jr. I "f Ol rv tft f rv j - - - - - mm :1 I I li If 1-1 tftii UUi II' Sir ill Ul-1 ,iKt.J .Oil., i AO.. j.t !..' ti 3 i- i V ! i. " ; v RAILWAY DIBSCTOBi; Tbe following table shows the nmi ar tmina to ana Horn vnarioae. 8 I ilni on. aa i r .1 3 THE c. r (of oassen the ran roads (Washington time) ;,, EICHMOHTO 3D, Arrives from Richmond and Golosbore, 12 40 a. m. Leaves for .tirtl-.v t 8.40a.m. Arrives from Richmond, . .s ... i ....... -1 1 .12 a. m. Leaves for -i tl:.'r .,..m-j..... 8 55 p. m. - atuxta xnuxUrm Ars-tura. Arrives from Atlanta,. V. 1 f 8.40 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,.,.. ... .& . .M-2.40 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,. 8 65 p. m. Leavesfor AUanta,..,.i..f.,.i f 3 1.12 a. m. CHAKLOTTK, OOUnOIA 4 AD - . . J i Arrives from Augusta,".', H" P. m. Leaves for Augusta,. ................. 2 12.45 a. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac. Freight). .2 12.10 p. m. Leaves for Columbia, . . -. "?.15 p. m. Arrives from Wilmington,. ...... j. Leaves for Wllmhigtoa,va. .lily Arrives irom oneiuy,.....-.'. 8.20 a: mv 25 d. m. ... rpr o.uo p. m. 8.40 a. m. Leaves for Shelby. afJtftVvUi wo AiiJAirnd, tEnsacit omio. A rrlves from Statesvllle,. . ........ . . . . &00 p. m. Leaves for Stateevllle..;ii. a;!.'-.....? 8.00 a. m INUIOATIOnS. " '' " li' l v. 4 ! War Department, i Office Chief 'SiGAL" Officer, L Washington. June 14 rso. M.1 For the South1 AKan,tiifi 5tatei station-, ary followed by higher pressure, south west vexing to cooler; northwest winds, partly cloudy weather, , ; index NeMr A4vrtiteitia. Alexander A Harrfib-White Goods, f eg ram A Co Boots and Shoes. M. P. Pegram-itrayed. This Office Lost. Louisiana State Lottery. ttOMU 1I2WCJI t,lN;t " : $ j CY'b. The academy of medicine 'Uaeets to-night in Dr. Gibbon's office. The cadets and quite a' number of Xayidson College boys who stopped over fa the city after tne- commence ments, all teftSiindav night Rev. Ellison Capers, of Greenville, preached two excellent sermons at St, Peter's Episcopal cbrirch Sunday, toj . large congregationsr r The register of deeds has received the copies ot tne laws or JNonn Carolina! and the journals of the last Legislature, ... . . , 1 . 1 .1 wnicn ne nas on nanu. reauj j.ur uxairi- button to the parties entitled to them. i i I I i i i A DisMConcert. ' .-. -.- - Af. . A dime concert for the benefit of the Home and Hospital is to be given next Thursday evening at the residence 6f Coi. Wtk. Myers. This concert will be undeT the direction of Dr. Aloys Bidez, who has kindly offered to conduct it Lover of music and all Interested, in the Home are invited -to attend. - Ice cream and cake wilhibe bffered for sale; bytheladies. ; The board of aldermen met in regu lar session yesterday afternoon ; a full attendance, except Alderman Smith. The sanitary committee made a re port in reference to the matters refer red to them at .the last .meeting. As to tne expediency or extending the large sewer which, empties below the North Carolina Railroad on the south side of Trade street, they could not recommend an extension, as the cost would amount to over $3,000, but proposed that all ouierf private sewers be cut off from. tins drain, and that it be cleaned out They also recommended that other drains specified be cleaned out The report was adopted, with an amendment as to drains leading from kitchen's; !&&; which "will be noted here? alter. . . -The mayor announced, that in com- pliance" with ah-esblution passed at the last meeting he would declare the office of city marshal vacant the present in cumbent having failed to file iiis bond. and declined to do so on account of the made by the present board; : The mayor, then informed the board that an elec tion of another marshal teas tti.TilPTi Efforts . were made to oostrone the election till the next meeting; then to a mwjr penoa - in toe present meeung. Dotn oc-wnicn railed, A. H. CreswelL C. F. Harrison. Alexander and 3.3: Sims, were nomina ted. TJ-Pn,.! tbesfirst .ballot the vote stood: Crsweli, 4; Harrison, 5 j Alexander, l, andSknsyl; ? ..h.M.-ui ptt.thfiieXt'halj(Qt- fl; P. Harrison re ceived &. votes and .was. declared elect-, ed. ' ..