.T .Mrftai.?,..,.',. . :..J..m.MTn.rn.- i' '- ' - , , iniiw - "riiiMiiMt r----'t'-' -' imjmammmmwmmwmmmmmmmi mmjj.mjm . . .vv. m j1 ."l J..--. . v .".iu. .riiaw (She Ciarlolte.bEcrt)cr. 8VB80BIPTI0N BATKH l mly, voar, (pontpaid) in advance. $8 00 Mr. Month......-..... v ........ 4 0O One Month... ... 7. HZ OJSAIJiTTtll JOB DEFJLTKS3iT ' v - : , i - - - rf-'l S Hm tern thoroughly svppUtd with every needed wmt,mivUh the Laiext 8tyleofType, and every manner of Job Work can now it don mth neatmn, diepatch and cheapnes. Wtam ntrnixh, at Short "j- . ; i'j-ist ' BLAMiB, BILL-HEADS, . " .r. .r " LXTTKB-BXADS, CAMDS,i - ( , 21 WffK RECEIPTS,1 POSTEBS, PAMTBLEtS, C7BCVLABS, CHECKS; 40. ff i-J .'Jiiii.'5;V sv0. ffid uho Kfcj 0.1 erf b lo ia9r WXXKLT MOJTJOS: H'wMy, ( A county) to dtam S2 00 Out the county, pottpaid,.,. 2 10 ' ..-.J-j.ws-f Mx Mentha, y Liberal B&mcttoutjor Ofctfts. 1 OO - . --n - : - 1 . , j-- ah 'iV ' i.Bff k? ri- l 1 ;iiiM Mil HIPlPAIIP 1 1 IE! .' -III III I Mi I sy --5r "5T B WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL i ' '! i'.; til, .-. ;' i flfcDDINfl, C, TXAtJtR til KIND9 ;0F FUBNI KUKNI' TURK I TUKK1 BKDDINU, aa 4 Full Line of CHEAP BITBAD6! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES 1 LOUNGKS f LOUNGES I .., .1 5 f Ml ' 5 K S f LOUNGES LOUNGES t pahlor and chamber suits i v PAELO& AND CHAMBER SUITS I .1 tr ' COFFINS of all kinds on hand. . - r:'; .... I 3T COTTONS of all kinds on hahd. , No. R Win Tbaik Sntssr. CHARLOTTE. N. C Ladles' and GenUemen's Burial Robes a fine supply. jan3 i . (8oo&8t l0tMtX0f Set linr Ml T T P,..l IBP I1ITTP I WOUdCTUOH LftUL lill l id. LALC 1.II I I o-1 t8TM0.1JT8 4 2R3H3A3T. WobayMjogt reeeived b;a tate express anlc and full Use of black, whit and- all the shades c Also a large lot of rncDC itccc oiirci inn 4 tna fc-oiJwtioiA aol0o U n U H f i A & . m8i0n Tot 7h;ih-tH In blade and whiter . Also a fan line of black and itbU 6Ua JaclHf.oAteQ another lot of whlta Xlnett ;nd. Victoria Lawns " ' .siaiifii':; iiai; i ini n , . Ton can get the White Bullion rrlngerverf -eheap. Asthelseason for Spring Goods lpasslng; we call attention to the fact that we are now selling a nicely trimmed 5 ' f i i-i.I Slit EOJ AJSpU HALT ITS YALtJK. Also a nice line of LADIES' LINEN SUITS, Closing out verr cheap, and many other lines of goods at reduced prices. If anyone Is in need of anioo . DRESS SHIRT They would do well to call and procure a lot of our unlaundried shirts for less than the material can be bought. Respectfully, - T. L. 8EIQtE ft CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon si. , Ch ariotie , N. C. . ' -i'- i - ' .. . i June 15. SPRING CLOTHING. . ... s. ns; j j t iajfleatn; tulaliL After tke Wedilag. , - HI alone In my room at last! They'll be very far when the night is past," ' - Ana sa woiua t-u i Knew dui ow; t How calm m was wiUi4ie&sataMlfclace, Her eyes are violet, mine are blue, How careless I am with my mother's laeel Her hands are whiter and softer, too. ffhey Jaaseona to the city beyond h xnay must never tome oacKto Fm almost afraid t4 sit here soSstl WlBh ft would thunder, and ubtonj O.no, for soma one-may notbfat fei . Sam eneneihaoa. Is travauhUM I hone that the moon mar shine Instead. And heaven be starry, and earth all bright It's only one summer that she's been here, It has been my home for seventeen years! And seventeen summers of happy bloom Fall dead to-night In a rain of tears. It is dark, all dark, In the midnight shades, ; Father in Heaven, may I have rest ? One hour of rest far this aching bead 1 for this throbbing heart In my weary breast ? I loved him more than she understands, For him I prayed for my soul In