i .n A rarJ mmmm 27 CommeneenutUExefeUetTluBer fium. Literary Address, Essays, Speeches and VlalojW f Shixby, X. C June 14th, 1879. TeUuKBtoref The Observer: If tou will allow me space in your f ttfef-ZI tYIfl trVand you a 8B J liJ- i ?n-ftvt .nnt it mi the 7 i n4iLikjT EmmlnetmentJ Wtd to sayfaht mibt bed aboufttf school, bet Will o1t a few facta." ft... ciuJW-Itlclriluinl.wn Mtaife tt. White, a graduate of wate or est College, and one of the best instructors 7 in Worth Carolina. He eame among us determined to succeed m. bail(ling up a fchool of note and permanence. '.This, '' wethink,hdldoiit'lthagbeenflora-iridAg-and growing erer since it waa es tablished, and this session his roll num leri 'd hondred and fifteen, thirty- eight of whom are young ladies, rxou 3y-irioi anarpe. ana. , two most excellent teacfifiv-teiKbera t& Know row istractiaaa are wiling to laatracc s For the past two weeks the students have been undergoing examinations, and, from what I can learn, they have acquitted themselves well, all standing fair in their studies, And now that the toils of tiiis session are, over, all jfeeV re lieved and have enjoyed the commence ment to the utmost. OPENING EXEKCISES. gQn Thursday morning, at lj o'clook, IbeawUjalMnnon was preachedbe0iw the school by Kev. Dr. Mitchelt of Aaheville, X. C. The doctor was intro duced to the audience by Prof. White, and read the 19th Psalm forcibly. His text was (he tth, JOtlf afii Jlth Terse of this Psalm. 'The doctor only dis coursed for thirty-fire minutes, but it was with power and feeling. His re marks were principally to the young. He depicted early piety in all of its beauty, and made a deep impression 'on the minds or all present, in a striking way be told the results ills sermon was plan, the point, t would lite to say excellent effort on this occasion, but ieariag that I might jtrespamroji ivpur ' eututtni I ?efralnmaeit6) sajsthat Bone heard him but went home well pleased. THURSDAY NIGHT. " The" house Is beautifully" decorated and the stage dressed in .a magnificent jiw ipe Tioosa 1$ erowaeajut;inanjj not aDie 10 get in. At tne tap oi me ibeil the exercises began. The large ao dletieewtM higfalr witertained for four hours with speeches, dialogues and, es says from the little ones. Notwithstand ing they were small, they talked like grown peopW; All WereTsatisfied that Prof. White had done hisdutyr ; PROGRAMME FIRST SIGHT. Speech by C. M. Webb, Shelby, Jf. C Subject: "The True Teacher." Mr. Webb was one of the larger boys, and opened the exercised lie was highly bom pif men ted and made a most excellent talk. Miss Edna Webb Subject: "Hymn to the Universe." D.D.Durham-7Sabject: iTbe'Origi-. nal YjmVojTot hA CmYi' If '' Miss Lillian .- Alexander Subject : "Calm's the Night" ' : Miss Lena Young Subject : " The Bible. Frfi. Doggett-Subject: -True Hap- Jliss yaltaieYdtuigSabject IfWTtalU Dixon--SnBi EeMi 1 SCttftlift' f.JXiss Ada Putman Subject: "The Child! " M. E. Suttle Subjects -Peace Of Mind." J ' -J , - D.C. Durham Subject: "The Miser Ti i -xr A. iiT I irairaie vray--uoieci!: uore Ttt ttm n. "fc t r lublect: "Pasa OaSs LsCQinnni-Suljject: !gTi3tthe jummefr . - Willie GafdnerttbiecKr-Mother's Way." T, W. l&hdrick Subject: "Our tkmntry. , - Miss Lula Webb--Subject: "In the Night" ' ' ,oi early piety. pracucarana io more oi his H to W n mm If : JP; Af Vfay-SubjectrOur Cause. U - Miss Ida Green Subject: "The Hour if of Prayer." - v . 