t)t t)arlotte bserucr. SUND AY, JUTE 29, 187C LOCAL INTELLIGEKCE. " BA1LBOA1) DIBECTOBT. . : The following table shows the running of passen eer tralnslo and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): RICHMOND A DASVTLLX. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12 40 a. m. leaves for " SiiotrS! i -rum tmm Richmond 1 1 a a. m. Leaves for 3.55 p. dp. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIM-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta vfwtm Leaves for Atlanta. i m n S" Arrives from Atlanta, . p. m. Leaves tor Atlanta, ia J a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLOMBIA AC GUST A. ft AO ffAm Aiuniata P- m. Leaves for Columbia. CAROLINA CKNTRAL. Arrives from WV.mlngton. Leaves for Wilmington Arrives from Shelby. Leaves ior ouciu,,. ATLANTIC TKNNESSKK 12.45 a. ro. 12.10 p..m 2.15 p. m. 8.20 a. ni. . . . 8.25 p. m. . . . 5.05 p. m. ... HAQ a. m. OHIO. Arrives from StatesvlUe. Leaves for Stiitesvllle,... 7.00 a. m. H.00 p. m TRY PERRf meeting of State Convention In Sail bnry A Full Delegation Rapid In- ercuke of the Association. INDICATIONS. War Departmknt, mi n t- SinvAT. Owirwi. Washington, June 28, i-JiO i m. ) I'orthe South Atlantic States, sta tionary pressure arid temperature, southerly winds, partly cloudy feather, occasional rains. f.,ocal lteport for Yesterday. Barometer,.., Thermometer Relative Humidity, w"lnd Direction. . . " Telocity...... Weather, I 7 A. M. 22.024 " 77 05 & tt Clear. 2 P.M, 29.773 8y 41 s. w. 8 Cloudy. 9 P. M 29781 73 85 S. E. 7 Cloudy. Highest temperature 92 deg.; lowest B9. Meteorological ICecoril. WXATHKK REPORT, JUNK 28, 4:20 P. M. Stations.. Barom Atlanta Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Oalvestoo, indlanola,.. Jackson'lle, Key west,.. Mobile,. ... Monteom'y, S. Orleans, PuntaBasa savannan, fit Marks, Havana. .-. 29.75 29.80 29.87 29.72 29.83 29.84 20.84 29.00 29.94 29.83 29.84 29.83 29.93 29.89 26.92 29.92 Th.j Wind. Ve "Weather 86 S. W. 9 Cloudy. Wi 8. W. 4 Fair. 89 8. 14 Fair. 89 S. 6 Fair. 82 N. E. 7 Cloudy. 88 8. 10 Fair. 92 8. 12 Fair. 87 E. 12 Fair. 82 8. 12 Clear. 90 8, W. Irf HyEaln. 93 S. It,. 5 Fair. 85 E. 10 Fasr. 82 S. E. 13 Fair. 87 S. E. 15 Clear. 90 8. 12 Clear. 81 N. 2 Cloudy. THE C1IURHCK8 T0-PA1. Young Men's Chbitux Association Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 545 o'clock. i St. Peter's (E.) Church. Services In the morn ing at 1 1 o'clock ana in tne aiternoon ai a o'ciock by Rev. Z. Doty, rector. Sunday school la the afternoon at 4Vj o'clock. Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. Thoa. Whitfield. D D., pastor. Sunday school In the morning at 9fe o'clock. St. Mask's Lutheran Church. Services In the mortung at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 o'clock Br the Rev. Prof. Rahn, Sunday school in he afternoon at 3 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church. Services In the morulnz at 1 1 o'clock, and in the afternoon at 5 o'clock services for the children by Rev. E. H. Hard log, D. D., pastor. First Presbyterian Church, Services in the rooming at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D., pastor. Sun day setiool In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. St. Peter's Catholic) Church. Services In the morning at 1 Otto o'clock vespers in the af ternoon at 8V O'clock by Very Rev. L. P. O'Con nelL Catechism in the morning at 91& o'ciock. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and the af ternoon at 4Vd o'clock by Rev. W. T. Waller, pas tor. Sunday school tne morning at 10 ociocfc. Halt akt Mission Church. Services In the morn Ing at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7Vs o'clock bv Rev. J. J. Butt, paster. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting in the at temoon at 2V4 o'clock. Trtov Street Methodist (E.) Church. Ser vices In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the even ing at 8 O'clock by Kev. A. A. uosnamer, pastor. Sunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited, ouuv Street Colored) Methodist (E Church. