)e l)arloUe'?Dbsen)r Till I t"PA Y, .1 T ' KE 26, 1S70. TRY PEER n 5 II ills SUPERIORES i K.ULEOAU DIRECT.ORI. The followir? table shows the running of paasen r trains to mid ifronj Charlotte, oa all the rail roadw (Washington time): RTCHMOITD UAWILLK. Arrives from Richmond andfloldsboro, 12 40 a. m. Leavesfor " . . " . 3.40a.m. Arrives from Richmond.-s. j . .);..... . 1 ! . 1 2 a. m. Leaves for ;- 8 65 p.m. ATLAKTA A CHARLOTTE AIB-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta,,. . , ', ....... 3.40 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,,,..., . .. ,y 12 40 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,. a 55 P- m- Leaves tor Atlanta,. ....... n ; 11-12 a. m. CHARLOTTK, COLUMBIA A ATGUST A. ' Arrives from Augusta,... v. :. 3.60 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, . . . 12.45 a. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac. Freight) .. 12.10 p. m. Leaves for Columbia, , CAROLINA central. Arrives from Wilmington,1....;1.. .. Leaves for Wilmington, ....... Arrives from Shelby, U . Leaves for Shelby, ................. 2.15 p. m. 8.20 a. m. 8.25 p. m. 5.05 p. m. 8.40 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE A OHIO. Arrives from StatesvUle,. tk m- Leaves lor StatesvUle,,. .00 p. m ;, l .i l l , INDIOATIOISS. f. War Department, T, j EK, ?. M. ) Office Chief Signai, Officer, Washington, June 25, f:30 p. For the- Soutji Atlantic States, slight changes in pressure and temperature, southeast winds, partly cloudy weather, and occasional rains. IcalHeport for Vckterdaf. 17 A.M. 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M urometer, Thermometer.... -. . , Belutlve Hunildltv, tfind Direction,.. " Velocity.., Weather, C . 30.085 , 85 N. E. 5 Cloudy. 30.033 80.095 72 7t5 S. 4 Fair. 71 75 E. 4 Cloudy. Highest temperature 83 dee.; lowest 68. jtatrolorical Record. WKATHKBBKPORT, JUNE 25, 4:20 P. M. Stations. v r Barom iTh. Wind. Yel. Weather Atlanta,-.-. -80.04 78 S. " 4 Cloudy. August. -.. 80.05 85 a W. 12 Threat'ng. Charleston, 80.09 84 S. E. 11 Fair. Charlotte-. 80.01 80 E. 8 Fair. CorslcanaV-1 2&86 5 S. 6 Fair. Galveston, . 2.t5 88 8. E. 12 Fair. " Indlanola,.. 29.94 89 8. B. 18 Clear. Jackson'lM, 30.10 82 E. 8 Fair. Key West,.. 8002 78 E. 8 Cloudy. Mobile,. ... 30.04 81 K. H Threat'ng. Montaom'y, 80.10 77 E. 5 Cloudy, N.Orleans, 29.98 85 E. 15 . Fair. PuntaEasa 30.02 87 S. 5 Fair. Savannah.. 80.10 85 S. 8 Fair. St. Marks.. 30.08 82 S. 5 Cloudy. Havana.... 00.00 00 0 HOME PENCIMN;s. The tomato crop about Charlotte suf fers from the rot. The Central Hotel tank is dry dry in June, for the first time in several years. The number of deaths during the past ten days is something altogether unusual. The courts had almost absolute rest yesterday. They have had a right live 1 y time of it lately. It is said that Madame Rentz's min strels will be the first theatrical compa ny to come South this season. There is to be a rousing time at Hen derson ville on the 4th. A number of Charlotte citizens will go up. Five cent counters, ten cent counters and bargain counters are becoming poj ular, ana merchants are showing their appreciation of the fact. A well-known teacher, who was in the city a few days since, expressed surprise and gratification at the num ber and excellence of the schools along the Carolina Central Railway. The Western Union Telegraph Com pany are putting up new posts on their line all the way from Augusta to Char lotte. They have completed the work from Augusta as far as the railroad bridge below Columbia. Princeton College, in regular course, has conferred the degree of A. M. upon Mr. James C. Jenkins, son of lion. David A. Jenkins, late State Treasurer. Mr. J. C. Jenkins is a graduate of Prince ton, and was, until recently, a resident of this city. Mrs. Pedestrian Potts said down the Air-Line that the best water she has struck since she has been on the road has been at Charlotte, N. C, and Gaines ville, Ga. A few more such compli ments to our water and Charlotte will set up a claim as a summer resort. noure JPIcnicer. The Sunday school of the Presbyte rian church of Monroe had an