4 P : Fi harpe Subject: "It Might tl iiave Been, f4 Miss Fannie Durliam-Subject : E,ven- MYigHubjec&lAiay on " jl. A -jm lu. t r; a a HundftMT. Al t HJJUAJ H ,31issiDarrieJray-Subieet: "Stir -Miss ArLr Durham Subject : "Tle Value of Time." BL tiidney Subject: -Pop." Miss S. C. Docreett Subiect: "Trv Miss D. A. Blanton-Subject: "The Little Word nor Miss M. E. Webb Subject: "Kind ness." ' - ' , E. G. Wray Subject: Miss A. & Suttle -Subject: "Music and Beauty. Miss B. A. Gardner Subject: "If, Miss F. A. Green Subject: "Early Knowledge. - The above essays and speeches were interspersed with dialogues and cha rades. .This closed the exercises for the first night Eyery thing passed ofl pleas antly and smoothly. MrsVW X'Hoberts then gave us a beautiful piece of music' "The Hunters Kong," alter which the audience was: dismissed. . i-.r.i 1. : ,. TIIUBSDAY. The sun rose bright and clear, and all were in fine SDirits. 'At 2 6'clock p. toTJ' z ' large crowd f;athered at the academy to hear the iterarv address before the Philalotrian Society by CoL Chas. R. Jones, df iie Charlotte Observer. The Lionel was introduced to his large audience at 2:30 o'clock by Mr. B. B. Miller presi dent of the society, me coionei gave us a chaste, sound, eloquent speech. He paid a beautiful tribute to Cleaveland county and to her citizens. He spoke ... of Sbelbv and Cleaveland. the tWo cen- : "' er&s that figured in the battle of King's !'f1Moijntain.J His subject was, Evenr - -Maa-or-vvoman is inn ft r niter, oyjjj own jjetmy. The coionei spence ior about 6nd tiiland-a half. - He SDoke of NorthOarollna, her resources, what - she had doneiaad rwhat sh xaid do His words were words of wisdbin, and he . members of the .Philologlan So ciety would do well to take lieed to what hff fiaidV The colonel is a pleas 4pt .speaker, and. we .hope that his visit vxm t The interest "manifested in the larger lim roemberaof the JschooV;drew together , l, a vyry irge auuieuce promptly at mo ringing of the belWtlridJiyeMngW Lrnamtatory.'tnfirti followed! an. say on;Cpndueia by Miss W. giW v: Miss M. J, Uarrill, Sbelhy an essay f A3. W V VJ.i-; eaeisrow fTf!M IT: T Tersation." U CUT. MflJferZaaeexh, suhjeai ism.x1' say, gamcct; they Take TheiriFIteht.t yMisarlLE. trai, jSbw. SiUtect TbeiTrne r xao0Xt, i i .JU1 sutSect: Miss EL a subject G.PJ ject: fThe the Giavi.' say, subject: f'Passing Away" .mi&fa i . liss S. M- Webb, Shelby, f essay, sub ject: "I Haven't Time." " ., W BWare, Shelby,, speech, subject: J 1 Miss IJinni&H B Ji. JUvDurn, speeeBjecti Jbqu cate the Farmer." Miss CL P. Gardner; Shelby, essay, sub ject: "Look Before You Leap." J-A-BeamJDfinbleali subject: "The Excellency of Intellectu- aandOIal Beautyr. T. yMisMi J. Green. neJbtTessa: lect: "Hone Sorines Eternal in the Hu man Breast " " J. B. Blaaton, Shelby, speech, subject : "Industry, and the Rewards of Indust- ? Vsafedrc&ry, bj Taomastofxto. ' SonVHthe Last GoodyeT by thl schooL The SDeeches bv the vounz men, and the compositions by the young ladies, showed much training and laborious work on the part of the teachers, and betoken success in after years. Webb. Duaerarion and Partisanship lf" , Jourameut Proballjfk Further pe layedThe Struggle of the 8U- wr Men. i if i IL , i i i i ISpedal pispaten to the Baltimore Sun. Waseisotox, June , IS. There has been for two or three days a good deal of dissension in the Republican ranks in regard to the attitude of the party in Congress towards the new army ap propriation bill. Despite the earnest and others to consolidate the Republi cans pttpkjUouae against the bill, the latter, urider" the lead-bf Messrs. Gar field and Hawley, voted almost unani mously for the measure. For two days past Mr. Conkling has been nendeavor mg to rally opposition to the bill among Republican Senators, and