ffil)c Charlotte OfrbstrbtxA TUESDAY, JULY ir, 1S79,, LOCAL INTELLlGESCEi RAILROAD DIBECTOBY. . . ' The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): RICHMOND DANVILLX. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12 40 a. m. Leaves for " " 8.40 a.m. Arrives from Richmond, 11.12a.m. Leaves for 8.55 p.m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIB-LIN. Arrives from Atlanta, 3 40 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta. 12 40 a. m Arrives from Atlanta, 3.55 p. ml Leaves for Atlanta, , j 112 m. CHARLOTTK, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta, 3.50 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, 12.45 a. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac. Freight)... 12.10 p. m. Leaves for Columbia, " .2.15 p. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. - Arrives from Wilmington, 8.20. m. Leaves for Wilmington 8.25 p. m. Arflves from Shelby 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, 8.40 a.m. ATLANTIC, TENNES8KK A OHIO. Arrives from Statesville, 7. GO a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle -. . 9.00 p. m INDICATIONS. M. ) War Department, Office Chief Signal Officer. Washington, July 14, 7:30 p. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, easterly winds, partly cloudy weather, occasional light local rains, stationary temperature, slightly higher pressure. liOcal lteport for Vreterday. 7 1.M. 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer Thermometer helatlve Humidity,. v'ind Direction,. . . " Velocity Weather 29.972 29.975 82 79 95 70 E. S. E. 3 8 LtRain. LtRaln 30.010 77 73 S. E. 2 ' Clear. Highest temperature 83 deg.; lowest 71. Meteorological Record, f WE ATHKB REPORT, ULY 14. 4:20 P. M. Stations. Barom Th. Wind. Tel. Weather Atlanta,.... 29.89 84 E.' 7 Fair. Augusta .. 29.98 88 S.E. fi Fair. Charleston, 30.01 84 S. E. 101 Cloudy. Charlotte,.. 29.44 82 E. tf Fair. Corsicana,. 29.92 101 S. i 4 Clear Galveston,. 29.92 89 8. 14 Clear. Havana.... 29.98 89 S. E. 4 Cloudy. Indianola,.. 29.99 90 S. E. 12 Fair. Jackson'lle, 29.98 90 N.E. 5 Cloudy. Key West,.. 80.01 90 N 5 Clear. Mobile 29 89 97 S. W. 12 Fair. Montgom'y, 29.91 95 N. E. 4 Fair. N. Orleans, 29.98 91 S. W. 3 Clear PuntaRasa 30.00 87 W. 11 Fair. Savannah.. 30.01 82 &W. 6 Cloudy. St Marks.. 29.99 86 S. W. 16 Threat'ng. Index to New Advertisement. Win. R. Atkinson Charlotte Institute T. Porter Wight k Co SI 200. Western Gun Works Dear Sir. Horace Waters Great Offer. Baxter ft Co $1 0 to $1,000. Siindford's Jamaica Ginger. IIOTIE penciling. Ill The Red lit. Hose Quintettes to-morrow Several very neat dwelling houses ;ue going 4i p just now. Charlotte got through with the hot weather without a single sunstroke, so far as reported. The clerks in the North Carolina and Air-Line depots talk and sing at each other through Edison's improved tele phone. A physician says if one thinks Char lotte is a clean city, let him walk through her streets, almost any of them, at 4 olock in the morning. The magistrates had quite a, number of minor cases yesterday morning, small fracases, family quarrels, &c. No one was sent up. The last of the settlers has been put out of the leading den of "Five Points." The house will be fenced off and rented to decent colored people. Xo king, emperor, or even railroad magnate ever commanded so much homage and respect as the ice man has done during the past week. It will not always be thus. A citizen of Wilmington went up to Cleaveland, and after staying there a few days, ate a chicken and a half and seven biscuits for supper. The water will give the veriest dyspeptic an appe tite. The communication suggesting that the ministers of the city churches make special prayer at the Sunday services for rain, came too late for publication, i et everybody now return thanks for what we have had. The Charlotte party of three gentle men who started over the mountains on horseback returned Sunday. It was awfully hot, so they put their horses on the train and returned, and a wise man won't venture to say anything to them about the pleasures of the horseback mode of travel through the mountains. Tom Carrow, a colored employe of the Air-Line Railroad, went into Five Points Saturday night and tried to clean out the roost. He said he was the wild man of the Air-Line, and that the town couldn't hold himl About 12 o'clock two policemen held him, and yesterday morning he was put on the street with a ball and chain attached to his leg. Don't Advertise. 