- ' THURSDAYS tfNE A piO; 4 - ' t 8TATE-NEW8. v 'V. '.-' ..-1, - - if Mr. John 8. Adams, solicitor for the eighth judicial district, mill lvobabty locate in Statesrille. - ' Mordecai Mendenhall. JEsq., a weal thy and extensively known citizen of Randolph, died last Sunday, aged- 89 years. - The Robesonian tells that Mr. Fred TTarHflTi nf its (VMintV. WllO Will be 103 years old on his next birthday, has just proiessea religion. t , i r i At?Winstonv last Saturday evening Burl Scales shot and killed Jim Stratr ton. Scales escaped: Both of the par ties were negroes. A lodge of the Knights of Honor was organized at Laurinburg last Friday night, with forty charter members. Mr. W. A. Gill is dictator. The revival in Front Street Metho dist church, of Wilmington, continues. Sunday morning forty-eight persons were admitted to membership. The Robesonian says a colored man of Red Banks, Robeson county, com menced bleeding at the nose last Fri day week, and continued so to bleed un til the following Tuesday, when he died. Raleigh Observer, Tuesday: The treas urer sold on account of the Farmville Insurance and - Banking Company, at the court house door yesterday, four first mortgage Western North Carolina Railroad seven per cent, bonds, at $m cash. R. Y. McAden, purchaser. The Review says the steamer Fire Fly, belonging to Messrs. O. G. Parsley & Co, which plies between Wilmington and Smithville, carrying the United States mail, caught on a piling while tied to the wharf in front of Messrs. Parsley & Co.'s office, on South Water street, and sank Tuesday about 2 o'clock There happened to be no one on board at the time. The Landmark contains the proceed ings of a meeting held in Statesville Friday night to consider the subject of the proposed railroad to Taylorsville. Resolutions wrere passed declaring that the people of Statesville and the sur rounding community are heartily in fa vor of the project ; declaring that the report that Statesville was unfriendly to the enterprise is groundless; setting forth the eligibility of Statesville as the terminus; , recommending a narrow guage road under the general .corpora tion law ; and, finally, inviting a joint meeting of the people of Alexander and Iredell at Sloan s store, on the county line, on Tuesday July 1st, to consider the matter. The meeting thenadjourn ed to re-assemble in Statesville on the 28th inst. Was Dickens Kicked in LcHi.-viKc ? Washington Chronicle. Old Major Throckmorton, keeper o the Gait House, in Louisville, is dead. He was a good old man, and Kentucky to the bone. When Dickens, came to. his house in 1,46 the majpr gracefully and hospitably addressed hm thus while the assembled -crowd( looked on and' listened with admiration akin to ehthuuasm : '.'Mr. Dickens, we are glad to welcome joih We know you andad rrire you, "and will reckon it a privilege to be allowed to extend to you the hos pitalities of the metropolis of Kentucky. As your especial host I beg that you will command me for any service in my power to render." Mr Dickens receiv ed this with a frigid stare. "When I nuul vnn lanrllm-rl " hp uiiirl nmntinortrk J I VV, V J II.UIIIVIVII . V , . J t . . V , t V VU the door, "I will ring." The next mo ment the distinguished author was half way out of the window, the major's boots under his coat-taib and numerous Kentuckians holding the major's coat tail, for the major viewed insults from a strictly Kentucky point of view, and the 011I7 mention Of this incident in the "American Notes" is that Dickens' saw a pig rooting in ' the streets of Louis ville, which proves that great novelists are more careful about thir. fiction than their facts. Secretary McCrary's Nomination. Washington. Republican, 16th-J The Seriate judiciary committee yes terday devoted some time to an inform al consideration of the legal question in regard to Secretary McCrary nomina tion wfcether he . can constitutionally tie confirmed to fill " a' judicial position rtptyet vacant, and which Judge Bif 10n'i4ti cbntintie to occupy until next 'p."te'mber,'.w4iile he himself Continues to act under: the i Senate's former con firmation as Secretary of War. Sena tors