1- - if 1 'j f : V i ! WEDNESDAY, UNE; 13. 1870 -1 . Burlington Hawkeye. ; If, children, you takeaway all the vis- cera, that is, the lungs and liver and things, from the cavity of the trunk of ...hT an a mh vnnr' . firierer itrb .and down the back of this cavity, you, will: .find a bony column, corrugated ukb a washboard, reaching from the neck to iiia iora it fa made of little flat, round -pieces of bone, hkQ sai many bungs piled on top of each other, only vthese - faungs of bone are very rough' and jag-1 ged at tne eages. jauu ui tuso uuga is what your doctor callsa vertebra. Now, all these vertebrae together form a solid pillar that; gives fcufcfjdrt to' the trunk. At the back of this column is a sharp kind of an edge like, formed by what are called the spines, that is, the uneven tips of the arches of the ver tebrae; you can feel them on your own .back. Then there is a hollow ring in each vcrlebri, that is called the arch, and all these hollow rings or arches .make the spinal canal. So, then, all these 'thing3 are bodies, arches and spines, that make up each vertebra, and all these vertebrae together-make what -your family physician calls the "vertebral column," and what all the rest of Us call the "backbone." Well, that is what is the matter with Presi dent Hayes just now. He has it. Has it the worst way. A Masuachusett Cannibal. ,- : , According to a correspondent of the New York Times, John Smith, living near Otis, Mass.; who was ship-wrecked on the South Sea Islands many years ago, and lived there some time, confess es to having acquired there an appetite for human flesh, which still harasses him. lie says he once offered to work six months for a neighbor in exchange for one of his -daughters, whom he wanted to feast on. He has a relish for raw fish, toads and even snakes, for in the presence of some recent visitors he chewed up a live toad which happened to hop in his path. One of the party offered Smith a drink of whiskey from a bottle and he bit off the bottle at the neck and chewed it up, certainly a suf ficient proof that he has - an iron jawJ Smith's religion is a mixture of idolatry, Mohammedanism and other strange rites. He worships a huge idol, which " he has built part the way op the moun tain and calls "Boudish. At 10 o'clock every Sunday morning he bows down before this idol, prays to it, sings and dances, the whole exercise taking about an hour. Three other gods, simi lar to this but smauer, Smith says, nave been stolen from him by tne Chris tians. More Vetoes in Prospect Less ProinUe of Ad journment. Special to the Baltimore SunJ Washington, June 15. If, as seems to be assumed, more vetoes are in pros pect the chances of an early adjourn ment are not so good as is desired, un less, as is proposed. Congress shall, as soon as the bills are passed, allow time for them to reach the President and then at once adjourn. But if the Presi dent calls them back immediately noth ing will be gained by this. In the last day or two a minority of Democrats have indicated an intention to protract the session, and a good many Kepubli cans say they will not vote for a final adjournment until all the appropriation bills are passed and signed iy the Pres dent A Republican Senator who sent his family home the first of last week expressed regret to-day that he had not kept them here, as, lie said, it looked to him as if-the prospect was fair for two or three weeks yet. But in the mean time Senators and members', are still leaving, and both houses are daily grow ing thinner. . ' ' . ' A Sad Accideut. Winnsboro (S. C.) News Mr. E. Frank Lyles, while returning from a hunt on Thursday, was killed by the accidental discharge of his Rhnt-cmn- it, seems mat upon arriving wiunn about - two hundred yards of the resi- ; aence oiniB DrotnerHn-iaw, Mr. w. A. Martini i living . near .Monticello, Mr. Lyles stopped to rest on a fence, where he was seen sitting by some negroes working a short distance away. He had been there " but a few moments , when the dischai-ge Of a gun was heard, j and the negroes saw him fall. TJpon ( arriving at the fence they found him dead, the contents of the