y . - . t- , . -V . . , , ' . " 7 ; - - . "- - 2, .... . . , ' - ' t lira Pai'. ' . . i - .i-,--, - - .fU .-, ( - u ,ioTiVi ,,1 ,1 1 ,.,f - :. 3iJH. . ' : J i," 1 I ! 1 . , ., - a. -" ' mm.t Mmi ai;4 ' . - j r j . , . I f - " " -n T. - " At . . . ; T ...... ... . , . , , , ---. M MJU J'. Mf?1 i I I i ' r jr R Ifihratad , BA1LB0AD DIRKCrOBI.r . f j Ml - jAiiAmfMiv foKlA oh aim t.h mnntn Af rmaaAii eer trains to and Irora CharioUe, on all the rail g (Washington time): ,., . . Arrires from Biehmond and Ooldsboro, 12 40 a. m. Leayesfor , ... rM stmLr Arrives from Atlanta,wt fewUJii'ja.a., -'840ii m. Leaves for -Atlanta,..-. . j.'.'.-i'.i ..,!12.40r-a.. m. Arrives from Atlanta,. wi . SBSpjm. Leaves f or AUanta,. ............ U12 m. CHAKLOTTK,' COLtflCBIA 4 IotTWA S ' Arrives from Augusta,. 8.50 p. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac Freight)... 12.10 p. m. Reaves for ColumWft,tofI n k VAT Tlfi Tl vrrlves froW'Wllrnmgfoh,1. Leaves for , wnrnington,t?fy j Arrives rrom oueiuj,. Leaves tor sneiDT,. ATLAMTJC, 2-l."5 p. m. 8.20 a. m. 5.05 p. m. 8.40 a. m. vriiftftjfnAa StatesVllle Leave lor aiaiesvuie,. -"4ji. . . 8.00 a. m War DeIartment, Okficb Cijief SiGNAt Officer CR, . M. ) WASHINGTON, June 23, 'I 0 P, For tUBtSooth Atlantic and East Gulf suites, SDttUierly winds, warmer, ipartly cloudy weather, stationary: or falling barometer, possibly followed in western Texas by cooler uorthwest winds. .' Indx to flew AAvwUiiMNrali. I). Appleton 4Co Agents Wanted. T. C. ftmlth - Whole&atoSnigcist. Maxwell 4c Hanin-or Bale. 1 " B. M. RamseurPJtalanx lodge NotBl. C. W. Alexander Lost, Strayed or Stolen. II. Morris & Bros-? or RenM " Dime conceal at Col. Myers's to night. : They are predicting a long dry spell now. In this the prophets do not dis agree. YyViwT1'1' ; Erskine College cummenceuaent conies oft' this week. Positively the last of the season. - : - . t Many persons have been around- to see the new Liddell engine. It is voted a success. Soon The Observer! will begin its 1 ist of sii m fiaer absentees. T hen e very lody shall Know where everybody else ' M Don't forget thoncert f orthe lOtome nnd IlospiUl at the residence of Col, Myers to-night This worthy institu tion batlly needs funds to keep it in operation. The wheat harvest is heing brought to a close in Mecklenburg county. The larmers have had excellent weather for the work, and also for curing hay, which is yet going on. The rumor current on the streets late Saturday night , that Dr. T. H. Means had died at' the residence of a relative in the country is entirely nntrue. He was very ill, but is better. ,J. Stuart, colored, was committed yesterday by Justices Davidson and Severs, ion the charge of robbing the smoke-house of Mr. W. H. TValker, who lives a few miles in the country.1 John ,"Wilson, charged with threaten ing the life of a neighbor, was taken before Justice Severs Saturday, but managed to escape from "Constable Charley Baker, 1 - The editor of The, Observer ac knowledge&ihe receipt of an invitation to attend, a grand dress ball to be given at Warm Springs, N. C? on the 4th of July. The music on this occasion will be furnished by Troy Mitchell's cele brated cornet band of Charleston. Jiy some unaccountable accident, an interrogation point was placed after a brief item in this department of the local columns Sunday morning. The connection - was exceedingly unfortu nate and for this reason it is considered necessary to allude to the matter. OF HOBTH CAROLINA. Second Annual meeting. Dog and Sheep. Here is something for our North Car lina farmers to think about: In the county of Augusta,Va.,theyhave assess ed and levied a tax on dogs, out of which tax, when collected, the . county remun erates parties who have lost sheep throughout the county during the year for which the tax is. collected. There were 230 sheep killed by doge in the county during the year ending the 1st of May, for which thej sum of $622.98 has been paid. ' v , ."' . The Concert Xo-Nigrht. The dime concert for the benefit of the Home and Hospital takes place to night at CoL Myers's, under the direction of Dr. Aloys Bidez, and will commence at half past 8 o'clock. The best music al talent of the city is enlisted for this concert, and- it it be- hoped that the iiudience will be such as will show ap preciation of the music, as well as of the Reserving charity to which the proceeds rare to be devoted." - Herewith we append the programme : 1. Instrumental duet: "March of the Sepoys," (J. B. Wekerlin) ; Mrs. DeWey and Dr. Bidez. . .t . , A 2. Vocal duet: "Oh! Wert Thou in he Cauld Blast, (Mendelssohn); Misses A. Springs and A. Wriston. 