to-day he suc- peededin havings caucus. He and Sen ator Zach" Chandler have mastered more than a majority of their colleagues in favor of coming out in the Senate in -vigorous opposition to the sixth section of the mil, winch prohibits the pay ment of any money appropriated by the binjf&r'tpe support or transporta tion of troops to be used as a police force to keep the peace at the polls. Before the vote on the army bill was taken in tne House, it is understood Mr. Blaine was somewhat active in advising the House Republicans to support the sixth section jon the ground that it was a harmless provision, in noway repealing or modifying any existing law. He now finds himself antagonized by Conk ling ana unanaier. A good many of the Honse-ReDnblicans are indicriant at the course MfrConkling is ipursuinz. The! cnargBjunurwiin aesire vo emoarrass "T i. , 11 -a . 1 - . f JA. J r . a. , m f wie jrresBiefc aim we more moderate miae'tft - theRejubliigart ; rartv. Thev egarflusionartoewal of his iiui.iiLusL i.u aunjiiustraiion. "In. view of the developments today,' the pepspect oi, an eartyf adjournment is not so favprable. TheiiB. wi!fl be more delmfjeYm tfeeappriatiojftlls in the Senate than was anticipated a day or Senators. 4MWever, came taan 4mdersanding du- . , npg ineir caucus conference (bis mor piac to pusbr-We 'approprian bills with diliir'enee and visor. fiPhev are 'wilBng to ailb jl reasonable f time for ucvke, uui LUffuyt,iiUteua,vo spena mure iuiui frwyjuv8jji uisposmgoi any onefof the4)ills.if this programme is adhered ta Congress may be ale to ad journ Friday br. Saturday of -next week. Shciild theiHvi-meit. howieVer. suc- Ed 'W'btcf'riatfetheeniSB finance pwamittee ?t gfrpiat jfrgfmitthe War- ner-silver bOl, lging Uat meas- ure ueiore vnejpeivaie, as meyiare still threatenMurto.do, adjournnjent will probably be postmned- beyond next welkrririf mw ftiakiniRan effort to lraoMe'ttieCdfilirfTttp.ft ta tinnsiPr itsfenjtjaclj6fein)oatponinathe fur-thef- coniiderti4Qf jantil next seslion, and are pressing Senftiors Bay ard! and Kernan fa-allow the till to be tepprted-4tberH adversely oc without recommendatten. What success they will haTwffritlir3 trb seen1 If a ma-rityof4gStiite:oto.-Jto. discharge the committee rem the farther consid eration. ,oi the Warner bill, there ap peantobe biltnttLft'drfnM that: sun?i. tor Bayard would peremptorily resign the chairmanship of the committee. Uaogrd for a llape. Raleigh Observer, 14th. M Jesse .Davis, a negro man aged 45 years, thick . . ..wA, M hanaea at &raiLhnel(L vesterdav. The crime was committed in the low er edge of Franklin county nea-the. .aasnune. rne prisoner was arrested and carried before a magistrate. The victim of the rape was blindfolded.and -when Several parties were brought be- ion anu -required no speak to her she identified Davis by his voice. He was arraiened at the snrincr term' 1878 of Franklin Superior Court, Judge Seymour presiding, and tried. The v: idence was that he visited the cabiri of Mrs. Champion, a white woman living about one-ftmrth -ofa-'mile from Mr. vv unam j? uuers, where Davis had Wen eUlDlOVed in CUttinir Inom in tYkdrVidrw grounds. He came to her house; injthe night at about 10 o'clock, and demand ed admittance. She refused. TTd hrnlrA into the house. He committed the rape, threatening to kill her if she refused. She made no outcry, as she was gxfi&ly alarmed. She reported the crimeiext uay. x esteroaY be toAidtlie perialty1 of his i.awTulijxuiltCnej'e was a large crowd. North Carolina justice is swift ana sure. ' , ' b i ! K.'l , i An lulet CUe(. YYILMINGT.QNJN..Cf June lThw Rtfir