it .X5 9 crier. a.CBAVfc. JMEg, ifrfctttoryand Ifrdprieior ms $u Mpre jtjijj Noting Mniplestbat fetter our 5 s'to&nilJ,-rv- ' TOESpiAY, JUNE 17.1879. r - Everybody thought a, week or two ago, tliat he could seethf resultjof tbej . deadlock at Washington, js qw, ie w profess to know what the upshot will berand fewer still do know. The ad journment, which has been fixed by the Congressmen and the wise-acres for nna Ant a after another, is not even in sight- The 101 draidedf tioon ,hdav,ftrat sderonly pasi' and! the17th, the fecotdjday fitfi h4 dajvnel a&d J5on;es ii still in session and likely so to be for some time to come. If the 1st of July catch es it at Washington the fact need sur prise no one. This is all right of itse: n It Congress wants to keep in contfri ous session we suppose it is nobody's business but its own, and yet we do want to know what is to be done about the appropriation bills. Next to know ing what will be done withtthem theJ next most interesting thing is knowing what has been done in other words ' knowing the present states of affairs. ' Xest some of our readers may have be come confused by the devious windings of some of the bills in dispute, we print Jllitdi93S concise statement of the present positionof all of them, copying from the last Issue of the Washington ' - X . .2 ft" f'.i V Sunday vazeite: r, y f" v Tt 3 The week closed as follows : - AX. three of the appropriation bills have been passed by the House, each in the form determined upon-by the Demo crate. .The legislative bilL passed .by. the Senate with some i anieddmenti which rhave sent it back to the'Hofise will not reach 'Hayes before Tuesday. The army bill is in Senate committee, and the judicial is pending in the Sen ate and is vigorouslyiopposed by the "stalwarts." Debate may be protracted some days. Hayes may sign .twq of these bills. It is asserted positively by Garfield and other prominent Radicals that Rutherford will veto the judicial bill. It is an unsettled problem what will happen if he does. A member from Mamachjigfitta savs he was assured ves-- teriiy by si ifroraiheht .Democrat that: li it is vetoeu, a new urn wiuiout re strictions of any sort will be passed with the aid of the Democratic Votes. Per contra Judge Buckner, who is so con servative that lie has been accounted weak-kneed, said last night that no Democrat will get a chance po vote jpn such a bill, ana lie don't believe any Democrat wants to. He was opposed to adjourning without making appro priations, but holds that the House must maintain its right to say how money appropriated shall be spent. He is willing to stay here all summer to maintain that right, and thinks the par ity Is unanimous on that point. ThiwVJo things "present 'ffiiemselve'saT the presents Unae. , There is hardly any gessilgfwlialt'- the President willld Withereiied to wny of the bflli Broni whatwe have been able to gather from the sources most credible, we in dine to the opinion that if he vetoes the amended army bill, the Democrats will remodel it to meet his views and then pass it again. This we believe to be their duty in the premises. In the other cases, if he vetoes the legislative, executive and judical, and the judicial expenses bills, the likelihood seems to be that the Democrats will make an ef fort to adjourn without parleying with him any farther. Some of them will -oppose-this-policy, and- these, with the Republicans and GreenbackerSj.mayjJe- ieat it, but tms seems at presenj w b4Jeniieirrrf8iher nnrl Enstiifn- ct the policy of the majoritv'f fem5TTiaTigftnds,fA.supp crats. WhaterTBTNimty 15&their howapOTir th wcv tatleriSi Ho eawnobpoBlnthat theyr.w adfcun fthont voting aft needed sup- tyhte td-the armyr .They cgnld to feomCT ugi ce-iuuuv-fTt;siueni ues laiMB up on himself he 'responsibility for main-' tainining tbJL&gisltive, executive ajidj judicial departments, but it would not be good policy; in th; Democratic party to have even ih4appearance of having an agency In crippling the effectiveness of the army, ' ShebmanjGixixo 'Albivsfien WmiaarTecumseh JShermah hasTwfl advising the young men of the South to i keep out of politics. sOh,yesJ,CBrtahily. Gen. Sherman's idea is, that the darkies ought to run the politics of the South : the white people, that of theorth, and theJlepublicans that of the whole coun try. The South would have been in a fiiee pickle to-day if its young men had kept out of politics since the war. And by the way, since we come to think of it, if GenTSherman can get along wTED Ota gift37rttmegnth nnv,adrice. the t iCouth ill by io 1hf! mailumVhiU to know whether it will be proper and expedient for it. to withdraw from noli tics, it . wflKieki chteti ! trori s4me other source. It is represented that there is no man In the United States Senate who has theHMUna talent for clearing the galle rierns Mr. MoiTilUof yermant