gtft charlotte Gbbstwti. TUESDAY, JUNE 24. 1879. SOUTHERN SCHOOL BOOKS. Pari ef the Debate in the Senate Last Wednesday From the Congressional Record, 20th. era school book which I got from the library with the imprint of 1879. The honorable Senator from North Carolina Mr. Vance was jjood enough , to assure me that any books of that character belonged to a past day and had faded out. 1 am very sure that he would be the last Senator to make a mistatement. Mr. Vance. If the Senator, will per mit me, I assured him I did not know of the existence of any such literature. -.. ii a i no Then T tin. Mv informa tion in reeard to Southern matter! km 4 that particular point is wider than i that of the honorable Senator from North Carolina. , ? -A - '; ihji U Mr. Vance. Does the Senator from Maine say that he knows the book which he holds in his hand "is used in the schools of North Carolina? m ; j Mr. JJlaine. No ; I do not know that this particular book has Vet been intro duced; but I know that at the very time trie-Senator from North Carolina was civinz me the assurance that he. did not know about itjthere" was very i lively controversy going on miiw iuwu. of Greenville in his own State between different members of the board of su pervisors of schools as to whether this class of books should be kept in ; and that was to me a very encouraging symptom, for it began to be ' the -daWn of a better day in that respect. But here is a book published by A. S. Barnes & Co., of New York, Chicago and New Orleans, as the imprint shows. They are a very large firm ; they are, a very respectable firrri. It is a book called "The Southern Student's Handbook of Selections for Reading and Oratory." edited by John G. James, superintend ent of the United States military acad emy at Austin, and is just now -fresh. from the press. Whether it is publish ed as a mere amusing thing or whether it is intended for Southern circulation the Senator himself will better inform m than I could inform myself. Mr. Vance. I have never seen the' IdooIc before Mr. Blaine. It is just from the press. Mr. Vance. I will take a glance at it as soon as I can. I see it comes from Chicago. I believe that is not a South ern city, : f ' ,, , . Mr.' Blaine! It is published simulta neously in New York, Chicago and New Orleans, that is the imprint, 1879. I suppose New Orleans ranks as a South ern city-still. Mr. Vance. Yes, but it is printed in the North for the purpose of!! meeting the prejudice of some peopTe iff the South, to make money out of it,, just as the Bristish manufacturers used to manufacture idols to send out to the Hindoos for sale in the same ship with the missionaries. Mr. Blaine. If the Senator will per mit any such suggestion, I will state that generally the place where a book is printed does not tell of its character. I am quite free to maintain that this is one of the most remarkable books that I ever came across within the limited sphere of my own reading.. It quite goes beyond this other book about the heroic conduct of Jefferson Davis and the bad conduct of the Indiana regi ment at the battle of Buena Vista. I think there is not a person who speaks the English tongue who has not heard of Thomas II. Benton and many other distingush ed men who have adorned the annals of Missouri. If they had been select ing something worthy for a reading book, if they had taken Mr. Benton Thirty Years' yiew and merely trans ferred to its pages his magnificent de scription of the character of Nathaniel Macon, they would have done more for the Southern youth than is contained within the lour hundred pages or: this volume. ' ' 1 . . . ' P s.f. Mr. Vance. Will the-Senator allow ask him if he makes that criticism as a Senator or as a schoolmaster as to what would be most conducive to the instruction of Southern youth J- - Mr. Blaine. I do not understand the Senator.. .3X2? ....y-r.TZyiz Mr. Vance.,- The Senatorjays that if the author of that book had inserted certain things, from Benton's Thirty Years' TWw, he would con duce more to the instructions of South em youth than all it