;' 1 . - ,v .-..,. - J. . - . " . . . A . ' . i. - ,1. ..in.., i )toiwim,:'mmMlM" -aagfrTW Minify! tmtitartMma&XJBUi SUBSCRIPTION .RATES Omiv.one'year, (pcmtrpaid) i mivanoe 00 jr. AfOA-'MrrMft?-tiM-. 4 0Q. rtree Jfontts.... 2 00 0 MOHth- i 1 ' i . ., v . 4 ....(.y,. ,15 WEEKLY EDITION t WklV, (i eoNMty) to advance. . . . .S2 00 OtUtheeowttv.pottpaid, 2 10 iiixJfontt - 1 00 XW Liberal BedtictioMjorOlMbt. BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, t 1 M i LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, 13 ; . ; , TAQ&. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, i Si 5T pitoeiujafxs; hand-bills ,-. J PA1LYHLET8, CtROVLARS, CHECKS, M, , GnARLOTTEi:N.;0.;TiltJKBtiY; JUNE I9V 1879. ' ' ' ,.; ' ,Np.:3,218.' : VOL. XX. -The murj Iwifc , .. : T-TP tt J : : 1 r ; ') t "v'f i 1 rl 1 1 I :i ; ti i , i j .t u.i : r ' ' r-? . .t1 iVvJ III' I (ftVHl 1 (fmlftnirTnX Mil II 1 Ul i Pf4Tl Itl lilhV'fl THE OBSKRYEK JOB VEPAKtMEttT ? ui ti I I iJ: so i 1 1$ j a hi x .--7 ' . - ir " i. - s ,"v" -?r. . . . - .-.- : -- i .. ... .. . i..... a t, ' ..-."'ii'. f i.-..i T S A L E IUKGESS1 NICHOLS; ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL niAUR Ui ALL KINDS OF -f KlTtNITURK FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! FUKNITURF.! BEDDING, C, BEDDING, 0. BEftDING, Ac. BEDDING, C. A Kull Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! L0UNGB9 ! r, LOUNGES ! s 1 Lounges t LOUNGES ! . id LOUNGES LOUNGES t .; '. ! JiiOrfJi t't Hi-" PARLOR AD CSASJuBtB StTTSt PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand. COFFINrt of all kinds on hand. No. B West Trams Strict. CHARLOTTE, N. C Ladies' and rine supply. ' ' Jan3 Gentlemen's Burial Robes a ARGAINS xs URRB NW'N II R SKN N II TTTTU II T U V RRR ERJC UR BR U RRR ER K U KF O f U URRB It N N TI T U UR BR HI T . U UK K K UD R IN RH II T UU R K K AT F. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Next to PobToincx. Mj- Slfick is TBry Lar, : and embraces a Full Une of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROO ABB OFFICE FURNITURE All Goods Packed Free of Charge I ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! "NEW" FEATCRKS " OmuJ foVKool, TrrSiaX cifl& Mo lasses, ss4 ther Family Groceries. Just neataed, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da wieountr) BEST BTE WHISKEY. . Also a fine let of Country Hams. I sell forcash. AU good&4eUeed to the city free of charge. c. 'rttifl X KiC- ii'TtaitoBtreel ao IK. . - i jhi The BonrmolM and Minion tame on which this paper mi lately rented. Jlwas made by . the old 1 Jonnson type foundry, oi mnadeipiiia, ana wan not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because tt became necessary to use a different style of trae. It will do rood service for several reiui toeonw rfc wU be sold rnr krtftf ur Sw chasers. aneltylTfdntrf tf t50 tOklOOOliaiwdtn). wnuoui cases. Address oct5 I ... . OBSERVER. Charlotte. N. C That valuable property in this city known as the Tannery of Alexander, Allen ft McBee. This Tan nery is conveniently located, and has all the latest, improved machinery. Bark and bides low and in abundance. . ' or particulars address 15 ... A. ISAACS, Attorney . . ... . . r... ... ureenvnio, a. Maj9th,1879-Hllaw3mftw3m ;. ; ; WELL IMPROVED ' V ; f CITY PROPERTY FOR SAUL ,aa rt x'3-tit : ,Any person aeslrtng to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, line well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk oi the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at . decl8 THIS OFFICE. ' T.1ITTS- I! i . i rr We baf S lastf efcHed tea toti einres a nice and full line of black, white and all the shades of LACE SILK MITTS. 5 ; : . 