Clf trv-mnrrnw will nnnfoin fai rvfj nclal announcement.ofrnth'Jasing of New Inlet, near the mouth of iCape Fear river, to-day. v A number of persons waiicea ary-rootea across the rockMtfork Erojm-aHeaeratijroint t zeke's iAumt ji uistance oineany 'iniie7Tbe tlosing oixnaimetrmneiinportant featured- the bar and river improvement which uaa ween w geKBTOUsrjiosteTed py tlie general governmfeiitfoi'tn hSni that es-lly to the nroarjeritv of wttmlnvtt&SXfif doarpeu ipu ljuuMnq ca-a utf rr c tin O .iM Dttni endocJcCBerxyviUe, speecn, FBeruMiBelf.- DeaL Cedar Kun, essay, SscdtsftSeStui- - W M A WW uwxwb, ami uw uo laiaeai Know oi u Hall's noum and tiw arill Ha .mi rha.oaia ha - . tm of tae rear efpedaOr. a eold m kkm a toMMoiatCi JatflialaTwccLans troabie baa already 'tela, TlKmsanfe lose BKfr area fn fids vajrev- Hi inter. wMla bad Wmx timm flnnr bemta a eare would hare reaolted, and alat utfflraBS doctor beeaarolded. J aD C the Tbraac and Idnga, Binirt Omriw SxsoFftaa proves Itaeif tote tbeereateatdlaeev ot of lis kind la Medicine. ZterjSrosbtlB CbJs ciiltelraac9f wtnderMrBXt Oter WtatfleoUd 01 'i INTRODUCED. 1 065. Eli diaeaaea, jnaV DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADAfHE, COSTVEMESS, , DYSEXTEIY, BUJOUS FEV78, AGUE AMD FEVER, " JAUXDiCE, PILES, KHEUMATISM, KIDNEY C0M PLAJNTi COLIC, ETC. .'' I SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ioaaof AypetitoandHagaaa, the bowela on evatiTO. bat aometzmea alternate vitb with a aemionmthaDackT)artJain In the right aide and muler the ahoolder-, blade, fnUTx after eating, with a cbain.-" fTfrtatinn to exertion of body ormind, Irti- bf tentperi Low apirita, Xoas at ', of haying neglected tome duty, General wearineaa; Pizmea, yinttering at the Heart. Dota before the ' eyea. Yellow 8km, Headache generally oyer the right eye, Beatleaeneea at night with fitful dreama, highly colored Urine.. JT TJTKSnt TfAtTTflTM AUK II 11 H K V. II Kllt . ;SPjOU DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED,. Mrs PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, a single dose effects . such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. eeiaeaadadflreaa aalfctee eea that are - ' frfce frei eay aneDeirhafliaicMaiajTe the -jaeet deJleate ergajuxastes. They v 8eacas,aeepe yarjfy, mad IaTigenue seraed iJTer, Chey eleamae the f real eelaeaeaa haatera, mad t haa laiemrt health mm rltanty te the hear, emeaiac the hewela te eet amtaraily. wltheet i feel well. A Noted Divine saysi; rvaorFiU th ( fart with littla fiHO.w t wall mm.. ay aooo appeal. 1 Mrfaet. rernlsr stool: efl anea, md.I hTninal i Thw aiwrth thav mW n Mid. Bar. B. I SIMFSOS. LomariD. K7. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect ja-te eereaae the Appiir, and cans pie tody te Taka ea Flesh, thns .. tyitem is aeariahed, and their Teaie An - tiea oa the IHareaUTe Orgaaa, Uegalajr 6teIa ar prodacad. DR. J, F. HAYWOOD OF NEW YORK, SAYS: Yrw diisnsw exist that cannot be reliernd rj r. storinc tb Iisar to its Boroul function, snd tor this purpose no remedy hiMrer baen innntcd tost jsshsvprsasflaDtasrUTTa PUi." Mf . tOlff EVEBYlfKISE PRICE ?J CENTS. OaSe 33 M array Street, New Yerk. t9 Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Taloabl Infor aaatioB and UaefolIteceSpU' wlB besaelledres on apnhcatlon. TUTPS IIAIMYE, fs Hsrsjless ss spring wstsCi Boid b. Druggists, or Bw By axsssas vB Kaoaps as a j t Office' 35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 lj. 45 Years Before the Public. -. .