fl br i . U nM Mir M H M I ff I . I yr mi II .is m KaW ll l -. wM im m-m u m ; .111,1 I.I .1 4 I i.l I I V M I LI m - . 1 WEDNtiAVJKV, 1W. . II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 'i 1 1 ri I A ri iTf r I 1 .mtr-l flM nilllil I n II lul ;J I 1 111 lfl;l"l-50t M I : II III II II II llr. v ' . ' i I . . , , I . J." X JJX11.1 X LI ft ; '- 11 JJ 1 M ..J. I 1 X M I 1 'I . 1 - 1 1. 1 1 . '. . I. . M -MJ 11 1: V 'LJ.JXX XJI.- ii.iLI: U4X U A d mm9 1 . : : - : : j - I- - '" r4-rrr. : : gi: i : ;. i . ,. ' " ' - - - -- ja'f 12 40 a. m. 8.40 a. m. 11.12 a. in. 3.65 p. no. x ttsf WulnxJUi tii rpm Cttarlgtt. flu' wlithe rail ro.MlH (Washington Ume): , Arrives f torn Richmond and Goldsboro. "Lavesfor;., "Vf'r-.-',4,r ' Arrives from Elcrminl..i. . . . jLeaveitor-...v......., okiwlMa from Atlittita.. c-.....sw 8.40 a.m. viLeavM for AtIauta,).iH-.--i... 12-40 a. m. ' Arrives from AUnnUM.. wp.m. . . T fra- iHanla.,.,. l.., ,11.12 a. m. ArrtvM Uoxa Augusta,. .r.,,,rwrTi,rm m Leaves tor Aiusta.. . .vAwws'O-.J.fsgi' m Arrives fronJblurnbta (ao. Freight)... 12. 10 p. m. CABOLUIA CKWTHAL. . . 8.20 a, m. 8.25 p, m. 5.05 p. m. 8.4X).a. m. WHEBE 18 KIIVGSBURT J Arrive fronrme' I .ASLVAS IOf . MTJUD1UIC11 ArrTws from SJ)eIby,f: .'. V . I Leaves, fQJ?. Sheibr v.,, v-r ' ATLANTIC, TKKNE88KK A OHJ. .fif j 1 rrlsai fmm RtAt&qvllla . " 7.00-4 , RI. Leaves lor-StatesvjlJe, . INDICATIONS. Department, .Ovfick Chief Signal OFFirpi Washington, une24, jmv p. Poflbe South Atlantic States, station rry pressure' and temperaturnorth eaatro Southeast winds, partly cloudy weather, and occasional rains.; A.ocal lleport for Vesterday. iBftrometer. Thermometer.. Relative HurnMav, Wi1 Direction.... . " VelQQltj.jV., Weather. v.;-.. . 7 A. 1L 12 P.M. 9 P. M 30.086 29.98fi 30.019 74 87 75 B3 ,, 42 64 .- N.:. ;.- K N. K 3 8 8 j Jalr. j Cloudy. Fair. Highest temperature 88 deg. ; lowest 68. vWKathto bkpobt, nm24, Aj20p. ml Statloofi. Chest0ri' (Charlotte,.. Corsiamir .(Qalvatotu ' ladlanola... jaeksoa'lle. Key west, VobUe:v yoatcoB'r.' y. Orleans, PuniaRasa Mcvaaaab 8t Marks, Havana .. Barom 80.02 80.05 U0.07 29.99 29.88 29.95 59,93 29S 29.99 30.04 29.98 9.91 8 2 29.93 0. 3U 1:81 78 86 s 86 78 Off! 87 84 82 84 91 8 5 8.5 83 88 84 r71nd. W. a a w ft- S:E. K. K..V 8. N. E. I a E E, 8, i,Vel. 8 8 "7 15 12! . 9 12 .1 15 6 10i 18 Weather Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. Lt Rain. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Clearing. I atei to TSmW A4"t,,enlf"l J. T. Antbeav Ice. M Latta ft Bro Closlnz sale of SummerFabrics. Chesapeake Bay Exeursion, 4tlrf u& yv Maxwell Harrison For Sete--'"-'- Maxwell 4 Harrison For Sale. r Concloslin if tixm Preliminary Xrial lliut -Two of Til em Commit ted to Jail, HaTlngr Been liefitNed BaiU , jT;.'h The preliminary trial of Hal Thrower and Nathan Thrower, white, and Chas. Small and Jason Gulp, colored, chareed with the murder of HarVeV Kinesburv. colored, begun before Justices Waring, TA : A WJ O J uiiviuouii aim ooveiw, was resumeu yes terday morning at 10 o'clock. Again the court room was crowded. There had been so much said about and so much activity in investigating it that it had grown into a positive sensation. '"The examination of the State's wit nesses was resumed. Mr. Flemming hav ing previously announced that he had associated with him Mr. F. I. Osborne, Henry Weidbn,i colored, was put upon the stand, This witness testified that the absent, vatW f a?counted for Kijrgsbhry pstm& fco iiis Mouse where hp sometimes stayed,as he was courting witness s .aaugnter-on the Wednesdav afjjer the,, killing , an4 bade , them all f0ii4 bye, going when he left in the irecthjot' Charlotte. That was- the lust he sawI,of Kingsbmy. t ... . u Wm. Adams, colored, a cousin ; of ' Kingsbury, said Kingsburycameitp hi place, two and a half miles from town, known as the Tate and Dewey place, about three i-weeksi ago,- Tuesday or Wednesday-, morning, didn't knowj which, and had a conversation witbi him. Witness had not seen him since ; was among those who had searched for him. .