V-- ?-. ' 1 11 r5T CIAS. R. OSES, Editor "and Proprietcr "Free from the doting sctuHe that fette. our ' free-born reason." : WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1879. " NEWSPAPER Ell II OK S. Printer finjrers.'in -the hurry of com position," and editorial minds, in $he hurly-burly of daily newspaper life, sometimes present t readers' eyes queer blunders in f Jets and figures, and occa sionally make editors cut grotesque capers in the eves of the world. The Observer is somewhat careful about these things, because it has no ambition to appear ridiculous, but sometimes it blunders and occasionally, has "to cor rect itself. ' A case such as it had the other day, where it spoke of "the baby' being found on a railroad track when it had intended to sav "the body," it passes over in silence; but when an in terrogation point appears after a sol emn deliverance on a serious subject it is constrained to speak out, as it did yesterday; and so again it must be per mitted to retrieve itself upon a matter of even more importance: in short it is not willing to rest under the suspicion that it ignorantly supposes the book of Job to have been originally written in the Greek tongue. Having waited thus long before acknowledging an adver tence in an important particular, it ac knowledges it now with the protesta tion that it was an inadvertence just in time to take the wind out of the coming rejoinder of the lively contem porary with which we were last Satur day discussing matters scriptural. With this we rest the case, avowing a lapsus pennae without attempting to saddle the convenient printer with any part of the responsibility. Questions of Physical Strength. Foolish people and foolish newspaper writers have recently been speculating upon the probable result of a fisticuff between Senators Lamar and Conkling, since it has been certain from the first that there would be no duel. A metro politan newspaper having declared that in such an encounter Conkling would necessarily be worsted, the Petersburg Index-Appeal thus states a well known fact, or a fact, at least, which should by this time be well known: Senator Lamar i3 a very large man, but has long been in feeble health. Any body wlio looks upon his melancholy and haggard face can see that he has been a great sufferer. He has had two strokes of paralysis, if we mistake not, and lives in momentary anticipation of another. Our Virginia contemporary adds: We have heard that lie never makes a speech in the Senate, without appre hension of falling in his place a des cription that applies to another South ern Senator of great eloquence and abil ities, but of delicate physical health. Who is hate alluded to ? Senator Ran som, we fear. Certainly the designation of eloquent and able applies to him, and we apprehend that it is to him that the Index-Appeal alludes. '; THE LAWS OF lSS-d. - ' , We have not had the pleasure of layr ing eyes on a copy of the laws of North Carolina f or . l878-'79,r- but have heard and read a gcK)d deal' about them, and fear they are in a great tangle. In addi tion to there being among them a bill which though signed never passed eith er house, it is stated by a correspondent of ,thVBaleigh News that the laws are peppered all over with brackets added by unauthorized hands enclosing words and letters necessary to make the laws intelligible, and that in addition to-this there are in the drafts of the bills on file in the office of the Secretary of State, a number in which words and whole lines and sentences and para graphs are run through with a penf This is a very serious charge if true, and if not true a charge7 which ought not to have been . made." , Iftrue, how ever, there is much force? in thef ollow ing extract from the 'communication of the News's correspondent: When the Sneakers si era bills with lines and sentences stricken out, there is no guarantee that any meddler may not strike out other lines before deposit in the Secretary of State's office or be fore printing. In view of the facts above, and the further well known fact that the school bill though it passed both houses was never presented to the Speakers for' their signatures, and therefore is not a law though enacted by the General As sembly, the conclusion is irresistible that the negligence of some of the em ployes of that body was bo great as to have been almost criminal. Newspaper