truth. For Btm I am kneeling, with-llfted hands . i To lay it fife feet mj 8hatteediojitk I I I loved, and I love, I love him still; More than father, q other or life, j My hope of hopes was to bear his name, My heaven of heavens to be his wUet . His wlfel the name thaialDgels breathe, ! The words shab not crimson my cheek with shame, - 'Twould have been my glory the name to wreathe : In the princely heart from whleh it came. . - i And the kiss I gave to the bride to-night ; His bride till life and light grow dim God only knows bow I pressed her lips. .That.theklflfltoljernilghtbe; given tQ hlra! ' OBSEUVATIOWS. Ofiiciftl Report f tMttriAmfum&itJnL 3or.greeskmal Bcord, 20tlw5 . Mr. Lamar. Mr. President, 1 "desire to make oh8 Btatfimetit -fifersonal to ttvaelf Intend go into the jdlscassionof the Question concernino: thlsP'WeasuTe tnat the SejafltoritrwniKeri Yorkrhayibfeen fmt'inltibrie tojhas tfeMetfttidlsW2 " A.T Al 11 i T -m i W. KAUFMAN & CO. 5 ARGAIN9 IS yew u af U PEER Iflf W II UB BNN N if NNN II AB II TTTTU TJBKB T U UB K T U UEEB 7 0 UE B UU R 1 UBSB CBB BB ;b IT K. (i. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Nm to Posrorrm '. -: KHi) fan My stock to very Lar, ' and embraeee a Full ine of HAkLOR, CHAMBER, DINING BOO t f AND We have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include the latest novelties In Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's UUtrii OO TTTT H H II NN N SO L OOTfign NN N L OQf HKH n N M N O O L OO T H H n N If N OOO IXLL OO T H H II N NN GGO O O a O OO OOO We Invite public Inspection, and we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every garment which Is sold at our house Is warranted to pe as represented, and In prise leas than can be boogbt elsewhere We continue to sell ; i . T ( h ? si r; ;, : t Pi BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Cheaner than any other house, as we did the season, and they have gained the reputation of be ing the best In the marked. We present this season to the , consumer a fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Including the best makes in the country. There can also be found In our stock a complete line of fine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. . Don't purchase before ywexamtbe our stock as the cheapest ; , ' ' - . t A i Ji b & P A BARGAINS Can be had at Apr! 16: ' " W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, Comer Tnde and Tryon Sts., S ' . f ! Charlotte. N, Q. C ONDENSED TIME. f ) NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. UA ilrii OFFICE FURNITURE 0. A il Goods Packed Free of Charge ROCXfES CHEAPER. THAN EVER. 1- f'Vn ,?f ! art?- NEW GOODS! tttl fit': itT Come to me Tor Bi NEW FEATURES 'Bacon. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da? BEST RTE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of toVmtry Hams. I sen for cash. All goods delivered In the elfir free of charge, t W. H. daiMMINGEB, j -i si fd -.ro8fsfeiiwH- liTiMMifHiiwt" i Next door below WOson Black's old stand. ( The Bourgeoise and Minion type, en which this Turner wna latelv nrlnted. It was made 'bv the okl JehnaW'iioumrj,iCiPhlladrtiih not discarded because no longer fit for use, but otH iy because It bscame i caaaT to j mm 4iJTren FOR SAtC iy because It became caaaT o; 4i.Trent style of type. It will do good service for MMtcar years to come. It will be i?ldti, tottoHi; VW ehasers, and In fonts of 60 to l.OOOTbs. with o - a ji TanTnil . ! jfljrrnnJSSJSt' .1 .T f'- That valuable property In this city known as the; Tannery of Alexander, Allen & MeBee. This Tan-j nery is conveniently kgatgd, and has all the latest! Improved machinery. ' 1 Bark and hides