mmm tai mmm wmmmmNwmm KAlLBOAD BtBKrtOBT. The following table snows tjje run nine 01 passes r trains to and from Charlotte, on ail . the raU ids (Washliigton time):..,, ..4 ..; -r-,. .? u id . RICHMOHD- VkKYtLUL i !' '! y Jr irrive from Blchmond and Goldsborb; J2-40 sJm.' Uavesfor " 1 v ."",..', -VA0 derives trorn Richmond,......;."...... 11.12a.m. Leaves for , " ;' .866 p.m. ATLANTA OBAIOiOTriTB-IJKB. irriyes from Atlanta,..; : Ktuvji. 8.40 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta.. . ,". .tC. ; . it 1 2.40 a-jn. iTrives from Atlanta, ........ 8 65 p.m. Leaves for Atlanta, ( J 1 . 12 a. at. CHARLOTTX, COLUMBIA AUGUST A. i Arrives from Augusta,. .444,....., leaves for Augusta, Arrives from Columbia (ac. Freight)... Leaves for Columbia, ... ; , " -r CABOMNA CUCTBAL. ' irrivesfrom Wtnnlngtori,' .... Leaves for Wilmington,.-. T4i from Shelby, . '.'. .....,,....... 8.50 p.m. 12 45 a.m. 12.10 p.m. .U.15 Pf m.- . c :r 820 a.m. 8.25 p. ra. 5.05 p. m. 8.40 a.m. Leaves for Shelby,... ATLANTIC, TXXNE8SXB OHIO. Arrives from Statesvllle,, Leaves for Statesvllle,... &00 p. m. 8.00 a. m i!MIICATIONS. War 1)epabtment,: okku k Ciiikf Signal, Officer, Washington, .June 18, i:30 p.m.) g For the South Atlantiqf States, norths east winds, slightly cooler, partly cloudy u eather, occasional j-afns. stationary or falling barometer. '; l ocal Ueport lor Yetertay. 7 AM. 2P. M. 9P.M 30085 B3 62 N. S. Barometer,... Thermometer Relative Humidity. tfiiid-Dlrectlon... " Velocity Weather 30.115 80.092 H5 08 49 5tt N. E. N. E. 12 12 Cloudy. Cloudy. 3 A Fair. Highest temperature 73 deg.; lowest 62. Meteorological ltecorri. WEATHEB REPORT, JUNK 18, 4:20 P. M. Stations. Barom Th. Wind. VeL Weather. Atlanta,.... 29.96 78 N. E. 9 Fair. Augusta? ... 30.04 80 N. K T2 'Fair. Charleston, 30.02 76 E. ' 1 20 Cloudy. Charlotte,.. 30.04 69 N. E. 9 Cloudy. Oorslcana,. 29.98 94 10 Fair, iialveston, 29.98 89 &E. 13 Fair. Indtanola. 29.97 86 8. K. 1 Clear. Jackson'lle, 29.96 X5 8. E.t-, 5 Cloudy. Key West.. . 29.96 88 a 4 Fair. Mobile 29.95 92 N. ll Clear. Montgom'y, 29.97 91 N. '8 Fair. N.Orleans, 29.95 91 N. 6 Fair. . Punta Rasa 29.97 85 E. 2 Fair. Savannah.. 80.00 80 E. 17 Fair. Bt Marks.; 29.95 89 S. W. 15 Fair Havana.... 29.93 88 8. E. 4 Cloudy. nouns pencili ng. The first ripe peaches of this season lmve just appeared on the market. The cool weather may be a little rough on the cotton, but it is a precious boon to a suffering and sweltering hu manity. In consequence of the many enter tertainments this week, the concert for the Home and Hospital will be post Ioned until next Tuesday. The children's grand concert in the opera house Friday night will be for the benefit of Tryon Street church aid society a worthy charitable organiza tion. The appearance of the deceptive cu cumber calls to mind the recipe of a Charlotte physician : Cut them in thin slices, allow to stand at least twenty four hour, and then give them to the pigs. The coroner was in town yesterday, and reports having heard nothing of the rumor of the finding of the body of a negro man at a saw mill five or six miles south of the city. The case would have been reported to him had there been anything in it. The festive house-fly which went in to his hole night before last, stuck out his head occasionally yesterday and cast a furtive glance in the direction of the wild woods for the purpose of convincing himself, if possible, that it was really summer time. He looked abjectly miseratle and lonesome and for once merited commiseration. The Verdict The coroner's jury in the case of Dan McCall, the man who was run over by the passenger train, day before yester day morning, near King's Mountain, gave a verdict that he was killed by the train. So far as heard they do not charge the railroad with any fault, it having been shown that the man was lying on the track and that the train could not have been stopped. Bankrupt Court. Mr. Eegister Keogh opened his bank rupt court in this city yesterday morn ing but adjourned it in time to take the afternoon train for Greensboro. Not much business was transacted. The case of F. Scarr & Co. was taken up but no definite action was had upon it. In the matter of Walter Brem & Martin objection was made to the motion for Iinal discharge and the case went over. In the case of W. J. Black Johnston IS. Jones was appointed assignee, bankrupt court will be: opened here ajrain on the 30th. Election of Hank Officers. The board of directors of