Garland, Bayard, Conklihg, and Tarftent'efcthe snb-committee to whom is question was recently referred. Li i: L': il f 1 Tere not prepared to submit a formal report; but it is understood that they coincide in holding that the legal dbstacle is very formidable, and proba bly insurmountable; 5 '. : - . There seems to be 'veryc. little doubt that the full ; committee . will take the same view, and that the .appointment will therefore fail'of confirmation" du ring the present; session. "There tvere, however, no manifestations in the com mittee of disapproval of the nomina tion on political or personal grounds. In the event of a final decision that the" President cannot thus 'anticipate the vacancy, Secretary McCrary will be ap pointed when Judge 'Dillon's resigna tion1 takes effect, and 'his nomination will be sent to the Sehate upon its re' assembling.' " ' ' ' f v 1 1 . Commencement exercises at Fnrman University, Greenville, are in progress this week. Jfr. Geo. Simpson, aged 78, died, a few qiaysfcgo in Wmnsboro, of :"induration of the pyloric orifice of the stomach.' No wonder he died. The Cheraw Newsatates that through the influence of Gen. Bonham, railroad commissioner, the freights between that point and Wilmington, which had ueen raisea iuu per cent., nave been re-j uuced to the old rates. As Mr. James Bo wen, of Abbeville county, was on his wav home from his field one day last week he came in son-. lact witn a mad fox. When he first saw the fox it was about twenty . feet from Vil rs TT 4. 1 1 1 a J i tiiuM. Biepeu uacK. auu piUK.eu up a , stick,: at which . the fox became so en- ragea, inac ne sprang at mm, se his pants and held on to thmntiFiMr. Bowen killed him. ? .: . :vi The' lifew tork jemoTi tVash. special. lAth, to Blchmdnd Dispateb. ! Erarik AIMertd, who hai just' return ed from a short trip to New York and Saratoga, looks first-rate. -; He says! the New York Democracy are harmonious and confident of winning this f alL They declare they will ; carry their State in 1880 by the Tilden majority of 1876.Mr. . iiiden looks well, and remarked, in Mr. Airnena s presence, that . he was anx . ious for Ewins to 'carry Ohio; for he al ways wanted tne Democrats to wjn; ? - Claims Both. - . ; , t f Louisville ComleMournal.T " Vermont and Massachusetts are'tfttar- relmj; as to which State gave'- birth -to the llemiblicdn ' tiartv,- f inhi believe, has long claimed both the 'ges- 4nf lAn nv vtrti4iiMtnM a 4ff 1 A-L al i..v IT... : vrgjuiiunon oi iraua. ,' -v -. the tnmaipfl of the telbphosb. h Test mtniMost Test On SatnrdayJast placed a Blake transmitter Episcopal, Church": attaching lit f fdfone " " W.4 of the lecturnsAnd conectinglt bvfeirt. "with one of the simple B?H hand tele phones; in ' the t residence of a' citizen near the lower end of Hhjn Btreafc fThe transmittet is inclosed in a little box Of polished walnut; andnoccnpieS; so,4small a space that its presence Off tbelectum in front of the minister is hardly notice ed by thej coiigregatidhi Aimaiy in sulated covered fwirf -irfitns down! the side of the lectum to be carpeted floor, and thence along? jbngi of th lhanjcel "steps to the wall, and out through a minute gimlet hole1 in the window frame, where it iss connected with: tire? 'main wire, which erosses the street and runs along 1 from : roof, i to' roof of the houses to its term in us the chamber of an invalid lady who, for ten years past, by reason of sickness, has been debarred the blessings and privileges of the ser vices of her church, nd the : comforts and instruction of the sermohst of her pastor. One can better imagine than describe the joyous feelings which she experienced after so long a deprivation, at oeing once more able- to hear and take par t in the services-7-eyen, at so great a distance. SAnd yet tUmaa &bt without some fears, as she took how of the phone, that her pleasant anticipa tions might not wholly be realized. A few minutes before 11 o'clock she J placed the phone to her ear. The first sounds were the voices of the one or , two hundred children in the Sunday J school in the basement of the church as they joined in singing the closing hymn