low and to abundance. ,v(, , ' Porpartleulai-address 1 A ISAACS, Attorney ; .n?ti9fc W :lttxander, Allen McBe , ; ., Greenville, 8. CL ..Maj gtti 1 87dieoa3mAw3m "yyELL IMPROYED . i CITY ntOSRRTK FOB SALE. to perm 4esr.net twrch-se a well Improved taty Lot, Bow with iwms. an4 modem wim venleftcet, fine well pf water, brick kitchen, within, ve minnies wtuz 61 v 9iwe'S4uare,"eau w ItKIS OFFICE. " TRAINS OOINQ XAST. Date, June 1, '79. Leave Charlotte, (ireensooro, " Baleleh, Arrive Goldabonv No. 47 Dally 3.50 am 8.20 am 8 80pm 5.55 pm No. 45 Dally- 85 pm S.45am 9.55 am No. 6 Daily ex.Sua. 7.45PM 5,00AJf v AT ftArfcMm at. V.rrn wfth R.D.ft. R. for all points North, East and West- At Golds boro wIUikW. W.fi, fe for Wilmington.- '- v. 49naecmu ureensooro wrta m. a. v. a. f - ..-A-ayk -rn- --! Ttrrfr i . - i ' or4fapoHwiwrwiju. j AUOi- 1;.; Date; June I , 7R Leave Goldsboro,: r U T1IK ,'tT Greensboro Arrfve Charlotte,.. No. 48 Dally. Oak 0Pt S.40PM JW. 42 Daily.: 1I.17AM No. 6. Daily, k Sun ,8.00 am 48-CoraiecW'ireen8b':ftl Salem DOlnU HOUta anaiBOwn-'weM; a au-jujuo juuuuui Phi- a ajttrtpd for tot?iSjHith.an . vonneeia w.Btuwuurj t M . w v. (talif except Sunday i It' 0r-tln Jmwew wltft AtC A.lItoraU.DOints SoutlvwSotith-westi ... " f J nil I lanooe vw aj., . a. wijpi xu. i South and 8outlHfrertr. .millf T ' .ltiliid t.,K ! i 7v's SBC BRANCH.. teave ifeenboTrb, 'd'aBdnday;:!:KTO p m Arrive Greensboro, "j, ,o y?z? 7.00am ConnecOng at Greensboro with tram w the tf- $ '4 JdJjATt9QCt:dA4J&i Bun both waysHv Trains Nes.48 and 47, between New York auAtlanta vi- filchiaond, Greensboro and Charlotta.-anA fronl Creensbero to Augusta on Train Nof48, antf onTralnUb. 42 Ixbm New York to Greensboro, and on Train No, 45 from Augusta t Nm Vnrk wIa Richmond. Through Ticket on sale at Greensboro, Bajalgbj Gokl-boro, JtalUbury ,.aiMl .. Charlotte, and at all pnucij)ai pomw ouu, aoutoesi, west, aona andKHrt.,cot:Emi&atfmtwto joints to Arkan4 sac ana Texas, aauress Jun20 f-oO iro? MACMURDO. : . T5 Oen. Passenger Agent. j, ... Richmond Va. HE Y0Rj-YJLi wKf L I The above ' win be the name of a weekly Demo cratic newspaper, the publication of which will be commenced at an early day at YorkvUle, 8. C by WTtwsl a rd avertJsitfg ieflim for! tlw business men of -Charlotte, as the paper will have a large circulation In the counties of Lincoln, ' The price of subscription will be f 2 w annunu There's nothing makes a girl so mad as to try to sit on a bow-legged man's lap and fall through. Grandma "Yes, children, when I was young as you are I used to walk In my sleep." Tommy (eagerly) "Say, grandma, what time did yoa make?' Sitting Bull is again reported south of the British line. He is over to see what the prospects are for a crop of huckleberries and to Inquire If Gen. Howard has caught up yet. Colorblindness Is said to be common among railway men. On some Western roads that we know of the whole force have been, for months at a time, unable to see the color of the nrmey due them. BaUway Age. At a Sunday school plc-nic, the other day. the superintendent threw one lemon and two straw berries In the creek, and then sold tne water to the scholars as strawberry lemonade at five cents a glass. Phiia. ChronicteHefald. - t , . . ' ""What makes yotfr llpi so awful sore?"'' Asked Sarah's cross-eyed pap; And Sarah to the old man said: "If s caused by a small chap." Then Sarah's youngest brother, As yet unknown to fame. Looked Sarah in the eyes and asked : "What Is the small chap's name?" )! 