the Traders' National Bank held a meeting in their hanking house yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, and having received the res ignation of Mr. S. 1 Smith, the presi dent, proceeded to an election to fill the vacancy. The choice fell upon Mr. R. I. McDowell, the vice-president. Mr. Mc Dowell is regarded as one of the bes- and most reliable business men in the community, and his election cannot hut give satisfaction to the stockhold ers and all others interested. He has already taken charge and will hold the position until next January, ; when his term expires by limitation. Mr. Philip cniti, ot the nnn or Benin jsro- an other substantial businesss ; man, was elected vice-president, to fill the vacan cy occasioned by Mr. McDowell's ele vation to the presidency. V . T j.J . rr rhe Late Kiynchinyr in Spartanburg Country 8 C John-JrMoxnrhoalyncTi'ecl in Npartanburg cpnntyiJI jCJCidtvyj before yesterday morning, was a distiller, and about forty years old.? -It was said in yesterday's report that his character in the community was- bad. and that the belief that his hands were stained with other crimes heightened the indigna tion against : mm; " Four months ago Jas. M. DeYoune was killed in a half a mile of the spot where the body of Miss Woodward was found, and from 'the moment of the discovery' of; the. crime suspicion aitacnea to jvioore. , ; Col. T. Stobo Farrow, of Spartanburg, writing of the occurrence says' Tnus ended the career of John J.'Mobreja man of notoriously bad character, per haps the worst man that ever lived in Spartanburg cbunty-a 'man 'who;' Jted :: Hiuutiea tnatjie naa eommittea, every cmne known to the lawnilt is a monu ineiit to 1 the -peace and'.' law-abiding' character of onjr people that h6has been permitted to live in tbU county, impli cated, a hef has been, in so many crimes and rascalities,. .There iso-doubt ot iiw being guilty of the. infamous crimes for which he lias been summarily exe cuted by our incensed cjtipzens, ivnd he has leceived'hifi iu.4t deserts huM4 Hooi . . i .. 1 oon." &eUre1 tn all wVin nu thur mwt Mahla nltATT live andt&Mtf jnin6et, Ir, BW Bjood Mlxt. Murder Trial BemoTed. ihe trial of Joc nniocmtA chHrgedwithbeing one of the murder ers f UrW: GjFowier.'of Mdores 'Vlst December, did not come off at Statesyille, this week, as was antici- f , ;, 11,3 0386 was removed. ; from redell to Alexander on affidavit based upon the prejudice which existed against is " wuin,j in w uicn ms accom plice in the crime was tabn fmm hn hands of a deputy sheriff and hanged. This postpones the trial till next fall. It is said that Gillespie planned the at tack upon Mr.Fowier, but did not strike the fatal blow himself. For this rea son he was left to the slower process of the law. when his ianged. Auxillarr County Board of Health. Attention has already hfin onMoA tn the fact that the law enat! hv the ast Legislature creatincr a hnard of health, also provides for the organi- 9ilfin ' . . . . . . 1 , . wuiiij uoarus iu eacn county in the Slate.? Section 5 of the law reads as follows: "There shall be an auxil- uy board of health in each countv in the State. . These boards shall be com- osed of the physicians elieible to mem bership in the State medical society, the mayor of the county town, the chair man of county commissioners and the city surveyor, where there is such an officer, otherwise the county surveyor. From this number one physician shall oe cnosen Dy Daiiot to serve for two years, with the title of sunerintendent of health. His duties shall be tocather vital statistics upon a plan to be desig nated by the State board of health. lie shall make the medico-legal post mor tem examinations for coroner's inquests, and attend prisoners in iails. noor- houses and work-houses.- Their reoorts shall be made regularly as advised" by tne btate board through their secretary, and they shall receive and carry out as far as practicable such work as may be directed by the State board of health." As yet no steps have been-takenr to wards the organization of the board in Mecklenburg. The importance of the measure will at once present itself to the minds of those most interested as soon as it is mentioned. Let the mat ter be attended to at once. This is being done in jnany other counties in the State. -.4.; Railroad Note. The Southern Express Company will commence business on the Spartanburg ix Asnevuie uailroaa next week. C. B. Foster has been appointed messenger. A new