TI TSE OSSKRVKR JOB DEPASTXEXT VBSOBIPTIOH RATES: rw.,, r. (poWW in odtwnoe $8 00 manner qf joe nor emu note ve uvm vnut mtatn dispatch and cheapness. ; We can furnish, at 8h tfiz Months. W Three Months. One Month. .. 2 00 75 nuuee, Blanks, bill-beads-, lbttbr-hbads; cards, tags: receipts, posters; programmes, hand-bills, pamphlets, circulars, checks, 40. WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in the county) in advance $2 00 Out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 Six Months 1 00 CHARLOTTE, N. 0., THURS&AY, JULY 10, 1879. NO. 3,235. VOL. XX. ' Liberal Reductions for Club. ' - , . i- . - 1 .H:, : . ! What H Mean STATE NEWS. O U R G R E A T JURGESS NICHOLS, wholesale and retail DEALER IN all kinds of BEDDING, Ac. BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE FURNITURE! FURNITURE i FURNITURE ! BEPDING. Ac. BEDDING, AC 7 iWi)iitvE ' n 5 'X . M -" ' f - IN- DRY GOODS, HATS, &c.,&a&c,.. We are how c! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! irfflfttift a fcimkn Hue of LAWNS, , EBJBNCH JB DRESS GOODS, AND. LINEN AND COTTON GANDIES, LINEN tJInenIbus At greatly reduced prloe9. some patterns of Also a few very hand- s LOUNGES ! LOUNGES t LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand. COFFINS Of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trajjk Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladles' and tine supply. jan3 Gentlemen's Burial Robes a FOR JSALE. That valuable property In this city known as the Tannery of Alexander, Allen A McBee. This Tan nery Is conveniently located, and has all the latest improved, machinery. Bark and hides low and m abundance. For particulars address A. ISAACS, Attorney for Alexander, Allen A McBee. Greenville, S. C. May 9th, 1879 dleod3mAw3m j. R SALE. The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which Oils paper was lately printed. Itwaamade by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on iv hAnnnsiA it became necessary to use a different stvle of tvoe. It will do good service for several rears to come. It will be sold in lota to sul m chasers, and in fonts of 50 to 1 ,000lbs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, 1 octs Charlotte. N. C. w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Anv Derson desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con vpnienraa. fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at . dec!8 THIS OFFICE, Eugen JFiehtln tfee St Lovl TimwKTouman i rrayedlin snow-wbite'panti and vest And other raiment fair to view I stood before my sweetheart Sue The charming creature I love best. "TeU me, and does my costume pit?" ,s 1 1 IsMd iat pple of mjeye. J i J Afdftfcea the charmer niade replyK KAkfolgMieuently had heard My sweetheart vent her pleasures so, I must confess I did not know The meaning of that fav'rlte word. But presently at window side We stood and watched the passing throng, And soon a donkey passed along With ears like sails extending wide, And gazing at the doleful brute, Uv swAAt.heart save a merry cry if 4 SUMMER SILKS At New Torti pttcea. We still have a few SILK PARASOL& in sum mar shades that we offer very cheap. We Invite special attention to our stock of LADIES' HATS, Trimmed and untrimmed, in which we are offering great bargains. Our stock of LINEN SHIRTS, Gents' Furnishing "Goods arid Ready Made Cloth ing Is complete, and at low prices. Call soon and secure bargains. Our stock Is all new and fresh. No old or damaged goods. Orders promptly filled. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C June 28. rocket atxtX lasstuare CHINA PALACE OF JHO. BROOEPIELD & CO., LEADEES OF LOW PRICES. 1 1 Qiitebe language rtth a sig OBSEtVAJTIOWS. A tombstone with a simple .cucamber carved up on It to oftentimes ,mpr efprwefra than one cov ered with ten thousand line tf obituary poetry. Phita. Chronicle. The Elmlra Gazette philosopher says he never yet awcommunlst who haled tigs and queens bad enough not to take a couple from the bottom oi the pack If an opportunity is offered. When a woman challenges another woman's vote In Wyoming there Is a scream, a rush and 818 worth of millinery is raked up and carted away. Free Press. As the desire of seekers after perpetual motion Is merely to obtain something that will have a nev-er-ceaslng revolution, why don't they take Mexico and be satisfied? Boston Post. A fair looking but demented young woman called at the White House the other day and wanted the President to marry her. It was Mrs. Hayes who sent in a veto this time. Phtia. Chron. A certain voune lad who was