-.! - t r- Cross examined Joy. defendants. coun sel :,. .Kingsbury was., working a, mine for Preacher Stow some where'- about the Tirhotit, and Wa$! an industrious On a re-examination by the-ounsel for the State in reference to the two cblorod men accused; witness; said he .Crrt'pgrP-400101' -aowe4ast leged deceased was last seen in their charge. They were unable to account ,f ervbim. The (fefondaiif wymMl had jfited tA fexLiJii ihe ita-SilttMIward story of the negro Holmes, who heard the remarks of Jennings, Bales and others in Dal Thrower's barn lot. He did not rely on the supposed "bone dust," but upon the general tenor of the evidence which established, in his opien,ropaf)ieTJBemepposmgJ WMe moralbta dpterasjo the beneficial effects i- i,; from atetbBfy-brptef ei eBtee-to A afreet tax, there can be jio, doubt that the.liappy recipients of the many large sums "that tire so freatiently" given by tha TYHilaldtta Cf of a T nlfaM nmn KAnaflfad HVtA attractive sum of $30,000 may become the proper ty of some one of readers who is wlllinsr to venture twotrduArtrby remtaaifff itnpTiliq'P. Ow whk had been found in South Carolina.' They muse remember mat one or the men ac cused oi complicity in tnis case w still in South Carolina. He would ask that the prisoners be refused bail, as thfetiktfdefr A4maJoritrJot the fustlces decided that the prisoners should be taken to jail to await trial by the Superior Conrt. The State's counsel informed the court that they would not urge that ftfcWorjlMeif Jhje crfimittad-fcwere Vffflrfg f6r tfteW fb' be aisdharg'eu: Af ter some consultation this was consent ed to by the court, and the Thrower brothers were sent to jail. Justice War ing dissented from the opinion, but the majority of the court favored this ggargeuvn..i,rjul an- ,K.-u.!t :-i ' A writ of habeas corpus has been sued out, arid the - case will be argued eetore Judge ocjuencicar L,uacoj.noA to- aay nrri W OHJS n.JAQ&OSl SWEET KA 1 T Ease AtfMlirfcMef tie Cheumitlc. Y, mMh pel Aiajqdisiatt ofj reUef , lt Is muyifim hwiiwihi! 1lMQaT LI mere is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity oi tne .Janejsrnportant channels for blood purification the- acrid element to which pathologists the most .eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. Th namejOf this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a rior,oqnstHtVGB,w.nJcn cause e, eontamina I fojblodf hf blleXind ia certain bfrenef in oysbensia. fever and aeue". and nervous ailments It la. perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial, , ..Ttu Press also endorses it. trim rai rx ! -m I'i ; ! ' . . ; nil D-niMiifil V IIlDlIiBBil);SlllI Hi 5 1 i0f the most celebrated makers;j which will basdlcUt the very lowest prices; Also a full line of MILES', ZIEGLER'S AND' t) ALSHEIMER'Si SHOES !,. y .4 jjr for adh ad :misses. iSv.SiiliXS'S And-alarge stock of Slippers and Newport Ties, convimse XtI GentsgOods we have a full stock theWt goods; J A trial' tvill p 15, t tniro KioosiifA in annnnnpincp fx mv old frifinris that T am now stavmsr with Mr Mover, and ieei sausnea tnac ''nrift oWxrvTnn nf fan nUIra ir, V Ckna On1 T-Tat. KllCinOQO T fnr OaII Vflll CTwl! 111 that Htlft trt Vftltr Stl Sf ACtiOn. M'i.'' ITlbu OU )ALIVUCUL Vi-: WJ4 Tcaia 114 IIIC upvu uii .Mi,w - tiwJ. a.-j, . v. ... j - . r j May vy, istu. jDemocrat and ivimse you that we sell the same article gold! elsewirere ih the city f rbin 15 to 20 per cent cheaper. , Vll I take. pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr.'Moyer, and J. Ma ALEXANDER. JUNE 24. 1879 Home copy.,, . K :.',;: . . ,. - -1 iiUn:-: .paopugE. Slight Shock of Paralysis. WmfatSm'imCf. Afdler one of his eyes and a part of his face, running down and affecting his tongue,. iiis condition created considerable un easiness at first, but later in the day he recovered in a measure, and last Bight was considerably better. ' ! A telegram from Washington says information has reached the Secret Ser vice division of ''the Treasury Depart ment that a new counterfeit five-dollar on a printed imitation pt fibre paper, which is lighter than the genuine. The portrait of Jackson is goodybut the gen eral appearance of the note is bad. Bankers pronounce it a dangerous counterfeit. HOI?! K PENCILING. We are asked to say that there will be a lawn party in "Stumptown" the first in that section of the city one night next week, presided over by the young ladies of that locality. Col. C. W. Alexander advertises a lost dog. When Rocks Pegram got lost, a week ago, his master advertised him and got him by noon. There may be dogs which can get around an adver tisement but we never heard of one. The dime concert at the residence of ,C!ol. Myers last night was one of the ptessantest entertainments of this sort '"that'tas" been given. The music was under .the directorship of Prof. Bidez, and the proceeds will be devoted to the V home and .hospital. Xieut. A. L. Smith, of the Hornets' Xest Riflemen, has received from Co!. C. W. Alexander his appointment as adjutant of the second regiment, in the place of Mr. W. M. Smith, resigned. Jvieut. Smith has tendered his resigna fttfn to the H. N. R. and his place will ie Allied at the next meeting. . The edJtor of The Observer, while at jjewbew and Beaufort last week, met Mr. W: A. Davis, secretary of the North Car.olia Press Association, who informed him that the time for the meeting of the association at Beaufort had been definitely fixed for the 20th of August ... -i , - Alderman John T. Schenek who was recently so seriously injured by the train ia imnrnvinff. hut it W ill be tvWO months or more before he will be ajoleS to be out. The loss of his arm will pre vent the possibility of his using crutches and consequently he cannot move about until his broken leg is able to bear his weight : , -Vs.'- Mr. James Biggert, familiarly known as "Uncle Jimmy," a stone-cutter and a person whom every ene in ine cicy knewt least by sightdied night before last at 11 O'clock and was buried yester . nooainmwood..cemeteiyr Mr. Big gert was a native of England and died on th seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth. ; An Acquittal The trial of young Stikeleather in Statesville on a charge at once the niost repulsive and among the most serious known to the law",1 resulted in his ac (juittaV The jury were out only a short while, showing that there was no one of , em who for a moment enienameu an Sundav. afternoon- tot fihina Grove churcli, where'' iMrty':dr,, forty colored tegtender note has Baats pear people had gathered for worship. They anfte: 'It is of the" Series of fS75 and took Charles Small down into the crrave bears the names of Allison, Register, vai'rf h fid asked . him iwhat?iy knew and Wyman, Treasurer. It is executed about Kingsbury. Small' denied know ing anything about him at all, and when he turned to leave them, said: He's where you'll never find him, if you do drag the mill ponds and hunt in the gold njines. Jason Culp was - also ap proached. He said that Kingsbury was dead. Simon Springs, colored, was examin ed as to the road from. Hilton's to Jus tice Downs's. He said the nearest way wa.s by the pump through Thrower's place, Joshua GJover, white, confirmed the testimony of S. H. Hilton, given Mon day, as to the arrest of Kingsbury by himself, Andy Bales and Nathan Thrower said he loosened the rope around Kingsbury's hands when just without the city limits; so for as he knew neither Bales or Thrower had arms. The negro resisted them when they attempted to arrest him. here in town, Bales struck . kinC the negro. This was about dark- He went direct froHT'Hilton'fr to-Mr, -Hart's where he stayed till U o'clock; caught up with Bales, Thrower and the prisoner two miles from Hilton's and rode with tliem till he came to the road where he had to turn off. Cross examined by Mr. Wilson: Took a pistol from-Kingsbury soon af ter they arrested him ; subsequently asked the prisoner what he should do with it. Prisoner told mm to give it to Henry Weldon. Last Thursday Dan McElwee came to him and said Henry Weldon told him (McElewee) to get the pistol. He coulfi'not tell how McElwee knew he had it ' Witness had told no one and had asked Bales and Thrq wer not to mention his having it. " : In the re-examination by Mr. Flem ming -witness , said he did not know whether any one besides Bales and Thrower saw him take the pistol or not. Dan McElwee, colored, was question ed as to his knowledge of the pistol. He said that Jeff Thrower told him Glover had it. He told two stories about asking Glover at one examination say aug that he told Glover that Henry yeldon $ept him for it, and at another that" he did not mention Weldon. Glover did hot give him the pistol ; said he would wait and see Weldon. ' Johns Edwards, colored, was with Wm. Adams when he questioned Small ana Culp at the church, and made sub stantially the same statements as tlpse made by Adams. , The State's counsel here closed its Death of M r. John A. Wilson. .At.l2'o!clcfcki yesierday tneideath of Air. John A. Wilson was announced on the