refrigerator car has just been put on the Air-Line Railroad. The car is well lined with zinc and banked with charcoal. Beer is shipped in it from Atlanta in the afternoon and arrives in Charlotte next morning perfectly cool. The car will make two trips a week, supplying points between Atlanta and Charlotte with Atlanta beer. From the Spartanburg (S. C.) Spar tan's notice of the excursion of the South Carolina Press Association down the Air-Line Railroad last week: "He Col. Foreacre furnished iced lemonade by the gallon, but not a drop of any thing stronger. Col. Foreacre does not drink, nor does he allow itbrought into his coach if he can prevent it. We can pay no higher compliment to him, than is made in this simple statement. All honor to the Lemonade Superintendent of the Air-Line road. Months have passed without an accident on this road and it may be altogether attributable to ti e fact that from the superintendent to the section masters everyboby keeps sober." The merchants of Winnsboro have held a meeting and protested against the alleged excessive aud unjust freight tariff, particularly as to cotton, charged by the Charlotte, Columbia cc Augusta Railroad. The merchants charge that the company is violating its charter in its rate ot charges, and they demand ot it that it charge for the transportation of cotton according to weight instead of measure. Paymaster Biggers, of the Air-Line Railroad, arrived in last evening, and the Air-Line is now square with its employes for what they did in May, it is reported that next week tri weekly day trains will be run on the Western North Carolina Railroad in addition to the night trains. The day trains will do the freight business of the road and carry passengers as well. We had a call last evening trom Mr. W. E. Harp, editor of the Conyers (Ga.) Examiner, under whose management an excursion will be run from Char lotte to Atlanta on the 7th of July. The train will leave here at 6 :30 a. m. on the day mentioned and reach Atlanta at 8 p. m. ; returning will leave Atlanta at 5 p. m. on the 8th and reach Charlotte at 7 :30 a. m. on the 9th. Fare for the round trip from Charlotte, $4. A band will" accompany the excursion. Taxinr Bailroad I'ropertj tieneral fleeting- of County Commissioners. Yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock,; a meeting of the commissioners or coun ties through which the Carolina Central Railway passes was held at the court house in this city. The attendance was not as large as was anticipated. The following was the representation : Messrs. B. G. Worth and James, of New Hanover ; D. S. Cowan, of Co lumbus; Geo. M. Phifer and Mr. Smith, of Lincolnton: Mr. McCormack, of Robeson ; T. L. Vail, of Mecklenburg. Capt. D. R. Murchison, one of the re ceivers or tne roaa; uapt. v.y. jonn son, the superintendent, and Maj. C. M. Stedman, attorney xor me company were ialso in attendance to urge upon the meetmz the fwoution or a unrxorm rate of taxation of the, company's lrop- erty m the several counties, it seems that there has been a wide difference in the rate of assessment, some counties doubling the value fixed by others.' 1 v Capt. Johnson, the superintendent, made a statement, setting forth that the total property of the company could not be sold for more thanr$900,000; of this amount, something over S2o0.000 in vested in rolling Btockr which Was ! re turnable in the county ' in whiclr Hhe road had its. headquarters or central office. Dividing the remainder "bv ' the number of ; milesr of , the ,rqad, itriwas. snown mat tne rauroaa oea, mciuuing iron, &C, and the depots, Bhould -npt be valued 'at f more., than;, &&5Q0 per mile, In : one - of the lower counties, it vwasr Btated the valuation was at the tate of $5,000. and in Mecklenburg S3,Q00.:xne company asked that tlm valuation be uniform and expressed a Willingness to pay at tne rate oi ?w,ouu. per ame. An informal discussion' was had, in which could nation 8ented : that the valuation could only h fixed bv the boar or 1 totalization. composed, of thecbhnty comnlsslbnerd, ano we assessoia ui voiuiues J uuge which meets tne first Monday in "Air gust in the several counties throughout! the state? v An enorc was maae w in duce ti&; nieeting to recommend $2,500. aa the; rate-, nut - iney couia not agree upon -this; some of the commissioners. wantthdr 3.000. Thev seem tobaabout equally, divided between .thesef tt amounts,5 with a prepondce WJ&F-i OI QZfiW, Tka eoinnanv was