i Tl'Ji'Jt!T't - SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily', one year, Ipoetxxid) in odvantk HS OB&XRYZM JOBDXPARTlfXMT - Ba btekorougk)to ' toariUeA oim' toaiiltetdtA want,9ndioUh the LaieA Stylet pf Type, and every manner Qf Joft Work ctm note Jmatmtmk meatmen, dispatch end cheapnete. Wtcan turnieh, at Blurt .i860 Six uomnt. One Month... ......... .,....,,.,, WEEKLY EDITION : I MUNtTH, Sn.lJTIAnSr iriUy, (ieotm)inawa.........;...$2 00 LXTIXM-BMAnS, 4JAMD3, r r,f . TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS. PAMPHJ4XTS, CIRCX7LARS, CHECKS, dO. out of it county, postpaid,. .... ... 2 .....v.-. 1 VOL. XX. -J . , . . . WHOLESALE AND "RETAIL pbaLkr im 1UKNITUKE 1 BEDDING, &0. BEDDING, AC. BEttDINO, tO. BEDDING, Sol FURNITTJKB! KUKNITURK ! AKullLtneof :..:; ...i-; CHEAP BEDSTEADS t CHEAP BEDSTEADS If (LOUNGEtn i.nfrwr.ESt 1,1 1 II ! i liOTOGES t- -.:, '": 1XMJNGES . ' : ; ' s-'LOCNGE8l yPARLOB AND CHlMBEB SUITS I ' -I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I -jar-COFFINS of kll ktndW on h4M! L T COFFINR of all kinds on hand. , No. 5 Wkst Tbatjs Stkbet. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a I line supply. : i i Jan3 jargains . .-:. ,:f' IM m t v CRHRim 5 if URRB KKK UR BE URBB EB r U UK J1NH A 11 KF p URRB RNB II tT V JJR BN JIN II. r UU R, BN Hit U T T T UK BB UU B BBBB AT K. H. KOUERS' WA REROOMfe, Next to Po6toffic J Slock Is very Lar and embraces a Full Uneof PARLOR, CHAMBER. DINING BOO AND OFFICE FURNITURE All Gooito Packed Free of Chanre-I ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! ISW FEATURES nwu tvnM for Bacon. Cora. Sugar, uonee, no lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels ot Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RTE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Haras. I seU fareash. All goods delivered e dfreeof cta -.'f'- '! . a i-ii. Trade Street ; Kdolo wnsm Blekfs old stand. ap 15. T7OR SALeTTTT The Bourgeoise and Minion type on whlchthls saMrwu lately tulntodL' It was made by the old SXson tfo&, of .Fhlladeljpimd wa not discarded because no longer fit tou but on ly because it became necessary to use a different X-leofhrDe. twlll do good service for several yeWttoome."lt111 be toWVlm iotr tqt sul mu lthrt mux . llUrMl . v .- - Ulliaitl Charlotte. N.Ct octS "T " FOR SALE.,a 1 ! That valuable property in this cltytoown the Tannery of Alexander, Allen McBee. This Tan nery is mvealenUy located, and has all the latest Improved machinery. , , . . .i Bark and hides low and in abundance. , v For particulars address thiacs. Attorney lor Alexander, Allen McBee . Hay 9th, 1879 dleod3mw3m VELLIMPB0VIED. Any perjwo desiring to purchase a weU topwwd live minutes walk of the public square, can be ac We havA lust received hv a late emress a nice and full line of black, white and all the shades of i I LACE SILK MITTS. AJ30 a large lot of : CREPjE 11SSE RUFFLIN6 In black and white. 'Also a fair line of black and white SkM Facing," 'Also another lot of white 'j- -7. I'.i . Ji " -.ft:. iitfi Liiien and Victoria Laivns Too tan get the JPhlte BuDon.!PiIn fireryieheap. As the season for Sprine Goods Is passing, we call attention to the fact that we are now selling a steely trimmed i i. j i f LADIES' HAT FOR ABOUT HALE ITS VALUE. - Alse a nice Hue ot LADIES' LINEN SUITS, Closing out rery, cheap, and many other lines of goods at reduced prices. If any one is in need of a nice - DRESS SHIRT They would do well to call and procure a lot of our unlaundried shirts for less than the material can be bought. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLB & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. June 15. SPRING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN CO. We have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include the latest novelties In Men's, Youth's. Boy s ana unuaren s OOO L O O L O L O O L 000 LLLL OO O O 8 8 OO TTTT H H T H H T BHH T H H T B B II NN N II NN N n N N N II N HN UN P GGO O G G G GG GGG We Invite nubile Inspection, and we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every garment which Is sold at our house is warranted to be as represented, and in prloe less than can be bought eisewnere. we continue :o sen BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Cheaner than anv other house, as we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be ing the best in tne marge We present this season to the consumer a fine line of BootvShoes and Slippers, Including the best makes in the country. There ran alsn bet found in our stock a comtDlete line of fine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as tne cheapest BARGAINS nad at W. KAUFMAN A CO.'S, Corner Trsde and Tryon Sts., Charlotte. N. C. April 10. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TBAIKd GOING XA8T. NoTe Date, June 1, '79. No. 47 No. 45 Dafly Dally Daily ex.Sun. Leave Charlotte, 3.50a ml 3.56 pm " Greensboro,: 8.20 am 7.45pm Raleigh, 1) 80pm 1 5.45 a m 5.00am Arrive Goldsboro, 5.65 pm 9.55 a m No. 4.7 Connects at Greensboro with R. & D. R. r for an nolnts North. East and west At ooios- Hnvi nrtth w - w R k. for Wllmlneton. No. 45 Connects at Greensboro with R. 4 D. R. R. for all points. North, East and West. TKAIKS GOING WEST. ; No. 5. Date, June 1, '7ft JIa48 No. 42 Dally Dally. Dally, ex. Sun.- Leave Goldsboro, 10.10am 6.84 pm Mt Raleigh,-. r8.20PB 8.00 am Greensboro 8.40pm 7,16 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.37am 111.17am No. 48 Connects at , Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with tt; C. & A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line; Junction with A. & & A. L. Railroad for all points South and Na 47-Connect8 at Salisbury with W. N C. TL ft. daily except 8unday. At Air-Line Junction with aTC. A. ll for all points South and South-west. It Charlotte with &. C. 4 A. Railroad for all points South and South-west. . . SAIJEM BKANCH. leave Greenaboroydally exeept Sunday,v9.10 p m l Clulom ll.lOPm Leave Saiem, - , . av " ASve Greensboro, !( - " . 7.008 - : ,i M E (Ul vm i Connecting at ureensooro wuuuiuuo D. and N. U. itauroaon. MV.US- SLKEFIHO OAKS VTTHOOT CHANGS pttdrl both ways on Trains Nob. 48 andifj, eefeA ' L Vr.rv and Atlanta, via Richmond. GrewisDOTO and Charlotte, ana irom wieensooro tu ugus fmin Nn AX. and on Train No. 42 from New York to Greensboro, and on Train No. 45 from Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, OnidBhoro. Salisbury and Charlotte, and at aii rMnrfpal points South, south-west, Vest, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan- nj. nnH TJIVIU AfMrMUl f ' . .-, . J. R. MACMUKDO. : v.. . ii : Gen. Passenger Agent, Jun20 - ' ' r Richmond VaJ THE yORKYTLLE NEWS. -nw- iii h the name of a weekly Demo- HnewsDaner7the publication of which will bo commenced at an early day at Torkvilie, t. v., oy The Nxws will be a good advertising medium for the business men ot jwiarioe, as tue paper wm have a large circuiauun m io wuiww w unitim and Catawba, North Carolina. , . . . r. VSSSXS ihicrtDtlon will be $2 per annum. Address W.M.WABLICK, Professor James De MUle, at Brown University. Thua iwhlfi on earth Iniquities abound ?y earnest seekers God may still be found, he eternal verities of God are hers, And these she offers to her worshippers; Pureness in heart in action righteousness, . With pity lor our fellows In distress. , . , s The bright ehivalrous virtues, steadfaat faith? f Honor unstained, .courage that conquers death, , Just Judgment o'er ourselves, warm soman love, And crowning all a trust In God above;- f Though now the cemmon-p4ce-of dally life, These have been gained from centuries of strife, And long resisted have been won at last Through suffering in all ages ot the past Great Truth herself for us all these has gained, For us the long laborious strife sustained, Bearing these gifts of God through myriad years, She comes to us. In sweat and blood and tears. Obscure, by taunts and mocklngs harshly schooled. Despised, denounced, rejected, ridiculed, Suffering the stroke of power, the scorn of pride, Reviled, tormented, scourged and crucified; Until at last the awful pathway o'er, She rises up to the right hand of power, And over all who bless, and all