'i'- rf- , i ! : v. When a man Is sitting en a -sofa on a ribewen Ing with a pretty girl and the conversation Is be ginning to get decidedly Interesting to both. It Is terrible to them to have a nail work out of the plaster and let a chrbmo of Washington crossing the Delaware down on their heads. Hawk came from the hotel at 2 o'clock, and thought he would take a wash. Unfortunately Mrs Hawk had been told that a wash-bowl of wa ter sprinkled with meal would catch all the mice, and had tried the experiment that night Hawk got his hands full, and. bounding around yttie room, cried. 'Jerusha! by the Lord Harry! I've got 'em again!" Erie Herald. Scene, a Louisville grocery store. Time, 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon. First clerk, loquitur "I say. are you off to the TrumpUngs to take supper?" Second clerk "Yes, as soon as I go round here to the restaurant and get a cup of coffee." First clerk "The dickens! Don't they have coffee at Trumpling's?" Second clerk "I suppose so; but you know we sell them their sugar (?) and cot fee (?)." This atrocious piece of horriflness is by the Yon kers Gazette: JHer name was Eva, fair of face, . , But venomous of temper, And sad the destiny of him Whose peace she rankled semper. Poor man! no wonder that he thought To break his bonds and leave her, Since he was dying of the plague The tearful yell-of-Eva. i . i i 4 m ' A Terrible Crime Spbingfied, Mass- June 21. John Kemmler, a German, living in South Holyoke, shot his three children An nie, aged six years ; Dudmilla, aged four, and Amy, aged one this afternoon, be cause he was 'unable to support them. He has been out of work since Febru ary. At that time he went to Colorado, but recently returned, and hid been warned froro; a tenement beloaging to th ermaniaMiHs in Jwhich h9 lived, because he no longer worked in the mills. About two o'clock he sent his wife on an errand, and calling his eldest child into the hoirse, tried to poison her with cyanaid of potassium, but she threw up the dose. Kemmler then took the sec ond child into the front bed-room and shot her through the head, back of the ear, wi h a 32-calibre five shooter. He then took Annie to the rear bed-room, shot her in aJike manner, and ief t her on the -floor fe6veredwiwvotriit and blood. The youngest girl was lying on the bed. He also shot her behind the ear,the flseh oflhe pistel, urniogj, the pffidV.-1 iMvihr the frotise, he" toTdra saloon keeper what he bad- done, and going to another saloon he was arrest ed by Deputy Sheriff Kingsbury. After nis arrest he appeared quite cool, and said he was ready to let the law take its course. He said he could ndti toDbttiis children i he f earqd hey would grow up and enter houses of Erostitution, and thought they would e happier in heaven, He had planned for ten days to kill them. He is collect ed, and apparently sane. Medical Ex aminer Tnttle will hold van inquest to morrpfwi JChe children -wift belburied at the expense of the city. Mrs. Kemm ler is completely overwhelmed, with grief. ' '"' . v r .;. Weiton Wins. . , , Xondon, June 2i The great contest is finished. ; Weston to-nig;ht' stands without a rival in pedeatriani&m, as S (guessing the highest score on record, e is jtost being proclaimed with fehouts and cries the "Champion of the World," The belt goes back to America, in the keeping of a proud captor; Jtbere to re main until lio well makes another effort: tQ Mcoversijfc. Weston cemplatqd s Ot&MeL thlrebttinirfgth6 beft,' his bet, and the championship. From; 2 o'clock this afternoon until 8 this ev-i ening. Westoniafter havingsfeeen over! hve days upon toe tract, accomp,Hghed the astonishing feat of walking five miles lanahoar. .rr,eurA j "At 2 o'wiHJk: ms scorn stood Ml miles. p8ef tf feSithfmber ed 536. During these sir hours the excite ment was something1 