a little behind hand in her summer outfit surprised her parents the other day by asking why she was unlike George Washington. When they gave It up, she told them, because he had nojittle hat-yet . When you see the woman who Is looking in at the milliner's throw up both hands and exclaim. Oh. what a horrid looking ining: you maj et down as a certain sign that that style or Donnei will be her head-covering at meeting next Sun days , "I press my suit.' ' the young man cried, In tones too soft to tell; And she presesd his suit with her curly head, As she laid it on his coat lapel. SteubenviUc Herald. The organs are still walking around the Demo cratic "back-down" viewing it wnn a suspicious ov ThOT maintain the attitude of persons who are prepared to see me mysienous ainui jump ui and back-down again ai any momeiiu Atw Constitution. "mi tas. I'm mad lust as mad as I can be," nvoiaiTnAri a fa.ohinna.ble ladv. tossing her head to tnv embhasis to her words, "to think that those . . . . i i . V. . . . 1 . 1. ImmiilanAa noma reporters snouiu uuve imu um mniuuouw in incr ma intn t.tiAir riaaftrintion of the Fitzgerald wedding. Ugh! the horrid things and they didn't even mention the lace on my dress." The disagreeable man for the past two days has twtATi tha individual who walks ud to the dividend sheet, and to the horror of those In line, draws out a list or a dozen names oi persons -num uo u authorized to receipt for. Next in rankas a social nuisance Is the man who pulls out his glasses, nHnaatlMm MTftfllllV. SitBS thC 'Dttl. PlaCOS hlS tongue, to thaeornei of, Ms mouth and proceeds to write nis name wim me siowucsb w mou. THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL,. A Robeson county woman is 99m to be 115 years old. ; A peach, tree in tliobeson county has been bearing fruit since 1804. St Thomas' Catholic cemetery Wil mington, was" consecrated Sunday afternoon. A four hundred pound turtle was caught one day last week on the beach at WrightsYill Sdurid, JSTew Hanover county. Mr. Peter Pool, wear Auburn, IfAke county, lost his kitchen and three lam dred dollars' worth of provision by fire last Friday night The decision of Judge Buxton in th$ SwSpsott T$ase teTeversea f Ourceiebrated Job CounteBaDiifiar8beIore:tM'pafeMc,fcndini)onR' all-broken lots and odd sizes to be closed outata heavy sacrifice. Our THRme CJourt and the case IS adjudgMi JYi?S?25?.: Xljm!tJS2fSwi SStmsSiki 1 vdii iosd without reserve at $2. Our S.1.50. S3.75. S4, 84.25 and $4.60 Cas- to ue m Jb ranKiin,,"wnere "'"Tiniwrird rnmi it fi irhr Tin j iff nff Ttftr nl- T" " unumwea variety aim ueaumui m uosisu ui mjid aim ua.id for trial at the net term. . P&Jf&JS'SSJS. L lull Li V- c.W,a, etir 'i iM .ween will be made In Casslmere Suits, and where the Wilminirten Sir." There are Mwrtntt.w f f clr anA CllltQ natnar tTnm,x half dozen ntUroadcivil)eugw SotTd" Spring 8ithT t : iaest deS solTadiiy SUM CLOSING A. L E OF HE F ABEICS BEGINS TO-DAY. Just received, a lot of Ice Cream Freezers, best make, freeze in 5 min utes; Water jCoolers, Kef rl aerators, wire Covers, Fly Traps, Pampas Flumes, Bird Cages, Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. We constantly keep on hand a full line of Plain and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Tin Wood and Willow Ware. Bringing u Last Weels's Work. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, June 1, '79. Leave Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, No. 47 Dally . No. 45 Dally 3.50 a m 1 3.55 pm 8.20 a m 3 30pm I 5.45 a m 5.55 pm I .55am No. ft Daily ex. Sun. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to call. We sell goods as cheap as Northern houses, and guarantee satisfaction. Will send quotations on application. Thanking you for the liberal patronage in the past, we are, Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD 4 CO., Charlotte. N. C, June 1, 1879. FOB Bottled er 745pm 5.00 am No. 47 Connects at Greensboro with R. K D. R. R. for all points NortlL East nd. West. At Golds boro with W. & W. RTb. for WUmlngton. No. 45 Connects at .Greensboro with R. 4 D. R. R. for all points North, Sastand-West. TRAINS GOING WKBT. i No. 5. Date, June 1, '79. No. 48 No. 42 Dally Daily. Dally, ex. Sun; i Leave Goldsboro, 10.10am 6.34 pm Raleigh, 3.20pm 8.00 am " Greensboro 8.40pm 7,16 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.37am 11.17am ? : No. 48 Connects at Greensboro with 'Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. A A. R. R,' for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. &. C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and