gun having en i ;tered hi head near the eye ahd passed i ntrat tire -back. Mr. Lyies was about j nineteen years of age, and the son of ; the late CaptE.F, Lyles, of this county. ii i The Ohio Fight. Wash. Cor. Louisville Courier-Journal. Th ' ntnn"hliV'T.5 nniuinoi vUwu hav -set td-work-iiv earnest to-carrv the eleenon intJhio this fall, s Already the COMiereSBional Camnairn einmrnat ' k 4 with headquarters here has been gan ' ized, rooms taken and a iorce of -xlerks - set to work to distribute' speeches and docuffientsr" Zaeh. Tjhandler is to man age, the- mpaigii,,, at least from this endand will also' go personally into the canvass in the State.. It is said that the department clerks. will not be levied upon. The committee is also to keep an eye open for California and New York. TALMAGE IS LOJfDOS. Tremendous Sensation and a Silly Demonstration. London, June 16. Rev. Dr. T. De- Witt Talmace Dreached Snndav at. t- landton Presbyterian u church f!niA. brooke Road, to a tremendous congre gation. Much curiosity was evinced by the people to see the famous American preacher. A dense crowd blockaded the streets leading to the church The enthusiasm was immense. Half a mile before the Presbyterian church was .. reached the carriage of the reverend gentleman was lifted from the ground and carried bodily to the church. It was one of the most tremendous ova tions ever paid to an American Mni& ter m London. f VIRGINIA ITEMS. A new Presbyterian church is-'to be . . i si. 1 1 1 1- i,. H i.i ,M rxi ii I n ih .rnaiimiui - rni Hnl. O r ! h i Hdr 7f -iTJZ. .mTZ s 1111 1 I'M. 1'iH.rif in i. iia i iTiirxari wroraa sirw-' ' .ry , ... . .. : . . : - xne wneat narvest is in tuu progress aroun Jiicnmonoii ana tne yield and . . . . . uutH.-J H ciy. Bittisiitctuiy-;- : Friday night last; Capfc J. M. illardy, ; n weiuuw ui tue ontunton city council, V in his sleep,,walked out on his porch, . from which he fell nearly, twenty feet ; to the sidewalk. His lower . jawbone . . was.broken in two places, and Cone of . : ) : the ends driven back into his ear,!; The ; . : ; -tipper Jawbone wasvalso'f ractured ahd 'p'y, ' his wrist sprained? - X . . . a . The First Conyictioa Uoder thef Worinon PofyiiiS ;1L Reynolds; the;: bigamist, was trMa n n .u. ,il.'ill :.i . . ,E" sentenced to .two years imprisonment --f : f ana f ow nnew.iie;sxne,;prsc ormo . . - r. j i r i. . . . . . ,., VVUX VVM . V r J l.W "W HfcJ J - , irtTi viorcn nr nn viramv Ginro rnn nnon HirH in i.i in u ,1. in imi. 1.1111 r v r 1 v ruin ii . 1 0fk ' uj.-i.. was made to piga&nt his conviction. rv 1 ' t5TTcirttrsTrt3ls, : Three tliousand oneimiMared andfii tv-eight emigrants tl Oarrtprr. NfiW Yo Tvne course. Mondav. Hanlan won an easy victory fcy eight lenftns'ovef liott. ill! J. tA telegram "Jfdm, Bia Janeiro states that Gen. Gabllltai" deposedbe Presi derit Pf riif CThei prodiictionjbf Jtrttter and cheese in this wnintrv is said to be four times greater in valuethanth tptalieldOf 4 ur tok mm WMfm M I 'i SfthdtectiveilhavefAiieaa discover dn?clxi lifedN 'iiuiravelthteH mystery attending the. murder, of . Mrs. .Tatift Vtd Forest HulLiii New York:last ; The Atlanta; .(Ga.); Gptton Factory Company haa . just made a sale of one hundred bales, or one hundred thousand yards, of shirting; to bedelivered gutb 1st of September next Ike'Kectoa neCTand' aii! ex-city detective,ina fight i a gambling house at Galveston, Texas, Monday, shot Na than Harris through the heart The murderer jias been captured. A hose cart en route to a fire in Chi cago,atl20 a,7 miturday, plunged through tan open draw in Jthei State streetbndge and fell into the river, 18 feet below. One man was drowned; the driver and others escaped. , i The records of the librarian of Con- f ress snow tnat tne copyngmj; entries or the year ended May81 were 700 in i j it j i excess or indicating of those of the preceding year, ng that the bookmakers, at least, are busy, Officer John Nugent, a New York po-. l j J c i- Jt i . charge of complicity in the Manhattan Savings Bank robbery. The evidence against him is -deemed to be strong. Nugent has been a policeman since 1872. He was committed in