iru fit n vl r?t t (H h a r ?, r t rtn ..-. J ; : r. . " . i . liSrfKiilll1 - ' - 1 f u,t i, .7?P , LL JLY The following table shows fc&e running Of passed. aft mlns to and 'fiomharlottie, oa all; the raff jtUWa8htotontUffiJi4 Ml.. ' BiCHlfOHD DAKVtlXJt j . - . Arrives from Blchmojidapd Goldsbot 12-40 a. m. Leaves for '"inij! n-n'-l Arrives from Elcnmona,. ...-, ......,"ll.l2a. m. Leaves for ( , vii4 3.65 p. m. ; ATLANTA CatKLOTM ATE-IIHX t - Arrives froiri "Atlanta,.: Al. ILI' ! 3-40 a. m. tSves for Atlanta,! A.'.MU MlJLAtAO a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,.... .....&.Kr 8.55 p. m. Leaves to? Attantaj.,.,. nr . w.,. . $ 1 1,12 a, m. ' GaAktorr, Columbia AUftisri. Arrives from Angnsta, &4 .w. . J. Y 3.50 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, i-"..auu2.45a. m. Arrtvefrom Columbia, (ait Freight)! 12,10 p. m. eavefor Colambia,ot n cjp.'mu- 2.15 p. m. Arrives from Wilmington,. ....,. ..I Leaves for, WUmlrajtoifco; ;., . .5 Arrives from Shelby,- ...;).: . . J Leaves ior. onv.v),Hii.Hi.-iH4. . Arrives from Statesvllte,;V."iV.t; .'. Leaves for StatesvUlCy. - i 8.20 8.25 p.m. o.u5 p. m. 8.40 a. m. 8.00 p.m. 8.00 a. m INUIVATIONS. 81 ..WAR XJfiPAETMEiliT, i Office Chief Signals Officer, :. Washington, juries ri, rstfp.M.', " For the South Atlantic States,' rising barometer;:' iiottheast! t6 .northwest; winds, and cooler; partly cloudy weath er, possibly preceded fo- coasfffiins J.ocnl Keporfc for - Yeirday. lii I'i Barometer, Tbenoneter ReluUv Humidity. iVuul Direction.... " Velocity,. Weather 29.908 I 29.1(06 75 KU .WO 4 W, 8. 10 -6 Fair, ICloudy. Highest temperature 84 deg.; lowest 69. 30.014 74 N. E. .151: It.) tl-w itleteorologrical Record. T. WSATEXB B3P0BT, JHB 17. H20 T. W. Btatlons. Barom Tb. Vlnd,; TeL Weaker. Atlanta-,- 29.88 R3 , ri6 Fair,., Charlotte... 29.89 82 H.I. 5 Cloudy. Oorslcanar. 29.9V 98 X. 8 Fair. Gatvestoiv 29.97 89-B.K 13 Fair. i Indlanola... 29.95 87 & K. 18 Clear. t ' jackson'Ue, 29.94 m Tt ' 0 fhreafngl Key West,.. 80.02 88 H aoudy. t Mobile... 29.95 95 W.K - 11 Fair. 5 Montgom'y, 29.92 91 N. 12 Fair. ( S. Orleans, 29.98 85 K. . Fair. i PontaBaaa 29.99 84 & 9 Fair. Savannah.. 29.93 85 8. ; 14 Fain 8t Marks.. 30.00 82 W. 10 Threafng. Havana..:. J30.01 80 0 Lt Ealn., ; latAKK t New AdvrtleiMeii. J- J. Mott-Kotloe of Sale. . s Speaeet A Allen Noltaap' .HOMEPEPtCIUNGS. . Only two nuHays for listing tj(xg. ' The charge for i&n&sMbn V the Jawn party this evening is oniy ten cenvsn . i Rasplbeiies are Bow. tlie seasonable .luxury, ,(lLine:.ciop la qum-e luyuw oi excellent qnuity.ii i r,. . The normal school ai the University nrariAd .' vfisterdav Meckleiiburar will be more largely irepresented this year than ever before. - About a dozen Charlotte people have gone up" to caeareland - Springs,' and a party leaves this' evening lor ien Alpine3. .. i m ' Sunday was the hottest -day of the year thus far. ..-Between 3 and & o'clock in the afternoon the thermometer in the signal .office nere registered piiegrees. The eerman at thr assembly rooins before last POPUlI. HANDS. IruULn? of a ACCIDENT OB MITBDEB 1 tin. TSaal'A'rf Day Wffiit for tbe JQarder of a Woman. .2?. "Sftfa ?ifcy Sht before' an aiiiiKii nnnv ir man marchinffMrirYi n!rfanL. c "Tiu 4 1 " - t va vuiu, Ok V WILLI the avowed nnrnnw nf tav;., JT. u- jan itherB-a white man nami t t Afnnn. 1 . 1 . . vf uu puDiicjy hanging him, Yesterday the story of the lvnchinn came to nand. John J. at m lved near Dunnan staHrn nn 1 At. Ijine Bailway, about twelve miles from bpartanburg,was hanged near his Home in the nrpsfnr a nf uhnnt a t.. dred people,- at SMtclock in the morn-J -vLL t. Mieiyncmng was uone-was'the ken a rtf A dy two weeks ago. The bodv of a young -woman was found there in a partlydecomposed ,tate. Her clothes were thrown back over her head, a deep gash was cut in her throat and thfert was the appearance of a Distol ball hav ing passed through her stomach. "Her Yesterday morning at '1:40 the mail and express train on the Atlanta & Charlotte JUr-Line Railroad, coming muui, irucK a man lying partiaiiv on r ling's untain-Engineer Geoi Berry hae&Mcirne" recognized saw Aft d uodv dalva.molTwnit befnra h which was stolen several were lying in the r,i?iuv.winm mpppett M I municat uaujc was jsamme wooawaraja young- ieswcuuiiy, dux poor, ana a resident Of nckens county. to the house of 'her un-1 learned to be th ed O'Shieids, who &X1&Mi!