the air coming clear and distinct. Then came over the wire the deep tones of the deep tones of the church bell," calling the people to worship. A few moments' pause and the notes of the organ came soft and clear, and then was heard the voice of the minister, Rev. Dr. Gibson, as he read: "The Lord is in His holy Temple let altthe earth keep silence before Him" clear and distinct as though the speaker and the listener had been in the same room. And thence on to the close of the ser vice, every thing that was spoken or sung in the church the prayers, the lessons, the Litany, the hymns, the ser mon, the benediction all were heard with remarkable distinctness and ex pression. Scarcely a word from the minister or a note from the choir was lost." The lady had her prayer book and Bible and hymnal before her and made the responses . with the congregation. The success was complete. The Plea of Obscurily Against (he Legislative Bill Stalwarts Stirring Up the PoHlieai taJdrpn.. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Washington, June lft. It is stated in Republican circles that the first comptroller of the treasury has notified the President that in consequence of the obscure wording of the legislative appropriation bill he would not feel jus tified in paying out any money under its provisions. This being the case it is claimed that the President will re turn the bill without his approval. To the contrary of this, it is asserted in other quarters ;that the? accounting offi cers of the treasury will not have anv difficulty in interpreting the provisions of this bill. BULLDOZED BY TILE STALiVARTf. A singular spectacle was witnessed in the IIous9 when Mr. Springer report ed from the committee on elections a bill to prohibit the use of troops at the polls. Only a few days aro three-fourths of the-liepublicans had voted Yor the sixth section of the army bill, embody ing substantially the same fprQvisipns. J o-day they crowded together in knpts, discussing the bill and examining its that they vote& solidly 'against the bill, thus -stultifviria"4 their; action of aLfew. days ?preyious. Ltv is understood thai this Exhibition of iftconsisencHistdrJe. n tlm ImlMninn nrl .ink' 4 Vi A TT T r publicans have received at the-hadsj6f f me siaiwarc ltepumican Senators, sev eral of whom, including Messrs. Blaiue ana uonKiing, nave been very bugy cm the floor of he House for lomedas (Jrani' Campaign Openipgf. BftlUinore Suij.1 California advices from - Mnnor-TTni-i ofMav2lst note the arrlvaLof Genera ur.ant at a.ngiii on'thelT;th on board the United States steamer Ashuelot. Te Viceroy of NankingV the largest city of the empire, was sent , from. king to . welcome thej ex-President pn the part of the Chinese authorities uen. orant made a speech.at Shanghai to a delegation of foreim residents. which is regarded as sicrnificaht nf hia intention to be a candidate in the pres idential campaign of 1880) He said that ne wisned ne nau knowiyteCyears ago what he had lately learned, and thathis experience in v this - partiof the VRorld J m "uiu u ui g5at interest ana possibly of greatuse in the future:' Tjjes'4 utter ances mav be merel v - mvsti cat from the Brahmins, BoodJjists and dis clples of Foh, with, om Gen;Grant plain wayiaiina-ttian thev.woHll-Hv to indicate a hope, and an, expectatioa of re-election... Inbis icew g?U& iase it is to do regretted. tha.t Oea, i?ant was not mp explicit regard to what he has acquired by his collision with the Orient The people of Great Britain do not seem to be altogether satisfied with the business brought upon them by the Eirl of Beaconsfield's " Oriental imag vaation," and our public may well be curious to know more about the sorts of experience our-expectant President has picked up in the land of satraps &rid white elephants, despot rulers and craf tysubjects. r- - Who is Blaine? ;i Xylite nPdrtland Elaine) New Era. A western exchange derisively asks: "Who is Blaine, anyfiow T - wNow don't yon know who Blaine is? We can tell you very easily. . He i8 a citizen by adoption of the State of Maine, and, enjoys the distinc tion of wearing a senatorial togu He.isa man who