5 , - v$ . .... i ,. A jcity suliymuur writes affTollaws: "In the absence of advertisements of the railroad companies, please oblige some of your subscribers, by informing them of the cost of round trip tickets to Asheville for the summer, via the At lantic, Tennessee & Ohio and Western North Carolina, and via the Air Line and Spartanburg and Asheville; also, the price of excursion1 tickets-on the 22nd." Will the answer? railroad companies please Rev. E. A. Wingard. The Charleston News and Courier of Saturday contains the following complimentay notice of a Char lotte minister: "This eloquent and popu lar young divine reached the city yes terday, and is to supply the pulpit of the Wentworth Street Lutheran church for a few months, whilst the pastor, Dr. Bowman, is absent for his health. Mr. Wingard is endowed with gifts as poet and orator that will cause many of our citizens to embrace this opportunity to wait upon his ministry." Chief Marshal. The executive committee of the Car olina Fair Association have selected Major Iredell Jones, of Kock Hill, S. C, chief marshal of the annual fair to be held this year in November. Major Jones is a gentleman of large business experience and a practical farmer. A native of North Carolina, he cannot but feel a deep interest in the success of the fair, and will doubtless be the means of bringing to our next exhibition a large number of South Carolinians. He will have the appointment of the assistant marshals. From tbe mines. Messrs. Chatard & Motz, owners and operators of the Brewer mine, came up this week with another lot of gold which has been turned over to the as sayer. They report first rate progress. During the recent diggings, they have come across a lot of tin ore, about 75 or 80 per cent, mixed with the gold ore. The existence of tin in this section of the country is unusual, but the com bination with gold is more remarkable. They have as yet made no efforts to de velope the tin-bearing qualities of the mine, being, at the present at least, sat isfied with their progress in getting out gold. Training for the Fall Hacc-s. Arrangements were begun yesterday at the fair grounds for training the young blooded horses owned by persons in this city and county for the race track. It was their first intention to send them to Raleigh with the expecta tion that they would first run there, at the State fair in October, but it has been found more expedient to train them here. There are a half dozen or more of them, two and three year olds, all of the very best blooded stock. They will be in charge of Mr. E. H. Woods. The track will be thoroughly overhaul ed, and put in good condition before any running is done. In this connection may be mentioned the fact that an effort will be made to have races on the track here, some time during the fall. Personal. Mr. B. K. Smith returned from New York Sunday, and will spend a few days in the city with his brothers. Mrs. Jackson and daughter leave to day for the Buffalo Lithia Springs, Ya., where it is their purpose to spend the summer. Mrs. Jackson will spend next year in Baltimore with her daughter who will be a pupil of Mrs. Carey's school. Mr. Robt. Morrison recently returned from the Louisville Medical College where he went to attend a course of ectures with a view of entering upon the practice of medicine. He took both courses at once and will begin imme diately to practice his profession. He will probably locate in Gaston county, at or near Tate's factory. lien. li. i . Hoke, ot lialeigh, was reg istered at the Central Hotel yesterday. The Healthful Showers. A sigh of relief went up from many a heart when the rain came JSunday af ternoon. It is not sufficient for the needs of the farmers, but has greatly re vived the parched and drooping crops. The rain was quite local in character, but during the showers of yesterday and the. day before, it is believed that nearly all the surrounding country has receiv ed more or less. Dance at Bellemont Park. We are authorized to state that there will be a dance at Bellemont Park this afternoon, beginning about 4 o'clock and lasting until dark, or af terwaras ii uie dancers choose. The srrounds have been cleaned off, and the iriatform is in good condition. Mr. . Xj. Jones, vnurye -a ffaires of the park, guarantees good or der, and will furnish all the refresh ments that mav be reauired. This dance will be followed bv another next Fri day afternoon. The Heat of a Spotted Sun. A correspondent writes: "The nu merous sun spots visible, I am inform ed, are according to the latest theorv. openings in the incandescent photo- shere wmcn sunounas trie onaaue body of the sun, and occasioned by electric storms of immense magnitude. Should we, perchance, happen to see too much of his body, we would see it and we would not see it. for we would be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and the world be rilled witn a new creation adaDted to its altered condition. This settles it. Knew all the time it was liarhtnin'. Henceforward let us beseech an over-ruling Providence that the photosphere may never be disturb ed again while we are in reach of the sun's rays. A Caro. To all who ar Riifforinp from the errors and In' discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in south America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN. Btatlon D, New York City. Jan 26 Improvement of Chorea Bnfldlny. 