(0. (fl AiaiTii ii inn- 8TFB8GRIPTION MATSS f Ho bmi thnrouo, iMsrvL A x MOM.- ' ' ..'..- !5k.-"- w moaner af Job Work am not rt eanjmvrte oVnmwA mm MSOtMSS. ttWori 'St fvVA-fCf .iffStti'ir. iiiiifrj-yj ', Kfetft. (to V eomttv) f ..-... - ...'.12 Out o DWeowty. xxwfcM&t, - i .-. PROQJUMMSS, SjUTDILLJI PAXPHLXTSi blBOVLLBS, CHECKS, da Mix Months '? i:ltVf i hi t j V w- Literal MedetUm$for Okd. MMMHMHMMBBMMBi IWlMIIIIWWMMMMBPMIMMMWMWi , --.uLmiI,,,, in )...-,,. CWj , " , ' ' ' " " t t,i mi ail Dm goods, (jPlolMpic I the Baler ef the Whole rartec -Mt Hi M Sill.' I, tiifrMTiioneivvtlwiiiu lja&fiBe con- S ! A L E fliectliarli -The css9swiiUba concluded . ii SOU; ; 'j '.bi:: mm 9m r i n " - U I, I jlll I i I II I - iM VILLI fflW Mi in & i, m m v 111 . II I 11 1 r II .1111. P I'. P MM M W Vld V II III l VIU. II V h 1 - ett 'X . v i . , . .. , , j ;f.r . o-..r.1ilVf. r .... 'fc 0.) 7'- ii'U-i'! ..:..;;! . ;.i; . 1 1.; I ,fe bavA lust received bj a late express ft file 1 i piini uiiac iiap atrine snakes oij LAGB SILK MITTS.1 'Ul'A'AWiW CREPE USSE RUFFLIIIB In black and white. Also a fall line of black and white Skin Faclnc- Also another lot of wklte BEDDING. 43. BEDDING, a V-iyi vxul fcfi'JhV' jtst rUKNITUBE! You can get the White Bullion Fringe verjr cheap. Tbe speedy downfaU of the Stalwart Idee, ; Bo 1 started to play a game that was new, . -..r And tbe troops from the South I then withdrew, rU rue troops so eraciopsiee, i i -j vr ifwas desplab-)apleitee,;-:; "i level? scneme orpmaa reiarm, .- : . . redAhe omcehtiaeniyerwnere Vi,-T Of all political work to beware. . , u, i I Issued my orders with a hand to free . That I gained the disgust of the whole partee. Around the circle so gayly I swung, And oft at random shot off my tongue, ,!:;.; Till I found myself so fiat on my back That I had to start off on another tacK, . Which tack I hare tnea so successiauee -utoituf That now I am the joier oi, tne wnoie parMse... t, The party, I saw, was consumed bj fears Of tbe terrible schemes of the Brigadiers, And nothing at all could preserve us spine 5 vetoes uuKMwme cuuiu , AH limciU UtdKdc 11 dJiK? i As the season for Spring Goods Is pasBlng, we ,.-:.i can aneniton to tne ia uut we? inanom seuiaK . .iKia i ronetitj aMwii jicwkiL .zswe 7i x 9 ) LOUNGES I iLOUNGfSJ in.. ' j Hi :.fis.i, JO Sr,t Lit I'M' i-Sk m' t LADIES' FOt AEOpTjHALF ITS f ALUE. Also a nice line of ti;ti Ji?f!) :;! UOIES' LIIIElt,rSUlTS, LOtTNGES If JPI Clo-lni ont very etui art! aor iflfer Unes of a nice PARLOR "AOTycmMBm'SCITS !, PaSLOB AND GBAMBXB SUITS 39 COFFINS of all kinds on hand. CHARLOTTE, N.C 1 DRESS SHIRT That now I ani rSfef of We whoW pkrWe. Though Conkllng may fancy that Grant's king, ' : i,,;- And others may boast of the Senator's ring y. They will all yet discover that I alone N Am the veto man on the white house throne .. f . , My cards I wUl play so gradooslee ; That the candidate's sore to be Sherman or me. . A few lemons and. lota of squeezing ean general ly be -found at ptcnte A.ieA.