served e United Stated as a drafted solder in the army through a substitute,'- hked for him by the government, hWb. 4 substitute ran away from the Sanguinary scene of con flict. : - lie xs the man who, as Speaker of the Jloiteetif Representations, used his in fluence to secure" the' 'Fort Smith and Little Rock Railroad subsidy receiving for his influence $42,000 in bonds. He is the man who got on his knees to Mulligan and implored him' to de liver uphis-rtrrhnmnjUeiKxaging as a reason, that; Ju wife andamily would be left lielbless it th6senetters were'tb appear in evflfaicBttd the Jaw; was:Huowea iaKe. ita. course r.witn He is the man'; that snatched- evi dence of hands. - his guilt from' another man's He was the man who; was sunstruck on the eve of a national. Republican, convention-, si; )f i U vvsk us a naraer one. - - ' ... r .1 v - ' " ' - 4' y v T,D.Corbiars SwniMtior:' v - ' ' rWashington Eepublicari.i "?'tJ;'' The Senate judiciary-committee yes- teruay. reacneu an iniormai asrreement; to allow, the nomination of 1). T. Cor binV.of South Carolina, to b-chief 'jus tice of the 't United States Court for: u tan, to go over witnout actions .VI - OuaurfTilaCns'o bfBarfullj alaffiift the ale&gl f lift (teing lessened everyjeaiwfthi out ar?re&ciiafc'i iaor de&q resulttpgeftejaS ly fitte;rc)st;2nl origin. A ttil Nj son oltHe eiPia-lJfheoyVs suchJS 5WI3l turns that in the hurry of every aay uie we are api Bell'iM1BJroi) it ancfoften tlxul - tee lata, that Feretor Xnnff trouDie nas aireaay bwi in, llHyiusaids loeeOlielt lives In fhlff way ev ery whiter, wMle Bad Boschkb'S ukkxam ajur been taken, a care would have resulted, and a large Ql topi a doctor been avoided.' For all diseases roOl.Tnrott and Lungs, Boschot's Gkrmam 8tkup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind in medicine. . Every Druggist In this country will tell you of Its. wonderful effect . Over ,poabettles vsold jfas yuvwlttputsia sinjje t INTRODUCED?'! 866. A U Om fruitful BOnrce bfmaDy diseases, jiromi - -Dent among rhicb are & f OYSPEPSlA S!CK-HEADkHE, COSTIVENESS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVZR, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM- PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. T-ioea of Appetite and Nausea, the bowels axe costive, bat sometimes alternate with looseness, Fain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation i the backpaxt,Pam ' In the right side and under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irrfi tability of temper, Low spirits, Losa memory, with, a feeling of having negleeecll some duty,' General weariness; DizgflaesB.. fluttering at the Heart. Dots befwre. tfog eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache geajly over the right eye, Bestlessness, alt gjght with fitful dreams, highly colore&Tjjrjja. IF THESE "WAENINGS ABE. TPSSSSEBXa, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON. BXftEVSlOPEDs. TUTT'SfprtLS s are especially atteptad io such cases, a 8ln$e dos effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. .... , , - TUTT'S PILLS ar e emp4ii led 'flrom'snbstaaeea that are free frm any properties that ecus injure tae wast dlJiate-prg;aaUJaa7jTJiey Search, Cleaase, Parifj, and lavicorate the eatire 8 y at en. By reUenas; tae en (orsed Liver thmf icieanae. tie blood from polMnooaaaior,ajidhaa4iopar health aad vitality to the body, cansia the howele to act naturally, wlthwfc which ae one caa feel well. A Noted Divine sapr Dr. J U1T: Dear Sir: For ten yean ) haw bean martyr to Oyipepiim, Constipation an Biles. Laf t Spring yomr Puis were recommend! k.ifl I naed them ( bat with little ith. I am sow a Well man, bar food appetite, digestion perfae, regular atoolv pile goo, and I haT gained fotXPoands sciid flaslu They are worth their weight in gold. Ksv. K. L. 8UlPS0Xli(mirriUe. Kr. TUTT'S PILLS. Their first effect La to. Iacrease the Aw:Ite, and cans the body to Take en Jt'lUJ at the CTBtem is noajrlshea, and p their Vewc Ac tion on the Dicestive Orcaaa JKeffiilur 8toela are produced. DR. J. F, HAVrQOD, OF NEW YORK SAYS:- " few diseases esat that cannot be relieved by m. gtonng