. i J .mood; Stye tyaxlo!tt ()bBttvtt. 8VBS0RIPTI0N BATES : rxaiv, one year, (postpaid) in advance. .....$8 00 MzHonttu 4 00 Twee Moid 2 00 One Month 75 WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in the county) in advance 12 00 Out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 Six Months . 1 00 MM -55! Uj . :M ; i THE OBSERVER JOB DXPARTMSMT Bas been "thoroughly supplied xMhevery needid vant, and with the Latest Style of Type, and eeery manner if Job Work can new be dome wth meatmen, dispatch and cheapness. We can rumish, at Short notice, : BLANKS, BILL-BEADS, ' mLBTTES-HEAJ)S7UAtDS7- . . Tags, receipts, fosters? - programmes, hand-bills, pamphlets, circulars, checks, dc ,4 VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1879. NO. 3,226. Liberal Reduction or Clubs. ii i ! i i - .ii :i iit. rii ii ii iiij i i - s 'r i r-. m w: izvj ; . i. t ; . . 1ft mm i )i i uvnituvt. JUBOESS NICHOLS, grs t&lsrthiuQ, Set Ike ajX IctJlcker. BIG DRIVE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALER IN ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, AC. BEDDING. Ac. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! BEMING, Ac. BEDDING, &C. -IN- Burllngton HawkeyeJ UndOTtne shUl&trk Rkiftiy-bee The picnic man be stands; A woeful-looking man la be, With bruised and grimy hands; And the soil that sticks to his trousers knee, DRYGDODS ITS II orn &c, &c, &c. We are now closing out a handsome line of DRESS GOODS, LINEN AND COTTON LAWNS, FRENCH OR GANDIES, LINEN DRESS GOODS, AND LINEN SUITS, jPFull Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! At greatly reduced prices, some patterns of Also a few very hand- LOUNGES ! LOUIWE8 I LOUNGES I LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand. 13?- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. R West Trap Strskt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. SUMMER SILKS At New York prices. We still have a few SILK PARASOLS In summer shades that we offer very cheap. We invite special attention to our stock of LADIES' HATS, Trimmed and untrimmed, in which we are offering great bargains. Our stock of LINEN SHIRTS, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Ready Made Cloth ing is complete, and at low prices. Call soon and secure bargains. Our stock is all new and fresh. No old or damaged goods. f5g Orders promptly filled. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE 4 00., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. June 28. SPRING CLOTHING. Ladies' and Gentiemen's Burial Robes a tine supply. Jan3 W. KAUFMAN CO. B ARGAINS We have made the experiment of purchasing mplete as to include the latest noveltu IN stock so comolete as in Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's a es (XX) L OO TTTT H H OOL OOTHH O L O O T HHH OOL OOTHH UOO lAAAi IXJ T U n IINN N n N N N II N BN II N WM GGG G G G O GO GOO KM U V u Mr u If u URRR NN N UR RNN N URRR N N N UR RN NN UU R RN NN II TTTT U II II II II T T T T U U U URRR EES UR RE URRR EE UR SI UU R REEB We Invite times ready gai be as public inspection, and we are at all to give quotation 01 prices, nvery irment which is sold at our house is warranted to bought elsewhere. represented, ana in pnee less man can De we continue :o sen BLUE FLANNEL SUITS AT K. (1. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Next to Pos-romc M) Stock Is very Lar, ; and embraces a Full tilne of Cheaper than any other house, as we did the season, ana tney nave gainea tne reputation o : tne best m tne manee Ve present this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Including the best makes in the country. There can also be found in our stock a complete line of fine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, ana any nno 01 Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest BARGAINS Can be had at April 10. W. KAUFMAN A CO.'S, Corner Tnde and Tryon Sta., Charlotte. N. C. PARLOR. CHAMBER, DINING ROO WadquarWrs FOB AND OFFICE FURNITURE All Goods Packed Free of Charge-I Bottled Lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Delivered (groceries. Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. C GROCERIES CHKAFEH avah. J F. C. MUNZLER. NEW GOODS I NEW FEATURES All orders left at John Yogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 Come to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Mo ,iu Ynmllv Groceries. Vust received, Hew barrels of Beny Foster's (Da vie county) . BEST EYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered citMre. Trade Street, Vext door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 16. ' ILM1E! inn HAPPY JOE FISCHESSEIi. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschesser's and drink the more. H4 iatt la tumbled, his hat It torf , MM othes are like tne froond He wishes he bad ne'er beeoborf, a Qrharn had ne'er been lound. i Hegiares and scowlslw wrathful i As on ne looks arouna. . But the morrow comes, and Its rising sun Brings balm to his tattered breeks; He thinks after all, he had lots of fun. And hopefully, gayly he speaks; And he goes to picnics, one by one, Nine times in the next five weeks. OBSERVATIONS, i i ; ! ; , l M UWeston to his Amerlcari friends : Ntf, gentlemen your president I cannot be. The earth maklne but 365 revolutions a year, the Oil City Derrick says it is away behind Mexico In that sort of business. . 1 I ' . : ' . "One can overcome any bad habit if he choose," says an old moral law. We'd like to see any one overcome the bad habit of tobaeco chewing if he chevrs. ,: r There is a romantic story about the Princess Beatrice and the late Prince ImDerial. It is said that he was in love with her and she with him, and tbat ne went to Zoluiana to men tne oiuurae heart of Queen Victoria. Fifteen plaited frills are set on some of the nar row petticoats worn with short-trainea aresses, says the Boston Transcript. As we haven't been on a picnic where the girls had any fences to climb, we cannot substantiate the Transcript's statement. PhUa. Chron. Cultured citizens of Chicago were very much torn up in their minds on' Monday night the question being wnetner tney snouia go to near jnry, bp Carthy, Adams Conly and the Beethoven Society sing Ve rut' Reoulem Mags or observe the circus paraee by moonlight and electric light. As usual, the circus won. Chicago Tribune. Rome nneer. nrookadi thine? were doe tin in the Treasury yard at -''Washington toe (other day, and now they don't know whether they are petrified signatures oi ex-Treasurer spinner mat ieu out oi the window, or a tot-of old sofa springs. Bridge port Standard. He lived at Turners Falls and was told that there was a letter to the postoffiee for .him. He called at the general delivery. "I want that letter!" he said, as soon as he could pet his breath, which he had lost in running, wnat leoerv Yvnai name?" asked Postmaster Mayo. "The name- that's on the envelope, you fool," said the excited individual. The elephants of all other wild animals trans ported by steamer are confined in the strongest kind of boxes, and the boxes themselves are secur ed in the firmest manner. In a storm the lions, tleers and hvenas Drove the trreatest cowards. They also suffer a great deal from seasickness, and whine about it The eleuhant utters few sounds when he is seasick, but he sways his great head from side to side and looks "unutterable things.' The horse Is the most nervous and sensitive ani mal that eoes to sea. and a hen shows the most utter disgust with me wnen seasicK. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Gen. G. W. Custis Lee Wednesday tendered his resignation as president 6f Washineton and Lee University. Lex ington, .Va and it w ill probably be ac cepted All the leading wholesale paper deal ers of New York have agreed to close their places of business on Thursday, July 3. not to be re-opened until the Monday following John T. Lynch, a diamond broker, has been arrested in New York and hejd in $4,000 bail, on a charge of con spiring to obtain a loan of 5,000 on a set of diamond jewelry represented to be worth 810,000, but really valued at only $1,500. The expenditures of the academical department of Yale College last year were $144,054; income $132,520. Owing to the increased expenditures it has been found necessary to reduce tne profes sors' salaries, but it is hoped soon to increase them. Ex-Secretary Bone, who has just re turned to Philadelphia- from his tour with Grant, says the Generals las words to him were: "If anybody wants to know when 1 shaU be back, say that I may come in September; and maybe not till March." Charles W. Hawkins, aged 25 years, a carpenter from Baltimore city, engaged on repairs to the dome of the capitol, at Annapolis, Ma, ien a distance ot oo feet to the floor of the rotuudii, and died akthrfee'clock'ini the aft4rh(tn, one hour after his fatal fall. James W. Fox and John J. McDavitt, attorneys, have been debarred from ap pearing betore tne Boston council com mittee on claims tor unproiessionai con ductlri rdtairtiiie B500 of. art award oi $1,500 tnade to "a poor Ir'igh woman who was criDDled for life by tailing on an icy sidewalk last winter. At Pittsvillfe Vaon the Franklin & Pittsylvania Narrow-Gauge railroad. Wednesday evening, a negro, name un known, descended into the iron mine, and not appearing, Mr. Cook, nephew of the contractor, went dowit, but did not return : Investigation showed that both were killed by foul air, and their bodies were taken out. Secretary Sherman, it is understood, will make one or more campaign speeches in,Ohkneixtaontb, i.nd later in the season will goto Mattie an make several speeches. Senator Conkting, who has very rarely left his own State to make campaign speeches, will also, it is said, deliver several speeches in Maine before the campaign is over. A letter received atr Washington, Wednesday, from Hong Kung says that Col. JVloaby. is muck ditsflifefied with his expCTiencebf'hrsCOnsuTBirip; that his expenses are so heavy ne is unable to save haOntyasne h4 egected, and that he has Serious intentions of resigning and coming home. He thinks he will, at any rate, return with the party of Gen. Grant. It is stated that since the government began the redemption of fractional sil ver recently about $6,000 in three and five cent pieces have been redeemed and sent to the Philadelphia mint fop-use-as bullicnr. iTrienospft the fcoTCTOiptnt on that amount 6if account or the aiaerT ence between the price paid and the bullion value of the same Is nearly $900, The ten, twenty-five and fifties redeem ed are paid out again, because they are in demand. TTV)B SALE. The Bourgeolseand Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made ry -the old not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because tt became necessary w j tfib.ftfM it will do eood service for several 'cT- .MA- ; itwtu be sold In lots to col pur- -i" r t tnntm of fin to l.OOOtbi. with or withoutW Addrea. gggffic, FOR SALE. That valuable property in MsjAown Mthe Tannery of Alexander, Allen f6; Thi , Jrt nery is conveniently located, and has all the latest improved machinery. . . . Bark and hides low and In abundance. For particular., adores XVU)mej .tor Alexander, May 9th, 1879-lleod8mw3m- "yyiXLIMPEOVBD 4 ! CITY PBOPEBTY FOB SALK. . well Improved City LoC House with nine rooms, and JtSSZ veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, wUhtn five minutes walk of the public :aua, can be ae- FRESH FBOM THE ATLANTA BBEWEBT, ICE ALL THE WAY. DIGEST Hulls in ON t k... on omnwmnni with the Atlanta Brewery, by which I am able to keep on draught,1 anj for sale by toe keg PUBE ICE COLD LAGEB BEEB , n.rt.t f m floor in an lc&ld refrlgeratordireoi avsj -w - ; - - f from the Brewery. j- Peroona In Charlotte, or at a distance, can buy beer from me at bottom rock vrlxr and warrant ed to be w pure and fresh as U Just roaae. My faculties tbU summer for the delivery of ara better than ever, ana a tae soie ,age m nhAriotte of the Atlanta Brewery! respeotfullr solicit the patronage or tne puonc Wines and the best LiQuors 4n draught ot tor sale by the quantity au the ume. 1 JOSEPH FISCHESSifiK. ju27 