l)e l)arlotte (DbsertJfr. riTu"T?.sPAS',".itv iw.f LOflL 'INTELLIGENCE. RAILROAD DIRECTORY. The following table shows the running of r trains to and from Charlotte, on all t itAf roads (Washington time): pasaen the; rail RICHMOND h DAKT1LLK. Arrives from Richmond and Ooldsboro, 12 40 a. m. Leaves for " " 3i.40a. ro. Arrives from Richmond 1 1 .1 2 a. m. Leaves for ' 8.66 p.m. ATLANTA CHABLOTTX AIKLINI. j Arrives from Atlanta;. . 8.40 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta 12.40 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 3.65 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 1 1.12 a. m. CHABLOTTX, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta, 3.50 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, t . . 12.45 a. m. Arrives rrom Columbia (ac Freight) Leaves for Columbia, 12.10 p. m. z.iip. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. 8.2Qa, m. S.25 p. m. 5.05 prm. HAOnim. Arrives from Wilmington,. Leavesfor Wilmington Arrives from Shelby, Leaves for Shelby, ATLANTIC, TKNNKSSKK A OHIO. A rrlves from Statesvllle, . . . 7.00 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle , .00 p. m INUIVA'I'IONN. M,) War Department, Okfick Chief Signal. Officer Washington, July 9,3:30 p For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States,-stationary or falling, followed by lising barometer, jsouthwest to north west .winds, stationary temperatures and partly cloudy weather except east erly winds on Carolina coast. Local Iteport for Yesterday, 17 A. M. 2 P.M. 9 P. M Barometer,'. Thermometer Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction. . . " Velocity, Weather 29.94H 29.900 29.8B9 85 92 iM 57 43 ; HO N. N. W. : O. 4 4 0 fair. Fair. Fair. Highest temperature 93 deg.; lowest 76. ITleteorologica.1 Kecord. WBATHKB EXPORT, JULY 9. 4j20 PJK. Stations. Barom Th. Wind. VeL Weather Atlanta 29.91 93 N. W. 10 Fair. Augusta .. 29.90 99 N. W. 4 Fair. Charleston, 29.92 9 S. E. 10 Fair. Charlotte... 29.8ft 92 N. 5 Fair. Corslcana,. 30.01 97 S. E. 8 Clear. Galveston,. 30.13 89 8. 12 Clear. Indlanola... 80.10 90 8. 16 Fair. Jackson'lle, 29.99 95 W. 8 Fair. Key West,.. 80.12 89 N. 4 Fair. Mobile,. ... 80.06 99 S. 8 Foil. Montgom'y, 80.02 9H W. 12 Fair. N.Orleans, 80.09 88 W. 8 Fair. Punta Rasa 80.10 86 W. ' 15 Fait Savannah,. 29.94 99 N.W. 4 ra,lr. Ht Marks.. 80.02 94 8. lt -Fair. Havana ... 80.10 89 N. E. . 4 Clear Index to New AdvrtlMmnu. John R. Macmurdo Important to Travelers. Wesleyan Female Institute, Staunton, Va. L. Pulliam To Stone Contractors. A PROSPEROUS CITY COUWTir COmOTSSIOKfERS. At the Oiber End( fbe Air-Line Ball- read A 6lant at Atlanta. One of The Observer scribes was permitted to look in upon the city of Atlanta, in enterprise and commercial activity one of the leading cities of the (South, and destined to still farther and more rapid improvement and enlarge ment. It was during the5 hottest days they have had there, and in what, is known as the dull season elsewhere but it was neither especially hot nor at all dull. By some configuration of the surrounding countrv. Atlanta is rare ly without cool breezes, particularly during the night; by the activity and everlasting stir ot its people, there is or never appears to be anything like dullness. A visitor will naturally in quire what causes have been combined to bring about such prosperity and such rapid growth, for Atlanta was compara tively a small place at the close of the war.'IIe Hl fe old tlity in the first place her citizens were liberal-minded and far-sighted -enough to invite and warmly receive capitalists and manu facturers from the North, and to enter themselves into all enterprises which tend; to the "general improvement of the place. Thus one after another en-s terprise was started, and an,, intelligent and wealthy population from the iNertti began to gather within the gates of the city, xq uus was soon, added sojne- l!ed hot some more. reopie yesterday were talking prin cipally about Arctic seas, Polar bears, mountain