer,. Relative Humidity,., tfind Direction, " Velocity, Weather .. I 7 A. M. 2 P. M. 9 P. M 29.919 K. 4 Cloudyj 29.845l29.795 8ft " 78 47 H 65 8. W. s s. 6 t Cloudy.' 1 Clear, Highest temperature 37 deg.; lowest 66. f iTIeterlg'ica.l Record. wsATHraiigpoST, SrtTHB 14. 430 p. m. Stations. Barom Atlanta,..:. Augusta: .. Charleston, Charlotte. Oorelcana,. Galveston, Indlanola,.. Jackson'lle, KeyWest,. Mobile-, .-r Montgom'y, N. Orleans. Punta Rasa Savannah.. gt Harks Havana. . . 29.7 29:80 29.93 a9.80 29.77 29.84 29.82 29.91 29.92 29.86 29.82 29.86 29.91 29.91 29.90 29.87 Th. 90 92 82 85 99 87 89 87 95 8rt 85 87 90 86 Wind. , S. - i 8. 1?. 8, W. 8. l 8. K M S. s. 8. W. w. &E. s. w. VeL 8 9 7 . 7 19 12 7 it 2 12 8 9 14 10 0 Weather. ifli iFalr, 5 l 'ffntr. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. . Fair. Fair. Kalr. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. -TM CHBBHCB8 TO-BIT. :1 Younq Kin's Christian association Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 4:45 o'clock. St. Pxxbb's (H.) Chdbch. Services In the morn ing at 1 1 o'clock and In the afternoon at 6 o'clock by Rev. Ellison Capers. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4&a o'clock. Baptist Church. Services tn the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. B. G. Covington. Sunday school In the morning at WVs o'clock. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock aDd In the evening, at 8 o'clock by the Rev. E. A. Wingard, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 8 .o'clock by Rev. X. H. Harding, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. A. W. Miller. D. D,, pastor. Sun day school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and the af ternoon at 4Vi o'clock by Rev. W. T. Waller,. pas tor. Sunday school the morning at 10 o'clock. Calvary Mission CtoJRCH. Services to the morn ing at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. J. F. Butt, pastor. Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting In the af ternoon at 2Vi o'ckx.-;:A .W- 'V St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. Low mass at 3Vfc o'clock and high mass at lOVa o'clock In the illuming , TCsycrB bin wuwuwowu v the afternoon by Very Rev. L. P. O'Connel. Sun day school In the morning at 9 o'clock. 1 Trton Street Methodist (E.) Church. Ser vices In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the even ing at 8 o'clock by Rev. A. A. Boshamer, paster, ; Sunday school In the nfternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 .o'clock. Strangers cordially Invited. . v Gsahah Street (Colored) Methodist (E.) Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock . and In the evening at 8 o'clock by the pastor, i He v. L. B. Ulbaon. Sunday school In the morning .at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday teveningatSo'etoek. . ... THE GOUNODS. ' A Pleasant Incident at the Clofiur One of the most bleasant fftAt.nrpa in the social enjoyments of Charlotte dur ing the winter just past ha&rithe meetings of the Gounod JMusical Qlub under the directorship of Dr: loyi Bi dez. Most carefully, patiently and ar tistically has he given instruction to the club in the art arU practice of vocal music, and no inconsiderable progress has been mad.by.tfeem under his guid ance. At a meeting held Thursday night inMr. li. Y. McAden's parlorl the last meeting 'till the cooler and more bracing evenings of September bring oAce more the members together, the club presented to Dr. Bidez a beau tiful gold mounted baton, as a testimo nial of their grateful appreciation of his efforts. The-pleasant duty of pre- Beuung pne patpn ,vira; assigned tOjMr. Watts "who said: ;: Dr. Bidez: In the absence t.hA linn-. voidffle kh 4Du;n 0t igretted ab selice of our president, I have been deputed to offer vou this baton as a slight testimonial of our respect. It is " . j wu MAgU UllllU and of our appreciation of your wortji, and merit. We offer it with our heart felt thanks for your unremitting' kind" ness to us. We ask its aoqeptano wilj. the assurance of the great respett, re gard and esteem for you as a gentleman whoin it is Qur.high honor tepall at the same ume our protessor, our J ! n I if - rt j i edf for e ! the resignation of Mr. S. P. Smith and elect a new president, was not held. .It was