youth-Ccist No. 47 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C. R. R. Air-L,ine junction- wnn At A. 4 C. A. L. lor all points boum anu ooutn-wesi. At Charlotte with C., C. &A. Railroad for all points South and South-west j dally except Sunday. SALEM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 9-10 p m Arrive Salem, " " lt4Spm Leave Salem, " " ' 5.00 pm Arrive Greensboro, " " 700 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. D. ana N- G. jtallroads. ; , i ; , - - . i 'J V " BUCXPIMG CARS V.1THOCT CHANGS; Run both ways n Trains Nos. 48 and 47 between New York, and Atlanta Via" RlchmohdT Greeasboro and Charlotte, and from Greensboro to Auguste on Train No. 48, and on Train No. 42 from New York t Greensboro, and on Train No. 45 from Augusta to New York via Richmond. ; r0JJh 011 le at Greensboro, Raleigh. GJlds.ro'Jfb2r,rfv,lnd Charlotte, and at all sas and Texas, address T J. R. MACMTTPTin Gen. Passenger Agent, Richmond Va. Jun20 TLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO RAILROAD Superintendent's Office,: i Charlotte, N. C, May 24th, 1879. f On and after Monday, May 20th, the following schedule will be run over this road daily (Sunday excepted): ; GOING N0RTIL ' T.A,nv Charlotte 00 a. m. Davidson College H 533 a. m A rrlvft at. StJlteSVllle. ....... 1 li 20 B. m GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesvllle,. - 4 40 p. m. " TiMvllunn fVillece if 08 P. m. Arrive at Charlotte , 00 P- m. t Connection made at Charlotte with CaroUna Cen tral railway, and at Statesvllle with Wesfem North Carolina Railroad. a u f iwioht. nffnmd for shlsment to Section House, Henderson's, Alexandrlana and Caldwell's must be prepaid, they being (Flag) Stations i which there are no Agents. The company will not pe re sponsible for freight after Its delivery at said sta tions. . , . j, j. GORMLET, inar25 i SuP't. ALE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade aod Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. MUJ.ZLER. All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. ' mar4 id mi mm HAPPY JOE FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschesser's and drink the more." FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON f I ' ALL THB W4T, ; i t I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which I am able to keep on draught, ana ior sale by the keg . . , PTJW5 ICE tLD LAGER BEER Brougnt'tBy door In an Ice-cold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. plrloniMCll arlotte; erac aisiaircc can uu, BeirUi, hAr AnrtAkl I &1 oi 4AiDf kh of ent In Charlotte .) thi itlanta Brewery, I respectfully solicit th patronage of the public. Wines, and the best Liquors on draught or for sale by the quaruMty al the time. ; - i ffi hT Joseph: tiscnESSEB. ju27 PICKLED SALMOISi, MAGNOLIA HAMS. Correspondence of The Observer. Chapel Hill, July 6 Services open ed as usual last Monday week, by re litrions exercises. After services the dailv recitations followed in their usua order. Prof.'McIver lectured' on" mathe matics in his clear, forcible and com mon-sense method. " His ideas of mathe matics are completely new and are quite vpadilv taken ud, Prof. Tomlinson then folio wad with his lecture on reading, grammar, and analvsis. At 12 o'clock all assembled in the chapel to hear Prof. Ladd's lec ture. As usual, it was brimful to over flowing with wit. and when I say this I do not mean that the rich wit was all, but he made a ereat many valuable sug gestions wliieh will be' acted upon and no doubt be ot immense oenent to me teachers. Tw t.h Rvenmtf. the students passed their time very interestingly, profitably and busily in the public school depart ments. That night tliey an assemuieu in the chapel at 8 o'clock to hear Prof. Mangum lecture on "Elocution." He lectured two hours and during the time he kept the attention of the audience welt-' He Was interrupted by inany and frequent rounds of applause which showed that his lecture was well re ceived and enjoyed. Tuesday's exercises passed off as usu al. Capt. Hugger enrolled the new members which , swelled the numbers to over'' 200. These .with the visitors will probably increase the numbers to about 235 or 240. Those only are stu dents who are now teachers or intend to become teachers. The others are on ly visitors and are only treated as such. The usual exercises of the day were gonethrough with. In the afternoon at 5 o'clock, Prof. Wilson assembled his singing class in the chapel and proceed ed to practice them. That evening Rev. Mr. Cobb lectured in the chapel in a very able manner. It is always a treat to hear him. Miss Coe devotes four hours a day to her classes two in the , morning and two in the evening. Her pleasant man ners and attractive person, make her appear well, and the thorough system she observes in all her exercises shows her to be a careful observer, and an ex perienced teacher. The State Teachers' Association con- i J jffined-JWedjifistUiy July . 