, i i . . . . . . . i -t- the oBsxnris job vErABTMSMr.;' Hm been thoroughly supplied with every needtd want, and with the Lateel BtyUt of Type, and mery manner of Job Work cannon be done with neatneu. disgitch and cheapness We am furnith, at Short BLINKS, BILL-HEADS. J; r LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, , ; ..; TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, t IT ' PROGRAMMES, H AND- ILLS. PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS; CHECKS, etO. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 iixtdy, V (PHtvaiiSi advance ftiz Mouths. - v. TAw Momrvi. . One Month. . WEEKLY EDITION : M'eeldv, (n the county) . . . Out the county, postpaid, Six Montht. . VOL. XX. Liberal Reductionsjor Club. . . . . a r r . s s e . u. . i- i .. - . . . . 1 u ... . -: nn ! n if :ti : ; i 1 j .1 v i i, .1 v- u i. 11 . . ..mki - .. - . s . . ? . "I- -V , , , ... 'i-.K , aIs I ,H 4 i.S.'-'IA..: -. ,'1 : 'j J , ' 1 , J r.fVl r Jlllilf.., 'Kiuii , - .- . . -. ,. - - . .. I ;.A .. ffiW-m- OH :. . v liV. JOl K ) I J M BKT, 1 llvW W4 W; l& k iuilra' a ...... ......... .........a. .U W I " J "W LH- . . I n . . . j . . .J ' - w - . H i v.i lun . T . - . . . . - . i. . . " ... . : ... f - i-... - . . r .v . . . . - . ...... . 1 - 1 00 I jUKQBSSi NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAXJEB IM ALL KINDS OF 1 j' j. KITRNTTURE VURNITUBE ! BEDDING, AC BEDDING, AC. BEDiDINO, ScO. BEDDING, &C. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! tat. LOUNGES LOUNGES! t PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 i PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! &r COFFINS of all kinds on hand. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. , No. 5 Wkst Trabs Strkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C tr Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Roixta-a tine supply. Jan3 . - JARGADJS IN UBRRWIf 1 US BNN N V RRB N N N TJR RN NN II TTTT IT URRS KEK UK ttB UBRR EK u SF U Jf v. ii ii ii T T T T UK SK ii UU R KKBI AT E. (i. ROtJERS' WAREROOMS, JJkxtto PoerorFiat. My Slock Is very Lr, vnd embraces a Full Une of fARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING BOO ) OFFICE: FURNITURE All Goods Packed Free of Charge J&XBtZXXZB Q.ROCXRIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS I NEW FEATURES I -ft IT - rV'V ! Come to-me- ff Babon, Ckmi, uarf Coffee, Mo lapses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RTE WHISKEY. 1 Also a nA lf a rvinntr TTn.mil. ' I sell for Cash.. All ,'.r .,.;,,i'l -yT! 7l T:' "TSi im aZrJi A ' Next door below Wilson A Blaelt'frWd MAQO - ?Jtitl ' - lump Diawr , JKar Sale. A. ... The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which tnw Saner ohns nam tvn fnimdrv. of Philadelphia, ana wai nnvtr fit far USA. DU Oil' )R Kama nAAAoaurr ta use a uinereni style of type. It will do good service .tot J hau .mAhri tAnt nf fid tO l.tKK)tt).JWtth OX without cases.: Address OBSERVER, oct5 Charlotte. N. C, " 'FOIL SALB.J1 That valuable property In this city Irnowrj aa the T i i...r.Ju Ulan Ar MpRAfl. - This 1811- nery la conveniently located, and has, all the latest unproved machinery. v : Bark and hides low and In abundance. ; For particulars address Mie: lot pSr- May 9th, 1 879 -dlaw3mw3m WELL ntPROVSD . , ; , j , CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a wel Impnwwa City Lot, Bouse with nine rooms, and morn eon veniewces, fine well of water, brick UtehenwUhtn Ave minutes walk ef the publlc square, can be act commodated by applying at THI30KKICE. LftCE MITTS. LflCE MITTS- T V . s n J We havft Just received by a late express a nice and full line of black, white and all the shades of LAGE SILK MITTS. Also a large lot of CREPE LISSE RUFFLING . In black and hlte; Also a fulf' Une of black and white Skirt Facing. Also another lot of white Linen arid Victoria Lawns. You can get the White Bullion Fringe very cheap. As the season for Spring Goods Is passing, we call attention to the fact that we are now selling a nicery .trimmed ; ' ; , ' LADIES' HAT FOR ABOUT HALF ITS VALUE. Also a nice Une of LADIES' LINEN SUITS, Closlng out very cheap, and many other lines of goods at reduced prices. If any one Is in need of a nice DRESS SHIRT They would do well to call and procure a lot of our unlaundrled shirts for less than the material can be bought. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. June 15. SPRING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN A CO. We iiav made the exDerlment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include tne mtesi noveiues Jn Meu's, youth's, uoys ana unnareii s iuui r. m TTTT H H II NN N GGG nnr. OO T H H II NN N G G n T. no T HHHIINNNG nnr. OO T UHUN NN O GO ?mn i.r.r.r. no T H H H N nn ggo We invite public Inspection, and we are at all iwarfr to ertve Quotation of prices. Every times garment which is sold at our house Is warranted to be as represented, ana in price less man w uo bought elsewhere, we continue ;o sea BLUE FLANNEL SUITS rhaaner than anv other house, as we did the past season, and the? have trained the reputation of be- ln7 ttut bast In the marked - Dresent this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, TnrinrHnP'thA nest makes in the country. There ,.;n iin hp found In our stoek a com Die te line of fine Felt, stin and straw tiats. ana .any wnu vi Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest BARGAINS Can be had at April 10. W. KAUFMAN & CCS, 'Comer Tnde and Trybn Sts.,'" J Charlotte. N, C, QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 8 No. 4 Dally Dally j ex.Sun. r, httr B.5K n m 1 : 4,10pm &.3U a m I 9.30am I No. 2-Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C RR. for ku points in Western -North aroima, aauy excepi T x i l ll w H fnr flit W. 4 W. R. B. for WUmlngton. i No. 4. Connects at . Greensboro with, ;R- D. ll. nnints Mortn. tasi ana? tibmu wv B. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally , NOV. 10, '7& No.1 Dally. No. 3 Dally. ex. Sun.- Leave Goldsboro,1 j " Raleigh, ! " . Greensboro Arrive Charlotte, 9.50 ami 5.85 3.50 pml . R.28nm I 6.47 am 5.30 am. 12.25 am 10.50 am I No 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem fcrtuMShAt i Calotte With G, &U&B. for all ffi Soutnimd TsZthst; at Alr-Wne Junction with A. AC. A. U Rallroadiot aUpolnte South and SOTth-east. with W. N. a R. R. iffi'S r&unda7. T T Air-Line Junction vrtfli WcTl tor all points South and South-west, ft. rhar otto with elc&A. Railroad. ofaU points South and South-west 8ALKM BKANCH. Wve Greensboro, ''MOl except Sunday, 8.50 ptS Arrive Salem, . : , ,,, ?5? leaveSalem, ,U.I . -IKarn Arrive Greensboro, " . ; . , . . .-rtvu.t? I Connecting at Greensboro with trains on me a. a D. and N. o. uauroaas. 1 A , mimvTna. f.kfta VTTHOrrf CHANGS; 1 1 1 Q RunDOWways on xnuns nuo. x a, wivw New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains ISos. 3 and between New York and Savannah via Richmond, rniuitirtftA and Aueustau H i .f.: XiSSS nrincmal points Bourn, awnn-wesw wci, ffid Tor Emlgmnt ratei to points In Arkan I nAnnl nnlnra tiUlfh . sas and Texas, address g MACMURDO. f (inn. PasfWnirer Afirent a Richmond Va. rpHE Y0RKYILLE NEWS. i. .wo-" . n Ji' The. above will be the name of a weekly Demo- ic newspaper, the piibiicauon ot .which i win be SWTiiS - i The Njews will be a good advertising medium for Son and Catawba North Carolina. - . t The price of subscription llnMTlnum' AdfQ ' Yorkvllle.S.C. " VUIIV V jDate.Nov. 10,'78. No, 2 Dally Leave Charlotte, 8.45 a m r Greensboro, 8.20 a m i ' Raleigh, 3 00 pm Arrive Goldsboro, ,, 5.25 p m ...... a War-Po'tB.- - HB WAS WITH GRANT, , BT BRET HABTK "I was with Grant," the stranger said; Said the farmer, "Say no more, But rest thee at my cottage porch, , , 4 g I For Ihy feet are weary and sore."? ? -; y 4 v. t.