the Iirer to. ite normal functions, nnd t this purpose no remedy 1ns ever been invr nted that has as happy an effeot aa TUTT'S PILLS." SOLD. EVERYWHfiBfe PBICE 25 CENTS. Qfflce Z5 JUarry Streets j Niw Torfc. tr Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Vahtable Infor mation and Useful Eeceipts " vriU be mraied frt on application. WS HAIR DYE, I, I Baa uxtft, ok vnrxsxxBS ehanced to BiaxbraASiaffle application of . nai aNatQralOolor. acta 'Insta on of In La TV TTF- It inC.. instanraneonsiy, and h Han naiesa as apnag water, bald by Druggists, an- f sent hi eanrwss on receipt of SL Office, 35 Murray St., New apr 1 ly. 45 Years Before ths Public. THE CEriWflE: DR. C. BIcXANITS CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS I-OR THE. CURE OF E&3Atits, or Liver Complaint, BYSTEPS1A AND SICK HEADACIIS. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. UPAIN in the right side, under the : . 1 edge of the ribs, increases on pres ?sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side : the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pairv is felt unler the shoulder blade, ajwj it irequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes; mista&eft, for rherhriatiimm the arrn; The Stom ach is ..aflfected 'with loss-of am&etifce and sickness f the bowels' ia' pfiral i are costive, sometimes. alternative with .': lax; the head is troubled wath -pain, accompanied with a dull, hsavy sen sation in the back part.' Tjipre is gen i. crally a considerable' IcgStif. memory, ..-accompanied with a nainfui sensation :j of havmg4e4endonegqmirgliiclr1 ougm to nave Deen, con j f a sfight, dry cough is somstifnAi an attendant,. ! The patient., coraglpims :cf weariness .p. and debility ; he, easily startled, his. ; ; feet are coldprburning, and he com plains of avjprickly sensation of the skin ; hjs &pnt!s are low ; and although heitsatisned rthat exercise w.oul( be ' bleficial tq hinvryet he can-scared) . summojforiitu''noughtryitC In factrTie .distrusts every renrreiy. Several othe abave symptomattEadJ ' ' the diseasebut'eases'ae-owrred, where few Af themexiStedKun.-15', I. iriation of the body, after death, has shown the liver to -have best exten--.sively deranged. ... . , - jA5UEAN D F ELVER:,.;:4' 7 cases of Ague and Ebver whem ? taken with Quinine, are Rrnduttwe; off -the 'most. happy results.. No,-latter cathartie cart be used: or after taking Quinine.' We .m&vt advjse;llpyho are -afflicted! uriri itf,i3 '1 ' disease to," giie themja-BAUs XKiaU . f sT)or all bilious ; dfefawgeacietits,,, Vas -a simple . pargatie tLef wr equaled, ,v .,;v. . and un- '..-, 5 IC.K 1 The genuine eWtJecL,,ur t Every box ha& a red wax' sea I on the lid, with Uulmpressien Dk M cLAnrV A : LlVEifRlis.1. j - v , - r- s,iaj; ; The genuine .McLaotb's l,rv eh Tii.t5,'i - bear fhe signatures of C.-Mcl ;ANEjmd.,J Flimikc 3Ba6" on the wrappe js.K ? . JhsleY iipon. awiag tte' ge uihe jdsi . C. Wc Hash's-. JLivix. P-jlls, prepardd by" ; Ileraing Bros of Pittsburgh Pa., &e ' - market ..being' CuS f imifat ions of tnei : ; name STcLane spelled di"fereniljiut.'f; same pronuacjatioa; ; ft m- If ""t UltAJtWla 'AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t -Buy and seU on consignment an MnoJ! c ' ' ,? - " -fERCHlNBISE AND OOUNTBT PBODUCI; . j , , a . l. '.WllliYe strict peraooal , t iteritton to all business entrusted to our care. , 1 f tit' 1 ' ""i I - ' 1 Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. 4ww-'ia'"'''',i',''"";""' HEADQUARTERS Bottled jJs, V.-'. iU AND POftTSB, . " Jwi - ..! Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue., Delivered to any. fart c tbe dty,! free of charge lor $1.00 per doz(n. ... f. c muzlee. i, Alt orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mart WLti&evtnMuQ. TJNDEBTAKING. The undersigned Is nw prepared to fill all orders for every elass of DBstevtasitng. Having on hand fall assortment ot COFFINS, CASKETS AND BtlfilAL CASES, Beth Wood and Metallc ' PRICKS AS LOW AS ANT Hearses furnished If desired. TftWBjUfQ of every Deacriptloa Be paired at ster notice. W.M. WILHELM, With E. G. Rogers, Trade Street. June 20. dr. j?n? DRCGOIST AND CBTSMI3T, Now offers to the trade a fun stock off Labin's Extracts and Cicgnes English Select SPICES, Colgate. Honey and Glycerine Senpst. English, French and American' TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared a all- hotm betfa night am day at Jw B. MflADEN'3 Prescription Stom, SE'OURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. f ' ' ' 1 1 1 " ' 20O Barrels of C WEST4S0N8 EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ANI ALADDIN SECORITY OIL. ,f: i sMTest s Extra No. 1 Kerosene OU, from q West f alumore. . a,s ' - . si."jh vv:; tut- .xti .m!. -J. " .