- imm " ' : ... t. ' ' - J . ' : Iwf .'"' Tilt- tUAS. R. JIMKS, Editor and Proprietor "Free from the doting acrupUsthat fetter our ' free-born reason." .-. v, -;. ' tfRDIAY, JUXE 20, 1879. iv j - There are elements inside df-tlie De indcratle;j3&tyW har mpnioUv ciasUwlien ' a question ai finance is raised. For this reason it was hoped that after the passage of, the Bland bill, the remonetizatiori of sil ver and the resumption of specie-payments on the part of the government the two coins standing on the same footingy-the question of the finances would be laid aside and the differences within the par ty adjusted.,, They would have JL)eeiji had the question been allowed to rst tjhere. These results were a iompromisje of themselves: the soft njoney men gain4 ed their end in the passage of the Bland bill, and the hard-money men saw their victory in the success of resumption. 'But instead of resting the case there, Mr. Warner, of Ohio, springs another silver bill in the House, and the old feel ing between the two factions is revived. To such an extent has this gone that Mr. Bayard, a hard-money man, has ftfund it necessary to the maintenance of his own dignity to send in his resig nation as chairman of the finance com mittee of the Senate. Here is a most disagreeable state of affairs. One of the truest, ablest and best men of the party has been driven to this extremity, and the resignation is now pending with the probability of its being not accepted. We are pleased to note that in the Sen ate Democratic caucus, held last Tues day, Mr. Gordon made a speech, "which is described on all hands as one of great fervor and eloquence," in opposition to accepting Mr. Bayard's resignation, well designating that gentleman, in the course of his remarks, as "the truest of the true." It is worth while to notice the causes leading up to this state of things All the difficulty grew out of Mr. Bayard's preference that the Warner bill should go over nntil the December session. Only this and nothing more. On ac count of this it is moved that the fin ance committee of the Senate be dis charged from the further consideration of the bill and the Senate take it in its own hands. This implying a reflection npon the chairman of the committee, he very properly resigned. Passing by the merits and demerits of the Warner bill, everybody must have seen by this that it is altogether ill-timed. Had its introducer and man ager exhibiied the proper wisdom he would have withheld it until the regu lar session, or, having introduced it, would have consented to its going oyer after seeing to what its discussion was leading. In point of fact there is no necessity for it, the finances having been too much tinkered with already, and in point of policy it should have been held back at least until the December ses sion. YET AGAI.V. Jt would appear to be almost unnecessary to do so again, but for mere truth's sake we are prompted to repeat that The Observer has never nominated Hendricks and Church as the next national Democratic ticket. An editorial in the llaleigh News, treat ing this ticket as of The Observer's suggestion, inspires us to again disavow the responsibility for it. As the News manifestly did not see the original ar tide on the subject as it - appeared in these columns, nor yet a subsequent de nial of our responsibility for it, it in all probability will not see this; therefore instead of asking it for a; correction we make the correction ourselves. X-The sum and substance-of tho matter is that a communicatroTT)addressed "To the Editor of The, Observer," and signed "Two Demota." appeared in the issue of this paper.;bf the 20th of May. This paper referred to the com m unication editorially, and "character ized the proposed ticket as another ad-J dition to the list of available names--neither endorsing nor repudiating itr xna while upon4 the subject wetafceV occaion4ofiay again that weare noOJon is gotnttglyi4a in the business of President inakine: at present. It is tbo'f ar off by twortbirds: or three-fourths to commit one's self irrevocably to or against any man for the presidency next year. ''Many men are made and marred in a year's time, and it is folly for any one to undertake now to say who will be th strongest man next year. lie who is atthis'tfrmi may be the