7A committee "has oeen appointed to make arrangements I of and superintend the work of improvement of St.Teter's Catholic church. The building is to be made higher, the steeple to run to the height of seventy feet, and the front of the edifice to be improved and beautified. The congregation is small, but they have determined 'to spend be tween $f,500 and $2,000 in these 'im provements, which will add greatly to the appearance of their church. It is designed that the work shall be done during the present summer. Trees Killed by the Hot .Weather. A gentleman just from Edgefield, S. C, reports that on the road between that place and here, he saw and examined a young forest, apparently undergrowth from which the large trees had been cut, which had been completely killed. The only explanation is the., extremely hot and dry weather, "which the young trees, by reason of having been previ ously protected in a measure by the larger ones were, unable to stand. The same occurrence is alleged to have taken place at another point on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta, Rail road. ; 1 v ' ' A Jiew JVIail Route. Washington, July 14. Gen. Brady, acting Postmaster-General, to-day clos ed the contract for the carrying of a mail tri-weekly from Bayou Sara to Red River landing, to connect with the steamers Cannon and Gay. This ser vice and that from the Red River land ing to Shreveport will begin August first. ' A Banker Sunt track. In St. Louis.' " St. Louis, Mo JHf''i'i. "Wm. J. Lewis, a prominent merchant and bank er of this city, was prostrated by the heat at Carrondelet, six miles below here this morning, and died in 20 minutes Mr. Lev is belonged to the firm of Bar thalow, Lewis & Co., bankers, was pre sident of the Commercial Bank and one of the most active and influential busi ness men in the citv. Amateur Minstrels. An event of considerable local inter est will come off to-morrow night, when the Red Rose Quintette minstrel com pany will make their first appearance. They will give a minstrel performance n the opera House, beginning at iu, which will be in all respects similar to those given by regularly organized traveling companies. The members lave been practicing at ditierent times for some months, and during the last few weeks have been rehearsing regularly. It is said that they have at tained a remarkable degree of profici ency in song, dance ana cnaracter sketches. There are also in the club some first rate musicians. It has fifteen regular members, all of whom will be on the stage to-morrow evening. The performance will doubtless attract a arge crowd. The price of admission is 25 cents; for children, 15 cents. lhe programme will be given to-morrow. The Approaching Theatrical Season. The theatrical season will open this year earlier than usual, and the pros pects for the South are excellent. As Charlotte generally gets most of the companies that visit Kicnmonci, tne following from a paper ot tnat city win be of interest here : "The preliminary season at the thea tre will open as early as August 25th with a gigantic minstrel troupe, iouow- ed by Vvyman, Fay Templeton, and Ford's Children's Pinafore company. The regular season will open Septem ber 22d with the Adah Richmond Troupe, and so far the following com panies are booked : The Union-Square Company in The Banker's Daughter, the Florences, Milton Nobles, the Em ma Abbott English Opera Troupe, Frank Frayne in Si Slocum, Maggie Mitchell. Eliza Weathersby's roliques, John McCullough, Robson & Crane, llice's Evangeline Company, Adelaide Neilson, the Uates comic upera .troupe, Frank Bangs in Daniel Druce, Fanny Davenport, the 'ittn-.a.venue aunuza Onera TrouDe. Lawrence Barrett, Lilli- mir.ian Onera Troupe, and so far not less than four Pinafores." The Anti-Keogh Leaven Working. Washington, July 14. The Presi dent to-day suspended Thos.; Powers, collector of internal revenue for the sec ond district of North Carolina, and ap pointed in his stead Elisha A. White. DIED. Of cholera infantum, July 13th, at 11 o'clock, p. m., at the residence of Mr. James Davis. Virgtnius Lee Savage, infant son of N. L. Savage, age 5 months. An honest indifference to many prevailing com plaints Is the result of using Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. For sale by all druggists. Price 25 cents. Kase Attainable by the Kheumatlr. Yes, although they may despair of relief, It Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there Is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it Best Yes, I am Preud of tbe Name Woman's Friend. To relieve the aching heart of women and brine Joy where sorrow reigned supreme, is a mission be fore which the smiles of kings dwindle into utter significance. To do this Is the peculiar province of Dr. J. Bradtield's Female Regulator, which. from the numberles cures it has accomplished. Is appropriately styled Woman's Best Friend. The distressing complaint known as the "whites," and the various irregularities of the womb, to which woman is subject, disappear like magic before a single Dotue so tntr wonaeriui coniDOuna. Ask your druggist fof It ull lm 30 NEXT SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10lH, AND ENDS JUNE 8lH, 18K0. The entire corps of the able and ex perienced Teachers of the past ses sion will continue their connection I : with the InsUtute. This fact, with the success of the Institute in every par ticular during the past session, is a sufficient testimonial of its excellence. 