3. Vocal solo: "Song of thef -Sprite," iffrom Auber's FirstDay of Happiness); Miss CBadham. 4. Instrumental trio for -Organ, piano and yiolaf "Cantahile," ' 4u . Bidez I. Lenitnens) pHiss A. Wilkes, Mrs. Dewey and Dr. Bidez. -' . ' 5r Voeak solar i?ix)okmg-Back," (A. Sullivanh MissAda Wriston. rr 6. yocal ; soloT-"Spanish i Bolero," (O. Metra) . Miss N. Hannahs '.r, ': Tl 1. Vocal trio: The Wanderer Night SongPw Hitier) MisserJ;jBadham, Wristoii and A: issued general Jorders No. 14, announc ing the following list of officers for the Second Bngaae Jiortn i;arounsta3 (luards. jThey bAYheeii -commissioned by the Gdvornor: wiN tesi?;i N. H. Spruit, A. ;d'ltpm Lieutenanfc-Colonel.- ' - i, . ,- P attit u ; George HHalV 'ApD 04 ranfciCap B. MmD.ran1 tenant . " - ! (iMTi Joseph M. Cronlji Ordnance Officer, rank. Maior. '-i ! Wm. A. Cumming, Brigade ' Qftartejv iioauer, raiiK. major.- eV- -..... or wi uj John G. YoungBrigade Commissary, rank Maior. ; :: n u:t 'i . ' T crU::r George G; Thomas, Brigade Surgeon, oY. ueprge i-aLLccBoii, jv. ajwo, Charjlain. v ii,;'4k t. tivfc&ri.-' Commandants of rejriments and bat talions in this military district, are di rected to order out their respective com mands to parade on the fourth of July next, either by regimentflf, battalions or companies,as ttey. maly deem most cojj- venieut to the commands. vAil- nompa ies in this comment that'haviefTiot;'tU0 required nnumberiof iinif ormed taeh.oh the 15th .of ' Amriist next! tlie- freueral commandingNwili recommend- th'A JutaruvGeneral of the State ta . dis&and qu cau in tne arms in v nave. iin Sudden ehanpmi of tommrnbinijilWaTS lddtH nrsicar discomfort under various manifestations . "to; teneralrf coldB. DrBuU' Baltimore P11U cVlJ rid the system of the bad effects resulting Km these changes. Price only 26 cent. FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Pursuant to adjournment at the Char lotte meeting of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor, withiftithe jurisdic tion of the State of North Carolina, the Grand Lodge was, .called to order in Newbern, on June 17th. Representatives from twenty-two of the twenty-five lodges in the State were present and all the Grand Lodge offi cers except the Sentinel. The following list of officers answered to their names at roll call: P, G, D. Chasl It. Jones, Charlotte. G. D.-W, Jr IL Bellamy, Wilming ton. V. G. D. L. C. Itaries, Lexington. Asst G. D. S. K. Eaton, Newbern. (i- SF-i5- Carlton, SUtesyille. ; G. -T.--S. 0. Scdfield, DavidiOri College. G. C J. M. Spragins, Tarboro. G, G.N. Jacobi, Wilmington. tbw w. tjogaeui luoiasooro. i Grand Trustees C. II. White, Con cord; ILTull, Kinston ; J. M. Spragins, Tarboro. . . And the following were the represen tatives and Past Dictators present: Samuel Merrill,, Baleigh ; Lawrence Pulliam, Asheville; C.M. Brown, Wash ington; Theo.F.Kluttz, Salisbury; W. H. H, Cobb, Goldsboro; A. Arnheim, Greenville; Ellis Levy, Enfield; R. Fr iewis, jumDerton , VY, J.Everett, Rock ingham; J. H.Bell, Tarboro; H. O.Hy att, Kinston; L. A. Bikle, Concord; B. Nooe, lxington; Henry Redwood, States ville ; W; D. Stokes, Battleboro ; W.- Hi Hardin, Laurinburg; Jno. J. Hill, Asheville :' ' W. G , Brinsori, Newbern ; Alexander Miller, Newbern ; A. -W. Moye, Greenville; K. R. Jones, New bern ; R. Mills, Newbern. The Grand Lodge was opened in form, and proceeded to business.' The iono wing standing committees, to serve during the session, were appointed: Appeals and Grievances C. M. Brown, L Pulliam, R, F. Lewis. ueturns Theo; jr. Kiuttz.W. J. Ev erett Ellis Levy. State of the Order W. tl. H. Cobb, L. C. Hanes, Samuel Merrill. On Dmributim-. M. Smasrins. L. A. Bikle, H. O. Hyatt. - V. G. Bnnson was appointed to fill a vacancy on the finance-committee. The Grand Dictator read a Ions ahd admirable report, showing the progress the order has made within the inrisdie- tion of North Carolina during the, vear, which waa ; highly satisfactory to the Grand Lodge. ' Xearly five hundred new members haYe been added to the roll within the year, and all the lodges are working in harmony, and that fra ternal spirit which is tanarht bv the principles of the order. " " The reports of the Supreme Repre sentatives also showed that the order was in a flourishing condition., Three hundred and eigbty-fivd thousand dol lars have been Daid but of the widow's and orphans' benefit fund, to the families of deceased members, during the year, and hile the membership in North Carolina has nearly doubled during the term, the increase