TEE OBSERVES JOB DEPARTKEHT . - '? - e r j p 7 Bb ton thoroughly supplied 'vit every neeatd SUBSCRIPTION BATES : Dotty, one year, (postpaid) in advance $8 want and with the Latest SMee OfTwe. manner of Job Work eon now be done wuA neatnete. dispatch and cheapness. We can nerniek, at Short JjlX MOnUU Tone Month.. One Month... . ".:;...: n frW-trJT. BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, - LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, ; 1" -TAOS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, , . , PROGRAMMES, MAITD-BILLS. " PAMPHLETS, CIR(!VLABSl mE0K8JiO. , WEEKLY EDITION : KecKlyAPthe county) in advance $2 00 Out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 Six Months.. L..: . 1 00 Liberal Reductions for Chios. CHARI70TTE, N.tD., SUNDAY JUNE 29, 1879. NO. 3,227. 'VOL. XX. B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL irRAI.KTi IN A I. I, KINDS OF IN , " BIG DRIVE- &C, &C, &C. BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, AC. natNITURE niBNITUBE I FURNITURE l HIKNITURE! BEM)IM.0-BEDDG,C. We are now clostng out a handsome line of DRESS GOODS, . LINEN AND COTTON LAWNS, FRENCH OR GANDIES, LINEN DRESS GOODS, AND LIJSEN SUITS, A Kull Lfr. of CHEAP BEISTEADS t CHEAP BEDSTEADS! At greitlv reduced prices, some patterns of Also a few very nand- I.0UNGE3! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS S I TBXSS. y COFFINS of all kinds on hand t& COFFINS of all kinds on nan No. 5 West Trade S CHARLOTTE. N.C l&p- Ladies' and Gentlemen' Burial Robes a tine supply. ( an3 SUMMER SILKS At New York prices. We sUU have a few SILK PARASOLS In summer shades that we offer very cheap. We Invite special attention to our stock of LADIES' HATS, Trimmed and untrtmmed, In which we are offering great bargains. Our stock of LINEN SHIRTS, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Ready Made Cloth ing is complete, and at low prices. Call soon and secure bargains. Our stock is all new and fresh. No old or damaged goods. Orders promptly filled. that right is ngnt4 it la not good ta lie; f Is better than spite, Ultima Veritas. fWasbmten-GtoMe.l In the bitter, waves of woe, Beaten and tossed about n ; By the sullen winds that blow"' From the desolate shores of doubt - When the anchors that faith had cast Are dragging In the gale, I an cpileuy holding fast j r $ To the things that canrftt fell.J J MOW I P Thatl That love And a neighbor than a spy; I know that passion needs The leash of a sober mind; I know that generous deeds Some sure reward will find; That the rulers must obey; That the givers shall Increase; That Duty lights thewax ; For the bOMi&tjpt Peace;.' In the darkest night of the year. When the stars have all gone out, That courage Is better than fear, That faith Is truer than doubt; And fierce though the fiends may fight, And long though the angels hide, I know that Truth and Right Have the universe on their side ; And that somewhere, beyond the stars, Is a Love that Is better than fate; When the night unlocks her bars I shall see Him, and I will wait. OBSERVATIONS. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. June 28. SPRING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN & CO. B ARGAINS IN We have made the experiment of purchasln stock so complete as to Include the latest noveli In Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's a es Much underscoring In a letter Is meaningless and vulgar. Guest: "Waiter, bring me another dish of peas, and a magnifying glass." uncle nam. "There comes another dn nigger!" Is the way the loyal heart of Kansas beats for the poor color ed man "flying for his life." It was an' IridfcnaCmafj .who first originated the Idea of soaking the feet of his horse In kerosene every night so that he mignt be tracked n stolen, i Half of the hair and beard' of 4 man" in Swine- field. Massi. has tamed eray; while the other half retains its natural dark color. The dividing line of beard is In the middle of the chin, and on tne head It Is immediately