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every weanesaay evening at 8 o'eloek. The third annual convention of the Young Men's Christian Association of North Carolina assembled in Salisbury Thursday evening at 8:30, Capt. J. A. Ramsay, the mayor of the town, deliv ered an address of welcome to the dele Kates, in which he paid a glowing tri bute to the cause in which they are en gaged, and in the warmest and most unequivocal terms tendered to them, in behalf of the citizens, the hospitalities of Salisbury. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Rumple, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. Renn of the MethodL i and Rev. Mr. Smith of the Lutheran churches, each of Whom, in an earnest manner, delivered addresses of welcome on behalf of the churches. i ollowinff these, responses, on behalf of the convention, were made by Messrs. Foust and Pittman of Charlotte. 1 he evenins passed off ciuite nleasant- ly, a large audience greeting with their presence the opening meeting of the convention. The formal organization took place at 10:30 a. in. Friday. Mr. T. M. Pitt man, of Charlotte, was chosen perma nent president ; Messrs. Butler of Golds- boro and Haywood of Raleigh, vice- presidents, and Rev. Mr. Franklin, of v inston, secretary, with Mr. R. M. Da vis, of Salisbury, assistant secretary. ... V After the credentials were received anu examined, it was round that nine teen associations and churches were represented by forty-five delegates. Sev eral corresrxmdinsr members were ad mitted, including the pastors of the city churches, which swelled the num ber to about fifty. l he deliberations on Friday Were ot- great interest to the members, and the discussions were participated in by nearly all present. Many, ot the citi zens were in attendance at all the ses sions, and the ladies added much to the general interest by leading the music which constituted a prominent feature, The attendance on this convention was much larger than the one of last year and the report or the executive com mittee showed an increase or nearly 50 per cent, in the growth and develop ment of the organization during the past year This has been done, too, without any system ot visitation or special oversight on the part of the ex ecutive committee, they being in a measure without f undB. The increase of this organization for the last few years has been very remarkable, and it is destined to become an important ad junct to the ministry and the churches . i x j i ' in eievaung me mora anu religious tone of the young men of the land. The convention concluded its work yesterday. The harmony and good will which marked the deliberations on Friday augur well for all subsequent action. The third annual convention of the Y. M. C. A. of North Carolina will doubtless prove a bright spot in the experience of all who were permitted to take part in its proceedings and will leave a valuable impress on the social ind religious element of Salisbury. "The First of the Season." ) 'SfSig WetQi, tayi tljet water melon "crop" abbot Aifgusta is almost a failure. It doesn't say anything, thoujrh. about that small, shriveled, iron-clad melon which they keep over from year to year and which is sent all over the country each summer as "the first of season " , If it didu't gettlost or broken last yea it fcill rfeacli .Cnarlofte. 5th IV. C. Mgesl. We learn that this bowk, edited bv our townsman, W. IL Bailey, Esq., is prepared for the press, except the in dex which Mi. Bailey $s determined shall be exhaustive?.' This requires great dili gence and the most active work, and to accomplish it, he has found it neces sary to absent himself from his office for the present, and carry on his labor at ins resilience. t i Another Ia' Thursday evening there will be an other lawn party ,of the kind which have of late grown so popular. This one will pe given in the beautilul grounds or the Brem mansion by the resident ladies and their friend in that vicinity, for the benefit of the Ladies' Building As sociation. The gates will be open at 5 p.'m., and continue so through the even- T i a. i J i a n i j ing, ana me admittance iee is oniy ten cents. MiS-PAII MMS, IULLI SUFERIDRES. dill: choice Western Backed ' lOn.1 2. rolls Cjffe milet rRW cargoes; lH4ii4- Whisker quiet at 