has been perceptible throughout the United States. in addition to the reaular assessments. the Knights in North Carolina contrib uted $281 to the yellow fever sufferers. out of the subordinate lodge treasuries, and sent in several hundred dol- ars to the same cause through private sources, showing that the teachings of the order are in full force, and elf eet throughout the jurisdiction. - The report of the Grand Reporter showed four deaths among members of tne order since its introduction into tne State, and that the death benefit in each case was paid within sixty days from the time of notification. It also showed that there are now twentv-flve lodges regularly organized, and working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge, be ing an increase of twelve new lodges since the last annual session, with a membership up to December 3lst 1878. of 544, to which must be added for lodg es organized since, 325, making a total membership m tne state or S7y,,Deing an increase since December 3ist 1877, of 621. Total cash (general fund) for ast year. $2,238.24 ; total disbursements, $1,093.80, leaving cash on hand, $544.38. The Reporternaving some curiosity on the subject; made the following ex- j nibit, showing the aggregate age of the membership in the State; "The aggre gate age of our membership is 29,644 years, uus gives sa years as tne av erage age. The lowest average or the memoers or any one lodge is 30 25-sutns, and the greatest average age of any one odge is 39 o-lwtns. The report of the Grand Treasurer makes the same financial exhibit W. G. Brinson, in behalf of Newbern Lodge, No: 443, extended the Grand Lodge air invitation to participate in an excursion to Beaufort on Thursday, whicliwas accepted. BvL resolution the hours 01, meeting. were fixed at a a. mri8p. m- and Sixm., during the session! A; number or resolutions ana amend ments, 'changing existing" laws,' were in troduced and referred . tor appropriate committees. ; '' ' ''" ' SECOlJP PAT, . ,j ' ',j The Grand Lodge was opened, m due form, all the Grand Lodge officers and members being present. The minutes of first day's session were. jeaLand ap- fdOoMleM(aws rijofleS0 fa voWtidriti following. e t i 1 Rmmai fchatinpast Daetawrf im madefy afiipeiisation or otherwise ex cept by passing through the chair or at the institution ox new lodges. The report ofmejcommiKe&clteathe rulmgf the' Supreme Dictator1 ori this question. r , xne iouowmg waa aoopxea: . - vrn Resolved. .That 1 ho : subordinate lodge shall bei entitled to representation in this Grari4 Lodge tbat i in arrears for dues, orqy, part thereof, and any lodge organized within three months of June 80th or ppember Slst of each year, shall rEeslvedJrhiLtra sub .DEitorteis'aiia- fiiiarMaUieboersiwho have served in that position for two years without compensation, may be created Past Dictators. f . An amendment was adopted restrict ing the voting membership in the Grand Lodge to its own officers, committee men ( aild prntfcittkig off theifrivHwge of PastTrfctators present who are not of these classes, of voting in the t lection of officers. The following-Teport of the commit-1 tee or hnance was adopted : KEPOST yisnrliflfaiti oh finn'rfcefbeil leave to report, That they have examined the reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Re- Eorter, compared the same with their ooks and vouchers, and find all cor regtnd 4 n proper form.. The books of the, Graridtyorteir are nefcitlytahdfeys tematically kept, making it easy for your committee to discharge their duty. We recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge pay to the Grand Reporter three hundred dollars - fOT-lhs'' (services' 'for"" the -past fourtoea months.,,, rfJ Ut,. ,:vfri. The committee also recommended the reduction of thfr per capita "tax'tei ime dollar per member, but after a full dis cussion of the question that portion of me report was laid on tne table. P'3rhl&lirotiimitefl'5n annefilsn MtoWfle-a ip9it,VGrieh was pay a per capita tax, only jpro rata from the - time of Institution,-1 pro vided that thtf amountshal beiVlss thahiSH itSperMpitdifyr, iv..-; wu w i-.-u- - 1 1 'll' ! ...1.1! ..Aei ni -Lliei louiowine resgiuuon was uutn frttmsly adbptedi by.a rising votet :i Z Mesoivea, xuai iu wauuuwigo North Carolina recommend, t?rtbjBu premXtlorVthe appoiritment J of lirena Dictator tt rj . 11. neuamy u tne Swition of medical examiner for th g rand jurisdiction- , . . , HhntAfl Tv ft riai nr vote ii s-Ji;:-i kwpti Jhmlaeds That' this Grand Lode'dd recommend arid BFgeiWpptf the subotdir al' Jpdes of tthu Grand i jurisdiction the uropnetY or "Placing m meir iomkw foam si box f of the purpose of receiyg nntributions for.,thfiixfo'rdlOrphan Asylum, and that the amount contrib? utea d rorwarueu vwn wwum-wnio fivsuid Reuorter.