weakest then, and of ail' those who have been mentioned he who is the weakest nvf; a year hence may bethe strongest, ' For this reason we have not been able to see the utility or the wisdom of making much noise thus far ahead for or against, any particular, man or men. There is time enough ior! that if, indeed, it need to be done at all. North Carolina Politics. The North" Carolina; correspondent of the NewlVork-Tfwes has resumed his worfc of speculating upon the futurV of poli tics in this State; He very wisely treats the question 'without any reference whatever to the Republican arty; but this is the anlparticular ifo whicb'jbe does manifestly great dom. . He pictures a purely-imaginaty warfare between a : half jdozen jaUegeA factions of the' Democratic parly in this Stateattd m the basis pf this imaginary; state of affairs makes and breaks slates with the uf moat facility. rHb;8pecula lions are based upon nothing and lead nowhere and the purpose pf hemearK not be divined by any human being: 17 ..--', .-y'.?, . ' 'i ' -; - - They have a female walking match in progress at: Petersburg, Ta, .and it is drawing largely. Three or four women . are. engaged,: and Tuesday one" of them made two consecutive miles in'tw'elve minutes each.. " t : .. Two hundred and fifty-seven' drink ing saloons do business in the city of ::-Richmond;?f?At , P ij J " TAIi.ni Physldatu are prescribing Dr. Bnn'a Babr gyrup because mej Know n u wooa remear wr chllUren, and la warranted not to contain either Opium. Morphia, Paregoric or Laudanum, tneUtae of the usual sooth; ilng remedies. PEftTAlNlSG TO fiAli.&0Ai)& A correspondent asked us, in The Observer of the 15th, f what manage- u -row,,., x-wt, rni; poii: t road is under? Whether of -the Btate of North Carolina or. the Eichmond, Va merchants? through " the Richmond & Danville Itailroadf We have passed the question oyer until now, when our neighbor, the Democrat, insists that we answer iLWecarr answer the Demo crat in' its own Words : "We hear con siderablempMnl,but iarenough with the- facts to make-a de cide staent" but this; begging the question. At the same time it is the best answer we can render. Little can be learned by outsidersof the workings of railroad companies, and we do not know what the "policy" of the manage ment of the Western North Carolina Railroad is, if it has any 8pecJalfpoli cy."J We havebeard it said that it has cnargea a great aeai more; on; from Wilmington and Charlotte;deliv-Ued ered to it at Statesville, than it does on freight from Richmond, intended for the same point, delivered to Salis bury, notwithstanding" ; in the flatter case it actually hauls it twenty-five miles further. Why this is so, if so, we do not undertake tq say.because we do not know ; that it is so, we could not swear, and yet with the aid of a "squire" we could most probably, prove it. Still, this is not answering the ques tion asked, our inability to do which was acknowledged in the outset. When one Georgian hounds another's steps and shoots him without provoca tion, they send him to the penitentiary for life ; when another shoots the man f who Iras .destroyed his domestic happi ness they; likewise send him to the penitentiary for life, thereby giving; the same grade tq , both, of the crimes, though the jury is allowed to consider the circumstances. It appears from this that in Georgia justice there is some thing a little "pecooliar." Prince Louis Napoleon, the Prince Imperial of France, has been killed by the Zulus, according to a cable dispatch from Capetown. He is the last of a long and illustrious line, and with his death perishes the last prospect of a re establishment of the empire in France. END OK THE DIER HKAKN CASE. Not Guilty of Murder, but Manslaughter. Guilty of Snow Hill, June 19. The jury in the Duer case came into court at 9.15 with a verdict of "guilty of murder with a recommendation to the mercy of the court." The judge informed the fore man that the verdict must be formal and the reply must not be guilty of mur der but guilty of manslaughter. The foreman s answer was made but before the verdict was recorded Mr. Ciisfield, counsel for the defence, demanded a poll of the jury. When the eighth juror, Edward F. Causey, was called, he an swered, "not guilty." His reply caused a sensation in court and