streets. . It was a shock severe an heavy, for 'comparatively few persons knew he was dangerously ill. In fact his most intimate friends were f not made to realize the approach of death until late night before last. Sunday af ternoon he was up town and although somewhat feeble and suffering, he chat ted very pleasantly with his friends. That night he began to grow worse. He was conscious till a few hours be fore he breathed his last, and his death was as peaceful and calm as his life was gentle and full of womanly tender ness. Not a man,! woman i or child among his more intimate acquaintances, but loved John Wilson, and those who knew him best loved him most. If he had faults, they were such as the best of us are not free from ; if he erred it was in sacrificing his own means,his own comfort and his own pleasure for oth ers. Retiring to a degree that amount ed to diffidence. Wholly without ostenr ,taJtiQB;.in yth ikipdnesses - which 5b,e so generously 5 lavished lip&n? dtliers,- and modest in the estimation of his own powers, some may have failed to ap preciate his full worth, but none can be found to-day who will say aught against hi in. Mr. Wilson was born near Peters? burg, Va., and was about forty years of age. For many years he has been con nected with theTorth Carolina-Railroad Company, filling the several sta tions of telegraph operator, - conductor, master of transportation, arid general freight agent, until he came to Char lotte in 1870 to take the company's agency here. In each position he was faithful and irreproachable..: No man stood higher in the service, and as the news of his death is received, along the line many are the lips thativill repeat with the deepest j regret : Poor J oh n Wilson!. (. , , . . The remains were sent to Richmond by the 4.10 train yesteiday afternoon, and will be carried thence to Peters8 burg for interment. Baltimore Oats firm; Southern 86a40, Wes tern white S&atfer do mixed 33a34fe, Pennsyl vanfa ' aRafiiAi.1 Hay market steady: prime Fenn- By1vafila" and Maryland I2al3. Provisions" firm; A mess pork, 14 10 50al0.?, new r-; bulk meats loose snooiar8-4ai1- clear rib -sfdes 6ai, packed -4V&oiti oaeon snouiaera 5, clear riD siaes , Ai.iams llal2. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter t dull ebolce Western packed 10al2, rolls . cottee Jinn; Kio cargoes jii&aiiW. wmsxey dull ayiu06fea7. Sugar firm; A soft 8ia. Cinciwnati Flour dull; family 5.20a6.00. nrhcoi- nrnab-ni.. H 1 A An fiK fVirn Hnll at ttflalla Oatsqutetat 32a35k , Pork,duU at 10.00. Lard quiet; current make 6.05. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders held at 3.80, cash sales at 4.00, seller August, short ribs held 4.85, short clear 5,00; ba con steady; shoulders 4Vi, oletuy ribs Mfe, clear sides 5. WhUkey la good anand at 1.02. But ter firm; fancy creamery 17al8, choice Western reserve 12al3, choice Central Ohio9all. sugar steady; hards 9a9i, A white 8t4a8, New Or leaneyBiAaliA. Hogs quiet; common 3.00a3.60. ';ulhV&6i85,pacWngi30a4O0. butchers 4,00.. 405; receipts 1.615; shipments 370. New York Flour no decided change; No. 2, 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra 4.75a5.60; good to. choice do 5.65a6.75. Wneat-ungraded win ter red 1.08, No. 2 ditto 1.19aT2(Hfe. Corn -ungraded 40a43Vi, No. 8, 40 Oats, 37. Coffee moderate, demand;. Bio quoted In car goes Ilial4i4. Job lots llalSife. Sugar quiet; Cuba 6i4a, fair to good refining 6 5-16aU, prime 6: refined standard' A. 81. granulated 8, powdered KJA, crushed ,8 Molasses New Or leans 25a28. Bice In fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at 6iAa7, Louisiana 6a3i&. rk pew mess. pnjDQtlJlam25. old 9.50. rd Drtme steam on SDOt 6.37a37U). Whiskey mhi 'iff COOIi Norfolk Quiet; middling 1214c; net receipts 200; gross ; stock 1,499; exports coastwise 406; sales ; exports to Great Britain 4,103. B ALTTJtoiUt-Duft; middling 12c; low middling 12; good ordinary ll-jfc.; net receipts ; gross 140; sales ; stocK 2,7B; exports coastwise 15; spinners ; exports to Great Britain -to Continent ; to France Boston Quiet; middling 12c; low middling 12U: eood ordinary ll-ft: net receipts : gross 105; sales ; stock 4,455; exports to Great Wilmington Steady : middling 12c: low mid dling llc; good ordinary 11; net receipts 3; os8 : sales : stock 32 1 : spinners : ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con- Bent ; to channel . Phtladklphia Firm middling lrj&fec; low middling 12t4c; gooaordinaty llftc; net receipts 10,342; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet; middling 12U?c; 1 mid dling llc good ordinary llc; re el.J s 4; shipments ; sales 20; stock . Charleston Steady: mldd'g 12tAc: low rold dling 12c; good ordinary 1 isc. ; net receipts 14; gross ; sales 400;. stock 616; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; ranee Continent : to channel . X- JEefcr-Steady; sales! 