who curse. Reigns the throned monarch of the universe And she shall reign, till all her work complete, All earthly things be put beneath her feet OBSERVATIONS. Ewing and Rice fought In the war. Each was a gallant trooper; And now they'll go for Fosters scalp, And that of Hickenloopetw . Kansas City Times. A Michigan girl coaxed her lover to take her car riage riding, and the horse ran away and killed her. Showing this paragraph to thegiris will be thousands ol dollars In the pockets of our young men. PhUa. Chronicle-Herald. A Chicago preacher says that every glass of beer swallowed by a man is charged against his record in heaven. If they would only charge it against his record here below the consumption ol that beverage svould Increase powerfully right away. Whether 'tis better at the barber's to bear the annovan( of the short loose hairs In your neck than to be blown upon with a breath redolent of unknown, but not the less potential odors that Is the question. Bos. Iran. Now we are to have a procession of George Washington bootrblacks. Uncle Pete Davis, of Maytleld, Ky., 106 years old, declares that he serv ed the General In that capacity "when he was young and charming." Bos. Adv. When the thermometer marks twenty degrees in the shade In Greenland, the ureenianaers go nrnnnH mnnninr thfl nersoiration off their brows nri nsicinc nnfl another. "Is It hot enough for T-nn 9" a nd t.hnv wish a thunder storm would come up and cool on me aunospnere. aumaivui. Herald. , "Ma. has sister Flov ever traveled any?" "No, child, no." "Then, when I was a-lyin' under tne sofy Sunday night, and sister and jmj. jonn came in from church and was a-settln' in the big rock in' chear, how came her to say that the nicest land she was ever in was Lapland?" If It be true that a word once uttered f orevermore reverberates through .space, the rumblings ol sophomoric eloquence already thundering upon the circumamDient air snouia cause unnumuereu col lisions of eloquence In the realm of matter, and knock everything clean out of kilter. Boston Trans cript. A correspondent wants to know if wearing a hat tends to make a person bald. We believe hvdoes. Women don't wear hats and they are not Daia at least they don't wear them on their heads, and so they are not bald there. Hats destroy hair. A wo man's hat Is worn on the back of her head, and that Is the reason women have to buy so mucn back hair. Danbury News. There is one poor boarding-house keeper who is going to be perfectly miserable for the next ween at least She has a new set of servants, and green servants are such a vexation! They haven't the faintest Idea of geometry, and it takes the average landlady at least a weeK's careiui aniung to teacu them how to arrange the- tablecloth in such a scientific manner that the holes will be under tne butter-dish, the castor and the coffee-urn. STATE 1VO KiW A Li SCHOOL, Second Day of tlie Sehioii A Large Attendance Expected. f Correspondence of The Observer. Chapel Hill, June 18 A good num ber of intelligent faces (and attentive glances) assembled promptly in the chapel at half-past eight. Though the number was not quite so large as on the second day of last session of the normal school, yet everything betokens a greater success. The exercises were opened by reaamg oi scripture Dy j-ror. Ladd, jail repeating after him, followed by singing and prayer. He then read some announcements in regard to the time and location of the recitations in the different departments, after which he proceeded to an enrollment or tne pupils present. We will give the coun ty representation, xc, another time. The pupils then dispersed to the vari ous recitation rooms. They assembled ain at twelve o clock, in the chapel, the recitations being over. President Battle then announced that the com mittee jfhimself and Prof. Ladd) would examine the certificates ot uenericiaries and give them the desired aid upon recommendation from the proper coun- tv official. This is done to equalize the expenses of all, some living farther off than otuers ; so none can compiain in anv resnect. Prof. Ujadd then proceed ea to lecture on the acauisition, retention, appnca tion and diffusion of knowledge. His remarks were pleasing and humorous, and were frequently interrupted with applause. Too much credit cannot be iriven Prof. Ladd. He is the motive power and guiding star of the school. lie unites the nenect gentleman witn the earnest scholar and profound thinker. Capt. John E. Dugger, the secretary, should not be forgotten. He is all life, and engages in the work with an inter est and gratification which may be com- 1 . . 