appeared to af ford relief to many in the court house. The judge then said as the jury had not agreed they would have to retire for further consideration. At 11.10 the jury again came in court and in reply to the usual question answered "not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter" The sheriff took charge of the prisoner and the court took a recess until 2 o'clock, Later, Judge Wilson pronounced sentence upon Misg Duer this after noon for the killing of Miss Hearn. In view of. the prisoner's previous good character and the recommenda tion of the jury to the mercy of the court, he remitted) the imprisonment ana simpiy? sentenced her to pay the maxiraum fine nrescriled by law, vizt ty marshals for services in connection 50Q.- ""bvith elections or on election dav.l "The THEEmiSII WALtlXG MATCH. oxrxk, June 19. Public interest in the international pedestrian contest in creasesA EnK'iC kiUihe. fVack at 15 mbte8jat-40-o'elockrteekiig -rather aueeC His record at that time rai asa miles antWiaps. , Ata fewjniButes jWjniButes -after lrlo SYef competed the sa v uiaiauub cvuu. iriiifimrii- fcrir-- Liia iracK. jy ' sikoot-irom' ine , ceowu an noUncedthat ne:had taken 4he-iead in thbesttiine for- tlie--distc eiei yet r Ier. Atjs y.iDBrovnj is stniii&iarn ' ttfclpsion ibn thexack walking slowly and wear- prbspeets of tome. nig an elastic suporter on the righjfc be bis last performance in London, sn he wjll endeavor, to cover ,550 miles. rLATER. The 1 scores' ,of the ' pedes- iniva mt iq'p. rin., swerexnAveston, 369 miles, Brown, SQOU. .1- TQE LAST OF TUB LINE. JPrince Louti Jfapoleon Killed by the LQ2sbX& Anna 19 A lleuter dispatch from Capetown, dated June 3d, via Ma deira to-day, states a that Prinee Louis Napoleon; Prince Imperial , of France, accompanied by t other Officers; left Col. Woods camj) to reconnoitre. The party dismounted in a, mealie -field, when the nemy crept upon them and killed the recovered. " ' ' ' ' " " Alleged Riot in Minnesota. St. Paul, June 18. The Governor was summoned at midnight, last night, to iTracy, Minn, the terminus of the Hastings and LlakotaEailroad. to sup press a riot caused by three hundreds laborers and .tramps. He left ftf3 p; m? to-day. . C t U i i f ti I 1 1 St Patjl, June 19. It was an ffifc. necessary alarm about the railroad riot. It seems that three hundred ' la borers, employed oav the New Chicago' &: Dakota road, struck on account of not beingiprbtnpy ipaid, ajidi inade a nOisy demonstration and frichtfinftd .t.h ifiheriff, who called on the Governor fori ww,a. j.hv ueeii iuuu andquietisrestorei,, , - -- - t The iFaU Riitfin Tradi!. i IX ALL KIVER. MA68-Jtine 1?.- It ascertained this afternoon that n.t twAIMr ftriiipiiHriT? ksh iu -.- utw 4n- z ifts i uuviuvu juuiBBu uubiuc oi mw3uuau.-i wuii worK naa vec Deen given, ynite a large number of spinners have with drawn their notices from one corpora tion, and there are said to be scattering similar, actions' 'at one 'or 'two other mills. Fire In the Metropolitan York. Motel Kew ;.. New York, June 19. -A fire broke wit thin morntog; to, the ,Metrppolitan .Hotel, the flames bursting from the roof of the extension at'ChiMbvand-' Prince streets, between the main building and bucclo, uciwteu ine main uuuuiujj uuu i ANOTHER NIGHT SESSION. THE SENATE SIYTJNiriffi WJT& n . THJS ZLRMll -lilLU 11 &- fu' ; ." f . 4 ,' Hot Words BetweenXamar and Conk' iingAWote on the Army BUI to -: ? be Had To-Day-Qarfield on His High Horse in the House. Washington. June 19. Senate. The . Senate .lmainedinBession ill night. The Democrats refused to ad Ounf'unlear the'Kepublicans r wouTd agree toffee a, time for a vote on the arury bUl o-day and the night was passed i fh-4-oll calls t and attem pts to; compel the attendance of absent Sena tors. At an early hour this morning: an excited personal controversy took place between Conkling and Lamar, in which Lamar pronounced a statement of Conkling's a falsehood, and which, he said, he repelled with all the unmiti gated contempt that he felt for the au thor of it fj , f v-ij -h:-U I Conklingin ai0ering hin?, said that if the member from Mississippi impu- or intended, to npute falsehood to jiiuj, iiutuiii Aucpi uie xmuii tiiitu iimi was the Senate would prevent his de nouncing him as a blackguard, coward and liar. ! Lamar