postponed " until Wednesday, j Mr. Smith still retaining the office lentil that time. Ifo Election Owing to the failure to arrive of : two of the directors of the Traders' Kation- IIO. TIG PEIVCILIWOS. longest Sunday in the year 14 hours and 34 minutes. The cadets were hanging around tak ing their leave yesterday. The managers ofVall excursions from. Charlotte this season have made money. Farmers yesterday reported the cot ton crop in Mecklenburg in good con dition. yince the recent drowning in Pbifer's pond, bathing there has lost its attrac tions in a measure. ; -i ' The Buffalo Bill company is heading this way -again. They are to le m lialeigh this week. ... ,.-.. Death has claimed one of CoJ. J. L Brown's carriage horses ono of : his Jteautiful blacks. - A gernaan positively the ' last of the season will be given' Monday' night in the assembly rooms; complimentary to Iwo young ladies from Raleigh. ' ' The young folks of ChArJotte ' wilL re--ceive in a few days, , invitations to the annual picnic at: btanback'a Perry on the 8th of July.,i! ' SoTtfe of itbem will doubtless go. . ..v .mm ..it m ; - A milk-lemonade is the latest i sum mer drint lti to made like 'the' old fashioned lemonade", ' except that "milk, instead of wateruri seltzer isi used.1 It i said to be both cooling: and palatable. The eoUxUX-itMi i locte win go ovef 'TOAncoixn aw!Hi a parade and,, enter trtnment, there, am Bishon Imax.1otltnis city has beei requested to deliver urt address at thai xime. 0 ..A ,hflin u riK.. r i , u i A rnatph rramp nf hase , ball . W played yesterday afternoon ' between the Swif tfoots and .Quicksteps'.'tesultf ing as follows; Siif tfoots, 29; Quickj teps, 18the best game of the season. Yestefday !a citizen brougurra cm curaberrthetTrsTaffn had harCBWiielJthelJitfani of the stairs before another came uprand -said that he had been eating cucumbers' riist iwi in his gardea tbr.ee ureeks. t j ' " There areorily few5' nt6re days lefti in whh t!Tahlp,mjr liA listed. ..The books wiilbe; closM rnext irjid nil who have not made their retnrtJStrji that time - will be guilty of ; a misde-j inn fn tlio laat'AAlrickf .UlM Legislature. -A j leader our iriena.--' ajx nas 1 Deen a great p sure and . honor- to us to hftasjuwrra with vou. and we trust that our verv pleasant cltrb 'meetings, of which this baton is the tit symbol, may be renewed in the fall, after the rest of .the summer is ovek"; ! and' be assured, ;'docjU)T. ,that Wherever vou ' mav .cn. , aTrd' howftver others t may bo moFeorthy "" y ourb, yaiutiuit; uujc ajui., abtfMUop, you Will i haver wield it over i club of more ap preciative and ioving listener iand bu- fpitsnarrolMs.yoTir"o the jrounoa wuo er unariotte, orth Caro lina. We therefore again beg vour accep tance cf 'tluysOrrTeiikoirtiie many pleasant hoursjre have'spenttogether. . Dr. Bidet iffreply:saidi.d Ladies angentlemen an shall T say, my friends r-!1" wiattWlturn my best thanks; .fen your, kindness fin i pre senting me with this mgnifnjent baton. It had already-been to me a matter of extreme gratification to see all the mem benTof this club yield so willingly to the instructions 1 thought best, as a leader, to give them. For five months, you have worked most patiently,, most faithfully, and above all, most intelli gently ; and when we gave ourVsnxcert on theJ9th of May you showed an un mistakable disposition to be more than the average, pleasure-seeking, socalled musical club. While your eareful.and finished rendering of our most difficult selections was possibly to me the best reward I could then have contemplated, it at the same time stamped you as the champions of art in tire musical history of Charlotte. You must not think that I am exag gerating things; strong as my words may seem to be in their expression of E raise, I mean to give you the plain and onest opinion of one who has lived long enough in the musical world to appreciate in its right; value any musi cal effort. I say that if the Gounod club remains in the same dispositions that have been shown so far ; if there be in the future the same willingness to do legitimate, improving work ; if the temptation of gaining either applause or money by trying to please the taste of the igno rant, be successfully resisted I say that if all those conditions are