5 i t I I ( Also a large lot of CREPE LISSE RUFFLING In black and white, white Skin facing. Also a fall line of black and AJsq another lot of white Ltinen ana victoria .Lawns. Tou can get the White Bullion Fringe very cheap. As the season : for Spring Goods Is passing, we call attention to the fact that we are now selling a nicely trimmed .. . . , , LADIES' HAT FOR ABOUT HALF ITS VALUE. Also a nice line of LADIES' LINEN SUITS, Closing out very cheap, and many other lines of goods at reduced prices. If any one Is in need of a nice DRES SHIRT They would do well to call and procure a lot of our unlaundried shirts for less than the material can be bought. Respectfully, V ' , , T. L. SEIGLE&CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon strCharlotte, N. C. June 15. SPRINfer CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN 3i CO. We have made the experiment of purchasing stock so complete as to Include the latest noveltu In Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's UOU L O O L O L O O L COO LLLL OO O O 8 8 OO TTTT H H II NN N OGO T H H II NN N G O T HHH II N N N O T H H II N NN G GG T H H II N NN GGG We invite public Inspection, and we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every Srment which is sold at our house Is warranted to as represented, and In price less than can be bought elsewhere. We continue to sell BLUE FLANNEL SUITS If I M i k -Cheaper than any their house; as we did the past season, and they have gamed the reputation of be ing the best In the marks'. . We present this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Including the best makes in the country. There can also be found in oar stock a complete line of fine Felt, Stifl and Straw Hats; and any klndtof Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest BARGAINS Can be had at . W. KAUFMAN St OOi'S, ; Comer Trifle andTryon Stsj, Charlotte. N. C. April 10. jONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 8 Daily ex.Sun. Date, Nor. 10, '78. No. 2 DaUy No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, ." Greensboro,, ' Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 8.45am J 6.55pm 8.20 am ( . , . 3 00 pm j 5.30 a m 5.25 pm 19.30 am 4.10pm No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. for all points In Western North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. for all poinu North. East and West -iAt oidsboro with W. ft W. B, R. for Wilmington. No. 4 Cormecte at Greensboro with R. ft D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TBADfS GOING WK8T. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun,- Date, Not. 10, '78. Nal Dairy. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 1 9.50 a m 5.35 pm l" -uaieign, is.oupm . ftiihom I ft. 28 nm 5.80 am 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.50 am Wo lrvinnaitfa nV rJrAflnahnrn " with Salem Branch, i At Charlotte with C, a A A. R. K for an -4 Dolnts South and South-west; at Air-iane juncuon with A. ft C. A. lVBaUnad for all points South and ,i Vn aYwinMta at Sallahnrv with W. N. C. B. R. tfally exeer Sunday. - At Alr-Llne Junction with -A. ft c. A. U for all points South and South-west. At Charlotte wnn x at. a. wniruwi wt points South and South-est,;;? ,('. .;nw Leave Greensboro; daily except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem ? ' " . J!SlA6ftPMv Leave Salem?. V. :. " &46 ttttk Arrive Greensboro,' " w : " J-4 m. Connecting at lireensDoro wim trams uu "io n. a. D. and N. cTRallroads. - t 4 1 -SUtMMO CARS T.'ITHOUT CHANG! i li 1 t votil wiryfron Trains1 Nos. l and 2, between TJnTV New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro Md Owrlotte. and both wars on Trains Nos. 8 and 4tweNew Yprk and Savannah la Rlchmon(U Through Tiekesonsalrat Greensboro, Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, ana at ail principal points South, South-west, west. North and OBast For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan- fd TeMS'aWreM MAOnrRDO. I Gen. Passenger Agent. nov20 - Richmond Va. rrvHE YORKYTLLE NEWS. ' AJT. . ; ,ujty!?.ffVil 4yV4 Al:.A' ; The above will be the name of a weekly Demo-' cratle newspaper, the publication of which will be eominenced at an early day at YorkvlUe, a C, by W.M. Waruck... The NIWS Will D8 S gopa aavcnaBiim umuimiwi W1U uaston anu wunudwiu wuuu.., ..,.. , ,L The price of subscription will fQf YorkvUle.aa' Down in the eeb Dark holes I keep. - And there In the noontide I float and sleep By the hemlock log, Aad tha anrlnoinir lw. .... Undthf aichlagIdeBllielncoi. 