&&Wte' rhoodof Moore's lmMLlUliyaii th poor, an nome to want to the cie,amn,named o in the neighborhood This' wad the last' that her family saw of, A. fruitless "search was made lor several davs. At last her bodv was foucdaS described ,; abovo the- hor rors of a violentand brutal .death was added tne conviction tnat 'she had first takeil place,' but the evidences .of fW: It was the wife' of - iNtoOre 'who crave thft first, rin ft in thft mystery. She told that on a. certain .day a week or' more before tlifiJdrifikQfiil di annverv Minnie Woodward had come to her house .tmHrrj'll9JLL "Hi. i road to it was near Jvmg av struck it The leers ditch on the south side of the;tracfet wnue tnejoody was lying about half way across the rail, the head restingToai me insiae oi tne tracK. so soon as Mr. he had run over ram ine with Conductor Sims, thev went back to the body The pilot of the engine had knocked the body to one side and the wheels had passed about midway across the face, mashing all f . aoove tne mouth (When the man m trt Ha i cold, but there was warmth underneaMfli 111a viutmitg in tue region oi uio ' nearc. In his throat were discovered suspicious looking cuts which Messrs. Sims and Berry think could not possibly; have beenmad,by.aa'eT)gine'gteikiriga man tnatpartor me neap was readied his lirrtl as this did him, and thes marks gavel rise to a oecidea impression tnat tne 4, man had been killed and thebody placed on tne tracK. The baby, which was afterwards learned to be that of a half-Witted pmtSk ofieffiiel Mor krhlMn(dd. was cared for, and yesterday an inquest was held. This discovered that Mb-1 Call had left the village of King's Mountain; about sunset -Monday even ing, alone, going down the road. The next known of him was the report of his death. The engineer and conduc- wldfclfaaiflTtta oveFEhe rer&serw-liiriuest and testified as to the finding of the body and its position at that time. Up to 7 o'clock last evening no information had been received here as to the verdict of the malte.inquirvfncernine-the her uncle ra; Having had itprevious ao ijuaintanceitb; het islia invited her into dinner, wnen-tire young woman leftMoore offered t accompany her a sTiorf distance for the purpose of show ing her a nearer road; She demurred, but he insisted and the two .went off to gether. Later, Moore returned home without his shoes and coat. This story , was confirmed by the dis covery of the shoes and a coat in the vicinity of where the body)' was founds and one or both of them wad blood stained. This led to Moore's arrest and confinement in Spartanburg jail on Monday., The evidence accumulated, Minnie -Woodward's earrings ' were found in the pocket of his vest; ' ,'Day before yesterday afternoon, Mon day; the sherifE of Spartanburgi county received information that a; large crowd Of men were coming from the neigh borhood of Duncan station to lynch the prisoner. Tho governor was telegraph1 ed to, and the military were called out to assist the sheriff, in protecting Moore. Receiving further information that the crowd was composed of several hun dred men, the sheriff became convinced of the folly'of attempting to resist them and abandoned the idea for a strategy to get the prisoner beyond their reach. Moore was taken from the jail and placed in charge of - three men who were directed to take him about a mile out. nf town to a point on, the railroad and there await the arrival of the train. The sheriff went to tne siamcm, was riven' compli- ountam tnavtne bodv nf a necm-was run over; bv a train less than5 two years' aeoi'Tn that' case .an inyetigaUan followed which resulted in the" subsequent hanging of another negro at Shelbyy it" having been proved that he had murdered Jihe man" and placed the body on the track to cov er the crime. This may be a similar case, though it may be that McCall laid down on the track and went to sleep. his latter iheorjy ho wfvar, could not eHl&ufiht ofMlie' imlrf beinir sober when last seen, except for the fact that he was, no of perfectly sound mind. mm I I I I Bumorii of a Bodv Found. , ,.. . !;! L,1... -res. ' .