434; mkkfg uplands 123fee. middling Orleans 121fee.; consolidated net receipts 515; exports to Great Britain 4,635. Liverpool Noon A shade easier. Middling Uplands, 7 1-1 6d., middling Orleans. 7ld,; sales 8,000, speculation and export 1,000, additional Sales i yesterday . after regulars elostdg. ; re ceipts 49,462. American 4o,922v Futures sellers at l-H'2 decline. Uplands low middling clause June delivery , June and July 6 3132, July and August 7, August and September 7 l-16al-82,Sep-tember and October . October and November . Movember and December . New crop shipped Oc tober and November, September and October per sail . FINANCIAL. Exchange 4.86a' Nkw York Money 2Ua3l4. I governments firm. Newfa'tj 1.03 Four and half per cents 1.06. "Fonr-toer'cents 1.028i. State bonds dull. ( ' f The defendants' .counsel introduced Jeff Thrower. He admitted haying had a conversation with Dan McElwee in reference to the pistol which Kings bury was said to have had, but did not tell him that Glover had it;.iidii't even know himself that a pistol had been taken from Kingsbury. : ; ; ' The defendants' counsel remarked that" It had been saMtirthiyTfjrirttiiat the supppseft 1)urnfrig Jia talf i place on his mantation. wiuiew n Jail Peliverj- at I.fnrolntou. Monday morning, at LincolntonJ Sheriff Robinson went up stairs in the jail to give the five prisoners their breakfast. As he opened tne door oi the foommhich theiftX'ferfe confin ed; rfaVinghi pistol whfi hand, one of them, a negro named liilliam, seized him around the arms and waist. The attack was altogether uuexpected, the sheriff having left the prisoners man acled the night before, but he made a manful resistance. In attempting to close the door behind him, he had it New York Futures closed steady. 000 bales, j j j June...;. ....,',,','...., July August.... September October November... December. January Sales 67, 12.42a.43 12 .42a.43 12 .54a.53 12 .36a.;i 11 .50a.51 11 .lla.li 11 .04a.0l 11 .0Ha.09 Another arrival of household and other useful articles for our famous ;; F I V E C E N T C OUNTER. t; - " Far superior to all othei-s'recelved. Also a beautiful variety of . . $ ...,.' ' ' " PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. ' LOVELY DESIGNS IN ' ' ' ' " , HAMBURG EDGrlNGS, INSERTING S AND LACES. s firea; Bargalas In . r Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Presses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. ,rrtT,r.Tr n , H. MORRIS & BROS. We have Just received a splendid assortment of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known In Charlotte. June 1, 1879. gfottr g.dxieytigcmcuts. OUB GBEAT CLOSING SALE OF SUMMER FABRICS O ur White Goods Department BlshOD Lawns; rgandles, and Barred and Striped Nainsooks at exceedingly low prices. , 4 , , We are now offering bargains in every line, and your attention Is especially called to our stock of Has recently been replenished with a magnificent line of Linen, Victoria, French and Piques, ail styles and prices; India Mull, Org BEGINS TO-DAY. Our celebrated Job Counter appears before the public, and upon lt we place all broken lots and odd sizes to be closed out at a heavy sacrifice. Ou stock of all wool Cassimere Pants, ranging from $2.50, 83.25 and S3 will be closed without reserve at 5K3. uur .ou, 90. to, 94, 4o anu -t.ou cas simere Pants at S3. Our $5, $5,450, $6 and $6.50 Cassimere Pants in unlimited variety and beauti ful in design of style and character of texture, are clearing out at one uniform price, $4. Tremendous crasu m prices in oruer u ue.tr ul our Summer Stock. A clean and thorough sweep will be made in Cassimere Suits, and where the lots are small and sizes are broken : they are to be closed at less.than the value of their raw material. One lot 01 stynsn unevioi tocx cwus reuueeu from $12.50 to dose at $7-50. A large assort ment of Sack and Frock Suits ranging