111 Come&danclnSuti Bat oe4 montent I kyfey&i i i cheats Agteye; For the hermit trout Is not such a lout As to be by a wading boy pulled out King of the brook, No Usher's hook Fills me with dread of the sweaty cook; But here I He And laugh as they try; Shall I bite, at their bait? No, no; not I. But when the streams, With moonlight beams, Sparkle all silver and starligh t gleams, Tnenf then look out - t . .- Forthe hermit Wrtit; f.' J f J For he springs and dimples the shallows about While the tired angler dreams. OBSERVATIONS. A young man whose girl lives some distance out of town, says his Sunday night wack includes "two There are 0,000,000 pairs of corsets made in the United States annually, which may be taken as some evidence of how much sqeezing the women can stand before they seream. 1 What more precious offering can be laid upon the altar of a man's heart than the first love of a pure, earnest and affectionate girl, with an undi vided Interest in eight corner lots and fourteen three-story houses. A man was hanged for horse-stealing down in Southwestern Missouri, last week, and Just before he was swung oft he confessed that for nearly two years he bad been addicted to wearing a liver pad. Hawkeye. "Tell me," exclaimed Dr. Mary Walker, '"how would Venus have looked if she had worn corsets?" Dear Mary, if she hadn't worn anything else she would have looked ridiculous. Especially at an evening party. Hawkeye. Zach Chandler has had to draw another $20, 000 cheque In favor of bis daughter. Mrs. Eugene Hale, who has had another baby. Mr. Chandler sees financial ruin staring him In the face. Senator Hill knew all of his recent speech until he struck the Scriptural quotation; then he had to consult authority. And Mr. Davis, in his recent speech before the Mississippi Press Convention, made Job says '-I believe my rtffsrHfeth," The statesmen re certainly a little slack on Scripture. The Washington correspondent of the Boston ueraia says tnat a prominent memDer oi congress Is killing himself with opium that his fits of ab straction and depression amount almost to crazi- ness. He should stick to the regulation Congres sional tipple and let the drowsy syrups of the East aione. , , ? . 4 - , One of the most successful base ball players In Milwaukee is a black dog. Right field is his best position. When the bail is struck the dog will watch it. and with head erect bound on In the line of the balL He Is so expert at the business that ne win oe very orten at tne point where the nail strikes the ground, and on the first or second bound after it strikes will catch It and bring it nacR 10 ine nrsi nase as soon as possiDie. "Just fromXeadvillr." Detroit Free Press. A conductor on the Michigan Central road came across him the other day, The train, coming east had just left Jackson, when the man from Leadville was discovered on the platform of the rear car. lie seemed to have an object in being out there instead of in the car, but the conductor was deceived as to his motive. Conductors rarely ever get hold of the correct theory when they find a man with a long neck and a lean satchel sitting out on the rear plat form. "Trying to beat my way great heav ens! but how can j'ou .say that r re plied the man from Leadville to the con ductor's brief but Vigorous ' salutation "Nosiree! I came out here for fresh air. I've camped out so long that I'm sick as a hoss the minit I feel a roof over me. I'll be in in a minit and pay my tare to Detroit, l m going up there to engage seventeen hundred men to return to Leadville with me. The conductor suggested that he en ter the car and pay his fare at once. Michigan railroad conductors don't seem to care a clamshell whether a pas senger .hails from Lead Yille or Bung- town. "Pay my fare at once of course 1 will?" replied the man from Leadville The owner of the Huckleberry mine wouldn t look very well trying' to beat a one-track railroad out of three or four dollars fare. I'll be in theie in just a mimt lust as soon as the gnawsus feelin of the stummick is kinder gone You