- - i :i News was brought to the city yes terday afternoon that the body of a -negro man had been found in a pile of sawdust near a saw mill six or : eight miles south of the city. The report is not well authenticated, but has gained some credence. , JThexje. ar,e other 'ru mors connected with "the affair, but-ae-these cannot be traced to ' reliable. sources,the mention of them is withheld untilthe matter can be looked into. Will Surprise the World. "J. A. E." writes from Charlotte, un der date of Mav 28th, to the New York Mining Record, as follows: "The owners of the well-known Budisill mine, near this city, have jusf. r sold , one-half, i interest in their mine for 635,000, and the Duffy mine in The Stolen Harness. btd-r : The let of harness belonrinsr taT.ir1oL Frank Coxe, which was found in aiunk J snop ui xuenmono last weeK, naa not yet beeturnai ltlliAqt Vbeing held there as evidence agamst the criminals, Capt. Vi E, McBee, who has just return ed from liichmond, reports having seen set of as . that months aero f mm TVfr. W P! f nrrrl-n nf thia ana anoaner'se? wineir rretninKs is tne same that was stolen some time since ,frmiMKX)hriea-Dawdle of Concord. The voimer ladies of the Lutheran eharch in chargeOf 5 the lawft party to 1 4.1 ? A 1 t . ejyve roini,yarq. mis eyening. proiuisu utsw anu interesting ieaiures. The stands and the arcades will be UullV decorated, and" Chinese 10 terns ."tpnfi&tall over the yard. A4 stand erected in the centre for musiewist anfixba evemna air will be wttllunAsic' under iM direction' of Mr. Ruddock. The entertain ment will conclude with a little mhf strelsy, "by the whole company." If the weather continues fair and nleasant."tf J V Jilf.l' J'.. , J.- ia:: i - . . . ........ l A. !' V 11 JUST ' RECEIYEiy AT. -eT. MOYER'S NEW SHOE STORE, ; - 400 PAIRS ir:;lJ ;'v t V'.-d I .1-' m warn m Kf m m n s p pir lyiiiijiiiii'in ii - liiiin - iiiiii: i m :i am m t - m .-. a.j m ijii i w mm . iiini : uiiii bf iM Wdst delebrated inak'exs, whlriV Wilt be sold at'jhe yeri lowest prices. Alsoa full liner of f TT-17. ft ' n ZTTT.riT ' 1?."R ' ft A "NTTV Tl A T :ftTTT?.TMT?.T?'ft ftTTOTft i FOR1 LADIES AND MISSES. ' "End a large'stock of Slippers and Newport Ties:!fuIn ' Gents' goods we i have a full stock of the best goods. ;; A triid will rconviii3e you that we sell the same article sold Elsewhere in the city.fronl .5:to 20 per cent, cheaper.. . , Jivi -it-." . rp. s. I take pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with MrJMoyer, and., feet satisfied that with an experience oi ten years in. tne snoe ana at nusiness x can sen you gooas ic mac nne to your.satisracuon. May9r1819- Semberat and Qome copy. j. Mci ALEXAiTOER. RailiroaA jVotes, -i .! i The train on the Statesville Railroad (Will hereafter JSini.jey.ery day, including Sundays, to connect with the train, on, the Western Toad, wnich' does the same tnis to last tnrougnout tne summer, rt ;The first regular freight train 'oyert the Spartanburg & Asheville Railroad arrived at Hendersorrville depot last Saturday. ,;i . hiw. i- Upon the recommendation of .the bondholders of the Carolina! Central Railway,-Judge Seymour "fags' appointed C$is3nl$2! l Wilmington, auxntor of the accounts of the receivers of the road . v;,:ni:i oiT i The board of directors of thfe Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad held their quarterly meeting in Colum bia Friday, The reports submitted show an increase of the net earnings of the road for the- past 'Oight months; 5 ending 31st May, 1879, of $74,000 over the net earnings for the sam6"period last year. This looks as if business of all kinds was progressiBglnsSouth'' Carolina, "de spite the cry of "hard times." The di rectors ate uriahfmbus in their expres sions of gratification at this result. The Lifddell Engine Locomotive At--taduqenu -4 nn-i It was announced-iin these columns some time ago that Mr. W. J. F. Lid- dell, of this city, had arranged with parties in Jersey