Florida. Goldsboro Messenger. Hon. W. T. Dortch left here Tuesday evening at the instance of Gov. Jarvis, for Jacksonville, Fia., to represent tne State of North Carolina in the suit of the Westerrf North Carolina Kaiiroad Company against the Florida Central and Jacksonville. Pehsacolar& Mobile lBaiEroAdCdmaiii, tx$ oflme i,p m the United SUtes Circuit uourp ap jacis ponvilie next week, It will be reroem hftred that but a few weeks ago Judge Brsldley decided against the Stated-bold. ing thatxhe i;ea oi.tne so-oauea jjutcn bondholders is ! a' 'prior lien to that of the North, Carolina t company,' whose funds were fraudulently invested m ttre Florida roiuls.J' 'From this decision te State,ppealed MitiDprtch has been entrusted with this matter by the Governor, and has goneto give it his personal attention. It is thoqght the case will after all go up to the United States Supreme Court Mr. Dorth ex. pepts to be absent about tefiays, Off ibe 8vpreate Cenrt OplI, June Term, 1879. ' Raleigh News. By Smith, C. J. 4. Grant ya, Morris, from jn ortnamp- ton. What constitutes usury is a question of law upon lacts admitted or found, hence it is not terror to refuse to submit an issue "whether there was usury or not" to the jury. The mere entry of an usurious claim in an account is neither a "taking, receiving or charging, witn-. in the meaning of the act, which im plies more to be done to the loss or det riment of the debtor than the mere pre sentation of aurUegal claim which is neither recognized nor paid. By Smith, C. J. ; 5. worley vs. smith, trom Jones. Where a sheriff was re-elected in Au gust, 1878, was inducted into office in September, 1878, and died in the same month, wnereupon me uoaru ui com missioners elected and inducted into of fice his successor on th,first Mcmday in October, and the new board of commis sioners elected a sheriff n the first Mon day in December to fill the vacancy. Held, the sheritrs term oi omca uiu not expire till December the induction into officft therefore in September was -a vain thinffi the election m October was for art incumbent only for the balance of the term till Decern Der, ana tne elec tion in December was valid. The terms of p.nnntv officers commence m uecem- ber, and section 77 of the general elec tion law of i&iVTl merely changed the time of election ..for 1878 to August, leaving the term of office to; commence in December. It is irregular to induct a sheriff into office who gives only one of his bonds, but this can be remedied by his subsequently giving the others, By Smith, C.J. . Vick vs.FoDe.trom JNew uanover The! ahsftTifie of a complaint is not snnli a defect as to invalidate a iuag ment otherwise regularly obtained, it is too late after judgment for a feme covert, regularly served with process, to set nn a defense crowine out of the cov erture which snepoid navE-usea at tne trial. : A sire. J. 7. State vs. Parker, from Edgecombe. An indictment concluding "against the peace .and-dignity" but omitting the words "of the state," is sumciem 1 1 seems that under tne constuuuoii ut 1868 ahv formal conclusioil of an in dictment is not essential. By Ashe, J. 8. Petersburg Railroad Company vs. Commissioners of Northampton coun- tv. from Northampton. . The 17th section of the charter of the Petersburg Kaiiroad Company, granted by the Virginia Legislature, and which was assented to by the Legislature of this State, exempts from taxation "al machines, wagons, vehicles, of said company, and all their works construc ted under the authority of this act.' -Held. The exemption of "all other works constructed under authority of this act" embraces the road-bed, depots. warehouses and other buildings and structures, with the lands covered by them, which are necessary to the op eration of the road. Held further That the reservation in sec. 8 of the act of the North Carolina Legislature, of the richt to amend, alter r modify the said act of incorporation so far as it ap plied to the road in this "State, was not exercised bv the general revenue act