1.06a7. Sugar firm; A soft 8a. CniciHHATt Flour dull; family 5.00a.0a Wheat firm; red 1.00al.07. Corn firm at 38a3a Oats firm at 33a3& Pork quiet at ia50. Lard steady; current make 6.00. Bulk meats In fair de mand; shoulders 3.80, cash" Bales at 4.00, buyer July and seller August, short ribs 4.V0ihort dear 5,10; bacon steady; shoulders 41, clear ribs 5, clear Bides 5 Whiskey 1.03. Butter steady, fancy creamery l ais, cnoice -western reserve izais. choice Central Ohio 9ail. Sugar firmer; hards ai, A white WAasa, New Orleans W&lVi. Hogs quiet: common 3.00a3.60. light 3.65a.85. packing 3.8084.0O, butchers 4.0a.4.05; receipts ; shipments OMETHING NIGE. JUST RECEIVKI) AT J. MOYER'S NEW SHOE STORE, 400 PAIRS ,2-AVH OJ0S33t 3 Norfolk Quiet; middling 12iAc; net receipts 18; gross ; stockl,569; exports coastwise 10; sales ; exports to Great Britain. w Baltimore Dull ; middling 12c; low middling 121&.; good ordinary 11.; net receipts ; gross 4: sale 4-: stocte t2J6M: exoort eoastwiSe 20? spmners erpOrta to Great Britain 100! to Continent ; to France 0? Boston Quiet; middling 12c; low middling 1214; good ordinary 11; net receipts 44; gross ; sales ; stock 4,455; exports to Great Britain 25. . H Wplminoton Dulbi middling , 12c. j low mid dling ljift?.; good ordinary .11 heUieceipts gross : sales ; stock 323; spinners ; ex ports coastwise uM reai tun tain : to uon- nAnt n fthannAT - Of the most celebrated makers, which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Also a full line of MILES', ZIEGrLEB,'S AND DALSHEIMER'S SHOES FOR LADIES AND MISSES. And a large stock; of Slippers and Newport Ties. In Gents' goods -we have a full stock of the best goods. A trial will continee you that we seU the same article sold else where in the .city from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper. VfRf Jiii svisssis iZ : . ' aF.-S.-Ltake pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I ani now staying with Mr. Mover, and feel satisfied that Withtan experience of ten years m the shoe ana nat Dusmess, i can sen you goous-in mat nne to your sausiaunuu. ' J " Very respectfully, T . Mav 29. 1879- . J, MC. AJUtU2i.ASilfXIS, f Dehwcrat an fiome eop. Funeral of It -A Spriny. r -'Sf Thfurieralof the' fate Rfcfiafd A. Springs took place from the First Pres byterian church yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Miller preached a very impressive sermon, in the course of which he paid an eloquent tribute to the talents and character ot the dead man. The pall bearers were Col. H. C. Jdnes Messrs J. C,i Burroughs; W. P. Myers; 3." H. Ross, '11 B. Springs, E.S. liurwell, M. Leon, M. P. Pegram and AV.R. Burwell. The Excursion to Hendersonville, ' 1 The' Hen'dersohviilef 1 excursionists leave the city to-morrow morning at 11.20, from the Air-Line depot. Capt. R. B. Alexander, the manager, reports the prospects for a fine crowd excellent Parties desiring to go should apply to him for tickets at his store, in the Cen tral Hotel building, early Monday morning. Those who fail to see him may purchase tickets from the depot agent. The trip promises to be a very delightful one indeed and. is cheap. As already stated; board while at iien- dersonville will cost only one dollar per day, while those who desire to go on .to. Asheville can make the trip irom Hen- dersonville for the same sum. For otlv er particulars see the advertisement of "the programme." Philadelphia Quiet; middling 12ifec.; low middling 1214c; good ordinary llc; net receipts 4; gross 59; sales ; spinners 120; stock 10,006; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Steady; middling 12c; low mid dllng ll&c., good ordinary llVac; receipts 6 shipmente till sales 2tSr stock . Charleston Dull; mWd'e 12i4c; low raid dllng 12c.; good ordinary ll'c; net receipts 2; gross ; sales 20; stock 631; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; France ; Continent : to channel. ' New Tori Steady; sales 275: midd'g uplands 12 7-16c, mid. Orleans 12 9-1 ttc; consolidated net receipts 188; exports to Great Britain 25. Liverpool Noon Cotton steadier. Middling Uplands, 6L, middling Orleans, ti 15-ltid.; sales 4,000, speculation and export 1,000, additional sales