a- "1 Xih agssnrasaeasaoaa r. Editor and Proprietor tu; "Frnt from the doting fmrnpUathat letter our W i r -VEDNESDAYv 3UNE18, J$70. CTKIKE'AT FAH R1VKR; ; i ii . iiBfliggrfflrSgiggpys g&t fias'been due in a large measure tcra strike -which fa pending among the factory mperatives J at Fall Itlver. A meeting or tne opera tives was held last Friday night for the purpose of considering the expediency of striking fiv mills; the sentiment of the meeting was rather opposed to this, considering that it would be more ad- - visaWeWnlaehl stjikef universal An Adnmehklweir.aaliad to SattfWay mfci, thf n tfie lattef -coorsej w IB ieerueim pon awnost uuuuwiiuuoij. The strike will include all the mills in the city, and each striker pledges him self in advance to support himself three weeks without appealing to the union? Ten days' notice was given Monday morning, and the operatives adjourned. to meet on the 26th, when the notice will have expired. The cause of this strike is a refusal on the part of the mill owners to re store wages. The recent depression in ....... business compelled, the manufacturers .... W Reduce, wages fifteen per cent, prom- K , ising to restore this per centage.as soon as the state of the market warranted ,.&uch actipn. fIn the opinion of the em- jjloyes that timfr-haB-coroe. -In the j udg- ment of the mill owners that jinie has not yet come, fllence Hie trouble : A committee of Ithe hands has waited on- the manufacturers, the subject has been quietly and dispassionately discussed, and, each side remaining firm in its con- viction..the warkmenvare to be. with drawn from tjre nill$ ; the owners are thereupon, to close ; a state of seige, as it were, will be. declared, and everybody is in a good humor. "While a strike is the worst possible method of seeking redress of a grievance, public opinion will deal more leniently with these stri kers than it would otherwise have done by reason of tle fact that they proposed to the owners to submit their differen ces to axDiLratiQn. and tne latter ueciin tn, lTliere Wolild also'seem to be some justice in their demand for a restora tion of wages, since cloths .are one cent higher now than when the reduction ' went into effect; and while it is true that the price, of cotton . is also higher. the proportionate increase in the price of goods is greater than in the price of the raw material. However; the rights and wrongs in the case need not be discussed here, ev en if they could be discussed with a per AwX knowledge of the circumstances gwrnin-bethpaf ttes-te tlve contest, We only point out that, as the Fall Riv- tr itoilllVoflsanie Average of 2,C0b balls o o9 per veek, it is very like ly, .indpedl 3t i iufte pertain, that the strike among the mill hands there, em- tailing a prospective shut down in all the mills, has had a material influence upon themaxket price, of the staple, and to this may pe traced the' tumble which carried 'down,-; Monday. Messrs. U li Smith & Co, and perhaps others. ;,;.For the sake of jtlie best interests of the country generally, and for the sake of the interests at Fall River which are directly interested, it is greatly to be hoped that ere the ten days, ending on the 26ili inst "expire, a plan for the ad- Jusiment orthlTexiiting differences may be agreed upon. It would be hfifgf r ,inl all respect for;: the workmearto cpfiUnH ue their workjii pesenprfces than f6T; tnem to qtrptema remain idle iorf.n ind QCLjWt ton theprincipje-rcourt Ipgf & beltthan nr bieldT oijiMuflrtertor iue owns tueoi weTper atlves, than" zjLneir mills, "whtplC latter course ii.rni&tins. 'Mutual coW cessions may Wk&tind work contin ued,, and somefjfrospeets for this resujt seems to be found in the excellent go0d feeling wTdliMSlSPtween all parties: THE lORliBlIT ii' .Still opinions vanrriana Oitterances rWTontesrarwasnrngton. 'OnCoxth'e latest pieces of news oh the subiect and - . ' i ijo ifnterdsling' milhaJ,' i jthd ioij lowing, telegraphed fm bu Sunday, to the Philadelphia Times To report the army bill on Tuesday and it it out (until t a tvbt is 1 reached, .lieither'lidjourning nor taking a recess until it is pasied,jito- send-jthe fihdicial hill tn tlifi lrpsififinti within forty-eight hours, and thus be ready to adjourn on leading Democrats. If it is carried out . Congress will certainly be called back. forms closest friends have said that we president) wopid contewe Con gress if it adjoufriea Without definitely providing for the judiciary according to the Republican understanding. . . .. - -There are twer opinions apparently wqually entitled : to credit in regard to sie President's ' attitude on the army in, the, Senate, ' Smind on-ihe-previous- bill ah veth r , ' . tn Btaad-of signing it as he had intended, em&j tijo wi nave 10 oisapprove the Bre8entnJL cas it is f ulrv as bad as thA ttiy msmmts mi uMjfiuanaaiong aeDate , iay-f oCer.S TJie ether pinion; f.which . saarMy Genernl X ntm I ftiO-'See-5 . -Tetogr MiSCrarjs Jsfetf I thiTPyesident wilfjncn-the acmvtblll. t Tha last nam Aedgenttemeff elxpfes. a -V elr belief in jeoayersatioo- -estrdajr j Urerbqth v J o Tfi Orleans Fty:mefijttiat Qie Uevm member olraner-cemmlitee oi me iuisiana eojiiittuoaui conten ' Saon whreporte4 JhJfatdriJf ppijiaiidn tf th flm ebt TepresenJ; . sn assewment of $2,t25a;fwhllfl tbi ' VeveH njiepibers j whoripposed this' ac-. C3oneihreent $102LJpf wore than " 5refohofaniMiiyjHxed ' ft the Stkte.p This prove that; those oyho have the most to pay are the most willing to i pay ; thai ithe responsible ' classes of the commonwealth are anx VitfiiM 1rannfnoa ".111 fhnoA who hAVA thA fn. ton happiness of children at stake, should know . that Dr. Bull's Baby Sjrup contains nothing lnu- LYSCI! LAW Ef SOUTH ClEOtlSl. A portion of the people of . Spartan burg county, S. C, have, become a.law unto themselves, j They have introduc ed a man who robbed, Taped and mur dered a woman to that peciea. of wQd justice" administered by Judge Lynch. Their action in this matter is to be de plored Lay . aside the! risks, which nchersui- of killing J an innocent man, lynch law under circumstances of thegreatest provcKjationis. evilnly, eviland- that continuallyIf it jcanl evfer4)e justified at all it (i -in cases where5 the courts Save neglected or failed to perform a clear duty. We do not understand that this is the case in the present linstance." The courts had not passed upon the case of the man Moore; he was only, held format if he had beentried ifihe eyidence.had been sucli as t liafe ftno aoiQt of his guilty andf he had Vter hat been discharged from i custody, there would then have been time enougn ior lyncn law to have been invoked. In advance of any of these proceedings it would have been; far! better haZt the man been i -i. - s ' i. j left to tne tribunals reguiariy cnargea with the disposition of such cases. While this occurrence per se argues nothing against South Carolina there being hardly a State in the Union in which Judge Lynch shas,not;at une. time or another exercised his sway it is to be regretted that its enemies have been given a peg upon which to hang a charge of insubordination to lawful authority; But again it is most fortu nate that the lynched mian was a white instead of a black man, otherwise the cry of race prejudice arid persecution would have been raised against our sister State, and would have been heralded, no'matter how unjustly, from 6neend of the country to the other, for the purpose of exciting sectional and parti san bitterness against a portion of the country than ivhich there is none more The greatest fools in the world are the man Goldsmith and his wife who are undertaking to make a trip around the world in a .boat 1S feet long. They left a New England port on the 1st inst, and when last heard of, a few days ago, all were well. What with rowing and riding in England and America, walking, riding and rolling wheelbarrows over the country, and saiUng around the world in boats, it looks as if a very considerable part of the English-speaking world were "on the go" for a living. , Mr. Tilden is keeping very quiet about it, but he is making all of his ar rangements to run Hon. Clarkson N. Potter for Governor of New York next fall. Mr. "Potter is willing, and not only so but he is an able man, a strong man ana a wily politician, if ne and our Uncle Samuel put their heads together tlie success of their undertaking need surprise no one; arid if thtyarry NeW' York next fall, watclr Uncle Sammy caper up next fall and scoop in the pre sidential nomination. STATE JJKWS. ; Wilmington is to have a brewery. An out-door religious meeting on the out-skirts of Wilmington Sunday after noon was: attended by , nearly a thou sand people. The Governor has ordered a special term of the Superior Court of Ruther ford county, to commence the first Mon day in August. 