Expenses. Some idea of the cost of conducting a metropoli tan newspaper can be gathered from the recent address of Whitelaw Eeid, editor of the New York Tribune, before the Ohio editorial association. He said that during the Franco-Prussian war, the Tribtme's telegraphic bill, largely payable in gold, was $85,303 51. Its ad ditional bill for correspondence, also mostly payable in gold, was $43,263 46. Other journals quite possibly spent more. And yet this was a mere tithe of the expense to which the paper was subjected. CAPITAL CARRYINGS-ON. THE JUDICIAJ. BUX DEADLOCK m. I t 1 t '"At . OVER JVIAGARA FALLS. A French Tourist' Wife Fall 'Into v . tie Seetfcinr, Water.' f V A f catastrophe occurred at ; Njagar Falls Saturday bywhich Mrs.v AJ Jiol- land, oi 'farts, ranee, was swept over Horseshoe Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Holland arrived at Niagara from the West on the 18th, and had visited the falls seye- rar times; It-was their intention to "XT -- 1 CJ.,4-. 3 25th, at 5 p.tnvas. the time for adjourn. 23 PLWfritlTT Virginia, recommitted tothe commit 1 j m x. i 7 . 2r a The Objectionable and Unobjectiona- - Me Features, to be Submitted Sep- - (irately Vance AmoBfThote Who Oppose Yielding-Augbt. Washington, June 24. Senate.- The resolution fixing Wednesday wJune f U- 11 I . " ti. M ii pf. f' V l : . " -D - on appropriations. -Jonas presented a memorial of the Louisiana" constitutional convention asking that the Secretary of the Navy be directed to establish a naval or ma rine school at New Orleans. Eeferred to the committee on naval officers. Beck submitted a concurrent resolu tion providing for a joint committee of five Senators and seven Republicans to report at the next session what changes, if any, ought to be inade in the mode of grading or collecting the revenues, nacea on tne caienaar. g xne esenace men joint resolution re pay of employes of both houses, and after adoption sundry amendments, and pending further consideration thereof, adjourned at 2.10 p. m. House. House, of Tennessee, offered a resolution for the final adjournment of Congress at 5 o'clock Wednesday. June 25th. Garfield inquired whether House could say that the appropriation, bills would be passed by that time, but received no answer. Townshend, of Illinois, objected to debate. A yea and nay vote is now being taken upon the resolution and it is being carried bv a strict party tote. Later. The resolution for final ad journment of Congress , at 5 o'clock; to morrow was defeated yeas 82, nays 10& Several Democrats voted in the nega tive, among them Stephens, of Geor gia. ' The advisory committees of the Sen ate and House assembled shortlyjlfter l p. m new ter of ; jthejsriverj At jiipointi where the bank is a little more than a foot above the water,, and. where the rapids are ex- ceeaiBgiyswtfte sAjtex viewing the grandiscenejfor a.moment Mrs. Rol- Ian4e4 her husband for her pocket cup, sayingie .wished to get a drink. Mr. Holland 'handed her 'the cup and then walked away a few steps and took a yioyv up .wio, ver. xiia who in me meantime "went to the place where she had seen the boydipping 'up ''water and atiemptea to mi ner silver cup.- in doing thia okn m..n4- V 1 1. 1 1 1 ' S latTmr iSSna i1 io the seething rrapidsi As she Wt.ilr0 fell she- uttered orfv-frishtful scream. which caused her husband to turn about, and seeing his vwifei struggling in the water he5 rushed to therpdge of the bank, but she was oufcof his reach and beyond all human aitfiir Af ter t seeinz j hia r wife pass from his sigbtjn the boiling, seeth ing rapiasantticfvePiHorseshoe Jfausyhe turned and irata; nearly : the i whole dis tarice to the Fr ench restaurant, where he dropped completely exhausted in a chain He groaned and wrung his hands When, the 'proprietor! came up to him and asked what the matter was. He replied, "My wife is gone under the water," and when he had recovered his breath isufficiently to talk related the sad occurrence. ;Mr. Rolland is a man ufacturer of firearms, his place of busi ness being at No. 51 ; Boulevard De Ar Toyi LiegeBelgium. They have been married two years, and were just com pleting' a tour: around the world. A a. for the purpose of preparing a ,-g?ra .rils' oPaw -.Bays reports bill making" provisions for thVfu- wicmiglitconyey an idea of foul - . . J I Til Q TT novo nrt TAiintin -4?...i. Very Well