default of $3,000 bail. Hon. Henry W. Blair, the Republican caucus nominee for United States Sen ator from New, Hampshire,, disclaims being a ' G&nt ma&Vbirt lays claim to some degree of stalwartism. He says he was onnased hv all the railroad and corporation interests, and that he made; , . ..i i - i n nis canvass witnoui expentung a uonur. Gen. Thomas Ewing has been on a visit to New York on private business. He expressed himself as confident of a Democratic victory in Ohio at the fall election, and says the financial issue will be the leading one of the campaign. He will wake a few speeches in July, but will not open his canvass regularly until the middle of August. There was a scene in the Baltimore Court of Common Pleas on Saturday. A colored man named Duekett attempt ed to assault, the occupant of the bench, Judge Brown. Duekett was tripped in his efforts to reach tiie judge and was soon under the. thumb of the tipstaves. It appears that the negro had been sen tenced for drunkenness, as he thought, unjustly. Judge Brown . believes the man to be deranged, and has ordered that he be treated as gently as possible. SODtO CAR0LISA ITEMS. The case against Sam Lee, the noto rious, has been nol prosed in Sumter court . ; The total number of deaths in Colum bia for the week ending June 14th, 1879, was 9 ; white, 4 ; colored,. 5. The Presbyterian church in Green ville is to be enlarged. The ladies of the congregation have the matter in charge. The payment.of tbeovet-due coupons of the first mortgltge booda of the South Carolina.Tlailvoad Company commenc- 1-TlreoVn lugfiTTRWo the South Caxblina EaQro-nutday night ran oxet" and' killed ai4 colored man1 named Ofeorge Washington Jiear .tyn merville.. : Geh. A. C. Gailington, of Greenville, delivered the literary addresHast week before the young ladies of the Columbia x:eiuaie uiiegetnuyB uujs nigniy tin ? A1 Greenville ladyl true to the custom of her sex; looked under the bed a few nights ago f6ra$urglar,ad found one a burly negro,: gb teamed' for help anuineanyraexTOe' negro escapea. The Heavy, p44Hrrfw. Ceo Jppo'mlmenls. c , Washington Cor Richmond Dispatch. . Cme Virginia inVmloXBgress has received already 0 letters from parties anxious to serve, their country in some capacity in 'tajking the next census, and the mails also coma loaded 'With letters of a simHaf Character for oQjer mem bers. New, mehibrs' bf Coneress have no control whatever over the appoint- ments lit oueauoiiiior thAiawWovidps V the,Wetetior, on or befOre March Istv 1886. Shalt amoint ene or mora in net-visors nf mnmm fnr each. State, Jbnt the whole number ap pointed orltlfe"4Sta-f and, Territo- am ttu.tii. m tKBeaeA34fcgATiese super-visor-mto-pKint4hTenumerators for the, .viirious counties of the State. Any. conuty jeisoeeditig't.OOO in popula tion shair be divided into districto, so that no distract shall contain more thai 4,000 inhabitants. These enumerators (one for every 4,000 inhabitants) begirt tutiiruuues on me nrsc isionaay in j une, 1880, and must finish before .Tulv istt- thus requiring the work to be com pie- icu tnaii tniny aays. rne com- DenSatlOn Will bfi twn npnta fnr onn in. habitant; two cents for each death re ported, ten cents for each farm.4 land fif teen cents for each establishme.ntiof productive industry. Applications for appomtments as .enumerators sbouldbe addressed to the supervisors bf the State when appointed. - Tweed's Flight to Spain The appeal of the daiiffhtpra nf tiio lateWm. Tweed "in their suit no-ainat. the Knickerbocker Life InsurancA Cnm- pany oft a $10,000: policy upon the lifet uj. uueir iatner, was on .Friday decided: against them by the Supreme Court" of iew xork city. The company's sle icnse was xnac tne policy nad become void before default in payment of pre mium lnr Tuning. A 1 XI ' J . bpam, (whilst a refugee . from office. witnout the consent of the companyi' Judge Freeman held, in any aspect of the case, that the policy l ceased to exist VI V...nGWB..IlUIICiafllU J'--i. fclAV. upon tne ocean - to u ' - i v i . r I reacn nain. and hem rin tha i .t a n. . ' ' VM vv ww va. vrv .11 Willi, ll I 1IH I II 'III I iim I r ivn 1 I.. f".u.ui.uiu VUUIU'UO jjtaiu. , i ,. ... . M ( HI i - A resident of flalpna -Til w'hrwt.'had been in constant correspondence, with uen. Grant during Ma ffavplft nhmail - has just received a letter from the: ex President. dated Iloncr TCnncr. ntvith cw WrA.peeej-al writes that hefwitt reachiSokohaina about tht lastxf June, ana iaan jranciscoln AttErust. and aavs? "I expect to remain on the Pacific coast f or .Bome weeka. and their- tuy to Galena ana stayuntu coiaatne v wsre. we will spend the winter we have notfder. itfiia van ,i7 KTirs nr t"jv--. r-T; '.ai r rr ")ibi-wihi nipn"winnr 1 una 'TmTT."