'Stewart Ellison and Cary Irvin, two colored-nnen- of Raleigh, have-been AwSMeeVthFTttntract for-the -comnlfi- non or tne. unuea states postojflce in thatcitjrl l&Z r ."3- lasTweek for thft-mnrder of God- defended by Messrs. R. T. Bennett and ucj xiuuuu, noa atuuiiicu. lie WitB J,6lmJ.SMw.n: I T hr, Qoldsoto MesgmgerrrAn old neero onianvnamea Uiara StricWand, claim- ligwneoyear pioi-maae appnea tlbnlta'ui&iop'pprt to put county uohiivxh .connnissiosersic -ineir last meefing;6herfiails from Sampson coun ty, but lias been living -lirrGrantham's townsm,in-lM3luuniTor yKyears, just long enougn tabecomea phafg&ttpift) JUiintyJO Iler.Rgls touched for by respectable citizens. v WiimiMrtoiL Jtettew-t . triimftntii: cmtouhitv'was mexDressnSlv Ivkf eijryterooon? hart)f the death or Mr. jonn jsminton, a wgmv esteem ed resident of this city and principal of -Wilmiitetotf high school'.1 -Mri Ilinton flifld.! djphther.iaj at Ate , esidpnc.nl Second street, near Mulberry, surround-1 eu-uy msamiiy ?a ?enaa.) ! -uq qaa been sick for about two weeks and only within the last few day previous'tohia detfth had he been' cbnsideml as n gef ously 111 . " ;fciojldsb.orpi- 'Messenger : Mrs. Lottie Deansgrand-mother of ex-Sheriff Wm. TlJeansrpassedtoBr'IoTrgchoniem weanesaay or , last , week, lacking on;y fhree years and afew months of beta &r on0 hnhdre4; yfiarf qld Atnojig-the j Mills Howell, himself an octogenarian, preached the funeral, and did so very t0upliiqglv.o Mrs. Btsjey Pate, aged 7 asfstetfoi th6 deceased, was 'present and several others that had entered far into the fourth score of their earthly ex istence. Wilmingtoh Star : In the case of "the people of the State of North Carolina upon the relation of S. P. Swain vs. M. C. Gutirie,ibeingla? fruo warranto to test the "Validity -of the title of thede f endant to the pfBce of SuperiorsXaurfr clerk ot JBiiniffW Ick'couat heard in the Superior Court - of New Hanover, on Wednesday, His Honor, Judge Syiour rendered a decision yesterday .ji favor of th complain&nt the defendant toe ing required to surrender the office and its appurtenance? to jthe plaintiff and pay a fine of $2506: the cost lof th action. From this judgment plaintiff appeals theSnpireme (3ourt'fs, vv. Amngtonv or uosDorcy is going in ine cuiuvauon ui tuesiitL wo .liLijj i - i ii .-ii .. ;it i . uu a.targe scaie, anuuns ian win uu an orchard of 50 or 75 acres inimulbe: trees upon which 1 ' he will f rear th e worms.- The Messenaer savs'tWt-lXv ix all the information -Div 'ArrpgtorUJ' on the subject and he has iye4. it . ,. . r ; a.. . jr - . - thorouffh lnvesticration he is impressed with the idea that there is no better cli mate or soil in the United States f 01 the successf ul culture bf silk than "TiEi secv. tion affords, especially the sand hills section on the south side of the Neuse in Wayne. countxFhere the mulberry grows most vigorously. ilwari Know?. ' t 7tPlinadelchli Times: Ind.5 H ' 5 f. A -Ane A4:esiaentiways KnowB-wueiutn- he will veto an appropriation bill or not just the-minuU he hear from the party jrnoi party m ua'ri 1 ;Ta :i ivir?J3:i si -i ssr-L THE TALK ATISHINGTOK MATTERS 1)1 ZV-ZZti ,2tT SOT- fl T&e Arm V Bill in.tlfe!SenatlAii Aeri- twees Blcljane and Conger. Washington. June 17. Senate The bill to amend the act of 1793 for enrollingrpfind licensfffgvPeMels itJtlki Vasraf pjomJrMMt? merchant y He', iria" aastirig,trade'was a&aifiiaKen'uft.x rsracdifate of Yale College". rx -1 tasen up ana altered as . follows : Thp. committee amendment nrovidinsr.thjrlrM'flt J members of the. next, two graduating classes at West Point may receive $750 on the completion of their studies and return home for, two years 'was stricken out, as were also tne clauses forbidding promotion in any branch of the army. :. . ;j m . A long debate then ensued with ref erence to. the meaning and object" fi tljat Clause at tm attn!fiection concern ing tile use,6f the kiwi for police prir ppseii to keep peace ft he polls, t ; ) Blaine fefiered an amendment prohib inng'all carry iflg- ofveapons at the polls under penalty of fine and impris onment McDonald and Beck then read extracts from letters and other : docu ments to show that interference of the army at the polls was not an imaginary danger but had occurred. Withers saitt he should endeavor to secure a vote ori the pending bill to-morrow. ' ' Adjourned. . ,. House. Atkins, chairman of the ap propriations committee, reported back the legislative appropriation bill and the Senate amendments thereto, with a report recommending concurrence5 In ; some and non-concurrence -in . other f the amendments. t i.t, it; - .i,tc , ; - : , The recoinmeridation , weje,,an con curred in. ' '' ' '" ,: ' Ackliri, of Lttriisiana, f rorii' tne com mittee on commerce, repoi1d. a joint resolutioa-authorizing the survey of the Mississippi River, near Lake Concordia;1 La, witfi' a view to tne protection 01 tne harbors of Natches and Vidalia. Passed. "-The" judicial expenses bill was re ceived from the Senate and