-:- - i- f I was wltfc Grant," the stranger saldj Said the farmer, "Nay, no, more t prBhee slfrat my frugal board,'" And eat of my humble store. "How fares my boy- my soldier boy Of the old Ninth army corps? I warrant he bore him gallantly In the smoke and battle's roar." "I know him not." said the aged man, "And as I remarked before, "I was with Grant "Nay, nay, I know," Said the farmer, "say no more." "He fell In a battle. I see, alas! Thou dld'st smooth these tidings o'er Nay, speak the truth; whatever it be, t Though It rends my bosom's core ; - v "How fell he with his face to the foe, Upholding the flag he bore? O, say not that my boy digraced The uniform he wore!" "I cannot tell," said the aged man, "And should have remarked before, That I was with Grant In Illinois fjonte three years before the toar!" Then the farmer spake him never a word, But beat with his list full sore That aged man who had worked with Grant Some three years before the war. OlSSEKVATJOIVS. Charles: "What did that spring suit cost you. Al?" Alfred: "Can't say, dear boy; haven't Deen sued font yet." it. fa rprinrtad that Mrs. Haves sends Rutherford's backbone out in a baby -coach e very-evening for an airing. The Waterloo Obxe'rivr is pained to remark that the breath of slander is laden witn onions. And it often brings tears. if vrm want tn make a eun eo off pretend that it Is not loaded and hold It close to somebody's head; it will shoot then u it never snot Deiore. 'New England's dead, New England's dead, on every hill they lie." Old Poem. Same way witn the living New Englanders.- N. T. News. The dear elrl who read a thrilling essay "How to get along in Life" when she graduated last sum mer, IS getting along nuiuy. dub ia uuw uio luum er of triplets. "And what do you ask for the calico?" "Six cents, ma'am." "Sixteen? I'll give you hiteen." you misunaerstana me mm i sum su kub. "Oh, then, I'll give you live cents " One day last week says the the Burlington Hawk- eye, a merchant oi mis cny acuiueuutnj snuuw his watch key. and naturally enough wound up his affairs the next day. When Farmer Knaff, of New York State, bet his son a dollar that he could reach a crossing aneaa of a locomotive, he lost by five feet, as the son testified at the inquest. shnirecnAnrA sApms to be full of "Pinafore." Here Is what the LoioeU Courier, which, after much research finds: "He himself hath said It," In Hamlet's soliloquy. t.Iva miintrT hoi el-men use thermometers. One Is fixed station arv at 64 deg., and the other, pack ed in lee under the counter, never indicates more than 55 deg. In this way the tourists get the worth of their money. N. Y. Express. "Where was this assault made upon you?" ask ed an attorney of a stupid witness, who was prose cuting a neighbor for assault and battery. "Hey? asked the witness. "At what place was this as sault made?" repeated the attorney. "Right here," replied the witness, laying a linger teuuer ly upon his injured eve. DIGEST OF DECISIONS Of the Supreme Com t, June Term, 1379. TRaleigh News. Smith, C. J.: The Washington Toll Bridge Com- r. i' Tl i? . ..4. By I pan? vs. uommissioners oi jeiiuiun, from "Reaufort. It seems that the grant by the legis lature of an exclusive right to provide means of transit over a river for the space of six miles is inoperative and void, as conferring special privileges n without adequate, or maeea any proper consideration to the State, and that the General Assembly cannot by contract or otherwise deprive itself or its suc cessors of the power to provide or au thorize those increased facilities for 1 ransit over its iniblic waters, conferred by the organic law, which the necessi ties of trade ana Dusmess may requue. Without however passing upon the ef fect of. a repealing statute, as to the above point, further than the intima tion thus given, the court holds that a statute repealing such grant is effectual at least, to withdraw tne penalties cre ated n the original aet wnicn, wnetner pecuniary, or criminal, are no part of the obligation or ine cmract,, yvnen full lecral means of protection and re dress are left unimpaired. By Ashe, J,:, ... - a ,!" 2. Saunders vs. tiatiing.