V . ,wf aussoRirrros katxs t TffE OBSXRVEM JO DXFASnOXT ihtdu. tme wur, (poet-paid) in advance, "ft ....$8 88 VtprwgJdy rupplied with every neuttd Hi JIG!.? UU ii . - . M AA lamumnaimn im low tiiwi crime. t ........... uu .Kir ... mm manner oft Wor eon now te Amw woA i dispatch end eheapatet. nottce," WEEKLY EDITJOS i BLANKS, BILZrSMJMS. LETTXR-BXADS, GAUDS, TABS. KECXZttS, POSTXXS, ' I PROGRAMMES, SAlfJD-BZLUS. PAMPHLETS, OZBCVLABSi CSJBOX8, Mt r. !..' ) Ti 'MY I Outqfthitomty,xotpaia, Six Month. VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE; !N. Q.v :EpNESpAYVi JIJNR 18,: 1871 &f- Liberal tuctianx for Clubs. .1 l'-. -Ji. i ail i -- . I'll l.l-t-V VI if rw PW1 ,:l U3 ; W u - J B - I WHOLKALkAND RETAIL , : .j ."- i,i x . ' i if ( ! V'i l 4.L L kinds, or ... A w1 BEDDING, tO. BEDDiNtt, AO. KURNITUBE' FURNITURE I ' r'y.liT' S FURNITURE '1 FUKNITUBJ5 1 A Full Line of CBfiiP BEDSTEADS t CHKA If BEDSTEADS I , BF.TrNa.'jtO. BEDDlNrt, Ac. "tacE'tintfiittcmiTTs. and full line of black, white and all thi LACE SILK MITTS. iress anlc e shades of I i Also a large lot of BOUNCES!. AUNES t 'COUNGES! 7'S ; h lit: . PARldKlCiMBEft SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER 8UT8 ! COEfiNB of all kinds on hand. . COFFINfl of an kinds on hand. Na J Wist Trad Strdt. CHARLOTTE, M. C. yg- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a ime sapply. ui3 i ABUAOI3 Dt- tJ ORJUT i yn rtr it w tirip SI H II T U. ris n 5 fi T T TJ U. URRK KB HR RE ITU R KBKB I' CREPE LISSE RUFFLING In black and white. Also a full line of black and .whlteSklr Fa0n.,;4Jflo another k of white i .'i-ii.-tl ,5Jii4 i-'Sifl ife:;ffi .iiffVn ) ,,f. Linen and Tfctoria Lawiis You can get the White Bullion Fringe very cheap. 'Anon waa call attentioa to the. fact that wa are now selling a nicely trimmed .V.. :. ... :r . . ,h ;H LADIES' HAT AW)UT HALE Bols LTeu " Dear Is the lore I have spoken for thee, Fervent and true: but, like pearls In the sea, Hiding Its purity far out of reach Lieth a love all too precious for speech. HfiiBsefWrnaJestr, thrlllsrof itsblissf Corae to us often with elasp and with kiss , Bhadowi of beauty and echoes of song, IF)! L6 forms whlcji It ange belong. ' Mystical nnton of soul unto soul - Marriage which man cannot make nor control' Heart-ties which Fate cannot weaken nor sever, Wonderful Love which endure th forever! In the Hereafter no marriage shall be Dear, is It needed to bind you to me? :v: Souls live forever, and souls wed In love Are wedded eternally here and above. Sacred the vows which the bridal day brings, Holy the symbols of wreaths and of rings, But holler far Is the rapture untold, More pure than the wreath and more fine than the With the roses of youth with the beam of an eye,, The feelings we utter may vanish and die, as f ne dow oi tne sky, with us hues ncn ana warm, Eadeth and leaveth no trace of its charm! - -a : TKie love which no eloquent phrases can tell " " iii ves as ine music nves on to a sneu ; be shell, though forsook by its lover the wave, vermore echoes the eladness It eave. Bo the heart which hath lain-In Love's Infinite sea Repenteth forever its rare melody. . OBSERVATIONS. FOR ITS VALUE.' .Also a nice line of LADIES' LIIIEII SUITS, H i t.',V) Ai)OU ) Closing out very cheap, and many other lines of goods at reduced prloes.. If .any one Is in need of a moo , IWIESS-SHIUT They would do wen to call and procure a lot of our nnlaundrled shlrta. for less than the material can fieDOUKM. . . , J i H'ii.1 ifiJtvspecttnJlyA, Aijiii i j r , s 4 T-L.EIGLECO., i I- I ' - L " J 