- X.X iMiura IU f.nd ndrad I f ' " f .H.u .UV WVO, .VMUI I ' mi y i hikmuu- iniini.huiiiiui,i ii h i nwnnin -m. inR IlinC. i.. Balsam, for tba Innm. keen- It 1 In tbe 1. 1 r " -1 " 10" "3E5raVl?k : 1 bouse and yon wulbe otfl , mTr 1 . , ' ' . 1 1 1 were iatdea at (j&s-, rid last week. .31 . Surkinti ls gtOig to be fearfully alarnin I zi average tZ,llle tielng lessened every year, wltH-! uj at y reascrihble cause, death resulting general iy f rori tie rndfct ins'zniflcant ofigth-f At this sea- tverioolf tlie dangers attending it and often find, ioo lite, that a Ferer or Lone toouble has already mk In. "Thousands lose their lives In this way ev ery winter, while had Boschks's Gxhmah Sthd been taken, a euro would have resulted, and alaigft ptfytmm a doctor been avoided. Por all disease of the Throat and 'Ltmgs,!-Bo8CHiB : Gteio Sxbup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its kind to medicine. Every Druggist In thla eountzr will tell rou ot lte wonder&il effect ' Over fbottlei dJ41 jlasf MjM trlhont a single laflure knowo. f f g f i f I $ INTRODUCED, 1865 -A Si th fnutfnl one, of tauty dlseaaea, proaoi- - ' Dent amofiff whica are DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, C0STIVENESS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVTR, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC f -I SYMPTOMS OF I TORPID LIVER. low of Appetite and ITauaea, the bowela are costive, but sometimes alternate with . j looseness, in Head,' accompanied with a Doll senaatiodin the back part,Pain In the right aide and under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irri- ;tabjUty:Of tempe, Low spirits, Ijoasol . 1 anemory. With a feaMng of having neglected ' some duty, General weariness; Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dota before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally ever the right eye, Restlessness at night with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WASHIireS AEE UNHEEDED, , SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. "ttUn's PILLS are especially adapted tv such cases, a single dosw effects , .such a change, of feeling as to astonish the sufferer'. 'II r ?mreempaB44 p-)9.siitaaee that are x seat tram. avoy jr erues c tu tu injure tke Meet delicate erg-aaizatlen. They ' Sarck, C3eS,Tli-iry, and Iavlgerate i thm Satire SlMtam, iiBTralievina' the cn aercr lArSrf tmmt 'eleuiie the bload from poiaonons haaiera, and thos input health aad Titmiity to the body, canainc the bowel to ut nataraUy, witheat which sia eae caa feel well. A Noted Divine says : Dr. TTJTT: Don Bay For tan yaart I hr ben mutr to Dnppu, Coimi potion nd PUu. Last Spring TooriTili wni reeommendd to mo ; I used tiim( bat with littlfiU). , I am bow a Well man. niM gaum, ana i nancainea lortj poi unds solid flasb. 'Aoaj ars worm tama ynimm in rata. Bit. R. L. 8 , Loaisrille, Kf. TUTT'S PILLS. Their first effect U to Iacrease the Appetl! r, and canse the body to Tak en Flesh, tiiim i no BTBtemiflaearlBhed, and by their Tonic Ac tioa on the Dla-estive Orgaaa, Uegular (Stools are prodacod. DR. J, F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK SAYS:- Few dipsisw exist that cannot be relieved by restoring- the Iirer to its normal functions, and for this pnrpose no remedy has ever been invented that Jus as happy aa affect as TyiTS PJXdJj." t, iOlO EVERYWHERE PKICE 25 JJENTS. Office 35 Sf array Streets New York. tW Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable Infor anation and Uaef al Beceipts " will be maUedras on application. TJJTT'S HAIR- DYE, Oaar Eais os Whibsjew ehaagaf ,-ftf a' Glosit Black br a sinfle applioatkm of this Dnt.