hen he rises to speak te'ple iAcotitHienU lyflee. The newspapers relate that a Teptoteff going up tbtepsof the cap iolJew days agoTmet grtat crowd pwppTe comirfg i fdwn. jani eposting f riend$skedluinlJ(! jrijr speak 3ngTlTbiWcelebratM ntAtw capacities f CEe teroit Seifatottihedlrection ; 1 2 ' X)hp oompleGon jtffj Ue.workt New rtaington; .Ctriistthai4ntex cellwit city ni'yreallze toSmtltlall the : Deueuis ujat .naYf KYvegn expected rliierMUoiaJ Ut! Uatl la Loadon 7NDOK, Junel5.ln thecontest for rth4ong diaUnet bamplansblpxjf the -world belt, fcegtti Utgricultn- ralHall this morning, the sceres at 9 .. a. m. weire: Brown 68 miles. Weston 63, gnnis 45. and Harding -L2H. Harding off the track and believed to be play- urer has received his new bonds for fund. 0 ing the recognized debt of this State. It7a Imnnrtant for all holding these : lxnds tarpresetni theHtothe State $rpas ' mer for redemption at 'as' early a day . ps possioie, tne ume oeing uuiiveu. ; COTTOff AT HTE2PO0L Views of trdi & Co.on : Prostoecf ohtUjfirket. fft 'M Thfl following view oi me prospects of cotton at .Liverpool is irom umj monthly circular of Smith, Edwards & Co, of that port i " - In considering the prospects oi pur ( market, tjtfe ter$at rise that has already occurred is ine cuiei puim w uo w into HCCouilL JTIIWUS' nix ijijuj i hiabor than tha averaee oi J anuar Febrriary and March,imd 2OverGie lowest point torched tmDecember. i A rise of price is the natural way of solving the difficulty of a short supply. ana ine question is ua w uccu sufficient? $4 far as can be seen on the fiiirffiit is somewhat doubtful wheth er it has been. There has been no check to consumption so far, ana tne aencit in the visiMe supply for-the. world is still m000S)al4s?as;!onft)aed itlast vear. aatf 960iW0 Walls. twrjpafed fwith compared with last year, but the reduc tion is partly owing to large shipments of Bengals, and this cotton is of little use inrtakinfif ithft-plaeft, oi?; American. fine Sdefifclt in the fcuppW .MAnencan tlor-WssthahDO,TOO WHaifti consid ering the great scarcity tnat occurred last autumn in spite of the continued depression of trade, Jhe large failures and tne extensive stoppage oi uiauum ery, it is difficult to see-tow we can get wiiiesnreiiu swjuuiiiic ui iwiua aiiu Dwin dles. No doubt the invisible stocK or cotton in the world is larger tnan last veat. Drobablv much larger in America, Where spinners have taken to date near ly bales more, than last season. and also much larger in Russia: but from neither of these quarters is any mitnti likelVto come to us. We doubt IvTiemruroirirsp the Continent, excluding Russia, ,U.oia nincu inoru mum itusb yoai. vl" v splnfiers were xtjpipejy bare at the end of last vear. Since then they have taken nearly 54,000 bales per weeK. At tne very low estimate oi 50,000 bales consumption per week, they will .thus have added oaiesto their stock ; but if the consumption has averaged 52,000 bales per week; ail some think, this surplus will be onlv 40,000 to 50,000 bales over what they held on January . 1st, and probably is no more than what they held last year at this time. However we look at the matter, it Apmn r fir t aid tl4t an e-JccessiveScarci-f ly has to be faced, and th present scale ot consumption must De reaucea Dy iu or 15 per cent for the next six months. Tne supply iortne uoniinenc (leaving Russu out pf account) threatens to be soon is about to break at Bombay, there are no reserves to draw irom whereby this' deficiency may be effectually re lieved. Under these circumstances, the early maturing of the next American crop will be or 1 urgent importance, and it is unfortunate that owing to si late spring it is reported to be a lortnigut oemnd last yearj which, it will be remembered, was a very eariy ona i ue area pianiea is penerallv thouerht to be about 5 uer cent, larger than last, and, barring the lateness; the accounts are favorable. It must be remembered, however, that last season was very favorable; and "BeariHgthlS tnlEtoavwe doubtrvvh ether estimates tor the next crop will run alve & to 5 .millions. ;- There ,seth0refore little prospect ibf art abundant supply of cottoti in the more distant future, and the weather for growing will be watched intently this summer, and any untoward event will quickly stir up speculation. booking 'broadly Ht the state of the case, it seems that nothing but Jntenso and prolonged depression at Manches ter can keep the market tinder 7d till next crop arrives. That depression may be accelerated if the Americans push on the mailce t large quantities of next crop at below the price of the spot, as they have been doing lately. Such a state of things operates as a great clog to business in goods fordistant markets, for the merchant knows that he will not be quit of the operation till the clieaper cotton has lowered the price at honjA.