-."ii":-;n j y J ! " The, 'iyoiMRPn'ced-lte bonds of the remaining officers had been prop- iy-mea-nattppiettr- r-. Petitions were read in regard to the improvements" of Graham and More- head streets and to the extension of thfei former, and referred to the; street com- A petition of the Star band asking to be'snpplied with a uniform was refer- iniw iue uiiaoce cumDunee. Alderman Do wd, chairman of the fire committee, read for the informa- tlon of 'the - boaM ' the estimates for m ItO! re.1 a Fatal xplMia at the Head f tbe W. IT C. Bailreaa. SaufdM MrafMI 'clock While1 a hegtd mwf wa hnttfe one of the "hat lamps" which are worn by the laborers at work in the tunnel, not hav ing extinguished the lamp before he undertook to nil it, tne names wre communicated to the oil and an e: us jvvw. in the oil an tKe .eastern portal of Swannanoa tunnel. In this house was a quantity of kerosene, four or five kegs of powder, and a quantity of provisions. The powder and oil exploded and in4 a moment the house was on fire. The ne gro who had caused, the, explosion es- HC?pea tmit uyed, but cfhtMr who was in the room with him, was burned so severely that it was expected that he would die Saturday night The store room being near the railroad track, the names communicated to one of tne sum It is true mer excursion, cars and this was burn TOf TlyllfrflvJsJonS, pte believe, were and the loss in property was not heavy, f ibv Postal Notes. The Charlotte postofflce pays out over IndcUGewt. ' . ? William Hastings, who is believed to have been the leader of a gang which. roDDea tne noose ox mt. j. m. l-atter- last f all,iaiirT2e'ir crt week and was acquitted. i Young Bradwell and a negro named Tom Epsebtp,' frho, with N. M. Milleh, a3 their leader, committed several rob beries a few weeks ago at Statesville and made an unsuccessful attempt to commit acbureiarr tBtxtnthi houseTSf" Mr. Nicholas Stikeleather. were tried bi if ill hfj andi c(m?iei4WciTwnteifrced, as we learn, to be banged. Millen, the leader of the gang has never, been captured. Jo: Gillespfe, cofor-ed, is to be tried this -weelLfar, ticipation 4. the murder of Mr. Fowler, at Mooresville last De cemberViT,tf: 9vocf5 TfM " y The civil docket is to be,,taken Thursday tut ftrtV-Ji--'' 1 twice as much, in monev orders as it re- fceivegithat is.twice'as much inoney isri tM feouttii Criiini;edit6rtW' i A wont, by 1 pondent says tney were cnieny engage rf received in Charlotte as ia sen tout this means of transmission ' ' The five" fieW'route agents recently appointed on the Air-Line Railroad are engaged in learning their business, so asattea loxiwrneji ine postal The demfftnntTws 'recellflf' issued a postal card which accompanies all registered letters, and will be a great convenience to business . men.. The card is addressed with'the nattier of tftei send er of the money at the point from which the money is sent and on the arrival of registered pt itfitii reteM)t ceives the package an the mail to the sender as his receipt This avoids: the necessity and expense of acknowledging the receipt of a reg istered package. :. , , ' t i ' Hiey go to the posleftlce' for every thing. A day or two since a man asked the nostmaster what was the price of a marriage license. When told that it cost three dollars, he expressed some surprise, saying that he thought the price liad been reduced. The pbstmasr ter, who himself had occasion recently Bapiirt Sunday School. The Sunday school of the Baptist church will have their picnic on Thurs day next the 19thr and not Friday, as had been previously agreed upon. The picnic will be had at Bellemont Park, which is the most delifirhtf ul Dlace within a hundred miles of Charlotte on any railroad, for such a purpose, and" the ftchool, will meet at Liddell's foundry at8H o'clock a. mn there to take the train which will carry them out , Hev, H. Baralac 1. -Iv:y;": The friends of liev. - HllHaidiiig, pastor of. the - SecondfPresbyteriaii church in this city,wil! e pleased to learn that he has been honored by the title of Doctor of Divinity. .The degree is conferred by . his own cdma mater, Hampden Sidney College, Yjl, which he left in 1855. The college is one of the oldest having been established in 1775 and one of the most honored institu tions in the Southern country. The title is justly appreciated by the recipi ent and in his hands will not be an empty one. May his popularity