5 OppC Charlotte Hotel; Tryon at, Charlotte, N. C. June 15. W. KAUFMAN 4 CO. We ttave uaaa tae esyeriment of purchasing tock so eomplete as to include the latest novels in Men'4, Youth's. Boy's and Children's IXJU L OO TTTT SOL O O T L O O T COL O O OOO, LLLIr 00 . H H n NN N GGO 6 g II NM N G G HHH n NM N G AT K. 0 RO(JERS' WAREROOMS, -4: JJMT to POOTOFnC. ' Mj ocJ Is very Lar, and embraces a Kull lilne of i- I PAkLOK. CHAMBER,' DfNING BOO DKFKX FURNITURE All Goods Packed Free of Chance f Q.BOCXRIBS CHXAPEB THAXYS& i-tfiii v ;.f-- ;t fv in(? !lfr' NEW GOODS ! ' V'j I -MEW JEATUBES , fc6ul4fcraeoMtoi ar. Coflei Mo Just reeelved, a few barrels of Berry Foster's Da vie county) -... .v;-':--,'-;--.,:-':tf. ' BEST RTE WHISEEY. 1 Also a One lot of Country Hams. Lsell for-eaah. j 'vlWltJ uff.iHbiis u-MTrade Stieet. Kett doev bW WSaM Hack's oiasuu 2j2UAJlUL2UMitfyliiiAJMB i 1 J. , The BourmolM and Minion type on which Jthl4 PPU was latcU' DrineecL.II wftlmadV'ayi tne.ldi. Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, ana wa not discarded because no longer tit for use, but on J because It became necessary to use a different 'We of type. It will do good service for several Without eases. Address OBSERVER, octS Charlotte. N. CL That valuable property in thlsi efty known ah the nnerror iinnH iun aU.Raa: - This Tan nery u ooaventenQr tacated; aad has all the latest Bark and hMM 1w iiul In ahnrulAnftn . - "W PatUCUlarii nAAre&a AfSAACS, Attorney is ; : ,X,u,for AlexarjE-AifoB. . 'w,K7-dlaw3mw3m ; WLL IMPROVED CITY I. r3m4w3m - ; j PERTY FOR SALE. Person desi t "J JjOt, ase a well tmnfoved . Hnnaa h S. and miMtarn Mtn- venlences.fine t ' kitchen, within nve minutes walk M ---C sauare, can he ao- We Invite public Inspection, and we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every garment which IssoULat our house Is warranted to be as represented, an4 in price leas than can be bought elsewhere. w continue :o sei f til mm i mUvlhm m . strrs Cheaner than any other house, as we did the season, and they have gained the reputation of be-d lng the best in the markev We present this season to the consumer a fine line of r . f 11 lUet Mioi aulllpcrs, IJluvsuAllAg feiio worn iiiaaCD tu uio wuuhj. - ajsuiv can arso be found b our took a eomplete line of fine Felt, Stiff and Btraw nats, ana any una oi Genaemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest . t M f I iff .1 I 1.121 BARGAIN Can be bad .at , ,-x-,J 1 0 CdiMtLTruIe and Tryon Sts., April 10. Charlotte. N. C. TEftCHERS STUDENTS it i nn or snnn iter month d urine vacation. "rt: on. For nil Dartlculars address J. C. McCURDY CO., Philadelphia, Pa. TTJ A T CTT? Please write for large, DljAlV Ollli Illustrated Catalogue of 'pnrT.ies. RTtOT GUNS. REVOLVERS. 1 Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa, J.il .i jfi '.'in. ..u.ia it-rtJi ; The only combination of the tne , rJamalosrlnset with choice' Aromattca and French RmnrfT for Cholera. Cbolnra r. r, .eTrirt'tQ'lMorbasv ramps and Pains, Diarrhosa. Dysentem.i 'Die pepsia, Flatulency, want of tone and activity in the j stom ach end bowels, and avoiding the' danarers of change 9f wa- ter food and alimate, i ASK FOR SANFORD'S - r.Ki&irJSt'iC JAMAICA .1 .tf, a rJ43L1 "GtiiGER. Sanford'siJamaica Ginger. :-BENSON'S CAPCDiE POROTSIASTER tism and all local pains, ana acnes, ine Demw dy lmowril ''lt'vur Invented to oyercome the) slow . . . . . . ........ n If MjllAvAa AfiAn at r.rui iwniiurf nini n rijuuiin. . iraiuitn r7 nnA onH mnw wbwn ntbr cOl&sABB will .13- K rkmtforlat.a 1 not even reuec oviu w "--"-rn Prtw 25eents. . , .. J TXEAL ESTATE,, ' ; tmarxii i Vr" TMVrftRATION AGENCY ro. For -ellinz and buying Mines. Lands and Hufta; V 1; :jnnjfndwffl 'V'& Advertise free of cost, all properties placed haait : 'i "j'-J U -T-HOa'F. DRiTrT04;: . b-?i! Tt7E retail nothlpg.but choice eja Guarawj W tw every article . we sell and will cbee fully refund your money when oEOoas arenoi iiu. Mnnuiented. A rood stock of v ... f1?1 GROCER IE I JH-.ni iiTo Tnake-'speolaJtlei of -CofiviEroar, Oft nana.. w roi.b-ana .. Hnma. And eal. oats, euiw f ks neral Country Produce. I).' "S! MeaTxSts Bo&mXzs, Xhickens. HamSj and "l.VKSJuS?, Solicit correspondence Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C. May 3. When a youns: man Is riding along with his adorable and speaking to her In the softest tones, and la giving her all manner of sweet taffy, It takes all the poetry out of the scene for him suddenly to discover that a gamin Is hanging on behind taking u au m.maiem nunoeam. The pretty girl that all men seek Is a combina tion of rare and precious stones. Her lips are ru bles, her teeth pearls, diamonds must nasn rrom her eyes, bright and sparkling gems must fail from ner hps. wnue ner pocaeis must iainy groan wun Its pile of rocks. Whitehall Times. Clara Morris indulges daily In a horseback ride. and the Intelligent animal has been trained to throw her In a manner which Is perfectly harmless, Dut at tne same tune just as valuable as an ad vertising expedleut as If she were half-killed. There Is a religious movement against tobacco In the Oneida community, where the weed has been freely used. The reformers do not take any pledge, nor abstain whenever they desire to smoke or chew, but pray for God to remove the appetite Tor tobacco, and many declare mat tney nave tnus been entirely cured. Miss GaTT and Miss Lltta. trie opera singers, start ed from a hotel in Virginia City. Mo., to go to the opera house where they were to appear with Stra kosch's company. They lost their way, mistook the Jail for the opera house, and were looking for the stage door when somebody told them what the Duuomg was. Th RnvAmnr at fipnnHa rieltvftrpd a lecture to a Sunday school recafitly, and we scarcely expect our KepuDiican contemporaries to oeueve us wnen we state that he did not have a navy revolver in nis belt while speaking, and, as far as heard from, he killed no negroes aster the religious services were over. Virginia City (Nee.) Chrvnicie. Raphael died without knowing the rapture It Is to catch the expression on the face of a man who chases a street car three blocks, ana men, just De fore he makes the Jump for the step, pulls up sud denly and goes back to the sidewalk, trying to look as though be had not lust discovered inat ne clothes. A young man having been requested at a dinner to reply to the time-honored toast of "Wo man," closed his remarks with the familiar quota tion from Scott: "O woman, in our hours of ease. Uncertain, coy and hard to please." Here his memory failed him, but after a little hesi tation ne continued in trtunipn: "But seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace." THE HILL-SIMMONS TRAGEDY. hadn't a solitary, lingering red cent about his The Accused Tells tJie Story of His Wrongs His Wife Pursued by the Lover of Her Girlhood He On ly -BegreUThi Necessity for the Act. Atlanta, Ga June 14. The state ment of Hill, made to-day during his trial for murder, created a profound sensation. Old lawyers say tnat they never saw a paper used in a court house with such tremendous