-' It ha parts a Natural Color, acta Instantaneously, and is aa TTTmln mm mimitm mtir. KaM Kw Trniufriu, b n. aaby axoressonrooeipiai U j Office; 35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 ly. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DBaC.McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HBADACHB. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PMN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able. to lie on the left side;! sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and ' it freaueatlv extends to the toD of the ihduldef ind fe1 sometimes mistaken .,for rheumatism in the arn,y.The stom-; 1 ach is aftected .with-lo'ssi I of r appetite and sickness th bowels' iii general are costive; sometirrtes alternative vth . lax; the head-is troubled with pain, accompanied whh a dull, heavy sen- - ; .sation in the. back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, ju:cQmj&iej$Ja j of havmg left undone something which 1 : ougBttThae We(as done. A. slht, - t dry cough is--5oraetimes,a7i attendant The aeeht jcomplaihs'of v?eajKness'" and debility ; he is easily startled; his feet are cold or;burning, and he com- , plains of a prickly sensation of' the V skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be 'beneficial totinw yet he" can scarcely, Summon up fortitude enough to try it.- t. In . fact, he, distrusts . every remedy; , i.; se,Xsr3LUil (oe apqve symptoms aitena the disease, but. cases-ihave occurred -where tew of them existed, yet exam ination of ?the body, after death,! has shown the" Liver' to have been exten- .' sively deranged. ' . 1 ' 1 w ' 1 1 ''BK C'McLXKEVLtV&i Pills, in cases or- AGUEi AND , Fever, when t-taken.-whh Ouinine.: are nroductive of I the jnost, happy . xesultswf No- bettei; U "cathartir;-an rw hcd fivo.on. v i. disease to give them at faIr tuiAv: . x-or au piuous derangements, and i ;(as a simple purgative, they are unf it KEWAsXE OF IMITATlbjtS. . , ine genuine are never sugar coated. ; v -. EvervTinir 1ios(X -j : . t t '.s 4- t " 1presgIOnDR,.JKcLAREs - m " The renuine UrYli 0 bear. the. -signatures G. McLXni) W' market, beW. fBilf-irtJt J itl' 4. A toaSP1"? 8pelled diffently : T ame pr6nunciation. taitf ? . - nm sill Ifoa; t g i I r& U i - ..:.-' j j. j J..JI.J ..j .... n a miiriirTiurn mm as. m mw TT mm m m mm m m i J t ' ww. Mw-aa pwUOiaLUIT Wj - - pt after taking Qu'imne. . We ivpuld:1."! 1 advise all -who are Afnirt-M -with' tlua:" t AXWBLt 4 iiABSIS0-! mr :. .' ' r. ir-: o--- .' !.:.,':i -V -l -v: sit, .... -. - r .'if uX-;:', - ,r H'itV. P?" "! H"CTaiwn) a SJ1WM Ut .. HEBCHANBISX AND CTXJWTBTraODUCK;- -r . :'' " WQl atn strict benonsl5-1 1 ; altonthtn to an hHfs, ntmf1M 'mr ' Four doors above' Charlotte Bote). : dec3 -... : :i . r i ; r.':' rr HEADQUARTETtS FOB Bottled figgkjf T?Pt . - - - ALE AND-POBTEB, Is comer Trade and Boundary 'ATeirael v- Delivered, ioarA7.of toe clir, tree feb' for fl.pOjer dozen. - " - F.C. MUNZtEB. All orders left at John Togel's taDor shop will re ceive prompt attention. ..; i" ) mar--!'.'.- ij "J': 7; jj;ndkbtadno The tmdenlcned is now prepared to ail all orders for every class of Undertaking: Having on hand foil assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metalic PBI0S9 AS LOW AS AST Hearses fonushed if desired. Furniture of every Desorlptlon Repaired at shor notice. ;W,1L WLLHELM, With K. a Rogers, Trade Street. lune 2a DK. J. n4 SleAden, Dauesiar Aim CHnnsT, Now offers to tbe trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes. English Select S PI C E S , Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours both night and day at J. B. McADXN8 .-.-v.-v...