- and br ? himt to' the proper 'authorities of the asylum,- -.i A-.iniirnijpr 'iof'' other ' PFOpositions, araendmentand. rreGommendations were introduced and referred to appi-o- 'afAmmitteeafrtis,i34-M-'I'.tI), Thr-committees:nn yetu'ahaj' rributlom ' made reports, whieh iwere The ioilOWing-Tesoiuuou, wj 7M.atithis'G'rand Lod dTJfte'v- aftr3ptOT: 1 fr-w ge-rat if s. iho. auhordinate lodce constitntjQn, r --amended ;at het'JiessjbnptAe Supreme Lodge. r.V ; ik(kw wm&'f The following resolution was adopt- eli Grand Lodge be, and they are hereby79tlr H ? F. & A. Masosrsf f t$-hH 0fftJifi "hfall f "J during the sessiomi ofml grand bony.'t xne grana dictator appointed the fol- y - lowing standing committees for thef 4 enMndicJRMoA, H. O. Hv- att and W. I. Everett , On Laws and Supervision Chas. R. Janeapfi. !Biklca(l"Ai;W;.&MSydija The business of the session having bajcoiuddidfcrGiOT closed in due form to meet at Ashteville On Thursday ofthe session the Grand Lodgeed4h1nVaatifrbf New bern lodge, No. 443, to accompany jtli at lodge on anojtouroion. to Beaufort Three train and th 1 -m . iy and eniova hundred. veaplfi boarded the B-JTflalf 55asS iSM off pleasant- ldttfi&Stl Mr. Perry, was fine and afl went merry as a marriage bell, not even excepting the euiy w ieun. wuwu suuieui ineKnignis suffered. Tne Axres f PatesiCbared with tne Killing of Henry Kin pb ur y makeri -wMcW trill .M'sOld Atf the vefv Ibwfefiu nd jrUree BtocKctf SHnitera and Newport TtesHfri Gefets IwioiH haVe'a 'ftill stock of the be. pfQnybacgyiyi that) we sell the same article solewhitt thei x,ocrc Muv4uetHUHi ui sunouncing w mj-oiu I rieiiua iuai j. ain uow swtyiuy wxtu mr.ju.uyer, uu jieet t with an experienoeof ten years in the Shoe and Hat business,' I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfacW, iat a isirf a ; w very respectmiiY. - m ! u:l,..u i .-,tJ , ; -it .M,t879.!f iy yi 1 1 t---, 3iocur!dro.rj: "I h;ii,.i!iMuv -. J. Mc. ALEXANDER , , THIRD DAY'S SESSION. The Grand Lodge met at 9 o'clock, a. m., officers present. ' Among tne first business was the pre sentation of the following resolutions, rising vote : RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS. Whereas, Newbern Lodge, No. 443, Knights of Honor, has manifesed its high appreciation qf pur ,npbH prdf r in entertaining thiV fMnff1 Ufifen a princely style, both while in the city and on a pleasant excursion to Beau fort, an elaborate dinner, pleasant sail ing, &c, therefore, Resolved, 1st That we highly appre ciate the untiring efforts of brothers W. G. Brinson, Saml. K. Eaton. KR. Jones, Jos. S. Schwerin, R. Mills, and others, officers and members of New berne lodge to make our visit to the "Elm City" pleasant and Agreeable. Resolved 2d. Thattheir, effdrti have been crowned with success, beyond question, and we wiley.ercherish the memory of this ''occasion with proud recollection. Resolved 3d. That we had heard of the hospitality of S. R. Street, proprie-: tor 01 the liastoii House, and other citi zens ot wewDerne generally, but hnd that the half had riot been told. Resolved 4th. That the thanks of this Grand Lodge are due and are herebv tendered to the Newbern band, and of ficers of the excursion train for courte sies shown and for music furnished for the occasion, Resolved 5th: That these: resolutions be spread upon our minutes, and a copy be sent to the 2s ewbern Democrat tor publication, with the request that The Charlotte Observer and other pa pers friendly to the order copy. The committee on the state of the or der reported it in a highly prosperous condition throughout the State, and re commended the adoption of the follow ing preamble and ioltttion introduced by Past Grrfnd DictatoF Jonea ; rT whereas, The question ot expense in the annual sessions of the Supreme Lodge, Knights of Honor, is one of vi tal importance to the prosperity of our order, and, Whereas, This (irand Lodge de sires to express its disapprobation in regard to the policy of electing officers and appointing committeemen from that class of representatives whose term of office expires at the end of the session, therefore, . .. ,. ... .; Resolved, That it is the opinion of tins Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor, for and within the jurisdiction of the State of North CaroliiuiWiatithe .Supreme Lodge is, and ought to be a legislative body exclusively, and that