-. i . "j ' . .ur.t THE GENUINE DReC.MoLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PMN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; Sometimes' the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently, extends to the top of the shonlder'amliis sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and, sickness?- the JweK iri general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a :dull, heavy sen sation inihe back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, . arrnmfitfrriHT wlffi a Vimftl Jtfjsition of having left undone something which ought foiavd fceen done. A slight, ! dry coufi&is. sometimes an attendAut.-'' The patient Tcomplaihs of weAriness and debility ; he is easily startled, nis feet are cold or burning, and hecom plaiasvof a prickly sensation of the" fskin ; hjs spirits are lowland although njtBfte .thatxMuld be XJnepcial tjhimyetie can scarcely summon up fortftudeitnotrgh to try it fche, fsrusts every remedy ; Several of the above symptoms attend r fthe disease, but ases have occurred "where few 6f them :ested,J yet exanv . ination pfthe body, after death, has , shown the, liver to have been extern .sirelyi,derarig:ed.' 1 mHCfMcl.rvEi((PiLts, in cases .oyv.AGOK. tAND Fever, when Ttalainvlth Ouinine. are ta-odurtivft of r the most baobvfettialtflf No hetM'' cathartic can be.usar;paratciiyTtH; aavise an woo ar tacted with this a or au. Mbous dereneements. -and MOATTA iAX UT I W T Hljifl? i iia.CL' niSS9?uSre neTCT "g" ef.f Every box has a f ed.wax, , seaj avfife hd, with the impressioitDiLcLANE's I IWP B Prt t a. '..f'.,?fyti?.'v a 1 ; 4fcJ,T!lftatt .".'..The ? eenuine ;clakWi lim Ptir:-i - - bear-the sienararesSfcf C3Mcr.Aw'nnt I" J G'MtnfeSparedbi JilpinHJ.-pi.,f of ttiVtwu;' PJ'4he maiutct. hemgufll.iiMtai6ns: pf tha , wnne2aLme spelled differently W-i 1 tmr 5 MB eat iaoof whick yytw'j u list-it - i -:i Baa and as! am iinajiHiiwifaH kJnda of ' iOOCHARBiaB AXD O0OXTST BODDCK: .51 Deer, A set ALE AKD POSTZS, la eomer Trade aad Bcamdazr Amav 'Dallvaiad aj part f list dtr, fce of cfcuss for flK) per dona. ' MUNZLXS. leftatJobnVrstaltealiopwiBiB- Afl eelve praaapt atteofloo. tPro: iZtiTAXINd The mderalgDed la now prepared to flu all orders '.1.'', ftwemrdaas of Undertaking. Hating; on hand faQaaaortBhsntof COFTIKa, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, ' BottWo.andafetaUe. men as unr as act Haarsea (mnlabed If desired. 1 Famttiire of every DeseripCloa Repaired at aber W.aL WILBXLM, Wmt. & Btcew. Trade 8treet. torn 2(L DD. J. E' UeAdeo, DBD901ST ilB CmoST, Now oOew to tae bad a full stock of Labia's Extracts ni CoIegBes, SagUfth Select SPICES Colgat. Honey and Olyceriw Soaps. KntiUh, frandi and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all aowa. both nfeht and day at J. H. MOADaQra - PMaerlpOon Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C WEST St SONS' i EXXjtA HoJl KZBQSXHZ AX ALADDIN SECUBITT OIL. T West's Extra No. Bona, Baltimore. lKeroaene OIL from C, West ft ...tdm-ty. j :.!: u SfLSJi W,J? Canton. Warranted to stand a -1 , yorftale by ;jJ Db. J. H. ltcATjXN;Beto fent; . I lit'. noijor. CmBIjOTTKICfi: TCF;T TfTR f Ar tira SJLWCE OLD ST AKjpf, - where I am prepared to furnish a superior aualltj to .a-UJw.h0 ma' "not Ice.. My cart will aWuiaU dally deUTerlea at place of Irasiness . bt Artrata rendeneea.; Onfem hhmi th hhmt atMua.i me tnTowh P o. Box 153, or dellreredta me M- oonjotot Bock Island Factor. 