rrr&m Stye igl)arlotte (Dbgerger THURSDAY, JUNE 26. 1879. . KING'S HIGII SCHOOL. Report of tbe Commencement Exer cises Iast Week. Correspondence of The Observer. . What were life without its seasons of recreation and enjoyment? without an occasional change from the very-day treadmill of stern realities we have to encounter in a world of toil and strife t Such a season has just thrown its light across the threshold of this community in the commencement exercises of the King's Mountain High School. The an nual visitation of this event has become to be a gala day in our midst, not only to the student, who perhaps has been counting the days when the session would end, in anticipation of his or her return to the loved ones at home, but even the aged matron and the grey bearded farmer convert it into a day of recreation. It is a day we prepare for here. By a little earnest effort before hand, the crop is pronounced to be in condition to justify laying aside the im plements of toil ; the stores are closed, that clerks and proprietors may alike participate in the occasion ; the doctor looks uneasy, lest some urgent call should demand his presence elsewhere, and thus all classes and ages join in de voting one day to the interest they feel in education. The exercises were introduced by a concert on Friday night, the 19th of June, under the management of the musical instructress, Miss Katie Pat ton, of South Carolina. With no desire to natter, I can but award great praise to this accomplished lady in her man agement of the entertainment. It was what might be termed a starlight con cert, aided by lesser lights of man's con struction in the shape of lamps and wax candles. A large platform had been erected in front of the academy building, which was carpeted and a por tion of it enclosed with curtains, in which enclosure were enacted the tab leaux scenes, which were splendid, and among the most admired I will men tion " The Divorce of Josephine," " The Wreath of Beauty," and " The Baptism of Pocahontas." The instrument upon which the young ladies of the school performed occupied a prominent posi tion upon the platform, and the exer cises in this respect certainly indicated tutelage by a skilful hand. As I listen ed the thought of the poet possessed me, that music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" disowning, however, to being a savage myself. MissPatton has a fine voice, and when she led her pupils to the front of the platform, nearly all of them dressed in white, and mingled their voices in singing the anthem. " Great is the Lord," my thoughts went upward, and in imagination could see the angels upon the battlements of Heaven, repeating the same chorus for the hearing of a sinful world. The con cert closed with a scene of representa tion of wax figures, under the control of Mis Rebecca Bayer, alias Mrs. Jar ley, which exceedingly amused the au dience. I would not omit mentioning one of the concert pieces, " Mortgaging the Farmland while the whole selec tion was fine, this piece ierhaps caused more merriment than any other. The head of the family was represented by Prof. R. S. Collins, of penmanship noto riety, and the old gentleman (for old he looked to be) seemed greatly distressed at the idea of having to mortgage his farm to satisfy the extravagancies of the daughters, and so plaintively did he pour forth this fact into theirs of his assumed better half, that a feeling of sympathy was aroused in our hearts for the aged couple. Saturday, June 21st, was commence ment day, and at an early hour our streets were thronged with visitors from afar and near. At 8 o'clock the cadets of the school, under the command of their principal, Capt W. T. R. Bell, formed into ranks ana marched to the suburbs of the vil lage to escort in the Cleaveland Guards from Shelby When these two military bodies formed together and marched to , the martial strain of the Dallas brass band, in their yet unsoiled uniforms, the days of 1861 were recalled, when war was in it3 infancy, and untried pa triotism the occupant of every Southern breast The exercises of the day were opened by a trial drill in the manual of arms by six of the best drilled cadets of the school, consisting of the following young gentlemen: W. W. Boyce, W. D. Montgomery, W. A. Thomason, L. 11. AVeeks, of South Carolina; J.Xee Love, C. Q. Petty, Jr., of North Carolina! This was a very interesting feature in tne days exercises. The test for championship was to be determined in this way : The six were brought to the front of the stage and