-On -the other hanttue rising Mclrw tesrardr aa tnevltable, : and which jRlOTewiltgnfficientiy check the vonsumpHon of cotfoTrr N . , OBBBFXKEWS ITEMS. j, -Full reixnts show that at the election of jCjrQuitndges in Illinois, on Monday, the Spaiuist 2CvBepHblJins iwl :18 Pmocifaiiosenr"-iJut they did noaltTuu4J)attisuitticket& ;.Two41iicil60l3?rofiiMrtheRev. AK-i juiv a. 4MU1UU, a xiapiusv uiiiiuier, nave beenrseizedvreeu ftcrents in'. JalK Uon county; Ata. Tflie reverend gentief j. uiuu vofhjq-. uavuir UllUSCli. uy xuiK, uiia ueutiiecteu io T)reDare the report for the minorityif the judiciary ilt.Vrili be submitted nbef ore adiourn- &:(JIllIIllLLn 1111 l.IIH IirHKlflRllT.ini VOTADQ Jiient. -. t : Six steamships which sailed from New York for Europe last week carried out over 500 cabin, and a large number of steerage passengers. Five steamships were to have sailed from the same port aiuruay, carrying iuii passenger lists. Alr.Wm. E. Chandler has issued athir. Jy-twopage pamphlet against Hon. Bain bnde Wadleigh; with the view of pre- wmpsnire, mwenuges itlWadlei with being a tool for certain cornoi important votes. senator Hpmpton says he is opnosed U the1 Warner silver bl wabdi wMvote against it should it come to a vote in the Senate, He claims to be a consis tent hard-money man, and perfectly willing to-have a bi-metallic currennv wueuevera proper ratio Dei ween gold aim suver can De estaDiisned A Yt lAnu A Mmlter ff interest to dgninte and mariner thai Hsi SrTOrach'Jfttefylj K medicinal safeeuard against unhealthful influenceaiTtponFhtoef- ean impuolty rely, since it prevents 1 arpinlKtftblllpMt?Wato' 3,1. sustohieaorlinwholeiome diet, bad wateVf conditions Rn(aorabJe to health,5 would otherv-s produce . ollosg voyages) or Journeys bya?. l !i latitudes adjacent to the equBtorri1t Is esbed asM tf fevenlMe of the,4abille. corrtr' ) and'dlsordenTof ter stomacbi 1. t arSf. r,, MptkareAPttoattaek wWfavJ''"'-! zones sojourning or traveling in spch regid). ,, fir.J Is arl excelleiit protectlbn against the Jnflfcr- of extreme cold, sudden changes sf? temperate:, posure to damp oT extreme fattguaIt-ftot '01 .Is. prevents. intermittent and lemfttantlever. fthd cli r disease of a mbtoftat type, kAiteradlcates theml a fat which, has been notortoJv rs past North and South America, Mexico, rheWe"s dies, Australia and other countries. Ease AtutasUe by lk Rkeassatlc Yes, yithougii -hey may aesparr of relief, It U attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys -important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which patbologtsta the most eminent attribute tbe painful symr om4-a . y ot pletlf orie C' py arlfli ary & ala&i f j t ar . pf this rad VPWent t smtUMM9ai;a ptvixuuMMH UKewuM tmutuwwu as a remedy for oonsdpation. which causer contanina- tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief brw ilft. ieypr and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, maps, the finast tonia ttant sad Is hlgMr rscomniehded as m4(otnaV 4 sOmulant bynlsnnealBheq Physicians and analysts wno pronounoe it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorseslt. v TTERDAY- LLA I If ' iff- IV TIL ; JOr.ifc BILL I r , R1I.IT New Bills in the House The Number During the Session. Washington, Ju 16. Senate. The Senate ftook iip by Mel cFhersouto ai amen 1793 td enrol gaged in the coasting trade and eries. iur avis, of West Virginia, from the ftnimmitteft on annronriat.ions. statrtl that in consideration of the preserit!f state oi Dusmess neiore tne senate xne committee were unable to concur iri thls1 House joint resolution, fixing to-moirpfw 1 as the day of adjournment. They hoped to be able to report this resolution SObnf'f and ax aa early dayio&adjournment. Tl s uppsme&al judicial approptia- tioui being b&orej&e senate, Dawes opposed was. themosternicious of) the DeniocrafticJmeasuresS and tending; to shake the confidence of all justiceiavn mg peopie in our juaiciai system. i s;- Hill, of lieorgia, believed that Hie in tent of the existing law was good, and if it were properly administered nanew legislation would be necessary. j Bu: Federal judges depart from State meth ods, and under the rules of their, court introduce politics into the jury system;;- He regretted the necessity ot recogniZrit ing political diflerences in this bilh put the disgrace rested upon those who hrst brought them into the jury system .not upon the supporters of this bill, "which! would partially remedy an established, evil. ' ' ; :- - CJonklrng thought the proper-fcure f or. the abuses mentioned was. to rescind. tiiQ present law; not to pass.,.. new? onji. which does not pretend to abolish the evil. 1 Hill repliea that he" telievedthe wracr ticaji egejt of the bill would be to com-!! peLatejsii to the State system. : . 