and usefulness in the community continue to increase. - Homicide ia Rutherford Cyiroty. A correspondent at Shelby writes The Observer that William Wilson, aged 45 years, son of liobt Wilson, of Rutherford county, was killed last Sat urday afternoon, June 14th, at Amos Owens', on Cherry mountain, in Ruth ierford county-by Watson Griggs son of Jack Grigg, of Cleveland county. The homicide was the result of a free fight in which about ten braves participated and in whicfcroeks, rails and pistols were freely ,used under the command ot A naintiaining- ,ther 4iff ernt, fire compa f hies through the fiscal year as follows: iiiuepeiKient hook- 5 ladder, $479 ; Hornets, $460 ; Pioneers, $425 : Neptune, $406 ; the department, $150. The com mittee also made the following recom mendations: that the driver be requir ed to feed and groom, the horses, sleep m the stables, attend to drying the hose and reeling it as swn as-itis dry ; that iW'f&tottit&.faiaesi to the companies that have horses, and that none of the horses be ridden or driven over,, four blocks, . from the public square. The report on motion of Alderman Seotf was adopted. ' ' , C. F. Harrison, chief: of tlie fire de partment made a statement in refer ence to tanks.. , He recommended that the old well near the Rock Island fac tory building be converted into a tank, stating this could be.idone at a cost not exceeding $25 ; recommended the build ing of a tank in "Smithville," on Eighth street saying that it could be supplied with water from a branch; stated that the tank in front of the residence of Mr. J. H. Wilson would not hold wa ter; also that there was need of an other tank in Second Ward, ,t)s This report was referred to the fire committee. The action of the mayor in reference to the burglary cases, in sending parties to Richmond to. recover property, was approved, and a vote of thanks, on mo tion of Alderman Gordon, tendered him and the police force for their ac tivity in the matter. v The'report, of the.finance .committee was read and its consideration postpon -ed to a called meeting to be held this week, tbe day to be fixed by the mayor. Adjourned. to know something about the cost re marked that the reduction didn't go in to effect till August. The applicant re- 1. mournfully, that he had "sot to- drfaw.jlbht beiaejas h&w the price was still so nigh, ne Deiievea ne a wait six weeks longer, and he is waiting. STATE NEWS. A Presbyterian church is to be organ ized atBurgaw. Receipts of old bonds Friday $162,000. The treasurer issued $60,000 new bonds to holders Friday, being the first issued. Cotton receipts in Raleigh this year to date. 46.196: increase in .receipts this vear to date. 1.973. " The caseof ithe State vs. S wepson was argued in the Supreme Court Saturday An army of attorneys appeared. Mr. W. H. Simpson, aged 70, a protnij j t . i j ;a; 3 neni ana mucn lespecteu ciuzen ot Monroe, died on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness. The Good Templars of Union county expect to have a grand celebration on Friday, .4th of Jujy,, at Mt , Prospect fcamp-giowiid; i j $ "At A neero man has been arrested !fn Wilmington for failing to carry out a contract for burying a child. The child's body was buried in a ditch near the grave-yard. Mr. A. L. Blow, of Greenville, Pitt county, was married one day last week in Manchester, (across the river from Richmond,) ' Va, to Miss Monteiro, niece of Dr. A. t Monteiro. on the trip in maKing two Kinds or lemonade, for the crowd. Atlanta ought to ship all of her freights via Charlotte., The Constftutioji says : "uur attention nas Deen caiiea to . in f --.. l. .. iaiti jr- li way Duis oi ireigucj wmcn iceo-jdoslou June 7th at 6 p. m and arrived in At- ianta at 10 a. m., 13th inst, five days and ten hours. This is the quickest time on record. These shipments were deliver ed to the Atlanta and,, Charlotte Air Line at Charlotte1" on Thursday, 12th inst. and bv the Richmond and Dan age atyS desUaavitie-ailroad-eoiBpanyror-Piedmont Air We! Sea Board Air-Line, jorm via Ports- Four hundred thousand persons, ac cording to the Raihcay World, are em ployed on the railroads in tms country, and five times that many depend upon the roads for support It is also esti mated that between $300,000,000 and $400,000,000 are annually paid to em ployees and to persons who furnish the companies with supplies ot , various kinds. yjljaW&r who re- ireturned through nonff to use the best means first;. hence when tne DaDy is suffering wita coue, raarr- ftK.pi89 oiiee f.Bqus aof rrap ana semaaumu vaoxAna wnenaai eraecs. II nilrand Notes. President McAden and Receiver An derson went unto .Henderson ville with A corres- When troubled with a sense of fulness or oppres slon after meals, the pleasantest relief attainable Is one or two of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. 