contained. I ask him if that advice is as a Senator xr as a schoolmaster. Mr. Blaine. Either, as you choose to take it, if it will only lodge in the South ern mind. Mr. Vance- Allow me to ask the Sen ator if he objects to what is in the book or to what is not in it? . Mr. Blaine. I object to what is in it ; and I will come to that. Mr. Vance. So far we have had noth ing of the contents of the book except the : names of some gentlemen from whom selections have been made. Mn Blainef If the Senator from NortB Carolina wilLaccept theiBuggestiottthat I have the floor and. that J.. have under, the rules of the Senate the right to speak as I&hoose myself be" v?ill observe som law of courtesy which just at this mo ment he is-not obedient to. Mr. Vance. I accept the suggestion with the greatest pleasure in the world, if the Senator will allow me to remark; thatl have observed it has been his in variable habit to interrupt any gentle man on-me noor ana to yield to any1 Keuueuiau who aesires to interrupt him.. r ' - Mr. Blaine. Always, - but not to have a caustic remark made as. to what line or speecn l shall take; ! I shall select; mat myseir, with the Senators permis sion. ' Mr. Vance. Of course I askedSo per mission. You had been readingthe list of authors in the book, and- were pro ceeding to iHieliver the South a lecture when ' you; had1 read nothing from the book itself, and I asked if your objec tion was urged upon what was in it or wnatTfasmotrln it. "If 1 have TeflecterH en xne gentleman x am sorry for it,'?, Mr. Blaine; From the" State of NoTtlf CaroUnatheenatorj wUL permit me Mr. Vance, Certainly, sir. Mr. Blaine. I obserye the book is read ing extracts from K. p. Battle, Mrs. M. B. Clarke. .Miss F. Fisher. T n irnmL. - bury, a7AmvrjMahgum,rafl ihm ttom tlia tsto hbnorablelSenatoo wuu ore now upon mis noor. 1 dy?ytDiinituat .book . from Chief 1 Jttatice Qastonj-from the eminent Mr. Badger from Willie P Mangum,f rom Wm. A. Graham, or from any of the great men of the past who have; illustrated; r the ; annals of, North Carolina.fii SoIrinights go tthrouehout this book.':It is m adfttn entirely of the South as it is related t6 the rebellion. I do not say entirely, for ; I do not mean that every page iu. it W political; butlf the honorable Senator from North Car ollnarrtQ, whprlcwAli k gladly , pass the book over when I am through with it will show-me-ofie solitary thing in this book intended or suggested ,to deepen, In the minds of the Southern youth anv respect for the national government, or7 any adherence to iney nion, a snail be clad to hearit. unless I shall guard mv- self by excepting some .expressions flef e and there from recent pedmcahdebatesr imthe SnteQrxthje I10iJse m which in ddaidsbxaniwbeiil Of both bodies fnterruD '1Lft m fctn& fWOK errant. tApttht&'MX Mr. Vance. I still i am i lenorant. as I presume the SenaW&v the character i . t f -r have made declarations of that kind, TMr;"Vane&5May l: be.;Ttermitt;(a., t the Senator from um and contents of the book which the Senator holds in his hand, but I take it for granted that at all events it is sucn as meets his earnest" disapprobation. Now, I should like to ask; taking Jt for granted that it is a very Dad dook, ii any institution in the South of an offi cial character-I mean any State school department-has endorsed the book and put it into the public schools of the State? '' --; Vv-.: - " 'C Mr. Blaine. That 1 am not able to an swer. - --V' " . . Mr. Vance. Then have any private . 1 .1 i i it. J Si. 4 n4-sv noaf) scnoois auupicu it ouu uu xu ur w - a Mr. Blaine.