4W4tgQif pain no cubciiouicu a ucijci, that a radical reform was required la. the Federal jury laws. If the court was satisfied with the action of its officers, there w as no recourse. The courts con sist not alone ot judges but of judges: pa jmi?a ujgeuiHr -ie juoge is ap pointed under a -well defined law. and the independent factor, tbe jury, should be selected under law-s as carefully; out lined not by the ungoverned choice of, a marshal. In 1862 the government thought it necessary to introduce politics into the qualifications: of Federal jurors. Leaving the ?jques-. tion, whether that was right or necessa- S' at the time, a general amnesty , has. noe gone out for all political crimes, and there seems to be no reason for. makingTthe jury box the only place whereipolitical pfeabjilJtyis ,to be per petuated. On motion of Wallace, the words "ex cept as provided for in section 3132, of the Revised Statutes" were inserted af ter the clause prohibiting the incurment of liability for future iiavment. (so- tioh 3732 ''alldws incurment bv the; war ana navy department ror necessary r ex-. pense). uat ot . tne clause "but nothing herein con tained shall be construed to prevent any judge in a district in which such is now the practice from ordering the names of jurors to be drawn from boxes used by the State authorities. " Mr. Hill, of Georgia, moved to strike out tbe words Min which such is now the practtcSTlo atOTiraketne provis ions universal. Wallaee 6p$ise4 thl amendment. It would ; destror the lAiiformity sought bf thebHU -. f (jarpenter said pe vrould vote for the amendment. He would at the proper time like to unite with the lawyers of the Senate in framing a Federal jury law ; at present there was no such thing a trial by jury in j tbe Federal courts. The trial was by the marshal ajid elerk and they could pack a jury 16 convipt or acquit as they pleased. . IJe wished the matter to go over until December. Six months more would not , make much difference and it was impossible to ma ture a good system in the hurry of the close or tne session. Hill's amendment was adopted. After further debate the bill was pass ed Dya party vote. The army appropriation biTTwas takeu up and the Senate adjourned house. ihe House is engaged in the introduction of bills under the call of BtMes, Atnohg"tke bUls introduced were the follQWteg;- Os. x Byewmor.W South Carolina: To reest4bli8h thje office o assistant treas liver iitCharlestoi. ; By AcklenfElani jind Gibson, of Lou- tionahconvention.torthe establishment of a judicial district for North 'Louisi ana" and for the cession of the ' military" uarracKs t xjhioii nouge to ine Kiate for edoational purposes. The tolal number of bills thus far in ixouuced. this session is 2.335. iringer.of Illinois, moved to suspend ythe roles and pass the bill prohibiting uuwiHX lH5?iierence ai ine pons. Josc by a smctTparty vote for want of two The Stsatarkr Cannot be Vrelghtta With greater trash than a violent drastic purgative. True, such a medicine relieves constipation for the time, but at the expense of great injury to the intestinal canal, which it both inflames and weak ens, thus unfitting it for performance of its proper functions. Widely different is the action of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, a tonic aperient which produces effects prompt, indeed, but never violent and convulsing. TJie purity of its botanic ingre dients, Its unobjectionable flavor, its genial in fluence upon the mind, and, .the thoroughness of Its rewdM.acjtlflnjiu;ase8,9f consipatloQ, liver complaint and dyspepsia, combine to render It a finosHeMeaiBcfflc. Wncreases both piwsm?vlih-ttd?t OQUlllzes and hv vigowto ttte Mmmi leM.SiamglTes ah un wonted relish Tor the food. A wineglass three times dally is about the average dose. : Junl7 lw r- t J TTI ess Han who Hast Succeea. In several of the large cities of this country there are a few business men who. for mvrr raiuona. have been kept constantly and familiarly before. m(cuisj ujeu wuuw (uvu uouics navcnoiai ways been sufficient to protect them from business adversity, but have repeatedly-assisted them to rise again from - conditions of jolslortune. , Among these men Horace Waters, Iong-idenOfled Vrtth the music trade, is a"xonsplcuou--examDle. Horaee .Waters ft SofiS. On MaY- Vl , tar nulmnunit. ii.r.iueir cremwra, awmg vo losses ana neavy ex- Waters believed luaore honorable to make an aa. J signment while he. could pay 100 cents on, tbe doi- c jTomlse wlth-hls credltoti- He .does not ln t a to let circumstances keet. him down, but he ' riwri up all his. property to his creditors, and 4 while Satisfying their demands, seek to retain t jmatofn whJclUie had axguired by 80 years of : .eryriwj tuiu fauxteaing. f9Qasmade arrange ments to act as asrent for a nevahh who haj7ni-ni?h: MMpttalAo doa eashbusinesa. He wlUf furnish r casn lastruments or preciselr thfl- same onaUtr "srto sold by the flrm of HorAce Waters ftSorisL Seu ng them at a great redwtloiv from former IT&l Tb those-who send their orders to him, at I X ias m 55eetrr0.t fioxoSO, he glyes a 1 -fcpes iai theiipi bfl cgeerlujly and taithnjUy e sated. aa ftat au. wjio desire--to make pup ' !e may depead-npon seowring bargains, i Its. sters nag Dusinesa experience and integrity, and J with these riLw!W,lbi,s old bnsiness friends, and ouu tnovuiivauieeitfgy ne wui assured, sold business friends, and tmtatiiv trtJjllshhlsaffaion-ft Ann basis.1 Mr. Waters nas aiso signea over nts pnvate property to be held ft t.Ht if Ui i Thousim Use it, yQff Hesitate. 