City, N. J., for the manufacture of the Liddell engine, in vented by him; The 'first of these turn ed out by the concern referred to, "ar rived a day or two ago.' The peculiars ties and advantages of this engine have already been described, the most note- worthyf eature being that'it hats no crdss arriyal of. the, taatoitneTea lie was un- abletofind tho grjaia : In the mean time the cro wd.t which is variously estimated . at r:frni 100 to 250, arrived m the town,1 went to toe jail and demandetLthe prisoner, ' Thejf were told tnat tne snerm naa tasen him -ito- Union county; -V'A party of about .fifty was disDatchedf in, that direc tion, and the remainder - of tb ei crowd began to search the town?; Every nook - Jiisrht eigh, who are in visit ? .-i - i ; '. ''''.;!';' A party of gentlemen a'Sout; twenty in number went down' to .Stewart s pond on Sugar Creek, day before.yea terday, and had an old fashiojried sh: fry. . . , , h. :. v: Now tliat the dramatic season is clean over and gone we can look back upon it and rPAert that it was better to have .seedthe Pinafore aa played by the Hoi -wards the deobtsiisbectingthe sheriff's 7' for .Glen Alpine, Springs? where tney i designs, andcattered up and down tne wflli play throughont the season, a nis track. Finally aheyfound the i three pots an end to dancing in Charlotte, did j iQen whQ;adfhe;TOrisoner in charge ; fioz tne not weatner operate iigaiust iu i tney naticoncearea mm uuuerneaui w itoe of the-featuiMe musical Wil'SifltS tpartOrineenw0meni; in we imui tT raCSHlyfr jam tnis eTenmg wui dc Beverai pieces tun FPii wiLii LW4I urcuia ttuwuiufliiicu i . : m ,w t.- n.: W dxtverj pretty combina- SSSSH "SS tion. J-- maltreated itfaay wayfand on arriving iii-.A- Union , coontyv man' who recently at the hotel was given a. drink of water, -paid a visit to friends in Mecklenborg, After .consultation, it was termined i tells the Mohroe' Expm$ that while in to carry "him to the place where the .this county he called. upon two ladies bddyVas. f6tmd and there hang or burn - ! -i.l-.. ninth . J - - i.t : ! i 1 : V. 4- fi-nmr.r,Aa eacn oi . wnonii ,a J4PirlMAl','y,",'" i mm, as me crowu migun oircinaiui) ays ago irain, lucBuwiu w ""TTy iJJq W!?! casu soia lvjdoswii capi- to .tajnu"icpeettato $p at f Gafetas;f ' we can just get chlorinattoag tne point wnere tue prisonei- hjhl oecu i works erected nere we will yet surprise -sentahd16:vWm?tt-,iWaThith I the world."4 ! i , 1 . 1 ,1 , inna.iau uui, f-u - . Jtemenfe. prevailed. ?Somr went to- ilv : The Italian band leaves tnjs eyenmg AMeCber Children's Coueer. The Mav concert giyen by children under charge of Mr. Arthur L. Butt, on the 30th of last.montli is to be repeated next Friday, nizht-in,, the opera house. W1LU lilt! HUUltlUll Ul it UililUtLit, uiauu- pa's BirthdayjTAvhich: -eoataiassa num ber of pretty songs. The success of the last concent togeiuer witu tne ctvi ucsu requestStOf . a BWftheri;f : persons who heard it, for a repetition, has induced Mr, Butt, tojepeaywwmthe addition ied. me opera nouse iyj, mention doubtless be filled. IXallcoad.Xu-oniinAon.rK ilet insr . For 'some1' months ' past 'efforts hav. been rruwle to get together representa tives of the boards of commissioners of the different counties through wh!ch the Carolina Central Railway runs, for the purpose of arriving at some basis nnnii which the railroad company s Eroperty in ths different counties should e assessed, in order to arrive at some f i A : A 4 1 .. .4- 1V.A'J uniioiuiiLV in titAanun. ai iJist vul- was aereed upon as tne piace year, and that both arostoufeand hearty. ..... RAfRrrincr to! the decree Of f D. 1). con-n .ferretl.lasteek, by, Uampden Sydney College, Vattpon Rev. E. H. Haiding, tf ' thW-'oiQr ! the Wihningtdh Star calls to mind the' fact 'thaf Dr Hard ing's father Was'ali enjinei ifiif ilje Jd a D. 7:The,(&aW.Xge; Honor is in session m Newbern tofl? 1 Cot: fJhak !lt Jofte.epTesehtatiV.. tlwlate Supreme -Ldctge-Eiwmctt was-.m kPtfsirin "at 'Rostbril' is the bhry delegate from .the Charlotte' lodger-He ;ieft the rv inityday i tefOTe yesterdayjaf ternoon. .ill itirtrMTiorV.t.bB.' Souths Carolma.editors ' rwho.Werit'tittW the excursion to Heiw ;CieraonyMi!