-yUiiadd,phia Chroni cle Herald. The most treacherous memory In the world b& longs to IheijoUDt man. with a new ww&u&vnr den Beamier. Governor "Blue Jeans" Williams, of Indiana," has discarded the blue Jeans coat and donned one of casslmere with a velvet collar. TarrtMiinrMi voiiths both bootblacks, have al- naarlv this amann Inst their lives at base ball. "Death." savs the Kingston Freeman, "loves a shining mark." They would do well to call and procure a lot of our umlaarxliied shirts for lesa than the material can be bought; wii.l t. -v-i ; t. v Beepeotfolly, - s i f j. CaKl(tLE4 00., 0P Ciailtte Hotels TfTonst,, Charlotte, N. C. June li.' , j BN QLTHING . -yLadlss' arid Gemlemen's Burial Robes a fine supply. ... Jan3 W. KAUFMAN CO. B ARGAINS . ni- We have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include the latest novelties in Men's, Tooth's. Boy's and Children's OOU KF U URJUt ? W W It URRR RU UK KK V r TTTTO T II r IT DIO W W W IT T 1) u 7 Si km m n f d ob 11 W R B m M ,T, TO R T - 1 i I -J KRR BR KB REKB OO TTTT H H II UN N GOO O O T H H n NN N G G O O T HHH II N N It G OL OO T HHIIKHH UWi OOO LLLL OO T H B II V fl GOO . I I 4 ' . I S i We Invite public Inspection, and we are at all. times ready to give quotation oi pruxw. jikij mAnt rtiiAn la anin hi our nouse IS Wimuiwu ui as represented, and In price less than can be ejsewnere. . we continue AT n CLCE FL ?.. d. ROGKH3WAREBo6m&, Nkxt TO PObTOITICm. : t i i APELdStlTS ii h nhuiM Oio.n ariT other house, as we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be ing tbe best In tbe marke'. We present this season to the eoasumera Qq4 line of Including tbe best makes in the country. There n mmKo fnmtri MMtr-stnek a -eomolete line of fine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and anyklnd of GenttemeTiB Furnishing 'Goods. iJkni't -purchase My Slock Is very Lar.'. and embraces a Full Une of before ydb examine our siocay as tne eneapesk Can be had at PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROO t.t.t 5i:. ....t. -W VlTTFlf AN A CO.A: '1 Corner Trtde and Tryon Ste., April Charlotte. N. C. TEACHERS & 8TUDERT ;50 a juooth during jmtm m MiwHat.M bosoasna wiucn she chesses fief:i -SSW pmher story : .aAdrlMMRltt jJkfiotehl; abriut; telling fB(9tdlefdx&gs,te. ;Tbe wAntinto the htsriol the maUer. The Btat irried ti&-&iing by a few wit- nesje&ana mepescea lis Tse. def eJ3ftbe set upXJae seduction ox tne wife and ,bef at4u$tiQii as the cause of rnannertnatifiuiflKmaAaa iPee cnrai-aalfY-intitiftate "ittUejwifeind that he 'fiadtiatken trMni a haet from her home to a pubce house, -t The State re-butted-by try if to prove that there was no-bdtlcfckBj btsaaseshe went willing- isitdithis liouseMth him, and remained "wifh-him frott -SturdAyjoiflit Until Mftistew.l?S! thewr was no weclio-biSflpeR re- TfeateuiF iniiuiai.Br wiui iukix jjciuits sue 'etev-,1i'Bmev. There were wit nHiS;HnnHwu,ui!Ui uier uou dccii her at lewd IbaEkktancine aha smoking clothes, anrf irfticrfilsthat eiDosed hery mrt.5Sfl.iiX. At-F4V ti 1 , perauu. iwujucirbwuio tuj ufc taken ner on to snecemecery ana oxner secluded placesyas4iB4-spen1;fiour witn ner atone, r vue swore juai no vis ited her clandestinely In hWi, husband's absence, and