-1 am as lgnoraatjcb.'lhfti subject as the nonoraDie seiiaior saw ue was himselt He said (tjlgB-jwt to his knowledge. Mr. Vance. Thei Maine tries 4 sponsible for fi pi mi-w ibraatio bvanvafeiitiM tie ionbf Svia' dwhiW nobodih couldprevenfcif -itiiwa9 a.badrl SettSoIayfln felcidfegS5k3 effiatjrffi ble, if ,theoa)qleaccoito indulge in iiBoolcs ae.fpfiibHsWd in this country for the purpose of being snld, I hnntr one here.fMibiished. by Southern wen,j knownnaw. irespected I among Soutnera men as teachers or me youth, and l suppose this book was not published for mere fun. I suppose peo ple do not,get . upbootojorjthe .mere purpose or expenamg me money mi ia nftpRsairv ttf nrlnt them. Thev&T)ub? lhed?.for piRpose, anoTlf Jt thenexJ session oi vougreoa tue uuuui auio ocut- tor will address me that question and in the meantime endeavor to accumu late a little information on it himself, I thintthat the joint efforts. otJiimself andTniyflell wiu be able to shpwtftat this Dook will be in a great many South ern schools. Mr. Vance. I should like to say an other thing with the Senator's permis- SiOn-r,-. ,- ' XL , -' Thef presidmg onice.. poes the Sena tor from Maine yield? Mr. Blaine. Certainly., Mr. Vance. The Senator certainly has too much regard for law and for com- L mon logic to holdthe people ' of , the Soutn responsible ror the individual enterprise of any man, as I certainly have too much respect for him and his constituents to hold him and them re sponsible for the obscene; literature which is flooded from the presses of the North, the prosecutions for the circula tion, of which wo freonentlv sea in the newspapers. Nothing of that kind has 4 come irom the section or country in which I have the honor to reside;--nor would I, as a logical and honest man, attempt to hold the body of the North ern people, Northern society, responsi ble for that. That is individual enter prise gotten up to make money. Mr, Blaine. J&uthw wouldthey make money if they were not sold ? I ask the honorable Swatou to 'inform; me how they would make "money if "the books were not sold?, &Mr. Vance. They would hot .make money, as a matter of course, if they were not sold. The selling of the books has been prohibited by law. and many pexsons- whorliave undertaken to circu late that kind of books have been in dicted in the courts of the country, and therefore Mr. Blaine. I am talking about these Southern school books. How would these publishers of books ever make money unless. the books ewere sold? Mr. Vance. Of course the owner of the book could not make any money unless he sold it. That is taken for granted. He professes utter ignorance in relation, to. the book, except what he sees ' on the facer' of i it tHow does he know that anybody, privately or other wise, has ever bought a single solitary copy of that book? I presume the co pies which he holds in his hands are those sent to-the library according to the act of Congress. f Mr. Blaine, pit that is the point the Senat6r ftas, tjwill.exease him. Mr. Vance4 tbegldare to say further that , I do riot ineanKor anything that I hare said here to. condemn me book. I haye not ajiyoubt inMhel world but wbafcit iivery good book,Andthat I win $dr find it when I cometa examjaie it. The Senator tells me the authoi: Jias done me the honor to take afffextract from somef my productions afid pub lish, iti Laughter.l' That is pritba fa cie proof that it is a good and respect able boofetLanghter; J Blaine. I think the Senator ? Is qhoted notjas a politician,, btitf as a bot aniSt Hlover of nattiral 'scenery, or something pf ..that sorfe-1 think the ex tracts from tW hoiiof ableSenatorsare entirely harmless arid-"do r him great credit as a writer., i -1 vrVrKt M Mr. Vance. I would not praise it first, but the Senator from Maine was dis posed to put some curious eonstrnctiMi on it as against thef etninent of the UnitedBtesv butltelhs.the AuthVsr was ferjjvSse and 'judicious ,in, select ting that which would not dq anybody any harm who loyexLthes union of the country. Safars my . impression seems to be in favor of the author and against the Senator from Maine;:.."1 -1 - . j Mr. Blaine. Oh,.na theTSenator from North Carolina appears, the book Sn pfiarming d delightf ujcpters.rjjae ap pears in the bookftdescriptienistof certain beautiful scenery In. which lie says: 1 - ,Ki-yiLii n ' VerilT. it wonV (wwtti tlhsd. mo tnaoTilfiAAnwk woo the Joint work ot both the eelesttal and the terteB- As when some great painter dips f His brush in hues of earthquake and eclipse; hnd that "some truant rainbow, based on either mountain, had