over the nose. A man who made a business of writing obituaries. epitaphs, &c.,asked if she wouldn't like a few lines about her husband. V Lines about nrmr. she said wofully: "he had all the lines he wanted. If he had had one line less, he would have been alive to day." "What ailed-Mm, madam?" "He was hung." j ( It was after the opera, and they were In a ren dezvous for material refreshments. The usual talk about the singing and the artists subsiding, he, as a souvenir of the evening, offered her his button hole bouquet. She, accepting, said: "How love ly!" He added: "What fragrance, too!". And then she, sniffing the savory odor of the incoming oysters, echoed: "Yes, what fragrant stew!" Then he became involved in inougm John, Duke of Argyle, having been with some ladles In the opera bouse In London, an English saulre. Dumntr. blowing and sweating, entered tne box In which they were seated with his hunting boots on and a whip in band. The Duke Instant ly rose up, and, making a low bow, exclaimed, 'Sir, I am very much obliged to you." "Oh! why? how ? f or what ?" "For not bringing your horse nere." . . A preacher landed in Leadvule the other day and was warmly welcomed by the Inhabitants. A large gambling hall was engaged for him to preach in. ana ail went merry as amarnage oeu. tin tnu Stlggtns hit John Snodgrass over the head with a six-shooter for saving amen at the wrong time. The friends of both parties then drew their pistols and commenced translating each other. The min ister started for Denver on foot, and now Leadvule is without a preacher. Austin wev.) iieveiue. COTTON AND COTTON SPINNING. Letter from Col. John N. Staple. OOO L O O L O h O O L OOO LUX OO TTTT H H II NN N GGG OO T HHIINNNG r r ip u n u n w K N ft O O T ' H H II N NN G JG OO T H H II N NN . WHi KKKU ff V t? U IT RRR NN US RNN V ITU R BN NN N N N N N II RN NN II II II TTTTU U RRR KKE II T U UR RE T U U KKK ISK T II UR RB T UU R RERR AT F.. ti. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Km to PoHTomc Mr Stock Is very Lar. : and embraces a Full Une of We invite public inspection, end we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every garment which Is sold at our house Is warranted to be as represented, and In price less than can be bought elsewhere, we continue :o seu BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Cheaper than any other house, as we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be ing the best In the marke'. We present this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Including the best makes in the country. There can also be found In our stock a complete line of fine Felt, Still and Straw Hats, and any kind of Gentlemen's romisning uooas. von t pureuuiw before yon examine our stock, as the cheapest BARGAINS Can be had at April 10. W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, Corner Trade and Tryon Sts., Charlotte. N. C 1'AkLOK, CHAMBER. DINING ROO HEADQUAR FOR AND Bottled Ligcr Deer, OFFICE FURNITURE All Goods Packed Free of Charge-j CSrtfjCjeries. ALE AND PORTER, 'Delivered G B0CERIS3 CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS I NEW FEATURES Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per ozen F. C. MUNZLER. AH orders left at John Vogel's tafio hop will xa ceive prompt attention. mar4 'uuttHt'.t-'- i: HI;-. U Come to me for Bacon, CorfL Sugar, Coffee, Mo Jat received, a few barreUl of, Berry Foster's (Da- BEST RTE WHISKEY. I Also a fine lot of Country Hams. " I sell for cash. All good, delivered f1 -,; -J ..: Trade Street Nfxt door below Wilson 4 Black's old stand. The Bourgeolse and Minion type u which thlj paper was lately printed. It was jnadei by the old JohnftM typo foundry, of PWtadelpIawaA not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ybecMMttbeeantt beeeasary SM6H22SSi stvte of trn. it will do rood service for several thm tAn It ain hm an Id In lots tO BUl PUT- rhium mnA In fonta Of 50 tO l.OOOIbS, With Of without ease; f Address rfi -BSERVXR, octs