that he was forced once to Teave"tKe houO-raYJffarrthat he left bis arafci fptX panafcercmei. vv nen xnese men. were as&ea wnemer uiey uau ever had criminal intercourse with her, they shielded themselves behind tti& right to refuse to answer any questions that would criminate themselves,',. This was considered eauivalent to an admission. Th& developmentsJ made by the State as to the character ot the-wue eviaemiy astonished the defensei -.,;Mrs. Bill's fat.heT swore in a straightforward manner , that hf , ,'iad eiVen bis daughter a careful training, and that she was pure as itarr tas ne couia Moonlight evenings, it is claimed, are the best lor love, Dut, says tne irmiaaeipnia vhot jji: aid, they entirely spoil the business of the chicken tuiet. . Stillwator Titmherman: If the man Who gave no h miatsUrn th lAd auarter ha was saving -to put in the contribution box Sunday wHL caltwe will cnejenuuy jmow mm w recuty uut crr , i fhnnlncrlcal student named Dodee dodged the a i i ii .v. An. lMiMAtnn tA railroaa ana roue tui mo mo iimiu i , . , , , . Jersey City on a bicycle. He made the first twenty know. He excited a great dool Of sym- miles In two hoars, and a half-, ibut-topk the rest of th' JoiSmey inert ielsulyf " hnthe bicycle was urea A young lady in town well connected, In her talk was very affected. For neither she' always said nither; And one day at tne aenost s, Before her tooth was ejected. She said she believed she'd take "lther." n , TfQ ?rWt0 Leader- A HUSBABD'S VENGEANCE. 1 1 GEORGIA'S DRAMATIC MURDER TRIAL Why IVIr. SauMnel Ktll Invoked f Mtr. jhn Simmons and Shot Him - Down as a Dog- Philadelphia, Pa. address J. C. McCU&D! OFTICE FURNITDRK All floods Packed Tree of Charge! lie for large. Catalogue of DEAR ROTHES, SHOT GUNS, RKVOLtZBS. . . n ' i ir Wna Dltfahns To l AQaress wre nmcni au vim, blnktion of Atlanta. Ga June 12. The ease of Sam HilL for the murder of John Sim mons, was put to trial to-day. The facts in this case are these : Sam .Hill, a dealer in fish and ice, married a beau tiful young girl named Cora Spence. It is said that Hill shortly afterward be came dissipated and led a rather loose life, and that there was trouble between mm ana ms wiie. xms iuis -aa iu uiay, tbe first thing the public knew was that Hill had killed John Slininons, one of the most popular young men in the city, and had alleged as ms reason mac Sim mons had seduced his wife. The killing was dramatic and startling. Hill aid p4kow;th& nan:by sight that he wanted to Kill, out naa to inquire wnicn he was. As soon as he had spotted his man, he walked up to him and said, "Now, you son of a b h." . As Simmons turned hastily, he was met by a pistol, and a ball went crashing , through his brain. As he fell he said, "I have, been shot for nothing." Hill says that Sim mons had seduced his wife from him, and had once abducted her and carried her to a house of ill-fame. -He says that kSmmnrta fi-inl t atU iire "her hv TkersuAf Usinpresit)4atii4 was her hiutn band's tnend, and tnat, iaiung m iius, he inveigled her to a house of ill-fame, and there drugged her and ruined hen After