bestridden the glen with Its radiant arch, and while in the zenith)! its glory had been smitten by a thunderbolt into small, glowing dust, whose shining atonta had been scattered down u on the outstretched arms of the waiting forest! rLauehter rt 4 . .PT r The Senator oes iaot appear at all as a ljostile political, force. He appears as fetmanwbrxut the higher and teautiful field of rhetoric is capable of instruct- mgme woutnern youth how to con- Struct ftnttlfP AlidVnlv nn glowing dusxr ano: -radlanrarches " and " rain bows " and thunderbolts " and waiting-forests "jn a manner which I am free to say, so long as we areon section al issues, was never heard of , in the North ! Laughter. 15 ! - -"MrrVjance? tor ftpuMaJneMttalhrnTne. , Is have not heard siieK eloquence ffemftbfe lips of the Senator from Maine since I have had the honor of sitting in, this .cham?. ber. Laughter. Mr. Blaine. And I am frankr'toSa that in seventeen years in Congress I u Mr VanS. htlr indorse the book now fully, because it has absolutely improv ed the oratory of the Senator front MameSRgiter.il3? ,.nnr f Mr. lieckun L chope. the fienator from Maine afterthat jOratoryr;ar me'mber of the committee oil approptntas,will allow me to anakej conference xeport. x Mr, Blaiftei?Gertftinlywe ought to take a rest after that extract from the oenaior irom JNortn Carolina. Senators as. nufblTsers. Wash, letter to Richmond Dispatch. . ; Mr. Thurman isUie:6nly Senator who takes nuffiregularlyf but the custom of keeping shifWn tlieeskiof the Secre tary of the Senate is srill continiifid. Captain Bassett who was a page fifty yeiTj Hgo, says no- nas oiten seen Mr. Clay stop while speaking and advance and take a pinch of snuff,' andh that all the Sgiatoofjhadayedr r ; For upwards of thirty ypars Mrs. WmsloWs Sooth ing 8yrop has been used for children; It corrects aoldUy of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well kaown remedy. 25c per bottle. "i IZutiUin - . S iH ft. Mr. JjeQkvX Present the .rgport of a conference 'committee; t Mr. 31aine:vI yield foPmat.1 U . - TieDeatnBateoi Oar country is getting to be fearfoDy alaAntogj the average ot life being lessened eveirgeIMpitfe out any reasonable cause, death refultbq. general ly from the most Insignificant origini At.thls-ea-son of the year especially, aold Is sprtt ifecfaatpaa thtog that In the hurry of etery dayiiawfl rf apt 1 to overlook the dangers attending it ana onennna too late, that'8 WHf WXafly tfHUUlg Tlks"gTfiBady set In. ; Tboosaadsise their lives to this jVOT errtnnler. wine sajsQSCKEK B usaoua oixvr taketti a cart would have resulted, and a large ; bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Boschex's Qxbmam jBpbphkproven Itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single faIluk90wrvNrrrT tW h Mir H rsnn n b ifiV htm f a INTRODUCED,- A H1 U the fitnl ionfea ol manyiseases, promt - -j)JM"ag whjch r w- JYSPEPSIA, iBlt-htADApL CGSTlVENESS, -AOYSENTERYiflLrOU FEVt M60E A0 FEVER, JAUNDICE) PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. loss of Appetite and Nausea, the bowels are costive, bat sometimes alternate with looseness, Fain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation in the back part,Pain ; ;tej3teyyhfr side and under the gh jUlart - blade fnllneas after eafefe with flisin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irri tability of temper, Low spirits, loss ol memory, with a feeling of having neglected - soma duty, X3eneralwearmeaa; Dizziness, . riutterhig at the Heart Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness at night with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS AEE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TOT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases,, a sirigle doss effects such a change of fee Ii n gas to astonish the sufferer. S PILLS re csmpoaadsd from snbstasicM taifafe the most delicate orffaiatjq, Tbey, i Se&rch, CleanaerFffriryrad IsvUsVKte' the entire SyatsB rBrTenv4h ca4' Coraed.XJrer, they cleajiae. xhe, .btood fraat poloBaniTriiara, anitfhUliiKipiLrt hedtiiui titmUtj- ta thkSS tmnmimm tbs bwsls jta-j MS B$rSUr!wtth: which ns sne cu feel well. -., ; , . t, Dr. TTmS-Dair Sir i tad W .ywqS t IutS been CowitipaMwj and PiIm. :LmI roommena4 to me ; T "used " kit 111 Lin BM & Wll IMH : UiamT bat with! opnng jour riiiST,! 