replied that the Senator un derstood him correctly. He begged the pardon of the Senate for unparliament ary language, and said it was servere it was such as no good man would de serve and no brave man would wear. The discussion of the power of the Senate to send for absent Senators was resumed. A motion of Burnside to compel the attendance of absentees having been agreed to, the sergeant-at-arms at 9 : 45 a. m. proceeded to the exe cution of the order. At 11 :50 Withers made a parliament ary inquiry. It was . whether, if the Senate adjourn now, the legislative day of Thursday would commence at noon. The chair responded ifirthe affirmative, and, on motion of Withers, the Senate adjourned1 and re-assembled at noon. The chair stated that owing to the length of the previous session, the jour nal was not completely made up, and suggested that the reading thereof be dispensed with. Conkling objected and insisted on the observance of the rule, which provides that the first business is the reading of the Journal. Davis, of West Virginia I take it Conkling (interrupting) I object to all debate. The chair said the reading of the jour nal could not be dispensed with except by unanimous consent. 1:30. The Republicans are engaged in parliamentary tactics to prevent ac tion of all kinds. Later. Filibustering by the Repub licans continued until after 2 o'clock when the chair said that at the iexpira tion of the morning hour he should have announced the resumption of the consideration of the army appropriation bill and did so now, Carpenter, of Wis consin, being entitled to the floor. Carpenter proceeded to explain why the Republicans resorted to parliamen tary tactics last night He said the en tire day was consumed not in debate on the army bill but in the delivery of cam paign speeches, and then after 6 o'clock the Democrats insisted on a vote upon the bill and cutting off further debate. If now the Democrats would agree to adjourn he had no doubt a vote could be reached to-morrow. He then added, with the consent of the Republicans generally, that no attempt would be made to delay proceedings to-morrow beyond the limits of proper debate. After further remarks ; by , Withers and Conkling in which the former said there was no time yesterday when he would not have consented to such ar rangement as that now suggested, Car penter's proposal was agreed to and, on motion of Thurman, the Senate ad journed. House. McMahon, of Ohio, submit ted a conference report upon the judi cial expenses bill. Under the report, section 2 of the bill will prohibit the making of any contract or the incur ment of any liability under any of the provisions of title 2Q of the Revised Statutes authorizing the appointment or pavment of ereneral or snecial rierm- report is under discussion. L Monroe, of Ohio, one of the conferees on the part or the House, explained the reason of bis opposition to the report and injanswer to Cox, expressed his in tention torvote aeainst 4t.Cox himself intimating fhat.;Ire "would do the same -out tor a umerentj-easdri. n -Garfield then "inade aj strong speech, laying down thesjlepablica'n policy on the question, arguing that the bill was a nnmftcation of ifie law ; that it placed the President in an attitude where he nt,jtbritbsjerve.-his 0Htl and exe cute the laws and thereby subject him self to impeachment, or must violate his oath and his conscience. No Presi dent wojfld allow nimself to be put in spch an attitude, and, "therefore," he "farewell to all We stay." This declaratioft!JVas erreeted with Papplapae on the Republican, side. i-rmngeir:repuecL ameJaVand de-clared-thataf the President" altered this bill he put himself in the attitude of de fyhig,the majority? in Congress stnd id marialng of that majority to do what was -wrong.' J They would not do it never. Jeering remarks on the Re publican side of -Mwhat; 'never !" McMahon sustained the report against the argument of -Garfield, and provoked the derisive jeers of the Republicans by an allusion to the President as "His Fraudulency." ,. ( , , , The discussion was closed by the speech from McMahonrafterTu!nn;he vote was taken and, the conference report aQoptea py a since to. 79. - -i' xne iouse tnen took uo provide foifthe exchange of trade dol lars for legal tender silver dollars, and