-. .. . FrBecrlpttOB Store. SECURITY, . ' : SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of . C.: WEST ft SONS', KXTBA Na I KEROSENE .s.. ; ; Asm :"i; ' ;-. r i'"T - A LA DDDf -8BCUBITY OIL. --..its.' ':u -f ; West's Extra No. 1 kerosene OIL from C Weat A hSons, Balomore. - . ,.r.. ;; ( j? i it iff. . HlehAfltMed.it awarded ntrAiitADnlAl ICmnaUlnn Cmtal OH Works. Cantort " WarranfAd tri atand a fire test of HO degrees Fffirenhelt beforei It win Dum. u,i we onfl,'jjainmore. . Dal Jf'U McADEi, SoleigenC'. ' t - - I r O x 'hi I IQEi;, ICE !: AT THE SAME OLD STAND,,:' , Where I am prepared to furnish a superior qnalttr . to all .who mar want Ice.' Jfreait wilt also make ' dally i deliveries at plaoeaof business or "pMrat waideacea. Orders eiven the idiler.addratiaed to tne through P O. Box ,153t or delivered te me U uuuea-uu. lubui ,nwa ihuuiu .mitaarv. win recaiTS IUUU1UL SUeUUOQ. r.f. mu Krif I -irVW the egWreseaon ftt Ute ipUowlng agures w D.supnue In ouantlUes less than S lbs.V . . -a, W lh,I v Of 60 lbs. and nn, lla& t T The above figurei are tbe tame Atf whlch'loe has heen sold for thelast two seasons, when I had ooBopeuaant and aai-aamiiBsarpassed fadlldea to eonduct the bURlnefM nn a. bwitlmnbi nslnrinlAi eonsumen will consult their Interest by Elrlng me leeorsnip mr In ans1 ehaniltv earenillv naclcAd tad forwarded with dispatch: ..'Ti - ; -: f . Thankful -foryom patronage ' fa the iast; I re Decttullr ask a continuance of the samnT ! .- 'Maya: im j,9 sj tv .tv-r -,-t 11 ! -It 5- uJr lut j i i? tit i-, i i HOST APPROVED TOKJf, . 1 r 'UUHt FkrMtaitaiBd ttrt Rata ns t OBSESTSa OFFICE! 43 X lJL M - - Xfa JewelJT kndTcGoodGold . and Silver BOOK1 BINDING.. 1 -!v.- ;.iM :.''V.- -1 . FAST GOOD WOBKMENs la eannecUon with .the ptibltffatlon et Tkh Ob- . : . - i BSBTta,and shmeht of one of the' larz-; est, most complete, and most' ihorbughiy equipped JOB PRINTING ii In the South, the proprietor has lust added a, com- BOOK BIN DEflV AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. OM magazines, newspapers, law-er other books rebound In. handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tills class, ruled and bound' to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here m as attractive a manner aa m New York. , We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and In first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers, deilrousQf presenting their argu ments m good shape will do well to give us a trtaL We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as it is possible to make it ' LETTER HEADS, Statements, .' VOider Books, . ": . YialtiosCaiUa, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, ; i f-1 . in r V. i'. Circulars, r V : , . ,7 - l: ' ISivelopes, 1 ' Handbiua, -.us I ', i ; . Invitations, Checks: n BILL HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books, programmes island IT ; "' Court Blanks. y ' i ..i i stiit u to fact all kinds of ptinOng dene at ebori notice' eciaT attentidh ghto BhndPrtatnigl- 4 v ' :i ff TIslsCIIZjTITrmTSTr 1 t !' I . -n J) ,r.wu,tl, tTpavtog j larger supplf of type than most Jobjw labBsbments, BOC V0BX has' been ' and wfil ,cowto a specialty with a.; T , 4 r .-il 1 to S'i .T 'M,-.H'V-'t; THE pB3E4tE3;7i J IV i at - . - . , T " Tf "DTTT,T T?T?'Q '-'-M M5 ,ri WATCHES, .:' CLOCKS-' Vc?-v, s ;" .' JEWELBT, . : Hi-i;i-'.vl3i-..il i !(;.. '! -. -. -.; r ' " :j , SILVER AND SILVER- .14 .U.a.- PLATED Lf W AAA, I 1 GOLD AND SILVER. spectacles: Gold-Read Canes and everything you want ' ;' J. T. BUTLER ; dec24 p. LASNE.- - . ; ' : WATCH and CLOCK JfAKER, GILDER ! and SIL VER PLATER, j;.;; Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian - Nat Gray Store. Church, , Every kind of repairs made at once at half prloe ana 'warranted pne year. Every kind of Jewelry or Sronza Gliding Coloring, Silver-Platlng and-GaV vanltingimade at Snort notice and equally as good as new., . Work done for the trade at low prloea " "' Apprentice, wanted, with premium and good references. ou; .w.i ,-- : i. Repaired work uncalled i or will be sold at the expiration of twelve months lor cost of repairs. septlS . " ; - . ; ' l f ' v - - - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR-. TUNE-SEVENTH GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, Ju'y 8th, 1879 llOih Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution the Legislature of the State for Educational and. utwuaunjwiURB' Ul IOO, FOB-TKH TKBM OF TwmrrrlYK;rKjLB8, to which contract the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of i,vw,wiu, w wmcn u nas since added a Reserve xuaa m aou.uuu. ' MS UKAND SINGLE NUM BER ! DISTRIBUTIONS wlU take place . monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Ha:f-Tic ets, one Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 l capital raze. lO.OOd- .1 Capital Prize 5 00ffK 5 Prizes of 1,000 5 000 20 Prizes of 500 .....10 000 100 Prizes of 100 .10000 200 Prizes of 50 . . to 000 600 Prizes of 20 lOiOOO 1000 Prizes of 10 lOjOOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES: fl Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200....;. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. uoo 1857 Prizes, amounting to.... $100,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for rates toclubsshouldonlybe made to toe home office of the company In New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, PostoflJoe Box 692. New Orleans. Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. June 17 . Reject all violent Purgatives. They ruin tone of the bowete and weaken the dlgestlou. the TARRANT'S EFFERYESCENT APERIENT SELTZER - Is used by rational people as a, means of relieving all derangements of the atomach liver and intes tines, because it removes obstructions without pain, andimparts-'vigor to the organs which it purines and regulates.- ., .. . Sold hy all Druggists. BEGKWITH'S ANTI7D Y SLPEPTIC PILLS. These' Pills will prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are "an unrivalled: Dinner PUL mild anerient. utd admirably adapted as a family medicine.' They are , usea y ue most ouiuvuiea peopte m our country, and are extensively used br hhvsicians in. 'their practice. -Sold by DruggistB generally. Send ior eneniar. jlh. um w it a, sole uanuiacnir er, Petersburg, Ya. . ; ; ; . . v .CELEBRATED i)Btiwm m stokes; t :t Physician, MotmtHoiw tteatj Balthnore, ; -Writes : ui have greaf pleasure m adding my testt-i rnoayte the virtues of Colden'sLieblg'B Liquid Ex tract of Beef amt Tonic InvlgoratDr aatbe-very best preparation used for depresaloai weakness and In digestion, and, therefore, confidently reoommend tt to Oie medical professton.". Sold by aU drug- 'T7T ut h celary bt tluO per month rulMieeooiifmnsioo. to sell out- ' l&'dmZA'mS: ii..,.. ' ...1 -.i ; t - 1 . ; Zi ;. ; . QTT? ;-0MhlnA4xBeneBt:ipiBmnteed to Qpi Agents. Outfit free, ; Shaw A Co., Augus ta, Maine. ;.f h-;,,,1.,,, r7-"' ! 47?rf -YEAR ahdxpenses to agents. Outfit 91:f-4 . :freev; AdoeasPO.. VieipBay, Augus ta, Maine; 1 Lib . ''. I' ff I J llielateirt andlmo -complete Invention of the das-Crockec rawnswertn's nttttngand Smooth- - ing ron.M ,Save the: expense of fuel -and, the se-f .vere waa m .aranoing ever a aw ure on ironing days. r" -- w 3;nri t- This Iron heats itself, and will save iti worth m SO04 consumed -nder tber old procegs In a short me, to sar nothing of the health pf these who no the-woitT'f-1'37 i it'iijWearetbeaeentsifortnaEtAtAor.Karth Ramii- t na and m propose til commence taa fate ot it In once. Any one wishing purchase'-toe right to sell m-etaer-eounties in- tne State will da well to apply at once to the undersigned at Charlotte N.'. C. . E.H. NEWCOMER,. i HF - - ' H. MRAMSEUR, f-MT! The sample Irons have arrived and lare at H. T. Butler hardware store, G 8. Mallard is oar, agent rpB3: YORXYtLLB NE W&-' 5 i ..; ;-r,i ' ''The aoW 'wUl be the Wme'of weekly Demo eratic newspaper, (he publication of which will be eommerBdal early day fit iYontriye, S. C, by the mslnese meh of CTrartotte aa tiie iaper wul aave a largeerrouiaooniu vie ceunnea oi liineom, Gaston and Catawba, North CaroUna ThH nHa-frf finhwVlnlinn nrin- ha V. Dhe prtce-Of subscription wia be $2 per annum.. June 3. j eK.TT In i tLYerkvUle, 8, C. Talnl, Eheumaasm, White 8welif?fSS iuu4iyt suu u aiseases arislni fKT,,u,' llmpurecondWon of the blood. n The meritB wf iQOs valuable are so well known that a passinrr.1?11 Mnia v B reaftr2i iournal of the necessity of alwaw kL . ' bottle of this medlclneainouthi,. a family neceaslttea. . """rs)ekw Certificates can be Draipntot , Heading Physicians, Ministers and h' families throughout the SouthrenfinS'18 