'flrarvooiu im nd 1 hT riunod forty ponnili Ktlid flestt. ' wprtn ttirwiKl m tfoiAi.? Ir.'i-yniV) , Tlira PlLLSi , r ' ' Their first effect U teXsessas W Al0tlf , and cans the body to Te ffhithts we tioa on the DisesUTs .Onraas.'-ICe on the egmlar BtMis ar prodacsd 'J DR, J. F, HAYWOOD, 1 OF NEW YORK i&AYSs : " Few diMiSM asiat that oaoao b Tlwad bf n. tonna; tha Iivor to ita nornul functi6B8,-and for this parpoaa ao nmady hu ew been iamrtad tbnt u hppy aa sffsot aa T ITrfiV FJX.ivi.J(. , i ; , SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRJCt 25 CEHTS,'," Offlcs 85 Marrsjr Street j New Ysrsu iaT"Dr.TTJTTS MANUAL of Valuable Infor mation and Useful Beceipta " will be iuailedr on application. lUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Haib ob Wkibkxm eaaac4 -to s-CoDStz . Black by a aingla application of toil Dtk It inv paruanararaiuoiar.aets lnatantanaonalr. and aa HarnUeH aa iDriiur watar. Sold br nmmHiii amat bf axoreaa on rcipt t $L Office, 35 Murray St., New York. aprl ly. t THE GENUINE 1 DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated American ' WORM SPECIFIC OR " ' VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes; or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle . runs along the lower eve-lid ; j the : : nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the. upper lip ; occasional headache; Ivltlf . humming orthrobbing of the ears ;' an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the" morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing ' sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the., stomach ;: occasional nausea and yom- , Wng ;, .jolent pains throughout the , abdomen ; bowels, irregular at , times ,; costive; stools slimy, not unfrequent-u - ly tinged with blood; belly swollen, and -hard ; urine turbid; respiration;, i occasionally. difficult, - and ; accompa-; . nied y hiccou'gh ;t cough' sometimes i I dry and" convulsive ; uneasy and dis- ; turbed sleep, with grinding Of the i teeth ; temper variable; but generally 1 irritable,' &c -r: '-. ; ' ..-.u.j .-ui j ' u .Whenever the above symptoms " .'iwtjiiq are found tQ exist,: '.. DR.'C. McCANE'S-VERMIFUGE .' U1 IT. DOES NOT. CONTAINvMERCUKY ' ' ' In any form. iti is n i'nncmt-te'pEl-! ' ration, Hot'tupc$fe6fddirtgth;iBgkUsr:L: liiiftifite , bears' theC,. signatures , of C. MqLAKE , and ; Fleming Bitps. ,on, the -1 in DRr C. XIcLAIIE S it t 'f fK "HI HWlt X i l,xe ft'dt re'eommende'd is a! rrnUy for J talf th fflsf flesh ikMrl,n'm! in' " affections pi the, livexarna -rti all 'Bilibtis 1 1 ' Complaints, dyspepsia" and'Sick Head- 'acheDr diseases ofthat 'characterhey'P stand without a riv: r I h : A G TJ E ;,A"N DEV E R roaaled. lcU BBlfriiuB op rmjLnvsui eno The gennin are: never sugar coated. ' MmEach bohas ;a red waxiseal on the; a liiid, with thfr iroprfession Dsi McIiANi'nl ; I4VEK PlttS,3?.Otl0fTB)!ttJt3 3a mi?A ' ' Eachwrappcv4ear thavsignatures of C. McLaMBsuxcI FlJftl(IO',BR0S;tf -A sit Insist4.Hpoa,.;hay$ng Atie? genuine; i'JDrt " ti-C McLamk's LrviR PiLtsv prepared by ;;: FleminosMrttburgh; Pa., the' tHUM:aiww spelled dtficrewtly i,ag0 "WHic-urumruciaiion, lit U'J ,irjiwy!ii 5it,jt , . i . . - - .WrJ111 l?I I53 K'.fo w 4 f TORPID LIVER V !,'No better cathartic can be used prepar- "iatory'tiipfter taking Quinia. s-vuu 1 ''::-'As 5 a 'sample.'purgative' they Jare:'tin-f" Tji. TSiXWXrX. . Q ri it t Xuctionser4 i - - aran&iriMPr i 1 hri IK .A J. - i (.1 fr'A .bJtufHjqBioJJaibf;rx-i ,T;(Tt;,MCH4NTS? . Bu;and aelion consienment all kinda of 7 MlBCaANiiaKAND tomrtrTtQDUCe-- aUentkm to all badness entxusted to'our care. ll ,f"JJwL U'i; in if ri il b hi HEADQUARTERS ; y I i'ml Jii:i. i cry, una Jliu ajii , il . mfitiiuiii' j -s"f itfli'Ui- yi " Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. J Delivered to any part of (be eity, free of caargefor tVOO per :.v: .. " . , r. ))i ' . , All osdera left at John Yogel'a tailor shop will re ceive joaipt attention. -:- ' ..'l S''H! omar4i--.'