after, speeches by; Cqx and Stephens adopted an amendment providing that the trade dollars recoined under this act shall not be counted a a part of the coinage of silver authorized by the act of February 28, 1878, The bill was then" passed without division and the House adjourned " f ft M jfT'J atlan. Motions for Xew Trials, TLAnta. June 19. Aferumentstan ttifi Cox case on the motion for agew 'fciaj w1II:rtakft'-iplace--tc-imori,ow. ritis not 'believed tjiat it will be granted. I4kejroceeding will be commenced in the lull case. ; ; - L SPICKS rilOH TUE WIRES ft 'Ehree hrjaidred helpers and puddlers" employed n the Allentown (Pa.) rolling mills, struck Wednesday-eight1 for an: advance of 5; cents per heat, and the- parrytvotej(otao2 the bill to waS-XA Brussels dJsTinfnK aawa lha olfimn. v7urj'ri"w"!,'i" uiiwji.iy opposea, Has passed the senate oya-Tt?i)r33to3i. -ane win of Baron Rothschild dispo ifrtersonallty to amount of isdeadinalCarfadi Tra'?)f ,.Illestaues anl Sportsman -challenge it fse ,5 t0 Hanlon,Jwlg), next r-hiWuld be Pleased if the S but rhydcome to Toro ?andin? hfrJrth caAuse misunder U gr , wPl1di returns to .Eneland toroany bona filliallend persons deslnns fmn .ju diseases of Price 25c TELEGRAPHIC MARKET , REPORTS 1-7 ii JUJ19. J879 tl -'PEODUCI. j t. rrvnnrwATT THonf AiIIj-' famOf 5.20a6.0a Wheat dull; red I.i0a.ia Con lnll at 88a Oats dull at S2a35. Fork doll at 10.50. Lard dull and drooping; current make 6.15. Bulk meats firm; shoulders beld at 3.80, cash sales at 4.00, seUer August, short ribs 5.00, short clear 5,15; bacon quiet and flrm: shoulders 4Vt, clear ribs &ys, clear sides 5 whiskey steady at 1.01. But ter auiet? tancr creamery. 17al8, choice Western feseiye I2al8 choice Pentral Ohlo9all Sugar steady; hards 9a9 A white 8i4a8, New Or leans 61474. Hogs . firm ; common 3.00a3.60, light 3.60a3.80, packing 3.70a90, butchers 3.95.. 4.02; receipts XAlXi shipments 06Q. Nkw Tom Flour-no decided change: No. 2 2-35a&10, superfine Wefrtemand State 3.45a3.55 common to -good -extra Western and State 3.75a -3.80, good to choice do 3.y5a4.50; Southern flour quiet; - common' to- fair -extra : 4.75a5.60; good to choice do 5.65a6.75i Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.10a. 1.15, No. 2 do 1.15a.l64. Corn -ungraded 39ia43rNo. 8, 40V&. Oats, 37. Coffee : moderate demand; Rio quoted In car goes imal4& Job lots llalSVs. Sugar steady; Cuba 644, lair to good refining ft &16a7-16, prime HVa-. refined standard !A. r 7, granulated 8. powdered 84, crushed 8. , Molasses New Or leana 25a28. Bice in fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted, at 614a7, Louisiana 6at5i. Pork hew mess on the spot 10.25a30, old 9.50. Lard prime steam on spot 8.40a42. Whiskey dull at 1.0rta34. Freights firmer. . - COTTON. : i, Norfolk Quiet; I middling 1244c; net receipts 20; gross ; -stock 5,890; exports coastwise ; sales ;" exports to Great Britain , Bal,timok8--Du11; middling 12c; low middling 1244-; good ordinary 11; net receipts ; gross 71; sales stock 1,125: exports coastwise 15; spinners ; exports to ; Great Britain 150; to Continent ; to France , Boston Dull; middling 12o.; -low middling 1244; good ordinary 11; net receipts 87; gross ; sales : stock 4,455; exports to Great Britain 163. ' ' ' " ' "WruciNOTON Dull; middling 12c; low mid dling1 llc; good ordinary 11; net receipts 31 ' gross i sales ; stock 334; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . Philadelphia. Quiet; middling 124fec. ; low middling 124fec; good ordinary llc; net receipts : gross 1; sales ; spinners 137; stock 9,688; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Qutet; middling 12a44c; low mid dling 12c, good ordinary llc; receipts 14; shipments ; sales 1; stock Charlbston Quiet; mldd'g 1244c.; low mid dling 12c; good ordinary 1134c; net receipts 12; gross ; sales 30; . stock 892; exports coastwise 25; Great Britain ; France ; Continent : to channel . New Tobk Steady; sales 1.179; mid. uplands 12 5-16c,mitL Orleans 12 7-lfic; consolidated net receipts 449; exports to Great Britaiu 5,9211 France 225. Liverpool Noon Cotton quiet, Middling Uplands, 6L, middling Orleans, 6 15-16d.; sales 6,000, speculation and export 1,000, additional sales yesterday after regular closing, ; re ceipts 350. all American. Futures easier. Uplands low middling clause: June delivery , June and July 6 27-32, July and August 6, August and Sep tember 6 15-16, September and October 6 7-16, October and November .November and December . New crop shipped October and November , November and December -s September and Octo ber per sail . FINANCIAL. Nkw York Money 3a4. Exchange 4.87a44. governments weak. New 5's 1.034fe. Four and half per cents 1.5 Four per cents 1.02 State bonds dull. FUTURES. New York Futures closed steady. Sales 115, 000 bales. June. 12.31 12.44 August September 12 .23a.24 October ... 