25c.B TELEQRAfHIC MARKET REPORTS1 JUNE 16. 1879 PRODUCE. Baltixokk Oats oulet: Southern 40a43. Wes tern white 41 842, do mixed S9a40, PenrfSyP vania 40a2. Hay market quiet; prime PetnT- svlvanla and Maryland 12al3. Provisions firm mess pork, old 10 60al0.75, new ; bulk meats loose- shoalderB4a-elear rib sides 5a& packed AlkaKUt: bacon shoulders 43k. clear rib sides a i .. imi-.nu fi".H hkm.. n Butter duU:. ohote- Western sacked 10al. rolls , Cpfflee uttletj Bio; eies dri4al4 Whiskey at l.oeVfc Sugar steady; A son 8aVt- Kw i.Vnt6-Tlfcfc-ntt AerifAA eTianpw : No. H i35aa:ia s&Dernne Western sad State 8.45a3.55. common to eood extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern Hour quiet; common to iair extra i.i oao.ou; gooa to choice do 5.65a6.75. Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.12a. M7ta. No. 2 do 1.18Via.lSU. Corn -ungraded 40a43, No. 2, 43ft. Oats, 3 Coffee moderate demand; Bio quoted in car goes 11 Vial 414, job lots llVtai5te. sugar nrm; Cuba 6lk, fair to good refining 6 5-16a7-16, prime 6ft; refined standard A. 7. granulated 8V6, powdered 84, crushed 8 Molasses New Or leans 25a28. Rice in fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at 6147, Louisiana 6a6ft. Boric new mess on.. the spot 10.25. old 9.35. Lard prime steam on spot 6.42fta45. Whiskey duU at 1.07aft. Freights quiet COTTON. lot 1 XI' it-: ia1 JUST KECEIVED1AT !i m MOYtiw&mMvm&E stoke; PAIRS I'll iMMwra ill m 1 .Y . s :. i in". ;aU an' I to no'.it'i fd tT 'ttistlH V'i it My i T OMh taoteelebrated makers, whicbwill b'sold Stttb very lowest prices.! Also fullliQ,e.,ioorts)' MILES?lE6LTeil'g ?'','-1! H fl 1 p - 'J:TOR'tAXJlE3'AOr MPLSES.'- ' H : -r- .;,r - tt'Wmttint-mtmm and Newbort Ties?' In ' Gents irbods weTiave a fnll stock of the best goods.iiJA trial will nvmSie yoU that we self the same article sold ejsewherejn the cijty from 150 ?Q4er cent cheaper J i-nuni?ii jPItakepleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am nw 'staying with3rJMoyer,ndI feel satisfied that siuLftELexpexiettce of. ten years in ine noe ana nat Dullness, a canseu you goous in ui ams mt jwsix asusuKiiiiua,! i:Jk Mo.' A LFiXANDER. 11,11 """""" .! ;rHi iii. t li.tsij '. , : ., i ... i-i.it:... ..n.- m,!,! tir.;& Another j arifvaf of .nbusetioW and othet useful arueles for our famous j ' .. ' -..-;"?.irl ' i H'i"i i, . .-,1 ' : i r (i r i . v . : " -.Jt,;. ;,. FIVE CENT. C O U NT E ; is....- ' , : ' ' Far supertoj1 tb all others T'ecelved. Also a beautiful variety of R ii rj, , !) ov -rt : .it ..-.Hi PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND PATCY. tQVXLY DESIGNS IN riV 11! HAMBURG ED(ilNt8", INERTINGS .AND LACES. (treat Bargains in r, n't r !' it ; i.'ilii .1 : ,i-T Ladles4 Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS -lilNEN W rfiW tolsill and lk atrgreat bargains we offer this week. " ' 1 1 . i! 1 :.,!. I ' lit ifS -iil in ' II. MORRIS ,& 'BROS. We have lust received a splendM assortment of fiastte' Frames, for mottoes andtarioos size plcturei' tit prices lower UKm eVef- tao4riCnarlotte. June 1,1879. Ml L Tuxtoies. il irS--.' Pine Apples, Imperial Oranges, Extra Large Lem ons, Fresh Caramel, French, Ftjln and. Creain Candles, Pop Corni if.. , i - - . ... -i - 4 'J i l lf i PERRY'S. Ida Williams, whom the Review de scribes as a young woman of good looks and ugly character, tried to kill herself in Wilmington Saturday, by drinking a pint of whiskey and a bottle of lauda num. She was sayed. 45 M onroe "Enquirer ; HessWrWiriahester & Morgan have purchased the old tanr yard house of Mr. C, .Austin, and wil deEJa1rWyIwirBianeoient They left move it over next weeK to uie locatiotr hpryUtfAiSriraffo and lived selected for their steam gin. .They go ,?