caves and things. An unmailable letter addressed to Alick Johnson, Charlotte, remains in the Wilmington postoffice. Yesterday was the hottest, according to the sicnal station reports, ine mean temperature was over S8. Trips to Bellemont Spring have been unusuallv popular for the past lew i;tys It is one spot around Charlotte to which the Wat does not penetrate. .. A festive chicken-embezzler visited the coop of a citizen of "Stumptown," night before last, and relieved it of sev eral of the feathered 'tribe. There was no session of the mayor's court yesterday morning, and no oc currence yesterday which was caleulat- ed to disturb a policeman's serenity. It is stated by persons who know that there is a young lady of the first society in this city who can stand flat-footed .and turn a somersault. The name of the imposter who has "been advertised by the people of Olin, Iredell county, is T. W. Lindsay, and not L.. W. Lindsay, as has been printed in the newspapers. Iron Station is to have an annual pic siie ou July the 17th. The executive committee are Messrs. II. S. Rheinhardt, W. S. Lane, S. V. Goodson, A. P. Dell lin ger, C. D. Carpenter and L. T. Smith. Mr. S. Landecker has moved his stock of goods into the store occupied by Capt J. Itoessler, opposite the Central Hotel .and next door to Pegram's shoe store, where he will be as glad as ever to see Jiis friends. The scholars of Calvary Sunday ischool have a picnic to-day at the Seven .Mile pump on the Charlotte, Columbia K Augusta Railroad. They leave on the train this morning at 7 o'clock and return at 5 this afternoon. The excursion to the head of the Western Xorth Carolina Railroad, ad vertised for the 15th inst. has been post poned to the 22d because of another ex cursion on that road to take place about the time agreed upon for the Charlotte excursion. ' The police have murdered only four dogs thus far. They report that the owners of collarless canines have learn ed to keep them tied at night, when the slaughtering must take place, and allow them to run at large in the day time. Last year a reward of 25 cepts- was awarded for each dog captured or kill ed, but this year the whole of the slay Jug must be done by the policemen. Accommodations for Excursionists Mr. H. C. Eccles will kindly;open up the dining room of the Metropolitan Hotel to-day, to such persons as come in on the stockholders' train bringing their own lunches with them. Chairs and tables will be provided and visitors will thus be furnished a pleasant place where they can enjoy their dinners and take a rest and all without any charge whatever. Doubtless many of the ex cursionists will avail themselves of Mr. Eccles's courtesy and appreciate it. st Acknowledgement The managers nf the entertainment for the Home and Hospital desire to re turn sincere thanks tor the assistance given them in their undertaking Tues day evening. Their labor was lighten ed and made a pleasure by the cordial Kinuiitjas aim iiDerality of all to whom they applied for help. The lawn party was by this universal kindness made a success. xiits receipts were fti,4-th expenses uuuulnhj. nis will relieve me msuiuuun uum u,n aeot about $20. except The board of county commissioners met again at the court house yesterday. Present, all the members. The minutes of Tuesday's meeting were read and approved. The supervisors of public roads, un der itbe cent lactof AenWy, 31 in all itppeard with dnfe -exception, and were sworn in. The law was read and the supervisors instructed upon such points as were not clearly understood. A petition signed with 167 names, asking for a change in the public road on tjierjjrvfeet side of hecity, so as to runMt straight tftrough the Torrence property from Trade street, was pre sented, and action upon it postponed until to-day. C. L. Gibson, for listing taxables in Paw Creek township, was allowed $20; $15. The petition of D. M. Sifford and oth ers, praying the board to establish a pnblic ferry across the Catawba river, to be known as Sifford's Ferry, and al so to lay off a public road, to lead from the upper "Tuckasege road, near Wm. Ilartgrove's, - to said -Sifford's 5?erry, coming on to be heard, and it appear ing' ttftlie satisfaction of the board "that due advertisement has been made as re quired by law, and it further appearing thine of the thrift and "ff(aheaflativeJJut-WJalaniii)W s? .. .. .