(xiwA, .I!t,MJHivioiy,'w'0i Jairest cnarmersi aocompaniea ne cat fgrewisidhMj tefusitig: to- answer ques of tions, qr replying toalL inquiry byde 155 f Warfntf his. innocence.." U-WJOS, An part, to ; - --r r. t tt ii. r wftp.Tiinor ana, ampioriuK. IthicleMes,!axB in market-ttiefirst put lh their appear aflge lasbSafcnrdaV: and now tne n holder who,ms.any profanity to Ispafi f mm his dailv business can - besto upon the little aaxkeyy who; breaks irt ' . nnnn ,hia morninaf jxap Jty.hammer- inr nnn f nA ffont door and demandrnff" to know4f th poxypld zrwItAuffT wanf .'fiJ -,AHv.nrrvi hemes.! f -efir. .i'-JOfarfoUl i 'f"CfteitfBion lo Beanfon lrtt.tA was agreed udoii as pleere tented ; comtness 3SfflfcMS3rt.l "ru r r,f o.i,f0fi graphed yesterday that h woUld,be lor mercy, out WWWW "ulu in'&tl1 Kfc'hoM in th rnnrt. house to- 111 VI fff- V "w - . iday about noon. Cotton Export Calculation. We are under obligations to the pub lishers, Messrs, Walsh & Wright Au gusta, Ga, for a copy of a neatly print ed book, bearing this title. The idea and k are sumcientiv mcuca rafctfca KHich says that disseminate "inf ormation as to the relative position of the Amer ican and .the principal EurWpair' cotton markets, Cable repprtewngiving quota tions in foreign coins, says the j com piler, are "nowfc-tfays received even in tne smarter. o,uiauu, mm m sire to fully comprehend their meaning is; quite natural, even in persons not di rectly engagea in inu expuiL uusiueaa. The calculations are made out tor trai actions between Charleston and &a reee-flTKl rwr -xrlrndeT-ea(lKr"and is (f'4ieaper slid more -durabkj than others. Wbthef 'au vantages, Mr. Liddell has added anattaelnnet bvsvrfeich the en- liit witlitTin MselL anMVdth the aid or two norses to guiae tne tongue ana help to draw it up the steeper hillsr it will move itself and a threshing ma chine oVer anv ' otdiharv road. Its ca parity in this respect has been tested sincaits arrival here to the satisfaction of all Who witnessed it "The difficulty encountered in constructing an engine for road use, in all experiments hereto fore made, is that in moying dip and Mlbvtn uub wmiet in tiie swuer is thrown first,to one end -of at- and tlien to the other, occasionally leaving parts ofthe flues unprotected, thereby allow ing them to burn out. Mr. Liddell has. remedied this by filling, only - the lowe halfira flu, hdi nrHking it impOs slble, it the boiler is kept well-filled, to expose, any portion of, the, flues unless it is turneu. uirecwy on its euu. The experiments thus far have all tended to prove the practical utility of the attachment. It is claimed that two horses, can pull it with a reaper attach ed all day without strain. It is designs ed lor iopqmotive,or.awmnar use, and 1st eattaltvrt-el adapt fb Both. The engine may be seen by applying to Capt Jas. F. Johnston, member of the Liddell Engine Company, who njay be found at his place of business "on Revolutions of Thanks, ...i S . . a notber arrival of household and other u-ief ul articles for our famous F I V E C E N T C O U N T E R " Far superTof to iill others received. Also a beautiful variety of PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FA'NCY. LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTING S AND LACES. Oreat Bargains iu 1' X&uies' Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. " i .i nw i Be sure to" call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. H. MORRIS & BROS. We nave Just received a splendid aasortment of Bustle Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known in Charlotte. June 1, 1879. LUXURIES. Pine Apples, Imperial Oranges, "Extra Large Lem ons, Fresh Caramels, French, Plain and Cream Candies, Pop Com, Ac, Our White Goads Department ficent line of Linen. Victoria. French and Blsnon Lawns: rgandles, and Barred and Striped Nainsooks at exceedingly Has recently been replenished with a m Piques, all styles and prices; India Mull, We are now. offering bargains In erery line, and your attention Is especially called to our stock of PERRY'S. oua ICE CREAM SALOON, Utted tto particularly - for the accommodation of