the policy or selecting -outgoing representatives to that; body for "committeemen and. 1 'of ficers of the Supreme Lodge, except the supreme dictator, the supreme' Vicedic tatoiv tfre supreme assistant 'dictator, ; the supreme reporter, the supreme treasurer, and the finance committee, implying the payment, of mileage and per diem to such parties, is an expense which cannot bejustined by experience or good economy. Resolved, That the representatives or this Grand Lodge to the Supreme Lodge be, and they are hereby instructed to votef 9 nsuch rchangei 6J chatgeft i the Suprenie Lodger cbnslitutidn as' wflr for bid the selection ot omcers and com mitteemen (except those named in the foregoing resolution) from that class of memoers wnose term 01 memoersnip expires at the close of the session. Resolved. That the grand dictator be directed to appoint a committee qf three ; members of this Grand Lodge to com municate the views this grand oody to the respective grand lodges throughout the United States, and ask their co-operation in the desired change. To carrv out this idea, the grand dic tator appointed a special committee of three, to-wit: Chas. R. Jones, W. G. Brinson and. L. A Bikle. , TbeYtbmimttea. ion. 'printing, made their report, which was received and adopted. The hour for the special order Having arrived, the grand dictator announced that the election of officers was the next duty of the Grand Lodge, and upon ballot the following were elected: liranq .JJictator iqeo. r . juuuz, Salisbury:5 ' Vice-Grand Dictator Dr. V, H, t. Cobb, Goldsboro. Assistant Grand Dictator-J , m, &prag. ins, Tarboro. Grand Reporter if. C, Canton, states- ville. . 1 i '. t . ; s ; I ' ; Grand Trfeafeurer-S. C. SeofieMrDavid. son College. Grand Chaplain Jttev. vv. r, wi& liams, Davidson College. , , Grand Guide JN. jacODi," Wilming ton. j.Jn.ft'3 -v.dal-.ifff Grand Guardian-Dr.D.Cogdell, Golds boro. w3" 1 Grand Sentinelr-C. M. Brown, Wash ington. ;rasv 'irana Dictator Dr. w. j. 11. Bellamy, Wilmington. .Grand Trustees, u. i;tj.anes, juex lertoh: Dr. K F.Lewis, Lumberton; R. Mills, Newbern, The trustees made tneir annual .re- port; which was adopted. ' ! ; ,M'J h After some discussion on the ques tion of the report .pJLthe committee on laws in regard to making trustees the finance committee, tne omcers eiect ior the ensumg yearwerejthen installed by Past Grahd dictator CnaVR. Jones. The following resolution was adopted: -a? EsvlwivTii9te9 Mw Grand sLodge horeiw tfindera to tne sever.u ranroaa compinies j)f the State 'Voter bf thanks ior tneir cutiitpaiea . !uvtH w-h rapes 01 iare to tne several .omupro auu delegates to tnis urana ioage. The following resolution was unani mnuslv adonted:. tThatriihRtii!eOTng-iXiffiacr!i"i tttrUm Grand Lodge have" "merited, and we tender them our thanks for 'the zeal manifested and the efficient manner in which they performed their several du tieaci? aaiiaa zej . . - t3itu -.ICbQfollowing was adoplBdlyflms ingvote: ;:.v Resolved. That the thank of this i Thrbnghotitmfidaonskerable ex- : j A- t , , . citcmcni, . prevailed among tne coiorea people-, especially, in the1 neighborhcod of Hebron church, seven miles south of the city,;' over the 'serisatfotf "Started, there a week ago, beds?uppftjthe . re ported finding of the body of a negro man and the subsequent disposition' of hit The-Bttppositiou among the colored people of itbeairag)qdv4s has here tofore be'en statea.is thatTElenry Kings bury, a negro who was arrested) for vio lently assaulting Mr. Dal Thrower, was made away with by the parties who had him under arrest and who reported that he,, had escaped from them on the way from Charlotte (where he was caught) to the magistrate; J. T. Downs, who is sued the warrant Several hundred of them were in the neighborhood all day Sunday trying to find evidence of this fact-.. Coroner '.Alexander also1 went down to assist in the investigation. Sunday evehingarrahtrwere issued by Justice Davidson, upon application of Prince Brown and others, for the ar rest of Joshua Glover, Andy Bales, Dal Thrower, all white, flnd, Charles Small and Jason Culp, colored. Yesterday all these parties, with the "'exception of Dallas Thrower who is attending court in South Carolina, were arrested and brought to the city. A preliminary hearing was begun inthepourt house testerday afternoon before Justices Davidson? Waring - and Severs. The court room wag. crowded. Messrs. By num ahd ' Grier appeared for Glover, Messrs; Wilson & Sum for the other de fendants and Maj. W. W. Flemminfcrep- resenled tile Stale! " "ZT" ..The f fmi ns&f 