wfaiderful, and the plucky hero of the hour was greeted wttii j Shouts afid chjfelrsraJ MlVI1 plodded-along dgaidsl Saftife Tfoha o'clopk ther excitement steadily inreas edfUlui' rdahmlts;ti(naKig point just before the finish. At 9 o'clock Wstbn ? had made the highest score on record namely, 543 miles .asnd'laips. Teatiigju'BlQwer7 &9?nV great seore oM2milsrWade,-n4his same halrlast April. - The hall at this time was filled with an enthusiastic crowcLwho seemed kneYjer t row tired of cheerin&Ti ion, inougn eviaenuy sunermg lopes what from fatigue consequent upon his ereat effort., maintained A Broiling face. andTvaSthe fecipient of tnanTa&ierid ly greetingiaTThe reati:tmggl the greatest on reccy'd'r-aaflaatQ an, r&M 11 O'clock Weston doing 550 tntles fth five minute to.sparft. t f.T! j; Hereditary Talat. At" This la one of the. ''scrutahle mysteries of CTovidenoe." it is granting to know, nowever, that Scrofula Can be effectually eradloated 'by the use of Rosadalls( the great Southern Remedy Its reputation la world-wide, and it always cweu li tr vt Textttinir this iiTjft4ngrt4 asfeiad unanimous consentxo consider kndhavfl i t if J - k : . iU.r . iL '" t'-r ail rnqu ; . ;iv,v ., , ; j,-,. ;.-, ;-.,,; , rsi..:4t' r V? ' f S ' '"" ' V' .V V.' -'.'.it . . ' f .V . ' ' i : ,: .. . ; ., ' ( . . . , w . . . . . ... . . I ' . -' i . . '..(j ! ' TTjlT : ; Villi 3 it h ' i s B jGI'CL i - CI "( I ; M I CI , , r V-r...- ' . ' f-ii-in in & iVV'. ;,..l Jr. i ' 1 ' fZii ?fXylL' 'f'Tf ? J' wuHNw;i--nt -Jim mrvK-maan8 ajax 90iOTeffwwcnwquittpii) an impression, ai x naa .aiuiouga a would not have been instrumental oon4 pi(Mjsly in nrodncing such . an inanr4 sioat'temwbave - felt mvsetf'KSiif v-itadwod: bveVmdWmaTO (imjstfot.8a adjoummenijdii order to r a.i n J . i . rw . , . . , givee epvrxroin wisePiisi.o an ori . , !ITe toeJ&jEU". that if . rZliaa imain1 UliAmr Senator ihad . any stfch ' expec tation from anytiipigjwiat occurred tn the incidents -pj iiat proceedings it would havi been iny pleasure " to nave made that mqtjon.. In fact! sirI,was not h6're.?rl was not awarie otihe. iat thajt the Senator from :Wisconsin,bad ristin iur.ine purpose or aaaressing ' tne Sepatei, I came - in at -b late; stag' bf these proceedings. V" " rWifli reference to thechafge of bad xaith ihat the Senator from Hew York has intimated towards those of us who have been engage ii , opposing these motions to adjourn, I have only to say that if I am net superior to attacks from such a soured I lutve lived in vain. It is not my hawt to-indulge in personali ties ; but I desire to say here to the Sen tator that In intimating anything Incon sistent, asie has done, with perfect good faith, I pronounce his statement a falsie MoJJirhjjfeMj;jrith.alliieLj gatntempt that I feel. fQr, the au- Mr. !tmkling. MrrPresident, I was diverted during the commencement of a remarkhe .culmination .of which, I he&r& from' the member from Mlssiss sippi. 1$ IBridertood him aright, he intended to imjute, and did in plain and unparliamentary.language impute to me an intentional misstatement. The SenatoM dpej ncrt SS.UUdStn Mr..l3aiaaVyf wiTlVtSMwhat I in tended,so that there may be mis- TheqpefeMing OffiMf:?Boes'the Sen ator from New York yield ? MrJLamar, All that I The Presiding Officer. Does the Sen ator.from New York yield to the Sen ator from Mississippi ? i ' - - Mr. Lamar. He appealed to me to know, and I will gjve- ' 1 The Presiding Officer. The: Senator from New York has the floor. Does he yiel$ to the JSeiratofc ;om;Miissippi ? Mr: Lamr. Bu the Senator declines to yield to me to know The Presiding Officer. The Senator from New York has the floor. Does he yield