fulfilled by. you, Gounod will some day be as proud of the club named after nim as we may well be to-day to work under the auspices of his name. With you rests to a great extent tne future condition of musical taste in Charlotte. While it may belon? more especially to teachers to improve musi cal knowledere. it does belonff to asso ciations i like yours, to quicken, to de-' velope, and to refine tne musical taste or tne public ; ana ror tnat Kina 01 worn I believe I am safe in saying ;thnt ;you are as nt as any newiy-starteq.ciUD ever was. .... , .... Let us hope, then, that at some near da v.. we mav meet again to work under the same principles wnicn nave airectea us.go.iar: iet us nope mat uie new comers, u there be any, wuT:b t anima-r a ' i A t V !i 1 l 1 tea witn me same spirit wuiuu youuave shown: letiis-horoalstvtnatrwith the goodwill of-.tjie , Almighty, no, more ot the orl&irial members will be missing at our next meeting. The club then adjourned to meet on he second -Thursday fn September. Judge A. C. Avery was in the icity Friday. Helias finished the courts in the first district. : Cadet Z.B. Vance, Jr., has returned home for the surnmer, vacation, the ses skjrrpfijrKtjaflkl fwadfeirJy atlAnnipo- ns navmg ciosea last w eunesdav. 1 Rev. Dr.W.T. Brantley, of Baltimore has been granted two months vacation to visit Europe. The Bdltimorean says he will be " accompanied by his beloved" JfTMmmomMi N. C." ' m i The Drowned Irian's Possession. The county officers have received no letters of inquiry concerning the Eng lishman, J. C. Benton, who was drowned to Phif eto pond last Friday wek. His possessjpnsxcept biaJtQx-of toolawhich his boarding house keeoer has. are in the haBdB Of -the wroher,i1W?,?f .Alex ander, who will keep them until the county commissioners meet next months djapoaitidn A Matter f lsteitst f Travelers. Tourists, emigrants and mariners find that Bas-t, tetter's StoiiiaehBltSs-'n a medicinal safegoajdv against nnhealthful Inflnences, upon which tteejf ean Impllcity rely, since It prevents the effects that an onhealthjyCTAintettlafea Jk4qDsphers unae: customed or tnrwhoiesome met, baa water, or other 4 7 z'n -sv '--i condiUons unfavorable to health, would otherwise produce. On long voyages, or Journeys by land itt Ulatades adjacent to the equator, It la especially nisefuras a preventive of the febrile complaints and disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. which are apt to altack natives ot the temperate 1 tones sojourning t travel mg irr sncn regions, ana Is an excellent protection against the Influence of - :3pextrjBBiB jdysofl enangaSL Bl teiipertUare ex posure to damp or extreme fatigue. It not only prevents hiffnpin andmittent fever, and oth er disease of a malarial type, but eradicates them, ft te flhjek as beji;notorlou lor, years past In Mexico, the West la 5. Up to last e vening the Western Northi V:rn i n a "Rati rnarl aiithori ties had not decided whether or not theytwpuld: tuW trains ion their "road jtoHiightsvTliei Statesville train accordingly .bJft herej last nighl' expectingi to ; urn'ithisi morning "and not knOwlng.yiwhether i' notit would go out tonighk" RAT, j PolicemanKamnitonr fr'oro-1 who the negro Gus Byers escaped In the h'oi te! in llichnlondihad Vltl' ieep for seventy hours instead tor for ty-eight, andthe flesh; overcauielbe, spirit. He had -.been-, working up thes ase, and it was for this reason he was SffiW 5tanothfC Ppberf m 1 - .-f-jV IckwniplexUm is desired by .every faiiy; tt an be secured by the- ase of that great blood purl liar Tti -Tm a v MesMl3aCltMne's blood hounds tTOiiomboutfl old. They havficarefeflljjkept and are in excelteritcnditloni4)4y before yes- terdav af Wrnodnv llievm'8 taken out of town and "their-cerfting qualities tested, ...A negro boy wasi , hired to play 1.1.. X -Jf 1 J! r J-.. r.rr,ll, rvhr'a LI1U park VLjUt9 lUA Ul AVO" BtTWAWn B earae. and given ten minutes, the istart of the dogs. TH jtook a devious way through the wooas. crossing iUi.own track, tirhe and,.iajiL't., UMn m, Me hounds werenturnea loose tiiey took tne trail and followed it, scareely faltering once, and with such rapidity ' that;'-. the negro wno jauea to seiect nis tree oe forehan, iujt dllretmrtrltjae to save himself, The1 rateer w as' perfect suc cess, andshowedithat