excur sion to Woodlawn yesterday, and spent the day very pleasantly on the river. On its return the train stopped over in Charlotte to await the departure of the Wilmington train, and the excursionists were given an opportunity of riding and walking around the city. wmM ii I I i Bmm. The IIa,bea. Corpus Case Judge Schenck has signified his readi ness to hear the habeas corpus case of Dal and Nathari Thrower, now con lined ia jail here to await trial at the next term of- the Superior court on the charge of .the murdet-of Harvey Kings bury, colored. Accordingly the wit nesses, prisohers-and attorneys will go up to Lincolnton this morning, and the trial will be had there to-day. The prisoners' counsel will introduce addi tional testimony, with the special object of proving an alibi, in the case of one of them at least j The Walking Widow. Mrs. Potts is the sensation of the day i Atlanta. She walked there Monday and Tuesday evenings;' making her five miles, Monday; iri "fifty-seven minutes, and one of , these miles in eleven min utes, She'wp3 jtohave left Atlanta for, NeW pxleTaeyniiQrning, tliougn, one of brer ankles is touched with what; it i feared isefyslpelas ;The;Cp7w?t -tiotfbt gCwsayssWis. in splendid: coidJU(miTrlrxiBg the ankle,; which she and has nieitheilgaise nor ldst any flesh Willie1 JomkSiAtf lwJ6fi tdH, .:s w .tt;i: i:.t' fciig ,y r " tiyvt'i Y r i ';' '. Qfne'eWll'iiai''Itrith: "'J- At the last regular meeting of Char lotte LoageT'Nff S80LJ Independent "Or der B'nai B'rithfi' f ollowingtofficers were elcteti the ensuing term i; : President-r?Moyer. w.ii -1,-ia Vice Presidenl Lewis BerwangeriK- j garten., of v--sL')iiLi-j' i'owd i v i n a ns nl iW-rpiarr AL Lachtenstein. Monitor Lewis. I&GSL Lecturer rlij Aaieli . 4 Trustees L XeonL, Berwanger, li. M. Kopf, S. Landecker And D. Blum. . v The. Norfolk vJandmartebt oent Tho will fvf fha lafSnido-e OM;Dor man. dated June 2d: 187& was admitted. to probate Thursday in ithe corporation court he- estate isestimated ;tc ;be, woitnaout 5o.anaeiu,tm2 i kehtna ft'tSflrri'etu'al Mrest on which to be nsedr.for ithepup-i poee tf educating colored youths :or zw. fninistry ; also - $10,000 to be.uiea. :i4 waicttever Is most ne"eded.' Deatb of a Well Known Colored Nan. Frank Alexander, the well known colored butcher, a very reputable man, died at his residence in this city yester day afternoon. He had been in feeble health for a year and for the past three months has been confined to his bed The funeral will take place this after noon at 3 o'clock from the African Zion M. E. church, and the services will be conducted by Bishop Lomax. Officers Y. M. C. A. At the semi-annual meeting of the loung Men's Christian Association Tuesday night the following officers w ere elected for the ensuing term : President G. B. Hanna. irst Vice President T. M. Pittman. Second - I. H. Foust. Third - w. S. Hales. Fourth " A. Aldrich. Fifth " W.B.Nisbet. Corresponding Secretary Ch as. W. Eddins. Recording Secretary b- K-iJohnston Treasurer C. S. Holton. W. S. Hales, A. S. Caldwell, G. T. Cole man and C. S. Holton were appointed alternate delegates to the Saiisbtiry convention. An Important Paper. A gentleman of this city has received from the president of the historical'sc ciety of W orcester, Mass., a letter con veying intelligence of the existence of a paper among the society's records which will forever set at rest all doubts relative to the authenticity, of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence, on the 20th of May, 1775. Certi fied copies of the paper have been sent for, and we are informed that the gen tleman referred to will soon bring to light all the ; facts connected with, this important historical event. In view of this fact the matter will not be further anticipated here. , It is sufficient to say that it is in the hands of an able and conscientious investigator of the truth of history. ; Death of yir. II. A. Springs. The sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Richard A. Springs was announced by telegraph here yesterday. - He died in New Vork in the morning at .7 o'clock. The telegram