3toved5 htsfkt ponement of the case on the ground of the abaenpejpf matetfil itn&, and askedvthStr 411 tie parties be rettMl bail except Glover. After argument by Mr. Flemming and Messrs. Wilson & Son, the court overruled the motion and the trial was begun. S. H. Hilton, a justice of the peace, who lives three najJea south of the city, was the first witness called. He testi fied that about three weeks ago, Joshua Glover, Thrower, and one of the Bales brother OmcouldiiOt sy fvlpcb; fin) camTOTirs ntrase with "a warrant from Justice J..X Downs for the arrest of Kingsbury, charged with an "assault upon Dallas Thrower They asked that he endorse the warrant and deputize Glover to assist inmaking the arrest This he difJ. The parties tiien proceed ed to Charlotte. About dark thev re turned with. Kingsbury, and. stopped at his house. He advised them to bring the prisoner back to to town and confine him in jail to await the recovery or death of Thrower, who was in a critical condition. Grover said he had advised the same thing when in town. 1 hut JJalSfsmd h 'intefurled; to taKe htmiback 0 tie magistrate' who had issued the warrant to-wit: J. T. Downs. Glover then. asked the witness to release him from further service. whjeh. the , mtiysss dicL. , Bales , and Thpt&S MridHJ'Md bi5f prison er. Glover remained and talked with him for fjfteen minutes, and then de? parted.'saying he must catch up " with the other party before they reached the roau wueve ne turned on, as ne wisneq to send a borrowed horse ou by them. Bales, seemed; excited but the others were quiet The negro was tied with a rope" "held?9 by Bales. The prisoner confessed that he had .struck Thrower, but claimed that ljefli4d axsause. ) Andy Allison, colored, the next wit ness, lives at SeYenMUe Pump. About 10 o'clock oTjue53d4y nigat three weeks ago, he heard, near his house, loud cries as of some one in pain. and subseauent- lyA'dTabpinglof jliaSuds and noise, which seemed as if some one was pursuing an other. This was below where Glover wquld turn off to go home, and fam miles from Hilton's, Joseph McMuller, colored, lives on the plantation of John Moore Kirk patrick ; was at the house of Lewis Green a few nights ago, and had been engaged in the search for Kingsbury's body. Green gave' him a shirt (This was produced in eourt It was a knit cotton shirt and had a mildewed ap pearance.) The examination of the witness was stopped at-tnia point. Edmund Holmes saw .Lewis liner, Charley Campbell, Nathan Thrower and Eli Thrower hunting for Kings bury the day after he escaped. It was On Mr. Bales' plaice wiiere Jie worked Bal es left home that evening, Witness left after dark and-went over to Dal fitter Mtim 10 0 clocks. As Jb es-aaased mong., tha road, heard vojoea in -barnot crept to5 the fence corner ana - heard Bales say: D n him, we put him where the dogs won't bark at him, Jennings saidd n him, that's what ought to nave been done with him There- were several other men in the lot; recognized these two and Mr.-xJshu45lver; knew Jennings vulue well and also reoognteed the mulhe,jyui fclinaw belong ing to m?mxft&- 'Witnefeafterwards went to tne Kitcnen : near jcne jjouse (Dal Thrbvfcfs) mdl s Jidy Bales and Dal Thrower came out of the barn lotandgoTintd tbelehse; :iil'i J A On the cross-examination Dy jar. Wrlso4idenfed haYf seenopheart tofthtce: sertion, (WBdwas-'a totsfakeifiwited?! .wiBdsBi; mass tJIenryj Weltonrndft seacii.ttliig Sugar Creeknd-fotm4j0iinJelf Throw-' er's place,..near thfJ jbridgeja pile of ashes M ch he ;dis(verm'iwhat " he beJieved-rla be partly burned bones. grhpqo.wpro phowbfrW: slson i&cSonvtheState's counsel, Mn FMinifli?,taM!Ke!W!,'Staw the case FMiniflata!KentfSW Ihe.case af thtifi asithe3ndoctol-s-'feould not make cra$iea$ exapinatton t)f the bones until daylight. ;Hejeid;ir4Sen.tt6 askvthat lie Toeibound over as a witness. He was compelled to ask the cdtrrfto sRnd the TemMninjrrirlsofiers.i morning. i . v Messrs Wilson Sen, argued that the State's cdtirisel likff tailMtobring the slightest testbaonyiaaainrt the-ascused ; he.had not even attempted to prove the chrviis v delicti that KinesburY - was killed, and that the court had no right to commit the prisoners, to deprive Vfl lit' rt Hi ttll .; f i.iij IHf'- til li! i 1.7 .