the dogs .possess all the auaUttes ttiathaVe been Claimed jforjthem, fThievjeiJld well to make aliote of this; - i i.!oyhin! Vagrants Larcen jr. Justice McNinch applied the fuU force of the vagrant law totwd negro women and one negro man, Hannah Trap. Mat Alexander and Jere Ander son yesterday, ordering them to be put! gdays. "the ac tion of the county commissioners who, at their last meeting, agreed to make provision for working vagrants on the roads. I .The same offlceifie&SiMfflSEander. colored, for larceny. Tile gave bail in the sum of $50. North and South America, Mexico dlesrftrtta nd ftunfrier JunlO lw flyand djffera only r in . that the subtle Dem tls l "1 i C foe does not attack the citadel of life, and henctfi j . th. n-iHunta lao.a ft HfA la a Mttla ' lnninw hnf ll I f ' arises from the same cause, is the offspring of the same parent, and consequently requires the same treatment To correct the Impaired tactions of digestif and nutrition anJ enrich and vitalize the Kthei!w-MponanMBpi iCrt Uver Oil is r the 'keafafl PMessfofiTo e the best remedy, but it has been ineffectual for good on ac count of its nauseous qualities. But In Scott's Emulsion ;of iGod IMveVOU 4hey are entirely over come, and combined with Hypophosphlte of Lime and Soda, is a most wonderful remedy in such junlO 2w . . 1 TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. U 1 .'..At t ; ! JUST sRECEJEI); AH' t a X!,Ti;'H -i ii tivi act t - 1 fit H.K H 1 jfcHiflT !fl f3iJ f, :".ni 10 hu m 7 i'Mmsuow. 400: PAIRS idO it ,1.-71 - " ' - .-:. !-...., - . 1 1. 1... a... 1 50 Tf 1 'J 1 h XX the mostafebrated makers, which will be sold at the very lowest pricesdAlstt a full Bftelofcl mii : a .a m ; ' .foh Babies nj-iMissE& 0J unu izMoan -m-v AndJtiarstock of Uppers, and NetrportTieS.J Iri'lt 'gOoiMe turn a fuU.Sliiot.th.besigofida.j 4110.111 convince, you that we sell the same article sold elsewherein the QityoTni6 tojo per Qeiifefiheapr.0j jiIt.Ki -uAu -J.'.lil !- , l.a-'r,i!iC',:'ji(.j-LI' 91- 'r l At 'tint: ift-k rr. tekeltlrem announce 1ChanexpMencef ten years in me jbe aat business, l ean J. Mc. ALEXANDER. .fMia ox Hin-i- .... ..: .- ! ... . : ; " ' ' " - --ji.UWI. . --jr-:"--V -. . t j , ' ! -Ir'lli 'ill r fi gcra anattqmeeony..? .:.-'-n-','i;.'. .-iu. : :'- u -- -.... , ii , h i i i . I. r it i r i ii in . it i i 1 1 i , ' i':..l-.v- ' . Another arrlVaief household and other aseful articles for our famoos i 11U ilw i,oo' .lhr.'. - JlRtBui4, 1879 FBODUCX. ?rebr(eviaH nn4ay Schbbifs Picnic. Thrj Sunday schools of the" Presbyte rian cnurcnes nad a delignttul picnic at Bellemont Park yesterday. A large crowd was present. The weather was pleasant in the woods, and the day was a delightful one for the children. Near ly varybodyi -went finp. oil tfihe train furnished by the Carolina "Central Rail road. In the afternoon Mr. T. T. Smith, the agent, carried the whole party on a ride down the road, and returning. brought them safely in the city about sundown. HeliiW Note UOtl fev.:EHiso;apeJbr n will nreach at St PetetUEniscopal church toHdavTmornirgnd af ternoom una guuo iiy Itev. mi. uoty.-me TwwHi. .MMfec;fteria?f6rm4M' The Female Pedestrian. The walking woman has been heard from. Railroad men coming in yester day passed her at Gaffney's at 11 o'clock. uaffhey s is 56 miles from Charlotte and she left here Thursday morning. A telegram received here at 5 o'clock in the afternoon stated that .she had just then arrived : at the Cowpens; so that she has done pretty well since she left here, considering that she had to "coon" a trestle yesterday morning just this side of Gaffney City. The Cane of (u Byers and (he Stolen Harness - Capt. McBee and Policeman Farring ton have bot,h returned f roni Richmond leaving G"Us:Byers in jail. Upon their arrival there Byers told them where they could find Col. Coxe's harness, and they found it, as he had stated, at Kelly's junk store, on Twentieth street between Main and Cary. Byers had told the officers that the harness was shipped in a box directed to Richmond to II. "W. Hey. It was taken from the depot on the 9th of May. The box;was marked clothing. James and Mike Kelley were arrested on the charge of having this Stolen property in. their possession. They stated that they bought the har ness from H. W. Hey a