referred to the appropriations committee. '" The House then resumed the consid eration of the bill prohibiting political' assessments, which lea to somewnat or an acrimanioxis jdegate. Conger, - of Michigan, denounced the bill as an in- famous proposition. McLane, of Mary land, said the Republican party held power only by the corrupt use of Fede ral patronage which it was the purpose of this bill to prohibit He spoke at considerable length in favor of thetbill and in condemnation of the course of the Republican party generally, but was repeatedly interrupted by Conger with questions and sarcastic remarks which finally led to an appeal to the chair on a point 0$ partf amabtafy order The discission was closed by a demand for the regular order of business, arid the bill went over until to-morrow. :! -The House then took up the Senate bill relating to juries, but the Republi can members who maintained that 'it should not be acted upon until the ju dicial expenses bill had been disposed of resorted to filibustering, and after a two hours' struggle an attempt to get a vote on ' it 'was abandoned, and the House adjourned. ' bayard's chairmanship and TnE SIL VER BILL. , ... The Senate Democratic Scaucus this morning tCK)knoationjonSenator Bayr ard's resignation of the chairmanship of the. finance committee, but after con suminfr an: hluf tand if half in debate adjourneduntil tonoVfow. The indi cations werehwev1ei fvery clear that, the resignation will tiot te accepted, and that the silver bill will be left in the hands of the finance committee until next session. Internal Dlssenstoiii In Turkey. Constantinople, June l7.-irC6nfu- Lsion amounting to a crisis prevails ill .ministerial circles.,! It 4 .reported that Kheireddin Pasha, grand vizier, willre sign, and it is said that another pasha will assume the vizierate temporarily1 topavotheway for a return to power of Mahmond Nedim, formerly kriowri as the tool of Russia. Sir Austin Lay ard, British ambassadorrlsnemieaYdring to prevent Mahmond's return. It is also reported that Midhat Pasha will receive permission to come to Constan- rtinQple. Fuad Pasha has denounced osman astm aamimstratlon of the war6fice- "v If It is thofegUt fliat Caratheodori Pasha -and Muriff Efferidi 'avill be shortlv ari- fpeinted asi ; Ottoman) CbmtnisBioners1 tt settle the Greek ooimdiryquestiom' -' A demonstration is" apprehended at Philippopplls when the Prince of Bul garia is installed at Sofia. Several su perior7unctionaries and deputations j 11UUI VilltUUS xvuuuieiiuu low 113 will go to Sofia : to 1 attend the ceremonv and conjgratulate the Prince. adwiinch Gettlnz li Ills Work at ia: 17.-Ar special dis rMOourier from Jipartari rgjyfcaajvaytnat at abotit 12 o clock last night a body of a hun dred and, fifty jarmed.mennterRl that town on "horsebacK'ah'd nrbcec nrbceededto thfe jail when they demanded John Moore, a prisoner, committed for t ha outrage : and murder 'of Miss Wood- ward, on tne 5th inst Shenff Thomp-i son navmg Den tempt would be oner, had removed Railroad, about a mile from the town? intending: to board the 'hoi'thtem-lxmna7 train and-renoh Columbia, but-jhe iiadi been watched, and before the trani"' flvedtliatyfhfsrttredtias-e and1 took, him) ioi thftstajrie-jjef tiia ttaurder, near WeHfolMiHefvemns-Mstant;' where they said they would hang; him at 10 o'clock this morning. Moor? and' his .victim were both white. j iit -'i;i : v;l -; it BRIEF FOREIGN ITEMS. A telegram from Odessa to the Qoios says the receiver's office In Chersor,: Southern Russia, has been ilfcderniined Inn Wirl n i lQ-lf- half t - O J-:-- ! v v v. V . ...ft IM1I1 IVil Willi U rpuuies. - r . ;!i Two thousand miners haraitruek; iat made to lyncn the pri- him to the AiriLlne7 tmn nf tponoa - . S. w . i n i lcemDer,,..,.,.,,.,,, .4..,.,,,.... . ,llk04aa , ' m. t iir. I January' i ; Delegates are axnAAted Gat Madrid I i.4kX AT ii iiiIZ01!jif i; 'VJJ fefiTf Bnorwyirom tne South Anrericanj'Tief11!'" ;CJTrbOTTONitARXKT;!,:i ! i&i'i publica to treat f or-a restoration of I di-i plomaticC relations which have been: EspenaaioT several vearsjs t wi ; St John's Collieryvcompan at-Wake-i fisla,rEglafid,i has- failed pliabilities : It waareporfed ittiLondon-aresteoxlay t.uat a iirjn 01- BK8FB01LTIE ... 1 1 J e-cashier ojthe National Bank of Wilmington andr' BrandTwine,! has alj?lcad guilty toHembezIement and false entries, and been sentenced tenve years imprisonment -s The, amountof his di xiiuauon is 528,000 of wMbh $12,000 were returned to ttm bank. z ... Mm Uenrv W. W i r lv"q a C troo fiJ o -r, AA.; United Stat4rsioa Aiaiupaiure. , xne -vote inLtbe House was: Blair ifii. HinwinQm o. t v, c- - wv lAlUdl lU. JIlllV MI . '( i.f I dkrfj S?n8 iSthe S?Sedr TtS reKi,0fJ" "o-wide, and it alwaysVjures.; ; provision mercnantsi naa i :i'f ;S-y "4 S. .'