. Tbe undersigned la now prepared to fill all orders' lor every class of OndertaMng. Having on hand fan assortment of ' ' , . . i ' - - ; " : i ' ; - COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, BoWood and Metalic. PKICSB AS LOW AS AHT Hearses fumlftbed If desired. Itmuture of every Description Repaired at aher . nottea.-.;; ' 'l VTtlL WILHELJt, With X. O Roeers. Trade Street June 2a gntgfli atud mt&iciuts. DBDG6I8T AMD CanoOST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select SPICES, Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. KngHsb, Jreaca and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at sir nours, both nlgbt and day at i. H. BOADXirs Prescription Store. SECURITY, rr SECtJRITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA Na I KEROSENE AHD" ALADDIN SBCURITY OIL. . W8ts xtra No. 1 Kerosene Ou fronvC. West k Sons, Baltimore. -. , ghest Statu awarded at Centennial Exposition. 92PIiYu'iabao' Warranted to stand a KtfyiS wrees Fahrenheit iefore it sdll i"-1) s ii -viM7 v.;-? ow ,mid it 1 ii ; '- .? -if, -r-rr - - ii.r,..- For Sale by , ; ;. . ' D. H. MoADKN, Sole Agent, AT THE SAME OLD STAND, to aT'iMn1 Y l8l toperlor Quality toirV-ttaiWta? S?0, Wr eaft wlU also make rldl?L L18068.?1 business! or private 2e thSX wn the. drlveraddrsssed to In fjutoUfearfess ihan rbs., - clWto. fc' 1 i. ,:Pt SOlba. andnp, -; t jffis.Y, b"!?1, wWchKfthas S nrSTiiiwrAr'S" 9? jlaT urumrpassed lfaclllties ltSs' 1000 s" rasw, ; i if- llnst Rflnted and For Bak attthe -' - Oilj S70'l!t-vii hrf ttJ a wjvv . r J '' ''J! J!'i -7-T s-ff iff.U fvrrr. h--tr' - liiTOW P"RT rMTFIVrr A :boqe;bini)Ing. ri lot iiouisofi JiMij m iwyioa - ''it t v. i fl 1 STEAM-POWER ( e. i T l 1.1 J !'. Jon l!' ' ' t i- FAST PRESSES; 1 7) i1 GOOD WORKMEN. .'I (JO )' In connection with the publication of Teb Ob skbvib, and the estahllsnment of one of tire larg et,ncoinpieta, and most thoroughly equipped .'.! i"'ixr Jfi;i7 f .ij.'f ,;,:) ;;-' ft . ' JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has just added a com plete : BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tills class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to famish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give ue a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as it is possible to make K. LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, YlslOng Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, 4 Invitations, Checks, Labels BILL HEADS, aOCOClSa - . . Receipt Books, Business Cards, !:"' 1.' : . ; . Programmes Magistrates' and I Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds pf printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing, 'yi -2 i HO HOf ,bqok;,wqrk. Having a larger supply ottype:than most job es- raits, jBOOK WORK hasv been; and ; wJU continue to be a specialty with us. ' u I. 51. -1- J . OT-i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. " ' ' . Vt, i , t i , . . v- ) il tf.t- fj.Tf'' -rfj j: - v4 i-1 Vddresi . THE OBSERYEB, ; J i(lr97SI8?f i t ' nOiarlottevK.iX Safeties wsswmtss:- M1 aJKE Fancy & Gold and Silver wafchKs, Silver antM Table Ware, sTJ.IOH 11 tit US A WATCHES, i 'CLOCKSi'! i . JEWELRY, I t I' n '''. .1 , i i silver'and' . . -1 : i: ' f ' ! SILyER v IT in ; f fLATED- i 1 :. WARE, GOLD AND SILVER spectacles. .Hi Gold-Head Canes and evervthin? yni want at l .1. ; 3i T; B fs. dec24 p. LASNE, . ' ' ' 'From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER , and SIL- : i YER PLATER. : M .i! Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, .' . Nat Gray Store. ' :: Every kind of repairs made at once at half prloe l,wa7ed on,e7r- Bvery kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gnding, Coloring, SUverflaUng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as irood asjsw. ci Wo done f the trade at townees: -- "Apprentice, wanted, with premium and good references.. -r . . . 