yesterday after regular dosing;; ; re ceipts 7,200. American 3,800. Futures l-32al-16 Detter. u pianos low middling clause: June aeuvery tt 27-32, June and July do, July and August 6, August and September 6 29-32al5-16, September and October 6 15-16a3132, October and Novem ber , November and December . New crop shipped October and November, September and uctober per sail . FINANCIAL. J3AHGISrS ! BARGrAINS ! Another arrival' of household and other useful articles for our famous ; F.IVE CENT COUNTER. ..... ( Far superior to all others received. Also a beautiful variety ot - - PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTINGS ANDILACES. Great Bargains In Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. New York Money 3a5. Exchange 4.85aB. governments firm. New 5's 1.03. Four and half per cents 1.0ti. Four per cents 1.02. State bonds dull. FUTURES. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. H. MORRIS & BROS. Pulpit Pergonals. Kev. Dr. JNall, the revaiist, was in Concord last week, and preached in the Presbyterian church there. Some weeks ago it was announced in the Virginia papers that it was Kev. L. Woods, or .North Carolina, on wnom Hampden Sidney College had conferred the decree of D. D. at the same time this title wat conferred upon Rev. E. II. Hardinsr. of this city. We are able to state that this was a mistake, and that this honor has fall upon Rev. Wm. A. Vood. the esteemed pastor ot tne Presbyterian church In Statesville and a eraduate or Davidson college. Air. Wood is a laborous student, a man of recognized talents, and will wear the new new honor worthily in all respects. HOWE PENCIL.INH. The crape crop in and around Char lotte promises a most abundant yield. The gardner and farmer are no long er in tears. The shower yesterday was highly satisfactory. Mr. H. McSmitlr will be absent from the citv for a short time, during which Prof. Ruddock will have charge of the music bouse. A social club designated as the Thin- san, with Iiobt L. Young, formerly of Charlotte, as president, has just been organized in Concord. Another Pedestrian Party. Another pany of young men, mostly composed of college boys, who are at home on a vacation, will start out on a pedestrian tour through the mountains at an earlv dav. There will be five or six in the party, and they expect to be irone several weeks. All who have tried this method of travel through the moan- . m n ill. 12. aTI t tains nave oeen pieasea wuu it. oueu a trip costs verv little, while it offers the best opportunity for witnessing all the finest mountain scenery. This, be sides its influence on the health of the individual. NeWton Summerville, colored, was sent to iail yesterday by a magistrate of Paw Creek township for stealing one rooster. He said he had only bor rowed him. And now the Wilmington Star says Gen. M. P. Taylor has intimated that the Second Brigade, North Carolina State Guards, will go into camp at Smith ville instead of Beaufort. sThe best counterfeited silver half dol lar ever coined is just out It made its first appearance in New Orleans. The milled edges, color and all are perfect, and it weighs but little less than the genuine coin. Brookfleld has up another lightning sign which outshines any of his pre vious efforts in this direction. If any Jiasser-by should by chance fail to see ii, ne cannot avuiu neanug me uiuuuci of the auctioneers voice. About twenty-five or thirty persons have already made arrangements to go oh the excursion to old Point Comfort. This is a delightful trip. Dr. T. C. Smith will give all information desired in relation to terms, sc. It is said that the leaves of geranium ' are an excellent application for cuts, when the skin is rubbed off, and other wounds of the same kind. One or twp leaves must be bruised and applied on linen to the part and the wound will become cicatrized in a very short time. The board of aldermen has ordered Lhelizhts to be turned off. except on Wednesday and Sunday nights, when they will so shine that people will have no excuse for not going to church and the weekly prayer-meetings. This order is in effect until the summer months are over, and is according to custom. The chamber