-.-S3 i .U, lUaliB. 1 h3 w :rv, .v "jus M' twl. . . . ' . 1 ,i. , ProvMence.'Ttif. ItJErScl-rles.of. " J & Sid Burglar Bant. ' , ' ' - KiiNSAaCiTY, June"l6. T. G. Noon an ana wile were aw axened . earl v- yes terday morning, and supixsing robbeiiiri the front room followed bv his wife LShe, became frightened, and., threw -her arms around nis necK and ne supposing himself assailed by robbers, fired, kill ing her instantly. .They are welll-to-do people who married here a few years ago from Milwaukee, ; where .Noon an A;MfreJfobodyf. ,.,(CBJchmondpispatch..,. t BlaineTias cause to dislike, the South. He was once a giant r amongst pigmies But now, thatlne South, is, represented ujr n,ec own ona, J5iune AuuiLu-iivuj ,inan f Wien , constitutidnal'i (questions &re oe discussed iamunos Ana uonK ling nr called upon tp meet;the $outh- , era, jawyers.,; i.When there were none or thee latter jn Congres4iaine weak ness was never exposed. In the Senate "HOwSd fatt.'stood sbe) there" because to her oomeUness of form sh added a most e&Dtlvatlmr beautj and earluble cleame88 of complexion pro- 1 ; ,.iiC . i . t .V' : 1 M jiAWStoMach Cannot , W FWfktt Wtth greater trash thani a violent drastic purgative. True, i such at naedlclne. relieves constipation for the time, but at the expense :f jgreattaioij to the Intestinal canal, which It both Inflames and weak ; eas, tins anfltUng; -is tot performanee of Its proper : fonoi '-Wldelranlerentlttie'jactlbn of Hog tetter's Stomach Bitters,' a tonic aperient which, -produces effects prompt, Indeed, but . never violent and corivuislBg.- The purity of Its botanic lngre 'dients, ' its unobjectionable fiayor, Its genial Influence- upon the mind, : and ' the thoroughness of Its remedial action . in 'eases' of constipation, liver complaint and dyspepsia, combine to render it a most desirable f family spedflc.' It Increases both physical vigor and substance, teanqufllzes and in vigorates the nervous system," and gives an un wonted relish for the food. -' A wineglass three Umes dally Is about the average 'dose. 'Jiml? lw ;'' .- : ' "' . Chafing Eader Disappointment. ; ' r1' : It Is said thai the reason' why1 Butler sought the gubernatorial nomination was because he had not been fairly treated, by the Republicans. The best cures for chafes of all kinds Is Henry' Carbolic Salve. . Try it and be convinced. Beware of conn terfelte. . ;i JuneS,-:1'' ., . .Thousjuidg Vs it. Why Hei!ate. . It Is adapted especially to those eases where the womb is disordered, and will cure any irregularity of the" "menses." Dn J. Bradflelu's Female Eegu lator acts ttfce g charm hr -"whites," or in a sudden check of the "monthly courses," from cold, trouble of mind, pr like causes, by restoring the discharge In every instance. So' also in chronic cases its ac tion is prompt and decisive, and saves the constitu tion from countless evils and premature decay. Ask your druggist for a circular , may28 Tm '"A car.- ' . To ail who are suffering from the errors and ln dlscretibns of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, dec, I will send a recipe that will cure you, fBSS OI CHAEttE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary tn South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the BSV. JOSEPH T. IX MAN, station D, New York City. ; . . . .. Ian 25 ( TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS, ! JiTKi if, 1879 ?boducb: BALTiMOkg Oats heavy; Southern 40a42, Wes tern white 39a40,: do mixed - 37a88, Pennsyl rania 89a42. Hayw-market quiet; prime Femj sylvania.and Maryland 12al 3. Provisions steadv: , mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new ; bulk meats 4Va5j oacon nomaers ciear no sides 11. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter dull;, choice western pacKed loaiij, rolls . Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes Ili4al4i4. Whiskey firm at 1.06a?; - Sugar steady; A soft 8aft. NkwTobi Tlour no decided change; No. 2, 2.85a3.10, Superfine Western and State 8.45a3.55, common to gwdrxtoa Western and State 3.75a 8.80, good to choice do 8,95a4.50; Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra 4.75a5.60; good to choice do 5.656.75. Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.08a.l.l6, No. 2 do 1.18iAa,181& Com -ungraded 89a43, No. 2, 431 Oats, 37. Coffee moderate demand; Bio quoted in car goes lli&al4tt, job lots ltt&al5& Sugar firm; Cuba 61k, fair to good refining 6 54 67-1 Q, prime 6J; .renned-tndard A. 7. granulated powdered 81A, crushed 8. Molasses New Or leans 2oa28. Bice In fair demand and steady; Carolina! quoted at 61Aa7, Louisiana 6a6& Pork new mess on the spot 10.20a25. old t..45. Lard prime steam on spot a40a42V Whiskey dull at l:07aJ& Freights quiet i COTTON. NoKFOLK-Steady; middling 12c; net receipts 240; gross ; stock 6.810; exports - coastwise 90: sales; exports to Great Britain . Bauixobb Dull ;middHng 12tfcc; low middling 121A-; (food ordinary lllA.;net recetpto ; gross Hi sales ; -r;-; stock , 1,809;. exports, ooastwlse 16: splaners : exports. . to' Great Britain to Continent to France ' , Boston fiollday; middling rood ordinary : net low middllnif Tecelpts 453; cross 812; sales ; stock 4,455; exports to ureal untam m- : : WnjrnrGTON-nun ; middling 12c. ; low ! mid dling llc; good , ordinary ll; net receipts Q; cross ; sales stock 803; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con-nent'-r-S to channel ! PW.AniCTjHTA-kfrilet; mlddllnk ' 12S4&; 'low middHngr 12cf; 'good ordinary 12c; her receipts t- kiosk 88f sales 419; spinners 867r atock 15i;; sxports toreat BritaUi -r, ,: ,. ..' i Acoo8TA-tl)uU; ; mlddllnr--12C;; -low 'mid Ung 1214c good ordinary ;12U3C.;; receipts 11; shipmehts ; sales : stock QHAHT.mTrar-rDuii; mMd'. J2i4c; low mid dling 12c; good ordinary lUia; net receipts 71; gross, ; sales f-x stock 893; exports coastwlset ; . Great Britain ; i ' France r-; :CdinflT"iw channel tviilii ., .,;. I Nxw YOM-'-Quiet ; 2 sales 514t mid. anlands U2 746, md urleans 12 8-ltt. ; consolidated net Jcelpl.; exports to reat Britain. n trvKBFOOijT7Nooir-i-lull and easier, Middling upituiua, o is-jlth uitutuunj. vriomis(.y.;jue8 5,000, speculation and export 1,000, addiaona Bale: yesterday i alter 'regular elosing.i ; re. a peipw ; jHtpuoi imencan Ms, uuu-1 jnuures 1-10 October- October and: Nbvemher November and Deoeroper f .- New crop shipped October and . November ..Ndvember and Decemben H. Sep tember and Oetobeip per sail 11 -l ,ij i 'A --Jitii , i 1 : jf-f vFINANCIAL.; !''; ii i : ! F Ml - New, ToR-fMonoy 1.08k Jbcehange 4.874a. governments t active, .Newt 6's 108.: Four and alf ner cents 1.5, 'Four per cents L02vi ! Stat bonds dull. ,-il.,r rui"iJ?j?i ..,1.10 ' - HsW ToakFirtures' clo'swi Weti 1 iOOObaleayilt . 'i .'i :f Sales iosU' I 1 -VK.I Jufaei.jii .u.ui i.i.-jiiLil 12.35a.38 ?'ftf!M-Vrf'Y'Mlwf;frit 12.40 UCllSt rt Ai' fffcrt vim f?99a4 mDer..'..5'.'. '.v- ' ' - 12.25a.20 15 Ooa.( f;i mt:' 1"!B Jo lit i ,,i.!jOFfpOFOTWBgKMV., tii. y 1 x ub marcel, r esusraay cioaea sieauy. as iouows: Strict low middling.. J.i i-.ir ! laiS Lower grades J;i. tl v hi Kt'im K i . : lOall -4- ("P1-.-! 1! A &l Ji j!l,J . "Any person 4tesirln'e'' kff ' Men'MUta"': 'Wttfii ? itoM.l Boggy for ae -with-two--seated efexcefient ibulld l nd eood aa new; will apply Immediately to t 74 t2..iw.'.-s. um .WIWPKa ALLlar. ii -. ... r. .ti....n:t ii t f r..-, ,h; -it iffiiifat CUes pffioevth Mat. North Callnail; liri 1?. owwsnvuie, June jib, Latwsn xne iouowii : described .Charlotte, pjThursday iwwijflv 487a,iai) eleven' 5 xes Tobaecxv ownernnknown. apd g befeetf' oo, the property of Jjj Wa,rd. ' " , r J. 3. VfiTT: fl"pf y ,fi J. O. T( s 1 hMii M -ir (VI. W IV r-' 1 ---1 :; . t in juacue&' anu.iacB' uaawm ajiu toa. t-i r, -rrr Tf" rv Ir r ' K,-J . "'"fsuTjciiDje Ice ,. t tlh, nn .of In P (hit N'rmrf Tlu. Tlit trill TtA "lr ",..i -s A--. tMtinn Wbmit rniator neeessltv f f lnsi ! lareases . zp' - vvi v - i x-. n,. - a fn?i iiu 7l Martto' iihw.iiiiip gewn ouun. We keep only ' " ' n) LaluMad ipents) Fine Shoes the best makes. Jane 8, 1879. ' ' j !"!..! :i jxi 'j'o.i ; 't. j1oc V ' f'- iiruif O.IT"tfVl7Tl irt I : . (i I m)l M 01 ii-ilMl Ji il liSlil j ;', ;! -'iil vlJu.-f-f-) lilr- VIA ' We have lust received a nice line of .' ;',''! t!ji!i ta.s 'j i:i I'jiiofi j!-a . -jji ZIEGLER'S SHOES. ': .HJv.-.. Jo (ti!i 'M Aim j r'H ' 'i H'r:r.v .:( t nil i-lai:! r.iT ! Consisting of ;.).: m v 'rr I'-.;.; . ..' : . ;4.t'j,i0l jt ' ; LADIES' 'BUTTi'ltli B'66f S4, StjPPiB'stkwPOBTS, CHIL- BBEN'S PEARL SHOES. .-t Also ;t beautlfullot of (4 NEWARK WOllK," COMPBISING Gaiters, Oxford and Strap .Tics;'1-'";:.- : PLAIN AND BOX TOE, , Which we , are now prepared to offer at extremely low prices. Thanking our friends for past favors, and wishr lngto merita conttnuaBceof theiSame by keeping the largest stock best assorted, . SELLING LOWER, .i. Jv, And strict attention to business, with polite yomtsj men to show good3 without trouble. '' "'' ' W.S. FORBES. Agent, Smith 4 Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St June 18.' PEGRAM & CO,, i ' : ' ' ,.; 1st National Bank Buildmg. C II A, K L O T T TS, C, Have now in -store a nice and complete i stock el i : ..Hpwrwft! ; !: tn. BOOt Hatsr Trunks & Traveling Bags. ; ; S iA( h-i,'i '.I'll :?!.) Yj h; ! iiSI it , I. With Umyoa can, find, jj . , i -IN.;CHABLOTTE.uiii ' i "i ! i? -'nig id j..! rq tnt Wtt! ' iOi 1 t l .1.. n?