frem$14, $15, $16 to $17, are closing at $10. A splendid variety of stylish and attractive Cheviots and Spring Suitings in latest designs, sold readily throughout the season at $15, $16, $17.50, $18 and $20, wUl be cleared unUormly at $12 50. A large lot of fine White Linen Duck Vests, worth $2.50 and $3 last season are now to be disposed ofat$l. Many other lines reduced In the same propor tionTw'e cannot give a full description, as want of space prevents, but we never make any promises we cannot fulfill. We are determined to -clear out our Spring Stock, and know of but one way to ac complish this result rapidly and effectually, and that is to reduce the price to such a point that it compels the public to purchase where they can economize best. We prefer to convert our stock Into cash, and open each season with the newest designs in fabrics, and increase the slid reputa tion we have already achieved as being "Head quarters for novel styles and reliable goods." Remember the first comers secure the best se lections, and our JOB COUNTER Stands awaiting your command. Respect fully. The most attractive In the city, and at very low prices. We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces, Ham burg Edgings and Insertings, Nainsook Edgings and Insertings, Swiss Edgings and Insertlngs in great variety. CORSETS AT ALL PRICES. Colored Organdies and Lawns-all grades just received. We make a specialty of Ladles' anft Misses' LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS. E. D. LATTA A BRO. Jnne 25. QHESAPEAKE BAY EXCURSION. . Tickets for the Excursion to Old Point Comfort are ready for delivery. Party will leave on Friday evening, 4th July, at 8:30.on Carolina Central Bailway, so as to be at Old point Saturday evening and In Baltimore early Sunday morning. Call at T. C. Smith's Drug Store. June 26 lt Ladies' Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $3.50. June 17. Our Stock or Gloves will be found complete. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. DRESS GOODS. SILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls' and Boys Suite, Ladies' Underwear, Infanta Outfits, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, UVCH1HUS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, &c. 10 MY tins BY MAIL Send for Samples or inforrtiation, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of its by Mail or Express. , We carry an average stock of about $Jfi0t000, all bought for prompt cash. t&gTry us. , Have the (Jhilaren sena jor a set oj our AdveHising Cards. COOPER&CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 18Ei CITY COTTON MARKET. Office or the Observer, i Charlotte, June 25, 1879. t The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: lent entertained an -gr hea foujid Jniiis field. Posa H1 uoor r V 1 vi.- vm-riinr. mAfitiJ toexpjainftimas badly xv . ...i.-thar no nun mji zi Litirr .n 111L-11 1 . v , . . . 1 from his hands. Three shots were fired at him, but happily without effect, and four of the prisoners rushed down th,. stairs, and with a piece of iron burst a panel out of the door. Through, this, thev escaped, while SlieriffRobinsonen- a?efl the. hiriimosU iffteofoer and beat im back into the cell with the haqdje- of abroom. .. , '. A crowd was raised and pursuit was given the fugitives. -Ali started across the trestle over the, South Fork, but one becoming frightened stopped on the trestle, and :iwaa retaken. Up to last accounts the others were still at large, All of the prisoners were colored. I as. one who wrested the pistol from the Good middling Middling... Strict middling. . Low middling. Tinges Lower grades . . . 121a 124s UVi vm 12i,& 91&all. ih.Xivr. th. .charge made no . mention , rttfhft criiae uixtil several months after ft wSSe createda doubt from SritotSel the testimony before the ITaha nrv..inr to shake. Stikeleath-, er was at once released. . State ConventJf" L. C?' The third annual invention of t ??VJZZ riv,rfaffan- Association afeSSffijibWThe secretary ce is, - ivhr. nrahnrrf Was iiext , intrOdriced : safd' lie'liad. heard the: stpry;iout the burning s and wentifta: the spot a few v,rtnra Arrt t'T.i weeds nJdr 'ctass had ... 3 .Ji ioV, grown up at tne Yery euo uj. iuo tf mm tmmm: 'nas I'orter anu ,iusuu viwtoi both testineitr4he good characters of j Lt I i hef State's wattdrnef Ml-teknming, i 1 1 pa in 1 Ir? iilii m 1 air .J, !