Charlotte, N- C. FOR SALEi Thn Min.u. immmi. i thta eltv known as the Tannery of Alexander, Allen McBee. fhU Tan nery la conveniently located, and has all the latest improved machinery. . r Bark and hides low and In abundance, a Kor particulars address ' rr. . , . , , a. ISAACS, Attorney . : ' h.t.I Allan . McBee. ,m Greenville, 8. C,. Uay Ota, 1870-Ileod3rn4w8m : HAPPY JOE FlSCIIESSteR. SOLE AGENT FOB THE ATLANTA BREWERY 14 Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschessefs and drink the more' s iQ. FRESH FROM THKATLlJlf ?REWERT, ON ICElAHTHRrWAI..ss!) Ci ' ' To the Editor of The Observer; Your editotial rerharks4 in The Ob server of this morning, upon the enor mous production of cotton in the Southr ern States since 1866, is worthy of no tice in every paper in the nation. It is indeed ref reshing to read now and then something in the newspapers which is calculated to stimulate industry, en courage commercial enterprise, and draw the attention of capitalists to the great resources and undeveloped wealth or the soutn. mat tne value or tne cotton produced in thp Southern States since the war la'more than twice as much as the public debt of the nation. is a fact almost incredible, out one which is borne out and established by government statistics. A section of country, so recently de vastated by war.-its people almost crush ed in fortune and in spirit, subjected to a comnlete revolution in its laws, its officials and its government, and its sys tem of labor destroyed, that presents to the world such- a! retupefatlv power and energy, must sooner or later ad vance to that position and power in the commercial world that will make it not only great in itself, but the greatest part of the nation to which it belongs. And that.politician.jor that party, for pplita$il pref eowivti anfli official plun der, that would sectionalize and es-f trange it from other portions of the nar tion, by hostile legislation and raise ;ac cusation. is not only the bitterest ene my of the South, but an obstacle and a barrier to the wealth and prosperity of the whole country. . I have great hopes that the legisla tion of this State hereafter will be more decidedly devoted to the particular en couragement of manufacturing. 1 tried, but without success, when a mem ber of the General Assembly, to have an amendment to the constitution sub miff oA fo t.hR np.nnlfl fnr ratificatinn: jnvirigjttio'Xegislaliure IpoWerf to: offer special muuueuieuu) to uapiuwiisto wxy tablish manufactories in our State, Cit ing as an example the, case of New . Hamoshire. when that State paid a bonus of fifty thousand dollars to the;' company, wnicn erec&eu tutvuisb uiituu fafiforxin thaM&Jthe.subsequent wealth of that State proves the wisdom of Jh0OtB&IW$fc3,& never hope to be able to compete with the wealth and enterprise of uie JSiorth, until we devQteimdcfe .attention both of a legis lative and personal character, to this; the greatest to us of all questions our 4 manuiactunng interesus. rvts nuvc one- cotton ; let us have factories. And theft toe will hate the money and the people;1 -ir . t: 1. fie r nun f aiypHNmAt Greensboro, K. C, June 27. A Son of One of the Siamese Twinw Jesse Bunker, a son of Chang, one.'of. tbe Siamese twins, has fust completed a regular course at the New York Insti tufcipiyfojitielpstxnetjoTf of the Deaf adADornb.i-Btfnk is a brfght looking young fellow, la answer to a question put through.the medium of an instruc tor in articulation, be said that his f ath er, Chang, was the, twin-on the left hand side' HeTias five sisters and one brother. One of his sisters is also a deaf mute, and is being educated in North Carolina. His family lives at Mount Airy, in this State. He has only been at the New Ydrk institution a year, Over five hundrediiersotis failed to list taxes irl Wilmington. a - : lfl T3 tt -mil "At -Pilain-K wn sli(rhf ill! O. . UiU,UI.,lHUVigUj " ly sumstricken Thursday. ' 1 , Some of the mills of Cabarrus are un able to grind oii account, of the lack of water.