effect. He open ed bv savins that the statement of the prisoner was not taken under oath, but that he wanted to say what he had to sjay trader thfi restrictions of an oath. -and may the uoa Aimigiuy tnac am soon to meet smite me dead in my tracks if I deviate one iota from, the truth." He then went on to say that Simmons met his wife while she as a school eirl. and had loved her ever since ; that he had persistently pursued her. and at last decoyed her away frorii home tinner the pretense of taking her to him ; that Simmons thus decoyed her awav. Dersuaded her to drink beer, and ttieN arid thenHtlicnatedr her; he said mar, mis was Hucoiupiisiieu luruiuiy ; Hill returned home that night and found his wife sick ; after this Simmons had power bVer herj and persuaded her to go off ; Hill then looked for her, and onMonday she sent him aletter,detailing what had been done and begging-tier husband to forgive her; he took her in to the country ; Simmons followed her there, and finally wrote her a note whicfTshejat once? returnedjto Hill. Hill then determined tolki Simmons? went to hunt for him. Simmons avoid ed him, he says, and he wrote him a letter; begging him, if he had one spark of manhood, to meet him. He met Sim mons accidentally on the street, follow ed hiMand shchim. v Gentlemen ,.0f; wTe7jtrry?I livef tdy wlfe,and I love her now. lr you Knew ner you wouia love her too:;;. J killed John. Iv Simaiolis Decause ne inyaaeo my nome antrum- THE STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION '' The : annual' meeting of , the State Teachers' Association- will be held in Chapel Hill, July nd, 3rd and 4th prox. ' 1 The programme will consist of, firsti papers' ana addresses as follows: ' Hoa.r K. Battle; Xli. president of the association Annual Address. Hon:; J. C 'Scarborough.' Ai M super intendent of 'Pubhe Instruction The lJubhc School system or .North Caro lina. ' i ' Jas. H. Horner,' A. MJ of the Horner School TaliffUSger .the Instrument of , . satenweu, lXi president state Board fiHealth--iSchool Hygiene. f W. C Doubr Ar-M, president Louis burg Female oUege-Sdme Essentials to Success in Elementary Instruction. - , Tor. w- u-iegram, of Trinity coi-lege-ostrortiav-Nostrarum, Kostro rum r ;. j n .k,- '.:,..u Major Robert Bingham, A. M of the Bingham School-rrA Method of Teach ing English Composition . t? . ' S. Simpson, A, M- president. Yadkin College The Wealth, Happiness and Influence ofjverySate. in Proportion to its Moral and Irftellectual Character. , .K. C, English, Esq- of the oommittee oh education in the last r Legislature The School Law. ; . .t Robert B. Sutton, D. D. The Teacher in Society. John E. Dugger, A. M principal Ra leigh Graded iSchool-ra&ed Schools. Hon . A. Mclver, A. M, principal of Greensboro Graded School Aims and Methods of Teaching, u,; Misa E. M. Coe, of the Normal School Kindergarten School. John J. Ladd, A. M. School Discip line. Prof. F.W. Simonds,'M. S. of the Uni versityMethods of Study in Natural History. Several other teachers and educators have promised to address the associa tion, but . by request thei? names are omitted from the programme. Second, general discussions, following such addresses as may seem proper. Third, an experience meeting, where in teachers, who have not read papers, may speak each ten minutes on some; educational topic. Fourth, . a business session, when standing and special committees : will report, new officers will be elected, the publication of an educational journal discussed, and new work will be mapp ed out for the coming