contained no further particulars, except that the body would be sent to Charlotte as soon as possible. Mr. Springs left home less than a week ago for New York, having expressed the intention of ultimately going on to Saratoga for his health which has for along time been feeble. He was accompanied by a servant and from him the news of the death comes. It was received with the sincerest expressions of sympathy and regret. Everybody in Charlotte and many persons in other parts of the State knew and liked Dick Springs, as he was familiarly called. His frank and genial manner, his bright wit and his generous and kindly disposition made him a delightful companion and gave him a hearty welcome into every household. His business qualifications were of a high order. When engaged in active business, no young man in Char lotte was more successful. If anything could add to the feelings of regret and sadness which his friends in this city experience at the announce ment of his death it is in the fact that lie died within twenty-four hours of the demise of his nearest and best friend, Mr. Jno. A. Wilson. For years their associations have been of the most intimate character. Much of the best part of their lives had been spent together and in death they were not divided. Mr. Springs' remains are expected to arrive in the city at 12 o'clock to night. Capture of Jail Birds. The news reached our neighboring town, Gastonia, Tuesday, of the escape of the four negroes from Lincolnton jail Monday morning. Early yesterday morning Mr. A. S. Bradley, who lives near Gastonia, went into the village and told the marshal that his milk house had been broken into, and further that he had seen the robbers, a party of negroes, but could not stop them. The marshal, Mr. T. W. Davis, immediately went to his house to get his gun, but arriving there found that the gun had been stolen. The two circumstances created some little sensation which was in no wise abated when Mr. Page, the Air-Line railroad agent, went into the ticket office and found that it had been robbed of a sum of money. A party at once started in pursuit of the robbers who were easily tracked, a heavy rain having just fallen. Mr. J. B. Lutz was the first to come upon them, about four miles south of Gastonia, and drawing his pistol he demanded their surrender. One of the robbers drew also and de clared that he would dot surrender, but Mr. Lutz bull-dozed him into striking his colors, and, firing his pistol, attract ed the others of the pursuing party and I it tt 1 A 1 i ""-T" tne tnree rooDers were laisen unuer arr rest and will be held until orders are received from the sheriff of Lincoln. They have acknowledged that they-are. theiail-breakers. 'Henry. Johnson, wlno stole Mr. Davis' gun, has not yet been arrested though at last accounts a crowd were in close mirsuit oi mm. sroinzan the direction of the South Carolina Tine. Another negro, believed to be an ac complice of these, is also in custody at Gastonia. 1 Tbe Excursions. On theSf d, 4th and 6th of July, ex cursioq; ,ucKets ; jvui; ne soia on- me. Carolina yenirai ? cutaway ior pns uu one' halfcents -per mile, making the trip from Charlotte to Wilmington and return cost only $5.00. Trains on the nifrht of the 3rd connect with the ex cursion train to Raleigh frdrtf Hamlet. This trio will cost only $3.85. . As an aaditt6oal;rin4W6ut; lor mpm from the upHGOunxry y iQi visit vv uuuag ton n the- 4th may b& mentioned the bet that -t&eanuaW regatta pi' the Carolina (Ta6ht I Clui wllliceur on that day. , 27th makes a pleasant opportunity , to J visltl'thatt.je.muwiH.rieye here f or "Columbia uUtnoj morning s of that ' -day. - The - excursionists 1 from by other?; f rdmViutexior. parts of South Carolina. The tickets are 'good - for Bye dajsrianii sell at $4.7?.., , v. , , Tickets tot: the excursion fc Ijenderj conviire'carfbe had from and after this if ternoon upon application to Capt. R, H Alexander, ...viae excujBiumw cy hefeJ Cbe it.imeiubejied!Qiijth8 rt.20 3. iBQftrani' ja.naay. . rrauBiatyiwj have beeirtoaar oywMca;; inps.ewno. wish $6 cah jemaiu- at Henderson ville vriittt the iisth and return n half-f are. .Arrangements 'have; alsoheeinade' with the Keepers or noiis ana ooaruinK houses -at - Hendersonville by whieh barties going on this excursion will , be entertained at$l:per day; and -those; who desire. o, go on to;':AsheviUe will hi niK3;;irAr for. Tm-mw.