11.47 November 11 .11a. 12 December...... ll.03a.04 January 11 .06a.07 CITY COTTON MARKET. Office or to Obsbrtbr, i Charlotte. June 20, 1879, T The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling 12 Middling. 12: btrict low middling. , . 1 244 Low middling. i. 124 Tinges i2lfe Lower grades 94all CHARLOTTE PK PUCB MARKET r JUNE 12. 1879. CORRECTED DAILY. Corn, per bush'l 65a68 kal, " 65a70 r&A, .r.;., 65a70 Oats, shelled, .. 45a50 N. C. hog round 738 Hams,N.C. 9 Hams, canvassed. Ilal24i Clear Bib Sides. 6a644 Coffee Prune Bia 144feal6 ST6: Sugar-house 23a25 MoLAaags Cuba 35a40 New Orleans 86a50 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 Sugar Potatoes a Sweet jm- BUTFKR - North Carolina. I. I0al5 Boos, per dozen..., j 1214 Flour j ,a family 3.00a3.50 ftra- - 2.75a3.00 Super..... 2.25a2.50 3i$jcjeHatic0tts. JJARPEB'S WEEKLY. , -1 8 7 9. I LUSTBATED. NOTICES Or TBB PRESS. The Weekly remains easily at the head of Illus trated papers by Its fine literary quality, the beauty of its type and Woodcuts. Springfield Republican. ' Its pletorlal attractions are superb, and embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment Zlon's Herald. Boston. The Weekly is a potent agency for the dissemi nation f correct political principles, and a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. Evening ExpreaStBochester. HARJPEIi'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magaaine, one year, 4 00 Harper's Weekly, u " ........ . 400 Harper's Bazar. 4 qq The Three publications, One year;.... .10 00 Any Two, one year,.....;.' 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year, v. 20 00 Terms for large clubs furnished on appplication. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. . ; :; ; . r- The annual volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent . by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re ceipt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. ,j T ; , . Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will, be sent by mall, postpaid, ' on receipt of S1.00 : Bfflnlttances should be made by poBtofflcB money order ot draft, to avoid chance of loss..- ' Newpapers are not to copy this advertisement without the-express order of Harper ft Brothers. Address! i h: i , HARPER BBOTHEhS, decll ..i ... v Uew York. ICE ! ICE ! AT TII SAME OLD STAND, Wlferfe I am prepared to furnish a superior quality to all who may want Ice. My cart will also make dally deliveries at places of business or private residences; 'Orders given the driver, addressed to toe through ? O. Box 153, or deUvered to me at office on lot of Bock Island Factory, will receive prompt attention. Customers who begin with me will be supplied the entire season at the following figures : In quantities less than g lbs., 2c per lb. of 5 to 50 lbs., 14fec per lb. " of 50 lbs. and up, . 144c " Thfl nhAvo ftmrnu ara fha noma - vi. t w : jvw V ihv OfMUV CM TCUlUll aco lias been sold for the last two seasons, when I had competition; and as I have unsurpassed facilities to conduct the business on a legitimate principle, consumers will consult their Interest by giving me atrial. .. . -. .. ,. Ice for shipping in any quantity carefully packed and forwarded with dispatch. f Thankful' tor your patronage' In the past, I re spectfully ask a continuance of the samev ! ,. "i,; n , J.T., ANTHONY. . iftnn I FEE SIMPLE DEEDS,', ; vurqrrifMCST'APPBCyEDrORlf, 't . l' Uust Printed and For Sale at the . . . In Ladles' and Misses' Lasdng and Leather Button and Lace Boots and Newport Ties They will tecGon without cost or, necessity of Tips, increases wear of 1 sole 80 per cent, have the flexibility v . . v ... Wekeepnly . t - J - - In Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes the best makes. June 