125 oer Term or Half-Session includes every expense except Music and Painting or Drawing, namely, board, with washing, ruei. lights. lurnlsn- ed rooms and servants' attendance, text books and stationery for school purposes, and foreign lan guages. No other educational institution of any standing in the btate is a more economical board ing school than the CHARLOTTE INSTITUTE, and before parents decide to send their daughters elsewhere the Principal would be pleased to con vince tnem oi tnis iact. TUITION Day scholars, per term or half ses sion. Collegiate Department. 825. Day scholars, per term or halt-session. Prepara tory Department, $20 Day scholars, per term or half -session, Kinder garten, Reading and writing. $15. Any foreign Language In Collegiate Department. $10 extra; Preparatory Department, $5 extra. For any information address the Principal, REV. WM. R. ATKINSON. Charlotte, N. C. July 15. lars. address MAJ. ROBT. JulylS d&wlm. . BINGHAM. Supt, Mebanesville, N. C. DHO&8IBT AHD CKDD8T, Now offers lo the trade a full stock of Lubln'Llrads and fol English Select S PI C E S Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American - g tlit cat itfuaX. BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANESVILLE, N. C, An English, Classical, Mathemati cal, Scientilic and Commercial Acad ; emy, with Military organization and I discipline. Board reduced to $12 per month; Tuition to $50 per session. The 171st Session begins July 30. For partlcu- Greensboro Female College, GREENSBORO, X. C. The 47th session of this well-known Institution will open on Wednesday, the 20th ot August Terms reduced to suit the times. Apply for catalogue to July 10 tf. T. M. JONES, President. Charlotte Institute. It is announced that the next session of the Charlotte Institute begins Sep tember 10th and ends June 10th, 1880. The success of the first year of the In stitute under the very efficient manage ment of Rev. W.K, AtKinsou is sum tee of what may be ex pectea or it in uuunug whcsij Ur All its denartments are kept up to a high degree of excellence, and Char- lotte leeis tnat at last it uw w mon tution for the education of young ladies which is in all respects worthy of the place. The school is preeminently a Charlotte institution. The principal in forming his corps of teachers associated with him those whom this community has often and for a long time tried and found wanting in no excellence. While his combining with other schools seemed to ho a pooling of the schools and schohns of tne town the principal has not "made a corner" in education, nor put up his terms; on the contrary his prices are the same as those here tofore charged. The principal especial ly claims that the institute is as economical a boarding school a3 any first class institute in the State, and says that he would be pleased to con vince parents that it is not more eco nomical to send elsewhere. This is an important consideration to those for whom it is more convenient to send to Charlotte than to any other place. TOOTH Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at MACON SCHOOL. This School, organized with a view of preparing boys to enter the fresh- :man or sopnomore classes in our Desi t colleges, will open the 1 5th of Septem !ber, 1879. For particulars address W. A. BARRIER. July ll-tlllaugl5. - Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Any one who desires to educate his daughter thoroughly, on the lowest ; terms and leasi expense, in one oi tne ; nrst schools for young ladies in the United States, which opens septemDer 18th, 1 879, write for a catalogue to pot Tin wm. A. HARRIS. President, Staunton, Virginia. July 10 deodlw w8t 3 J. H McADEN'S Prescription Store. r O i I . . .JtlST RECEIVED AT XIOYER'S NEW SHOE STORE, 400 PAIRS Of the most celebrated jmakera, which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Also a full line of MILES', ZIEGLER'S AND DALSHEIMER'S SHOES FOR LADIES AND MISSES. o And a large stock of Slippers and Newport Ties. In Gents' goods we have a full stock of the best goods. A trial will convince you that we sell the same article sold elsewhere in the city from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper. P. S. I take pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied that with an experience of ten years iaihe Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. Very respectfullv, May 29,1879. J. Mc. ALEXANDER. Democrat and Home copy. - SECURITY, i SECURITY Security. 