-to&9f hopat vHeriderspntHIe!ynigati tAiniit wo miles irom w wwn .."v imTJEM 3fiii wiU take tlienfiinging il :4 'tj. JC5r.iU.nMK-Mw;tvrkl MlTonlflri ionYille on r CapAlexandjr excurl: ana give i couuem juuuuoj uu. ini i taken on to; Hendersonville in. thTcarspeclally , proyided : f octthem, ; TuMday morning, and will give a con cerl at the latter place that night.! r Elders and Deacons Convention. The sixth annual convention,, of he elders arid jleaconsj of Mecklenburg Presbytery will be held at Olney church, four miles-south of Gastonia, in Gaston county, and immediately on the Narrow Guage Railroad, on Tues day, the 5th day of August, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. Ample preparations will be madeby; the congregation for the entertainment of members and vis itors. The committee having charge of these arrangements request that members and others expecting to at tend, will forward their names to Mr. James Q. Holland, Gastonia.- Olney is situated iu & healthy and de lightful re'gion'krf cluntfyv 'nea the historic field, King's Mountain. Liberal hospitality is a characteristic of its peo ple, and a sojourn of a few days amongst them will be pleasant, and it is hoped will be made profitable. A committee . having the .matter in charge will -arrarrge for halt 'fare with the railroads. The programme to be observed by the convention has been prepared by a committee, consisting of Gen. John A. Young, Gen. R. D. Johnston and Mr. J. Swann, and is as follows: f PROGRAMME OF THE. CONVENTION, Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock, August 5th, 1879 ; devotional exercises conduct ed by Elder R. McNeely, president of last convention. Permanent orgaoiajtion, A . Appomtnnpcprhofiltef cellanecrus Business." Rules of- order for the sessions and business of the convention. SUBJECTS "FOR CONSIDERATION AND DIS CUSSION. The young men of the Church ; the importaneeojf r remdering, thenx active laborers in the service, i w v.. The study of the Book of Church Or der, and the methods of procedure therein directed. Bible study, and the best method of promoting it in the Church and Sab bath schools. ' ' , ' The relation of the Church and the duties of its officers to the Sabbath school, and the duty of pastors and ses sions to provide for them teachers qual ified for their duties. Prayer secret, social, private and public, and the faith of the Christian in its efficacy. Methods of raising funds for Church enterprises, and the duty of Christians in relation thereto. Representation in the. courts iof the Church. (Continued from last annual convention and made the order of the day for the afternoon session of the second day.) The Bible Society. A Disavowal. To the Editor of The Observer: Please allow us spacein your columns to deny that the Odd Fellows and Good Samaritans have anything to do with running an excursion, as has been advertised, from Charlotte to Columbia on July 3rd. J. M. Goode, L. Sadler, James Foster. It is warranted to cure all diseases of the blood. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture will free you of Pimples, Bolls, Blotches and Eruptions of the Skin. Fresh Supplies ot Vitality To renew a waning stock may be gathered from a source accessible to all, and never sought In vain by any whose constitution and vigor are not so much dilapidated as to be wholly past repairing Evidence direct, convincing and ample, indicates Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a tonic of unexam pled efficacy and perfect purity, and possessed of properties that constitute It an invaluable remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, urin ary and uterine weakness, rheumatic complaints and malarial fever. Delicate females and infirm old persons are invigorated and solaced by It, and the physical prostraUon which usually