1 It is adapted especially to tlfose eases'wbere the Wprab is disordered, and wlU cure anvlrreirarftritr of the "menaea." Dr. -a, Ttnwf VBirH tanii. nunj later acts like a charm in "whites," or In a sudden .hub A II I 111 II 1 . 7 . . of mind, or Uke causes, by restoring the discharge u nq lusuiuce. bo aiso ia onronie oageg fs ac. Hon U prompt and decisive, and save theeonstitu, j p j.vui iwiuuen cviis oiiu prematura aecar. Asryocrflrtgfclrlari ; 1 .fimliAllsai:;'..',: - ireaiun Tilnf t t " This is one Of the .'Iniuinitahin -:tni Hysterics of I proyiaence.'' it is araucruur to know, however, v, V that crof ua can be eaectuaQy eradicated bi tbe msf 01 nosadalis, the great Southern Bemedy.l Its reputation la world-wide, and it always cures. Junl7 lw 'v, . d sels-en nsh D -l-law, 1 r. Li mx oer ithy, sua ila'-y Amn rter, idowof tt la ) Ct , James A. G ir, c I Wau axi ir- .sjr . s I v a j.aran? J eoctr. i j. Kary Iitrcl. ceeea'1. Southern Home aad Democrat please eoy. ' - TkeBIchCsUfbrmIBuiker. When tt became known that om of the richest California bankers bad left tne Pacific Coast and transferred nlaJMse of ODeraUons to the New York ouiex. nucutujFB, mi in9 sorewa nnaoaani wafcqes his course wi: lewitn keenlfltereat o seebow m Hooks The result has em hatteailT Droved tbe wealthjr Danker saeacttr.! wider and more Dromisinir field to onenta In. be U known to nave been in ae vanl stock combinations pthafc paid .Immense, profits. By the combination jnetnoa ot persuing in stecu Messrs. xwrence ot aauMuois, r. i,, xmis orucra oi noasanas oi customers, tn different ila; InfcJ'ona fast eanltaL an operate; them (a a jnlghtTwhola dividing pronta pro rata . among shareholders every thirty days. Capital to 'any amount from sit) to $100, OOO can be used with jrmalsueeeaB In these dooU. 2o;$l00 profits i $500 .would make $6,000 or 10 per cent on the: stock daring the mooui. juessrs. ljawrence ac wrg new areolar (mailed free) gives "two unerring roles for success," and full particular, so that any one can operate in stocks, and make money. ' Stocks 'and bonds wanted; Government bond supplleoy.v Apply to Lawrenos A, Co.. Bankers. 52 ,, Excharara Place. Y -7 --- ..-.fs t-i 'jij"- ' "I'' tkaflns fi4er Dfsftwolattteat; It, Is said thai the reaiaon why 'Suaei' sought the gubfematorlal nomination was because be had not been talriv treated ilr the Eeriublicana.'.! The best mrea for chafes of all kinds la Henn's Carbolic Slw.Tfiti9ieonaie wie of ooun- im if h i u-At Time HbMKd CnstDjn, ; TS'oVthe' 6eThmT(4ied rahd tenib'tlrhe the an- nous cement la mala that, in anortianoe. with its vested rights secured by an inviolable charter, the Louisiana' State TottArv Comnanr wfit as in iU regular custotn, proceed on the Second Tuesday of next and every month to have, Ul the city of New' OsHeans. Jt regular .monthly disuahution, when liUyiuuwm do divided lairiy among me pujk Chasers of the' tickets.- The nriefr.' Two Dollars: halvesi One Dollar eaehJTFor farther information, aaarass. at pncOfji. 41 Daupmn, r. u, vox tjyz, , iwi !-.,.. For onwards of thlrfy.years Mrs. fWlnslow's Sooth- ing Synjp has been used for children.. It corrects acicuty 01 me stomacn, reuevea windcouc, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other dauses. An old and weuicnownrenjeay,;iKocper ootue. if STRAYED OB STOL1NJ i - i : On Thursday or Friday of last week, a Newfound land dog, answering to the name of "1100118," Jet black color, with the . exoepthm of small white spot on bis breast., . A reward will be paid for his deliv ery to me. j , . M. K PEGEAM, . , , ; lstmanonamanK, June 172L Charlotte, N. C. T OST. On Saturday evening, a White Satin JLi Fan, "with spray of flowers -painted on it. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. June li-rtit . 7 ' .; 1879 1879 rjHJS FOUR REVIEWS lid) : gLACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of . The EdmbuBch Review :), The Westminster Review (Liberals The London Quarterly Kevlew (Conservative, The British iuarterly Review-tEvangeUcal), ' axd .'