since it especially excepted railroads with charters exempting them from taxation, from its operation, and there is no direct act founded upon the pow er reserved in said section 8. By Ashe. J. 9. State vs. Craig, from New Hanover. Under the present stringent road, law reffularlv anrjointed Pilots are, not ex empt from working on roads. All pre vious exemptions, except those- copun ued in the road act. are repealed. An emergency requiring theservice of the pilot oft the day life is required to work a public road would be a good defense as he could elect which of the two pub lic duties he would fulfill. ByDillard.J. 10. State vs. Parker, from Edgecombe An indictment founded on sec 95, chap. 32, Battle's Revisal, for abusing the live stock of another, in an enclos ure not surrounded by a lawful fence. is defective if it charges merely that the abuse was done "unlawfully" omit ting to add "willfully" or some other equivalent word. The abuse might be "unlawful" and vet done only from carelessness or by accident. By DitTARD'J; 11.' Weiller"vsVliawrence,from North amnton. . The eight days' notice of a motion re quired by sec. 346k C C. P. does not ap ply to examinations under suppiemen tarv proceedings, but by sec 264 C. C P, the court or judge can fix the time and place. An affidavit tor sucn examina tion must negative both the existence of property that can be reached by exe cution and or equitaDie interest wiucn could be reached by proceedings for the sale of the same. On a motion to dis miss for want of the latter allegation the plaintiff can be allowed to amend and supply it. as to tne supplemental proceedings joint debtors stand on the same looting or otner aeoiors iwnen served with process) both when the ex ecution is unreturnea and returned, a personal demand is not necessary be fore instituting supplementary proceed ings, the suit, judgment and executkm being sufficient notice, By Dit&ARP, J. 12. Hill vs. Qverton, from Hertford. The lapse of seven years of adverse possession, concurrently with and in cluded in the thirty years necessary to raise a presumption of title out of the State, is a sufficient title under our gen eral law on which successf ully to main tain or defend an action of ejectment for the recovery of real propety" Sec. 8, chap. 14, Battle's Revisal, does not change the law so-as to require the sev en years or adverse possession tu ue au bitional to the thirty years necessary to prove title out of the Slate. ' OUR C LG8I T G R E A OF I IE! FABRIC S BEGINS TO-DAY. all broken lots and odd sizes to be closed out at a heavy sacrifice. Our Our xy.ftO. 83.7ft, 4, x.'4S ana jw.ou uu- 60 Cas8imere; Pants in unlimited variety and beauuful in design or style ana cnaracter or lexiure, are fVinntpr nnnpars taton the nnhllo. and nnon it we nlace Pants, fanzine from R2.5U. Jsj.zo ana jki wui ne ciosea wiimiui reserve Our celebrated Job stock of all wool Cassimere simere Pants at $3. Our So, 85.50, $6 and clearing out at one unirorm price, $4. ,, , , , , , .... . . 4V, Tremendous crash in prices in order to clear out our Summer Stock. A clean and thorough sweep will be made in Casslmere Suits, and where the lots are small and sizes are broken they are to be closed at less than the yalue or their raw material. One lot of stylish Cheviot Frock Suite retraced from 812.50 to close at $7 50. A. large assortment of Sack and SI 5. $1(1 to SI 7. are closUie at S10. A splendid variety of stylish and attracUve ChevioU and feprlng SuiUngs tnrongnout tne season at 5lf, io. 5fi i.tu, 3 its ana zu, win oe cienrea uiiuomuj ai 914.W. A large lot otnne wnne unen uuck vests, worm s.ou ana j ibs Bentmn nre now w uo uuiwai uii, . . , . . Many other lines reduced In the same propartioD. : We cannot give a full description, as want of space prevents, but we never make any promises we cannot fulfill. We are determined to clear out our Spring iStook, and know ot out one way to accompusn mis resuu rayiiuy uiiu wicrjuau, turn thatls to Tednne the rr1ce to snch a Dolnt that it compels the public to purchase where they can economize best We prefer tooonyert our stock into :nuk. and onen each season with the newest deslsns in fabrics, and Increase the solid reputation we have already achieved as nemg fluartera for novel styles and reliable goods." xtememper me nrsi comers secure me oest spiwuihis, mm uur wjuiuci uua ouiin ji i,iu,u,i. June 26.