Put. Mr. Steele, in the House the other day, turned the laugh very neatly upon Mr. Townshend, of Illinois, who was objecting to the com parative expenses of the two houses "The expenses of the door-keeper's de ailment ui uut renaie gaia ne, "are over $74,000 a year, while the expenses of the door-keeper's department of the House are only a little over 6.3,000.' He further pointed out that "these dig- nitaries of the Senate have twenty-four laborers to perform the lalwr of keep-' ing the senate chamber in order and other duties." At this juncture Mr. feteele interjected, ?That must be be cause they are dirtier than we are.' hereupon there was laughter at the expense of Mr. Townshend and of the Senate. , The Trade Dollar. The trade dol lar bill, authorizing the exchange of trade dollars at par for standard dol lars and coinage of redeemed trade dol larrs into standard dollars, has passed the House without much opposition and is expected to go through the Sen ate before the session closes. This bill win give some relief to the people. It will enable them to get off their hands, at the price they paid for it, a quantity of stuff which they took for money but which they have since learned to their sorrow is far from it. dical expenses of the government for tne nscai year ot 1880. Singleton, rising to a question of per sonal privilege, sent to the clerk's desk and had read an article from the New York Sun of the 23rd inst., criticising his course relative to the printing of the Glover report He intimated that the article had been -written by Glover himself, a man for whom he had a su preme contempt The House then resumed the consid eration of the bill prohibiting political assessments but the Republicans 'fili bustered tQ prevent action thereupon until the expiration of the morning hour. The businessi on the Speaker's desk was next taken up and pending the con sideration of the bill relating to the en rollment and licensing of vessels not propelled wholly by sail or internal motive power, the House adjourned. tectlon without cost or necessity of Tips, machine sewed Shoes. Also, a fall We keep only : increases wear' of line sole SO es. Thev sill nn per cent", have th fuvthtm. . vvmuu-inaae snoes. nnri of Gents' Hand and Machine Sewed fiaitora t t.. ... 01 , rrillce A1Wsr, uatrkR Tfcvc 1,, P i Pre- i TOJii HO FIRST-CLASS GOODS Tn TjuilAa' and danta' Vina fihnan th haat msboi ' J J . t-l'... f Jnne 8, 1879. ' t'rlp," have an' lnde&ii t no more than 0rdInar "'n or box T iniriM r - .s.. t - '; rim... -- uytBMr3. Qnp,,, Soots an hots, fgcrola'ucHllcin&tai I tumncv D"vta ILL 1 1 j JMCHRS8TUDENTS-Tf' ri,rv,"."w i31 muuiu uunng vacation, full parOculara address J. C. McCUEDY & Philadelphia, Pa. : , - For CO., I iflA We have Just received a nice line of ZIEGLER'S SHOES, Consisting of LADIES' BUTTON, LICE AND CONGRESS BOOTS, SLIPPERS, NEWPORTS, CHIL DREN'S PEARL SHOES. DR A "R - SIR K H68?8 for large, .-f-PfVi' iX lUustrated : Catalogue of Address Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa. SflNFORD;S JAMAICA GINGER. Sanford's Jamaica Ginger. With MUFrench ira. ChnlAm Morbus. Cramns and Palna Dtarrhoeai rDysentem.i Dys pepsia, Flatuteneyf want of tone and activity in the stom ach and bowels, and avoiding the dangers of change ot wa ter, food and: climates i .1 ASK FOR gPARKLING CATAWBa SPRINGS. 11 1 r 'WESTERN, N. C. 1 Long and favorably known for thii- n 187. Board $2 per day, and rwiuL?0Ul fia alonger time, and famlliei ?auSwni f; ft of four diflerent mineral L!SLhaTe the addldon. the Turkish hot-air nnor?' 8ndln baths, if desired. ' yapor a"l medicated Crv.lnw. nt4 l ... wit, cuiuauHi i miles north t xr,.. . UN over the nnannn mavVK Qto. , - LIOTT, The only combination of the the Western North' Sin ckory nnest road in the State. For furthir ii over address the oroDrietop. oriunher Informati M. D. WARM SPRINGS ' .'' w i.i.i ' ' ' WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, Also a beautiful lot cf GENTS' NEWARK WORK," COMPRISING THE BE- MEMPniSS bANITAKY CONDITION. It looks now as if Memphis stood good chance to escape the yellow fever this season. The city's sanitary condi tion U reported by the board of health to be better than at any previous time in twenty years.. So far' the death rate. as compared with previous seasons, has been quite small, and since a genuine summer set in, there has been re- maritauie