.. .: ; t. .. . .' ' j . BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: they -give the! irbdnals in fuu. and at about one-third the nrioa of the English editions. ' ' No.phbllcatlon? can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research) aocaraey of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep paoa jHlth modem, thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, Whether in religion, science; lit erature, or art- The ablest writers fill their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with an lntelUgenfnarratlon of the great events of the day. TXBX8 FOB 1879 (INCLUDING. P08TA6K): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum; For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 For all four Reviews, 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. 4 00 " OTUiacKwooa ana one ue view, 7 uu or RiacKwpod ana two Reviews Slack Kwoqq and three "or Blackwood and four " POSTAGE. This item of exnense. now home by the publish ers, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on tne cost to suDScriDers in lormer years. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to dubs of four or more persons. , Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, tour copies of the fouT Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS. New snbscribers (applying early) for the rear 1879 mar have, without chanra. ie, tne numbera for lh& last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may suDscnoe lor. ' Or. instead, new subscribers to anv two. three or four of the above periodicals, may have one ot the ',' Jour Reviews" lor 1878: subscribers to all five may hare two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. ' Neither nremtunis to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to ihe publishers. , No premiums given to cmbs.' " ' ' . - 1 "To seoore preminms tt will be necessary to make eariy application, as tne awes; avauaoie ror tnar purpose lsumuea. ; , . uepnntea Dy THE LIONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., , 41 RaroUy Street, New York H ARPER'fl WEEKLY. ' 1 8 7 9. LUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THS PBK8& The Wim.T nanabu csaOi at the he.-ul of Ulna. trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty ollts type and' wcwdcuta, Springfield Republican. ' ' Its Dlctorlal AttractlODB are superb, and embraee every variety of subject and, Artistic treatenenL uorrs ueraia. isoswn.. The wrxltis a potent agency for the dissemi nation of correct voUttcal DrinclDles. and a nower ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. .Evening jsxpress, ttocnesier. , HARPER'S PEBjdDICALS. Harper's j Harper's1 agazine, one year,. ..$ 4 00 ... ..4 00 ...4,00 .10 00 i v 7 00 moo plication. reesuy. he Three DubDoaaons. boa rear: any two. one year., v.. i.i... .1. Six subscriptlonsj one year, ..,......, Terms for large clubs furnished on ap jrostage ires w au suoscnDers in ine ui states The annual volumes of habpxh's Wksxlt. in neat cloth bmdmg.-wni be sent by express, free of expenses' (provided ihe freight does not exceed or j dollar per volume), for $7iX) each. A: complete OOt. sVUnnriainff irttsanttJtarV AriivnAa eant ATn & wwf wauvauuw nvM V rVHUUVOi SHJSjISj - UA1 eeipt-of the cash at the rate of per volume; Cloth' Cflae.3 fnrwach vorhlnm. .littahfa fnr hlrunnr win be sent by maU,- postpsidV on receipt of jtf.QO eaohu nii .tf ?; rt ., '- - tAMlMnw.a .V.U I j ' . .B ' . iBuuHuwa nhmu uo " ui povwuiao mouey order or draft, to avoid chance of lowt n- s -Newspapers are not' to copy this advertisement , wanout ue iexnresa oraer rj arner x Kmtnflrs: Addresa.,, ., . , ,;, HARDER k BROTHERST ' deeir,, , ' . . ' New. Yort33J XTOTIGEOf SEIZURE: 14 ;i , 1- ,XJi &. INTERN AT, RTirVTSNmB Collector's Office, 6th District North Carollni ' .OHMesvwe, j.u, May 38th, 1879. Seized TOF VlolftHnh of InUHiaf 'romu t on May 26th, 187:r Seven packages of whiskey, "nedbrWfl.; Selgrlst One barrel of whiskey,, owned by Wv A. Bailey. . , ' Notice is hereby given to the owner or ciaimahtt1 of the abow-desoribed property to appear before JKiXLT ;0ID(X tesvme, and make claim wtoiruj ociyre wje expiration 01 thirty days .from 9?S. S?01 01 the same wlU be forfeited to the' .1 i I'aJIoa. .... . .. . , I II.'.! I i J I 1 U1 IVWWWIi! 11 Li t FVV i.iJj j f ftR ,tiiljj - muyzo irtinaoari THE HOUSE WlFErSs i -uinx- ii.-a - . The latest and most, complete invention of the. .aay urocger s irawnsworurs luong ana smooth vera -task, of standing ver a hot. fire join toning days. . ; , r-'-.r.-.-A j i"b-jrvii This Iron heals' itselfc'aha; wiRiav IU worti to Wood mhAnmfMt 'Under 4h Oki DTOeesS in a ihmt time; to W iiothlng of,toelwaltb of those who do? j na, ana we propose w wmiiieuw-.M' - w m Mecklenburg.i Gaston and ..IJneoln eoutitlea iat once, Any one wishtog to purchase tee tight to all in other oonntles in the State .will do well to apply at once to tti "PJfJVT0 W Tne sample irons navy wriT t, Butler's hardware store. a $JWs,f agent for Mecklenburg county. ) ... May 15, 1879-d3m. , . 15 00 of r :U! . 