fellows a severe Illness Is in a great degree remedied and convalescence accelerated through Its use. It oc cupies a leading position among medicinal sta ples. jun24 lw How to Get Fat. Just now when so many fat people are trying to grow lean, we would suggest that it would be a good Idea for the lean ones to try and grow fat To do this keep the bowels and liver regulated with Mott's Liver Pills, and your digestion will be good, and jou will grow fat rapidly. jun24 lw Esse Attainable by the Rheumatic. Yes, although they may despair of relief, It Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, If ever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET ' REPORTS, JUNE 25, 1879 PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats easier; Southern 86a40, Wes tern white 35a, do mixed 33a34, Pennsyl vania 35a6 Hay market firm; prime Tean sylvanla and Maryland 14al5. Provisions firm; mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new ; bulk meats loose shoulders 41A, clear rib sides 5. packed 4fea5fe; bacon-rshoulders 5, cleat, trip sides 6, hams llal2. ard refined tlerees 7. 'Butter dull; choice Western packed 10al2, rolls . Coffee firm; Rio cargoes lH4al414. Whiskey quiet at l.0oi&a7. sugar nrm; a son Ka. Cincinnati Flour dull; family 5.20a6.00. Wheat dull; red 1.00 Corn dull at 82vfea38. Oats qutet at 32a35. Pork dull at 10.00. Lard stronger; current make 6.05. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders 3.85, cash, seller August, short ribs 4.85 a90, short clear 5,00; bacon quiet; shoulders 414, clear ribs 5 clear sides 5. Whiskey aetlve and firm at 1.03. nutter steaay; rancy creamery 1 ais, choice Western reserve 12al3, choice Central Ohio9all. Sugar steady; hards 9aityfe, A white 8Ua8, New Orleans 0aiVi. nogs nrm; com mon 8.00a3.65, light 3.65a3.85, packing 3.80a 4.00. butchers; receipts 1.619; ship? ments 143. Nhw York Floinv-na decided Cbanee: ito. 2. 2J15a3.10. 8UDtrfliiaWe3ternandfcite'35ii3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 8.80. eood to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour quiet; common w iair extra toao.ov; guou r to choice do 5.65a6.75. wheat ungraded win ter red 1.08, No. 2 ditto 1.19al-20fe ; v Com ungraded w&wvs, jno. a, vws, oovs. Ckffee moderate demand-Ei quoted f In car- llUal4Vi. lob lots llVtaioi sugar quiet: ba 6a, fair to good reflnbig 6 5-1 6ai, prime fa: refined standard A. 8X6, granulated 8, powdered 8J, , crushed Molasses New Or leans 25a28. Bice In fair demand and steady; Carolina tquoted at 64a7, Louisiana 6a6& Pork new mess on spot iu.zuaiu.za, 01a v.ov. Lard prime steam on spot 6.371440. Whisker dmil.05, i-relhts, quiet . ' ,..t f 1 J 1 COTTONv Nonimi.i Ouiet: mlddiini'l 2io: ' net' recelDtB 18; gross ; stock 1,541; exports coastwise 2d; sales ; exports 10 ureat tmiuw . BALTiH08IXiU;mlddUaVi2c; low middling 12J.; good ordinary 11.; net receipts ; gross Z4; saies : swcs A.i.tv; Bxy"cwi"'' feosTOH-Oulet: mlddlmg 12c; low middling I 12Viv good.wrdinarj 41 aeirceifit:8;B(is Britain A ..sd ( SUi'O 20itS JndaUim iWnimJGTOH Steady i middling, igc, . low jnld-r tiling 114i0.igqod oroinafytl; net -receipts .10! gross : sales stock 331; spinners ; ex ports coastwise - to Great Britain ; to Con sent to channel , Wrr Twr.imA Ontet; mlddllne 1'2Wtc: low middling X 2140; good, prdfnory llijaer receipt ; gross 847; sales 346; spinners 246; stock 10,443 ; exports to Great Britain . tr tATOTOTA-ietr middTlnr 1210, t lew mid- - iCHABLSsTON'-Pull; mldfl'K. 12140. v. low iiaia I'dllng 12ct good .'orainaty-liar net receipts sales : stock 626; exports coastwise ; Great Britain : CJonnnent;U chancel!-. H Vf I .nance : Nxw ToEi-Quiet; sales 204:. Hddd'g uplands 12feC, middling Orleans 12c.; consolidated net receipts 986; exports to Great Britain 692-,,;.,; Liverpool Nook a shade easier. Middling Uplands, 7Lr mMdllng Orleans; 3 14 67L; sales IjOCXk speculation and xpoit LOOO. additional sales . yesterday after tiregulac -ctostng, ; re ceipts 200. all American. Fvttmes partially 1-32 cheaper... Uplands ioi middllngr ciauae : June de livery , June and July 6 aia1 July and Aug usC6 29-32. August; and, .September 31-32al5-16, September and October 7. October and Nov ember , November and December . New crop shipped October and November, September and jcwDer per sail . n n ait ? FTifiNCLlL.1 Nxw York Money 2a2l&- Exchange 4.86a governments strong. New 5's 1.03 Four and half per cents 1.06. Four per cents 1.02. State bonds dull. .i jun, New TobK' Futures closed Arm. Sales 46, 000 bales. June 12.47 July . 