-;. uiT.li : A SET OF Band instruments, u ''VoSm t opened the case by stating ; that; ne OT toWtom thT 4rffir3meettnf, At the-flwt WttMjtodi SSSfflS case sheriffs hands was a notorious despeoff LSw.tBtf'btt!r; !ryQUl.dvMs;!arigumehfc "pni th case Johnston. It is suDDOsed that A tfLLVCllNA'A1- t'h " 'WJ Yfl 1 J TT1 (2 1 nun n.iti'.iv 1 - - - ... .W.Pnt t j thev reliei -if PABJxy-iiE W r Ljah ..-1. Aww,iiurwi.fnr 1 .-Several gen- VentiorL ainoiiff these Ion; J M.lacn, Gilmer, and Mr. E. W. Watklns, pf n,riatn. thAlaatHanaed representing the executive eommittoe.pf the Inter fartmpA .,, nationah-Young Men Christian Ass I ba v,Th v Gor thw rAliAVAd thftmsftlvfia of their shack 'tr, . ryy..- hli a les during Sunday night, bv means of a Theldeierja-ijT-jp uuunfv - spopnnaadifl wficn wirouna in tne the caie of Williams was not in point JSfe. nYliV The. Btfte Pliurntsu hofovor nf the killing. vVho cpuld M.UtJ . . " 0? ,! fit yr.- -lvH " UrU this Thnastiiatveeen 'out jnem.7 f.jir bA ltill sftirFnaQipeeu wixue. - We never knew a person who suffereaSvfln Boils; ai novhnnnlaa hllf vhn WR9 fnnoTatulftted UDon 1ta being better out than in." RowmuCh taore aprlrol priate the adylce-rUse Dr..i3uii'8 hiooo auxtui and be entirely ritf df au'sucTi stmoyanoes. ids Vm it, Wky HeslUte. effort a r.iblnc-mch firar J3BSh have iven some time already !to: pedes trian exercises. re siiKeiyw;'v an had oeen tu, ,ht;:" ; f T2 exhfbition Vst.on race UffSM ..uwJd-LH hive Aff erred 1A!;bacrtheniior, jtA .Ma anj h vnniiff men are, lao-P.r for thaJundertaking. They proUhuscestab- i to w ad's! It is adapted especially to those cases where the Hombtls disordered, and will cure any Irregularity of the menses." Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Beg"- 111 lllVo mauuv,, - -., ... , ,1 n 1 lator acts UB.O a cuarui 111 wimoo, w i had been maatditonriect it witnrtne 1 ofthojipthiyOTOja "Jir Hr..eaSed.. In the cas8pt1d:. orTucauses.by restoring toe dharge In every instance, sg aiso in curuiuc tui tion is prompt anSqeclsive, and saves the conetltu- JTom .conuuess wfi'p.aws'D oirfrugelst fota clrcular.i:rit ' ' " '- mayS lm 'tKHie t.itvei atse'.ieei,iF wu, rrrp---- uon AA Ahoroits delivtl .was -Ag na -h'iSTrcrimstantiai eYi' 1 easer for theJinaena.ing. xu vt "iAuuej w 'rk3I7walArhlro' Iwfn walk for twenty-four houreWdancwInithi8:cft& ACb TT A tA vx tieepvAaM killed ThisiiWas-tlrergiefttJ ofj the they should nayeu-eiijii him . rO ) JUailCB mUUWU ferf eetlv s natural ; ana t 3 'xsss.mmm&&-js, gate and th$ gftte divided Detveert, - havA .walked u aheriiiroes and :ioF.thel5oMed mwhY f ixw i "- . r . : ;: . n Thev had simply given - exprmnnf ntiment which, prevailed: among the Ever EvM ! tion.' Fetted'by men and loved -SJEStaS SSt - ' The State's counsel argued,tbat there , 'Garden floi-naeair nen m www . The State s counsej., jug,ufA,vuw 1. Imibiji Wlthnnt Tare. im4 By the combination method 01 operating m may be used with equal proportionate success. By rfsm Uasm .T.nwrAnnn A Co.. Bankers. M. T;.loolttrderi K4hu8aBd4V)fCtt8tomer8, of various sums mw uiw tadi ouivuuh, u Wyyv .ird on ih ArtvikriMtrf iii AhA-larafist capital and experienced skill, and the percentage of profits, will return 1 .oaaiur iiv?i wu. vu. , and so on, as the market varies. A prominent -..KiioHko, Ar ilia Rvk island mi. Dally Arxw. Kjade $154.15 on an lnve?tmeflt of$20,O0 to Oc-Ew,-'? TTiftiKitajfA or ntliers am 'dotniT even better. SesSrs.Xawren.oe CWfi6 P"4aF hMM unerring rujes for success lo stock opefaaohs'' And full information; so that - any am a deal in stocks. AU kind of bond and stocks wanted. New Government bbndrf mpplied. Hpeppsite re? mtvtvL- Aontf to Lawrence A Oo'aJaiikefs, 61 Exchange; Place. N. Y. Ctfra 1 1T .0 .