placed under command of Lieut. O. G. Falls, whose duty it became to conduct the drill. When a . false command was given (which was done purposely to mislead) any one of the contesting six who obey ed or attempted to obey the said com mand was to leave the contest, as also when a proper command was given any failing to execute it properly was to, step aside. When the contestants were reduced to two, viz : W. W. Bovce and C. Q. Petty, the interest became quit exciting, not from preference, hut Jjotbr had displayed such skill in the manual of arms, an anxiety naturally pervaded the audience to know who would be the victor. After a contest of considerable time Boyce failed in one command and victory crowned Petty's laurels amidst the cheers of the crowd. The same cheers would have accompanied victory w wo unuci. xu aiiuw wits uiseipnne or. the well-drilled, soldier, amidst the cheers and congratulations at the ter mination of the contest, Lieut. Falls thinking it perhaps unnecessary to give any further commands, Petty knowing the duty of the true soldier, still re mained with his gun in position to fire his face wearing the smile of victory this being the position the last com mand had placed him in. He was the mcture of the well-drilled soldier in deed. The next .on. the programme came the orations by a number of the young gen tlemen of the school. These were well deliverecUhowing an acquaintance with history and depth of thought The hour appointed for the Rev. W. M. Robey, who had been selected by the Delta Society to deliver an address on the occasion, had now arrived. I feel incomMtent'tn rieniria tinnn !: tnoifii- ouuiosa. XiVtjry one wno COUld hear it spoke of it in the hiffhfist terma T filet njl i TT i , . - - and several learned gentlemen express ed their opinion Of it as hrincr nun rf the ablest literary productions they ever listened to. This man's mind seems' stored with sound logical reasoning and brilliant ideas. His subject was "Ge- niUS.. ana T,llAlrlAILJ ndvanoort -nrara tV n f 1 Mr n liar tha .irr0 .7 - 11.x. uuov vu nvnu niu iue Willi. KculUS, effort OH the Cart Of :ita .ivQtaanr.haA E reduced it ; that genius waa: not an in eritance or a spontaneous growth, but was amveu at or ouiainea oy earnest indefatigable determination j .The- ad dress was certainly most appropriate to ' Two medals "were awarded, one bV a -v .it. r-i i a , T 1 l J ine ueiui oociew w. o. xjiiiusay vjraw- ford, of South Carolina, for the greatest improvement m debate; the other to C. Q. Petty, of North Carolina, f or Jhe Dest aniiett m tee manual or arms: -x ne first medal was-presented by 3Iaj. W. J. Montgomery, or Cabarrus, irr'aBhort but most appropriate speech. The major is certainly a true type of the gentle man-Hrehial'arid Hvefv in conversation ; with full-command of language, he is a man ' to commana aiwauon uuiuuk a thousand. The latter, medal ; was pre sented by H. T. Hudson, D. D of Shelby. The contest for .this medal had been severeTasf is shown in a remark by the reverend gentleman in its presentation, which was "that you have won the vic tory fairly, but you did it at the skin of your teetn." Tne aoctor, inougu a uuw f ul soldier of the cross, confesses not to hfl well-versed in military tactics f nev ertheless his remarks in the presenta tion or this meaax were weu-woietiauu appropriate. ' : r, Thus ended the commencement exer cises of King's Mountaih High School, an occasion of pleasure long to be re-, membered in the hearts of this jeoplef The school is in a most prosperous con dition, numbering on its list of pupils the present scholastic year, '126. Its success has been remarkable when we take into consideration that three years ago it had a beginning. Capt Bell, the principal, is wide-awake in his line Hf understands the system: of school gov ernment He relies more upon a boy s honor and pride than upon' written rules. Disturbances seldom nat the harmony of his school government; and he informs me that not an instance has noma to his knowledge duruurthe last ten months when one of his pupils has drank ardent spirits. The next session will open the litn or August. Respectfully, Rob Roy. STATE NEWS. Statesville is about to have a debat ing society. Five hundred people attended the ! open air meeting in y umingion ljtst Sunday. The Wilkesboro Witness has suspen ded. It was a cross between a Greene- backer and a Radical. i Wilmington's German citizens have organized a gymnasium club, with Jno. G. Oldenbuttel president Mr, Henry Biggs, of Robeson county, was fired upon from the road