tirthe Senator from Mississippe? ilr. Conkling AndTnstn' willing-to respond to the Chair, :. I stiallr respond to the Chair in due time, Whether I am willing to respond to the member ! s ji . i irom Mississippi ueenos enureiy upon what that member intends to say, and what he did say, For the time being, I do not choose to hold arty commmnca. tion with him. The Chair understands me now; I will proceed. . - . t, I understood the Senator from Missis sippi to. state in plain and unparlia mentary language thatlhe statement of mine to which lie referred; was a false hood, if I caught his word aright Mr. Presdent this not, being ,the place to measure with any man the capacity to viola-deorw, to violate . the rules of the Senate1, Of Id commit any of the im proprieties of life, I have only to say that if the Senator, the member, from Mississippi, did impute ' or intended to impute to ma a f alseJioodT nothing ex cept? tM f tiaj -fhW 3he Senate would prevent my denouncing him as a blackguard find a coward. 1 Applause in the galleries. ;oic: ;. ' . The Presiding Otlcer. There shall be no,cherin mltbA rfralleftes,-. x If there shIrJbftycyHJtheH.hair- will orT der tlvrgalleiie8 to fber cleared. .? .Thei Senator from New 'Yori wiUproceed, Mr. Cofiklinl1 sLetv'ne!-htnl clhtkilriTresideht. Should the mem ber tM MissitSMail pre sence, of the Senate, charge me, by inti mation b'r otherwise, with falsehood; I would denounce him . as - -blackguard, as a cq wardaod a Uax ; antitundei-stand-ing v-fiit ihe ftald ali-Ilhate, the rules . .and the proprieties of the Senate are the oniy restraint upon me m j -jj . : I do not think lueed to say anything else, Mr, Presidenltl A 4, T Mr.La-niaf.iJ l&j Fiesident, I have SDJy toay tbatteeuator. from New York undetibdiBft; correctly. I did mean to-say-just prec-eljrthe words, and:all IJiat thejj trspirtedJ It was Very harsh ; itias, very, severe; it was such as "Ho gooa mah'wotilit deserve and no brave man would, wear. Applause onj the floor and in the, galleries. Heretho cbllocpiy.endeid. Rutgers College has conferred the de gre Of jdtorf -dltpHy-uBon. Thos AMisott, dMIWitofaH?' ' -Tlie latef Jeiierai;Eichard ! Taylor has left all his property to liis three , daugh ters, appointing the eldest, Louise, guar diancutQly y It hs been foujd, that the immediate kjaiise of JhdtlV... 0-161(3 ewas tna "ppng" of the" wound received in w Mri Jahte'iS E.MirdochJ'who isttoAVft; Jus sixtyeiMLiiimiiltiap ing agaliqpjpn the s&jge durig the: cott1Jjt&as I0pf4$eatn.cct-; pied in teaching eloeirtion to the Cinch.- j There Is pme prospec!lLKi'!eX-G6v;-! ernoi; Ifartranft will resign the Pbila-' delBlig IfeSsteftpigo afoet the . presidency of the.Union.I"ire Insurance ? ?odS pany of Ktliat 15 city; J.trja 1 ' $3,000 cr annuin, . .'. .'. ' ' "- " . At the,dinivv&aieAfemihercial , .i Vliu.n. !' . oiqcui &ii lo luiilftKi in Pj'foili ni ; . .. ON M(NDAY,10T INSTANT, - - r, '. . .. ; : ' i '''W'Ij:-'! .i We wIU make a clearing sale of a law lot pf me D Shirts w $2.00 last( season, nofto closed out at ONE DOLLAR They are of New York Mllla Muslin, and LIgen 2200 fine, but from carrying in Mack' the, musyri has become a little yellow, though in no way injuring the perfection pf the Shttt, but we Ori ve'i-fcfeteiTeluslveiylhe Elhg Pateirt Keeve AdjuBle SKBv afl f ot this reason propose closing out our former line at a sacrifice. It la tne,?Pm1 PfWlJl0 0o season for genital agato'inja ttmte v&Jitmdi to an Immediate Inspection. June IB. , Kepctfully, E. D. LATTA & BBQ. f it GRAND OPPORTUNITY ! HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING. Contemplating enlarging our Clothing Department as well as our Clothing trade, for which purpose we will build in our store a spacious floor, and with a view of opening this new department the coming season with an entirely new, large and desirable StOCk. W Will offPil for thfl Tvt an dava nnr nt.irA tvlr nf rinfhincr at. onjh nripaa 9i will Tin fail tn f. 200 PAIRS FINE ALL WOOL CASSIMERE PANTS, Worthf rom $5 to $7, at $2.75, $3.00 and $3,50. ' 100 FINE SUITS, Worth from $7.50 to $20,00, at $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 and $10. 