decrease in the class of fe vers usually incident to this 'season of the year. Dr. Thornton, president of the board of health, mentions it as a striking fact that during the past two weeks there has not been a single death from fever of any form, f M& has not occurred before during any two weeks ot June for six years. J udicial Troubles. The honors of judicial office in Kentucky seem to be ac companied by corresponding dteadvan -tages. Judge Elliott was recently mur. aerea out there because his decision in a certain case Was different front what a kinsman of the defendant thought it uuifniio.nave been. Thos.F. Hargis was elected the successor of the dead judge, but, an a newspaper puts it, "some trouble arose about the age of the new judge, and 'It wascharged tlwt lie had mutlhi. ted the records of his family Jiibleto make it appear that he is older than ha in fact is. J udge Hargis; undertook to make an explanation, but In . doing ao appears to have hurt the feelings of the roan who made the charges,' and! the - judge la now sued, for libel Ih fttfcouis SvNie court,': ,; ".;- Z ' '&Mn&m&t wr im in JSECjc-Miss6uris vest pulled down- Mr; JngaHi, 'of Kanf .-as3n the Senate a few flays ago- r lni galla was charging, upon ;the embraC Ic party1 fraud, corruption j and blood? uhed, making, in facta verfvillainoU speech, basing his statements, as he ac-. khowledged, uppa .he wspaper reports. Vest retorted upon him thafif all that was said about Ingalla by the newspapers InMs (Ingalls's) own-State, S' true lie (Ingalls) oughttobein the peniten tiary instead of in the United States Sen ate. This was not bis exact language but this was the amount of it, and Ingalls understood it fio well that he soon "dried ', up." For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing; Byrup has been used for children. It correct acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether rising from teething or other causes. An old and well known remedy. 25c per bottle. -. Xortii Carolina Matters in Con gress. In the United States Senate last Saturday Mr. Ransom asked, and bv unanimous consent obtained, leave to" introduce a bill (S. Xo. 715) for the relief of N. Hoy den; which was read twice by its title, and, with the papers on file relating to the case, referred to the committee on claims. Mr. Vance asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to introduce a joint resolution (S. No. 40) authorizing the issue of certain guns and artillery equipments to the State of North-Caro-lina; which was read twice by its title and referred to the committee on mili tarv affairs. HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIVIDED TWEEN THREE OPINIONS. "Washington, June 23. A canvass of the House, made immediately after reading the President's message to-day to ascertain the views of the majority upon the present situation, brought out three different propositions with regard to future action. First, to prepare and pass another bill precisely similar to that just vetoed, and if the President return it unsigned adjourn sine die. second, to pass a joint resolution con tinuing the appropriations until next January, but with the same limitations upon expenditure as were containedln the vetoed bill; and if not approved to adjourn, and if called together again to repeat the process. Third, to adjourn at once without making any further attempt to meet the views of the execu tive. The first of these suggested courses of action seemed to have the most sup porters. THE DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL PRO GRAMME. flM. T 1 . . r , . I me AJeuiocratic senators were in caucus three hours this afternoon dis cussing the present situation with a view to deciding upon a course of ac tion. Senator Vest, who was the first speaker, favored immediate adjourn ment, lie thought that the majority was under no obligation to do more than it had done. He was supported by Senator Wallace, who took the same view, Senators McDonald, Bayard. xuuiuiiui aim niji, nowever, opposed STATE NEWS. Henry Price, a colored boy, has been drowned in the river at Wilmington. The State Council Friends of Tem perance will be held at Kinston August 5th. !rVrIck ftD4 material of the old Caldwell Institute at Hillsboro is to be soMut auction-July 12th. -The annual stockholders' of the Atlantic & North Carolina Rait road takes place at Beaufort