d better go in and git change lor a five hundred, dollar bill, so as not to detain me. ; The conductor went back through the cars and returned. The owner of the Huckleberry mine was no longer on the piatlorm, but was sound asieep in me center of one of the coaches. Pay mv fare I he shouted, as the con ductor gave him a vigorous shaking up, "Do you charge me double fare because I own the biggest and richest silver mind in Leadville ?, Am, I ; to be im posed? n 5 because I am about to engage inirteen nunureu lauuieis m -lhjhujl, hi two dollars a day per man i MI want your fare," said the conduc tor. "Want it twice over?" "You .haven't paid, youi; fare yet, but yon must or X shall put you offtthe train. "I aDPeal to mv fellow-passengers, 1 doT exclaimed the man from Lead ville; "even if I do own, the Huckle berry mine, and a half interest in the Short-cake, I'm not to be swindled ! "I eive Vou one quarter of a minute to pay your fare!" said the conductor, as he reached for the bell rope. "I'll pay," replied the man after a few seconds "I'll pay now, and sue the comDanv when we reach Detroit I'll have to ay ypu ip. silver; bars, as Lam short of cold coin and greenbacks. He fisjled, up iiia old, satchel,, took aboptfivDimutestb unJdcKLt,afcAaftet a dive and a scramble he fished up two old paper collars, the remains of a shoe brush, and an old darning needle uireaq ed with a foot or two of string. fCome! I'm in a hurry," said the cTJxV &QPo i.uis. , ,M-?X " 1!"- viHe. tarning-the-tld satchel wrong side'otlliatJ..t;V1';', ) ,The tfainwAs stoi)ped ahdne was or dered to. alight.. . . He- - looked . from .the pig brakeman to the conductor and sorrowfully- remarkedtjr i. , -. .. : bed. insulted and abused, and I want to sit down jn a togand think it-over and. planmyreVeiige? vrh0- owherof the; .HiiftTtlebierrv miuiB can't 1 be LsteDtied 6fi fWithumpuaity, and you 'hear mel The train etaned. as: xne lasi, car reached uhim ! ihe Huckleberry: made a f;raKorr.tbe, patforinvi missed tha rau- nsi nd the last seen of him - his "feet' were iwinaiiig.vuvvJB . nie.uM-Ti ujica of a "aflslde stwam6.-He had gofealift of fifteenmites, and; was doubtless per: . ' 1.-13 J . i"... .KilU 1I ' .r.Ml ; ... rropf etsof an Ai'JonriiiBt..iiaoyS'J -i "v.j.lKi.' K lialf.n iuo MtVl.it t &3 lltilSj i ii iwasiurxtpn, wpuoucaq,, yw.j .-awii The slownaeeiiWii1iJhtehCmgr drags its '.btisinesa' al$pdoes7ot;give muctt proniisetAf .an-;adjouimentitIns weekvlndeedvii if sets away by ath 1st of July it will have, to find a spring not yet touched that i will giye to im- pulse to lts aciion. CHEW JACKSON 8 BEST SWEET NA fT lOBAOGO, 1 5 - :Homn&E 1 suafksv'&'C1 ' - ' ft;!! 4 bJ'-'vy" l-i h-HZi'jhU' Qlh H-vm i in tlnarmed Man Shot to Death wkh a, PistoL Spedal totbe CIestonKews jan4.'Cnirier. Cutchen, a yotiisg whitjTnair about 21 ; years ctf e,-iired' t&ia morning from the effects of,$ve wounds Inllicted with a pistol by JallRoggers, also while, and about 24: years of ae. Both men are of very respectable (families,, and be- came luvwtveu-iii ,b4uo uimcuiiy, me nature of whicli js not stated, about a year agWf ,'The history iOf, tha shooting On . Saturday last. liodgera sent Mc- Cutclien word that . he was. coming ,to the base ball clvb, of which. MeCutchen was a member, baturdayi to whip or kill him- After playing the game. Me Cutchen started for some water, the well being one hundred and fifty : yards off. When hegas. jeturaing, and was aboujtshalf way, jbetween the $ well and the base bali ground, accompanied by Mr. Tom Hatcher, He was Diets by Hod gers,, who said that he wanted a word with him. Hatcher, walked on a short distance. MeCutchen said toBodgers: "I am informed that .jo4i-,mtend to whip or kill me to-day, and that you say that you backed me out a year ago, and I have given it the lie, and now re iterate it, and, as these threats have been made by you, there is no better time than this to fight it out." Rodgers said: "I won't fight 'fpu." MeCutchen having started off; Kodgers said: "I will fight jrou and! started fo prill off his coat. MeCutcheri pulled, off