12.47a.48 August 12.60a.61 September,..,..-, tr ,.r, , ,12.43 October.. .. ...U II.... 'll.55a.56 Novemberf. ....... '.. 11 .I5a.l6 December. ,,.,,,M. 11 .09a. 10 January....:.: .......'.::'.::..:...'.:.. 11 .12a.l4 February l .17a.20 CITY COTTON MARKET. Ofticx or thx Obskbter, i ' . Chaklottk, June 26, 1879. t Tie mafketesterday closed steady, as follower Good middling . . . Middling.. Strict low middling. . . Low middling. Tinges Lower grades 1214 . 121 121 9toll CHARLOTTE PR DUCE MARKET JUNE 21. 1879. CORRECTED DAILY. ' ' " ' Oobh, per bush'l .............. 65a68- Meal, " 65a70 Pkas, " 65a70 Oats, shelled, 45a50 bacon- - H. COiog round.. ....... 7a8 Hams, N. C 9 Hams, canvassed. 1 1 al 21ig Bulk Meats Clear Bib Sides 6a64 Coffee Prime Rio 141&al6 Good. 12ftal4 Stbup Sugar-house 23a25 Molasses Cuba 35a40 New Orleans 85a50 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 SUOAK White 91&al0 Yellow 7ia8l Potatoes Sweet... North Carolina. : ... - 10al 5 Egos, per dozen. : 12 Flour Family 3.00a3.50 Extra. 2.75a3.00 Super 2.25a2.50 g-ecursicrus. GRAND EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON. WITH WITH TRIP AROUND THE HARBOR FREE, VISITING FORT SUMTER, SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, &C. C, C. fc A. RAILROAD COMPANY, ) Office General Passengor Agent, Columbia S. C, June 21st, 1879. . ) O1 N JUNE 27th AN EXCURSION TRAIN will leave CHARLOTTE at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for CHARLESTON, tickets good for six days, offering a rare chance to visit Charleston and the Sea. Fare from Charlotte for round trip. Including steamboat fare around the harbor, $4.75. The train will take up passengers at stations between Charlotte and Columbia, on the following schedule: Schedule. Leave Morrows', " Fort Mill, " Rock Hill, " Smith's, " Lewis', " Chester, " Cornwall's, " Blackstock's, " Woodwards, ' W hite Oak, " Adgers', " Wlnnsboro, " Simpson's, . " Rldgeway, Round Trip Fare, ni. $4 75 4 65 4 65 4.60! " 4 50 4 45 m. 4 20 4 10 4 10 3 90 3 80 3 65 3 45 3 30 3 05 3 00 10 30 a. 10 50 " 11 15 " 11 42 11 51 " 12 10 ' 12 40 p. 12 52 1 00 1 25 " 1 35 ' 1 50. ' 2 09 " 2 25 " " Doko, 2 45 ' " Shar rps.KUlians err d Stacks, ) J 00 an Where there are no agents, tickets can be had of conductor on the train. J. R. MACMURDO, D. CARDWELL, . Gen'l Pass. Agent. Ass't G. P. A. Jun21 sattuthu MIARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. R., Columbia. S.C, May 31, 1879 On and after Sunday, June 1st, the passenger schedule over this road will be as follows: DAY PASSENGER. Going North, Leave Augusta ,. . .. 6 50 a. m. Arrive Columbia. n. ...v,;-..- 10 48 A u Leave Colurobia,....i...u....... .10 53 am. ArnwChaxlotte,..k!.iv,...w..i-.c.. 4 OOP. iff ! FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED. ! Going South, Leave Charlotte Rock Hill, " Chester.-,..-" Wlnnsboro,... Arrive at Columbia,. . . Leave Columbia . . . .' 2 20 p.m ... 4 45 p.m. ... 6 30 p.m, .... 9 05 P.m. .vj12 00 X. '. . 1 00 A if. ."7 9 00 A m. Arrtwi n t t -.NIGHT: EXPRESS. South, Leave Charlol i-12 45 Ax M f. S BO a)m .'. 5 35 am .. 9 25, AM Arrive opWmi Leave Coiumbl Arrive Augusta. freight with coach attached. Goikg South, Leave Augusta.. .w..i-.fli.ff 5 15 p.m. Arrive Oolomhte.. J J..i..f l-S AiJ-i 1 80 ajc Leave Columbia,. ...M.;.i;V.;v-2 SO A.- " Wlnnsboro, 5 45am. " Chester, 8 15 AM. V Rock Hllli v -li ia.tii.ilOt DO X.U. Arrive at Charlotte. 