-AJ7 n ml I in. JMiovlAtto novf Wftk' til Deattt ta Varl. ' l' ' " Charlottepeoie remember Prof, and Madame PeQastroCwho were connected with te; musical Vdepartment of the CharkttInstitute tony oung Ladies,ur Norfolk;-Quiet; middling 12Vc; net receipts 43; 'gross : ; stock 5,660; exports coastwise 54; sales ; exports to Great Britain . Balttkobs Dull; middling 12fte; low middling 1214.; good ordinary lift.; net receipts ; gross ; sales ; stock 1,822; exports coastwise 10; spinners ; exports to Oreat Britain ; to Continent ; to France Boston Quiet; middling 12c; low middling 1248; good ordinary 12; net receipts 257; gross 417; sales ; stock 4,962; exports to tireat Britain 162. ' htrrirabmDullimld&ma? 12T4e.: low mid dling 12c.; good ordinary 1U4; net receipts 4; gross ; sales ; stock 287; spinners ; ex ports coastwise &0: to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . ' low seve'm"yeafB:jSrich, Conn. They subsequently-returnfea to Paris, where MadamTal;tr!feently died. Some days ago irgentliBman in this city re- nnrrcA an invitntinii Qalrin or him tn asi- King Alcohol. Two men by Juenamepf, sist at the amtxrf et interrment of her remains. The invitation, which was heavily bordered with black and came folded without an evelope. contained the genealogy of the family, running; back a half dozen or, more generations. Such is the custom in Paree. Dull: middling 1234ft idlfagl 126d; goo rdiaaH r2c; net receipt efoss -EF sales fspmbers 243; stock 1,020; exports to Great Britain . Hardin and Powell, began the affray in which Wilson was siam, ana over m corpse on the following day many drank whiskey, cursed and played the fiddle. Several received wounds; but only one man was killed in the drunken affray. James Powell was badly., hurt in the head by fence rails and rocks; William Powell was cut in the breast and head by rocks; he fired seven shots' from his pistol; P. Hardin, ', a brother-in-law of the deceased, Wilson was slightly in jured. ' "' . Wilson was shot in bead by a pistol and died in a few minutes. ; His body lay neglected and exposed until.Sundar afternoon near the spot where he felt Watson Origg denies the killing and al leges that he had ; no pistol in the fight lrigg has not i been .arrested and it is thought that he has fled: the State. As all partie.wer6;mtoxicted,':ahd three pistols were used in the fight it my". W difficult to prove who slew Wilson. ! it: Siunlon of ITIer. B B Ssniili t. - ., --Ui- .. ....... .1 i-Kl V'( C .- .7 -it !,! iUU-: ..A unit TrpafArdav Afternoon between 4: and 5 o'clock, announcing ; the suspension of U. R. Smith & Co, cotton brokerslldr commission merchants of Newf Yorki The firm' lal cbntposed Of E!R jSmltb;, ex,-mayor of Charlottei Jj M8mith-and. Bart S. Johnston, all Charlotte menmd it may beimagfaiedtliat the J announce ment created quite a sensation in the community, In Boclal as well as business niniaa a a vat there are no particulars na to-thessets-or4iabili ties. It ia well Xbe Barglarr (a.e , y ' Richmond 'papers not the fact that the two Kellys, John and Mike, and the man1 aey, cnargea wicn receiving suieu goods from the negro Gus Byers who was arrested in Charlotte and : taken there to show where the goods could be obtriied,; were 11 .arraigned before the ftnlicft court Saturday,,. ! It was shown that the Kellys had tought Cot Frank Coxe's harness rrom auey' ior l2a ana wereofferinfif thesetat $40, but there was no eviden harness to Jain thev were disci: sent on to tne grana sjury uu ne was Ixmnd-ioverix tOu court m . the i sum of Ul Utts ifycrs xne awsm&i Wjm. to Charlotte next week toa purchase macuiueiy. An amateur crew launched Pinafore in Raleigh last Friday night. It was a errat sncrpss. according to the papers. & J.Hardin personated "Capt. Corccf coastwise 394; Great Bi ran ;" Geo. M. Smedes, "Sir Joseph ;"-W Conanent-: to channel . M. Busbee, "Dick ueadeye. ixone 01 the ladies who participated are mention edAxy fiatme. . I i ! s J f Wilmington Review: Two gentlemen of this city report a melancholy acci dent which occurred on Thursday while they were iu Ki'nston," They met Capt Wood, of the steamer Neuse, in 1fae$ morning and that night the poor man was in his shroud. He was engaged in moving a box on the upper deck when he slipped and fell, striking his head on the lower railing and