Thursday. White saying her prayers Sunday morning. Eliza "White, a colored wo man of Raleigh, suddenly dropped dead. A hail storm in Drariffflt liMr. ty. day did agreatdeai of damage to crops out tl,t, President in vetoing the and left hail -y ing onjhe ground to the Pres?nt bju. ou account of one of its play have no foundation in fact Fvpxv effort will be made to recover the body. Mrs. Holland was 85 years of age. !THE FALL KIVEB SPI1VNERS. But Three Days to the Crisl, Fall River, Mass., June 22. But three days more. remain before the spin ners' notice expires, and as there seems to be no doubt that the strike will oc cur, many are asking what course man ufacturers will pursue. . The manufac turers had determined on a course of action if five, mills only were struck, but laid no plans to meet a general strike. They: are, however, unanimous in the. opinion that they must stand hrm this time and win. A meeting will doubtless be held during the next three days to decide what shall be don. A desire is freouentlv exDressed. es pecially by store-keepers and many GftitOTS OTfard and Cfnnn stockholders,, that a trial should be UilltLr?,, VAIorU and MHip made to run the nulls regardless of a siriKej, as it is Denevea that, with the aid of the large amount of surplus help iu tiic uitijr auu -a numrjer oi working spinners who are opposed to the strike, tuts uims couia do run very easily. oeveriu uxuis are naaiung arrange- lueuuj iur new spinners. . ah agent has already been dispatched to secure French help, and one mill that is sup plied with Mason mules, that are very light and easily handled, has been of fered a complement of girl spinners, who uave run sucn mules elsewhere. there were qmte a number of mills in this city supplied with mules of Ma son s manuracture. It is probable that an spinners who strike will be black listed, and those who have wives and children working in other departments of the mills will find that the black-list includes their whole families, so that tne innocent will suffer with the guilty. j. no ujcuiuicUHurers Bay mat sucn a course is the only safe one they can pursue, as it would do no frond to hlark. list a spinner and havehim hangingabout the city, supported by his family, and uoiisianuy trying to create disturbances among employes. PLAIN AND BOX TOE, Which we are now prepared to offer ;il ealremelv low prices. LAME BACK. BENSON'S CAPCINE PQRQUS PLASTER V8 S??88 Sr weakness of the back, rheuma tism and all local pains and aches, the best reme dy knowiL It was invented to overcome the slow action of the ordinary Porous Plasters, it relieves pain at once and cures where other plasters will nS evo? rel.IeTe- 801(1 everywhere by Druggists, price cents. ' HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESOHT. - HaK e.l- and cohstitunonardtseSsTdte June! Ira' HOWBTON, Proprietor. JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, . , . j , and wHl . Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in ray hands for sale. H.J.ALSPAUGII'S CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, LOCATED ten miles west of Taylorsvin rm th hJf11011 JOad'i.a Alexander tountUrnTas healthy as any where in North CamK furnished with or without b tow te?ms Provisions cheap.. For furthecuhS "iddrS!; Little River P. O.. Alexander wN068' may 28 1m ' v- declO THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. 2Jxtt &iXvizvtiscmcnts. RYEGRAHAM AND WHEAT BREAD be AT PRATHER'S. CAKES! CAKES! Pound Sponge, Fruit, jelly, and all kinds of Fancy PRATHER'S, Cakes at May 22 Trade Street. NOTICE ! BONAPABT1SM IN FRANCE, Thanking our friends for past favors, and wish ing to merit a continuance of the same by keeping the largest stock, best assorted. SELLING LOWER, Ana sinet attention to business, with polite young men to show goods without trouble. depthr-of three inches : Intelligence has reached Baleigh of tb burping, of the. town . of . Whitaker, on the JVilmiflgten Weldon Railroad, pearly the whole town is destroyed, leaving only one Or two buildings stand mg. ' The fire originated to an pld ten pin alley that had not been used for years. i The Wilmington Review thinks there should be some public celebration of the closing of Jfew Inlet, near the mouth of the Cape Pear. It says: His Excellency, aoyerpor Jarvis. we also understand, thinks that some demon stration ought to be made, and signified