-:. . ?. -'tijirxnii 3jjssi.nut 1 , , ' . 1 1 fl 1 n . - v. I. . ...An jr 1 3mjm M I, nu KUf 111 I II. . a'hdfdViaecrit was ness ot the West, and thus was com bined three distinct elements which ex ist there to-day and among whom there has been from the outset a vigor ous and generous rivalry. Eligibly situated, in a good agricultural country, with fine railroad facilities, and a healthful climate, it has never once ceased to stride onward -and upward ; never once without the sound of the trowel, nor freed from the-dust of the brick. Buildings are going up all over the city to-day. A magnificent postof fice and customhouse building have just been colttpleifcexL; and only? a few days ago an immense cotton factory was started, the event haying been celebrat ed by the presence of the governor and the mayor of the city, and other dis tinguished citizens. This enterprise alone employs a very large number of operatives. It was stated that several thousand persons are supported from the wages it pays out. One can hardly turn in any direction without finding some sort of manufactory; if it is not a cotton factory or a rolling mill, it is a brewery or a cracker bakery. A view from an elevated point presented doz ens of tall chimneys from which emerged the long black 'columns of smoke indicating the presence and ac tivity of machinery of some sort Such is Atlanta to-day With the impetus she has received, her possibi ties can not well be estimated. There is no disposition to stop. The cordiali ty with which strangers are received has long been the subject of remark, and this f eatuje : of social- life there haaloeen. and js How bo ipjtonsiderable element pt peryBtrengtIv When Gen. Sherman Visited tl place- "short time sineethe verv pktceUe had parj&ill v de stroy eaaew yeaefore,'' he "was treated with all the consideration which his official position could command. When he left, Capt. Howell, of the Con stitution, wrote him a letter asking him to give the public his impressions of Georgia, and especially of Atlanta. 1 his resulted in a letter trom Uen- Sherman, which was yery extensively vill do more to- jjag jjecaivei n smuse in Personal. f The following named gentlemen, among many others,' were registered vesterdav at the Central Hotel: Gen. K, F. Hoke and Dr. II. B. Haywood, of RaleiL'h : Col. T. M. Holt, of Alamance Messrs. Kerr Craice and M. L. Holmes. of Salisbury: Messrs. L. F.i Caldwel and J. A. Grav. of Greensboro; X. P, Foard. Eso- of Snrrv : Col. Ri M. Sims, Secretary of State for South 'Carolina IF. W. Fries. Esq.. of Salem. ; t t Messrs. M. V. Moore, C. L. Ciller; R If. Wakefield, E. M. Faucettei G. W. F, Harper, and other citizens of Lenoir, passed through the city last evening on their way to Dallas to attend he Ches ter & Lenoir Narrow Gaugel Railroad meeting there to-day. cases imum ana provi ordered by the board that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that an order issue from the board to the sher iff Of the county, commanding him to summon a jury of good and lawful men, to lay olf said road, assess damag es ,to land bwuej-s, and . Report his. pro Yeefenf4,5i V re"l ittkCjjkard under the i ands anci seals of said ju rors at the next meetingpf the board. The following namedi. persons were drawn as a jury for the third week of the Superior court, fall teio, 187: J At Hi 3llrieBi J.