- ,.. - ii''..- , Mr. Malcolm McCurrie,, probably the oldest citizens of Richmond county, is dead,ged88ii : i Old borids to the amoimt of $474,000 were exchanged for new bonds at the treasury Thursday. A correspondent of the Concord Sun says fish are selling at 50 cents per bush el at, Yadkin Falls. ' ' A man bv the name of Adams com mitted suicide in Alexander jcounty last week by cutting his: throat. The Governor' refuses to respite John Davis, of Brunswick county ; he will therefore hang On July 11th. The State Treasurer had another bond burning Thursday, old bonds to the amount or $474,000 Deing consiuneu on this occasion. i . TwPtitv-fivfi sheen have been killed by dogs during the last three months in one townsmp iu iiuoiiua, ouu vu . single dog has died. Mr. M. M. Cline, of Catawba lost by cholera, about sixty fine hogs in tne space of two weeks majority of them weigning near 20U pounus. The ftditor of the Goldsboro Mail lost his gold spectacles at Wake forest col lege, but found $75. He returned the money and wui get jus glasses. The nnftstion of the right to tax a lawyer's fee in cases decided at last J an uary term of the Supreme Court, was argued before tnat tiiounai -x nuay. A clerk in Wilmington discovered, as he was closing up the store, the legs 01 a man protruding from behind barrels. He nulled out a negro thif who had thus attempted to conceal himself pre paratory to roo Denes at mgnt. Sam Gibson, colored, of BockinghanL is reported y the Spirit to navo acci dentallv lodged a pistol ball in his stom insr. 'riipsfiav. as tne aocior Droueu for it and could not find it, there & some nrobabilftv of Sam's nassinff over the . ' y - - - river. Wilmington Star: The Sampson County Agricultural Society willhold its annual resuvai ana irui juiiuitiou at. the Clinton Female institute, on Thursday, July 31. riUoL JJuncan iv. mc Rae, of this city, has been invited, to de liver an address on tne occasion. Bill Malone. colored, robbed the cash- drawer of Mr. Beid McRae's establish ment; at Rockinghami of $40, last sat iirdav. while no one was in: the: store. He was subsequently arrested and $20 of the monev recovered. : He eluded the guard, however, and is again at large. Traveling from Lincolnton to New ton bv buggv. Mr. Goldsmith, a drum mer, was thrown out, last Wednesday morning, the horses running away aim had a wrist sDrained. The driver fell out on his head and the buggy was bro ken to atoms all this from tne n ew- ton Enterprise. i Concord Register : Not long since at Providence church ii Mecklenburg conntv 'Mr. Green Rav ' presented his two infant children f or baptism. ' ' Mr. ' Ray is 80 years of age, and the' children nrA thft offsnrincra of his Second Wife. His oldest son, young gentleman of fifty summers, was present at the bap tism. At Wrightsville sound a negro driver of a rockaway, left to hold the : horses, fell asleep. A dog witn nre eracicers at tached to his tail ingtitenea tne norses. TheV ran awy, and dashed the rocK- aurav to nieces, but the negro was never awakened from hislumbei-s until after the. whole thingiiwas over, t a.TW v u- mington Star fellstMs. - '- f ' A railroad meeting at Mocksyille, ac oordiner to the nroceedihz as printed in tlie Mooresvifle Gazette, resolved 16 pe tition the county commissioners to or der an election on the first Thursday in August to subrriit to the voters of Davie ronntv the ouestion of voting a sub- srrirtion of $35,000 in aid' of the Win ston and Salem and Mooresville Rail- .rOad. .