8, 1879. We have just received a nice line of ZIEGLER'S SHOES, Consisting of LADIES' BUTTON, LACE AND CONGRESS BOOTS, SLIPPERS, NEWPORTS, CHIL DREN'S PEARL SHOES. Also a beautiful lot of GENTS' 44 NEWARK WORK," COMPRISING Gaiters, Oxf jrd and Strap Tis, PLAIN AND BOX TOE, Which we are now prepared to offer at extremely low prices. Thanking our friends for past favors, and wlsh lng to merit a continuance of the same by keeping the largest stock, best assorted, SELLING LOWER, And strict attention to business, with polite young men to show goods without trouble. W. S. FORBES, Agent, Smith & Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St June 13. PEGRAM & CO., 1st National Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, r Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags, With them you can find THE BEST STOCK IN CHARLOTTE. ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, McCuIlough & Ober, Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGRAM SHOES. Call sure before buying. Orders have -personal attention. April 0, 1879. PEGRAM A CO. OFF ICE OF PIEDMONT NURSERIES, 1 Greknbbobo, N. C, May 31, 1879. f I propose to give, to the patrons of the Piedmont Nurseries, The benefit of the traveling agents' commission on my Nursery stock, consisting of Fruit Trees, Ac, and have reduced the price 60 per cent Apples and Peaches, 1st class, 3 to 6 teet; fine Improved Fruits as are grown in North Carolina, and ready tor Inspection. Reference given to any Nursery In Guilford county. Peaches and a ppies running from the earliest to the latest varieties. Trees wiU be packed in good strong boxes or bales, and de liveredto railroad depots or express offices without anv extra enaivn fnriwna m iaiit. t m - , ucuiu;. . x Will 1UT- nish at the following low rate: Peaches and Ad ples in any quantity, Improved fruit, 10 cents each. Apples, Figs, Cherries, 33 cents. -Ornamental Trees. Rosea and dinners Kin rt.i:r .00 sold by any nursery In North Carolina. vu wowwuiHui; uie wmera. Any one not hav ing cash may ffli out note, signed by purchaser, to wh?)f8fr;NHteto aeconipany trees and paid i.. uoureicu, iiurcuasera paying alt Jrelghts on same. Trees will be shipped hi n St,n?i0r1Sring. ""Jst?16 Plainly where to ship. cheerfuUy. aS anteed. Send in orders at once. . " r J very respectfully,' Proprietor of Piedmont Nurseries. June 7-4od0m. . " " FIRST-CLASS GOODS TEACHERS & STUDENTS" $100 or $200 per month during vacation. For full particulars address J. C. McCURDY & CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. ' TIT? AT? ft TP Please write for large, JFj1-1X tO Hi . Illustrated Catalogue of RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS. Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa. The only combination of the true Jamaica (iintrer with SAHFORD'S choice Aromatlcs and French Brandy for Cholera, -Cholera Morbus. CramDS and Pains. Diarrhoea. Dysenterry, Dys JAMAICA GINGER. pepsia, Flatulency, want of tone and activity in the stom ach and bowels, and avoiding the dangers of change of wa ter, food and climate. ASK FOR Sauford's Jamaica Ginger. LAME RACK. BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER T few lflmATMiaa nt1 icaatrnaaa tf KnAl " j iTT v "Y"a"vo vx lucuuia uaui cum au iucai pains ana acnes, tne best reme dy known. It was Invented to overcome the slow w. v-. j . Va VU0 Aiooiio, Xti ICllCTCH pain at once and cures where other plasters will nnr Hxmn nlfnn oi j 1 m . . joit. icucTo. ouiu tjverywiiere oy lJrugeists, txa Estate. R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In my hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte. N. C. declO 2Jew iXwrtisjcwcixte. RYEGJIIAM AND WHEAT BREAD AT PRATHER'S. CAKES! CAKES! Pound Sponge, Fruit, jelly, and all kinds of Fancy Cakes at PRATHER'S. May 22. Trade Street NOTICE ! We have on hand 25 of the Celebrated WEBSTER WAGONS One, two and three horse, which we are anxious to close out, and will sell LOW FOR CASH, Or on time till November 1st, without interest Every Wagon warranted for 12 months. Come and see them. R. M. MILLER & SONS. Democrat and Home please copy. June 8. Hjofcels. F IELD BROS., WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH. POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac. Exclusive Dealers In ''. i -, ... .,(1.,. .. , . t RAMSOUR & BONNrWELL'S and 'A. L. SHU- ' itlti.i ' i .. - FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PHOfHIBTOBaOTHS CHARLOTTE HOTEL, . , CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept to first class style. ;;; x erms, J-er iay v . . , , . ?i, . . . bi,, - qq & Great taducemengjrffered to table boards Oi vouus 5c uits proprietor. l- "Omriibus and Carriages at every traln.. FTELDBROTHERS ...Proprietors. Mr. H. S. Wn.soN T.mv anurh.. Hmr Wilfono," 3SK feb9 ,- . :y. -;V'VV , $2.