- 1. ;.rt lottal aad How iopyl I sj "F'f ' Jt i. -i Another arriral of hotrsenold atd other usefol articles for our famous ii r. " ' - -: :i .13 FIVE C:E N T C O U NT E R Tar soperlor to aQ others reoelred. Also a beautiful variety of PERCALES ANIPJIINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. i 1 V i LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG ERGIGS, INSERTINGS AND LACES ereat Bargains In '. Ladles Linen Ulsters and Dresses, ridCERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call andook at bur gTeatfbargalns we offer tlils Week. H. MORRIS & BROS; We have just received splendid assortment of Rustic' Frames, for mottoes and various size trictures, at tnlces lower than ever known in ChartotUC June 11 1879. them of their liberty, on the strength of a magistrate's warrant only. - ' The eonrt;:however, consented tostop the case till this morning at 10 o'clock, and ordered the four prisoners to be sent to jail." C?Mton High School. , .,'', . .. We! learn that Prof. Thos. R Bailey, having received a call to a lucrative position in Mississippi, (the acceptance of which admitted of no delay) was compelled to close the exercises of his flourishing, school atfaUallasl one week earlier than anticipated. ' On Friday night last the 20th, there were exercises in declamation, reading and dialogues; after Which the young folks enjoyed a sociable in one of the large rooms Of the college building. Prof. Bailey, in Ins $rief valedictory remarks, explained thef cause of his re tirement; ami stated sthat-be knew of no better opening in the ; State for the establishment of a first class school ; and that no doubt under the new man agement' it would open in the fan with largely increased numbers. He: added that the morality -of -the -inhabitants, the salubrity of the climate, and the number of children were all favorable circumstances towards the estiiblish ment bf a large and excellent school. B. R. Smith & Co. The New York Evening Post of the 19th contains the following amongjts notes of the cotton exchange : , - ""Messrs.-'B. R.-Smith & Co., , Mho had suspended last Monday, notified the exchange to-day officially that they have resumed business, and that they are ready tq-meet all their engagements. This to&tifieation caused great satisfac tion on 'change, said firm, being very popular In the room. We have the best reasons to-believe that Mpssm Jl. W. & J. H. Farley, who Watl suspended on the same day, will resume business very 30004 . . , - r The issttd of the 20th gives the fol lowtttgr"' 'It gives us pleasure to announce and it will be read with general satisfaction that Messrs. B. li. Smith & Co., as was expected, have resumed payment. The absence of new failures in spite of the Very hard pressure yesterday, Messrs B. R. Smith & Co's resumption, large sales of spot cotton in addition to the general favorable opinion of the article may be quoted as causes ot the im proved feeling." - 0 The Walking Woman in Atlanta! - The Atlanta Constitution has quite an extended accouut of the arrival in that city at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon of Mrs, Potts, the walking woman. The crowd began to gather about 1 o'clock. About 2 o'clock somebody said "yonder she-comes," and the crowd began to rush down the track and crowd around a slight figure which appeared modestly to avoid the eager gaze of the crowd. It was soon discovered that this was a cruel ruse, A lovejj of practical jokes had dressed up a well-known ' young man. of . small stature and effeminate features, and thus made cruel sport of the boys, The crowd felt greened and went back to await in the shade the ar rival of the genuine Mrs. Potts. Hour after hour went by and still she did not appear, At last it was learned that she would oe there at a o clock, xne crowd felt inspired' and Waited in patience. As the hour drew nigh fully fifty per sons went out as far as Ponce de Leon to meet the lady while three gentlemen began to enjoy her society six miles up the AHvLine, At ten minutes past five tne crowd: in tne depot cheered. The veritable; Mrs. Potts brad appeared. . She came up the track tn a trot, which look ed like she was as frH'and.spriniry as u sue nad 1 lust Degtm ner long tramp, t The crowd ' surrounded her at once. I She escaped and went to the Markham House wjiere anewaa,jiQapitaniy.enter tainediiyrthe propTietor,:Mr Paine. A UonstiStitton reporter went to ner room for ah interview, and sheftold him thesamcrstory that she related tb fcrre porter of this paper. ;v She said she had gotten along,' finely . since, her departure from Charlotte, and.adde4 am now 200 miles aHead. at IeaM,fx.rneft; Phila 4elphia.wi'ihe 12th of May to .walk irom mere w ixow viicaua auu irvc&iu five months. I would have to make just sixteen miles every day t do it I thought X could and 1 set out liost fourdaysan Baltimore; from j the rain. I have lost