6 Bepatred work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. sept!5 : : , . THE HOUSEWIFE'S GREATEST FRIEND The latest and most complete invention of the day Crocker & Fawnsworth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron. Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere task of standing ov,er a hot fin. on Ironing CatiiySa This Iron heats itself, ana' win save Its worth In wood consumed under the old process In a short time, to say nothing of the health of those who do the work. , , We are the agents for the State of North Caroli na, and we propose to commence the sale of it in Mecklenburg,: Gaston and Lincoln counties at sell In other counties in the State win do well to iijjjjij ui once uureunaersigned at Charlotte, N. & E. H. NEWCOMER; 1 . - H. M. RAMSEUbT 1 Agents. The sample Irons have arrived and are at II. T. Butter's hardware store. C. S. Mallard Is our agent for Mecklenburg county, v : May 15, 187--d3m. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNESEVENTH GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, July 8th, 187 9-1 10th Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and CharftahlA nivrnnoAa in ifiAQ vwz mm. An twknty-fivk IEAB3, to which contract the in viola- X. 1 "TO u pivugeu wiin a capital oi $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $850,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- Djsj xuoiiujjuriuiNS win take place monthly. ji wnwuBi gi postpones, ijook at tne ioilow iug uiswDuaon: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dellars each. ets, one Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of 82,500 5 Prizes of 1,000... 1 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of 100.... 200 Prizes of fio. 500 Prizes of 20- 1000 Prizes of 10....:.. Half-TIc $30,000 ..10,000 ... 5,000 ... 5,000 ... 5,000 .10,000 .10,000 .10,000 -.10,000 .10,000 APPROXIMATION PBIZESi fl Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 w Appiuximaoon nzes oi 2UO I.eUU 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to.. J ,.. $100,400 .oesponsioie correspoixiingagents wanted at ail prominent points, to whom aolberal compensation will be paid. 1 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the home office of the company in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information, or send orders to - H A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692. New Orleans. Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. ; June 17 2Jjex &&vzvttezmtnts. If you Journey' for business, health or recreation, to the Mountains, Lakes, or Shore, over land or oyer sea, don't fall to secure the protection of AC CIDENT INSURANCE In THE TRAVELERS, of Hartford. Any regular agent will write a yearly or monthly Policy in a few minutes, or a ticket from one to thirty days. The cost is so small that any one can afford it who travels at all Cash paid for accidental Injuries over $3,000,000. RAGS, BEESWAX, Hides, Tallow, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, CatUe Tails. Old Metals, Ac. For quotations, Ac, Inquire of . . . . ).- . i IRWIN 8, LOEWENTHALV ' !: tnilU4 Peart Stwt; New York BKCKrwnii's ANTI-DYSPEPTfO FLtiLS: : ' ThftftA Pllli ntll J . ' . 1 and admirably adapted as a feirmedlclner They ""Sed bye most cultivated Deopli Iri ur toelr practice. Sold by Dniggiste ireneSusL .Send etPeteisburgi Vsurjjj ditSi fthevlrtues anfflclelucy. ofKs Mil navs rountt it th a twat nmf. , Tv .i r ana ex pvnstr. or ku on ttJaiW ium m iai' . rrr.TT7T -i r;i III SEND wona. ii guaranteed te, Maine" : "w ua, augns- 777 'M5AK.l"d expenses to agents. aTs-4ta, Address P. Q, TICKER Y, Angus- 00 page i CASH ADVICES hirtan T7vAJ2ii,!; foMcw always imta A IlmsZXmT of"Bes lnsertedl week f. ia 850 newspapers for $10. Send lOct tor 100 page pamphlet, G, P. RWILL ft C0."n.X - . a friend u ""n siich I aa. A Ami ." BliRS LUNGS ' - It Is a sore cure for CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS aUdfeeases.of the Lungs, chest and Throat ' This WAIT VrtVnm . years imdhien use1 for . tsr: -Kememner that It is the . Balsarn that cures W worsteT of the ; '; JOHN F. HENRY, CURRan 4 CQ Sole Proprietors, ... . 