Ladles, is attnetmg the- attention those who twbb to maniga toetoaeiyes la tltfs jlne; v CHINA PAL4pE OF lOtROOKFIELl)' CO., LEADERS OF LOWRJCES. ? doubtlesayto his. conduct,,he: crowd de termined 'to' finislrthe execution as spefedilj ' fioBSUiff ftttsfo i upon & o'elocfo wMcU.was fcjie,,liaajr -.the exe cution took place, i-v -vh-h. .t. Among the; crowd which collected to witness tofr "execution, were two sisters . WClt i tllO object of the wor ted tnAlieadtitoc rh'psfettfBtV Mznt-nuiMtn i.vri im -i b,u YWi'tittiWvmeat1 tB!B'fjaqiwomaii .'IkMnnlhmtSaik'Iw'.thW Ml A A . .J1 rv 1 1 X . -7 - .J At a meeting or tne unauotte uraysi held at thejr armory on thef lth inst, toe jouowmg resolutions Were unam mousl adopted : Resolved. That the thanks of this- -1 . ,i! "l 1 L J i company are uue ana are nereoy ten dered to tne spartan itines ipc tne very handsome mfnei jfi whKatney en tertained this company, on the occa sion of its recent visit to Spartanbunr. ReibllMA'thit w&trt under especMr obligations to Capt Burnett laeut lio mar and members of said company for ifeiikcourtBies and for their individ ual efforts w make our visit pleasant and agreeable. a Resolved, That we remember . with pleasure this occasion, and hope that the time, is aotfar distant when we, will be able to show them more f idly our appreciation pf their genuine hos pitality, and in a more substantial manner. ... . t , ; Ji Rtsblim.lM a dopy of these resolU tions be sent to the Spartan Rifles, and that a copy be printed in The Qbsekt ver, j .n.i 1 1 u 'jp :mt ..t 1 ,-..- Very many of the healthiest people keep; them-, selves In such condition by the occasional use ot a reliable Cathartiey-and they give the preference1 to-; Dr. Bull's Baltimore mis, as more iuny serving their purpose than any otner similar remedy. ' ! .. ".. . -;-VA I " 'It i Just received, a lot of lee Cream TrtesrWate Freezers, best make. freeie In r rain. er Coolet8."Kerrltferators, wire, , Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes Jaees. J?Tly Tumblers. We constanUy keep on hand a full line of PJain and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods! Cutlery and Plated WarerFarifcy GoodsjTii Wood and Willow lifafe. : COUNTRY ; - .; '.. ' -:x :: . i MERCHANTS goods' as cheap as 'Wl are invited to can. we sen Northern houses, and guarantee satisfaction. aendqnotanansoaappucanon. !. , Thanking you tor the liberal patronage in stj we are, ;v " ' : Ii.. would first talk with the prisoner, and acrjordiTrgrjljegautcklriir He Refused "to answer all inquiries,, as beforeyan tne womarv-walked away she gave a signal to hanliira, j i' A m an. who 'it : was saKi.wwasi irom JHABB1ED, I i this county. on the 15th.,Inst.,, byD.iA.Mc-: oTfcr)aA,Jwlug.' Th work of the executionirwaa dele- gattotwoMittoldesfaeri; Jn the imnuxas ments jor carrying u eAcmatiui v" 'BeaTlfoWWne Ziird inst xne part Vmf tfo ? dowrr or'a special: car pty a. ala wAmiinit tfoin q rn mk to.a. iati XfTwhiAii t.hv rn: reUirrratianyteommiinitytovwM time v jprice.oi a .ticKet jQjnmAimm nab, in the-United States, and Llver twi "Rnorland TTavre. France ; and Bre- ing in behalf t oi.ihe prwejier, but menermany. They can, however, be rtreftisediu fcm!s;1i i el6amiltoshrpilits from any This book is compiled and jcomNright edbvMr. Carl F, WUmahsTitj will dnnhtlesa hA of convenieneeiiand iv to the many persons . throughout 1 country engagedTn'thrcotton trade, tauinir- r 'a e' j Relief, Association The Charlotte relier association met Jeltterday afternoon, President Young1 wFfi WAdiefl of Stt-ftlU SaaltarT'lTleainrea. 'that it'tirotiltnisMt'jitx .liting taHyiiCesspoofe 5: ' Kjrtpefrbm emptyini u ' : 'i ."ahVlrfn'tl -whatsde ', .- . 't toca- v because of the Uisasrreeabie oaors wax, i,iiool " . j . ofTtliedrainS leading f tonv.the city; - Drains where-rBaiiwwerPty now were orBeTtoihorougniy citu out so th ' ni ra Mrs. WlnSlAW1 the bowels, cures dyientery and dhoewoeu .Ui arising from teething or other w well known remedy. 25J per boUv.-.. , dead woman gave theignaV the two grayTrairea-menpnaneu me vuggji uum aja n ""ft nA fcrimmaTiiY. aeaix-wiLa-wwi' ior j w(! i. at thk ObsekV!Eii;!1s indeDteo'ior tne. above tacts to a party woo-toi opi iaaburg throghoutMoaayr,and ;was iiUfM an eiewixnw'TOni,i"'RJc.ow r M i ; i"ir---trr mii? r - ''c-a i M t . 