side as he rode along, but fortunately escaped unhurt Mr. LaFayette Weaver, an aged and respected citizen of the Snow Creek neighborhood, Iredell county, died on the 13th. The last regatta of the season, before the annual regatta on the 4th of July, at Wilmington, was had Monday. The race was won by the yacht Rosa. The Salisbury District Conference, M. E. Church, South, will be held at Statesville, embracing the first Sunday in August; beginning on Wednesday evening before. A negro named Paschall Lunsford was committed to Ilillsboro jail last Monday, charged with having been found secreted under the bed of a Mrs. Lea. on Flat river, in Orange county, with felonious purpose. The Durham Recorder gives the sto ry of five burglaries, attempts at burg lary, attempt at highway robbery, &c all committed within the past two weeks in Orange county, three of them in and immediately around Ilillsboro. The Robesonian says that on Tuesday night of last week Mr. J. F. McKay, of Robeson county, had the misfortune to have his dwelling and a large part of its contents destroyed by fire. Carelessness of a servant, who left a box of ashes in the cook room, was the cause of the fire. Bishop Atkinson has abandoned Ui.s purpose of going to Europe. After ta king passage and arranging his ex change, he found that Mrs. Atkinson's health was too precarious to justify the fatigue of a sea voyage, and so he has gone to Saratoga for perhaps a fort night. Wilmington Star: Fifteen persons joined the Front Street M. E. church, Sunday morning, and nine were bap tised, being some of the fruits of the great revival still in progress there. This makes sixty-three that have con nected themselves with the church within the past ten days. Under the caption, "A Normal School Pedestrian "the Raleigh News says that last Monday morning a teacher made his appearance at the University, hav ing journeyed on foot one hundred and thirty-six miles, from his home in one of the eastern counties. He expects to walk back after the school closes. Lumberton Robesonian : Mr. Joseph Regan, of Howellsville township, who was in town last Friday, reports snow at his house last Thursday afternoon. He says it continued to fall for some length of time, very fine at first, but in creasing to very large flakes. Others report frost in this vicinity last Friday morning, and indeed it seemed almost cold enough for frost. Durham Recorder : On Thursday a week ago Sheriff Hughes Sent his grandson, Jesse Hughes, to the western pait of the county to make some collec tions. On his return he was stopped af ter nightfall by some one who demand ed his money. Young Hughes, though unarmed, made a demonstration to draw a pistol, upon which,-the robber told him he was not the man he was after, and Hughes then put spurs to his horse and dashed off. The robber was evidently, from his language, , a negra Statesville' Landmark : The colored people or btatesville, have organized a memorial association: They celebrated Saturday as memorial day. A large pro Cession, composed of probably three hundred, paraded through the streets in the afternoon, headed by the States ville colored cornet band. As the col ored people, have no slain .soldiers to dedicate this tribute of respect . thev scatter sweet flowers over the crravea rf their friends and relatives. Wilmirigtoff Review ; A white' mnn. known to almost everybody here, was arrested to-day on a warrant issued by united btates Commissioner McQuigg, charged with robbing the stamp office in this city Of a Sum of monev amoun ting to somewhere iri'the neighborhood of $65. We forbear to give the name at present He was admitted to bail in the snm of $200, and the case will be heard by Commissioner McQuigg in a day or two. The robbery was commit ted on decoration day, May 30th, and whitethepostoffice was closed. ; A Great Bond Fire. Raleigh Observer, Tuesday. There was a great bond fire at the treasury department yesterday. The Governor, the Attorney General, Capt Dudley, principal clerk in the Secretary of fState's office, Mr. Partin, chief ulerk in ithe auditor's i department, Donald Bain, chief clerk of the treasury, and I few bystanders, witnessed the crema tion of the Old bonds to make way for the new, The bonds were called ofL checked' and piled up," and Governor jarya applied the match. The old ev idences of the State debt crackled and curled, blazed, .up. and became .a pile, of grajr ashes.",;A blazing fire in midsum mer was; a queer rsight ; the destruction of the old bonds was a good sight -The light that 'feU upon