- Bespectfully, - E. D. LATTA A BRO. Frock Suits ranging from SI 4. in latest designs, sold readily 'Head- Whan ttim Indtantioiia Are that , wnini taMMided to rceulate the Liver. 10 streng- then the Stomach and renovate the system; no one POLITICAL. Denis Kearney is ambitious to be United States Senator from California. The New York Sun expresses a will ingness to accept Mr. Tilden as the Democratic candidate for the presi dency. , 'Arrangement have been made by the Republican State committee for Sherman, Blaine, Logan. Chandler, Bur roughs, Garfield, Frye, SheridanAllison and others to speak in Ohio during the campaign. Mr. Sherman will make on ly two speeches, one at Steubenville and the other Atlebanonu Senator? oakltattaclines to make fsiicccnea mis lau iu vn'", i A f f 1& M f 1I J J , (K IE M T L IE 1 IE M GRAND OPPORTUNITY ! -o- HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING. -o- rn Pnfomnlafinw onlQvrin(j nnr nintliinnr TAnnrr.TYiPnr na Wfill as (111V Clothinff trade, for Wilich nUVDOSe W6 Will build our store a spacious floor, and with a view of opening this new department the coming season with an entirely new, large and desirable stock, we will offer for the next 30 days our entire stock of Clothing at such prices as will not fail to at tract you." 200 PAIRS FINE ALL WOOL CASSIMERE PANTS, .' . ' ' Worth from $5 to 1, at $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50. 100 FINE SUITS, Worth from $7.50 to $20.00, at $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 and $ 10. 50 DOZEN UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, At 50 and 75 Cents, formerly sold at 85c. and $1.00. -o- CALL EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN FROM WITTKOWSKY & BARUCII. IK mi bi Our 87.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. Our $1 2.E0 English Tweed Suit sells now ft 1 $10. Our $1 8 and $20 French and English Casslmere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coate and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Ooods at greatly re duced prices. TJnlaundried shirts for 50 cents. The very best made in the United States for $1.00 Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, and all goods In proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices. Bespectfully, L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Tine Clothiers and Tailors. June 1, 1879. R X V Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offl- Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac, apply to either of the undersigned. April 30 d5m. K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, I Charlotte, N. C. IcSlilTI 1IIMC JPE, CMKttJf ITIB, M. c. TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. '35 ing upon thisa Kewyork- Cmmer cial Advertiser, Republican, saysV This is & blunder, it Is Ty such, little exhibi tions of-tempeistbafc Senator Cockling Vwi-.tiA himself. A crreat man to erati- iy USi&UUWUM aWMp0ff yyuwvi- seemingly aWiJSJp8 f laperfeeqyiieiiabie I tured.man: taidus irjitaUnapa nw-f thA T.lvnr. in itimirH'Hx.n .-a.nftiihv'nTA srct a hn mnra than tne otner. o a. 3 3 o a o P- o IMPORTERS OF ALL tlKDS OP MUSICAL PIANOS !sMerchandise, ORGANS ! 4 i-i o s 5 o O' 3 a t .a 9- Zj'ii . iflfi Ct.vt ill 1 Cf) "o 1;. ...... i I . ry S I..', -..'.a Y Ill u o w VIOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, - ACCORDEONS, FLUTES, FIFES, Drums, Band Instruments, SHEETMUSIC Ac, Ac., Ae. co a PIANOS! WHOLESALE OS to i:;piiiin u fe:n !lj IS ro ORGANS ! Aim z. 3 o 3 a o H CO o i w o H f O C5 RETAIL. Mem wm m mm mmmmammMm TRYON STREET, IN INSURAfPfiE BUILDING, dl8 W ,WWU , - THIS OFFICE.

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