advised tdrTresen't to the different boards- of equalization. J Ahs facta that had been shown to the meeting wbereppnUhc -betagTif l,n! tna 44- ft t mn rn xi bin till further osinee U aajouroeu ' Becord of merit ihe popular pralae accorded to, -rr nnii'- nniHmnTft Pills br season of their woa- lerful worth as, a honsehold remedy. - Price, 2.5c, ;)f. it was agreed that the meettngl do nothing but recommend ayai t '-' tb the 1 different : boards rebre- i The Star Band. The Star, Corn . l&nd isnakb3ffran efformgfifeeM &pt debt arfdfcna farto footing. They hope their white friends Will help them by small contri butions; they expect to try to help themselves by a festival to be given soon. They owe yet about $80 on their instruments, which they must pay soon. It is tlonlyrnet;band Chariojste.can boast-arid Should r eally be sustained. The Lutheran Lawn Party. It was a very pretty scene the mint yard presented last night, with the hanging Chinese lanterns, the brightly lightedoii, j gaudily flrafped &nd decorated, and the crowd of pleasant faced people, old and young. The young ladies of the Lutheran church promised new attractions and a pleasant evening, and they did not fail to fulfill their pledges in any particular. If the night was tod dqi yxtsi there ( wis 's a cup of good conee and comfortable seats to rest on while drinking it. For those who did not care to eat and drink, or had their desires in this direction grati fied, there was a pleasant entertainment of music and dialogue under the man agement of Mr. J.: A. Duls. The per formers surprised their auditors, and J wro uiu ui i u uians auu a uruiu was something noveL and enjoyable. The lawn party was a success and it is a pleasure to know that the efforts of the young ladies were reward edTtaffjiurt we Cfwvtdjwxd nfs hajeJWwetfAairce little sub of mooey by their work. The entertainment will be repeated to-night, when those who did not go last night, and those who did, will have an opportunity ot enjoying it. Failure of B. It. Smith A Co. The New'Xdrk World, received here yesterday, gives the following concern ing tne tailure 01 a. K. smith & Co: The cotton market has been unset led since the failure of Williams, Bir- nie & Co., tour weeks ago, , and prices for future Contracts have declined cents per pound. This decline has caused large losses to leading 'bull' speculators and resulted yesterday in the failure of H. W. & J. H. Farley, of No. 132 Pearl street, and B. R. Smith & Co., of No. 109 Pearl street, two of the prominent houses on the cotton ex change . Most of the brokers were sur prised at the suspension, as it was sup posed the two firms had made money enough by the upward movement, to withstand arty1 panic. ,Xt,was at first feared that the losses, which were pret ty well distributed, would reach $250, 000, but so much conservatism has been shown during the past month that mar gins on contracts have been called very close to the market quotations. "The suspension of B. R. Smith & Co. was othcially announced to the ex change at 2:50 and forthwith there was regular stampede to sell cotton. A member of the firm said that there had been some delay in receiving remit- ances from the Southern customers and that as t!ie house held a very large me ot 'long contracts it was impossi ble to respond to the repeated calls for margins. He said that all the checks given yesterday would be honored and tnat the suspension would only be tem porary. The firm lost nearly $10,000 by the failure of Williams, Birnie & Co. As the house owed H. W. & J. H. Farley a large amount of money, Smith & Co. had to suspend as soon as the fail ure or ll. W. & J. ll. H arley was an nounced. The firm has been in , exist ence for several years and consisted of B. R. Smith, J. M. Smith and B. S. John ston. The latter has just returned from the South and was not aware of the large transactions that had been made. A number of firms have money on hand standing to the credit of B. R. Smith & Co., so that the liabilities to members of the exchange will not ex ceed $30,000. A member of the firm said that some injury had been done by the indiscretion of their agents, and to avoid losses a more conservative plan had been adopted and the charge for transacting business increased." The mends ot the hrm will be grati fied to know that Mr. B. R. Smith tele graphed to his brother, Mr. S. P. Smith, of this city, yesterday, that the firm would resume business in a few days. He added that