1 -- A. UU 1 , .1 rt parea to tne niiaiiL wim iuc ucwijr ac quired toy. He enters upon the work, not with remunerated interest, but in tense pleasure in the work itself. ine iacuitv win ue aiveu suuitiy The dinner bell at one o clock closed the services for the morning. At three o clock, p. m., they again as sembled in the chapel and proceeded to divide the students into divisions, sec tions and classes, according to their comDetencv. This accomplished, the several classes adjourned to their re spective recitation rooms, and there re cited their first lesson. MisssE. M. Coe arrived Tuesday; af ternoon and to-day began to organize her class for the kindergarten, fehe 13 a ladv of easy address, pleasing man ners, and courteous and winning ways. She is thoroughly competent, ana enters upon her work with a large experience and natural inclination and ability.' Her system 6T training is anyUiranUthor- ough, - fcihe . made a iew very pieasing remarks, but of course did not regularly commence her work, as her class was not; organized This closed the exer cises.of the day. The nrosDect tor a successful session is very bright and flattering, . President Battlo rls? inucii pieassa ana gratmeu so lar witn tne enons oi uiuiseii auu others. With such a faculty as we have, such advantages, such a man to steer, we are; certain -ot success. T hey are i poram? miiauiuiv bvci.y uay, ouu c anticipate ;500 students this session. ;;;-r , J ! II I SW Hor0 Litigation for the Speakers, "j- ..Thfi',Raleieh Jtews is informed that j legal proceedings have been instituted i test the validity Of chapter .142, acts 187 which Senator: Henderson stated in a letter to: the News had been signed by the speakers though it did not in fact pass either-house of-the 'General As sembly. It1 is also rumored -there was another act.1 (besides :; the; school, bill) WJHWi vwssku uuyu receive the:lgnatllTes or tne speaKers. i The Jaws Of 1879 seem 0 "mueit; For upwards of thirty years Mrs. WlnslaWs Sooth-. 1 mg syrup nOS OWSU UkhI lur vuuureu. uwicuia acidity ol the stomacn, relieves winu oouc, resuiawss the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether I arising from teething or other causes. ; An old and . well known remeoy. zac per uuwo. 'THE SKARCti ' FOS CHABLIE' BOSS; 1 I How the Hvartifa Charleston Lad ha been So&ched bp UU Sufferings of vereaved Parents A iiUiii i- A- !i'i'!iriVii j., " - - i ! fCharlesto Newa ;and Courier. HuinLmpii more pleasantly-illjistrated -than hy the fol lowing, letters: ' The;, first , letter is to iietoryoi tnie flews ana vouner from alady ofGharleston:. .j- . Since : the erttet bduction' of Mr.. Jloss little 6 in 1874,1 have felt srjch a deep sympatay for taose atuieted par ents, thotieh total Btranerers to me, that t; h are 'suffpred-uatich, very; much- af ueart-Beverai: umea x nave wtilwju w you toplead for aid in trying to unrav-. CI LUlO.BbliUlV OUU UIUA lUJSWlIi.OUU as often have I desisted, for I, had not the courage.. Button the 14th.. of last thoMh therl appeared in our (your) pa per a notice- of Mr. Eoss having been to North caroima etc; ana men again on the 29th thei' appeared another no-' tice,,statingthat James Logan, a pri vate-4 detecjave, wouia snoray, irom facta in his fossession. be able to make clear all Dertamihcr to the abduction ot this Uttfeboy, Grasping, may be, only a stfas,' J sent'the Notice of the 14th and the paper ox. the mn jviay. 