the countenances of the Governor and the earnest old treasurer was reflected back almost as bright The new . bonds represent, the newjleTjt, ! is very much .lighter and wiliWwoni with much 'less rubbing and soreness. Dn Worth is in high He receives old bonds in large quantities daily. He . cancels them. burns them and sends out new bonds in their8tead. :We wish him -much -suc cess in what he has so much at heart. . "Afulthfnl UsHl'rfiinL" WFhim la what thm nnr term Or. BuU Baby Syrup. It is the best assistant. m u win prevent a erymg speu- oi ine oaoy. - For upward of thirty years Mrs. WInalow'i Sooth ing SyniD has been used for children. It corrects acidity of ttaa stomach, relieves wind ooHa. sesotlatea tbe bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising rxom leeiningor other causes; Jin Ola ana well known remedy. 25c per botUe. - - - " TbeDeatb-Bftteol ! Onr conntry la getting to' be fearfully alarm Ing the average of life being lessened every year, wltn ..j -T'.o'i- ... - -T " ' r -' -X- nrtt on, mnanraihlA MIUM. (taatfl TeSllltlM federal ly front flte taOBt Insignificant origin. fUt, tblsj sea- on-of thfryear especially, a eoid is sucn a common nine that in the hurry of every . day life v aie apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that Fever or Long trouble has already set in. . Thousands lose their lives in this way ev ery winter, while had Bosghkb's Gkemah Stbup been taken, a core would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Boschsb's Gehmas Stbup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind in medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a, single (allure known. 4f I l-'-: n i 4 ' I Hi introduced; rses. A TORPID LIVER 1 the fruitful source of mMy diseases, promi nent among which are . DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, C0STIVENESS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEV2R, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiosa of Appetite and Nausea, the bowels are coatave, but sometimes alternate with looseness, Pain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation in the back part, Pain In the right side and under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a diain chelation to exertion of body or mind, Irrii tability of temper, Low spirits, Loss ol memory, with a feeling of hTving neglected some duty, General weariness; Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before, the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally pyer the right eye, Restlessness at night with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. P1 THESE WAEIJINPS ARS UNHEEDED, SERiOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, a single dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer, TUTT'S PILLS ore compounded from snbstaaeea that are free from any properties tltAi.ca.a injure the most delicate organization. ' They teareb, Clean e, Purify, and Invigorate tke entire ytem. r By rUvuiK the on forced IJrer, they cleanse tne blood from poImbodi huinors, and thus Impart health and ritality to tke body, cansing the bowels to act natnraUy. witbont which no one can feel well. A Noted Divine says: Dr. TUTT: Der Sir; For ten years I hnva baen a martyr to Ihrspepsia, Oonatipatinn and Piles. Last Spring; roar Pills wer reoommeodnd to me ; I nsod tham( bat with little faith). lam now a, well man, hay food appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools. t!" sua, uu t. ur (uwi mnj pouuai soua seso. ibbj are wotu inoir weient in gold. r ara wortn tneir weigbt in gold. Kit. K. L. BIMPSOS. honisrine. Kr. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect is to Increase 4 be Appetlr e, and cause the body to Tako on Fleh, tlius t he system Is noarished, and by their Tonic Ac tion on the DlgestiTe Organs, llsgaiar b tools are produced. DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, 8AYS:- " Few diseases exist that cannot be reliered by re storing the Liver to its normal functions, and fur this purpose no remedy has eTer been invt nttxl tiiat has as happy an effeot aa TUTT'S PILLS." SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Office 35 Blnrray Street, New York. tr Dp. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable Infor mation and Useful Beceipts " will be mulled res On application. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OxaT Hats on WHisirxs changed to a Globst Black by a single application of this Dte- It im parts a Katotal Color, acta Instantaneonsly, and is as Harmless as spring water. Sold by Druggists, or sent by exnress on receipt of 9L Office; 35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 ly. THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times . costive; stools slimy, not-tmfrequent-ly , tinged with blood ; belly , swollen an&hard purine : turbid ; respiration occasionally Mifficult, and accompa , nied y hkugh ;cough, sometirA4s 4. dry .and; convulsive ; uneasy-and dis turbed Sleep,'; with grindirig ' of the :. teeth ; temper variable, but generally! irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the moit tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the mapper.,. ;o: , , , . .. , .w , DR. C. McLAN'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ..ills that flesh is heir ta."hdti &1U 'affections of, the liver, and in all Bilious Complaint's,- Dyspepsia and Sick Head- , ache, or diseases of that character, they .; island without a rival. f ---,4-. :"i.r,ii"j!!..:i- "Ague and fever. - No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. , As a simple purgative they are un : -equaled. . r, fcl!h"ine we ever sugar-coated. v . red ""a seal on the ' , wiiuiae impression UR. MgLANE's vhirro.?'1 the signatures o . Jtrnjc prouuaciaUon. mm ' .. f - T t -f P! $ X- t t f Tbatlare the largest and Dest'stoctot rsacj andRaple""""" "'J 'r GROOERIES . . , .... . . ..."V -T ' In Charlafe, consisting In part of the following articles:1 ' ' Oranges' Lemona, Bananas, French -and - Plain ;., Candies.,4elhes. Canned Goods and Pickles fn endless arlety; Graham Flour,-Oatiaeai and irreas wickers of ?erf desonp- - ; :--x i ; . Hon; Cream and 'Factory Cheesey ' ' 1 Fre&h Boasted Coffees, the to- eat Teas in the market; 1 -; grades, of Sugars ana' ' Giwn CoCees, to .' . eluding some ' v - 6 YEAR OLD JAVAS, Very Choice. CHOIck " NEW YORK CIDER, Both Wholesale and Retail. ' . Also a large lot of beautiful CONCH SHELLS . On consignment, for sale low. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully so licit a continuance of the same. . teBOT DAVIDSON. Unction MnXe D. 6. MAXWKLL. O. W. KASSISQS Auctioneer. 1 jyj AX WELL & HAItfHSO-' -AUCTION AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of - MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. deed gross and ptediciues. DR. J. II. McAden, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select SPICES, Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H McADXN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE Ann ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal OU Works, Canton. . Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before At wUl burn. C. West Sobs, Baltimore, j -n . , ' For Sale by 5 -; Dr. J. H. Mc ADEN, Sole Agent,''' r; CHARLOTTE, N. C CHINA PALS?? ;. ; , .of JHO. EROOKFIBLD & CO., I ,1- i ..- . .... ..... ' ' j li: ADERS OF LOW PRICES. Ice Cm(lVeej;rS,bestake, freeze in 5 min utes; Water Coolerei- fiefrtgerators. Wire covers, mxxBDS pampas flumes, Jii.BlrdCaga fruit Jars and ' xwBDterBV risibto-Q rid We constantly keep on hand a full line of Plain aad Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp GoodsCuUery and Plated Ware, Fancy Gooa&iTiaf .Woodntfwuiow Ware! ' ' T? "J rr f J O J COUNTRY-' MERCHANTS SSUhSSL0 lw ''b5d- as eheapas flri?ILll5,Mes and uarantee satisfaction. WU1 send quotations on application. - - - . Pranking you for the liberal patronage In the , r vVnx.xespectfuIIs has - V4:Vift , JdbdxriELD it 00. rlotte,Krit jU'f87d:n J j'sww''J1-ie'i'jwlj-sj BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of The Ob server, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete and most ' thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES.. In the South, the proprietor has Just added a com pleie BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING, Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as it Is possible to make it LETTER HEADS. Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks, Labels BILL HEADS, ..; ..' ' .'. i . m : ' . .-i ;. ," ' i ..-. Seeds,. . - . . -.-: -n -. S--. .. ' . ! ' .. . :.- .- : Receipt Bpoks,; Bustness Cards,- ' Programmes - - ' ' Magistrates and . - ' ' ' ' ; ' j-r! I?- jRmiTf DlnnVa .:.f K.fi jrv r'7"! f ill s- Ihfact all kinds of prinOng' done' at short notfee Special attention glveR to Railroad Printing. .'1 BOOK 3VdRK; ;k J flavlng a larger supply of type than toostjobes tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will r i. sxmtbtae to 1be s specialty .with us. , v i - -W.arlfA"J ) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, i. f ' ," -.w." a zia o v. i.t, ;t i.i.iV 777! A" YEAR aild fltpeBses4ogentsi -Outfit -1.1 , tp-.nr-j !J;MOiWLCYUvsf .Address 'J V b GBStkYBf"' " A T&2&mmri !tn& pisttted liwek' i 'O Bnvit9 ! n,-.'