much sympathy had been extended them and substantial aid had been proffered by reliable houses. - - Llvelj' Stork Operations. The current of recent events has elven great Im petus to business in Wall street, and many success ful turns are reported where Immense profits are made in short periods. The most successful way that we have heard of yet for operating In stocks Is by the Combination Method of Messrs. Lawrence 4 Co., Bankers, New York. By this system thou sands of orders in various sums are pooled into one vast capital and operated under the most ex perienced ana skuhui management, tnus securing to each .shareholder superior advantages and profits, not possible in any other way. Profits are paid at the end of 30 days. A gentleman in Bos ton, made $747.30 on an Investment of $100. Manv others are dolner as well oi better. CaDital in any amount from S10 to $100,000 can be used with equal proportionate success by this combina tion or co operative metnoa. Sift would make $75, or 5 per cent on the stock; $100 would re turn $900, or 9 per cent during the month, and so on, according to the market The new circular contains "two unerring rules for success" and full information, so that any one can operate with profit Stocks and bonds wanted. Deposits re ceived. Government bonds supplied. Apply to Lawrence & Co., Bankers, 57 Exchange Place, N. Y. City. For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teeming or otber causes; An oia and well known remedy. 25c per bottle. What is Scrofula. It is a consumption of the body, and differs only from Pulmonary Consumption, in that the subtle toe aoes not attack the citadel or lire, and hence the patients lease of life is a little longer, but it arises from the same cause, Is the offspring of the same parent and consequently requires the same treatment To correct the impaired fuctlons of digestion and nutrition, and enrich and vitalize the blood, is toe first important step, cod Liver Oil is known by the Medical Profession to be the best remedy, but it has been Ineffectual for good on ac count of Its nauseous qualities. But In Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil they are entirely over come, and combined with Hypophosphite of Lime and Soda, is a most wonderful remedy, in such Titsr cases. junlO 2w A Time Hoaorea Custom. for the one hundred and tenth time the an fiouncement la made that, in accordance with lt& tested rights secured by an inviolable enarter, the Louisiana state Lottery uomDany win. aa is its regular custom, proceed on the second Tuesday of nexi ana every montnto nave, in tne city oi new Orleans, its regular monthly distribution, when $110,400 will be divided fairly among the pur chasers of the tickets. The price, Two Dollars; halves. One Dollar each. For further Information, address' at once,' M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 692 New: Orleans, La. juni7 iw Esse Attainable by the Rnenmattc. ,-r although they may despair of relief. It is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, tor there is a remedy which carries on, by means oi increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification tne acrid element to wnicn featholotdBts the most eminent attribute the nainful symptoms a theory? completely borne out by urinj Arv analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hos tetters, a prepejatlon likewise -cebra tadtA a remedy for eonstf bailon, wbioh causarvcedtamliia tioni of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments, ,Uls, perhaps, the finest tonic extant and Is highly recommended as a medicinal 1 gtJimihfit bv dlsUnmilsned Dhrsiclaas and analysts i wbo pronounce it to oe eminently pure ana very rbenraciaL The press auwenaoises it z s -y.-y - UOr - tuff ; Thousands Use It. Wkjr Hesitate, t- Jt is adapted especially to those cases where the twoi oinb is disordered, and will cure any irregularity of the "menses. V, Dr. J. Bradflelti's Female Begu- uv Star a A tfrti'iMvt In uhlriM iv In Q ehHHan MUUI CHylrO UaSiv Vliiu Ul iu w ua wra -. va u mm puuuuu jheck of the "monthly courses," from cold, trouble So also In chronic cases lis ac tion Is prompt and decisive, and saves the constitu tion irom counuess ems ana. premature oecay, ask your aragguw iot a circular. -.mar2ft Jm yjys.rtyi 'l.O A Batterer Interest to Travelers. 