Hill had returned from a trip, he found bis wife gone, and a note pinned, to the door saying that she bad left bun; and gone to Philadelphia. Heaifl noti believe this, and went to searenmg tor her. He, traced her to the house where: she saVSrshe was ruined, and found that HhAkad lefL . He, finally found her in tadtWdisrBp-Jtablft bouse, As he en tered the house, slie threw her arms around his neck, and he tooK ner nome, UUng MJ Him, IBiUUK mm man oimiuuuo hud Reduced her. Hill claims that he then began to hunt Simmons, but in the meantime moved his Svife into the nmintrv. He savs that Simmons wrote her a note while she was out there, and.; note, and then went to hunt Simmons,. He says there were so many oumy" in town that it was hard to get the right one, but tnat ne rouno mm w vv, at onee snot; mm own, pathy.r; Hill isfvetf much excited; and once rose in an aefessive manner, and demanded of the Judge that; fie let the trial proceed, as it was worrying him out. Tbe most encouraging thing aDour the defence was that Simmons had been repeatedly warned about Hill, and that he always said he proposed to rim Mrs. Hill as long as he wanted to,? ana xnai he would be heeled for Hill whenever he"f'0The girl's father desenSed oSeolisly 13s and Hill's search for the wifftAll night alter sne naa leir, .her husband's house.; . The court-house is packed. :. .; THE TESTOIOKT CO"SreLTJI)EI. ;! Att ivti Tnna 1 A it 1l trie ovi1erire iri the HillTSimmons cd'waS conclud ed this . evening and the e&tttt' adjourn ed to Monaayt i j - s ? - CONVICTS SHOT DOWN. BOCKRISS CHKAPXR THAN KVBR. choice Aromatlcs iBrandr r KBW GOODS ! :f : t NXW RATUBES m m-mM m W m JaM Alb A l H'.I.l a. The only eombli the was no seduction at all. They say-tnai; Frencii iJiuUalcat linger wltb 1 linH er th nama-ofc. Effle .EUieildge th6 young y(4 M MttwhiM - lYvmnuirrv.. Zl imnara H'lfUllinnaTT. WlUlfc I that he met her bv iiccident rrBersay jS fStnSr SiiSrwU of Benrftrter-a (D- Tieeountr) ; ,t s 1 Biywnti j V. 4- sin a niorrit i' ' r..r i t ri m I. riH whx in a lcsuiuiauv ww tone ana acnviwiaiiwiH-tt-rf-.i 0h t,vt-jj!itaeh ana Doweis, spa wkuu i vviicii a uuu aiy- " VZS.' r: Itoe 5ners oi cn w "ff-liiBifieiaiw oanoesjgi w. -,viryretJopa;iw T rHria in the hank room, and Droi ., ask FOR -fBimiicilsoi tir!vwrt'-allaJ1MlM Jt i . oiri deafrihincr her as a great beaUtt, Sanford's Jamaica Qlmh SfMlai?,! ; . . I AAAi M7 iMVrrra- , TV L ,,, .jitoh XTfaSiSfiircJ catcdw Und that she went willingly -r "' . T-fc-r a rrrT7"r vnrinna nlaces of oublic reSOTu iUKU U D lljiVJW A JCUXV si aalmhatf tem waj5to'eductJor r Also a fine lotof HaI jioro ItotS All nodi denverea in uw env nwi!ii. . . Al A. Jl. 01 WWW 'IMMW s'V WTinmia . .. t Rtuinfiuon. ana mat Lui,i3wm ws IsfwUttoeorwftMaoi SmlLSrll itnr he eVer ktiew her. A: DMlVV . i , ' tab iiM Slack.') ii 'JLi.ni.', ati'kh tlf T?m Baarzeotse and Hlnloa type 14 stand. maoet t prU5e25eenta. Ol b!WJliit ; not dbvrded because iu loriger m iorp,svr i Vn- mnw unA hiiTin Mines, uwos rwawiimiyirKrgr.Tr'ri . irhnU w hutMU became neeeuarf to use ajaBn i , w (stT iiidi wAwnviJCi;wPr.';' "Mr years to eome. ununim nit nMK . Caark)H. . : Advei and will eost, an ! -iqqA Ja haads Cor sale. vT 2 THftS. '! v TwLiripnnrrT nn.. ...Twtw in thta itv (mown as the 'lATMiBeej ThUTan- ne rTu eon vronuTlo and has All toe latest Improved maehlnery. -Bark and bides low and In abondanos. ,( orAleianaer.AhenMcBfe.c. Maydth, 879Uw8naVwoiB ' 1 irrhf iiJJ? . ---- IMFBOyXD ,. . .