of commerce at ' iti meeting last night selected about thlr ty namftn nf hnalnoaa man nf Char lotte to go on the excursion to Hender SOnville on the Arh f hoau, will he in- a the secretary, and will be ask ed to signify their acceptance by Tues day evening. - ...... l fc neTlnroencement exercises at Atlanta University, a colored institu tion, last week, one of the graduates was Maria E. Guion, of Charlotte, -t The Constitution says that "in a pleasing essay she told what she knew -about AScrap Books and had the satisfaction of knowing thattthe audience enjoyed Kilee on Cotton A farmer of Charlotte township yes terday brought to The Observer office a stalk of cotton, the leaves of which were covered with lice. He reports that nearly all his cotton is infested by these little animals. They are appa rently lifeless, but in a few days suck all the life from the leaves, causing them to shrivel and turn black. He re ports that other farmers in his neigh borhood are suffering from the same nansA. So far the blooms dorlot appear to be affeeted, but the damage to the stalk can be noticed in every field he has examined. Railroad Note. Only eight tickets were sold for the excursion which leic here ior Charles ton day before yesterday afternoon, but when the tram passed Chester tnere were fifty for sixty on board, and a large crowd was expected from points nearer Columbia. During the past year the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad has not had a sinele cent to pay for loss and dam ages. This is something altogether re markable in the history ot railroading and reflects credit upon the officers and employes of the company. The eradine on the V estern JN ortn Carolina of the track which is to run by way of Newton has been about com pleted, and last week theoversefer, con- vicis, muies, xc, were sent io me iieuu of the road to work on the line between the Swannanoa tunnel and Asheville. The Condition of Two Little tiirl-. A white women of the de-mi monde order, who is known in the city as Mrs, Elliott, has been committeed to jail in default of a bond to keep the . ieace against another of her sex and class. Mrs. Elliott is the mother of two little girls aged respectively nine and eleven years. Her confinement in prison leaves the two children on me communiiy, or rather on no one at all, for it's not like ly that their mother.has friends such as are able and suitable to taise cnarge or them. According to the decision of the court; which could not have been other wise under the circumstances, tne wo man will be confined in iail for three ot four months, until the -next Superior ; Court. In the meantime the children will be without support The county authorities can only send them to the county poor house, and this wrill doubt less be done. Tne case is menuonea in the hope that some better fate may. await them that tney may pe taKeni where thev will be surrounded by better influences, than they are now likely to have at the poor house or elsewhere. 5 : PASS HI!rVAK6lJ7f dJ New York Futures closed weak. Sales 40, 000 bales. , July 12.55 August 12.64 September 12 .4tt October. ..mK r... t .t -11. 57a 58 November. ,, ., .... ;H?.13al4 January 11 .lla.12 February.... ........ ll .ia.n MsfNA . ? f , X v If 1 1 .26a.30 CITY COTTON MARKET. Offick or nra Obsskvsb. i Chablottb, June 29, 1879. ( The-market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling 12tfe Middling 128 Strict low middling 12 Low middling. lZVB Tinges 12tfa Lower grades. "Mm jW&oll "CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. ? Tksasueib's Office, I Columbia, S. C, JUne 28, 1879. t The Coupons of the First Mortgage Bonds of this Company, which become due on the 1 st of July, 1879. will be paid at the National Park Bank, New York City, and at the Central National Bank, of this city. JOHN C. B. SMITH, June 29 2t Treasurer. We have just received a splendid assortment of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever Known in wnanou. Juneail,87d. fir u'tiMl Grand Excursion 4th J nl j . 