2 i ... . ; i i Tourists, emigrants and mariners find that Hos teller's Stomach Bitters Is a medicinal safeguard against unhealthful Influences, upon rttey J au implicit, reij, since u prevents toe eirecis tnat an unhealthy climate, vitiated atmosphere, unac customed or unwholesome diet, bad water, or other conations nnfavraWe, to healU would otherwise produce. ' Onaong voyages, or journeys by land In latitudes adjacent to the equator, it Is especially useful as a preventive of the febrile complaints and disorders of the stomaeh, tfver and bowels, which are apt to attack natives of the temperate zonea sojourning or traveling lq such regions, and is an excellent protection against the influence of extreme cold, sudden changes of temperature, ex posure to damp or' extreme" 'fatigue. It not only prevents intermittent and remittent fever, and oth er disease of a malarial type, but eradicates them, a fait which has been notorious for years past in North and South America, Mexico, the West In dies.. 1iatrnHn anil Othfil COUAtri8. - junio iw zygtwiJ The Stomach Cannot be VrelghtcA With grer'tAisi'taa vlofent drasUc purfabie. True, such a medicine relieves constipation for the time, but at the expense of great injury to the intestinal canal, which it both Inflames and weak ens, thus unfitting it for performance of its proper functions. Widely differentia the taction, fit Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters . tonic aperient which produces effects prompt, indeed, but never violent and convulsing. The, purity of its botanic ingre dients, its unobjectionable flavor, its genial in fluence upon the mind, and the thoroughness of its remedial action in cases pf constipation, liver complaint and dyspepsia, combine to render it a most dealrable family specific. It Increases both physical vigor and substance, tranqullizes and In vigorates the nervous system, and gives an un wonted relish for the food. A wineglass three times daily Is about the average dose. Junl7 lw Chafing Unier Disappointment. It is said that the reason why Butler sought the gubernatorial nomination was because he had not been fairly treated by the Republicans. The best cures for chafes of all kinds Is Henry's Carbolic Salve. Try it and be convinced. Beware of coun terfeits. June3 lw Weather Probabilities. Gold, with hi eh winds and rain. Exnosure to this weather is sure to produce -colds and kindred diseases; and the best remedy we know of is Hall's Balsam, for the lungs. Always keep It in the house and you will be on the safe side. junio lw WANTED To rent a first-class Piano for a few months. W1TTKOWSKY BARflCH. June 19 It JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and baying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In my hands for sale. - TH06. F. DRAYTON, , fi : Charlotte. N. C. ( declO TEACHERS & STUDENTS"0 $100 or $200 per month during vacation. For full particulars address J. C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. TlT? A 1 OTD . Please write for large, IJ 1 j21 kjJ.IV . Illustrated Catalogue of RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS. Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa. The only combination of the true Jamaica Ginger with choice Aromatics and French Brandy for Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cramps and Pains, Diarrhoea. Dysenterry, Dys pepsia, Flatulency, want of tone and activity in the. stom ach and bowels, and avoiding the dangers of change of wa ter, food and climate. ASK FOR SANFORD'S JAMAICA GINGER. atiforri's Jamaica (finger. LAME BACK. BENSON'S CAPCINE ' ; POROUS PLASTER Is for lameness or weakness of the back, rheuma tism and all local pains and aches, the best reme dy known, it was invented to overcome the slow action of the ordinary Porous Plasters. It relieves pain at once and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. Sold everywhere by Druggists, price 25 cents. 1879 1879 T HE FOUR REVIEWS AND B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of - The Edinburgh Review (Whl The Westminster Review (Liberal). The London Quarterly Review (Conservative, The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), ' ' i AK1' 5 .V B LACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections; they give the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of tne fingiisn eaiuons. No Dubllcatlons can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are witnout any equal, xney keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement whether In religion, science, lit erature, or art The ablest writers fill their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. TEBHS FOB 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 " For all four Reviews, 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, I- 00 ; ' . For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 i i For Blackwood and three " 13 00 For Blackwood and four " 15 00 " PftSTAOTC - ins& ndW Dome'by theublish-,1 a reduction of 20 net cent, on This item of expei era. is eouivalent to the cost to subscribers In former years. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or or one tteview win do sent,wone address, for 812.80, four copies oi.tne iour ite- Yiews ana uiacKWOoa iot 949, ana so pREMIDMSi- New subscribers am)rrtne eirfrl tor theTrear 1 87o mav have, without cha&e. the numbers for ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. ; .j f f '.i M Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the " Four Keviews" lor auDsenDenr va au nve may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. . Neither premiums to subscribers nor 'discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct toth publlsljers. No premiums jrtven to clubs, v1" To secure premiums it win te necessary w mise early application, as the stock available foj. that, purpose is limited, 7 ... 0,7 Vw-- HE LEONARD COTT PUBLlSnTNtl CO.'f ' P. iLASNE," I r nWi .Uft'Htf Wt tefii tol fK. ttiTrwanii rs.ivx maitrr niLtKR: and EIL- v?f1'-if'5' Trade street, ue Presbyterian 41 1 tuvtm -itttrrtol iwia MITja. n.. ... . .1 11. Every klfid ol repaint made at once at half price- 1 ani mmiitM one vear. jsverv una 01 jeweirr or f Bronze Gliding, Coloring,' SUver-Plating and Gal vanizing made ax snort notice ana equauy as goon aa new. Work done for the trade at low nrices. fsgr- Apprentice wanted, wiy premhim aatjt good reierenoes. - Repaired work uncalled for wTH be sold at the expiration 01 iweive mguuis tf cottr Ul repwrq. . 1. ... I CAT. I . ! . . Of the most celebrated makers, wmcli will be sold at the very lowest prices.' Also a full line of :":'!' 1 c MILES', ZIEGLER'S AND DALSHEIMER'S SHOES " " y FOR LADIES AND MISSES. i ; vr- .- . , , 0 ; And a large stock of Slippers and Newport Ties In Gents goods we have a full stock of the best goods. A trial will ' convince you that we sell the same article sold elsewhere in the city from 15 to 20 per cent, cheaper. P. S. Ltake pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Mover, and feel satisfied that with an experience of ten yearsin the Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you gobds in that line to your satisfaction. . Very respectfully, May 29, 1879. J. Mc. ALEXANDER. Democrat and Home eopy. Another arrival of household and other useful articles for our famous F I V E CENT COUNTER. Far superior to all others received. Also a beautiful variety of PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTINGS AND LACES. - Great Bargains in f Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. , H. MORRIS & BROS. We have lust recerfed a splendid .assortment of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known in Charlotte. June 1, 1879. 1 I " (fijcmfzctionzvits; LimmiEsr Pine Apples, Imperial Oranges, Extra Large Lem . ons, Fresh Caramels, French, Plain and Cream Candies, Pop Corn, &c, AT PERRY'S. OUR ICE CREAM SALOON, Fitted up particularly for the accommodation of Ladies, is attracting the attention of those who wish to indulge themselves in this line. (&voihzv ami i&lnssiamvz "C55PAiCE OF ER00OIELD & CO., I LEADERS OF LOW PKIOES. Just received, n lot of Ice Cream Freezers, best make, freeze in 5 min utes; Water Coolers, Refrigerators. Wire Covers, Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes, Bird Cages. Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. " We constantly keep on hand a full line of Plain and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods. Cutlery and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware. COUNTRY 9 MERCHANTS are invited to calL We sell goods as cheap as Northern houses, and guarantee satisfaction. Will send quotations on application. Thanking you for the liberal patronage In the past, we are, Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO., Charlotte, N. 0, June 1, 1879. QHARLOTTB, COLUMBIA BAILBOAB. AND AUGUSTA CsAWJarm, Couhma urn Acgcsta R. R., Columbia. S. C May 81, 1879 On and after Sunday. June 1st, the passenger schedule over this road wlU be as follows : ,.AY PASSENGER. Going North, Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia. - Leave Columbia, .