-ii'mn Hert ford. A controversy as to the right to a public office must be brought by an ac tion in the nature of a writ of quo war ranto by the Attorney General in the name of the people or. tne estate, joining the claimant as a party s plaintiff , w hjen he'seeks redress. A civil action brolight for the possession of a public office by a claimant in his own name will be dis missed. That part of the head note to Brown vs. Turner 70 N. C. 93, which states that the one claiming an office can J)ring;an; action therefor in his own name is iiicortect and not warranted by the opinion, which only holds that a mandamus can be Brought by any one aeerieved m his own name without joining the Attorney General. BY JJILLAHD o. '. ; i ; ! 8, Askew vs. BynunMrom iiertiora. Sp.p: Si'ch: nS. Revised Code, although not brought forward in Battle's Kevisal. is still in force. The judge of probate. lias the jurisdiction to decree, and the sheriffs to whom the writs are directed have the power to assign, dower in one special proceeding though the lands may be situate in dinerent counues. a widow is entitled to ohehird buvaluei of all lan'ds of which the hosbatod ' was feeizftd at anv time during coverture al- thonerh the marriase was prior to the i-rt vrQ nrttw - mon law risht of dower, xne peuuonj for dower must be in one county forall the iand,Atnougn tney may ub m uu- tontcrruriIfthewid crpf her full dower in thenroDate court pf the coiinty where she first files her petition, she is.oebarred iroro gojug in to the nrobate court of any othe oun. ty for further allotment. i I m l i SOUIH CAROLISA ITExMS. f r , parts pf Xpi-k. county. .. ... . ... ,. ,;! .... ; -MrV RH. MeCihvhrJ been eleefcd pirfeRfplMckHill fire company. ff tti3.1Vfiifitfre''laLe. of :the Chester Bulkkn, hAS taken charge of the Rock UmMemlft.-' . . The Stonewall Fire company, of Ches teM?pfl all, will have excursion, tQ Ceciar r tn r.prlar Shoals on the 27th Twolunatics, inmates of the Colum bia - asylums walking out, xuesaay i terpoo; escaped from their keepers, and have hot been re-ciiptured, - .The ', Abbeville iTress. ' and - Banner, warma Mrt lErancra.iFontaine,; ofNew! York, for a-specehwhlbb, he1, TOade.-be iotQ jjve:.recentf mefeUng of the ,ib6uth4 Carolina Tress' Association, in wmcai .he said dfeagreeablelthlngs cohcernihg the publishers newspapers wun pat ent outsidesJt.u:, , - . .. i t&-CHEW JACKSON S REST SWEET NAft tOBACOO. STATBHOBMAL'SCnOOL. Opening- President '. Battle ' and XHUe X 4 : Gm1: AtteMtace -t Begin ! t"-Mi "''' ithjf r-na:- ; ,, V iVfcoril&pwideiw ' The school was 1 opened bf l the read ing; of ja , portion of ripture, by Frof. A. Wi Maiigum, .of th University, ac companied by; singing;, -and prayer' to Godjforvpa.Wessing.xroon "the' work and invoking. IDsoontinued aid and favor. v ; i te:4 Addresses were then made by several distinguished gentlemen, principally of the normal school, of which the follow ing is the substance: ! President Battle first arose and spoke of ; the history of this normal school ; said two jears ago the school was organized ; jail m attend ance exhibited the greatest zeal arid en thusiasm. Tbasked the villagers for their past kind attention to the phpilg, and asked a continuance of the same ; they came s tms.gr:' and left ai friends. The success was unbounded, and its reputation extended all over the State." The benefits of it hate .been sno ken of quite frequently by - county ex aminers, school commissioners, &c; (mentioned some instances of wonder ful improvement,) Gov. -Vance once, upon that "rostrum, attributed its suc cess to him (iresident Battle), but the praise properly belonged to Rev. Dr. Sears. Dr. Sears suggested the skeleton of the plan of conducting it. The ap propriation was made as an experiment by the General Assembly, and limited to two. years. Its -success was so un bounded that it has been made a per manent institution by .the last Assem bly. (Made a good many, pleasing re marks about how he put his bill through the last General Assembly.) It was the first bill passed making an- appropria tion, and the only one that passed unan imously. All ladies now have equal rights with men. Prof. J. J: Ladd followed with pleas ing remarks about