?) -to-Sol)TOwspBDersrot;$lO.Send:iO& aH2. Charl S.fllpO page najsphlet, p,,r5w,ELi;& CO, V I GREAT BARGAINS j'fa JewelrTand Fancy Goods, t5old and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Ware, ' ' 'AT' J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 J LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL- VER PLATER. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Plating and G;U vanlztog made at short notice and equally as eood as new.. Work done for the toade at tow prices. f3- Apprentice wanted, with premium and good reierences. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. IJtistjClIattJCtfus. THE. HOUSEWIFE'8 GREATEST FRIEND The latest and most complete invention of the day Crocker & Fawnsworth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron. Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere task of standing over a hot fire on Ironing This Iron heats itself, and will save its worth in wood consumed under the old process in a short time, to say nothing of the health of those who do the work. We are the agents for the State of North Caroli na, and we propose to commence the sale ot It In Mecklenburg, Gaston and Lincoln counties at once. Any one wishing to purchase the right to sell in other counties in the State will do well to apply at once to the undersigned at Charlotte. N. C. E. H. NEWCOMER, I . h. m. ramseubT t Aeents The sample Irons have arrived and are at H. T. Butler's hardware store. C. S. Mallard is our agent for Mecklenburg county. May 15, 1879-i3m. ottzvizs. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNESEVENTH GRAND DISTRIBU TION, CLASS G, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, July 8th, 1 879-1 10th Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, tob thb term of twenty-fit k years, to which eontract the Inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of 1 ,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTIONS will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $-30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-TIcit-ets, one Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 6,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 1 0,000 600 Prizes of 20 10,000 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. ..... 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $100,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal comnensation will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the home office of the eompany in New Orleans. nnw, cieariy stating run address, lor runner information, or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All OUT Grand Extraordinary Tti-awinen nm linriAr the supervision and management of Generals G. j. . jDeauregara ana junai a. jsariy. June 17 If YOU iournev for business, health or iwrpatlnn to the Mountains, Lakes, or Shore, over land or over eea. don't fail to secure the protection of AC CIDENT INSURANCE in THE TRAVELERS, of Hartford. Any regular agent will write a yearly or monthly Policy in a few minutes, or a ticket from one to thirty days. The cost Is so small that any one can afford It who travels at all Cash paid for accidental Injuries over $3,000,000. MADE -ON! HAGS, BEESWAX, Hides, Tallow, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, Cattle Tails. Old Metals, dc. For quotations fte inquire of 214 Pearl Street, New York. .-, BEGKWITH'S A2JTI-D Y SPEFTIC) PILLS; Thnv rm on tmrinllnrf TnW... mil Aj . and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are used by theimoet cultivated people In our country, and are extensively used by physicians in toeir practice. 8old by Druggists generally. Send er, Petersburg, Va., . DR. ViH. ALEX. GREENE; OL: v i; Writes '-r ehAftrfariT fttnto'-Hiati r vU. tested (he virtnes andfnclency ot Colden's Leibia dyspepsia, loss of appetite and nervous afflictions, wheninedlelnehad proven mora than fnselesi.il f"" w remedy 4 ever used la chron ic alcohoUsm, when, the stomach is always lrrlta- I ('.''ni'if Vrh f Wil y otouo per month- 1 " .M invnuiiiiit n.pnumi. . , ire mean vtal vt tan, 1 Katep..AddreMb4uiMafsbSLU.ltic iq JWCmoerfiH lr 'mmissioB, iosii our FUri SJOT TO:'Ip,rtland, Ve., world. -Expensive outfit freeT "51177' m. OionUi -and; expenses guaranteed' to Di 4 , Aeenta-, Outfit fiM.. (ih rv. m 1 w;"i" - ' o r : tie.WUll4jL AAiiitaufcidlar :e'C4 i DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM roU LUNGS. It is a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS. ASTHMi BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESsT and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest and Throat. tyarslKa for th.r- whlch were given np m howES? Ca8es' man of No case however obstinate, can resist th , IngpropertieaofDr. Wn, HiuKmoft JOHN F. HENRY, CUBRAN & CO. Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. Wriston & Co., Charlotte r mar4 ' SMITH'S -WORMOTL. Athshs, Ga., December 8, 1878 WorSWo8l ISS'iH s.on the iS!P At 016 tlme 1 ravebne torn? little girl, four yeais old, and she passed eighty-sfi worms from four to fifteen inches long wn m, ..I. k- t,. w- PHILUPS. v". ieoid&wly. Is a perfect Blood Purifier, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy kimwn to sc-i ; ence, that has made radical and Pkkmankni Cores of Syphilis and Scrofci.a in all their. stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from the' system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial, rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. 8. Doggett (Southern Meth.) It Is an excellent corrective of Indigestion. Havtf used It with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estlmatB ofi the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C: Conference; It has benefitted me. Send another package.. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It Is an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a , meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high, character. I have seen a "trJedreveiytitifl2y''tfj--peptlc of fifteen years relieved y ene dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men ol nutlonni fan e and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support In Its favor as a specific The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness Joined with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It ls beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. o SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. a ODELL, RAGAN 4 CO., Greensboro, N. a THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N, C. POLK, MILLER & CO., Apothecaries and Sole Proprietors, Richmond, Va, mar 20 d&w tf. 1879 1879 rpHE FOUR REVIEWS AMD B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The LondonQuarterlyJteview (Conservative, The British Quarterly Review, (Evangelical), 'y.'AT. ":''.l'isny.:!r. ' ' C: . BXACKWPOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Thflsa rpnrfnta nra nntuluiA.'u. .v. SJSl h.0 one-third the price of '"oSH000: w compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, Tesrinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. ' In respect to fldeUfer-jaf iseeareh accuracy ofitatetaent, and pa rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep, pace with modern thought, discoverfv experiment and achievement, whether In religion, science, lit-, erature, or art. the ablest writers fill their pages : with most interesting revlewsjol history, and wltc, an intelligent narration ol the great events of the ; -lay. r raBMS, JOB 1879 jCTKCLtTDINO POSTAOX) : : . H: Parable strictly in BrfvaniL For any one Review, ; 4 qq per annuiui. For any two Reviews, ' ,7)0 or any mree Keviews, WOO ' " -For ail four Bevlewe; , ,. 12 00 " FotBlackwood's Magazine, 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and ihree-:,18O0 " For Blackwood and four H , , X 5 :0O . --, JPtvitittK '. ' . iuu iJiu oz expense, now Dome vj the dcdiiso' ers,- Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 "per cent, ou the cost to subscribers In former years. 'i ' ; - A discount of twenty pet oauC will be allewedto Clubs off our or more-persons,-Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review' wlfl be sentto one address, -for $12.80; feur copies 16I the four Se rVpm and Blackwood: and so on, , , JSS" o8dber8 applytog early) f of ' the1 year 1 879 may have, without, charge, the Bumbem for ine last quarter eC 1879.of.auch periodlcaJaas they may subscribe for. ; ; . .. . , Or. instead, newsubsertberS W any two, three or four of toe above perlodl cala,; may have one of the ' Four Reviews' for subscribers to ail ive may have two of the fFour Reviews." ot one set of Blackwood's Mogazuwfor 1878- rr ' 3 Neither premiums to subserlbera nr discount to clujpan be aUowed junless the mosey is remitted a To8erare prem&nhsttwm behcessai7tomake - JteprTnted bT fti4,Oi3u va m&i tf ? riXHJS LEONARD SCOTT PUBLBHtUGCO.', --f- ':.1J4ltachVstree,ew,Io

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