12 10 R m, Pullman Palace Cars from Augusta to New York and from Greensboro to Augusta. Reclining Sleeping aChajrs Jrom Danville to Washington yja, LjhcTiDurg. , jii-tvLinf' Jy&ni Superintendent 3m;,cwc:fMlj tjv . ... une3 (in.; ilia'jkM&Qi ftlgent Jacob's Cordial, Well knpn- and reliable remedy for Diarrnrea recommended by physicians. Sold by Dr. T. C. Smith,,DTuggi8Vi-!w tjsrfio).) iiiUiJ rit.wi&l $2.00 ...! .'mcV7 i-kifi; mm MARSHALL H O TJ 8 TT o U 8 1 a o, u s J .SATAIDIA. TJQ vr yaw A. K.LUCE, Proprietor. at l-.t ,i -iff , Reduced rate 12.06 and S5eoordng''to loca M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, latej of Planters' HoteL m tt 10; gross ; Of the most celebrated makers which will'be sold at the. very ld west MILES', ZIEGLER'S; AND DALSHEIMER'S SHOES v And a large stock-of Slippers and Newport Ties.- In Qents': goods, . we hftve a full stock of the best goods. A trial will ' coBYigseTrouthat.we seU the same article sold elsewhere in th city from; 15 to 20 per cent cheaper. ; f T. t take pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied, that witlran experience of ten years in the Shoe and Hat business, l ean sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction; ;i ' ' 1 ' Very respectfully. . , : , May 29, 1879V- ; - - , V J. Mc. ALEXAKDMr ;,. r! Democrat and Home eopy. ; - s ; -j , ." ' ' ' Another arrival e- household end other useful articles for our famous FIVE C E NT CO UNTER. ? .' . i . . " m Far superior to all others received. Also a beautiful variety f ' PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY, LOVELY DESIGNS IN. HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTING S AND.LACES. ' ; Great Bargains In Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dresses, ' HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. We have just received a splendid assortment June 1,1879. OFFICE OF PIEDMONT NURSERIES, I Grkknsboro, N. C, May 31, 1879. f I propose to give, to the patrons of the Piedmont Nurseries, The benefit of the traveling agents' commission on my Nursery stock, consisting of Fruit Trees, fea, and have reduced the price 50 per cent Apples and Peaches, 1st class, 8 to 6 teet; fine improved Fruits as are grown in North Carolina, and ready for Inspection. Reference given to any Nursery in Guilford county. Peaches and Apples running from the earliest to the latest varieties. Trees will be packed In good strong boxes or bales, and de livered to railroad depots or express offices without any extra charge for boxes or delivery. I will fur nish at the following low rate: Peaches and Ap ples in any quantity, improved fruit, 10 cents each. Pears, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince, Crab Apples, Figs, Cherries, 33. cents. Ornamental Trees, Roses and Flowers will be sold cheaper than can be sold by any nursery in North Carolina. Cash to accompany the orders.. Any one not hav ing cash may fill out note, signed by purchaser, to be paid when trees are delivered at depot specified by purchaser. Note to accompany trees and paid when trees are delivered, purchasers paying all freights on same. Trees will be shipped in No vember and purchaser notified when to meet them. Persons ordering will state plainly where to ship. Name the depots. Letters ot Inquiry answered cheerfully. Orders solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. Send In orders at once. Very respectfully. M. C. DIXON, Proprietor of Piedmont Nurseries. Tune 7 eod6m. FOR SALE. A SET OK Band Instruments, NEARLY NEW, which cost over $300, can be bought VERY CHEAP, By applying to MAXWELL A HARRISON, Charlotte, N. C. June 24. As the warm weather is now fairly open, when Ice has become a necessity, 1 am prepared to till orders at shortest notice and with a superior quality of Pure Lake Ice at figures which 1 have been for merly selling. My cart makes daily deliveries to regular customers. Those who do not desire Ice each day in regular quantities can procure tickets by applying to driver of cart or to me at office. Ice by car load, barrel or otherwise a specialty, and promptness guaranteed In every instance. In Coal I have a full stock, as is usually carried in the business, embracing all kinds for families, foundries and smith use. Orders filled at short notice. My stock of Lumber is complete, and of all the' various kinds usually carried In the business, such as 5 4 dressed