1 AROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY General Passenger Depaetmbnt, , Wnilngton, June nam 1 jyVIDEND NOTICE. The; Board f Directors of the Merchants' and Fanners National Bank, of Charlotte, N. C, have this day declared a dividend of 4 per cent upon the capital stock of this Bank, out of the net earn ings for the last six months, payable on and after July 1st, 1879. June 26 ii ! Round Trip Tickets can be purchased between any points n the line for ONE AND A HALF CENTS PER MILE each way, good to return un til 6th Instant . Round Trip from Charlotte to Wilmington and re turn, only $5. - , Round Trip from Charlotte to Raleigh and return, only $3.85. . V ,-nA Tickets for Raleigh good:to go night of 3d and return 6th. f. W. GLARK, Gen'l Pass. Agt. June 26 5t PROGRAMME. EXCURSION, June 30, '79, CHARLOTTE TO HENDERSONVILLE And Return. WW leave Air-Line Depot on regular passenger train at 10 40 a. m., and arrive at Henderson ville at 6 p. ni. on the same dagr. Our White Goods Department Has recently been replenished with a magnificent line of Linen, Victoria, French and Bishop Lawns; Piques, all styles and prices; India Mull, Organdies, and Barred and Striped Nainsooks at exceedingly low prices We are now offering bargains In every line, and your attention is especially called to our stock of BHESS OOiQiS, The most attractive In the city, and at very low prices. We have Torchon and Bretonne Laces, Ham burg Edgings and Insertlngs, Nainsook Edgings and Inserting, Swiss Edgings and Inaerttngs In great variety. CORSETS AT ALL PRICES. Colored Organdies and Lawns-all grades just received. We make a specialty of Ladles' and Misses LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS. ire FromCbArtotte and Gastonla " Gaffneys ' Spartanburg return. :2.50 2.00 1.50 100 J. B, HOLLAND, Cashier. JXCURSION TO OLD POINT COMFORT AND BALTIMORE. Persons wishing to go on this delightful and cheap trip up the Chesapeake Bay, should apply early to ' i DR. T. C. SMITH'S, lun29 It Corner Drug Store. FOR RENT. The desirable stand knd stAreJnow used as the postoffice. Possession 1st of August. Also the excellent school house on Church street. To good , T l l-ii RUrUS BARRINGER. f I Jun29 tf Home and Democrat copy. i 1 , i Returning will leave Hendersonville at t a. m. on Wedne8day,the 2d, and arrive at Cnar.otte 3 p. m. Excursionists wishing to remain longer can re turn before July 15th on halt fare. Board -can be Had ax si.uo peraay. rare 10 Asheville by-stage, $1.00 U. a. ALKXAJNUKK, Manager. June 26-r-4t. , IELD BROS., (tiouftttionzxizs. NEW ANNOUNCEMENT. "A Complete Fraud, a Couttumiiiate ItaNca.1." Race Horse Trainlngr. . There are three or four fine two-year old colts owned by parties in Charlotte, which will be put upon the track ior fir-ot trials .nf anaprl this! fall '"Some of these animals are exceedingly 5rom ising. They are frequently .seen exer cising on the streets, and never1 fail to excite tne aamirauon oi an uueivci. As horse racing is not one of the fea tures of Mecklenburg's fair, the colts will make their hrst appearances on tne turf at the State fair in Raleigh in Oc tober. Arrangements have already been made for sending them there within the next few weeks far training. A horse fancier from Augusta has been engaged for this work, and he is expected to ar rive in the city next week to under take his charge. ' Ft i (Onilah fw i it. Mt nf rlmples, Blotches, etc, when Dr. Bull's Baltimore ch a oougni ior za cents at any prusiore. Healtb Facta and Speculations. : The remark of a physician quoted in yesterday morning s Observer, tnat June was the unhealthy month in Char lotte, has brought oat some : discussion on tne BUDieow auuwci uUjpiwui it marked that he liad looked bver his books for the last several years to as certain which was the most unhealthy, and he was unable to aetermme in some years his practice was larger in summer and in others larger in winter months. If there was more sickness in June it was chiefly among jne enuuren nf r.hfi noorer classes of the community and ot negroes, ana uaryae ifum mwus badly cooked ana immature vegeta bles. - - -. -r As a matter 01 interest in im con naHnn wa add the following statistics of the death rate during the months of June, July, August and September in the years 1876-1879, furnished by