10 TeeeMl prompt attention. , f him Customers who begin 'with ma ffl be suppUed tthe enure season at the foUowtngflgnm: , In quantities leas "than fc fcif per lb. . Vi i of 5 to 60 lbs., VjSeiib. of 50 lbs. and VjtfSJP , . The abore figures are the same t which Ice has been sold for the last two seasons, "when I had competition: and as I hare unsurpassed facilities to conduct the business on a lecnttmatsv iriiuini consumera will consult their Interest by glvta me BtnsL - "i-nu jtZ , i.TTT.i in aaforwund!paII, Thankful for rour Datronam 4it flu rota :t. specttully ask a continuance of the aameT- Maya. . 4-' JQQQTXXgTMPIJCDKXDS, MOST APPBOY1D FORK, 14 .:ti. Host Prlntod and for Sal et the - - - - - - - - - - . . - -V - ' X " .. -.. lOWER. fJ-.s-:.nfi firf law- ; '. Jji ttWiwcttonry1t ia pubUcattoa of Tn Oav eat, aaost tm&'xA. CaMvarUy equipped JOB r1UHT!NG; I0USS Ia,tbe South, the proprietor has added a eom pleie . - . . . . 'i t i BOOK BINDERY 1 AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing tbe very best class of work at ahatt Bottee. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound tn handsome style, and at "ery low flgnrea. BLANK BOOKS, . Afi&WXS CJJBBkNT, And work of this dass, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to fonUsh close estimates on every deaeriptlon of LETTERPRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOB POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here in asattracttre a manner as In New York. We hare a rery full supply of type for printing, at short notice and m first class style, BRIEFS FOR TELE SUPRE3CE COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments tn good shape wm do well to aire hs a Mai. We hare the most aeenrate proofreaders, and our work la as free from defects aa It is possible to make It LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. .:' yi NOTE HEADS, areolars, H.' Envelopes, i.iflandbais. Invitations,' Cheeks, 1,11 1 -'I i Labels? tun: BILL HEADS, Deeds, iBnglneai Cards, hi;. r. nil . c'-lTAglstratesand Court Blanks. ir,i r j . 5. U k i j i ; In iaet 1 oil, kinds of prtnUng done.al rtort TOce y. .-"?;.:!:! .11.1. .!i J;!fr; . ' Speefal nttentton gtren to Railroad Prtntlng! v ........ ...-.-s1 r..;t.'-f -' : , !-t r ' ti , , , -. . .:)utf.J 1 Hf5ArfBW flPWfr trpe than most job wranae to m a specialty with ua; ' ?'to s' i 1.) tPiAAXtoaAtfriviiN UUARANTEXD. -a '!iu 'Ptvit ;' iCRlSA-y BARGAINS fancy woAaT Gold and SOrer .SUter plated Table Wa., A0V BUTIiER'S 4 .WATCHES, CLOCKS. - JEWKLKT. SIX.TXK AND SILVER- PLATED : ! ' 'govd AND SDLTEB SPECXACliES. (4d-Head Canes and JsverytUnc Tu want at. ; dee24 1 T.'SUTLBe& P LASNS, TVein Farts, France, - WATCH and' CtOOt HAKXbV GILDEB and STI TKB PLATES, ' i - r ? . ., -r Trade Street, oppoatta Ita Pres&rtertaa Church, Nat Gray Store. Irery kind of repatn made at onee at half and warranted aoe yaari. Xrerr kmd af Jean Bronze Glldint, Cokxtne. aQwPlaanc and raniitng made at ahoranottea. and eqaaOy as apod as new. . Work done for the trade at low prices Hrrippraiflcowanted, with pieantam and good refereneea. r , Repaired work, nncaned for wm be sold at the expiration of twetre months for cost of repairs, aeptlav . A SPLENDID OPPOfcTUNTTT TO WIN A TO& TUNIVSXTCNTS GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday. July 8th, 1879-110. Monthly Drawing j LOOISIANA STATE LOTTERT COMPANT. This- btstttagon was- Tegularir Ineorpbrated by fbeAgsdatBre the State tor EdacaOanal and CharttaMe purpoaes In 1868,,eB mi not or TjrjWrrra. tjubs, to whJesmtraet the Inrloiv We fann-of the State pledged with "-m capital of Sl-OOaOOd, to which a has smee added a Beserre Fund of $350,000- Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER. DISTRIBUTIONS win take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Ties ets, one Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 I Capital Prize TTasfin x vtHuu rrroe 2 Prizes of $2,500. 