seven r4ays, m .alL but . I'm ahead. . JLast Wednesday 1 did tne pest day's walking I ever did tbirt,ysix miles. jl, am, going, to tM.nere untu Tuesdaf todrest i J - .vl She has agreed to give two exhibitions of her walking powers inlAtlanta-k)ne liXl - IIIKH' CUiU. UUO MTUlgJlU '-OUOi VT 111 leave that city to-morrow.2-' j " 3 7 1 1 - V. Ki tmt ' ii 1 .r ' :i . . Theu&Mdft JPBetfi WJ MCTlUtC. : .'j It a adapted tspekally tar th)s8 easea"where the womb U disordered, and will can any lrreguLarlty ottae "menses.". Dr.J. Bradfiela's Female Begu Inthr aiB tike u pharm In "wlirtea.' Or In a. sudden cheek ofthe monthly eouraea;" Irom coWi trouble ot mind: or Uks causes to toitotiot u disci in evert instance. 80 also, la chronic cases ks ac tion la prompt and decisive, and saves the constitu tion irom eounuen evus ana premature oecar, . .1- J .. . I . A n ..1 n . AA- tuut tuugjia 4W vuuuum, may28 In vOur ; White Goods Department ; Has recently been replenished with a magnificent line of Linen, Victoria, French and Bishop Lawns; Piques, all styles and prices; India Mull, Organdies, and Barred and Striped Nainsooks at exceedingly low prices. 1 ) (. . We are now offering bargains in every line, and your attention is especially called to our stock of The most attractive In the city, and at very low prices. We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces, Ham burg Edgings and Inserting, Nainsook Edgings and Insertings, Swiss Edgings and Insertlngs In great variety. CORSETS AT ALL PRICES. Colored Organdies and Lawns all grades Just received. We make a specialty of Ladies' and Misses' LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS. Ladles' Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $3.50. Jane 17. Our Stock of Gloves will be found complete. ALEXANDER ft HABBiSt THEBES T "THEWOR SOLO BY OK. ni500.cc) SO SIMPLE . WARMHTCQ '0 Bt.mnt ii I M MM m NW""trlJ v FOR PARTICULARS NUMBER OH SHf address: WhiteSewimo Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. XIRKSS GOODS, .;. SUAWLB. ., , ioneKs, , . COTTONS, UPHOMTEHT, PLAKBTKLS, GLOVES, I .'. HOSIKRT, GirU'imd Boys' Salts, i LadieB', Underwear, Infiutta Outllts, DRESS STAKING, WRAPS, OOSTTJMKS, : RIBBONS, c ttUt'UlAIUS, HASDKERCmKgS, WHITE GOODS. BUTTONS, . V"' ' - " H AMBURGS, :'8BWniaSItK, '.. .PINS, FRINGES, SEBDLES, FANCY GOODS, Ac II V 111 II BY HAIL. Send for Samples or information,-and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of ui by Mail or Express. We carry an averaoe stock of about $100,000. all bought for prompt cash. . WTry us. Have tne Children send Jor a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER &C0NARD, importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 186& ' THE- WEEKLY SXJ3ST, A large Eight jPige Sheet of Fifty-six broad colums, will be Sent, jiUkiks.-'A&x till January 1, 1880, : ! Address June 21 lm. I. FOR HALF A DOLLAR. ' . . ' j! ; THE" SUN, Now York City. . DON'T FORGET x8t'ktx$ tm& (Btiissxoxxt That! have ithe largest and best stock of Fancy I andStaple;ih .'m.n.ll .?f. I '. "i i.i i.'Uiiyvsis di -KGlCJET;,;;; Ih. Caiariote, -edaslstlng lni rbrtt,.the"folloIng Oranges, Lemons, Bananas Frencn . and ' riain uanaies, Jeiues, vsnnaa oauua suarKun iu f c eauiesB iMiati nwuuB x wrf i ; ii- g -tirtn- Owim and ' Vaetorv - Cheese. - Itov Freah Boasted Coffees, he fin.- . ( i - ' 1 , . r. Km 1CM ut MlP llin, mtm CHINA PALACE arflclesV ' grades of Sugars and - ureea uonees, nv ;n eluding some . : . 6 YEAR OLD ;JAVAS, -Yefy'Cbotoev- '. r.rMXS. ::.,.:..:! '.,11 NEW, ?;XdBKXDEK.1 Both. Wholesale and jtteteu.' -tit- .ill a r' T( ; Also a large fot dbeauU6U c9rs tt On9nsIgnmep y vUktmL afo Tnamuui ioi itMtajmmaXijBapMtn eor licit a continuance of the same. "LeROT DAVIDSON. 'ill Mil, -. . "Si 1 tOJ- . ,t .1- : If JHa.ER00OIELD& "CO:; -fir fa 1 iAtimis pF.LOWracs; wuscreeeivea, aKoi: ,4j -0 -jiiti Ice Creanr Freezers, best make, freeze In 5 nuh- i tites; water coolers, Kerngerators, wire ; Covers, Fly Traps, pampas names,,, , uars ana . . : Bliri Cages, Fruit Jars We constantly keep on nark a full line ot Flalv and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware; tamp Goodsi Cutlery and Plated Ware, Fancy Gotdf in, Wood and Willow Ware. !, ' n -Ul I '' ' ' ' ' '"'.-''ii goxiNTRYr;' MERCHANTS !..; Lss v::i: . fJ i"fa ..0 v.I goods as cheapjas ill i-K.r , l ttr tintioA tn ' alt We Northern honses. and goarantee fcatisttutlon;- send Quotattons onappneatloa,' h : l 0 u ti j :i t ThanklKg yoq for ta Ubenaatronag la the . &mXerr respectfully; 'vU "XtiW JNa BE0OKTTJBLD 4 00. Charlotte, N. a, June 1, 1879.