his Willingness to attend nf anv tim. and so did other prominent officials of the State, ambner thfim f!ni Wm t,a- ston, orCharlotte,preBident of the State "uut puuuc worKS, ,-. - Vr Royal liOomlnir Into Promt. Poiit Royal: June 24: a pf the board of trade of Atlanta has Just visited Port Itoyal harbor with a vjew pi msmng WW harbor their ship- and grain season. By the timalhft son opens a combination will have been formed between the railroads, boards of trade and steamship Jin.es, and direct communication established via Port Royal between interior points West and bouth and foreign countries, iinnn tho 5ameuls and ' he 8ame rates that freight is now carried by the New York Central and Pennsylvania f ailroadsahd flnippea from New 'Vftrk.' rnmmiffo.a of the Louisville Le "'Jl expeccea to make similar: "Mice Jerome and Other Renounce Imperialistic Ideas. jvdvj?,, dune Z4. xne nmes cor- responaent at .Fans says: "The pres ence in the chamber of denuties on Snt ii.- . . . - ' , f I j , . . mis conrse with ereat earnestness, in. uruay iastoi jm. jje ourton and Rarnn sistmg that it would be both unwise ReiUe, his former under-secretary in the and unwarranted. They argued that it ministry of the interior, when other would be - injudicious to give up the Bonapartists absented themselves as a substantial benefits acquired by the token of respect to the deceased prince sections of the present bill amending imperial, is deemed an indication of uie jury laws ami abolishing the jurors tueir aoanaonment oi JBonapartism. test oath, to which the P rfisirlAnt-. Vina Paris. June 24. Several made no objection. They also pointed state that Prince Jerome Bonaparte win puuusua iuaniresto tnis evening ucvicuiu Liiau tic leuiauis lanniui to his Ajaccio programme in which he an nounced his Republican principles, and that he is not a pretender to the impe- xiai Buewxuuuu, wnue ac tne same time ne says nis aormant claims bar the suc cession or any otner pretender. June 13. W. S. FORBES, Agent, Smith 4 Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St provisions, and at the same time an- lMmr I'll i . i j fiu"io aiiny uiu, naa taK en a posi tion at variance with the an influential part of his own party. Senators Butler, Maxey, Morgan, Pen dleton, Eaton and Beck alsn snnlrA in opposition to the plan of adjournment without further effort Several of the speakers, ihcludto. Senators Bayard, j-uuiiuau, xxiii, xuuer ana Hampton. was rejected bv an overwhelming ma. jority, having received only three or four votes. - A resolution was then -adopted by a votepf 20 to t directing the oaucua ad visory committee, in conjunction with the advisory committee of the House, to prepare a bill in such terms as to ol viate the President's objections and se cure its enactment. The Senators voting against this resolution were Cockrell Jon'r-iYance' V(?st' Walker, Wallace and Withers. WHAT A CABINET OFFICER SAYS, A cabinet officer, in discussing the' situation with a member of thaliouse to-day, said that if the majority should pass another bill similar to the. one just returned, the President wouldveto Iti It Congress adjourned he wduld call them together next day. If the process was repeated he would not reconvene them4he third ' tlinebut would leave1 the responsibility of 'closing th arrangement with the -shipping com- W the Pempcratjc party. : ?LrJ?SSnt,y Wished spas to utilize1 1 1 what JPHe KEPtrBi.iCANiB wilt, do.' " PA conference of leading Republican representatives this afternoon -agreed to yote again str. adjournment previous to action on the judicial bill, and also against, the -continuation of the ,;appro-, pnauons, dux aeciaeanot to resort to parliamentary tactics to defeat the plans pthejaajorityv 5 ; w' - LtTBE DONE ABOUIT. I rWidWTON, 3uM, 24. The joint meeting or tne .Democratic caucus com lianoiora and Tenant Troubles in Ireland. London. June 24. A n fowl ATI H 1 frA q rr said in the most emphatic manner that i5atiQn ln tfte west land has lately adjournment, without providing for the causing some apprehension, Rt, support of every branch of the govern- i10"- James Lowther, Chief Secretary and indefensible. ; the House of Commons last night, stated tne ciose ot the discussion, a reso- hUd,u Lae government, was fully alive to lution in favor of adjournment without 1 16 nepessity of deaUng promptly with PEGRAM & CO., 1st National Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C, nave now tn store a nice and complete stock of SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags. We have on hand 2" of the Celebrated WEBSTER WAGONS, One, two and three horse, which we are anxious to close out, and will sell LOW FOR CASH, Or on time till November 1st, without interest .every wagon warranted for 12 months. Come and see them. R. M. MILLER & SONS. Oleaveland Mineral Springs WILL OPEN JUNE 1, 1879. These SDrines I . miu v. XWII1 W(ty. MMHTS will at Spring's stauon on arrival of everytram Ranil ff mnnt. .. . I .....II, u..u m muMB ouu uuier means or amusement for the comfort and enjoyment of guests THE TABLE fords6 fumIsned wltn the test that the mar et .if- Bates to suit the times. S. Mc. POSTON, Proprietor. L. s. Williams, Superintendent. e -1 ' May 14 d6w THE " SALUDAHOTEL. Invalids or pleasuie seekers, who desire to spend a few weeks of the hot weather In a most desirable locality, are Informed that the SALUDA HOTEL Is now open to the nubile. sitn.it.Mi nn tha cir. tonburg and Ashevllle Railroad, forty miles from Spartanburg, only a few miles from Flat Bock and Hendersonville, ln a delightful climate, and sur rounded by solendld mountain uvnon fan niuw. can offer more attractions. ' The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Terms low. Juae 31 m. A. TANNER, Proprietor. SUN UMBRELLAS. Democrat and Home please copy. June 8. the superior advantage of. Port -Royal harbor for exportation, importation and The Pretended -Woodford Interview.' n . . .- S r - : uongressraan and ex-Secretarv Rhbft- uu i reporxea as denying all know- leaflTfl Of the ! RilPCrprl a n-on rram an fa President Grant's cabinet, fnr MAn&L Fit! -r' Tn.inJ6 he attempted & take the oath of nffioA in iswi ti.,,, - Tnat tn Proairlnn -lr Jl . jf T - " JkUMWVUW Inspector general of. the. constabulary uccij ucaurttcutiu on a special mis- oimh w uie utstnets concerned, tx con sult with the magistrates and local con- 8PaDuiary and . report, what additional police are required in order to insure ma protection to all persons in the ex ercise, of their legal rights ; that consid erable reinforcements are being drafted im wtrwie uisu-icra concerned, and notice .hasj been given. tbaiinthe event of any outrage thg cost of these measures will jk, icYicu .ujjuii uie aistricc wnere it occurs; - T - To renew a j waninr strJek fmay b gathered from a Booroe aoeesslble to : an,' and never sought ln Tain by any whose; constitntloii and vigor toe not bo moeh dilapidated as to be wholly past repairing. Evidence direct, convincing and ample, Indicates Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a tonic of imexam pdefflcacy and perfect purity, and possessed of properties that constitute it fan tnvaluafclo jemedy fopepsla, eoftstlpfttlofl, aqmfiiamt, tirin, ftTrand ntertne weakness,' rhentiiftao complaints and malarial fever, peheate females' and inarm old persons are Invigorated and solaced by It, and :r!-phTcal Ptratton: which tisually fellows a "".ttnjat degree remedied and With them you can find THE BEST STOCK IN CHA&LOTTK. ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. . They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find tkera ' the MHler, MoCullpugh 4 Qber, ; Canfleid, and UOes1 band-made Boots and Shoes. Also : ' i ; . . . :!:. : . THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR WHOLESALE PBUGGIST, Opposite Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. Prices as low as any other Drug House In the State. Seven Dollars And FtftV Cents Will buv a bran new Tmn Tank Can. with pump, for holding Kerosene, at Dr. T. (j. smitn's Drug store. Sticky Fly Paper Catches the Flies and holds them -inea nnt at. ter them like ordinary Fly Paper or poison mar I be had at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. I Five Cent Cigars. Ladles buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas will find the best assortment at the lowest prices at ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will also find other goods to suit them uikmi -which they can save money. Our stock of Kane , and Staple DRY GOODS, Is now complete, among which irhp lounu ir- full supply of House Furnishing, tiatfj, Seetin and Pillow Casings in Linen rnU Cotton. lUnen Table Damask In White, Slate, Red and- Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels in ew, variety; Car pets, Bugs, Mattings and Oil Clotfca. Our stock of Embroidery andiYrtmmlngs is large. and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIEBY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, COB SETS. FANS AND TIES. fniT r. ,olr,'""D"A:"c"' Uigurs Fresh from Store. Maca boy Snuff, the Mills, at Dr. T. C Smttt's Drug Ask to see pJJsn ftpta Lurtn Cambric Hand kerchieland J52 .Sun Umbrellas.. Ym will find them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will pay you. If Your Horse Has lost hi appetite, give aim Barker's x uwucra ltepi uy LIT. x. u. SmltH, Dr 'A ELIAS & COHEN. t". .i"u .m. nifl Brushes, JUST 'RECEIVED. rPTT raT? AVf ctj r rt c ttSEi&jmss. .p8 1 5 cents to A JUJ V JLl; XX XT A KJ JJL V AJJ O . w -""""l .: x.;Vk BHUUI S lTttg btOTC ia, j ' - ' ' Mmmons' Liver Regulator on hand - at Dr. T. p. AT 1 .:!tt Call sure before buying. attention. - , . April &.1879. . Orders have personal And Pills larere snnnlv Smith's Drugstore, . , TIDDY'S BOOK STORf, CO. JUST recetvedv Green Tea nt 6t rtFZSS?11 guaranteed. Sold by Hotel' ' Dru6glst, corner opposite Central were prepared-for . New xyork; tbafc Gen. Woo4fpra probably never had any f"IC& wteryw with Mines, as is credit ed to his Bi3COUnt-Tin shnrr f haf tt,o whole thing te a canard, ' JBItlEF FOREIGN ITEITI8. V tt, W. M. EevnoTda. n. wiriniv tn SSlsh iterf o Benaaiionai Mion is cieau.k ' ,' ; ' r , ' ? t - A Vienna liiispatch .gay a the Turkigh' cabinet crisis was - term in Atari hvninf mff on the retired.list of .Fuad Pasha and Nusret Pasha, who had accused Osmair Pasha, secretary of war, ofmal versatioilin office,-- ' . is probable that the vetoed bill'wiil be idividfid intn t.wn-J Rfnrn"t mnnanroa i onemaking an appropriatioiKf or the rees or u nitea btatesaarsnalsand pro hibiting the appointment or payment of 4PHty marshals of elections, and the pther containing the eTnaiTrder of the vetoed bill. ; . Stoamer Sank . T Cincinnati; June 241-The large'as senger steamer GeueralXyth struck.log 15 miles below this city- this horning and sank in 10 feet of water,. No lives were lost, . . . si: Dr. Bull' Baltimore Pills alwav enra Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, &c, and cost only 25c, . Tf006006 through its use. It oc- -i-f,,-. -. . , -u :r.-.:,-.: S" -ong med.ch.alsta, PICKLED 1 SALMON, M Al jN Ull A HAMS!. iVJl,, savioiip rthe Kittle Oats;; cemeteried i inanr lltafe -Ves in mZiffiW18. W parents used the SSrt,wtil5e,r h save tne sickly ofl- lnfc TWufSR 'fbte Ufe -8iaiheir keep n,?.DU8' baby brain ranntnta mnnt tTVAO BQnt ..4- u . : June 2.' a ehanginir tliwnpi tTo "r01 wmnK me ra E.1SSfiS? PJPefSWl ncwlshment a EKm?ZXZ ".y--ewqusry , dehffltated. ase of fi ,?tcn"aren may w III I .1 Trf j ' .i . - i out ten and gain a use the ly newle of Scott' Hypoph and ad nice as minf 1 MtVi aqaa. is sonar, st alwetT'&wlU learn to love if debilityi randor .1 or anT l0Tm of sucbas MaraS ruSS? oI wasting. To all )a . . . '. -discretions Tot youto !iSnom the BTT0T M1 n wili curs vourffW' ftfr iFlRsend a recipe that: remedy 7waa vwakuis. This great Sutime ??!61-,1 a missionary ; in to tie 5E vrJOSEPHV 'Tv1udres8e1 envelop York City. JuajpH T. IN MAN, staUon I, New Jan 25 - j- r : ; ' . ' You Gan-Buy f 110 deg. Kerosene Oil at 13t4 cents per oaihu, the Barrel at Dr. T. C. Smith! Drug Stjora v., W n?$, wchtog and gvlng.tone to the blood. Sold y.1k.v.initnArnggt8t, Charlotte, N. c. HaiPDye at 25C:5 ijiyr r!oi!nlfcEX CHOICE Ht-7 1 A4.u u irti.n aiwnnininif fit - fh. miu- ...!.. , preparations, at lyfrnBS'Sy??; DOSlteCmiWl nhS' Z'.rr.""" vp-. 'H'i'l '..) I I1 ill Polish FAMILY FLOUlf,- W4fl.fLlMaiJ.CANTASSED HAMS - rftEaHGBQUNBOLTBBmiAL,, , SR&SfiX 'J -; Luiun-ewTOr TOBAocosNufF,,:;; .; -:,a:CLemdri, S'Uffai:' or making Lemonade for plcnio parties Ac. Hojp Bitters, fiJ8t-..Ivea.Calsocttcura Resolvent, W Wheel- ''IMMM imomtrun by Gen. Bieh- t r .1 , wpIefokin; Ghost ol Bedbrook," by the atkpr f 0dd tot jnstieceiyed BlBie SnverQnestlon,!'. hffleBry LIAa ilOU - 'Jlii Ui. it Iniii JkSTTJCT Vi"faHO- M fi-i,; Any orders meetial JiitedieXnot on out abellTO'pcVantion:, 1 "' n M:ivn. ... , xiDDT & BBO. ' Sverr article we rati that VoitI7i . . represented wlU be taken back and money ehw,! , f uiu refunded., Give ns a trial. Trolyhlft T? 1 3un2? STOP AT TEX'- - ' Sallabury, N. C. C. 8. Brown, Jr.i Chief Clerk' 0. Sheihurn' is iwou - - t