year, . ' Members of the association will have the benefit of reduced fares on the rail roads. Tickets must be bought of. the4 agents at the station, who will furnish either round,, trip: tickets at reduced rates or single, tickets at regular ' rates, when the purchaser will return free by securing a certificate from the secretary of the Teachers' Association. Everv teacher in North Carolina is cordially invited to this, our annual re view. Let us unite our hands and heads and hearts, and the good cause of edu cation will grow in wisdom, nobility and power until ignorance is driven from our borders and learning is the 1 surest passport to honor and fame. Geo. t. Winston, i . Chairman Ex. Committee. . Tjje press will confer ,a great favor on teachers, by circulating the above. . . : . in Unusual, 6 rave Scene. . On the arrival of the funeral proces sion of Mrs. Hull (who was found mur dered in New York) at the cemetery on Friday last, the eoffin was -placed on two oars laid across the top of the pine box or outer case. This in turn lay on two bars placed across the open grave. The ix pall bearers stood close around for a few moments while the mourners came up and stood looking on at the preparations. Dr. Hull, with his sister-in-law on his arm, stood close to the foot of the grave, , Suddenly the earth at the1 head of the grave caved in. One of the crossbars fell and the end of the box drooned to the, .bottom of the grave. The bar under the head of the coffin slipped and the coffin itself was thrown with a drill crash dOwn into the grave. It lay for a moment atan angle of forty-five degrees, the foot' still sup ported njrtne croesoars ana the head on the fallen box below. Two of -the pall Dearers had iaiien partly imaer the cot fin and partly into the grave. ' A small monument oyef the, grave of ; one of Mrs. Hull's nephews was upset by the starting DacK oi one ox the pan. hearers. For aninstant everyone was paralyzed. Several . of the: women-wept and turned away their faces.' Dr. Hull, husband of the deceased; stood as if rotated to the ground, The tears roiled from ey s, . .1 1 A- z. J" . 1 inm a ub weuv jie repeuLttu aguiii aim again,'? Dhj dear f oh, dear! oh, detir !" Apparently he' could hot -stir, and he stood absolutely still, . while the coffin was lifted up by a dozen quick' hands and placed on-a grave near by. It was slightly brokeh thoiigh .lt Retained its shape and lield together.' The seams at t he head had Sprung-apart about a quar ter" of ianiheb and' .the lid over the plfe waspaVtlydiWaced, though lor-; tunately nob enough to disclose a view"; of the rudely shaken: corpse. It Was re- piacea at onopf preparations were GREATS A I JE i "if, T. t,i 12 -i f .',f.it!.- j.-jii, '--v -Hi '-: . .. . ... ..ni..i i v- . . . .. . , ji, ';' i : , ' ' ! ' : : i-T -.-fff - . 1 :, i- f .", cf.! J I ' 2... . '. . : l . '- - . . - OF ' r..tv. cinffn v.i': 'iivM. f' fn r . i fL t ' - r J ; ) ' r j " J - JV ' ' ' ' - - ! $ .V-i t : ' ' . - i.l - . .:.r r,-T -. ' ONLY ONE DOLLAR. ON MONDAY, 16th INSTANT, We will make a clearing sale of a large lot of Fine Dress Shirts worth $2.00 last season, now to be closed out at ONE DOLLAR. They are of New Tork Mills Muslin, and Linen 200 fine, but from carryingin,stock the muslin has become a little yellow, though in no way injuring the perfection of the 8hlrt, but we have adopted exclusively the King Patent Sleeve Adjustable Shirt, and for this reason propose closing out our former line at a sacrifice. It Is the one grand opportunity of the season for a genuine bargain, and we Invite our friends to an immediate inspection. -.