- v!:i;iiHiw.-.fi p;itr,ui ! tosaaluai' Celebrated Ladles' j Mlases'; arid CWldren'si Shoes u:.! vno-i v 'SPEfilAL ,ia )tS j . J, They also keep kfW.'BurVsj HMbroolt"4 Cocli ! lUiU Id' I .iniih; .li-iVill MUef hand-made Bootsf and Shoes. Also, j !" 1 ' i ff jI! !.'; v -snO .ijiii vai l iio hiai'jVr .aM.-;'U''r'iorf'5iiM' ftu ,'7 0 ! THB GELEBBATSB) AN. POPULAB IR AaU mots; iVAi Xi.io t zio). :! VKf ifdt j : 'ikiil Jl'jCfll' t.r .!;' wi.Oi u L ; CaO sure before, birylng.JjOlirs have 'personal J nj J9tRt -ffjibui! 'lisv eili t t April 8,187AI nalia fPStOUJtklC&ii! iowb and otey best brands, ; Oents taa here thep itoerMcCunough bei-j Toalneli, JVll It 1 ' ' 11 ....... j.'.jii , FICbFTlTElMfjNf ! !)f! URKKSBOBO, i di CaT 81 i 1838- tosnB iii u : i. tpl propose to ge-.tos tie atioria the! ' Ifhv ii tiidiai fIrioy lonoinitio f - ir fun -fiiHToii im Kni . 7iW' C nni M!!if The jMnefltoi the traveling acenta' eommisslon nn my. Nursery ytock, cohslsflng of Tnat Trees, Ac, and have-rednced-the trtce 60 per cent Opplei and Peaches, 1st class, 8 to 6 teet; fine lmprored Fruits as are grown in North Carolina, and iready fw Inspection." Reference given to any Nursery hi Oulltord county. ,e oachesands Apples runatar from toe earliest to; the latest varieties, j Trees wul packedlnt goo stronTboxea 1 or balesaad da- Hvered to railroad depot of express -offices without i any extra charges tor boxes Ar ideUveryi 1 1. will fus- V Pies W any quantity, Unprtvedfruifc.lO cento eachT ootSi- Nectarines, 'Oulnce, crab Apples, Flgsvi Ci XroeivBoses and flowers will be sold cheaper than can -be sold j any, nursery ,iv North Carollaa, Cashto acwmpahy the- orders1! ny7me 1 ha, bepald i wberteesfaredeUvered at depot specified y purchaser, flota to accompany tree? auT nald sSfi11, "re aeuyered,' -purchasers; baylni: all ?.r5KUB?v fees - will be shipped in No. yemher. and purchaser noHfied when to meat thenT: fiWm ifSPhere to. shlp Hamr th6'denots."."Lettertf oftn eheertuliyv Orders solicited and 'sa; nry. onswerea oDiguais iwiwotbi wiuiq oroars at onc flffi08-'3fftl,V1W'IWWKUUI, r it.- , i 1 . . r UOH'OI K09IB. A. OHV.qini 1 r . v;i7i Jl3Wr,Bl Pmoatpraeries, I HABNEra.CIertL'latf 6f 'Plahbsrs Hotel3 jwear ofvSole 8CL ercenti nave the flexlUfUtr k- x "x" s. Iks Hand anri MnAhtnA RawmI Raltnra unit Diittnn (Dootfl. : ' ' ' first-class ooans " . ''fjfL . uT.0 " ' j 1X I t GO TO j -1" r '- I nPTlSTV f. DTJA1C3 2 A-3AJk-'iOCA.,'U O.1 ii ilWid.i .llSW IO HU 0 iiJK , 7 -FOB- mm AJi 'A'JAA STATIONERY, o till 'mU,l :i win. 7 WHOLESALES AND B1i!TATT nmim 322U mm i.t JO Hth thh . h 't3!tiX hilfi tl.i.;Ul ii! -i.uwKeams wnung raper, comprising m jfiXL. ili . . 4' JVi Ji.i . fine r reucn, ngusn ana insn mote. Bluet. H'ooiscao. Letter, Letter Heads. Note Heads, Bill. Heads.. Sox BLANK BOOKS Of every description. .Memorandums, Records, Day Books; Journals. Ledeers. ComnoRltlon Rooks. Blank' Note, Draft and Receipt Books,' Copying TJi ViKIAJ We have the largest , stock of Ink. both writing and copying,- that has ever been brought to this market, which we propose to sell cheaD at whole- .3 nun URL! lUAJ SCHOOL CRAYONS. 20flrgMSr4r(m'ChtHk 5r're will be sold cheap. i.n. , VRflPPIN&PAPEH nHD BAGS . A full line always on hand. We have Justre- ceiveu ami ressea.i7rper nutter inates. whlc are usea y grocers m- putting up butter.' ' Bold retail at 40c. per hundred. riDDY A BBO. l&tw Antxtisttactits. Wj : .if. KYK, GRAHAM AND AT PBATHEB'S. CAKES! CAKES!- Pound Sponge, Fruit, Jelly, and all kinds ot Fancy Cakes at - a . PBATHEB'S, , 'May22. Trade Street NOTICE ! We have on hand 25 of the Celebrated WEBSTER Oniew two and three, horse; which we are anxious to close ut, and will sell ., Or on time till November 1st, without Interest ery .WagowaiTteili lor.il2 months. Come and seeithemwoi jijrf,.,. , !! i ifl-i nlJ fj; .Wool? n.'o aittiWi . R3LMILLEB & SONS. Democrat and HomeVwaaeoi June 8. TIELD BROS., , , null luiiH'ti; "fihuU Ainum tKr; i-,i;(i 'ua.J0-K .J.l. -jibbn t;iim:iii' i'.iil . GBOCEBSand OEALFm1cUiYiROD ol SliTW tn-MtH r:3!'K H A'la J Ijblfnisiiiil Keen constantlv nn hnnd iiu Jv if ,1.