2nd, . at . 1 1,20 o'clock, a. m. President cattle canea the association to tfrder, and after hav ing "Carolina" sung by the audience, Twnfteadftd fca deliver the annual address. Wi AfrYit -wis ithe &tiM. itntt' was the equal of any Speech I have ever heard on the subject. All were favoraly im pressed. Superintendent of Public Instruction Scarrt7ttgh tollowed. , He had no w Ht&uantetih i)f enarea. I The first school bill was passed in 1776. The present school bill is a very defective one. There is not money enough appropriated. Only think, there jto nm nhilrlren rrrt "North (Carolina to beedudafed; and only $452,000 is ap propriated to their education. After deducting expenses for building and re pairing school nouses, xc., it wouiu leave $1 to educate a child with. , , The idea pf educating a child with 81 1 W ho could afford ttfdo it Clearly none but those who could live on a loaf, and wear sackcloth. Then this would nec etwiilyibetthe poorest? i4d c6mtoiest claM 6l"feft&rera 1 Asdngetiue1ice we hjiye-bad teaching and bad education of ttw scholars. lie set forth the educa tiotial needs of North Carolina in facts and figures, and "figures don't lie." He is fully imbued with a spirit of educa tionjmproYement.,and is determined to tfrGftff WaiTrifiner long, but" an excel lent one. He fully impressed the fact upon all that educatidn war like every thing else if we get a good article we pay well for it and need it of a higher quality. , of the Name woman's nesi Friend. To relieve the aching heart of women and bring Joy where sorrow reigned supreme, is a misston be fore which the smiles of kings dwindle into utter significance. To do this is the peculiar Province of Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator, which, froto the nnberles cafes has' accomplished. Worth rarnirha. who would" be glad have work. The Oxtord & Henderson Railroad: goes to New1 England in search of one. ffhat is characteristic. The Hobesonian tells of a colored boy having stolen a pocket-book from the safe of McCaskill & McLean, of Lau rinburg. He spent $11 of tlxe money, gave the balance to his mother, was ar- rested, conressea, ana ine pucKei-uw with its cortteaits was found where the old woman find buried it. The boy was brushed and the old woman let off with out punishment. Wilmington Review, Tuesday ; Mar tin McKenzie was accidentally Kinea this morning at the Rock Quarry, on the Northeast river, about three miles from Rocky Point, by the careless dis charge of fire arms in the hands of Mack Baker. Both parties are colored and belong in this city. Baker has been ar rested, and the cause or tne snooting will be thoroughly investigated. WilminartoniStor. 8th: The old color ed woman, Mary Holmes, who was so horribly burned at her home on Bruns- WICK, Detween X liui auu oia-m smocw, nn t.hfi Tiiorht of the 24th ultimo, by ac cidentally setting fire to her bed with a lighted match while she was lying upon it, lingered in tne most excruciating ag ony until Sunday night last, when death put an end to her sufferings. Last Sunday morning at 3 o'clock a keg of powder exploded in the store of F. W. Lessman, of Wilmington. In a moment the building was on fire, and the water thrown upon it by the fire men destroyed almost the entire stock. The building, owne4 by H. B. Eilers, was badly torn to pieces. There was a slight insurance upon both the building and stock. Wilmington Review: In the list of those whose names will appear in a few days in the general order announcing promotions and appointments- in the army, We notice the .name of our young townsman, Lieut. Robert London, of the Fifth Cavalry, who is to be promo ted from the grade of Second to that of First Lieutenant. Considering the gen eral slow and tedious course of promo tion in the regular army of the United States, Lieut Lffiftdpii's rapid advance ment is very creditable tp himself and very gratifying to his relatives and friends. UF7 rv.,vTX..? twt ,r, . tic tti A 1 7 Kn i a aiul H va r tanre1 nnVtormtv nt 1 Xiareeiotorime wniiewneniucK vesis.woriu ji4.ou juiu3 isi whduh are uu w uoiMiivKu u.. . . . . i.,,, Many other lines reduced