his coat, and while in. the act of laying it on the ground was fired upon by Rodgers, the shot taking effect in the left arm. Me Cutchen advanced and seized the bar rel of the pistol and had a tussel with Rodgers. "Rodgers, succeeding in "wrest ing the pistol from McCutchen's grasp, shot him the thigh. MeCutchen fell over catching with his hands, on his knees, at which time Rodgers fired again, the shot entering the lower portion of the stomach. MeCutchen dropped to the ground, and two shots more were fired, only" one of which took effect. Rodgers was then arrested and placed in charge of three gentlemen, but quite mysteri ously, is not to be found. ; ... i. .. BJSjB. i in A fi learn of Reason. LPhiJadelphia Times, Ind.J .. A little-gleam 6t reason seeihs to have, broken tn upon the. President . thtQugh the windows of the treasury a depart ment. Notwithstanding; th clap-trap aectaniaiion pi xwaine ,m tut? DeimB, declaring thei legislative aDDrooriatLon bill utterly unintelligible the head of the warrant division of ,the treasury has reported that there canDe no dithculty in executing the provisions of tjie bill, and Secretary German has resented the imputations upon the intelligence of his subordinates; by declaring that the auditing officers can readilv under stand and obey the orders of Congress. Some one, or some counsels, wiser than the senatorial revolutionary cabal, have noted the attitude into which the ad ministration has recently been forced by the madness of those who seem to hatft Dublic tranauilitv and Drosoeritv as implacably as they hate Hayes for once having promised to be more patri otic and faithful than his party leaders, and it is given out that the legislative bill is to be signed. Next follows an in- timalion that the army bill, will be ap proved, notwithstanding the caucus mandate for a veto from the revolu tionists, and now but one thing more is needed to save the administration and the country from, mutual embarrass ment that is the approval of the judi cial bill. Common sense seems to have made some headway in and about the administration within the last forty eight hours, and we are not entirely without hope that the President and his advisers may decide to do right, if not for the sake of the right, then for the sake ol the party and the country, " Dow n Finr " Detroit Free Press.1 ... "Get your tickets, at the wagon!" screamed the doorkeeper of the circus yesterday to a young man with a girl on his arm, who had a handful of small change. "This is the third time you have come here- without tickets, when von khOw I can't take monev" The young man and his girl fell back, and as they did not go near the -wagon, and yet. seemed very anxious to see the circus, a curious-minded citizen edged around and inquired of thie young man : "Why don t you buy tickets u yini wanttogoin?" : "'Cause I'm short f was the whisper ed replyi "I didn't 'low enough for in cidentals when I was figgering on the cost of this thing, but I don't want the gal to know it!" "How much are you short ?.' "Only five cents. I figgered that ten shillings would pay all expenses, but I got lett, We spent ten cents for pea nuts, ten cents on the street cars and five in candy. X had just a dollar left to pay our way in,, when the girl got a peanut shuck in her throat, and I had to buy a glass of lemonade to wash it down, Didn't do it, though, till I had pounded her on the back more'n fifty times and tried to pull one of them fire hydrants up by the roots P - 'Til lend you five cents to make up yout' dollar, said the citizen. ' "Zott win? By. gosh I : but that lets me out i I'd made up my mind to tell the gal tiiat ttie tigers had got loose and. the hyena& had tun v mad . but she's longheaded- and might not have believed it. 1 Thankee, sir, and the fust time I'm in town I'll pay it back, ' llahg it! I orter figgered on Jeven shillings 'stead of ten, bu you!ve: made ; me 'happy for life! "Come, Bets!" -.-v.-v.-.-a : . 