- ;rcit r.-av :!e-mz&K. Bight Mt Medal awarded at Centeacftd Exposition. Crystal. Oil Works, .Canton. Warrants to stand a are tesjsor liu degrees Fahrenhcsl tielora it win bur. C West Sons, Baiamoreu f H For Sato br' t uDK. J. H. Mo ADEN, Sol JgpefW, .'. Sitvf:. fx CHARLOTTE. S-C - ICE MCE AT THE SAME OU STAKfD Where I am prepared to fimri& a iuperfer quaBty (U mi -nuv uioj nau m.w , zmj nvlwlUIUBv ""T daily deliveries at places o( boslnesa. ec privte residences. Orders given the slvT, aMressedt me OiroughP 'O. Box .153, ot delivered to me t office on lot6f Bock Island Factory, win receive 'prompt attention. - - .. . . ;, ; . . - Customers who begin wttfc me will be siipDlled i .1 . In quantities less than 5 - 2c. per lb. t. IVcperlb. oIRto501bs of SOlbs. anAopt J The above figures are tbe same at which Whu. .been sold for the last twe seasons, when I hrt eompeanoTi; ana .as s uau-ansurpassed ZaellHimi. to conduct the business ai legitimate principle, consumers wiU consult their interest by gtvtag'me 1 ace for shipping r In i anj jejanuty, earefoll packed! and forwarded with dlspateh.--. a .rTlrz: .Thankful for your patronage in the dbsL i ri: speetfully ask a conUnuanw of the garnet 1 i HOST APPROVED FOBIT, fjustPrftitedandyor BaleattheJ ' OBSERVER OFFICES 1 if , A ' ' i ? ''-I r - j.i ' r" Z ' ' . STEAM POWER: aaJ4 'II- r ' ! FAST PRESSES. - GOOD WORKMEN. in connection with th& publication of Ths Ob sdebteb, arid the establishment of one of the larg- . . . r. - - . ....... est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped J0B; PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has Just added a com plete . . ... BOOK BINDERY f ' - AND Ruling: Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of Utls class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOE POSTER PRINTING, Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give as a trial We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as it Is possible to make lt LETTER HEADS, Stateurats, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, , ; Handbills, i-iri'W 5 . ... ''':' Invitations, '. y- 'Checks, ". i u .' .. Labels - '. '. '. Jtit.V. .:'''";! r BILLHEADS, iteeds, ( 'Vv'-V , Receipt Books, ;". ' . " 1 ' : Business Cards, ' ' ''rMagUrtrates'and ' 1 Court Blanks. Ji fact, all kinds of printlc done at sliiiil notice j,. Special attention given to Railroad JPrtattaeyw ' f " -X I 1 I" 'ft, i j ;BooKwoRK;-:;i : i. Having s larger supply of type thin most jobes tablishaneote, BOOK WORK aias- beetf ntf will ciwUnae la be a sneeiaitrwltn USL . s: :-!;: ? .t 37- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Address "', ' " '". THE OBSERVER, .' ' P, O.-B0XJ182. - Chartotte, Ni fi' BARGAINS- i in. i IS Jbb&j "anS Fkficy Goods, doldSnd Silver :c Watches, Silver and Plated Table Wa,"e, : .x".iJJ set- i't-- "i ; J. T. .BUTLEIvS: , -. f. i "l-,tiJ:-' . . i WATCHES, '' "CLOCKS, r JEWELRY, - ;. SILVER AND ) ' WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at. . ! ,-:.: J. T. BUTLER'S. J3 LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH nnd CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. .... . -. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, vv-. Nat Gray Store. ' Everi ktotf of rebalre made at once at half nrlcA- and warranted one rearK Ever kind of Jewelrv or Bronze GUdlng, Coloring. SUver-Plattog and Gal vanlzlng'made at short notice and equally as good as new. ' Wbrk done for the trade at low prices. -Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. r: r ) . . : .' ' ReDalred work uncalled for will be aald at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. . 