- S. Davidsoif.W. C. Foard, W. C. McCord, W. X. Prather, T. L. A lex and ar,. J. C. Johnston, E. W. Kinley, J. L. Davis, W. A. Williams. J. D. Irwin, W. H. Puckett, F. S. Stowe, G. L. Johnston, Thos. A. Cathey, W. G. Garrison, S. F. Query, M. M. Moore, Geo. Jordan, W. L. Cochrane, Wm. Dennis, II. II. Capps, E. W. Grier, W. A. Gilles pie. The jury drawn for August term of the Inferior court is as follows: DX.Mich,ell, KiC'CjOchrjfne, S. W.s Reti, Wni. Hoover, J". G. Sharinonhouse, E. P. Cochrane, R. B. Pippins, S. M. Gal lant, J. W. Stevens, J. W. Morris, Jacob Hoskins, S. H.Blankenship, R. A. West moreland, H. J. Stansill, S. A. Jordan, L. A. Hipp, J. M. Reid, W. G. Hodges, G. Watson Sloan, B. L. Alexander, R. H. Flow, Thomas Gluyas, S. B. Hall, M. E. Caldwell, S. W. Knox, J. C. Osborne, L.C. McKay, Robt. J. Todd, T. M. McCon nell, J. Lee Sloan. It was ordered that the clerk of the board be authorized to purge the jury box and to have the same completed oeiore the next jury is drawn. The board adjourned to meet again at 10 o'clock this morning. Improvements. An addition, and a very decided im provement has been made in the large store of Wittkovvsky & Baruch by the erection of an arcade in the rear of the room, projecting out twenty or thirty feet. The floor thus formed is used IlPfA OCT WesleTmnlFeniale Institiite, Staun ton, Va We direct attention to the advertise ment of this popular seminary. It is located in one of the healthiest climates in the world. It presents attraction unsurpassed. Its buildings are home-lilsa-fciifl fetegant, 1 oariil',lir active, scenery grand. This school is attended by boarding pupils from seventeen different States. This school requires s'trict economy, es pecially in dress. With these advan i- tages, we ate nt feutjirised that this popular institution enjoys a national reputation and draws its pupils from all sections of the Union. arose for sinking a new shaft in order to get rid of the foul air in the mine, and after tWs,causing a delay of. twenty days, tirenjeSsibeing'agaihQjiea with a full force and with better prospects than ever before. The amount received for toll last month, when the mine was not run more than .fifteen days not howev er, from want of ore would pay 8 per cent, on $15,000 or $18,000. Everything is represented now as in splendid condi tion, and a ten-stamp mill run during the 3 hetirs ending Tuesday evening, took up 502 pennyweights of amalgam on the plates outsideof the battery1. Yes terday 1000 pennyweights were taken up, and Mr. Richards claims that he can make the mlpe average this amount per day. ! Ife confidently asserts that it is the best mine in North Carolina. PARES, 1LLI SUPE RIDRES. OMiKTlrllJNrGh JSTICE. JUST .RECEIVED A$ J. MOYER'S NEW SHOE STORE, 400 PAIRS DBUBPIillN ID M DBS AMI Sl llM'l liS Of (he most eelebrated makers, which will be sold sit the very lowest prices. Also a full line of MILES', ZIEGLER'S AND DALSHEIMER'S SHOES FOR LADIES AND MISSE.S. o And a large stock of BHppers arid Newport Ties. In Gents' goods we have a full stock of the best goods, convince you thatrwe sell the same article sold elsewhere in the city from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper. A trial will The Duffy TIin Mr. Rhyne, the owner, and Mr. Rich ards, the lessee, of the Duffy mine, in Gaston county, were in the city last J rAVa MAAfiiirfi. 1h ATinminrinar ti mv nlH fripndii t.haf. T .am nnw shiivincr with fr XWor anH faal catiRn H.Qf eyenmitnpwing .f eoimtjr ot tlie iisitliaa experience of ten years in the Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. miCT iiioinu, ijnoiuii ui ojicid- v. . . t , -V ery respeciiuiiy, tions was caused by the nectssity which M4v'90 urnr ' May 29 i8jrac.:; J. Mc. ALEXANDER. M m,5 ! BARGAINS! space ttiffe store, and instead of detracting from adds to its appearance. There are to be other attractious in the counters, etc. imuiiaiieu .urn wiiiuii yhl uu mule w- exclusively, tor cofhing. it adds very witiurs uuiiKuiK cituiuii lu nei uoiuers i TuaTanifllV tatiie suaoeiott than Sherman and his army ever did towards destroying her property. This is the Georgia way ; this is especially the Atlanta way. Much might be written concerning this city which is throbbing with life and energy at the other end of