-., June IB. ' ::: ' , Bespectfully, ' . D. LATTA k BBO. f "t JUST BECEIVED, A FULL LINK OF MOSQUITO NETTING, IN PINK, WHITE AND BLUE. o ALSO A LINE OF CANOPIES. -o- -ALSO- VARIOUS SHADES OF LACES FOR TRIMMING OF BUNTINGS. o Also a new lot of Ladies' Hat?. 0 , A Beautiful Assortment of LADIES' WHITE-AND BLACK LACE SCARFS, " Black' and Colox-lk Miis.Sik; Fringes, Bretonhe and Torchon Iaces, Kid Gloves in:every shade and variety- of Prices. Linen and Cotton Lawns in white and figured. A Splendid Assortment in all Jcinds of Dress Goods. Another Lot of the most Fashionable Millinery has been Added to this Department. LOW PRICES AND SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. IN nmnu Our $7.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. Our $12.C0 English Tweed Suit sells now for $10. Our $18 and $20 French and English Casslmere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $10.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods a greatly re duced prices. .-, Unlaundrtetf shirts for 50 cents. The very best made in the United States for $1.00. Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, and all goods In proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of lew prices. Bespectfully, - ' . J une 1, 1S79. L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers arict ailors. by a. prisoner. w WXiA A6 history of Mtorl couftty, i'TM. Stafe is lntroduc- iT-iiri wrnnr hartir mai faffain made xo lowering the eomn to its You will find that I can dlelike I Iiaf e j fff . which was accom-i lived. Gentlemen. I will turn to the pusueuauei ra. ueiay oi iwemy minutes. Bixtzi fehirtttet'of Proverbs n! tfie'Bible. ... IMrvHill herexead the chapter.f Gen- Unfavorable Monetary Situation m ELgiani",, tlemen, I have been hurt worse than I can express.-' I toved Tny; wite oetter than my life. Our wedded life ha3 feeea: one long honeymoon. We had our home frolics aad played together,5 ' Now, gen tlemen, it is with you to decide. I want BO sympathy, but lustife My life is in f&af hands, Pdo not ireWettaimhing that has been done ; I only regret :bav ing had to do it. Gentlemen, I bid your. During the dehvery of the statement; the vast audience paused in almost breathless silence, Uetwrnmb utm' ipeeteuyno when- toaorfflg UDe wiwectron-ai tusLwire. w therndfirdtasiaticr effdrt "ever rendered ;-LondoK, jTinelr).-The Times' -financial article,-, referring11 to ' the condition of the money market says: Difficulties aye still apprehended in the provinces and some heavy failures would proba bly have occurred before now but for ihe. fact that the '.provincial shanks in terested prefer to help their customers :fpr the time being rather than let It be thought that they have made an jr Josses; . What would in ordinary circUmsiances :ltave been failures. ' have bv-vthe heln f thus afforded in some instances turned ihto ft forced private llquJdHuoiI.! All this is well-known in the city and makes money- lenders more suspicious and cautious than ever, A real revival of trade aiid: brjslc: demand for money ihg testimony to break the effect of the wouia prppaDiy, ..reveal .enpugh weaK staiemeiit,'but! the almost; unanimous t pess or insolvency in several . quartern opinion of everybody is that it will clea4V 'iiy. jut".y. me ujiuuou uow r-w ttiQ aoiannznr. i-iiK iucvuiHt .weBL iiwj- i v.uw lTdurfrTIfire deHryPartfumeiit will be made on Monday, and a decis- ict " The EreclrffiXiehf. baa- .ttla.i;W r.ni'c. .1 ;r.o: j. a r-Ait'iSieyr: York