96 PUD . . A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNESEVENTH GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, July 8th, 1 87 91 10th Monthly Draw Ing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes' in 1868. fob ths tkbm of twkntt-fitk TEAKS, to which contract the Inviola ble faith of the-State is pledged with a capital of 81,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTIONS will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Ha!f-TlcK-ets, one Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5.000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 1 0,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : ft Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200.... 1.H00 9 Approximation Prizes of 100..... 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $100,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the home office of the company in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information, or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. June 17 Xi&tzll&uzous. THE HOUSEWIFE'S GREATEST FRIEND The latest and most complete invention of the day Crocker Fawnsworth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron. Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere task of standing over a hot lire on Ironing This Iron heats Itself , and will save Its worth In wood consumed under the old process in a short time, to say nothing of the health of those who do the work. We are the agents for the State of North Caroli na, and we propose to commence the sale of it in Mecklenburg, Gaston and .Lincoln counties at once. Any one wishing to purchase the right to sell in other counties In the State will do well to apply at once to the undersigned at Charlotte, N. CT " E. H. NEWCOMER, ,,,. , H.M.RAMSEUR, fAnte- The sample Irons have arrived and are at H. T. Butler's hardware store. C S. Mallard is our agent for Mecklenburg county. May 15. 1879-d3m. summerT If you journey for business, health or recreation, to the Mountains. Lakes,' or Shore; over land or over sea. don't fall to secure the protection of AC CIDENT INSURANCE In THE TRAVELERS, of Hartford. Any regular agent will write a yearly or monthly Policy In a few minutes, or a ticket from one to thirty days. The cost is so small that any one can afford it who travels at all Cash paid for accidental Injuries over $3,000,000. , , , . ,. MADE ON r , - i . RAGS, BEESWAX, Hides, Tallow, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, Cattle Tails. Old Metals, c , For quotations, cJ, Inquire of; , LB WIN 8. LOE WEN TflAL, 214 Pearl Street, New York. BEQlTrVITH'S These Pills .win5 prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are an unrivalled Dinner Pill, mild aperient, iuuI ndmlmblv adanted aaafamllvmedfelne. Thev are used bj the most! cultivated - people-In ourj cuunujf tutu ro eAieiiBiTCi useu vj pufsuaoiis 111 their practice Sold by Druggists generally. "Send for, circular. E. R; BECKW1XH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. ; , ; ,-.S U;-:; DReWnmEXGREEHEy . .: . ":;.f: Writes:;ri I cheerfully state fhatr I have tested the virtues and efficiency of Colden's Leibig liquid A Extract of Beef in my private practice in of general debility, weakness, depression, psla, loss of appetite and nervous afiiioUons, eases dyspepsia, loss oi appente ana nervous situations, when medicine had proven more than useless. 1 have found u tne nest remedy 1 ever used In chron ie alcoholism, when the stomach is always Irrita ble and food required to flourish. Sold by ail lead ing doigglsts, ; vnt.'.rf-i.l a&I ..i-t xu rmm ; i We will ;Tty Ageli ts a salary vi Wot) per month : . inispt'iie.riiintwilMi-siL.couimimiion, toellour' Hew and woittlerful iiiveulinhs Wtmeawhatweafm 1 I ' Suipi firue. Address tiasuua it Cfb, Marsium, Kiob. . CCIl fl; TO F. G RICH & CO , Portland, Me., O L H U for the. best Agency . Business in . the world.1 Expensive outfit free.