10 Air. Boss. Enclosed you will please find and readM Bs reply to me; , - "I have thought you would or couia make use of these for some good as far as you may deem consistent with the sacredness of such a correspond ence. ., "In vour hiah and holy vocation may you not give your mite to further the endeavor to lift the veil that covers up this appalling, crime 1 . Think you not tnat there" are people -now living (friehds of "Moshet and Douglas) who know the fateof .this bhild? Will not the c-ood. God-anpointed editors. taKe up this work In the -wide world there is naught so Dowerful as the press. Dear sirs, do not turn lignuyjaway irora a mother's and grandmother's (for such I ami arteal. ..-,- - A . tii r If vou are lathers.- go stana Desiae ' j- ... j your happy, sleeping children, (resting sateiy at your .siae; tnen you. wm uut think lightly ot this, ior tne memory or this cruel abduction will overwhelm you like a billow. THE LETTER FROM MR. ROSS. Philadelphia. June 9. 1879 Bear Madam .-Your kind letter of 4th instant with, newspaper cutting reached me this a. m. Mrs. lioss also r"ivArt a Tatter from vori a few months nan anri t rAPoiiAot hRanne' her sav at tf?a Hmo .ihnf..ahA wnnlil rfinlv to it. She spoke of it as one of the- kindest of the marry? tetters j written to her by strangers since the cruel abduction of our dear little boy. I suppose in con sequence of the many cares incident to her familv duties, as well as the subject being a very sore one to her, she defer red writmsr. 1 or some weeKS sne nas been auite ill and now is very much Drostrated. It is truly wonderful how well she has borne ud under this lone continued trial. For nearly five years she has been in a constant state of suspense and expectancy, but her faith has never wa vered that God in His mercy would either restore her dear boy, or that some way would be opened lay which we would learn what has been done with the child; but the continued strain and frequent disappointments have been at last too mucn tor ner physical strength, and her nervous sys tem has become shattered. This last trip to North Carolina referred to in the cutting you sent seems to have dis appointed her more than any for a long time, or Dossiblv it was the last feather added to the previous burden that pros trated her. It seems she built great hones of a favorable result from it, whv L cannot sav. as I told her before leavine that I regarded it as only a pos sible chance; but on my return after telling her the result, she manifested more disappointment than 1 had no ticed in a long time, and soon took to her bed with nervous prostration. I mav sav here that the newspaper re port of mv obiect in going to North Carolina is not correct. I did not go to see a child there, but to investigate a matter remotely connected in the place to which I went. The matter is still undergoing investigation, and I cannot tell what will be the hnal re sult. Truly the ways of Frovidence are mysterious and past finding out, yet I cio not aespair out mat x wm get some light bv which the mystery will lie made plain. To this end 1 zealously look into every circumstance that I hear of that is either directly or re motely connected with the child's con cealment, believing that wniie it is a privilege to pray for light and aid, yet it is a duty to use every means at my disposal to find out the truth concern ing this dark subject. It does seem to me that the parties who still persist in keeping from us the facts of the case are even more nearness tnan tne aoauc- tors themselves. Mrs. Boss and myself would both be only too glad to know that our dear Charlie is safe in heaven than to be tortured by the dread that he remains in charge of people who may lead him into a life of misery or of crime. While we have suffered beyond what any mortal, cail understand, yet we nave the comfort to know that many a little fellow has been rescued from want and misery through the search for our Cnarlie, and we believe the public have reaped largely the benefit or the sacri fice we made, fox had I compounded the crime 1 feel certain, we would nave had our son long since; but declining to do so, I have suffered and the public have been benefitted, fori do not think a child will be taken soon for a ran som. I have written you a long letter, much' more than I expected, but you will please excuse ;me; when I get on this subject I don't Jcnow when or where to stop. ' v With many thanks for your interest, and. with the. hope that your prayers added to those of so many others may avail with the God whom we all wor ship and with the Saviour on whom we aji depend, l am, very truiy yours, Christian K. Ross. Coiten Factoiy in er!ie. - - - TartioroSoutherner.V" r-.