5 Prizes of limn. 5)00 4 5.000 -. 5,000 zu razes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100... 200 Prizes of 50. -500 Prizes of 20. . . 1000 Prizes of 10 . .. .10.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of $300. .. 9 Approximation Prizes of 200... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100... $2,700 1.800 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $100,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prandnentpointa, to whom a liberal compensation Application far rates to ehibs should only be made to the home office of the company in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for farther Information, or send orders to . M, A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana AH onr Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the superrlsioa and manageaent of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubai A. Early. lone 17 tm &&vzvtistmmts. Reject '.all.. vldlenfc-PwrgatlreR. . They ruin the tpae.of jbj) aa&weak TARRAXra .ItFKRVESCENT SXLTZER .?"ICT9 HS4.PEBXENT ; is nsedhf rafiwial-people as a means of reliering all dersnaisw at Jthevetomach, Urer and Intea tinevhecauserS BmoTes ostrBctions without pain, and imparts rigor to the' organs which it purifies and rrtpilitaa Sold by all Druggists. BECKWlTH'S ... ANTI-DYiJPErTIC PILLS. iThese Puis will prerent and cure Dyspepsia.' Taay are an unrirallad Dinner PUL nBd aperient,' and admiraiftb; -adapted aaa family inediciae. They are uaed by, the xxwt cxutlr&ted people In our country; and are extensively ased by physlelans in pmcacek'-eold wy Druprlsts generally. . Send torelnxiaa.r.R!B-:BrcKWlrH.iin Mmnhin. DR-V5I.H, STOKES! Writes:-"! hare tiAt fOetunim tii juLm in, toM. many to the rbsnes of Coldeo'aLlchkr'a Uqidd Kx- 4 no vi seei ana ximieinTisonuoraasM rerr iwat f f preparaUon used for depression, weakness and ln 4 l ff6?00 therefore.?, eonfidefaay recommend a wuienftdiaB'piofaston.'r. 8oid by nil drug- I ai w bit mu4lt in-mi - - ... . .. . j ami feSBt'BSeS.'rt' kklUm S. hr, nnil 6smjH ftW. AAdrassBBnaua A Cot, AUiakaU, adebTr 77i- "Wwk j and -expenses, guaranteed to 1 Ifnti .GREAEgTIEND j Thejatest and most teompletoi lntenaon1 Jdr tiU wvrocker Fawnswetth'a Fluting and Smooth-1 tag Iron., i Sarea; the expense of fuel, and -the se rere.tasar Of 1 standing orer a hot ftrr a imnin. ra This Irod heats, itselt and , will sara its worth W Ht?!S2&4&wx short: tone; to sarnothlng ofhe nealth of those who do- the work. -"-. ...oi;i,. it?, is??7Trw'w 3fWe are the agents far the State of, NortB Cardil-- Hi if' n i ircn tt . The aamnle Tmna ham inhi .-j .J. ..-r. . . Maris, 1879-d8mf" ' br ; ' I Watebes, -S3 Xt ?. i. JJlt' -"jil Tl 11 . -'1 -4 '- J I - ..it i:t fy v A.T-J.a..i.-r( rMUJ,-,., n.i-iJiat ir n BJS YORITILLB Wa: , J.e2TO will be toe name of a weekly Demo fj.Paper. "e publicaUonof which will be wWirftejf! thlw?-08 Perusing medium for 13hariotta aa the paper will ,lane3- . - af-orkvUle;&a i n 1 1 Ojsio&?1 tare so wen 1 1 tfandlyneceasidea. m i vowsawi on n Certificates can be boat DR. B. WlLSOif CARR, of Baltic 'he IfcaavasMd tt to easeadribn0K- sjn x diseases mVlkJEZm wtthmnehSSorJ ends .It to aapSons sufe6 Mnnnmh V h, .n .T " rfnii. - 'uu mends CBANEN OOu lVtwists. m lite. Va ass M wZFifTV M OonW Ehen an else failed. RiW MX. sssvnuaBlR PUbUshni btood purifier. Did our space IJ eouW gfre you testimonials from etl " n RosadanalsaoldbyallDruggiSi V' ' 1 lXtfbii. mESRT, CCRRiX 4 CO. U 8 College Place. Aacav a Vrajk. JToTiSale by L. R. WRISTON: A 00 . Druggy febl lw Charloue, X. C SMITH'S WORfoiL. XTkKKS, Ga, December