-. Arrive Charlotte e 50 a.m. 10 48 a.m. 10 55 ATM. 8-50 . FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED, Coma Socth, " , ' Leave Charlotte,;. ,. . 2 15 P.M 4 45 P.M. . : Rock mil,.. ..... ! 6 80 F.M, Wlnusboro,... Arrive at Colombia,. Leave Columbia ......... .;.J.l. 12 00 M.. . I 00 A.M. . 9 00 A.M. Arrive AugusBi.. . . . w. . . NIGHT EXPRESS, i - I Oonra Socth, Leave Charlotte, 12 45 A.' Arrive Columbia,...,, b a. m Leave Columbia . ... . & .35 A. M Arrtre Augusta. - j . . T .V. i 9 25 A. m a' FREIGHT WITH COACH. ATTACHED. Arrive Columbia. 130A.M Leave Columbia,... ,. 2 30 A.M. uv ; Wlnnaboro...-...- fi 45 l. V Chester . ... .....M.v-.. w 15 A.M. Rock Hill, '..s. '.'..V.10 00 A.M. Arriwisl Charkiti..ii.:..i;i.t'.".-...i..12 10 r. Pullman Palace Cars from Augusta to New Trek an from Greensboro to Augusta. . , . s , -"Reclining Sleeping Chairs from Danville to Washington via Ancnmire. i-. ..v i T. D. XLINE, Superintendent 1 Jro.R.LvcJTOTaxvG.P, Ageni ,vVv'm DlCabdwxuI-. Jnneq Ass'tG. Agent. 'A ".-.V- ; j id USA AUtUCJ. X JVU A1; " , J. MOVER'S ;NEW SHOE STOKE, : n. i .' i w- g ii n.n W: M.'j Our White Goods Department Has recently been replenished with a magnificent line of Linen, Victoria, French and Bishop Lawns; Piques, all styles and prices; India Mull, Organdies, and Barred and Striped Nainsooks at exceedingly low prices. We are now offering bargains in every line, and your attention is especially called to our stock of The most attractive in the city, and at very low prices. We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces. Ham burg Edgings and Insertings, Nainsook Edgings and Insertlngs, Swiss Edgings and Insertlngs in great variety. CORSETS AT ALL PRICES. Colored Organdies and Lawns-all grades just received. We make a specialty of Ladles' and Mines' LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS. Ladles' nandkerchlefs from 5c. to $3.50. June 17. THEBIST SOLO BY 1500.00. . FOR PARTICULARS "wskbu"- ADDRESS! WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. DRSSS goods, SILKS, SHAWLS, COTTONS, tjpholstKrt, trimmings, FIAjrXKLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls' and Boys' Suits, Ladies' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RTJCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, . NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, e. for prompt QAROLINA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being Freight from fully equipped for business, Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, As well as points Is Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished -T - I F.W.CLARK, - v. ' Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C3 aeptSO Tt7E retail nothing but 'choice goods. Guaran C? V tee every article we sell and will cheer ful!!' refund your money when our goods are not found as represented. A good stock of FAMILY G It O C E R I E S en hand. We niake specialties of .Corn, Flour, Meal, Oats, Butter, Eggs,, Chickens, . Hams, and - t i-wtt i; A Aa1--jA! f -i general Qgun Produce. , BolWt edrrespondenee from ..V;jmManiiv, 01 mmo-ir-. nanKi - ,!:,in')i.'. ,i,tu-tt j , Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C - Mays. . ,: i- iv ' !!!;- ''A- . . . Oar Stock of Gloves will be found complete. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. SO SIMPLE .OS WARRANTED ...lUBfO C rn rL"n ET3 BY MAIL inn Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself hoxo cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of 113 by Hail or Express. We carry an averaae stock of about $100,000, all bought cash. BTiy us. Have the Children send Jor a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 186a. 'gxcitfht iws. DISPATCH LINJ NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Transportloti of Charlotte, Statesvltle, Ashevllle, Rutberfordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line. . and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mlsslsslpp'. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to A ii- T. T. SMITH, "' Agent C. C. Railway, Clartotte. TR. A. W. AIlESNDER, r.i A SNTIST . , ;r,l ,l . .... . t.. .1 OFFICE OTlS t' K. WISTON A C0'9 !fH With 25 years experience I guarantee' entire atbfaetlon " Janl 1 STOP AT THE - , , .u PP? & 9 u 8 lie f.ffr i?mv 3 nJ M-.'8aiainyiN,AH fL-iti ? 1 f:t"aniht J f,l Late of theNaiionai kotelMrt&tS, C.kBrown, J Chief taeritr'W;'. 8herbura . dec 80 Hi! if 1 Arv ' ijchi"'1 lf5 ' it-'' hi