from that fall ing into the water. His body was re covered within fifteen minutes but all life had gone. "Kf rs Lnnisa Pierce, wife of Cant Pierce, of Wake county, was arrested a preierrea ny . ADaC8TA-Jutet; -middling 129&0.; tow mid dllng 12Mc7good ordinary llio.; recepts.5: Chaklkston Dull; mldd'g 12ftc.; low mid dllnir 12iAc: sxod ordinary 12c; net receipts BfogroBSj : sales ; stock 822; exports Nkw Toki Nominal ; ales 274: mid. uplands 12ft, middling Orleaaat 12; eouAolidated net receipts 662; exports lo 6teat Britain 1,942. T . t vint poor. Nook A shade easier. Middling Unlands- 7L. mlddliRg Orleans, 7L; sales 6,000, specjilaaon and export 1,000, additional sates vesterdav after regular closing, ; re ceipts 100. American none. Futures quiet at Sat urday night's prices. Uplands low middling clause: lune delivery-!, 'June and July 6 81-32, July aivd August 7 1-32, August and September 7 3-32al-16a3-33, September and October 7 3-32, October and November , November and December .: New crop shipped October and November . Not ember and December , September and October OUtt ICE CREAM SALOON, Fitted up particularly for the accommodation of Ladies. Is attracting the attention ot those who wish to taduigegtbemserves Id tills lhie. . " -i ii !.!.. i '- 1 imp wnitA i nnns uflnarrmenT . rT W W . W n , m t , ma . v mm -mwm mw - -mw mmr ..-.w Has recently been replenished with a'in8J?nifl6ent ltoe oil linen, victoria, Frynah attd 3ishop Lawns; Piques, all styles and price; India MullTOigMidles, and Barred aad ripe4 Nainsooks- exceedingly low prices. ; . . L.il ,Lj-'.iil . i4vi.iii A f We are now pnenng Dargains m every iuie, ami yuuxyiuyu m "1",7r !' ' r.-'.l !...'!. t I ' ' -.1.1.' 7UI -. rr I . ..ul i; ii.-i..t ' The most attractive in the dtVi and at very low prices.' ' We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces, Ham burg Bdgings and InserUngs, Nainsook Edgings Insertings, Swiss Xdgtaigs and Jrtlngs In great Tariety.. , , r'i.- ' ;i .... i i'.u CORSETS AT: ALL PRICES; Colored Organdies and Lawns- all grades just received. We make a specialty of Ladles' and Misses' LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS Ladles' Handkerchiefs from 5c to $3.50. June 17. 0 jr Stock of Gloves, wijl fee found complete. ALEXANDER ; BARKIS. chiTalace OF JNO. EROOKFISLD & CO., LEADERS fF .LOW PRICES. . . i--' ' r h; 1 1 Just received, a lot of Ice Cream- Freezers, best make, freeze in 5min - ntest Water Coolers, Kefrigerators, Wire Covers, Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes, Bird Cages, Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. We constantly keep on hand a full line of Plain and Decorate China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods;C!ufrery and Plated vire.tannr Gfliod. 'fbi, Wood and Willow Ware. x 3 FOR PARTICULARS HUMBERT ADDRESSJ f 1 whiteSewimg Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. r f; per sail r FINANCIAL. zk thor t n oxt rnaw t.ii Lufi ajai v" ik- e:7 m hencl spnieegrdes IW premise Nw Tobk Money, 8aft,.Exchange 4.87 Vlaft. governments steady. 'New ffs 1.08 Four and half per cents 1.5. Four per cents 1.02 State bonds dull. 1 Telegrams were . received in thw W the negro before i the. police .couft this was an accompnssea iaii- Wlien he.waOt)rought to morning, ntohrrtmiri "dar berore vesterday.iana lodged in the-Exchrag Hotellie; escap ed nanu-cunea, ana wascapmreu ycui- iLnawu in business icttcjes tnac ine nrm i ua nimi ima tut-aA lsMfttht.rb'- kr larire business a&T tho ciiirfiif fl nf. , , brokersior barties Hi Ihe South dealing 5wrXbi orktoi (n fiit.nrM. A private telegram irom Mr.'B.' It'mith td a gentleman here states that the necessity f or suspensioja wnsi hrnnirht about.: bv. he f ailUTd OA parties lor wioni; ttoey.',wri,toingo( had immediately cast them into the fire and burned them. .Last Saturday the case was tried before a magistrate in Raleigh and fell to the ground. The de fendant was discharged, the informer was taxed with the costs and the princip al witnesses were held in bondsof $500 each to answer for perjury. This from the Raleigh News. j The case OlR- E. Meadows and Emfr iiU J FUTURES, 1ft davJ .Xast night he wasiodged in tbe ijne carter, of Madison, for the murder station house. This morning the officers 0 a cniid less than twelve