- , ;'; C, A voung white man named Clark, a strancer. engaged ; himself. ( two - Weeks ago, to work for Mr. Arch Cloninger, of Catawba, ana wouna up nis agficuuu ral career by a writ of clothes, a banjo, pistol, and otuer property rrom tne resi dence of Mr. Mauney, a neighbor ot ins employer. He then fled, says tne .New ton Bnternrise. ' and has- not since been seen in those parts. , . t The Weldon News tells that while ReV. C. M. Cook was ; preaching last Sunday in ! the -Methodist ichurch of Scotland NJki Halifax county, the fire alarm was sounaeo, tutu , wa utauv ered that the roof of ithe cookuag.iroqm wrtwv.iinWlfh.flv(V residence or 'Hon. .W.' IL KiteMh-as fii-e, The flames wArAcxunsmsneaiuv BuuureKauun aiid1 other people of the town oetore much datriage ;na4' been done, but the occurrence DroKe up tne sermon. P i,edmntPres4AK) ut two weeks ago two convicts at work on: the Catawba bridere had a auarrel about some tobacco When' one struck the other in the head withv"an ,iron, mincting a yery.upiy wmi nrVnsti above one te ve." 'T'Or'several rlavsit was thought he would' riot live, tind'in this wounded condition he was favored with more privileges tnantne other convicts so on Wednesday night ne inUdeuseoi msieiupoiaiy uvcimj uj making a hole through his cloth tent arid denartrr Without1 disturbing I the Tjietude b,f any one;" Ji; - ; -; OUR G R E A T :'-?r: e lost sr g- s l e -OF- M:;1:E FABRIC BEGINS TO-DAY. hftiiw MArifloe. Our .lo nrithhut roaprvn nt Our Swl fiO. SX.lh. R-t. S4.'25 ana S4.50 UU and S6.50Cassimere Pants In milirnited variety and beautiful in design of style and character of texture, are A clean and thorough sweep will be made In Casslmere Suits, arid where the onr Aihited .Toh Counter anix.ir before the Dublic. and uooo it we place all broken lots and 6ddsizes to oe ciosea- out a stock of all wool Casslmere Pants, ranging from $2.50. S3.25 and S3 wlU simere. Panted S3. OurS6. 5t60. 3 olAAnnir nut nt nnA uniform nrlce. 964.. Timmoniimin Amoi. ,n nnnoa ,n nni.r Tyi I'lf.iT nai tmr nnnnnH ruin. XA UUU AAA UliVUJ AAA UlMMl w v.v. -WW. " . 1 " , . lots are small and sizes are broken; they are to be closed at lettoiuitte vaJueor f . . . c,. One tot of strBsa Cheviot Frock, Suits jreaucea nom siz.tu to iose at j.ru. a largo ."" "l.,""r ,r.... .n. $15, 816 to $17, are closing at $10. A splendid variety of stylish and attracave uneviois ana spring cuurngs m u. uen, a ,v-u.., ttiroWhout thel season at 15. $1617.50, $18 and S20i vored inoraly at $ia5a . . Maw toes re1n the same proportion. -We cahnot give a full description, as want of sp prevents, tout , we 1 never make any pramtom We cannot fulflU. .We are aetermined to dear out Odr Spring:- Stock, ma Know 01 dui one way to aocouipusu i-u i '"t" '.iZ ttauTto reduce' the prlcetoBuch a point that It oompela toe pubHc to purchase where they can economize best We prefei to convert our stock mto ieash,, and open each season with- the newest designs In tabrics, and, increase tne sona repuiauon e uavt- ireu, nciuru "'" 9ateMf? FS WipzwKlp. .Mmo A nm Th rntr HtAnHa nMtlno- To..r oommr.nd. AcmeniOcr lilts lirsi luuicia orimc tuo urroi acici-uuiic, uau via. vva -waaaaa uw.aaaaa. .... B June 26.' Eespectfully, X. D. LATTA & BBO. A IT f E M f: I M , 6 E.-S T L E 1 E JS GRAND OPPORTUNITY! -o- HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING. 0- oil qo rt-itv p.lnt.h.nor t.radfi. for which nurnose we will build in our store a snacious floor, and with a view of opening this new department the coming season with an entireiy-iiew, large and desirable stock, wei will offer for the next 30 days our entire stock of Clothing at such prices as win not lau to at tract you. !, . ; . ; , . ' 200 PAIRS FINE ALL WOOL CASSIMERE PANTS, . . Worth from $5 to $7, at $2.75, $3.00 and 03.50. , ;..,.,,.,.t, 10() SUIXS9 r ' Worth.from $7.50 to $20.00, at $5, $6, $7, $P, $9 and $10. 50 DOZEN UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, ' " . At .50 and 75 Cents, formerly sold at 85c. and $1.00. -o- GALL EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN FROM WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. Mwm u -,,, m; t:: -.. . . ' LIITHIi ! .Oar $7.