junk-dealer on Sixth street, between Marshall and Clay. Hey was also arrested, and ; be stated that he bought the harness from a ne gro man. lie acknowledged sellingthe harness-to Kelly. ' The Keltys and Hey : were to have had a hearing in the police court of Richmond Friday morning, but the" result of this lias not been learned here. . In ieference to the stolen property the Richmond 8tat,e says: "The harness is said to be the finest set ever brought to Richmond. Good judges say it cost over $300, and is nearly new. Mr. Kelly paid Hey $25 for it." We referred in Thursday's paper to Byers's arrest, several years ago, on a train on the North Carolina Railroad, aud stated that he escaped from his captors. QmninforplfBits memoty was treaCHerousf A gentlerrrairvvliowas on the train at the time, and who assisted in the arrest, informs us that'Byers, who was then charged .with many crimes in Charlotte, was recognized by the late Capt. D- P. Ligon, conductor of J mat particular .aii, aim ujat lie sum moned assistance and the party pro- 3eeuQ to arrest mm. lie maue a ues perate struggle against three or four men and was at one time half way out a window of the car when he was drag ged back. After a fight lasting ten or twelve minutes he was flnally over- Swered and seourely tjeid, and at reensbro was given over to Capt. Low. ery, conductor Jtix OTFKUtai who marcrttfi bifo.loi Jail' JbetwefeiiA guards. Thef authorities of Charlotte sent to Greensboro for him but there., were charges against him in Guilford and he was held there. What .disposition was made of the cases there is not known. but Charlotte lost sight 6f him and he had been nearly 'forgotten when his re cent adventures here brought him prominently before the publio again lie, is stout and cunning and desperate and villainously mean. BliAfaj OAHO. j-.ifrtwa .ViPORMJ Hiiwi"i'""- f lHvf.hnfA instil elBewhertiThe' more penitents anu , cuuvejva, tainly no rauit oiners. - ah - Bomcrt itssne is ujemuBi. yo wcriiu iioww . rrhPtipnftraivnoaoi m&fivansreiic met at Foster, Thursday; Therd were 180 delegates preset 7ZZ7 J Oiver-addresses fc- Scotia tored) Semi Oi XJlUUie UlllVCITSltJ, piCDlUEUUflVMVHM boar4.ofOrustee8,wiUalsopeakdviring the exercises, whichf commenee on the 19th. e MVii i -j 1 -j: Rev. B.G. Covington, of Fort MHi, .J, will preachUi the Taptiat cburcb to- Corpus Christ! will open in St. Peter's OathttlW ebrtrrh tayantii'wiircQnmj Lercises-jWiil D6 iiiem very. uay uunirg W . . - -v . . . . . . "-jf. . fit the wtaye. ,(fj.r ,tl. at r :,rJ4Umaivn3roed.gtewart.Ac4va German named Braurj engaged Hit the Old style nstrftglrtyesterdayafterioori r--Ka ,irAari.':of -Roedicrer's ..bar-room xxrUan ihtva found the German his face Jaa AnvotMl witltblbod. They . locked l.s w ' ImAtiil 'Snndav in - sobering I gnd renection: His antagonist gave bait: Sv3F1fSB BaLiTuukjc Oats qniet; S0Uiriern"'4oaai,' Wesf tern white, ,4104,4 40. mlxed89a40, Pennsyl' vania -40a8 'HSy-i-markei qulet; prime Penn sylvania and Maryland 12al3. Provisions firm; mess pork, old 10 f0al0.7&,.ew -nj oulk meats loose shoulders 4aV6, clear rib sides 5aVs packed 44a51; bacon shoulders 4, clear rib sides 6, hams 10alli& Lard refined tierces 7. Butter dull; choice Western packed 10al2, rolls . Coffee firm;. Elo cargoes '11 14a 14)4. Whiskey at 1.06ai7. Sugar firm; A soft 8aVt. CntcnntATi Flour flrm; famBy: 5.20a6.00. Wheat strong, scarce: red and amber 1.12a.l5. Corn quiet at 38ai. Oats duil at, agaSA; nPork quiet, held at 10.25a50. Lard In fair demand; cur rent make 6.15. Bulk meats strong; shoulders 3.75 bid. cash fales-4.no. barer :Ju1.j short ribs 4.90, cash 4.95. seller July and buyer do, short clear 5ai&; bacon strongv shoulders 414, clear ribs 0, clear siaes o- wnis-Key steaay at i.m. But ter steady; fancy creamery 17al8, choice Western reserve 12al3, choice Central Ohio 9all. 8ugar steady; hards 9a9i, A white 8i4a, New Or leans 6i4a7i4. Bogs active; common 2.90a3.50, light 3.55a3.80. packing 3.70a90, butchers- 3.90.. yo; receipts eo; smpments ouu. Nkw Yori Flour no decided change; No. 2, 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra 4.75a5.60; good to choice do 5.65a6.75. Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.12a,l. 17ft. No. 2 do 1.18a.l8i. Corn -ungraded 40a43. No. 2, 43ft. Oats, 38. Coffee moderate demand; Rio quoted in car goes 11 Vial 414, job lots UlAalott- Sugar firm; Cuba 6Uh fair to good refining 6 5-16a7-16, prime 61; refined standard A. 7, granulated SVb, powdered 814,' erushed 85fe. Molasses New Or leans 25a28. Bice in fair demand and steady; Carolina -quoted - at 6i4a7, Louisiana ttattiA. Pork new mesa ou the SDOt 10.20a30. oM 9.25. Lardr;prlmeisJe!pnjsrjQtS.46a47iA. Whiskey uuu m i.vtvs- rreignis quiet. IF ,Hif "ill COtTON ft. Norfolk Quiet; middling 12i,c; net receipts 38; gross ; stock 5,671; exports coastwise 20; sales 50; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Dull; middling 12c; low middling 12; good ordinary 11.; net receipts ; gross 176; sales ; stock 1,808: exports coastwise 15; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent ; to France Boston Dull; middling 13ic; low middling 12; good ordinary 123s; net receipts S05; gross 606; sales ; stock '4962; exports to Great Britain. Wilmington Dull; middling 121a; low mid dllng 1214c; good ordinary llfe; net receipts 13; gross ; sales 8r stock 352; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . Phtladklphia Quiet; middling 13c.; low middling 12;; good ordinary 12i4c; net receipts 7; gross 789; sales 761; spinners 561; stock 10,263; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet; middling 12c; low mid dllng 12c, good ordinary 11 34c.; receipts 22; shipments ; sales 25: stock . Charleston Dull; mldd'g 12Vfec; low mid dllng 12tyc.; good ordinary 12c; net receipts 100; gross ; sales 120; stock 1,181; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; France ; Continent. ; to channel . ' ; ' ) ' Nstv tori Steady ; 'sales 2,204; mid. uplands 12, middling Orleans 12.; consolidated net receipts 1,021 ; exports to Great Britain . Liverpool Noon A shade easier. Middling Uplands, 7d., middling Orleans. . 74; sales 5,000 spefilaflon and txppif ljDOft Wditlonal sales' -yesterday after' 'Tegular closing. ; re ceipts 13.300. all American. Futures nartlaUy 1-32 cheaper, Uplands low middling clause: June de livery. June and July , July and August 6 31- 32a i, August and September 7 1-16, September and October 7 3-32, October and November , November and December . New cron shipped October and November , November and Decem ber . September and October per sail . FINANCIAL. New YoKit- governments steady: ha Money' i&4 fcxeianie i.8tVi"a teadyf New 5's 1.03. Four aiuj tour per cents l.(r!. lalf per cents 1. V... ., ,j . . n 1 . Y'j-r4: s " FUTURES. aitd State F I V E. C E N T C O U N T E R il.KJU. "Far snperier te Sli0thers .received. if' Also a beautiful variety of PERCALES AND PRInS, LWEf fcAWS, PLAIN AND EAltc Y. V NeW Yjkm-tFuturis dosed dull. 000 bale!.' ' June July August September October .-i -t u . . 1 ' ; November , December. January .v. i . . 4 :t..' Sales 149,- 12 .69a.71 12.70a.72 lg.49a.50 11 .78 11 .26a.28 ll.18a.20 11 .21a.23 CTTT OOTTO M1SXST. Omcx or THE Obskbvhb, I : Chaseottx, June 15, 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: Good middling . j. Middling....... Strict low middling. . . : Low middling. Tinges Lower grades 12 12' 12 12 H4 CHARLOTTE Ptt MJCE MARKET 1 Xle TTestern North Carolina H nllroad To the otTcjblervfrrT T Carl you Inform a subscriber what management the Western North ,Qarp-i lina Railroad is under? Whether of the State of North Cariolihtti'TO the Richmond, Va, mercbante, through the Richmond & DanVille Railroad V It seems to yoUilliiftuhsfriber that North; Carolina nad her appropriate name. wherr fehBwastrbbed "Rip Van Win-! .-kleA jj-jverily she has been sleeping; and on awakening finds herself bought out, root and branch, by a foreign cpr-j pi8rattott,5attd!stinge tbsat !nter',rlwk' sons are neipmg..K) rorge tne cniuns,! and are urging the foreign corporations, tovchain her more securely. i' !