- JCTITPROPRTT FOE RAtl. ! iiii l)B at GROCEKIjI We make speelaltles of KJdrti,' Floor. AW nerlott dMftti to purchase a watt Ym Jinia Soliott Mrespondeno Otv Lot. HmuM with nine rooms, and moaern.wu- i oiio iiahin to bur or sell. ?enie,is, fine weU of water, brlAkheu j jtfull?. fcf.XW nve minutes want oi uw puuuo 4u-r:j -r i 4:'I iu sia',wj' . i'''Tg.;'!8'wa i i . . f jft in niiivjivi' J SlmmdHs1 frrehoHJlahn that there as he. aSwritTnTOntol JsmX number ofwitiifw werentro- Dragglst;4 nrniui irriiii . i.-.m bmt nmMuj.minji miw l '.Ml I hill nuui,uci I wih i .ii irf avrrtrittxvr rotefttfnff the virtue or, nnnnr or ms wiic. tt uiio mo w w uuv vcvi"vj - when done in ine.suqaen ais-, wiu noc exc ssDrfiToiTO cr-jamr 'iMiNiNO 'ANU DOOQttrjDiiicv convict HW If can oe p.royeqTnao v"."" ""'iL lKiromnnarfiiiiiirscjeaanis wue usuay. kttltteifltiade on 4hi character!f MVrAirf'fthWlfi! Vetr beautiful, and fTClIttiftSi to eau a ;Pb' - . . , I sftsoiun sidffa ftthost?wertby mtrnKand the girj. nao tf i'wwifTiiTvily" She waa a iimorS' 3! tfe iWM?iii ;a;J L .lu, 3; ii ; ,;t '' ' r. io -':'! ;.;: , OF ; . i'en .: J;iil iij; J.i v3nV"i'l-'' Oi' ' -i - i Sl3 Uu tilJ ijl ! i- 3- u v. ;-j. ini ;ntK,-iti '-; . .. . i;;r:J: vi?J. 'k ' .. : ; : .h'-: ... . : .... ., . , ... ; M M . l . . 1 ON MONPAY, 16th INSTANT, We will make a clearing sale of a large lot of Fine bress Shirts worth .00 last season, now to be closed ,out at ONE DOLLAR. They are of. New York Mills Mnallri, and IJtoen 00 fmbiit from nrualln bas become aUttle yellow, though in no way injuring the perfection of the Shirt) Uok w have: adopted exelastvelj the! ng Patent Sleeve Adjustable Shirt, and for tMs reason propose closing out our former Une at a Mcrlflce. It is the ofce grand opportuiiHyortheseasoiior , ,, JunelS. .. . . . ;' Resnectnuiy, , .;; ;., .. x- w,u y p nv. ' iiidu "i j: Jsif MStlOniTOS ! JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF M O SQ HIT O N ETT I N G , IN PINK, WHITE AND BLUE. -O- -ALSO A LINE OF- CANOP IE o -ALSO VARIOUS SHADES OF LACES FOR TRIMMING OF BUNTINGS. Also a new lot of Ladles' Hats. o A Beautiful Assortment of LADIES' WHITE AND BLACK LACE SCARFS, Black andGoto&t:'SiHc Miti'&Triniesi-Bretonne and Torchon Laces, . .' J ' - ' Kid Gloves in every shade and variety of Prices.' Linen and Cotton Lawns iit white and figured. . ; iA Splendid: Assortment in all kinds of Dress Goods. Another Lot of the most Fashionable Millinery has been - Added to this Department. LOW PRICES AND SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT WITTKOWSKr & BARUCH'S. An Attempt at Escape Foiled by the Killing of Four ' prisoners and the , i. sWmnding;pf Four Others. Raleigh Observer; 14th. A iaree number of prisoners are em ployed m the work of