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW vfttv - - "Ai. SMITH'S WpRMOlL. ' Athsks, Ga., December 8, 1 87 A fAW nlcrhht olnrat I iratra . Worm cfirZ TTh SSVXi ""e..n of the UttTe girl, tw worms from four tn fiftoor. irT" CiKBV-X au.t,U AAJUJUa lUIlM. Worm fMl fnp sola K rw .. '.PHIH,& pabyKS:LYNINrm:GTerdUy- J. ft.'a'TjtirfeetTBiobD' Pcripteh ' ami k ih,. only purely VEo'etablh remedy known umi enoe, that has made radical and Pkkmanknt Cukes of Syphilis and Scbofula in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m - Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth ) It is an excellent corrective of Indigestion. Have used It with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate ef the Test Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hist'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It is an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging Is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of nigh character. I have seen a "trted-everrOlng" dyn peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men ol mitional fan5e . and of strictness of speech. It is not loo much to say that no medicine ever had such support in its favor as a specific. The word of any .one oi the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight - Their united witness Joined with the ex perimental use and approval or the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is. beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Ya. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. CoL, Va. It Is highly esteemed here bv the remlar Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific . umic, sugnuy apeneni, wiinoui nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN A CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. POLEV MILLER A CO , Apothecaries and Sole Proprietor!, . r : Richmond, Va. Buir 20-d4w tf. 1879 1879 ni r 'pHE FOUR REYIEWS B LACK WOOD. U.athfized reprints ' i j , ; : i The Edinburgh Review CWhlg), yestaUnster Review (Llberdl), Tne Londonguarterly Review (Conservatfm, The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), f- Aim . 'l BLACEWOOIVS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. i TiTr, 5 uosseiecnons: tney give we 84 "e price of Nn nilhllnaHnnv IdLJJ.-L. 'n -.v. 1 mash periodicals abovtKmmed, reprinted by the filelirvnf r0 ruy or style, they are without any eaual. They keep ram With nuw1.n V, . 7 ' n " r - mwnan OIBUUWIT, CiVv: ' X . writers nn weir ie with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an lntelllsnnc nnmtlinn r,r tk. nf tlm -day.K-'K.uji .H,.Oir..JKK' , , . ir.;Ua 1879 fTKCLDDlMO POSTAOS): H.gilG;'Payahlo strkHTin adranee. For AHT VT1S T?ovlk o nn n nnnm or any two Reviews, ' , 7 00 f,"1 uj snree Jtteviews, r : i 10 tW For all fmw Dmriom X . . V , : i- nt " BUcwond's'Magaztoe,. 4 00 For Blackwood aid one Review, 1 00 jur ciacKwood and two Reviews 10 00 ftorBlackwoed and three i 18 00 " For Blackwood and four f 15 00 . . - POSTAGE. eis, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on the cost to subscribers In- former years. r-F,'. j . r.'t r, . - : .. , ... . . T . " CLUBS.- Alllha fnii. AH . mi . AAntAd i uiwawuw or vi one Jaeview wm do sera, w MdressHfor $12.80, four copies of the four Be views and Blackwood for 1K. and so on. 4tAft?:5fPBEMIUMS.,.'t. : iiJ?Jl6Tl1t!l8CrlDer (applying early)' for the year ; 7 879 may have, without -charge, "the numbers for Diay subscribe for. w.,fHw.. Your of the above periodicals, may have one of the may have two of the Tour Reviews." or one set of Bhickwood's Magaeior W78. . , . .,uiwci mmiMuiiin au suoscnoers nor tuscouui w can bo allowed unless the money is remitted iv!'p, .wiwaiaurai ;xvupreinnimn giveu elubSx -, . . , . . . , . ,'vv, .-ecaT? Premiums ft will be necessary to make early application, &s the -stock availabla for that niimmaA fa limitAv wmcn were jjiven un wir "l "es, ma iMS&WleLWmd co., iw.u'i Si, if 41 Ban street. New York Vli 1 n .st'a.'.-:.

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