the Air Line Railroad. This is only intended is a cursory glance at its prominent f eatures a mere mention of some of its most notable characteristics. A visit to Atlanta cannot but impress one with new hope for the towns and the cities of the whole Southern country. An account of what the visitor can see in a few hours may inspire the idea of a second Atlanta in North Carolina. In ocation, in climate, in the character and cultivation of the soil of the sur rounding country, in railroad facilities in no particular did Atlanta possess an advantage over Charlotte, except in the energy and enterprise of her citizens. This is humiliating, but it is true, and no man will deny it. The First Application. The first application for the Char otte opera' house for the next season. comes from the manager of Mrs. Alice Oates, alias Watkins. This person is not her husband.be it understood ; these two are separate and distinct individ uals, and the 'manager" spoken of is a manager to only a ve,ry limited extent. At all events this person, Mr. Sam Jack, has written for terms tor Mrs. Gates and her company for one night, the 5th of Deeember next, amHf or- terms for two nights of the same 4 month for the Oliver Doub Byron combination. Death of Dr. T II. JTIeans. : Dr. Theophilus H. Means died at 0 o'clock last evening at the residence of his sister, Mrs J. N. Caldwell, in this city. For several weeks he has been very low, gradually wasting away, and his death was in no sense a surprise to his friends. Dr. Means was a man of excellent qualities, huhibets fax a number off vears lftt tneactlve prietlerpfesion. f f f e. MfleVal wiirakelace ftd the residence of Mrs. Caldwf 1L on Graham stre3t be tween Eighth and Ninth, this afternoon at 6 o clock. The Railroad Meeting: To-Day. The directors of the. North Carolina R. R. Co. and the committee on proxys were in session yesterday preparing business for the annual meeting of the stockholders which is take place in the court house at 11 o'clock to-day. They will hold a meeting agaiu to-day at 10 o'clock.' The stockholders' train, unless unexpectedly delayed, will arrive1 in the forenoon, and will leave late in the af ternoon. There will be a large crowd of course, as thee trains are always Jammed. It won't be at all warm for the stockholders and their families on the train 1 Alleged Cure for Whooping- Cough. We referred yesterday to the preva lence of whooping cough among the children in a certain section of the city. Since then we notice the following in a newspaper, claimed to be a remedy for the malady : "Take the child to the gas works, when the process of making gas is go ing on, and permit it to inhale the fumes aslongasMs deemed .safe. It is said tiiattije experjmenii lias pro vea a com plete success in every case in which it has been tried the child invariably re turning home cured." Whether the child would rather have the whooping cough or be made to snuff up gas "as long as is deemed safe," is a question which must not be submitted to ifs discretion. It would take the chances with the whooping cough every time. &it4 fhstfict m the Supreme Court. It is learned from the Raleigh papers that in the Supreme Court Monday ap peals from this (the sixth) district'were called and disposed of as follows : M. L. Davis, administrator, vs. John L. Watkins, from Mecklenburg; con tinued bv consent. S. A. Nowland vs. W. J. Black et al, from Mecklenburg; remanded. Stenhouse & Macaulay vs. M. L. Da vis, administrator, et al, from Mecklen burg; continued by consent. J. L. Caldwell vs. J S, Neely, from Mecklenburg; argued by A. Burwell for the plaintiff and Wilson & Son for the defendant. J. B. & B. A. Green vs. George J. Green. from Union ; continued by con sent. L. J. Dickson vs. Wm. Wilson et al, from Cleav eland; continued by con sent Durham vs. Speake, from CJeaveland ; end of district State vs. Deaver & Green, from Ruth erford ; appeal withdrawn. Edgerton & Logan, from Rutherford; end of district. Hall vs. Reynolds, from