-t i lcistoVer jjo, can' be bought By applying to 1 ummfa June 24. CharlQttevli.,C. ?U i. OFFICE OF PIEDMONT NURSERIES J. Greensboko. N. C, May 81r 1879, J I propose to give, to the patrons of the ' Piedmont Nurseries, The benefit of the traveling agents' commission on my Nursery stocK, consisting 01 f ruit xrees, ao., and bave reduced the price 50 per cent. Apples and Peaches, 1st class, 3 to 6 teet; fine improved ruits as are grown in norm uaronna, ana reaay for Inspection. Reference given to any .Nursery 1 Guilford county, peaches and Apples running om the earliest to the latest varieties. Trees will artackedm eood strong boxes or. bales, and de livered to railroad denbts or express offices without nnv e-rtra ehArett for boxes or delivery. I will tUTi nisn at we louowiog raw nue: nsaopes uu iir, pies In any quantity, improved Irult, id cents each. Pears, Plums,- Apricots, , Nectarines, Quince, Crab Apples, Figs, Cherries; 83 cents. Ornamental Trees, noses ana j lowers win oe swu cuewper mau can be sold by any nursery in North Carolina. Cash to accompany the orders. Any one not h.av- ing cash may nil out note, signed by purcnager, q be naid when trees are delivered at denot specified by purchaser. Note to accompany trees and paid when tfe&s are delivered, purchasers paying' all fie4ghts on same. Trees will be shipped In No vember and purchaser notmea wnen to meet tnem. Persons orderins will state Dlalnly where to shin. Name the derjots. Letters of lnaniry answered cheerfully. Orders solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. Send in orders at once. Yery respeottuH7, . M.C.piXON, Proprietor of Piedmont Nurseries, Tune 7 eod6m. -.:. THEBES T r-u tuna LB FTC W" SOLD BY SO SIMPLE WARRANTED .SI 500.00. Am aiiriiM m pa bti r.u 1 1 r a 'f HUH B R U&fl V F0RPABTICULAR8 vyhiteSewimo Machine Co address: Cleveland, ohio. THE- WEEKLY SUN, - a . . . . - ; . JSi large Eight Page Sheet of Fifty-six broad columns, will W Sent, post-paid, to any Address, till January 1, 1880, : FOR HAjL-F A DOLLAR. Address : ?:r ri' THE SUN, New. York City. . J'Uh6 21 Lm. . . ; , CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE, Via Wilmington, N. 0. . a Lilt; iit liini . As the warinweaftieTTi now fairly open, when Ice has become a necessity, I am prepared to nil orders at shortest notice and with a superior quality , of Pure Lake Ice at figures which 1 have been tof meviy selling, My cart makes dally deliveries to yigtuAJtu8toWAUiTto whodO Hot desire lee each day in regular quantities, can yiwurv ucv K annltrlnir tn rtrtrnr'of CAVtttF t me a effiOS. 1 08 oy' oaf loaa, mtrrei or,uuri jtoitouwij, "th oal I have a full stock, aa is usually carried 111 F'fT1 w laiuiuoa. Orders filled at short i v i 1 i j .:A Pine Apples, Imperial Oranges, Extra Large Lemi; promptness gBaraawea m every wiw. r Tn r.na 1 hava n. fill I RtOfilt. US IS USUall y- - -. - -."77. rraij ' .--. -.,, in the busmesa. emDraoing"air lurwmiuca foundries and sraitn use. My stock of lberls completeand of all the various kinds osuallfcameb ia,thebpsUes, such as 5 4 dressed flooiAgrWdressea cening, select. dry boards. Ac: large ockoi uuns, snuies,.. iMcttkm. Also bills ot all kinds n.r inhu fnaniiviui nn chnrfaat nntina. umoe ana 4' Yard- comer Trade 'Street-and M. O. B. r. O. . June g'5. ? y,i;.y.1rXaNTg0NT. JacobXQpridiial, fcff Well known and. reliable remedy for Dlarrhnea- recommended'oy pnysicians. Hfliq py uu . v. Smith, DrugSst, .v Y , -VIJ s, Extra Lai anal Fresh Caramels,. J"rerichr Plain and1 THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. HI! This Line being fully , equipped ; i . ... . - i ,:m -hi for i jot - f '.: , -.'I business often 'Hi .-:. uneqjuarj Hi,- ed.faclllUes for die TransporUon of Cream Candles, Pop- Com,' Ari-V3 .OJ- m PERRY'St OUK '. " IGE CREA8I iiii, IfttM bp tiaiftMarry of aalesv'-6:'attWBig tljd attention oit tom who no r.f.-f! Us' '': . y "If . ; , wish te Indulge ftemselves. in tbJs lle, ;, 1 - Freight Cronr; ' i . rTllinlorton tod all Northern and Eastern Cities to C Asherffle, GneenvlUe; Spartanburg, all Station On the Atlanta & Richmond Alr-Llne Attte, , Tennessee 4 Ohio, and Western N. C. Railroads, Eutherfordton Ati; . iimn i-.i ! As well as points in , lit , , '!VI '.it. nil,. i .4.':; ' ." .:. ' '. ; . . .. . .i ! Georgia, Albania; attrMisissippi mirtanii -ai ..,! . . - 1 ." . . f ... , St-'l -'l'-'- lit 'Mil -I .;-s ,Sl it! Uir hi ti im: mi, iQiiicf', !1; InformaUon fumisbed nponapiJlcaUon to . .0 ' tOB'TtEN. 5' aoqtt mdai . -A seven room ;dwelllngr ionso obHUBurch Btreet, known as the Treloar House,in splendid order and excellent wen of water, possession given at once.1 Apply ai i ' '-:- h. mokbis as buh un24 2t .j- -, 'vffij-? Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as vU any ConpeUng Llflfi, and time as Q l . - i c "ti T; SMITH. Agent C. dRaliwarc'larlottr, ,11 j . ni!. fid 3t'l t- T, r -1 v 7. jJ'.WCLAitKJ n' (rlfFre1AgenC Wllmlnon.'N.'ci , t i ' r .,! ci 4 1 .

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