in the same proportion. We cannot give a fun description, as want of space prevents, but we .never make any prpmUes we cannot fulfill. We are determined to clear out our Spring Stock:, ana Know or dui one way w acwmpusu iuis un i y thatto reduce the price to such apoint that it compels the public to purchase where they can economize best We prefer to convert ; out stock Into cash, and open ea season wluT the newest designs in fabrics, and Increase the solid reputation we have already achieved as being Head quarters for novel styles and reliable goods." . T f o.nAe Tm itemember tne nrst comers secure me of i seieutum. nuu um wmuiw a"c1v...s TtftSTiftctfullv. E. I. LATTA 4 BKO. HUllO t. " ' A GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE OF StTlVLlVLER GOODS IS NOW IN PROGRESS AT WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! Call at once and procure some of these Goods that are offered AT AND BELOW COST, At Wittkowsky 8c Baruch's. o- .500 WORSTED AND CASSIMERE COATS At .$3.00,' $4.00 and $o.00. HHOTIN IN nmmm CLOTHING ! Out 7,50 Cheviot Shit sells now for $6.50. Our $12.50 English Tweed Suit sells now for $10. Our $18and $20 French and English Casslmere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $1 0.50. Our Dress, Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re- RRIF.l NliWS ITEMS. It is stated that all the New York elevated railroads have informally aereed to reduce fares to five cents during all hours of the day. Senator Bavard and wife will sail from New York on Saturday, the 12th of Julv. in the steamship ueuerai wer der. of the North German Lloyds line, ... 7 . .... -i . ;n .. A. direct ior .Bremen, ana win proceeuat once to Carlsbad, where Mrs. iJayard hopes to receive benefit from the wa ters. In Philadelphia Monday evening Michael Lannigan, alias Robert Frank lin, finding Louise Franklin, with whom he lived, intoxicated and talking to some neighbors about him, struck her with the flat of his hand in the face, and she fell to the floor and died. Lannigan was arrested, but it is believed that the woman's death was caused by apoplexy. At the recent session of the district conference of the Dallas (Texas) Afri can M. E. Church, a resolution was adopted declaring that the conference did not indorse the agitation of the question of the exodus to Kansas, nor the convention called for that purpose in Texas "by broken-down political tricksters." The conference very sensi bly advised the colored people of Texas to "remain at home, attend to their crops, purchase homes and educate their children." In the United States Circuit Court at San Francisco, yesterday, Judge Field, of the United States Supreme Court, decided what is known as the "queue cutting ordinance" to4e invalid, being ,in conflict with the fourteenth amend ment. The ordinance prescribed that the queues of all Chinamen imprisoned in the county jail for petty offenses should be cut off, and was expected to prove a strong deterrent to that class of criminals. THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. duced prices. Unlaundried shirts for 50 cents. The very best made and see beforfhuying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices, Respectfully, June 1, 1879. n the United States for $1 .00 Linen Collars $2.00 pr dozen, and all goods In proportion. Call L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clolhiers and Tailors. What Secretary Sherman Says ! It His Candidacy for the Presidency. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Kail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, tc, apply to either of the undersigned. K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH. Aeent C. C. Railway, V Charlotte, N. F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, j C. April 80 d5m. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF SUMMER CLOTHING, -AT THE STORE OF June 12. 