the v. m wood ( white) cemetery : In 1876 June, 7; J uly, fll ? fAugust, 6: September, 7. . ' ! "' In 1877 June4; July, .August, 4; In 1878-June, 5 ; July, 2 ; fAugust, 4 ; September, 11- --v. Up to date of the present month there Kfion in intprmenta one the body -whi-v was drowned, and an- Mh thA hofiy of one ; who died else where and was brought here for inter To the Editor of The Observer: One L. W. Lindsay, who calls himself Capt. Lindsay, and sometimes Dr. Lind say, and who professes to be a photo grapher and artist, and claims to be a member of the Presbyterian Church, and makes himself prominent in the Sunday schools and church services wherever, he goes, is a clever, shrewd take-in, a complete fraud, a consum mate rascal. He has been operating at Statesyille, Lincolnton, Lenoir, Taylors ville; 01m and elsewhere, and whenever he could, lie has shamefully swindled the people by falsehood, under the guise of the basest hypocrisy. When last heard from he was at Jerusalem, Davie county, where he was arrested on a warrant tor traua, duc gave Dona ior his appearance at Olm on the 24th ot May. He failed to appear, and on the 22a or May ma lamiiy uisapinsaieu num Olin in the night. The public can ob tain further tacts m reierence w a infamous character and dishonest tricks bv addressing Rev. w. M. Kobey, Le noir, N. C T. L. Gwyn or L. W. Bryan, Esqs lkinf JN.C Pastor of Iredell South. , ,i "YV. M. Brooks, i Principal Olin High-SchoolOim,NCl Ll. 1j. uill, ' Postmaster, Olin, N. C. J. A. Stikeleather, s Merchant at Olin, N. C. H. A. Mowbray, Justice of the Peace, Olin, Iredell coun ty, jsr.c. All papers in the State will confer a favor on the public by copying : the above. In accordance With the expressed wishes of my numerous customers, I have again in stock a sup ply of those extra CHOICE CRACKERS, which proved such a rare treat to the citizens of Char lotte when first Introduced. Housekeepers will please take notice and send In their orders. Noth- lng more delicious for the tea table, unless it should be my Crystal Ice Cream, Which. Is prepared from a recipe obtained from one of the finest confectioners in the United States, and as far surpasses the ordinary Ice Cream or frozen custard, as those delicious Crackers sur pass the common one s. . S. J. PERRY, Dealer In Luxuries, - Charlotte, N. C. WHOLKSAIiS SSD MTUL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP . : c PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac. -,: Exclusive Deatefs In RAMSOUR & BONNIW ELL'S and A. L. SHU FORD'S .various brands of FLOUR. Ladles' Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $3.50. June 17. Our Stock of Gloves will be found complete. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. DRKSS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LTNENS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS , FLANNELS , GLOVES, HOSIERY, Girls' and Boys' Salts, Ladies' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS WAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, KUCHIKGS, HANDKERCHIEFS,' WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, Ac DBv inn BY MAIL. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us I y Mail or Express. We carry an average stock of about $400,000, all bought for prompt cash. STry us. Have the t'utaren sena jor a set oj our Advertising Card1?. " COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. igt&DHfinea iskl M. V. BCERRILL, Circuit, M. E. Church O- 1 FFICE OF PIEDMONT NURSERIES, Gresmsbobo, N. C, May 31, 1879. I propose to give, to the patrons of the AI0. PROPRIETORS OF THX CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept in first class style. Terms, Per Day $ 2 00 I , , i .1 : FOR PARTICULARS mUMBER0uS ADDrESS: 5 WhitIlSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. V -THE- A siita mm fnr tlsrht boots and Bhoes. The girls say tt Is lust splendid. Young man II you naive no sweetheart get ontrrignt away u mean g uw Onrn Wnltrt with dirediOTIS hOW tO 086. Ooll 40 cents. DliecUons Get the Waltz and give it to your fweetheartor soraeooay eisos, uu u ue una np fijp& .gf tithat too, fn4siUl4flng-- "Soniebodv'a coming when the dew drops fall," For sale at vSu hmmVmM0V8. . Iuu28 2t : ' : TELEGRAfamMABKE REPORTS. - ;c JUUE 28. 