'VI. 1 ... 1 1. .' 'I M.IIJ'IJJ It Is a consurflgtign of the body, and differs only from Pulmonary Consumption, in that the subtle foe does not attack the citadel of life, and hence the patient lease Of life is a little longer, but it j arises from the same caosenls the offspring of th same parent and ctmsequedtly requires the sagna treatment ..Tprrect, the Impaired ructions of dis8tiarf and fibtrltion: and enrich and vitalize the T3IOOO. IS uu ursimpwwnt iPr uoa wvor utiuin known by the Me4ical Ffofowtion to be me I rfiraAWtfiit'i tbteaadef ijctual for good on count of its nauseous qualities. But in Scott's Emulsion pi cod Liver un tney are ennreiy over- .vt V. t rYi 'lip The.,trenoiTttilramtHtbe'-comaiiueJl ways and means recommenaea uia6yji committee offlve appointed fromeWrai SSkl regretBtomiprtfceed ikx semdeay.ot t0 imake I nt nd mnmnnth to hftri.1nlhe:ltTl nf New' subscriptions tothe same to be paid iW - - , . : I ailUiWU W1U-W5 CBVM115U IttUIJf' UU1UU UIO UIU- l,CAIJr'! - . i I chafers of the tickets... The Mice. Two, Dollars: iins ret;uuiiucuubiuu w o uuiw,, iijuvea. one doimt eacn, : Jror rui lston - of Cod Liver CM ' confe, aqa-cfitblndd mm Hybophosphlte oi Lime and-Soda, -is mestv woHderriu remedy m sucn .Cases. -,. . r, . .mn : flunruawi ir..i vi ir. niuu. ; t lah-fctiM ltafirfWr 8.tS7T -wrwr. m ttif hmlreaan' tenth JtamV the in- WinwrneHi lypiacie inai, m' accoroance wudiw teedrne-ms secured or an' mvtoia-oie cnaner, me ulsiaw Si&tr:Lntt Isas ew ten ur- recommendation was aaopteu.- were appointed: m r3jHbjft)n.GeniR.D. ScotVMrs. F. S. DeWojf fei! hMrtntVI'tf oil uiirausi mw -Tvsxiiav-'. ii-vaiiaj v SI10i4O wfll'M ortded fairly ami cha.sers of the tickets.. . The Mice. halves, One Dollftr eacb,!'rFor further Information, address at oncei' M',ai umipain, r. u. xwx liett -Orleans Ukf -'J u Inn 17 In - . tii ILL;! HCWU if A -T ifiisisjrLlheJciLV. Mr. Henry JSuoanKineraiageni anu i "correspondent of the Cblumbiafie-sri er, :oavSv ,ioniMit-iit if ii .frti)'i"w.a whit. iu Colv R Lewi; a native North Caro- linianv DUv POW a -promiuenui u. andthe followin toSstonTfflca Mrs. Ann Sturdivant. ; - --j a rtrf.8llJPf.l 0i i-J.l -Wl lul balMseaiiauatMe mfianaMc nf . -Pri rhard. Miaa llettie Williams. Burrouffhs, Rev. J . F, Butt Mrs.lA.J3, Springs, Mrs-Jas. H. Carson, Miss Mor- AllgHS; Mrs. S. Miss "Rlia Dowd: - The committees are requested , to re- acuvuy oi C W was reateredyeay afett ftte next regular fmeetingj to be SpoulT JaAOOa, M- wa ivismr1-' 'mI'E-AM KoMAnr1 TiiPsdav,lii Jtiliv. '-t!rha mm also endonestt. th Central Hotel, Mfiriosir .meaqs lcreae4 E)klines-t)OJtaataiaIlnels for Mood ..nurlflcatf dffi-4ha, acrid: element ta which fcqlQiihe pibt enUqent attribute Hie painful ArmptoBiiH-a theory completely Dome out oy unnj ayajs. The name oi wis granaaepuremis rs,fllirepamflon UkewUe. oelebrated as a remedy for constapattoiu wbicb eansr,cojitamIna Hon of thri'iiloodl thahUand a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, lever ana ague, ana nervous aUmpntaj' I .-jwrhaps, the finest ionic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal inea nnysieiansanaanausw iure ana very . '.( : i . ; .'. The most attractive in the cltv, and at very low prices. We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces, Ham burg Edgings and Insertings, Nainsook Edgings and Insertings, Swiss Edgings and Inserttngs In great variety. CORSETS AT ALL PRICES. Colored Organdies and Lawns all grades just received.' We make a specialty of Ladies' and Misses' LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS. Ladies' Handkerchiefs from 5c to $3.50. Oar. Stock of Gloves will be found complete. ALEXANDEB & HARRIS. June 17 THEBES T S0L81 'WARM HMD .4-. . MRTICUL4KC ' . - lIBtn " " ADDRESS! whiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. i DRKSSCIOODS, SXTjKS, ' . . . 8HAWU, , ... ,, y :Vt! 