- . j - UNB OF 1 OUR SUBSCRIBERS, t vflArHPrTfifvi' Mr child was affecteiTm the same manner as yours, Mrs. B., and Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup gave it almost immediate relief; I would sorely give it a ' rw i 1 7 V J 11 F s f k ; "'j- ' I ! I Kaae Attalaable hv tfeeSheimstlc m Yes, slthonghi heT!maV,B8Btlr bf reliefft ta attainaoie oy memnaup suuepprB, iur iusm , xemady which carries oft,' 'by. man f Increased activity 01 tne ' Kianeys unponant cnanneis ion blood nnriiklfln ieri' element to' 'wnleh pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by arhvi ary analysis.' ; The nama-of this grand depurent Is Hoatetters. a Drenaration likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion ot, , tne rweajj-witn- me ,oije--na areerain means oi relief In aysDeosia. fever and asne. and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, . the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal aMmulnnt bv distinguished physicians and analysts . who pronounce tt to be eminently pure and very press awo enuuraes iv. a, Corn, per bush'l Meal, Oats, shelled, BACON ,,, ....... ... . .-l N.c. hog round.... Hams, fc. C. . . . y. . . ,;ri Vr'rf- TTrk mi a nn onaoAt uciuiot vouTooaouji BtlLk Meats- i; ,,.i.;iH l',0 iirfdTl'J 'II it" in A5a68 65a70 65a70 45a50 7a8 14U&10 12ial4 23a25 Clear Rib Wf f aa-jM 4 Prime Rio...... OOOCL - ' X 'W STROP H )l v'l H 8ugar-honse . . '. . . r. . . . . UOLASHES-r... . , . ,,,ri . ih-i 1 0ar.X.J.c-l.lii.t.'...i.U-..:i.'...'.' I ' 35a40 New Orleans 35a50 Ui ft (!"ii'lii iJ iauni'ilii uiri 1 wtii iniMJd li rrnv.ii. its K n !!-;! i':: , . -1 .... n . . . . ...... n. UfpiATtmx' bnm-i to ?OJ1. '-: V;' DWTOt... .jij ,.;."-" ;. t- ljiMgM'IM-fltW '-tJl-T ' . North Carolina... I0al5 oos4ej:.doien. ,41 z iiutts. tvlitiiufrvisfo Family, nt-t-t .... .u, iutcadi Cr1 3a. . . 3.00a3.50 Extra,..; 2.75a8.00 tilfljMil ftfnlaiiS-!! -V .ri.o.Kwdb Jiw tWniiWscl bns ri Tbedbove rwul 1e the name ot a weekly Demo cratic newspaper, the publication of which will be commenced at an early day at YorkvllleS. (X, by W. M. Warllck. v The News will be a good advertising medium for the Dusiness men 01- unanoue, as tne pnpe mu have a large circulation In the counties of Lincoln, Gaston and atawoa, aorta irouna The price or snbscrintlon wul be S2 ner annum. Address, ,A i.t; a -a r , rW JfcrWARLIi nr r . V. A vial Ulvf W. LAWlLf 6IGNS:IN yjli I y. 'li-. ', HAMBURG Great'Bargalns m . Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dressis, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS Be sweio tali and look at our great bargains we ffertHU ek. 11 ; ,' Mill bi :'A .A 1. :!'' 1: U: S-'iini' :i lo ii.-?l,!j 7 t i ;.'. ,'- t s : ;-'. r f i,i;;:n r , .':;;iU.i i,i i : : . 1 " !,; . 7l' - ;ili At--' 1 H. MORRIS & BROS. We liaTe jftst received ajptendld aasoitmefrt of Rustic y.td&&&, for mottoes and rarions-sLze pictures, at prices lower than ever known in Charlotte, June L, 1879- 1 I. ( LUXURIES. Pine Apples, imperial Oranges, Extra Large Lem ons, Fresh Caramels, French, Plain and Cream Candles, Pop Com, Ac , -AT PERRY'S. OUK ICE CREAM SALOON, Fitted up particularly for the accommodidion of Ladies, Is attracting the attention of those who wish to Indulge themselves In this line. c5mAlLAci OF- JSO. EROOKFIKLD 4 CO., LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Just received, a lot of Ice Cream 'Freezers, best make, freeze In ;5 mtn- utees Water Coolers, Refrigerators, Wire Covers, Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes, Bird Cages, Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. We constantly keep on hand a full line of Plain and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods. Cutlery and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware. , ' COUNTRY MERCHANTS are Invited, to. calL We sell goods as chea I) B E S S G Vt) 0' IS I it : -9r U'lLLlll V.-Ti 11-1' i.,... i. ! it 1, . ii.i! ii 1.) We are Rew-dlspliiylng elegant lines of 1, i: ;; i ' .'l i-, u i ''- i i ! ;- .: ' We art now displaying eiegaht lines of BLACK AND COLORED SILK firRENDINES, BUNTINGS OF ALL COLORS AND OTHER DRESS GOODS This Department Is Replenished Daily. May 27. OF ALL GRADES fAND PRICES. .1', . . ' . 1 ii ,: .;i This Department Ip Replenished Dally. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. , THEBES T "THE WflrttO SOLD BY .01500.00. so mum r ' ..r " f T .eV rMATU 9. ""WAflMBrDySHW': . FOR PARTICULARS ---in....- ( ADDRESS: WhiteSewihc Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. D&K8S GOODS, SJXKS, . 8BAWU, XJSXBTS, t: OOTTOBTS, UPHOLCTERT, . TRTitnttyos, jFXAimKJJS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Glrttf and Bps Suit, Ladles' TJnderw, IxuBmts OwttAts, DRESS KAKIHG. , WRAPS, . CXSTTJMES, ''' RIBBONS, NECKTIES, n.uctxjjxus, ,. . HANDBXtCHTEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, ' ' HAMBURG S, SKIRT BRAID, SEWTJQ SjXK,. , V f " " . pihs, : '. jratnrGEs, . i,y ! .