()0 :; Marshall r;:r: $2. .!K?;'Cla,.B;M?dS; ?- -4,.-t.,:-i., " SAVANNAH, G A,' A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. . Reduced rate$2.00 and $2.50, according to'lew Hon of Room. , M.j U haENETT,, Clerk, late of Planters? Hotel not "rip," have ah Indettructib' t of hand-made thoes aim , , , .. cusi no more than OTdinniT ... P "n r BX T 00 01 i-- Trade Street, next door to Mrs. Q jen C gPABKLING CATAWBa SPRKtesT .,. WESTERN. N. C. Long and favorably known for their anti h, for ass m addition the TurkSh holr vanS teld baths, if desired. UUMlir' vPor aud medicateu .8pllngs suated 7 miles north of the Western North Carolina RairnLrT koiT 0,1 finest road in the State For fortnertnover th address the proprietor! OTIUrtner taformation. may25 3taw su tu thu ' ELLI0TT- M- I. waraTspringsT 0 WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESORT. H JirdC0ld w?te,r- unaurpassed mountain cll mate, unequaled scenery, and magnincen h tel accommodations for eight hundred luests H. t' baths, In conjunction with climatic lnnulnces ,i junel lm WnL H" HOWERTON, Propr.e.o, H.J.ALSPAUGH'S CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, TaylorsvlUe, on the r jucAtinuer i-ounty climate as JSSSW ,.5r5. Booms Provisions cheap. Fo7furthertlc Little River P. O., Alexander w'' NLC PAUH may281ni CIea?eland Mineral Spriugs WILL OPEN JUKE 1, 1879. , " V. 'W3 11UUJ OilClUV. . . I and one mile ft jm C. C. Railway. Hacks will be at Spring's station on arrival of every train. Band of mns1r nnH nfhor maana ...... . for the comfort and enjoyment of guests. THE TABLE will be furnished with the best that the mar' et af-' Rates to suit the times. S. Mc. POSTON, Proprietor, L. Williams, Superintendent May 14 aow THE SALUDAHOTEL. Invalids or nlOAStirA coolrara wVi Hndna n HnPTlfl fl. fpW WPflra nt rha hnt desirable locality, are informed that the SALUDA HOTEL Is now open to the public. Situated on the Spar tanburg and Ashevllle Railroad, forty miles from Spartanburg, only a few miles from Flat Rock and Hendersonvllle, in a delightful climate, and sur rounded by splendid mountain scenery, few places can offer more attractions. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Terms low. A. TANNER, Proprietor. June 3 lm. SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladies buying Parasotesanfti Sun Umbrwttas will find the best assortmeut at the lowest prices at ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will abo find other goods to suit them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fan and Staple DRY GOODS is now complete, among which may be fotmd a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings in Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask in White, Slate, Red and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels In every variety; Car pets, Rugs, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, COR SETS; FANS AND TIES. Ask far see tmrTen- Oeirts LmeirCambric- Hand kerchief and $3W Umbrellaa?)You will find them cheap, and everything else la propojtlon. Call and see us. It will pay you. ELIAS & COHEN. (&xaczxits. ATTENTION I . -!"-r!'f 1'irni 1 - tin; .,. LADIES. LADIES. JUST ; receiied $v&Vjiffithiti IpRANGES. LEMONS.' . riNE APP1.TTS "R A ViM AS and Choice French and Plain CANDIES, Choice Jellies. Mustard and Canned Vrultau nrul Pkkla of sverr description. -: AAreah supply oIGEAVMSjV&QAXJW and fresh Crackers of every description. CREAM CHEESE, i FTETY ; BARRELS, OF; THE i CELEBRATED - .'-.. h . ;i.v iiVlra-. I : ' ' --, ;i -. i ; 'ii'f '...ri '.1 ' ; i . 'to BRIDGEWATEHfJ CHEAPER GRADES:- CHEiPfeR GRADES. Sugars, Coffees and anything that can be found in ' -Uil.5f.H i-frt.VUMI fT;-' 1 a flret-class Grocery House. . -;

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