months old, 12.17a.19 12.20a.21: 12.35a,8M 12.12 ll.89a.40 11 .08a.O4 10.04a.tW 10 .968.08 discovered that he had dugxttfg hole in the brick; waii'oi nis ceiia;. searcu- ed him out couia nna notning on mm, and were ata k)ssitO'oonceivey how he f.n this brick wall as he Bad flohe. He cementea piaster thAhrirks and then siodtre the bricks al so. . .Jiaa , not CBaanne oi iu wiiuuc menlteri habited1 he would havees-. ff preCIOlvU UWI.4H1W 'WK"" B' pay up the margihsoncdhtractsndfche fr Tti L-J-J tTAmlmaAn offor Qrinrhfln rill ICCllliliil X UUUiUWUf W4VVI. MfvVMvs Hures nimjthat the suspension wili only be temporary. . Tne,genuemanTexerTcu tr in t.hfl. Above, .who is lamiliar,, with the nature of the business-' bf 'the firnij J accounts for the failure oy tne iacc way many, of the parties 5for.j;wbQni they .ao,, Hvipi ini theextreme-Southerut: states, and that the' margins were not receivedJn .,time jtc., meet the )deaabl 'The moment tney ixxulw py ww ww draft the fact is madelknowri andjie. .nM.Maif.fhir'i suAPehsfan.i.fcomes ar once.-j -x.m aiim i&t .ntsmm- u jas riiAi'.annriAnRion-'vwas-rff surprise diarlotte!; the firm haS always been ?oniiiered very safe and reliable. Jiusi ness men generally do jiotidoubt their ..t.iHHr t, nav ruit HrtiiAr for dollars ana in any emergericy Charlotte people . wiU notsuifer the farms liabilities are i t fn t.a.A'Thi nor.1t MrUMtAil kit DOllS ftnd tfeA iacebedeeked with plmes aa Wotehea to the . m. r. mi.tfv-h.T.A iRnii'a mood Mixture by US' f r health srivma nronerties eurw all these dMoroer t-week if Buncombe court. ce or tne ases was nau; a BR AVAyferai jury was empanneled and the case against Meadows resulted in & mistrial. Meadows counsel tnenvmaae a motion Ilia uuvuu. O ' " " this motion had notbeen rendered when theAsheville Journal went to press. The case against the woman was con , Unued tO ithe next term. A party went out from Raleigh, last "Friday morning, to fish at Watson's' , i a. rm a. mill-pond in jonnston county, xna night they slept in the third story of. the New T obi Futures closed dull. Sales 193,- 000 bales. June July .......... AUgUStiw'. v.i'..'.. 4. .. .'.'. ivJs.l .-. . September -aw -. October.. November .- December. .m -CITY COTTON - Omci or m Obskrtxr. I Chablotr, June 17, 1879. f The market yesterday closed steady, as follows ( Good .middling , .. , . . ; . ...j 12 mddung. . .7. .t ;t. . . I'm Strict low niiddliog...,., 12ft fJLtL0TjrtV pyCB MARIE! TTTNIT1 14 IfilQ CORRECTED DATLT. am Invited to calL We sell Northern houses, and caarantee satisfaction. send quotations on application. y man King you ior me noerai patronage in past, we are, . " '.Very respectfully, . . , r - i -J JNO, BROOKFIELD & CO., tTT iRTiYTTrl ' in tKatthiS' wast- the'inStrument he had tised itt; cming thrwiign the dhcks. uy prsevefehce ' jnuscle had cut w4trfr)G'inxo tuo uura uockk !'" . a-'"Att&'l$t&& !i vtbsp commlttM, this 5 n&f.ir ,tf ii a wniulrl nllow annnicer to s o ita iiu stated that lie tiaa nuriea aiotor, money j jyom pulmonary consumption, ia mat ine aim iib ucoiicii y uuwiiwi made and those up stairs went below to investi gate. The Raleigh Observer says tney found, that Dr. Kirkham had fallen Jhrdugh aji open hatchvray, and, strike Mk pis ciswu aaanayiruo ui wuiuei, had oeen instantly killed, td mr rhU.Hiti 47 ' ots.ti'W ui 'fin v,m.. hog roundly .' ,1 Ha, vf- v Ih'ikJiiSI? Jftwaws wyBi di 'v- 65afl8 65870 (Wa70 Tagft I0ftai2ft lOPm--' orvl lj iT bim i 664 14ftal6 12ftal4. ; 23a2of . .To all who ate snasruig irom xm errors ana in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de ewMtoss it tnmnhood, e,i I wtlisend afeclpe that wlSemwu, FREEi OF 3tt ABtlE.,: T&ls great iSinedr: was t discovered -toy : toslonaryt la lMrL'..flnit selfddressed envelope ETtt, REV JOSEPH T. IN MAN ,-- Station D, New York City, . - ; ' 1 w iicjr : rnJf riit -t - - 75ju h Halt r. , . .iimi fji-.t ..r Llveipc)IJJier.r,lTljI,wt-nn(,wT,.hw.l, that the subQe nee. itttv arises from the same cause, is the ottBpiiiigoL tm same parent, and consequently requires the same treatment. To correct the lmpaife4 fwtlon digestion and nutrition, and enrich and vitalize the blood, to the first tapprtant step. Pod Liver Oil to knovrrt tt the 'Medical frofessloS-to be the best remedy, but tt has been Ineffectual for good on ac count of its nauseous qualities. Rut In Scott's Emulsion ot Cod Liver Oil they are entirely over AnuTanii MimhtnAd with Hvoonhosnhlte of Lime and pocja, is a mosj wpnaenui remeuy ui sucu'ijjxiiui.1iVM-s-sii.iiri-?" A... ., j., ..