icorregpondent claims thve'beefxinform'eVoff mvp.it, muwjM :M'jiyi;vAou4)iiu4aujjf iiimselfy that the intentoTi after, spend5:: i IngCfianchlttable time fcndmeans on fhe laWationi??ihi3ryV the ieIedrie:liglit,hasdroppedit,or haleter mtTieeVto do so; and has decided to' adopt that offrallace; of,. AsphiaV Conn wlio has already consLructed a machine for ftfodilctng the tfightf nd ' advanced somWte-tt'hi.thtfiin.ot-sd grjeat.probljfcf, xl the.,4ijsai or the sanaw tIM& called thertjon" theory; (wh6Mt:lson'has,hfild"tdth,platin- "ttm.theftryi whatever ithese .terma "may imply.' At Briyxatei" say this;onesr Mndent the'r-Hiibuncement some time. ftiohyihaNew,Yo.rk7Papers thatrMr. Edison had : solved iiis rgrafr problem was a trifle premature, v A Mailer of .Interest ia Travelers v. aldr". feCbmach iUera t a medicinal Safeguard against unhealthful Influences upon-which they can lmpllclty rely, since It prevents ftie effects that an unhealthy cUmate, vitiated atmosphere, unao-. ustomedjor nwholeeomeiett bad. water.sor other eonjlitiona nnfavorable'to health,; would otherwise 'poducel a Oa long voyages, or , journeys by land.tn latitudes adjacent to the equator, ft Is especially useful as a preventive of the febrile' complaints' and disorders of the stomach, liver , and 'bowels, vrnlQhsfre apt 1o attack" natives pf the temperate nes;sojournjrig or traveling in . such regions, and Isan eioeutbrotection ogainstthe- Influenoeof extreme cold; sudden; changes of temperature, exr wwni to-flafian toe extrema- lanmie. rn not only prevents mrmlttent and remittentlever, and oth er disease oj ainaaanai tpfl,; iroi eradicates them, a fact which has been notorious' lot y$arsJpast In Korth aSouthAlme'rl, Hfexloo;--,lbe4 West' dles Australia and other, countries, ' , junior A ,vV. CHEW JA0K80S S BEST SWEET NAY 1OHAO0O. ' : . ... f Yin Steamers to Portsmputb, nd thene all Kail and Through Cars, Enabling1 Quick- ; ' est possible Timo to all .Points JSouth and JSouth west. t f ; NO BRATAGE, NO qOMMfSSIQN, NO IIANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM LNSUlANCE, -; 1 MarW Goods plainly via Seaboard Alr-LInel Freight received at any. hour of tte day, and I Through Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves', or offi ces of the Line. For information as to TarilT, Schedules, Ac apply to either ot the undersigned. , m t u ' , : K SLIFINCH. South Western iAgent'i 1) v. Charlotte, jtiC J :-: . 'i" April 30 d5m. fSii 1. t. miti. Agent u Jiaiiwav, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, Mi wmm mm ' - ' ' ' . '. . . '. . : '..'.' !: f : . . 1 . .1 ' ;':. -H A-i TRYON STREET, IN INkSURANOE BUILDING. - ' : - -! If; v 3 o a ' ,ft. & ' p.- o m1 Si, a X.10 2 0' 10 KOii . I - ; IMPORTEES OF ' 1 Arxrnros or '. ! : g.-'S- ! sl33:i fefi-i . ! 11- Cli .fTr.-.l. o ? j 1 an -. X'!. .i . lis loj liiiir.'4 ' Tfc- I V AVALlliS "i :g,u?T;A'Rs-,': banjos; i Vj .. . "- -7" "w.,, Illsl iFLUTESv, FlFES,'j n 1 liafttolmen-it SHEEt,M"USIC fW ?,t 1 Ki' Jhki. ! if'.' I ' ... , c i HJU JJ I U7 e- W 5 v " 0 ,'Ij 1 S'.iW. b,l. -.1 1 "iVgi 1 "D B'-rti . -ii t3. - O . .- . . . . j - r . t ; '1 t-wa O' ''tti 14. j ;.i ."'t,r' 'u'.i Wi'jPeTAIIa. 1 v.JI.-; J r .t AND ' U.-J I" .UU I .41 . 1 -1 -Mrfi f -'-1 'i?row; tVir -'3' & h . w .. rrrnnrrri! lo ?v.-4;! is.i-i- , uto t...-i-i1i Ionia lii.ixlIWKKiu susolr .Uti!: "j5iL I'-..JojH' yi"'e'e - r t, wju . w.aio Ait iiiijihf jhwHi 1 " . rvJ V ';v:" 1 wij U'o.v f-,j iiiwNui.ni' -Hrp.1 TRfOEr STREET, IN INSUrtlMiDE BUILDING.

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