50 DOZEN UNLAUNDRIED SHIFTS, At 50 and 75 Cents, formerly sold at 85c. and $1.00. , CALL EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN FROM WITTKOWSKY & BARUCII. ''V', ;': S.-V-' : '' 1 f ' ' f . . o CLOTH NU Club eehkJMo o BathtdaTfbv the Xlommerci rnGiuht lioston it was found thatrfEiobti .a1 Lincoln;.? sow of PresideTitrLlireoi3as""onl born eiteligiisjtl HoflFjernda, Kdled frpisi New1 York? Wednesday, .an-the- Labra dor, for Havre. His health is indifler-nut-e-utiiipaearmchrs from the sea ffeypgg jaadfa change of scene, Ile'xfectsffl D9acfe in sea son to"Bi3 InHs placsejathoppnincaf the regular session of Congress. . Vx . Cold, with high winds and rain. Exposure to this weather Is sure to produce colds and kindred dlseaseai and the beat remedy we knew of to Hall's Balsam, ror tne iunga. u' house and you widc jojoniO' iw111" .Oar S7.60' CStevot Suit" tanft-ta'-fBi!6.&a .' bor tSO-'bgljjTweed -tt'seHs iimXcr Our and 20 French and English Cassltoere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re duced prions. " ..';.." UrilanHrtriea shirts for 50 cents. The very best made In the United States for $1.00. Linen Collars $2.09 per dozen, and all goods in proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices. Respectfully, June 1, 1879. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. Via Steatn .Pm5atiS Enabling Qnick- est Possible Time to all Joints1 South and Southwest. , k - w - r iH'" NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, O. JlDI-ING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the dayj and Through Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the 1-tne. For.lpf onnaUon as to. Tariff, Schedules, Jtc apply to either of the undersigned.; April 80 d5m. Ki & FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITHiAgent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, j Charlotte, N.C.. THn""?!irwTmtnr i. ni rrs: iw iii'ii'im it !.. .V.: 1 t ;3iJ. l!li! i' i-'s' f sat A io mm -U tin TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. H'.k I T lTiiTBTr.lii 3 r S "S bad S?339!iJ-l 'JiTj Olfl 3 j&v!.25iil f f rl semi) fFts-ss ra ViMX i i 7.1 .... wr, m"mi,U Sib "mSvt i:'5i M 'Si .1 a - f rr. i;) .MM-- HS?5?i ' -i i ! ' , -WTrAi. I rr-s -a i !. oi l aif , oil Vfi r" ,; i i ; . i i ,"LrSP 1 IMPORTERS 'OF ' - Afc-';0; nmimi organs O i 'iojis ssnov 'ni o;i:Ti j; "Jif) 'if;;;; i;o-rf' h -5 o . VIOLINS, GUITARS Ml IFLtJTESl -FlFE8i--! " U tsaihi...-tiii tni irxiii Jua i?i DruiBStBand rtrument,h gsihod i SONVW;, a f t:if. rTic.r"TnmrnT rn?TTid ll .l.Vl. I II II I I I ltflVyVlJ.U4l l;u ;MLK AiiV ?i J jWHOLEAi-E .uj.j 'RETAIL., !l 1 1- 1 if ' ' , i ; t i fuR lam i firnu) '.' i. TTT m i Mdd CO ; M O &I9W i jfoqerih lo irry vS 0 , ;g ni 03f-' v ra . ' -j.-: J'f.i. ?jj;I;-?dl'.ga'tmii ii;Jf3(ib i. ii ti.l II l.NAI Ilir.JJi 1-4 y li U-t ILJ AJ. XA7, oii trwiUBsOa.--O!oflo. boos AJK.tt 1 ziu fl lo eifii.ao35.0 6d. bis vs-w ms l aoil .isciio. tu.lt evhfn at til LYmmt lungs.-. Always keep it la the I :Ki..ft t- "r';t i:3'.fur- -i.-o i nrf rtZ7 Iwfinr'! 070 f.70 . . i-ot i - ? i ; oi i ttail wssss l'T;v;"''TRYPK;;STREETj!Ipf! BUIIpiNGri oo A -S'irinoa:-rdt'JxM& erf ibi sir A5-