Montgom ery ; end of district James McDonald t al, vs. Cannon, Fetzer & Wadsworth. from Cabarrus; continued on motion-or defendant. T. E. Ashcraft et al. vs. T. N. Lee et alf rem Stanly argued by Hinsdale & Devereux for plaintiff and A. W. Hay- Wood and j: M. McCorkle for the de fendant. Carolina Central Railway Company vs. it. (J. G. Love, guardian, irom uas ton; argued by Hinsdale & Devereux for plaintiff ; no counsel contra. A. K. JNisuet & Bvo., vs. J. M. Turren- rentine-and wife, from Mecklenburg; continued. S. P. Alexander, admistrator, vs Mary E. Wriston, executrix, from Mecklen burg; argued by Wilson & Son for the plaintiff and Jones & Johnston for defendant Sever & Wild vs. Joseph McLaughlin, from Mecklenburg; continued. Hutchison vs. Rumfelt from tiasyjn ; end of district. been trying i Lon Chf ap Back Fare. For many tears New Yorkers have to secure as cheat) hack hire as they have In don and farts, but hacking Seems still to be a luxury with them, which only the rich can Indulge in. wnyhack at all? Hall s Balsam will posi tively cure all hacking coughs and colds. imiw. Spaiu and the South Coast War At tacks on the Spanish Government, Madrid, July 9. In Congress yester day the Minister of the Marine stated that the government had no intention C Ji n mn L.f -..rar.-i-n nk;i,' mental powers and of social which .drew to niiu quitf a ith f th beiirerent republics. S&- IJL, lUGUUa. 11C 11BS nun Horn 1 t One o the Crowd Sentenced. A telegram received last night from Mayor OsbOrne, who has been to Rich mond.Va., to prosecute the cases against the junklealers rwho received the set i 1 r !l x J oi Harness swjicu suurc mno cigu uuiu Col. Frank Coxe, of this city, announces that one of them, the man Hey, who first received it, and then sold it to the Kelly brothers, was convicted yesterday and sentenced to three years in the pen itentiary. Uus Byers, who was used as a witness in the case, was to have been started from Richmond last night for Charlotte, in charge of Officer Farring- ton.of the Charlotte police force, p e. - Railroad Note. ' The excursionists to Atlanta got hack vesterdav morninc. The train emptied from 1,000 to 1,200 people into Atlanta, Monday evening, ana tne manager maae $8,00 clear.nioney. By advertisement in another column the Richmond ' & Danville! Rajlroad company offers round trip tickets' from Charlotte to New York, gooduntil Nc veinber istaor rrhi8 Is a-Ctfnsid-eraljl re.uctiun from the regular rates and doubtless a number of our -people will avail themselves of them. Changes havB-tJETO -rnadA in Mho schedule oh the re$nsboro-OoJdlwro ed the package or letter' for regis division of the North Carolina Railroad tion and forwarded it without the ana on tne Atiaimrrarrortlr Curullita Railroad. Regalai- throftgh trains qthe two roads connect at Goldsboroifi iuid passengers leaving here now at s.40 a. rri. reach Morehead City at 8.17 p.nf.,nd leaving Mdrehead City at 4.30 a. m. reach Charlotte 12.40 a. m.of the follow- nor Castellar, continuing his speech in advocacy of the punishment of the au thorities of Puerto Platz, for insulting the Spanish flag, urged that the public press be permitted to discuss freely all important questions, and he incidental ly characterized tne government or re storation as reactionary. He said he knew of no restoration which had pre vailed against a revolution, for it was impossible to govern against the wishes of the people. It is to be remarked that there have been other and similar at tacks on the government hy members oi tne opposition lateiy. -- Registered MatterImportant He fil iations. Among the latest regulations issued from the Postoffice Department, is the following: Postmasters and tneir employes are forbidden to address a registered pack ag& for the sender, to place contents therein, or to seal a letter or affix stamps this must in all cases be done 1 ' . 