1879 Piedmont i Nurseries, The benefit of the traveling agents' commission on my Nursery stock, consisting of Fruit Trees, &&, and have reduced the price 50 per cent Apples and Peaches, 1st class, a to o leet; nne impivveu Fruits as are grown in North Carolina, and ready for inspection. Reference given to any. Nursery in Guilford countv. Peaches and Apples running f rorathe earnest to the latest varieties. 'Trees will be packed In good strong ooxes or oaws, ana ae livered te railroad depots or express offices without aay extra charge for boxes or delivery. I wl4 tur nlsh at the -following low rate: Peaches and Ap pies In any quantity, improved mm, iu cemseacu. Pears, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince, Crab Apples, Figs, Cherries,. 83 cents. Ornamental Trees. Roses and Flowers will be sold cheaper than cani sold by any nurserr in North Carolina. Cash to accompany the orders. Any one not nsv ing cash may fill out note, signed by' purchaser, to be paid when trees are delivered at depot specified by purchaser. Npteto acoompany treesnd paid wnen trees are wuvereu, pureuuen imuit du freights on same. Trees will be. shipped In No. vemDer ana purcnaser nuuneo wneu w iwoo wom. Persons ordering will state plainly where to ship. Name the depots. - Letters of inaulry answered cheerfully. Orders solicited id saqsfaetion guar anteed. Send in orders at enoaa IS r J very respecauuy. r 1 1 - I htv f M. C DIXON, f 'tX- PKBrfeU)r of Piedmont Nurseries. . tune 7 eodUm. Great Inducements offered to table board ers; ior. terms see uie prupnewr. tOmnlbus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS. Proprietors. Mr. H. a Wilson Lady,. ... . ... Superintendents. Hxkbt WttFDNQ Clerk. febtf PIEDMONT HOUSE, A new Hotel Just opened at KIXGJS MOUNTAIN, N. C, On the Atlanta and Charlotte AIT Line. . Building and Furniture entirely new Open to Summer boarders and the general travel.- Location exT tremelv healthy: Dure mountain air and splendid water. Three new Churches In the village. A fine! view of the Mountains east ana west, ana near toe celebrated All-healing Spring, tamoOs for its good effects upon diseases ot tne .swp, yyspepsia, My table will be supplied wk.ktn best the mar ket aSordSi and every attentlpKrvillUlw tjestowed to xf Tenins-P Day; : - : - i 2.00. ; " : Montj r0 ;rH;.20.00. Jane28:18Tdi t-v- c-ii i'-s Souttwrn-Home please eopygtlnies. WE EK L Y STJ N" , A large Eight Page Sheet of Fifty-six broad columns, will be Sent post-paid, to any Address, till January 1, 18S0, FOR HALF A DOLLAR. THE SUN, New York City. Address June 21 lm. CAROLINA CENTRA.L DISPATCH LINE, Via Wilmington, N. C. 1 - JUST RECHYEB, t;'I Ui, . . , PRODUCE. ,. , tt - BAirj(OH-Oats steady; Southern S6a40, Wes-I JrlLJVliiiiJ . bAlj'M.VJlN . hlto UIaKIAa- tin TTllTfrMl 4a.,i. rciuuui1 vanla 85a6. Hay-market steady? prime Fann tania an? Maryland I4alfw Provisions ; flrmj essiH)rk,oidl0 5010.75, new bulk meats ?r;r,0. am riAJir rih sides Ela. Dacked Rihoidders- cleat sides c . hams IH13, juara renneo MAGNOLIA HAMS UK tierces 7. Butter I Jnne 12.' r S."M.E0WELL, THROUGH FREIGHT BqifcL PpTS JUST RECELYED. vrnvBsmr -test choice FAMILY FLOUB, 1 I CANVASSED HAMS. T. . CANVASSED HAMS. ' FRESH GROUND BOLTED MEAL, PRIME RIO COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLiSSXS, RICE, GRITS, TOBACCO. CNUfTi CIGARS.4 X Uu QQARS, 'i TilfiWiftTB W.seir'thktfaus td prove as represented will Oe takes kMk and raobty cheer fully refunded.. ; Give us a maTMiQ - v F. B. ALEXANDER tt CO, i r this H" being fuflj eaulppe for businesv offers unequalled lacfntfci-for the, Transporoon w Wflnurteo and all Northern and Eastern Otis, tor itti 8tater?Ule. - AshexiUfBjitberforaton ' Gwnyffla, Spartanburg, aU Stations 'in'tft ItonRlch'morA4 AlflJne, ' . . ' , - lvIlaa.uoiUm '---- Georgia, Alabama hraMwfppV " " . ' : InentaiMe an BaM i a: ,rt- AO' : -m 15 A "A . - - V.": - lafonnalioilunusbedirjwnap tr--- Ar ! .J - 1 ''r. ' Ageuaaaawa,Cltotte. . X, WoCLAEMV r '-- ' --' - -. ' . Oen. Trelghi Agent, VSUplogtwv 1 C septSO

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