-. A lellerXrom G,T. Hardin, president of the "company;1 informs us that the company's cotton factory, at Windsor, began operation -onx the 3d inst. Mr. Hardin says: "I hope the day is not far distt when; every wnd ?of cotton raised in the SOuth will be manufactur ed4n tbe county, in which it is raised ; weean never riecome H prosperous peo ple until we become a manufacturing people". . To all of which we respond, amen." - . , Grabbed for Every Day. Re'idsvine .Times. . :,; Tito Chaslotte "Observer, like a hot cako in market,' is grabbed for ev- erv day by a hungry; puDUp. ; . EF CHEW JACKSON 8 BEST SWEETIVAII lOBACOO. We will make a clearing sale of a large lot of Fine Dress MfflB'Musim, and Linen 2200 fine, but from carrying in Shirt, but we have adopted exclusively the King Patent Sleeve Adjustable Shirt, -and for this reason propose the one grand opportunity of the season for a genuine barjgaj and we uivite our frlencis to Jane 15. M O SQ U C A. VARIOUS SHADES OF LADIES1 WHITE AND BLACK LACE SCARFS, JiiacR ana i;oiorea siik Aiits. hiik Jrinffes. Kid Gloves in everv shade and variety Added to this Department. LOW PEICES AND SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Our $7.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.f0. Our and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress -Coats and Vesta ot Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re duced prices. Unlaundried shirts for 50 pents. The very best made and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers June 1, 1S79. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight ces or tne Line. or lniormanon as to xann, schedules, sc, apply to either oi tne undersigned. April 30 dam. TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE a . o S 8. o o v XI ax PIANOS -oS peWe e!m fa tJi :pq 9 O tt -5 GC - o o a u S3 m - - f . i if! w y lj:cAri. r Ui SOIMVld a 2 . .it TR YQW STREET, IN INSURA1NCE i ONLY ONE DOLLAR. ,1; ', " !. ''.. 5 Liu'" 'J'''l''Jl ON MONDAY, ltiIH INSTANT, Shirts worth $2.00 last-season, now to be closed out at jNE DOLLAR. They are of New York stock the muslin has become a little yellow, though In no way injuring the perfection of the Respectfully, JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF ITO N ETT I N G , IN PINK, WHITE . AND BLUE. -ALSO A LINE OF- JSPO I E -o- -ALSO- LACES FOR TRIMMING OF BUNTINGS. Also a new lot of Ladies' Hats. o A Beautiful Assortment of ureconne ana rorcnon ljaces. of Priees. Linen and Cotton Lawns in IN $12.E0 English Tweed Suit sells now fcr $10. Our $18 in the United States for $1 .00 Linen Collars $2.0Q of low prices. Respectfully, L. BEBWANGER received at any hour of the day. and Through Bills of 1KI Jci,oxirR ' K S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, IMPORTERS OF ALL "OND8 OF MUSICAL ORGANS ! Merchandise, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, FLJITES, FIFES, Drums; Band Instruments, SHEET MUSIOjT 1 &c', &a, WnOIESALE "-si AHtf' ' ' ' ' . l . IRETAIL. closing out our former line at a sacrifice. It la E.D. LATTAABBO. t white and figured. AT WITTKOWSKY & BABUCH'S. and $20 French and English Cassimere Sack per dozen, and nil goods fn proportion. Call & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors Lading issued at Steamship Wharves or offl- j Charlotte, N. C BUILDING. ! 8 W g g-; fa jj :r& w . iv : .... yj-r i . ,s. m - ss . SNivoao ' ' . rrf. i.. 1-t I: .A v . '? a- r : i "r ' r 't l i w-(t f BUILDING. is ! i r H ! ' ! r T.'i V i : 1 r tit 1 m !i 11 ! m I 3 11! I!H F.'-;i'-! Ii 11 'I? H lit V u -fi commodated by applying at decl8 THISOFFICX June v-,r??.."

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