the highest terms the Fluid ExtoS -558 u dalla. : -.: ; ' qwwm. ?'e has used It hreasesr Scrofula er diseases wlUi much sansfaxwot" m' ibvRi T. Ci FUGH, of Baltimore mends it to aU persons tmttL. eaed -blood, saying it is superior S ? preparauon ne nas ever used. - REVi DABNEY BALL, of the Baltic M. E. Conference South, sax h i,T?n much benefitted by Its use that h .rr.11 heeommends it to ail his friends lauaintances. ila CRANEN & CO.. Druselst.o nt n... vnie,;. Va" say tt never has failed to tsfactkm. SAMUEL" G. McFADDEN. Mrf,... Tennessee, sars it cured him m dT?00. tlsm when all else tailed. - ""euma. uosauaus is not a secret Quark lOonrKs ingredients are published on T fcihow it to tour tour nhvainisn i you u is com; stronger fri r ouu is an exeeiiBM blood er.. ura. our sn ciceui hIl i-ruu tesumomaia imm m-i, in ThASnntH joirl fmrn rmn. i J ? ' " n.iovii.-i iUWIlUlen ery man, woman and child, either perso ly or by reputation. - 1 wal Rosadalls Is sold by all Druggists. " JOHN F. HENRY, CUEBAN & CO., 8 College Place, - - - . NEW YORK. ' '1T oalA ti T T nmTOWAU owe uj u. im nnioiw ffi UU., Druggists, Charlotte, N.'c. feblft lw . SMITH'S WORM Oil, Athens, Ga., December 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of ths Worm Oil, and the next day be passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to mr little girl, four yeaas old, and she passed elghty-sli worms from four to fifteen Inches lone. W. F. PHILLIPS. Worm Oil Tor sale by Droggists generally. Pre pared by & 8. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. Price 25 cents. Ieb21d4wly. encte, that has made radical and Permanent Cubes of Syphxus and Scrofula in all their It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth ) It is ah excellent eorrcctive of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate ot the Vest Pocket Cure. v ' Rev.'X. A. Yates, P. E.N. C. Conference, j 'p had benefitted me. ' Send another package. Bev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D Meth. Hlst'n. j I urn neverwlthdut It at home or abroad, it U an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging Is checked and the bowels regula ted, its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a " tried-everything " dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev,.Dri. Jeter, Broaddus, picklnson (Bap.) - It ia endorsed by the direct personal, testimony .of - men . of national, fame and of strictness of Speech. It Is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support hi its: favor as a specific. The word of any .one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness Joined With the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent r-Editors Religious Herald, Va Rev. R. L. Dabney, IX. D., Ham. Sid. CoL, Va. It is mghly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. Vj i ) v u :SOLD BY ALL; DRUGGIST& ' " ' i 7rljrsaieby:'. . iDR. T. p. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. r :;ODEtRAGAN Wco:Veensboro, N. C, U .'.i.i !... 1 : I--.' i t i a THEO. Jf; EXUTTZ, Sallsburr. N. C. POLK MILLER A CO.. .ti??: H .i tt.;inar20-Tdxwtf. 1 A TLANTirj. TENNESSEE OHIO RAILROAD ! 87ft "On'd'afteMOTdayV "'Mav 26rh?-the following schedule -will be run over this read dally (Sunday excepted):;;; . ci. .:-';' j : GOING NORTH. Leavearibttejiu..c:.v 8 00 a.m. " Davidson College. V- 8-53 a. m. ArriVAatjSJasJlJe...-. H 20 a. m. J&eave StatesTntoU::j....4v- ffi 40 p. m. 5 f DavWsoa Cege...T .,,.3.08 p. m. Arrive atChariotteIT:Ir. . ..-.'n .5 00 p. m. Hhiroeettaa rtade e.tmariettejwjhjfrollna tral railway, and at Stateavllle with; Western North Carolina Railroad;' J1-' " v"-h- 1 all freight offered fershtsmebt to SMtfbn House, Henderson's .Alexandrian and; Caldwell's must he prepaid, they . being .Flag) Stations at which there awrno Agents. - The company will not be re sponsible ior -lreignt aroer us ueuverr ac sata sui- U0nS,r4rsnt;-4:(U njy "'mhit: JiiTi I ion !A''nliu( irti; , ,t niWi -'. tWwtf JUST) RECEIVED, PIGKIIXS10N, JU -"-'-sa u.'Lz ?.3iiii rtl iu.4,-H HOWELL. June' 121 ' 2 .w;t r,"w. i--r I - t .a -V

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