-..-. HEEDXtES, y-AJitTj? ooons, dte. iiiiii J.f;, JU fill Mi I .1, fro r i hv-: . ! ri 5 flu lA( . Send ' for S&mffled' dr iriforrrihtion.- and satisfy rSet'Ji'hpp. anfl qidchty you can gct tryerytaiiw ;. i. ; vi vu DRY GOODS AND nOTIOHS average stock of a&ovi $ZO0fiQ0. all bought for prompt cash.' t& Try us, Have the vmidren send for a&etvf cur COOPER & CQNARD, Imported ahd Retailers, PHI L ADEII A, iPA. 'gvtigUt luts. Northern houses, and guarantee satisfaction. send quotations on application. i Thanking yon for the liberal patronage In Dast,weftre, ; ,;, p as Will the Ve ery- jespectfuUy, . JNO. BftOXHtFlTELp 0., , Charlotte, N. C. June 1( 187tk AV TIRABLOTTE, ;v." . COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA rut . n '.. : . 1 T i 1 1 ( . i. - ; i - CsABiiOTix, CoUjHjeOa aitd AuatsTA B. R., lv- r aio; .f:r0oMMM.C-y9l.-4879 On and after' Sunday. June 1st. the nassenger schedule over this, road win oe as ioiiows: A . . i - if - : z. 1 ' . ... -" . . -' - ii.r DAY PASSENGER. Leave Augusta .:. . .. ' 6 SO Ik Arrive Ctolumbla 10 48 a. w. Leave Columbia,. . . . v , , . . 10 55 A. m. Arrlvelharlotte,vJ...v....... ...... .i US 50p.m. , FRKIG.HT WIQ COACH ATT ACH Kp. . . .VV: ,W South,, -,' , I QAROXINA CENTRAL mwniaiKGtQN, , .. .:l ' i THROUGH. FREIGHT ROUTE r This Line being folly equipped for business, Freight from M ; ; Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to GTeenvluSpartanbaxgi all Stations : ' AtlaiiUe, ' Tennessee Ohio, , -. , t r t ; a .-: " ii; 1 ". ' Ai well as points in Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Sir .i;t ii Information furnished Leave Charlotte,; , ",. ROCklUl, -'Chester,....'..... w . Wlnnsboro.... Arrive at Columbia,.. 4. Leave uwumDia . Arrive Augusta, i .l - i Ji NIGHT ksepeioufj 5f30:rOIHQ SOUTH, -. 8 30 t.m ..ijJSOOji.q v.,lAlC Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia, Leave Colombia ...... J mAwA inmufa - FKKB3HT ....v.!ii.:-:-..:v.'ia'4K,A.i j 5 ao a.m 5 85 A.M 9 25 AM COACH ATTACHED. klWQTICROK amnitiiniitn ',(S rt'i!i; a i 1m!!: :H i J '! 5 15 P. M 1 80 A. m 2 SO A.M. A.M. Leave Augusta. . -. . -, . ....... UHUIIIUm........,.,... . ... Leave Columbia.....: . . " Wlnnsboro. i 4 i 45 . .rChestert... 15 j11 'BxckHiit ...;.;io 00 a. M. Arrive at Charlotte....! viiv IO P.M Pullman Palace Cars from Aagusta to Neiv York and from lireensDoro to Augusta. t Reclining Steeijtag Chafofrpm panyllje tQ WubingtonvlaLrrxcnbarg.'ia s azJ:wi - . AJ.XAKDWXUJ, ffBXQ u-. - , -AsstG.?. tin :1 I:. : f; Gen.,Frellt Agent, Wilmington. N. C, ,1; i:. inH Hi U. & INTERNAL RETENUE, 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, Statesville, N. C, May 16, 1 879. Setzed forvtolaUon :of Internal Revenoe Laws, on May 16, 1879: i ! k1 v 1 iiiiit ;-n Jti ll v IO !S 1!l7 - R tMTea manofainred tobacco, ownar Also, 2 boxes tobacco, owner iL wardV.y i vS i Notk la herebv riven to the owner or claimants of the above described property to" appear before meat my ofBos la;8tatesviujand make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from aaceoereM or tne same win do wneiieatv United States. ts -E"-1. MOTT,' :TntnNSJc J? 'A? i-' Hi i. DfHMitV.i A J RI mayl8 miuSddya ' CollMtitfjO Jilt i-ise, (-"ifl DISPATCH IJNT7 AX. Nb.CiA,;, ! I 1 if! .-:. ':!- . .!ul 1 - ; 1 ' . : )-i-:U.U:-' flea nttedaaltod tacHmes f oK tne TraMportionof 1 1 T.i'. - r.i v TO ALL POINTS SpUTB; , , liii Chaiiotte,; fltateevflie, it ,! ... 1 r AshevUle,! Butheriordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line. and Western N, CLBnUfoadsr Alabama and Mississippi. u 'j :! -iii' .f.iii(. tla : 1 u . -ili jis! i I,-' Line, and Time' at )-,: ;i: 4 .j-iL r i.t iiiu. ; . : -i f i)93ifiq,W j .' fi;iiirr)i T.T 71 C. Railway, Charlotte. i ."Ji I 3 J "J J U i M , iti I Jll ; la eJfil 7-1370 CI on'oyyBi3T'& 6b1 , DBtre irjBX With 25 years experience ' I guarantee entire atlsfaotton , . Jll nii -7t friiif a a Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Sblbura JU '-sutant: "1 M'SfflTOS-'TiTo's UStlO "S"1 1 1 I 1 j i RC'B 1 I; 1 I.' f; - hui 0100a Mixture. - . - , - v .-I

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