1 1 14L.V T lAi i r V V-iJiXmYc' T.tiTKri fatiiM ButAi a&XaiBdWB wnuon xiea. xney,,-np, nave an TOaerodlblMr tw ... tecaoa without cost or necessity of Tjr Jncreases machine sewed Shoes. Also, a roil unroi uents- Wekeepohly t' l TT U i J k.l l. J Jane 8, 187&- fill t,:t UUU Mt.'i I vi l.. 'ju jtto' jeii!iT lit, 10 .--ii Hf. .'A'W.Z isflK' ;' r. t risv o- 01;r. ; .SIi t : : !- '" -ti s' : A-y..- : ,:d Wiiav just received a nice Hrte of . IV'lui'jltt is.-',;-1 h ii. v.-.'.-l; it :;:! J t ih trf'dio ii; t 1.1 !' ii ' ft: ;!V Mint -. ui A 1 -X..C) 'J. sf"U Ja4 1 !!U LADIES' BUTTON. LACE AND CONGRESS BOOTS, SLIPPEBS, NEWOETS, CHIL DREN'S PEARL SHOES. .0 Also a beautiful lot of ' GENTS' 4- NEWARK WORK," CCPSIKG. Gaitei, Oxford and Strap L 1 f At.-. ...1- . i Pi AON AND- RPJt TOE, Which we are now prepared to offer at extremeiy 1 low prices. , Thanking our .friends-for past favors, and wish ing to merit a continuance of the same by keeping the largest stock, best assorted, SELLING LOWER, And strict attention to business, with polite young men to show goods without trouble. '- 1 W. S. FORBES, Agent, Smith X Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St June 18. PEGrRAM & CO., 1st National Bank Buflding, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRANG BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags, -o !if With them you can find THE BEST STOiDll- , m CHARLOTTE. ZEIGLER BRO.?S Celebrated LadJes'; Misses and Children's Shoes ASPZCUl.Tt.; They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook'it 2 i - - 1 1 . . : low's, and otteftbest brands. Gente wQIJ therB the 'ymier, MoCullough'' & berv Canfleld, and Maes' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also , the' celebrated xppptitf1 PEGBAM SHOES j ' ' -iliiirq i.) -. j .li( :-)S ; -, i 't aaflure before baying. Orders lywe 4jdbs attentjon, ' ' , t f . , I , ' April fi, 1879.' 1, :: V 1 OFFICE OF PIEDMONT NURSERIES, I Gbkmbbobp, N, C,, May 31, 1879. f i j -j j , I propose to give, Jo irhe patrons of the Piedmont, 5 Nurseries, The benefit of the traveling agents eoromtashM on my nursery sroca conBJswng or jtuu xrees, me., and have reduced the price 50 per cent Apples and Peaches, 1st class, 8 to 6 teet; fine Improved Fruits as are grown In North Carolina, and: ready for lnBpeetioh.S Bef erenee givenr to any Nursery In Guilford county. ? ; Peaches and Apples running from the earliest to the latest varieties. Trees wul be'nacked In eood 'stronc boles or bales.- and de livered to railroad depots or repress omasa without 1 anv extra oaaree ior Doxea or aeuverr. lwuiiur- nlsh at the following low rate: Peaches- and A.D- pies In any quantity, imp Pears; Plums, Aprieota, Apples, Figs,!-Cherries,i unprovea rroic, iu eentseacn.-i neetannea, uaince,uraD Apples, Figs, Cherries,!. 83 cents.- Oraamental xrees, noses ana Flowers will be sold cheaper than can be sold by any nursery In North- Carolina cash to accompany the orders' An one not ha. iy uw ing easn may nn oui soce, 'signed VS purchaser, to be paid when tree are delivered at depot specified by purchaser. Note to. accompany trees and paid when trees- are delivered, purchasers paying, all freights ov same, j Trees will be shipped lriNo venber and. purohaseT notified when to meet them. Persons ordt wiif state plainly where to ship. Name the depuiai '.Letters of- inquiry answered cheerfully. Orders solicited and satisfaction guar anteed, mdtaordereatonce! Jo :i Jo iTer7 Pectfully'; J wear of sole 80 per cent., naro. ine onwfrm ii&na anu uumn hwip .. FIRST:SO0DS GO TO STATIONERY, 1.000 Reams Writing Paper, comprisl irenca, jjtrigintn an msh Letter.' tetter Hea. Note He DuJ s.-B6xT Paper from 10c. to So per box. BLANK BOOKS r. ; . i.ooi'- x,iihtjis o im.u -,i! n. Of eifTecripdon. u Memorandums,' Records, Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Composttton Books; Blank Note, Draft and Receipt Books, Copying Books of the best make. r.i! :niAj INKS. We have the largest stock of Ink. both writing and nnnvlniF- thnl hua snr haan tn -",, ... . v.. W.VM&UV W izdc&nr nrrn SCHOOL CRAYONS. 1 i t,.lt. - . uiJ .J-jjiiu-jl in , 200 gross Crayon Chalk Just received, and will be sold cheap. ;i ifi r:;i WRAPPING PAPER AND BAGS A full line always on hand. We, have Just re ceived a lot of Pressed Paper Batter Plates, which are used by grocers tn putting up butter- Sold at retail at 40c. per hundred. TIDDY ft BRO. RYE, GRAHAM ; " ; and ' 1 flfKAT'l AT PRATHER'S. CAKES! CAKES! Pound Sponge, Fruit, Jelly, and all kinds ot Fancy Cakes at PRATHER'S, May 22. Trade Street NOTICE ! ' We have on hand 95 of tbe Celebrated WEBSTER One, two and three horse, which we are anxious to close out, and will sell Or on time tfll November '1st,' without interest Every Wagon, warranted1 for months. Come and see them. ' RMMJER & SONS. Democrat and Home please copy. Jur aT-i U'J 0UT8 I 3R3H3A3T a. . i i. . . . , " GROCERS aaEALFn tIRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand nana : S, TUR- .CABBAGE, IRISH POTATCtES OiES,AP- . Ac. i I-,. . , Sicloafve Dealers m RAMSOUR ft BONNIWELL'S and A. L. - ' LVOBJr& vartol lsilM liUXODR. Oil .31 a r-Aiaq.i or m pi iAO CHARtOTTE HOTEL, fi50 WWi. t dwrjsv9 &i Terms, Per Day -tisreaf todbcemeffered to table board ers; f or terhis see theproprietor. . t9"OmnIbas andiCajxiasiat ptraln.1 FIELD BROTHERS. ....jpromfetori. iMt ttiS. WIMOH Z4UW.im8urjertatendents. I Pmivr Vn.wnra. i l.fc ISrA vMaiai i tTrtfeA nw i . .. ...r . .1 I iiHtfUr Ml S2.0Q mm ..MARSHALLf)w.lA -htuiii' ,SUA "5.