flooring, 5-8 dressed -ceiling, select, dry boards, &c; large stock of laths, shingles, fec.,. constantly on hand;-Estimates on special bills furnished on application. Also bills ot all kinds of lumber furnished on shortest notice. Office and Yard cornet Trade street and N. C. B. R. P. O. Box 158, Charlotte, N. C. J une 25. J. T. ANTHOJN X. JJIELD BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS 1$ COUNTRY PRODUCE ; - ' i 1 Keep constently on hand ? FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS; CR f LES DRIED FRUlfST 7 T j ' A. W- 1 Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUB 4 BONNIWELL'S anrf';AJi.-gHtJ rOBD'S Various ttrauds.of .!. : r. ; V( -iiliv blz ALSO. PBOFHIBTQHS QW , , .'!-. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, .Ml .1-1 .r. Sr fi : ftn., r Z :-: CHARLOTTE, N. C .This house"ha4a1re'imd netrT tfiAShed, 1t P.- ItiSi fi fcd ZOO l&LJ. Terms, Per Daf"., V.. V. - rw Great IndiKmen2J)fferef tp laoler boar r5; for jermysee theproprtetOIti,- 't- ' oromnibwaad VlKlTi kft6THjfcfi3. re- ii-WPnor Mr. H. . wtxaoic s llADt. :. . . . . . : Snoerlntoni Hnott wjutwei i . '. k. .t?.l mA .vt . eierW teb9 ' - : ICE OMETHING- 'l, "JUST RECEIVED AT J. MOYER'S NEW SHOE STORE, 400 PAIRS ! BARGISrS ! of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known In Charlotte. Our White Goods Department Has recently been replenished with a magnificent line of Linen, Victoria, French and Bishop Lawns; Piques, all styles and prices; India Mull, Organdies, and Barred and Striped Nainsooks at exceedingly low prices. We are now offering bargains in every line, and your attention Is especially called to our stock of DRESS OO0B9 The most attractive In the city, and at very low prices. We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces, Ham burg Edgings and Insertlngs, Nainsook Edgings and Inserting, Swiss Edgings and Insertings In great variety. CORSETS AT ALL PRICES. Colored Organdies and Lawns-all grades just received. We make a specialty of Ladies' and Misses' LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS. Ladies' Ilandkerchlefs from 5c. to $.1.50. Our Stock of Glows will be found complete. June 17. ALEXANDER &' HARRIS. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWTJ3, LUVKBTS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FIiAJraKIjS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls' and Hoy' Suita, Ladles' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RUCHIKGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, IIAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, &c. MY Hpf P0RPARTI5WLAR8 AMBR0N 3 address: ' WhiteSewins Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. : -THE- WEEKLY 8 U A large Eight Page $heet of Fifty-six broad columns, will be Sent, post-paid, to any Address, till January 1, 18S0, : FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address June 21-4 m. CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE, Via Wilmington, N. C. r " rnu. u THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE j in- !'1V. .-.1-!kI -::;T 'i This luijt equitped lor bi i .t't'ili'.iii 'itl WUnflitpi taid j'Worthero ftiIIEastemJ COi&iUkha Statesrflle, ;v Islyf.ixirix111- ;:oir3irr'GreeniUe,SpartanbBifc;attStattoriS otl AtlVito .; t '! Ann i rI;i"'V,f -if (Jedi- giar;Alalbaiii n -j i i ir at el;Ku ?mn '-mm ,t.. .:. mi -n,$ i ,wrL7surar,RarwWtee4 u Low. to i Imfoimatton famished Uv' ml' . Jfelgh igeiWBailiigtoltl IT, CL septSO tstige; prices. Also a full line of H. MORRIS & BROS. !'. - K hi ,- liili BY MAIL. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. We carry an averasre stock of about $100,000. all bouaht for prompt cash. KeTry us. Have the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER &C0NARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 186a . THE SUN, Kew York City. ; TQ iftU.POHITS SOUTH., ; .or$nQe4xtacqiads for tbe Tiuptagbbgi . j fahctiiiims.vm laop.:-'' hatu-'a trim Vr'"v,i. m Minn mr.r and llississippi. i:'mtii ovT ' i 1 or! ttt noi V upon application, to. . J .-4 4 4 , 74 ' J. r,t "iL

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