H. rf. A few nights Since I gave my son one do of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed siae large worms.' At the same time I gare one to bt little girL-foaryeauokLaBd she passed eightj-sii worms from four to fifteen inches long. M - , W. F. PHILLIPS. Worm On for sale by Druggists generallj. pm pared t K 8. LYNDON, Athens; (Si 1 Price 25 centa.. teb21dtwir, II II It I ! Is a perfBtoob "PtmEa." and is iht only purely' VedETiBtK remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Pebxane.vt Cckcs of Syphilis and Scsorcut in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of merrarial ihemnatiam,and speedily cures all skin du- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. a TJoggett (Southern Metli It ts an excellent corrective of indigestion. Haw used tt with pronipt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. If same, Pf. Unlversitj of It. C. I concur with Bishop Daggett tn bis estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. K A. Tates, P. K. 5, C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Head another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lea, D. D., Meth. Hist'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It Is an antidote . to Indigestion. Uneasiness after meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits am attested by numbers of high character. I hare seen a "tried-everythlng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rer. Dra. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) ' ft is endorsed by the direct personal testimony oilmen of national fame and of strictness oi apeechn ItBnottoomaehtoBay that no medlciw ever had such support tn Its favor as a spectsc The word of any one of the eminent divines te tuiderwrtte this anddoto to dyspepsia has deserved weight.; Their maUed witness Joined with the ex pert mental ase and approval of the preparation w well-known physicians, lembres all doubt, u a. beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religious Herald, Vs. RerTKlTTJalmeXL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Vt It Is highly esteemed here by the" regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent forin digestlon and flatulent colic sedative, soponnc. tonic, shghfly aperient, without nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: JiDJt ILC. SMrjCft .Charlotte, N. C. OBSXlij RA6AN ft- OO, Greensboro. N. C. 0 :n tru TBjSQ. Kj KLUTTZ, Salisbury, K. v. -irs? A- tt .i POLX.MILLraj J C0- l pUlw..Soleprt 'i - mar 20-dAwtf. 'TtASmC, TRNMSSHSi OHIO RAILROAD iStWtte; .C,, May 24th. 18 ft bn;ana after Monday, May 2th. gf schedule will be ru over this road dally (Sunday excepted); ; if r..i&:. ii,e. GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte;: . , . . ,. . u .: ? 4f2vllanCollece 8 00 a. m. 9 53 a m. 1 1 20 a- Arrlreat StatesrUle,. 1,3 J 5 .'fJmislJBXmQ SOUTH. lieavir' 4 40 p. m 08 P- m 8 00 P. n1- Arrive at Qiariotte,.. OorinecOon made at Charlowe w iOIM tral raUirar. and at fitatesrUle with Western now CaroUaa Railroad. Mnnue, A1I freight offered forshlsment toSecUon Hous Henderson's,' Alexandrians and Caldwell s nwj be prepaid, they being (Flag) Stations. ; at wn there are no Agents. The company will noi d sponsible for freight after its delivery at saw nT-rM.:-.;. J.XG0RMLR. may25 , 5HEi- !. -is:- JUST RECEIVED, PICKLED SALMON, ; iNOLIA HAMS. Wl- rt t 1 ' '" ' 1 lf'-' 'Jtf"1 tfST'V sgmJZ jrTN '1 on "uenuemen." junin fw - wune pronunciation. " i ; .- -a i Address OBSXSTXB OFFICII - v.-: aatHOWSLl" P. aiJox182. - t toarlotto, N, C. - Jane 12. .4. I i 3

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