- : ' v (Bt'7'7 5 a - month and expense guaranteed to Agents.. .Outfit free, Shaw 4 Co., Augua- ta, Maine QTTT A YEAR and expenses to agents Outfit u7 i ; . i free. . Address P, O, yiCKEHY, Augus- ta, Maine. A DVERTISEMENT of 4 lines Inserted 1 week A In 850 newspapers for $10. Send 10c for 100 page pamphlet. G. P. ROWElL 4 CO., N. Y. RBAuj 9 ..sad a"TTT. TaT GREAT SOUTHERN Remits L A;- for the cure of ScrofulfL HBfor k Heumatlsm, White SweUiS'0 ' "TAjCoMumpuon, 'Bronchltiir DebUity and sildlseases ariai' fi? impure condition of Uieblood l 8 rom n but necessary to remind the rVffi0','06 ' journal of the necessity of alwa F of & bottle of this nlSe; among a family necessities. m"us meir stock of IVrMflMte., AOM kA . leid.PhiciansWMKe 5F families throughout the Tsouth 2rthes of highest terms ttSSS 2S?ffi ?f Baltlm0re er"disses wlul eased blood, STtS ms- ipreparattonhehaeverused. 0 an mruri hAnoflttnsi k . uds Deen sia recenmends it to 'Si his friend aualntancea. ,s lnenas and i(e- SAMUEL G. McFADDEN, Murfrw Tennessee, says it cured hirnof Phfboro' Osm when an else failed "heuma- 9 Rosadalis Is not a secrpf nni, tlon; ItstagredlenteSbiK Lrei,ara package., tshow it to jowSSjSr wUl tell you It is composedPo? ihe stoonS alteratives that exist and i. nt3 piood purlfler. Did bur snw rtrff 11 m P?ns Known to ev- j ...u.., numnu aim cniiO, either Wrsnnal ly or by reputation. irsonal- Rosadiilis Is sold by all Dmggists. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN CO.. 8 College Place. NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. WRISTON 4 CO., Druggists febl6 1w Charlotte, N.c. SMITH'S WORM OIL. Atheks, Ga, December 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gae one to my little girl, four yeais old, and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen Inches long. W. F. PHILLIPS. Worm OH for sale by Druggists generally. Pre pared by E a LYNDON, Athens, Ga. Price 25 cents. ieb2 IdAwl v. Ta a Trfect BLOOD PURIFIER, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Pkrmanhnt Cubes of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Rsv. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth, Qlst'n. I am never without lt at home or abroad. It Is an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a "tried-everythlng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had Buch support in its favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness Joined with tbe ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is,, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religious Herald, Va. ' Rev. R. L. Dabhey, LL. D., Ham. Sid. CoL, Va. It is highly1 esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for In digestion and flatulent, colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . ' i For sale by:'. '. DR. T. G. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C ODELLi RAGAN ft CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO F. KLUTTZ. Salisbury, N. C." u ! polk, MraTjaranco., Apothecaries and Sole Proprietonr, i. Richmond, Va. mar 20 dAw tf. pliBjCjeIIatit0tts. .TLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO RAILROAD 1 . f ' SDPKRTJNlTElOKNT'8 OfFlCB, t. 4.. j -:f Charlotte,' N. C; May 24th, 187a t or'' . 1 t 1" -; --) "fri r-.nihi i - On and after Monday May 26th, the following schedule will be run over this road daily (Sunday excepted): , . . ;''. j. -. ,' r r l'it' . Agoing north.;"'. Leave Charlotte,.. . 8 00 a. b. D5.H m. 11 20 a. m. L . " "SLS0"? f Arrive at Statesville, . !, ' v i : Gorj Davidson college. . . - GOING SOUTH. I Hf -f 'Sit-in i-iZ,-CZ Leave Statesville.. .it i...... 4 40 p. m. J : " i . Davidson College,..!. ... 0 08 p. j Arrive at Charlotte,.-'. . r. 8 00 p. m. m. Connection made at Chsrlntte with Carolina Cen tral railway, and at Statesville wiU . Western North Carolina Railroad.: , , ..;.'. 4 AU freight offered forshlsment to Section House. Henderson's, Alexandrians and Caldwell's must be prepaid, they being (FlaK) Stations,! at which were are no Agents. . xne company wm not oe re sponsible for freight after its delivery at said sta- uons. . f may25 J.J. GORMLEY,' Sup't JUST RECEIVED, PICKLED . SALMON, ! MAGNOLIA HAMS. ;S,1LH9WELL. June 12. - T-

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