thfi village: campus, &c, comparing the well to the fabled fountain, at which : whoever drank would return. Spoke of the capability and suitability of the Hill for the pur pose. Explained the meaning of the school,which is to fit tedehers, or teachers in2irospectu,fo.r their profession, for it is as much a profession as law, medi cine, or anything else, and a far nobler one. Teachers mttst be taught profess ionally. Advised mutual assistance, sociability, &c. -His speech was much applauded throughout, and its tone showed him to be the gentleman and scholar, and admirably adapted to "Che place which he occupies, viz : superin tendent of the school. Prof. Mclver next spoke of the work of the Baltimore Association of Friends in this State, who educated from three thousand to four thousand children an nually. They first established the idea and work ot the normal school in this State. Prof. W. S. Tillet, being introduced by President Battle, proceeded to extol the beauties of the English language, and commended its thorough and care ful study. Spoke of the needs of the language, &c. His speech and bearing throughout exhibited the earnest schol ar and profound thinker. All liked his speech exceedingly, and he has gained lor himself, at once, a favorable lm presslon. Mr. W. B. Phillips, the instructor in chemistry, then made a tew remarks, He was followed by Captain Dugger, principal ot the graded school in tai- eigh, who insisted on application, to the exclusion of everything else. Prof. Mangum, of the University, made a few judicious criticisms on the workings of the school, and suggested the idea of starting a normal school li brary. Prof. A. F. Redd spoke of the differ ent professions and the importance of a person making some branch a spe cialty, lie was loiiowed by I'roi. ki. x Winston, in si few beautiful ideas and remarks. The professor is chairman of the teachers' association in this State, whose purpose is to enhance the ses tern of education in every way possible .Rev. J. B. Cheshire, Jr., made a short talk, and was followed by Rev, A. C Dixon, whose speech was the "dessert of the occasion." Prof. Ladd then made a few announcements, and the exercises were over for the day. In the evening, at .4 o'clock, a meeting of the faculty was held. .:.,'.-,. The-prospects of a successful session are most" -flatterlngT-" 'Though "not so many pupils . haye Srfrivedj pii Ahe Hill as at the5' same time lasf year, yet they are fast coming in, and its success mmt surpass that of last year. Smoker aoi Opium-Eaiers in Congress. Boston Herald, iiro The report that Senator Carpen ter is killing himself with1 niebtine, by smok ing twenty cigats. a day, is a reminder that others areiuffering from the; same sort of excess. Most of . the smokers in Congress ' smoker too , mtiehv?;!ome of them carry'a'tiigU'in'.ctheirimoaths all the time. There are Senators aiid mem bers who never walk-down the avenue without a 'stump of st'-cSgat4etween their fingers.- One;- prominent man in; 1 Congress is rapidly killing himself with opium, and one of ;,, the. doorkeepers of; the flouse is at the point of death f rorrV the same cause. -The toUhliCf man. I re- ter to is: a-zonular ma. respectea man, whose strange ways nave ,iong oeen a wonder to those "who do hot know of his secret habit. Ha iaa kind and ge nial gentieman, Jbut he is liable to pass !his best friendv'iwith a blank star .half aii hottf, after he "has "met him pleasant-, lv in; conversation. - His fitalof abstract tion and depression amount almost to 1 cfazmesn At times, he IS; so odd and t r . .K , 1 ,ru prum rtrj.:y-.,i21, v.r io'rvi tS r vwnw""" "?VV w useful public service, if he would. e ...... - URiSF KEVSfITEM . w'i ri ; v.' ; The mayor of Clticago haa .ordered a reduction'of 25 per centin the expendi tures ..Qf-s the .departments pf the city. gOVe'i&iiQettlw " .'A j- - The natidWar board- of ;healtH have adopted ' the report of fhe naval board, iiifavoi 'of Prof . JamRfee's planf or a jre-f. frigeratiiig ship. ; ,( :sK ;.: i"'-- -' .'