8. If. HOWELL. Yea, I am Proud Is appropriately styled Woman's Best Friend. The dlsta-esslnar comDlalnt known as the "whites," and thft irWVia frrftirfilJlritlei of the womh, to which womarftosuljot.Mlsappealr'like magic before a single oottie so tnir wonaenui wiupumm. your druggist tot Hi lull lm Special to the Philadelphia Times. Washington, July 7 A Republican member of the Ohio Legislature had a long talk with Secretary Sherman this evening on political questions. The Secretary did not seem to have many concealments from his old friend. Mr. Sherman thinks the issue in Ohio dur ing the campaign will be on the subject of finance, but that the Southern ques tion will enter largely into the canvass. The Secretary has no doubt that Fos ter will be elected Governor, but seems to be uncertain in regard to the Legis lature, which will elect in January next a successor to Judge Thurman. The President is reported as being more in terested in this canvass in Ohio than in any State election since he was himself a candidate, but he will jiot ;make any speeches during hisvisit home in Sep tember. Secretary Sherman, however, will make several set speeches on the financial issues and the Southern nues- f tlon, eipMhirigiri the latter the course of the administration. Tne secretary, in conversation withfcthe Ohio legisla tor above referred to, des not besitate to speak of himself as a presidential candidate, but the legislator says he has not vet attempted to organize for the contest:'" He also says thaF Sherman will Bi -be a presidential candidate if the Republicans lose Ohio, but all the Repulpeans seem to think that the lle publican&aieiStire to , carry- Ohio. At any ratfe,; there is no doubt that Sher man is a candidate, and that he is al ready, with the' &id pf . the president, setting up the South in hi favor; m ' ' ,'V (WG HEW JACKSON 8 BE& SWEET NAVY IOBAOOO. W. KAUFMAN & CO. $ 2.00 - - - - 2.50 - - - - 4.00 - - - - 5.00 up. 7.50 up. 10.00 up. Cotton Coats as low as 40 Cents. 500 Talrs all Wool Pants at 1100 " " ;' - . 400 " " extra line, 350 Suits, Sack and Frock, from ------ 200 " ;; " - - - - - - i'nnn t ihf wnitrht Slimmer Coats. AlDacii, Linen Mohair and 1)WU -"t"' " -w We have made this reduction to close oat the aboVe lots, as the prices named reMmanalr ers' prices. Call atonce and procure a bargain. w. kauma a . .. . o na f fintimn'H Surnishlne Goods. Straw Hats formerly sold at A1"s uu ";u""r."":r.. ''7"jrrZ,iinr .. w. k. co, ki rt I wH hii nuw tu ffli.w. July 4. JUST RECEIVED, VERY CHOICE VERY CHOICE GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. FAMILY FLOUR, CANVASSED HAMS, CANVASSED IT A MS FRESH GROUND BOLTED MEAL, PRIME RIO COFFEE, SUGAR. MOLASSES, RICE, GRITS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, NEW GOODS I CIGARS, CANDY, AC, AC., AC. ; . i . : m: '' : : - sell-that falls to prove as anMldntMl ami m nXSB DOCK SIIU mvue; www' fully refunded. uo22 nivA im k trial. Truly. r. B. ALEXANDER A CO. NEW FEATURES H ARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. LUSTRATED, NOTICES OF TEE PRESS. The Wkeklt remains easily at the head of illus trated papers by Its fine literary quairey, me oeauiy of Its type and woodcuts. -Sprtngueld Republican. Its pictorial auracuuna are aupoiu, ouu cuimiKc every variety oi sudjoui auu tuusuc rauuoui. Zlon's Heraia, Boston. , Jf The WEEKLY is a pctera agency lur iue uuhkjiui nation of correct poUtlcal princlules, and a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. livening .express, nwurawu. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 00 00 00 10 00 7 00 rrmo COOTlGES iPO BENT 1 on the cdrrier X ofCoUegeand 4tti; the othei on the wmeroi, Church and Fourth streets. JA& H. CABSON. Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lnoaaa nnii athcr TTamllT Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered in the city free oi charge. W. S. CRIMMINGEB, i- Trad Street, Next door below Wilson A Black's old stand, ap 15. Harper's Magazine, one year Harper's Weekly, " " Harper's Bazar, " " The Three publications, one year, InvTan niifl VfUJ T Six subscriptions, one year, 'P0 Terms ior large ciuos iunusneu uu . Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The annual volumes of Habpeb'8 Wkkklt, to neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for 87.00 each. A complete set comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re celptof the cash at the rate of $5.26 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases foreach volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of 81.00 Remittances should be made by postofflce money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not o copy this adverasement without the express eider of HMperABpiers. Address ' HARPER A BROTHERS, . decll New York. rjpHE YORKVILLE NEWS. The above will be thepaSne of a weekly Demo cratic newspaper, the publication of which i will be commenced at an early day at YorkvlMe, S. u D W. M. waruck. I vihe Nswswiu be a good advertising medlurefor the ustaew men of Charlotte, as the paperwi" hoi a !, A!rnifion in the counties of Lincoln, Jaston and Catawba, North Carolina. nt Bi.hfriiuon will be 82 per annum. A V v-. " v , - r nrirTfPV Address. "?5-,-ar June 3. YorkK'le, a C.