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. Our $12.50 English Tweed Suit sells now fcr $10. Our $18 atid $20 French and English CMSbnere Sack andlkSulseTinoW Aii.one unifomprlc,$ia Our Dress Coatsand Vests of Dingonal, Granite, Basket rencn ana fjignsn tooas m greawy re tfafle4pricea.i., , Tinladiled shirts for 50 cents. The very bestt made In the United States for $1 .00 Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, ami all goods in proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices. Respectfully, Tnnei 1879 L. BERWAJGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. bf wWehl am aMe;J?,.B.!KW ror having atteTTdedJitTsimilar school in sale for the keg, -a .i&ife.-jA .ia : "North flarMi&tSbslit Tears. He is now eighteen yeaild, and intends tojte- .12 Zi J, .ILTtn : come a farmer. 1UK VKfltlr MUA.OMuarDJrta .;irtAAiii.ldreiMeTa from the Brewery. l,:-ui h.iiJ 'Smih l;0VJ)inie3l!WilllaXa i . . i .1' i. inni..,,MtAiMlMniwfAnrrBtitHiintii whn f T i 7 . I ...'" 1. :. T -7. I - . n,oHrtJrft At HQiStanee. cam buy had vabstaioea ;:ennreiTirqaL.ovu- ,mm m t bottom rock price..an4 arrant, nineteen aays ana.wiiOAoru.urty B wc- v - - - ; . u i ed to be na pure and iresn as u jum puuuv aii j M fnciiitleaThU Bummer ior tne aeuvery -Ki-irior neer are better than ever, and m tne aoie acem: i to starve to death was tne , resurc-or, . av to Charlotte of the Atlanta ureweiy, i respecuuw concjUsI0n tnapouiainpc, ,l recover. aolldtlitronaeol.ttiei .Ifrotaparj .i w iao on' araught -ir ft cOTtraryiierne. ling anuWTOiou3j;:.W;pti7;;.Mw J 1 WKLLIMFBOTXD CITY PBOPKETT aW)B BALX. An person desiring to puhase a well improved yu-i un, uoom wim nine iwnui " v minutes walk of the public, square, can be ac- li bread, bit yestertfemfttedt W?"1 voluMatilv: ;M i aeutrmmation winM and the best Llauora on draught- sale by the Quantity aU the tune. ,T J0MBPH YWK' r 1 m Mf5m hislongrabstlneace . ' Jc tbijrici 1 ! tr-lir-ii''i ifli,V mc r.-fq . t-'f vr'l: L.-I . . - ' .. ' Via StedrhWPoBsmmith, Y ars, JjJaablilig yuick- est Possible Time to all points South and Southwest. NG DRAYAGENO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Freight received at any hoar of the day, and Through Bills of Lading Issued at 8teamshp Wharves or offl- Marlc Goods nlalnlv via Seaboard Air-Line. ces bf the Line. - For information as to Tariff, Schedules, 4c, apply to either of the undersigned. ,-"M ' "", ,:- : """ ' K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, fgApril 30 d5m. P. W., CLARK, General Freight Agent, ( Charlotte N. C. TRYON STREET, IN INSXJRANE BUILDING. Policeman nanieJsrof Columbia, who ia flhartrfid with beinz an accessory to the killing of Mr. John English, waived an examination and went to jail Thurr day. mm. V'.'' Mrs.- Charlotte tNertou a native f Cleaveland.pounty, N, C but fortwen-ty-8YeV years past a. trident, of Green ville died -at' thei last'Uamed. place mi&Wrs iof j the &&Ut. Johtt;Eng- .vD0ll6err in OolnmUlartundy riigh putolish a card in theColunibia'AKeerueny ing that the friends of 'the-mutderid,. TnarreveT tactTuryidea of undertaking to lynch. tJiP:urdereT.u m. a 1 Mr.-'Alfred i AMrlchJ Ijot J Barnwell, wisely undertook to burn the lice out tof nii f cljicKen-hotiseilaffldiiow: his chick- m' ' 'o "Mr J A 1rftd. Aldrlf.h is re ftHntd'Mmself.HOWetef .pouldl whUe.1lA nimff iTiidaon street in Charleston, last rw.iriuf Atr' afftShTisl' hfiirrfl man rush ed upiolrejjmtl snatcheda rkeioA)lfi from her hand, and ran off. The pock- etbopl:contained about $Q and a nUtttf; 5 4. . 5 r -1 1 r. 1 IMPORTERS OF ; AIX 'UMDS OF MUSICAL PIANOS ?s Merchandise, ORGANS &aa"J r 1 mm jt-".-a3 155 .iii bAA. .O.-0l 5 -ffl - ' . . A AAWA - 1 t Irfioilli Iu.)- f-j 'AAA.tjl VIOLINS, GUITARS BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTES, FIFES, 1. ; . ., 1 . .' Prums, Band Instruments, SHEET MUSlGi ! t ! r PI ANCJS ! 1? ' - : - -1!' WHOLESALE !llJ iHilll I l:;.i "jJfcUwiJi. ,j,mB.iBiifa. " ! 1 1 n 1 a s- j - -1 3 jj ' ''a ! . S f S- A:S,!jL - ??JO:'StA5 ByiMffiMSoS s '4.1 lit ft ' ' ' ; --.it '.i; lift".;;- ji it: o 1 ff,..-. "f,l -!if'6 '. 6RGANS RETAIL. i-a oiJCC: Joints 0 .. b 'n.ilrS (i 11.01 Yii S.3J 16 f.Of!tO00.se nsdi f-Tcat iW'rvi ' t.iiil ' , ' ' si j . n 1 , .... " f .-. t--j 3U27

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