. Boston celebrated the 104tb anniver sary of the battle of .Bunker HillTues- day bV'a general suspension of business, a profuse display of bunting on public and private buildings, and a rowing re gatta on Mystic river, ,'given under the auspiees ot- thftt-ity, and witnessed by TUo worklngmen's municipal nomi nating convention,. of rSan T FranciscO metauesdayj cuose Jearneyt ior presi- rtprif anci adooted- a platform pledging the tiftrtr to secure a reduction of 40 per cent. in city taxes ; provides that H ChW natown" shall be ;obUterated,:;atfd! the Chinese forced tor live outside the city ; that the income of the .water: company shall not exceed $500,000 per ; annum. and that all riottihees shall pledge them Rftlvea to accenta reduction of 40 to. 50 per cent, of existing salaries. t ON We will make a clearing sale oi a large lot of Fine Dress Shirts north 2.00 last season, now to be closed out at ONE DOLLAR They are oi New York Mills Muslin, and Linen 2200 fine, but from carrying In stock the muslin .has. become a little yellow, though In no way injuring the perfection ot the Shirt, but we have adopted exclusively the King Patent Sleeve Adjustable Shirt, and for this reason propose closing out our former line at a sacrifice. It Is the one grand opportunity of the season fet 'a genuine bargain, and we invite our friends to an Immediate Inspection. June 15. , M O S Q U C A. VARIOUS SHADES OF LACES FOR TRIMMING OF BUNTINGS. A Beautiful Assortment of LADIES' WHITE AND BLACK LACE SCARFS, Black and Colored Silk Mits, Silk Fringes, id Gloves in every shade and variety Kid A Splendid Assortment in all kinds ot Dress (ioods. Anotner imi or tne mosi r asmonauie Aimuiery iihs Added to this Department. LOW PRICES AND SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT WITTKOWSKY & BARUCII'S. Our 87.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. Our $12.E0 English Tweed Suit sells now for $10. Our $18 and $20 French and English Casslmere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re duced prices. Unlaundrled shirts for 50 cents. The very best made in the United States for $1.00 Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, and all goods in proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices. Respectfully, June 1, 1879. " L- BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. :. ' I -.J .:: Via Steamers toTortsrnth;; est irossible Time ta all Jroints foovrtp ana boutnwest. , yo DRAY APE, NO COMMISSION, KO IT4 KTjT'lj' "EXPENSES, MINIMUM ISrSUBANCE. Mark Good plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight received UbUrof ife iy fco?thTongh BUls of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For Information as to .Tariff, Schedules, Ac, apply to either f the undersigned. . April 30-7d5m. TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE o -03-8' - ; - t l " PIANOS ,! 2 flS f r xfl I .1-1 VJJ- SONVId Ll a ,1 ,t? McMfi 1 . as i:TRf6S""StlEEC''iNStRleE'' BUILDING. " "" '4.1 1 1 ijr.vh i OF- ONLY OtiE MLL&R. MONDAY, 16th INSTANT, . Respectfully. Respectfully, JDST RECEIVED. A FULL LINE OF r. IT O NETT ING, IX PINK,-WHITE AND BLUE. o ALSO A LINE OF JST O P I E 8 . o -ALSO- o Also a new lot of Ladies' Hatp. Bretonne and Torchon Laces, of Prices. Linen and Cotton Lawns in Ill ? .nt..Tl0.t ill 9-jumH'KUW 0 I 111 Va.,;laiia .tHride; att'i!iWTlirx)ugh- Cars, Enabling Quick K. SL ; FINCH, South Western Agent, ) T. T.JSM1TH, Agent C. C. llailway, F. W. CLARK, General.Ereight Agent, ) j :.i : iP!IGlllIW!Ey nt : t iiit! u rASi'.i' ' .1 !' ' . . XMPOBTERSOF .: .Atx nnos of '.MtJSiCAL- Merdhandise, VIOLINS, GUITAR S '..!BAMiDs;;. ACCOllCEONs; FLUTES FIFES,' Drums, Band Instruments, SHEET MUSICS ic.,,&(S., Ac. AND JRETAJi, .uiJ 9iii A X-tsxicT, .Ji.noV w-iX .4 E. D. LATTA & BRO. white and figured. Cliarlotte, N. C. i rr BUILDING. i 111' II (DIIKILOTTIE ORGANS ' ' ' 1 I i :) I M-:P'3 f1 . M ; w fed 3L rin "K-fii f sNvoao - rd Of" -j' : 2. rr .. r si rv ... CI fl .1 v . ..... .,.. .. . .. - jl ! ,4 .1 .1 1 If 5i 'I 1 ; 1. ?! -3 3 4' 3. If - M 1 i 1 iO fw