-1 fi 1 j.Xvir: rdtfl -ssfiiVW uoii iivw liwiU iiw.A ! FRESH EGOS and BUTTER. CHICKENS. ! ?iEaRlEI) FRUITS, Ac. j sril fit iftivii-jfi ff n-tttftiji MvTiH ITt A l tUMSOVK BONNTWELL'S and A. L. RHTT- " FORD'S Various TiJ--u. -nasi MftM iiow4 Tifilbv dJ 1 iwjuns f TeiwsFisJDaya.v7. ivMm.riaatssiiiy iina tU t19atllf9 liOt ,vf!;tT iBMKii 2QQ ry Uroat induoamjnUgttared to table J-Oianlbua and Carriages at every traln.4 FIlU)BB0TB5BS......3X.4mAffcn n eJ5tt80M Lat, ..SuperlrAgndentaL vttn f 'ja,ui .y .n A.' r 1 JEC. I irtiM - t' 'i 1 M 1IU MIMl.t .fill, in jiUfllM f j inllli Mi 'lit J S2.00 ,', lUMABSHALL $2lOQ Ho tj;"s"Wtw tt o u s .l4..Pi.8ii-Pi JUL 0 u s JcL I 1 dl 4 ir;l iiiM- lulB Ht-('.. trtvi-jji, Vi ill ".-it f f fl !lXlTi IIIU lion xllfiJ ilJ b:M 5 7lLit . J Redaoed rato&00 aad t2.50 aceottang'to loca I LU I S n3 Tj-rj2C!i?rTy?w,ftnyi"i of hand-njade shoes: una - ... 77. "jr '" omri Prlfiiw iHuni iii m . 1 ' uuop Aies, in V fiiTf Of Bq f ' . " ' xWa ...... :Otky t..fe,t 7 Trade StreeVnextdoortoMrtoq., O PARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS, WESTEBX, N. C. Long and favorably known for their ann tic ana alterative tonic waters, ooeniilP 187. Board 2 per day. and 1 ?edS6dlih, K a longer time, and families. InvalRm Ktes advantage of four different mineral imZ1 addiaon. the Turkish hoUur, vwai m Jf01 batbl if desired. "ww-T8Pr aud medicaid Sidings situated 7 miles north of nti, the Western North Carolma Railroad 0T finest ad to the State, i For fuX? mfo address the proprietor, lnrormaUon, tnay25 3tawsatatnu0- ELU0TT- M- iaH'i WE4TKBN NORTH CAROLINA, -HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESORT. - HOT and cold water, unsurpassed mountain mate, unequaled scenery, and maeuin S'1 tol accommodations for eight hundred hSSufe baths, In conjunction with cUmatic infiuen , H.J.ALSPAUGmT CDALYMATE SPRINGS, 'T IC?ATP te5 west of Taylorsvllle, on the Lenoir road, in Alexander tounty-iimate las any where to North UrollM Cm furnished with or without board at low tom. ' tMtmrtM AxandeSoNICPAl'GH may 28 lm Cleaveland Mineral Springs t I , WILL OPEN JUNE 1, 1879. ;i:U ti fUtiiH ! '.. . !, j These Sprfnirs are 2 miles from Shelby c and one mile fwm C. C. Railway. Backs win" to at Spring's station on arrival of every train Band of music and other means of amusement for the comfort and enjoyment of guests. THE TABLE will be furnished with the best that the mar. et af fords. Bates to suit the times. 1 .4-1 a Ma POSTON, Proprietor, , -, Shelby, S. C. L. S. WrLLIAMS, Superintendent. May 14 d6w THE " SALtrD,V HOTEL. Invalids or nleasure seekers, who (iMir tn spend a few weeks of the hot weather in desirable locality, are Informed that the SALUDA HOTEL Is now open to the nubile. Situated on the Sn&r- tanburg and Asheville Railroad, forty miles from Spartanburg, only a few miles from Flat Rock ana Hendersonville, In a delightful climate, and sur rounded by splendid mountain scenery, few places can offer more attracttons. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Terms low. A. TANNER, Proprietor. Jane 3 1m. SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladles buying Fjirasols and Sun Unibtellus will find the best assortment at the lowest prices at ELIAS & COHEN S. They will also find other goods to suit them upoit which they can save money. Our stock of Fano and Staple DtirG'OODS Is now complete, among which may be found a ful supply 9 1 House Fupijshlng Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask in White, Slate, Red and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels In every variety; Car pets, Bugs, Mattings and Oil C.oths. t ftir stok, fitopiok and TxUnmings is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock ot WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, COR 1 1 i SETS, FANS AND TIES. &iHt& ie-n'! iffYViiool 'it i Hand- kerchlef-iiaJ si53U9Xtiorellas. You will find i t Call and see us. It will pay yon. ... r'iaxi - ' ELIAS 4 COHEU. m .xilXrEOTION i -'T '. . i.r -. -. . u--- LADIES LADIES. .Yanainw ma rsxn Z 1 MJ-tB SA A - .tla t "start. uaA Qwoerinttsd and. BWHes of every oesenpaon. and fresh Crackers of evejxdescriprioD. SCIIEAM CHDES. 4 'i no .nrJ Mnr'K f.fi(..yj''i'T FIFmuiAARRELSli-ftE: iTHEJ eCElEBHATEIK lt AtllUililttHJ1 1I ,Vit.UilOI ltl iivnmiut ill) is cteti ii .-rtVattwMsi mikw! 11 www BRIDdErWAEK .ti.it.l') ' ..)' flMHtf tK- tf 111 7JTJ0f! sWlfiSV WidT V.U IU fi. nALSOJAlARfiESTOCKOF- ... . ,:; ; . . J , .Iftlttli-Jt.lU U'.Mf.l.' IBiCblSf JCBEAPEBGRiDK9' m!:viAniCflCit ikTVI - u ? "tJtumd in W-M Tl .-WT1T I MM Sugars. Coffees and amthlng that can 4 flt-'ass Grocery House, 'law siiawo iJito nieso J5niq . 1 yr.j uji 4 ..t.. . .. .. i ... . T 1 ' ' ' . 1 - - v " "

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