'J ,"i'-' ; txnrrdirs, TJPHOtSTKRT, ' rFIAHHXXS, . GIXVKS, BOSIKRT, GirlV and Bora Salts, Xjadtes' Underwear, Infanta Oatata, DBKSS SLAKING, , .... WRAPS, .," J RIBBONS.' BANTiKIUUallUKSs . - j VHITO COOPS, i, ... BUTTONS ; V HAMTBC1M3S, SKIRT BRAITJ, - , , SEWTJIO SILK, 7 .' H: ' IKiillil BY TlTATT. iJ' 1 ii HTCKPIiing, FAHCY CKMTOS, 'or .ttmfiies or tntorrriMt&n ema satisfy ' yquHetyjfcoM iphmy 7and7guiclh you eat getie0ernin tn ! rt i ii-ii DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us lyr MaHl or Express. 7nWe earry, an averaqe.istock of a6ou, $400,000. all bought fov prompt cash. -ISP'Vy us. Have the Children send jor a set of our Advertising Cqrpls. COOPER & CONARD, ImDorters and Retailers. Esttbllshed 1863, - . 4 ' Mil i X (he ;Yery respectfully, f i v. V. i' m 1o c,.;:f 0- JNO. BB0OEFTEU) 4 Clbu! CharloUajS. C.une.l187fl. '.Sitbi mAaLOrrE COLUMBIA AND RAILROAD. ;!1 AU0USTTA -,m. ' v r? r i ,-, -hi v oiiswyrr CoLtrkniA akd ,AUGFtSTA'Rt'Bi.i:'' rn itnA :kfter Snndat. Jrme 1st OMipaBserigeivJ schedule over this roaq wuie aswpws: ; .U!U-,. 'si Ti'ta tia QAROLINA CENTRAL VTA! WILMINGTON, ' THROUGH? FREIGHT ROUTS ThisUne being fully equipped for business. Freigltrpin,, -j. j : jts . t';, ; rTt'ili!r.'T' Ii !,! ii. f !.': t iflmlngton ankai Northern and Extern Cities to GiwnviUe, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee & -Ohio, As well as points In Georgia 1 ; Insurance and Rates'guafanteed as Low as DISPATCH UN JJ i'l' NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. , offers unequalled faculties for the Trans portloiroX ; l--'.'.".i.v 'ifiU-1 :A t'. A Charlotte, Statesville; AshevUlev' Rutherfordton on the' Atlanta k Richmond Air-Ilnd; and Western V. C Railroads, . - i ! ! Alabama and Mississippi. H. ;1 - t irla any jCompeUng Line, and Tluie as QuMk. H Goruo NoBT?. 1 .''ssffl Leave Augusta. - ..... ; bO.AjU., Arrive Columbia 10 ..; Leave Columbia,. . w , . . 'A-S 10 3 A, a. Arrive Charlotte, .....,. . .... ., 3 IKm-ae ji IFRE1SHT. WITH OOAqrj AJJI ACHEDV J. ftJ fl JilH.:; .'flii Lii.l v'lil..-. .1: Leave Charlotte. ; . . .'.:VJ:i.::.-.!.i. a 15 Fill ' -i KOlllUi....J..4.ii4.4..'4 0 r.MU " ..Wmnsboro.......-.... ......;.; 5 p.m. Arrive at Columbia. .-.'. .'. ..v .V: .H2 00 K. t iavn fVihimhla - j : i-.r.-;. s,i,.uiiijiil 00 AX. Arrive Augusta.,. w r,iW0aA.pi, f-' ' u crura south, - j ,i; cr Leave Charlotte, : .........iw,,-.12 45-Aia Arrive Colombia, - t?X::&. 5 HQ, At H Leave Columbia - - . 5 85 A, X AiriwrAugasjaii.:i...'i.iwia.i-,..- 9 25 A, m 'Tmm Immsta:; 515 9..M 1 Irriserjoluinbla r' i 1 80 AH Leave Columbia,.. wivi 4 - h Winnsboro - 5 45'J1C Chester,vi . &iiV3. AVA.-: 8 tf ; A,it; r r5 TockHiaii-.4jww.iU.iail0 00 A.M. -j!2 10F.X Pullman Palace C&fS from Augusta to New York and fromOreenabm to Aiunsta I - " J jEficuning .tueepuirr inaira rroia .yjanvuw w t Jwa E.MacMubio; fi, PiAgeat .. Janeq- .ftoiieaat AtjS- Agent i:l if i 10 ' , i'ljiformaaon fnrnlsbed, a 'if i if i , v'L; 1-f -fJ ;p;:'il ' . .. vii! lii Ji-u- iHiuwi'-l fijsir;I, . 1 I ' riW.CLAREi aill.iSit .': 'iJ 1 ' ' "V ta.'igtt'Agei' Wumlrig j y ;;.K1 Of :-A,Vt ?jj-.ii.2 .Ml:" I ."i-h"J t SPWv' iij:nii .;!; ui? ikhI fi.j 'lllJ upon appUcaUon to a..f A i'.t.-i- 1 i Ivijib i f -v:-j b-iirj 1 .ti. . )i; ,41 ... i .x. x. &jaiii Agent C! C,' RaflwajCbArlotte. N OTiCEOFEterjRli''1.1 ..i'l :..;iu 1; !, ,') : j'j i 'i'-j . J.I,; rrf TT.-iiT Hr. . . 4 ... t .- . . 1 ,101 na. iP mJW,ALEXASDEB,; r4 - . .n'i , 'i (L'ii'u-i at J U li .Ii V-fi'nmAiREvE?' ui-;i o Jl no" oisniOT oj ir'-a.' i ) ftrtzedfora Wernat Revenie Laws.1 With 25 years .W:waw:.b& ii-frui- rni. : x l attraction w :T v;?(f 1fflif ytr iri4q iitv 1 Also, 2 boxes tobacco, owner c. waray; , -NotioelaAawby gbt the owner or claimants i; oi the aDnye desennea property no appear: oeiore ij Hie HI ID VUWS UI DUM.0STU1O, W1U UliHU cuuu thereto before the expiration pl thirty days from date kereof, or the aame., forfeHed tUw VaUedt fltee. i-K J-rw -A itOTT, i,n '"!! "l "'"i fwlil DENWST, .'5.l MX OFFICE OVER L.R.WRISTON & CO'S ; iflv.Xoojia, mayi8 8tto8 i &UL -51. J- alJCoilector.,: 5 i5J experience I guarantee entire Jan 11 'TOP AT SHE x& ri.ui -2 rf id Mtna Vailonil'Hbell RatefgB.1 a:kBrown,aiC,Cnie leri$W'.;0.8helDurn As ) 80

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