'A Mcllahon, if Ohio. Washrnston Correspondence Augusta Chronicle. In the final debate on the passage of the army and judiciary" bills, Mr. Mc Mahon, of Ohio, specially distinguished himself. He is the sharpest man in the House. Seldom going tft tlve front, and onlv on great occasions, he never fails f ft cany off the lienors of war and the scalps oi his adversaries.- lie is a sien dpr man; tlie half-brother of Mrs. Val-: Janc)iiigham, about 50 years of age, daik Compiexion, and, for so sarcastic w. w son, the best poised individual I know 'Of. As the more adventurous Repub- ilipaiisjicamp to the attack, he received them with perfect unconcern, and, with lev deliberation, impaled them. From , Conger., dpwn the stalwarts are afraid OI UinV-anu wen wiey may oe, ior ni tdngue ,is sharper than a sword, aud. his Satire ts" equivalent to a call uixn the undertaker. . ri-tt ' ft ' t -m (f .Republicans in a Trap.. . .4mxnf l5i IptrllJl ..a(' iiaam 4-A linifA AAnivli. the ReDublicans unawares, since they have used in the army bill almost the -exact, words employed by the President' in his -veto message as being the correct"- ed pnnciDle, and he can-scarcely npw, afford to disavow, thefii. notwithstand ing iiis general eccentricity regarding his word. Ell ON We will make a clearing sale of a large lot of Fine Dress Shirts worth $2.00 last season, now to be closed out at ONE DOLLAR. They are of New York Mills Muslin, and Linen 2200 fine, but from carrying hi stock the muslin has become a little yellow, though in no way Injuring the perfection of the Shirt, but we have adopted exclusively the King Patent Sleeve Adjustable Shirt, and for this reason propose closing out our former line at a sacrifice. It is the one grand opportunity of the season for a genuine bargain, arid we Invite our friends to an immediate Inspection. June 15. WOSIIflTOS MOSQUITO.. NE IX PTXK, WHITE AND BLUE. VARIOUS SHADES OF LACES FOR TRIMMING OF BUNTINGS. o Also a new lot of Ladies' TTatF. A Beautiful Assortment of LADIES' WHITE AND BLACK LACE SCARFS, Black and Colored Silk Mits, Silk Fringes, Bretonne and Torchon Laces, Kid Gloves in every shade and variety of Prices. Linen and Cotton Lawns in white and figured. A Splendid Assortment in all kinds of Dress Goods. Another lxt of the most Fashionable Millinery has been Added to this Department. LOW PRICES AND SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. Our 87.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. Cur 812.E0 English Tweed Suit sells now fcr 10. Our $1 8 and $20 French and English Casslmere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re duced prices. Unlaundried shirta for 50 rents. The very best made in the United States for $1.00 Linen Collars $2.00 rer dozen, and all goods In proportion. Call and See before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of lew prices. j Respectfully, June 1, 1S79. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freicht received at ai ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, 4c, apply April 30 d5m. llcSiafOD HUDl(DtDE, CI4KL01 TE, S. . v TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. 1 1 SONVId nSii.'S -liar : !-. . i.; .1 f m 1 T A -1 1 .tFI.S' f 30li -J9ifr!SiflIfBOf- TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE ONLY ONE DOLLAR. MONDAY, 16th INSTANT, Respectfully, i t MOSQUITO .TUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF T -o- -ALSO A LINE OF- C A. JNT O P I E -o- ALS0- II ny b hour of the day, and Through Bills r to either of the undersigned. If K S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, IMPORTERS OF ALL TINDS OF MiTSTfVATi Pl ANOj ! Merchandise, so-I YICTLINSrr GDITIlS, i - BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, j; fx.iM A i. r.ir 3f3ujns,'iand! Iustrumentsj 1 U" SHEET SOJSIC 'WHOLESALE ; M.IJ 5!Al.i; i mm ''- ' - ' " V" T .'". .. :.. : .''.P. . .- . . ....i SHffiTS, E. D. LATTA 4 BRO. t TING S of Lading Issued at Steamship Whams or offl- Charlotte, N. C. THI ' . 1 a s- ORGANS ... .,,..(. - e go. 6 - P trjb gr.o a,m -tAzr -S,Sa O "1 sNvoao i s !.l f .! BUILDING. I, -hi 1 i I B.l $ I if, 1 1 I" 1. ft a m hi t I

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