instructing the Cape Fear Md Yadkiri Valley RRiTway ; on that portion of the line between the Gulf in Chatham county and GreenS-1 boro. These convicts arefoirioirven ence " divided into' gangs and are all guarded by men' well armed with the furnished bv the State. At the conclu sion of each day's labor the prisoners are marched to some ' place near Dy, where they; are put m sheds or camps and guarded. . A PRECONCETVED PLAN. The guards suspected the attempt at escape, and &. fiI .supply of the best ams' aiw'ammahiuott' was" sent up to this road not ing-since:1'45 The convicts seem to havei hail aa.idea, despite the hnmeroilS ' terrible 'ejteneiices to the cofttrary,HhU?ttaktog rush they . could eetiaway froi- thB.guards. These last wet-unasUaUwieilaut. and erepreptreo!'afrall;rlnet account ;e i-aajivp$tMHiffyi if suuuiu. make" an attempt at: escape.' One of these canes is now stationed; at a point about i where, rthe ilwaorusses the Moore county Une. Among tue prison ers comfkosing it was A DESPERATE CnARCfrER by the name Of Huntly. This man hist year committed tne crime or norsc- stealinir atWadesboro.and fled towards this'! cityt 4He was pursued here and contrnweti b!s nrent to vreene couniy. irhtt-Hewas im- jiumuahiny mumi vw.. vm-,h aueswiu, ana, oouri JDeingseraion. was; speeaiiy tried for the off ettcei Goto. ticted and sent :to the penitentiary . He was coflsidei-ed a aesperace man; anu siuue ue naa ueen in the gang' or prisoners nas oeen ine master spirit m f ue plans tor escapes A HUky, A if V v xu lUE-A , The ieahe each niffht . had' to march some;:distance aiong a , roan; to meir cam'b. On TtfMaT.eveninsr. at the close of work, thev were being carried there ftntr-wnen ararm nouse was reacnea. ten -men or tne gang, leo oy unnuy, mane a snarn un.su riifiiL Liiruuiru liiu yard, rThe guards were not' taken "by- S9tjsrj'and . nt' an instant ' .. jii ssoli Jilsi i TEN- "LBTEtED RIFLES vaimtid leaden death ambni the flvinc idea, i fEghtdropped at the najsh; Two sc&mxm pems xoucnpa py : a secpnu which,, instanuy rouowea tne ursc Dashing forward, the goarda found lilllON IN & itj. Our $12.E0 English Tweed Suit sells now fcr $10. Our $18 and $20 French ftnd, English Casslmere Sack Our $7.60 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. I'rock Suits jftsil pa at one uniform prioe, $16 5U Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re- doeed prtees. . . .' . . rjnlaundried shirts for 50 cents. The very best made In the United States for $1.00. Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, anil all goods In proportion, Call and see tefm.Wtng eiaivbei, aslreare the rulers of low prices.. . . Respectfully, June 1, 1879. L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. O Via Steamers to Poftsiioutb, Ya; afnibe all lSail! and hrougli'Cars-' Ehablittg Qnick- ,.iir :vi m? A n "n.!-i.;:c:it . J diuv.'- w.iki 'A"- ;.r 1 est jrossiuie xime to an atohilh ouuui aim puuiuwcsu , . .... NO DRAT AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM, INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via SeatoardAlr-Llne. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bllla of Lading Issued at' Steamsnp 'wharveg or offi ces .of the Une. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, Sc., apply to either of the undersigned. . ; V ' , , v ; K.'&:PnrCHlSouth Western-Affent.;-? ;-..i: T.T. SMITHS Agent C, C. Railway; , ?. ... V (Dharlotte, N. April 30 d5m. F. WTCLARK, General Freigl r.c. '"IT TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. Ars ilh iftnnvicts ru&netLithrouff viard therBleoble of the faroi houBe were At theirocationsAjff ohlakwas'stoopr; mg, milking, a op une of itne gang toward BeTraf ust as-he rettched. a point only a few feet , away, a bnUt; pierced histiram und W - M-SitA Mm wt-t JEatnted'' from fright; but was nnt hai-med. , The other convicts OLXue gang nuiue uu ateutpv f,vuv,iim,i it was only uiei m-ratea ten wno: tooK Rar in tlleJo7)an;:h';.; , . Washington,' June iSi-fWhen ..the. -hniir for commencement of the1 Senate session arrived tolay the ; members of caa,?andwt;ailngie Senator i was pres ent in the chamber excent the President IfVfcndrXi (Judge! Thxtnan,) who neyerineiess comiiianueu wieuw ui a :1A,J'0 i-fd f hitBTOTirtif tviret?witii' lonB'andCDnr tTi of this travBi. and Tne cnapiam oner rr1 i" , ...tJl Ktith him jrrtftaBtlvit Tha.s most lunnn t!hvdellberationa of this ' boqy" wMr ransa eioe .looked Lfa?MwF; nm WM am nrMWUftm.anfl.lD FIL t. ;U T iii-iai wilier. n -M ' ' :A; J J ir-i.Wl A"-hfl ; UMQl I ATI T. fully reluna Jwmmvi "S'ZJL SrvT a iT-trt-4 101 Wften, WHfe-WWjAwtT 6 wrTl 2rfc3; found as represented, A go swbk oi 1 ti-.iJ,OTi-hr t haracteK ? Overdone I Trni tfinYnom.- irlancinff at i the empty l -4 WTftrfid nd;fiftv wttressesi nave peen 1 seatSkmadA. a: novel . variation- in wie ' maw4' ir--ATT-rri rnn mncri i'M intense iniiflvestr PflltfMwfi -If th fiiKimAM .-aroAt vftrv nQiHilar. ana naa a hnsfrtif eiida! trho mourn his death, a -Jfnm. mji His family is 'one of the best in Ge&lZnxfc ewBiirlfj Mavor JlilliiBIdUnauanooga, ta u urututjr 1 ivbavvu. .hckw ssm', .tjWwK 1 .f - r3 customaty ,f oTmula; .to adapt i it to the wibiia topinioaa iecasiom and said; t; f The Jaenapor from v. j - ' 1 . . -r r .- .... .. . a. j ja i r etiaracter is bus. Georgia WiHnRr', ometom-der.and the secretary ' wttl read the ; journal of ; iyestey.'Hpiocee61mgst" ' ;j ?Jf'. ,ce rid. R: PIANOS! " u js-. 3: ttf. . . .... S'lrJ (Vlerchand S4;lfj H Q.TiBi ! , r, . J. 1 fl?T-j;: 2Q I . - . . L 1MPORTEBS OF ALL MTTGTn A T I HRP.ANS ! ise. ;! ' V' ' VIOLINS, g ..31 . i SONVId kANJOS ACCOItDEONS ! -irr Tlmma Rnrul TAatrimimu. - i QTTT?T?'T f TTRTP. f , - ie.; Ac.. Ac.' 1 I nfc t ' ' ' - -'i o dialxioo auTaT WHOLESALE steWi4 . -uwidoi I 1 I y 11 ,1 I (i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lMl-C- fil l l; .lrm I. t "1 u 1- fO1! 3st 1 II AMD -. v v,RETAIL, f .. .! . fjP: i v-.irjf f! - ii- tf3 3 el:;38 OilJ L giS W y y .O s. 5 w O K O ; no f ?Ji;a oC inifl :9ig,m .n ' "" if y I o 1 a tuys 5?f8? .in 1 1 1 . 1 ij m I I ) j " ir- i"SJi 'J: SKI l!S' i.offl-ino4id7S.iTO ... i . tHS ms Ji. i2'iuiinnolHu commodateil by applying at f ikTBH pmO J ; May 8. V Trde Street, CJjrtoe, ueeiB