-" Extra...... ,ilunl0 2w , -?ii' . ;",lT'i S6a50 2 jwm Tmwiiiffc......... . ... j EqB;djvefFafcJTtt- IOalaV s.ooaa.so 2.7SaaOO ?.26a2.0 COUNTRY MERCHANTS xmKsaoooDS, i ,, ,, uvsars, ; . COTTOHS, TJFIXOISTERT, TBIJIlPacw, JHJLBnrKLM, HOSIKRT, atrls tutd "Bmr 8wit . : Ladies' Usklerwear.. lm&ttta Omtflta, ; osTciras,1 4,. :n;!0: .'in NKCKTIKS, r; sXaVHDKKlWXIlKVS, "''j7.,iWHWE OOOlM '. ' V j, 1TCTTOKS, ' :..' BAMBCltOS; SKXRT BRAID, . ' SKWXirO SHt,1 -: jvm9,v.:-Ai ,A Liu: v ;4 . j ; v j . sTRDraiBSfb 'J ., If ( JIEKDUSJP, . . FAVOT OOODS, . ,! IK BY IIAJX. 1 Fkmd' for- fkctmolea 6r: itfmnaiwnt (tnd BcUUfv vourself how cheaply and ' xiiifckly you. can get everything in '" DRY GOODS AND NOTIOnS of vs by Mail or .Express. We carry an averaae stock oraloutMOO.OOQ'dU bought for nromvt cash. tUtfTrv us, : ... Mam the unuaren sena jor a set op our Advertisiiig Cards. ' 'rl COOPER s COfJAllD, importers arid Rctallcro, t! PHILADELPHIA, PA. ! EtabHsb8d 1862. . ,;,! . ,,-t .' goods as cheap as Ill the '.f)S COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUST r v CaiaiibTTx, cW.birBiA AirotAiffitiBrA B. R4,; : .a . CauJMBtA. 8. C, May 31. 1879 nn uui fter. Rtmdav. June tsfc tin DaaBenger jBcbeduto over this, read wiu be aa lot tows; ib in; 0 AROLLNA CENTRAL VU WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE .. ..it .h ' . : This Line being; fully eqyipped to business, Freight from i-f: , Wilmington and ail Northern an Eastern Cities to . Givme, Spartanbuxg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee 4 Ohio, AS well as points In Georgia DAY Gome -jit;fa ...... 10 4S A.M. fj.Vi.t...... 1(1 58 Aiat FREIGHT WrjHeoie ACTED, j j f :-r'i iir .'Gotko -South, Leave A' Arrive ColumDia Leave Columbia. . Arrive unanone. f Ti"5iiafcte.... v-i.i'wwi-v'V. 2 15 p.JC . ... t Chester. . Crtniiihla.I;..wat..ia.l2 00 K. ti.m flnlmnbla . v. .1- -L.- 1 00. A. X. Arrive Augusta,,. i ...vi OP. a. ....... ..... uuw 'DUVl'B,- LrSave unarioue,-' . . . Antve coiumDia, Vi. i.. Leave Columbia -. . . LArrrreAftgasta.4. .ush,hm- FREIGHT WITH COACH ATT. GobwiSorratV4: i ,vm aueubhi.. Arrive Cmumbia Leave Columbia, t-i ,4- " Wlnnslynra ,13! .1 Chester,. . aai ti& s S.i . . ., '..12 4fl . S H(l A..M 6 85 A,X . 9 25 A.W THEft,"-''' . 1 80' a! 2 80A. M. , 5 45 fen. . S 15A.K. 10 00 A. Irnve TcEarlotte.'.r. t--- ?, 10 5' "PttUman Palaee'Cars from'Augdsta to New York . Reclining: Sleeping Cnalrar , twa , DanviUt to tis-isliir L-i J'! . M t jUJCWDirfli, I June3, AsaG,!?. Agent, '.iliV .', ,i .. .. , ; Xnsorapee and Rates guaranteed as Low as ".! ; .' '. . ' ":.- : :.'... Inf ormatloR furirtooed DISPATCH UN E, .a NORTH CAROLINA. At. '1 :-:-i ..'Mi !-s F,W.LARK,ftfl '' 3 oli .d (nv FrelgM Agerit, wlni. o septSO TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. .fl; -it . , ,, offers' unequalled facilities for pie Trsnsportion ot : I'll' :i, .- i l i t Charlotte, StateWWe.' AJMv Pn;toeAUaiumchnTond Alr-LIne,t 1 andie'estamN. GRauroada, ' Alabama and Mississippi. ' It ' ; ; . . via any Compeng Liaeabd Ttne as Quick. H tipen appHeattoo to : t v. roIfiM .:! : 0 ffjii Gili tbai ri; i ) yj? f j l;;,.;;i K u: !-; ,i:-4 'i 1 1 a"ni2liQ &Iij;d si!j hi ? -'fyu' - f.f,?MTrii, waj.jCbavriotte. NK? I viz ftrigolollfl-f 0 'i v . jfi j'n i v iv-ij I'r-'il UJ "ili::03:j qx-:.ii9W ttrrnrrc- -vri lH fiidStlt " J UULllUi Jl aati SA OJ S. LNTltUMAJU KJtVJSlWJt,-1 J CoUectoi'Ceai.District imui.rmrm syn ir ff;i snj , rt8eixeaiorviaqott;pi uwrpnsvepuq ; boxes Uannticn tobacco, o4rnrt unknown. Us. 2 boxes tobaooo, owner a WaroVi j : vi a!oUtohereb7 gvOTto UieowMror eiairhanto or Ute aonve aescnoea propervj w iiiwmiun ine.aAy 'olBceim..8totesvule, and make jdataB ATtn hAfnnt thA nTnlraUon of thlrtv dars from date hereof, or toe same wul be forfeited tatha United States.' ' -" i ""Ji J. MOTT,i ; ' J. LYomo " JJ. ;t-r r vouecur. mayld 8t OJTlCOyERLBvWRteTON CCS ittoiwiotff f v".1 jm H-trfl vn.; !?t STOP IT1 THE" J JJ J4Ji I C 8. Brown, Jr., Uiuei uerx .Bswium bj purifying the blood.

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