1 J l A. A. JP1 J Dy tne senaer ; dux mey must not iaii to see that the stamps cover the tun amount ot postage ana registry tee, as when registered matter is received at a postomce tor delivery not having neces sary stamps affixed to cover the postage and fee. it is not to be rated up for col lection from the person addressed, but must be delivered withem) any charge. Thfi nojjtniaster receivihgisiieli a pack age will report to the Third Assistant Pnsr.master General the additional nmniint nf stamos which snouia nave been affixed, and the same will be ".col wtwl from the nostmaster who reeeiv- ror registra- ne- i 1 ..CG 1 HM ppssarv nostage-Stamps amxeu as xe- j i c quired. . In other, words, under tlie new, regu lations tlie guilty postmaster and not the innocent addressee will suffer if registered matter is forwaided without the evidence of prepayment required The funeral services of the late Dr. T. H. IMans will take place this afternoon from the residence of Mrs. J. N. Caldwell. The friends and acquaintances of the family are myicea to anena. DIED. In Morehead City, at 11.50 D. m.. July 7th. Miss Eula Dennis, only sister of Mrs. S. S. Carter, of Charlotte, M C. 2Jttxr &&vzxti$tmcnts. Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Any one who desires to educate his daughter thoroughly, on the lowest terms and least expense, In one of the first schools for young ladles In the United States, which opens September 18th, 1 879, write for a catalogue to Rev. Db. WM. A. HARRIS. President, Staunton, Virginia. 10 deodlw 3wt Another arrival of .household and other useful articles for our famous F I V E CENT C O U NT E R Far superior t all othere reeelved. Also a beautiful variety of July To Stone Contractors. ProDosals are Invited for the erection of an Episcopal Church, to be built of stone, for Trinity Parish, at Ashevllle, N. C. For information as to plans, sryie oi wont, quar ries, fcc, address LAWUICJNUK fULLiiAJtt. secretary, Ashevllle, N. C. July 10-dlaw3w. RICHMOND & DANVILLE AND NOBTH CAK OLINA RAILROADS. OrriCK of Gknkrvl Passenger Agent, I Richmond, July 9, 1879. ( NEW DEPASTURE. Important to Travelers ! $33.00 CHARLOTTE TO NEW YORK AND RETURN. Tickets good to return until November 1st, 1879. For further information, apply to Ticket Agent at Depot. JOHN li. MACMURDO, July 10 lw. uen'i rasseuger Agem,. WILSON & BURWELL, DRUGGISTS, CHARLOTTE, N. ( 10 CASES Llebig's Liquid Extract of Beef, just received. WILSON 4 BURWELL. URTON'S VERMIFUGE B Never fails. Sold only by WILSON & BURWELL. F LNE SPICES And Flavoring Extracts at WILSON BUB WELL'S Drug Store. jyALT ANP COD. LIVER OIL, . .i Cod Liver Oli and Lime.' . -: !,t t v -Ar.. WILSON, & BURWELL. "YyiON BUBWBLL'S y--. Five Cent Cigar eannot be suitiassed. PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. AXTmi.J:Ejpsi:;;',.'; ', Maltlne, Pepeine and FrUicreatine. Maltlne and Cod Liver OIL,. Maltlne, Cod Liver Oil and Iodide Iron. ,1: " WILSON & BURWELL. Druggists. , July 8- " . :.- LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTING S AND1LACES, Great Bargains in Ladies9 Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. H. MORRIS & BROS. t2&- We have Just received a splendid assortment of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known in Charlotte. June 1, 1879. , , &VBtZXiZB. ANOTHER LOT OK THE CELEBRATED BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Our Entire Stock of PATENT FAMiLYSPRIWG AND SUMMER GOODS MUST BE SOLD. FLOUR. CALL AXD SECURE WHAT YOU WANT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. 300 BBLS. FLOUR, ALL G3ADES. 500 BUSHELS 'VIRGINIA WATER-GROUND MEAL. CALL AND SEE US. R. M. MILLER & SONS. July! IROY DAVIDSON AGAIN TO THE FRONT With his large and first-3lass stock of all kjnds Of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Any and everything in a Grocery Store will be found in my Store. All goods first class and as low as the lowest. Also headquarters for Tropical and Domestic ' Fruits such as Oranges, Lemons, Pine A pples and Bananas. I am now receiving dally large shlpmenis of Luscious Southern Peaches And Car Load Lots of WATERMELONS, Which I will sell very close to the trade. Send In your orders and I will till them promp Uy and at low prices. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. rpSif SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY -FOURTH TSAB. The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World. Only $3.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly, 52 JSumDers a year, 4,uuu dook pages. DRESS OOODS, SHAWLS, LEVENS, COTTON'S, TJPITOTJSTKRY, TBXMMIX6S, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIKRT, Girls' and Boys Suits, Ladies' Underwear, Infanta Ontnts, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RTJCHXNGS, V HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, : BUTTONS, HAMBTJRGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, FINS, . FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCT GOODS, Jbci"'- DRV inn BY MAIL. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how ehmply and quickly yon can get eventhing in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. We carry an avcraae stock of about $L00X)00. all bouaht for prompt cash. WTry us. Have the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER C0NARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1 The best the wo ft I. SOLD BY .tO SIM PI F n WARRANTED jsi5oo:oo FOR PARTICULARS address: WhiteSewimq Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. -THE- WEEKLY SUN-, A large Eight Page Sheet of Fifty-six broad columns, will be Sent, post-paid, to any Address, till January 1, 1880, FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address June 21 lm. THE SUN, New York City. CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE, Via Wilmington, N. C; The Scnumric Ajckrican Is a large first-class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed In the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest In-! ventlons and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; Including New and Interesting Facts In Agriculture, iiorncuiture, me nome, ntsaun, Medical Progress; Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical ipers, Dy eminent writers m ou ueyiuuueum ui slence, will he found In the Helentlflc American. Terms, $3.20 per year; J1.60 half year,whlch In cludes postage. Discount to agents, (single copies, ten cents, sow dt au wewsaeaiers. rteimit oypoa tal order to MUNN & Co., Publishers, 87 Park Bow, New York - , PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 84 years experience, and now have the largest establish ment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice Is made in the Scien tific American of all inventions patented through ttils Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily inrmramwM) has made- a new tDsoovery or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also Bend free our hand book hmt ttaPatsnt Tjure. Patents. Caveats Trade- Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for nrocurinsr advances on Inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. wrn a (XX. H7 Park Row. New York. Branch Office, cor. F,Jt7ta Bts., Washington, D. C noviQtf .... j . - THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. -o- ASOITS mPKOTlD FRUIT J AES, ; . In any quantity, at lowest prloiea, at - - WILSON 4 BUBWKLii'8 Drag Store. M This Line being fully equipped for business, offers unequalled facilities for the Trans portion of Freight from Wilmington and afl Northern and pastern Cities to Charlotte, Statesvllle, Ashevllle, Butherfordton Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations on the Atlanta & Richmond Alr-Llne. Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, and Western N. C. "Railroads, As well as points tn 4 f, GeorgU, labimv aid Mississippi. -o- Insu ranee and Rates guaranteed as Low as. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. Informatkm.Xurnlsbed upon application to T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. F. W. CLARK, i Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. spt80