-? E H-5 o u v utntuilSmltft . SAVANNAH, GA. a."H. LUCE. Proprietor, i ahdte.W'wcoidroitotoc' mm m si - K l ., ...... refitted sdw!ly fnrntaufet ut aw ai .w4Mtiiii . oil fsliai (h oa 1 -'fiiH JU; to tmJ tj UOOOlBiKm, kh? i S.'uii. 'Itil !? rf' .-('r ... T ' ! idJrw 4Wlt?i H--J.i ,l-tjfl. it-u.' .i'f i nanMiaoasnoes, rand cost ni than 014 TOrarJv'yiiT p ohi or hnx gPABKLINfl CATAWBA SPRINGS Long and favorably known for their anti tic ana alterative tonic waters. openednhIsff 1879. Board $2 per day. and uced r a longer time, and families. InvaUdgWni P'68 ,0f advantage of four different mineral Watp Jli'Je addition, the Turkish hot-air, vapor aT mJ baths, if desired. yaPr "a medical Springs situated 7 miles north of Hin.. the Western Nortlr Carolina Railroad 00 finest road in the State. For f uXr1nfnSIerMth address the proprietor, lnfofmation, may25 3taw su to thu 0' ELLI0TT' M WitM Sl'Rl.(;s, WETRN NORTH CAROLINA. -HEALTH AND PLEASURE RKsohT - HOTandwW unsurpassed mouutaln hi mate, unequaled scenery, and magniuZ ff" tel accommodaaons for eight hundred l,J aouauous ior eight hundred m1M. n baths, in conjunction with ciimjiti in- nu most speciac. tor .rheumatism, nei1raic7 nm0; and couat.tuQoiuU Olseases, dlsiases of the X kidneysand bladder, and malarial disorders S for descrintlve drrailnr ' nd Dr. Wm. H. HOWEBTON, Proprietor. junel lm H.J.ALSPAUGHS CHALYBEATE SPItl.Xfts LOCATED ten miles west of Taylorevllle, on tbt Lenoir road, hi Alexander county climatei, healthy as any where to North Carolina. Room! fmh v orthrwd at low iX Provisions Cheap. Xor fojtherarttcuiare addreS; Little River P. O,, Alexander co.,'N.Lc.PAlIiH may 281m Clearelaiid Minfral Springs -Xi!i ; WILL OPKN JUNE 1,1 879. These Springs are 2 miles from Shelby N c and one mile fsjm C. C. Railway. Hacks will b at Spring's station on arrival of every train. Ba4d-of music- and other means of amusement for the comfort and enjoyment of guests. THE TABLE will be furnished with the best that tbe market af fords. , -Rates to soft the times. S. MO. POSTON, Proprietor, Shelby. N. C. L. S. Wn.LiAMS, Superintendent May 14 dw SALUDAHOTEL. Invalids or pleasure seekers, wbo desire to spend a few weeks of the hot weather in a most desirable locality, are Informed that the SALUDA HOTEL Is now open to the public. Situated on the Spar tanburg and Ashevllle Railroad, forty miles from Spartan Henders iburg. only a few miles from Flat Rock anil rounded by splendid mountain scenery, few places can offer more attractions. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Terms low. A. TANNER, Proprietor. June 3 lm. r t j ! ' I' t i SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladies buying Parasols a&t $uo.dahr.s will find the best assortment at the lowest prices at ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will also find other goods to suit them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Is now complete, among which may be found a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings in Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask in White, Slate, Red and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels In even variety; Car pets, Bugs, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. 41 . I G LOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, COB- SETS. FANS AND TIES. V(.r AAtojseerpwrjJrrnts Linen Cambric Ban Ikerehlef an-2 Sua Umbrellas. You will w ft a ; '.i t HA 1 k'A a rs intjf m them cheap, and everything else In ibpoton' Call and see as. It will pay you i UiK ELIAS 4 COHEN- VBCZViZ8. i tv"a T j oivnd wa a .u&Hvsi- : LElIiS,,. LADIES. . tr reeerrea a iuu line YSIS nd l I LEMONS, PINE APPLES. BANANAS ana CJWto ErssKh WjeWnxCANPlESJ Choice jenk Mustard and Canned Fruits, and, jhckles of every a rresn. supply oiAiRAHAJi riAua,uAA andtAstiQrackt0 o every description. UREAM CHEESE. - -v,i uVM 'M JJrtfWdABRELt ORrf HE ' iCELEBhATE" J1' iSfoi h&rt,i. ,y.. , - - I SO 'BRIDIGEWATER ETOflOWHlO 'I FLOUR .h., ' ALSO A-LARGE STOCK OF !it.t.i. !.'-..;!jIi,-l. -, ... . aUA . ttuu-z-iiX v. CHEiJPEjBRApES,:M, CHEAPER GRAP- -. i:ytei-ji.i j t.f f SagftW Coffees and ahythlng that can be found i i)ivorif v firatialass Grocery House. id t.'.-a ',5 c.'Vi,h( Jr;Ut if ;W davidson.