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West A Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Da J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C $2.00 HO U o u MARSHALL E H SAVANNAH. GA. $2.00 o u s Hi BAJElGbIllSrS ! BA.R(3AIJNTS ! Another arrival of household and other useful articles for our famous . FS;V?k CENT COUNTER. Far superior to all others received. Also a beautiful variety of PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTINGS AND1LACES. Great Bargains In Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. H. MORRIS & BROS. ' We have just received a splendid assortment of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known in Charlotte. June 1, 1879. LKROY DAVIDSON AGAIN TO THE FRONT BARGAINS! BARGAINS! With his large and first-class stock of all kinds of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Our Entire Stock of SPRING N SUMMER Any and everything in a Grocery Store will be found in my Store. All goods first class and as low as the lowest. MUST BE SOLD. Also headquarters for Tropical and Domestic Fruits such as Oranges, Lemons. Pine Apples and Bananas. CALL AND SECURE WHAT YOU WANT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Room. M. L. HARNETT, 16-tL Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. gTOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. a C S. Bbowk, Proprietor,' Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. S. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelbum dec 30 . gistant. As -TJNDERTAXING The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment ot COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metalic PRICKS! A3 LOW AS ANT. Hearses pOTTON MACHINERY. FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF COTTON SPINNING MACHINERY, Capable of producing 1.5001bs. of No 10 Yarn per day. single or double; 2,000 Danforth Spin dles; 1,000 Mule Spindles, W gauge wm be sold at a great sacrifice, and on reasonable terms, If removed in a short time. APPlyAt0,B julyl3 4td 65 Duane Street, New York. ffarnlsl I am now receiving dally large shipmeuis of Lnseions Southern Peaches ' And Car Load Lots of WATERMELONS, Which I will sell very close to the trade. Send in your orders and I will fill them promptly and at low prices. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. ANOTHER LOT 25 TIERCES Of the Celebrated HAMS ALSO 50 BBLS. CELEBRATED 1 hed if desired. T FLOUR. Furniture of every Description Repaired at shot notice. June 20. W. M. WILHELM, With E. G. Rogers, Trade Street THE HOUSEWIFE'S GREATEST FRIEND The latest and most complete Invention of the day Crocker & Fawns worth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron. Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere task , of standing over a hot fire on ironing days.' This Iron heats Itself, and will save Its worth In wood consumed under the old process in a short time, to say nothing of the health of those who do the work. We are the agents for the State of North Caroli na, and we propose to commence the sale of It In Mecklenburg, Gaston and Lincoln counties at once. Any one wishing to purchase the right to sell in other counties In the State will do well to apply at once to the , undersigned at Charlotte, N. C. RH. NEWCOMER, 1 ktf.ntSL H. M. RAMSEUR, (-Agents. The sample Irons have arrived and are at H. T. Butler's hardware store. C. S. Mallard is our agent for Mecklenburg county. May 15, 1879-d3m. AND r,00 BUSHELS MEAT,. R. M. MILLER & SONS. July 13. DBKS3 GOODS, smcs, SHAWLS, LINKNS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLAJHSKLS, GIXJVKS, HOSIERY, Girls' and Bays Suits, Ladles' Underwear, ajuuiu vunu, DRESS BUKINO, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, atiCBimw, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBUROS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, c 0 DRV inn BY WATT.. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by Mail or Express. We carry an averaqe stock of about $100,000. all bought If or prompt cash. t&fTry us. Have the t hitdren send jor a set of our Advertising Cards. C00PER& CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 18EL May ll-d&wtm aug 11. . J HZ Bit T SOLO BY SO SIMPLE 51500.00 .MfAKMHTCO 0. BtVAM WhiteSewinq Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. THE- QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA HO! FOR THE HO! T70R RENT. The dwelling corner 10th and Pine i streets (four rooms.) H- BARRING&K. jull'2 tf ASON'S IMPROVED FRUIT JARS, In any quantity, at lowest prices, at WILSON & BURW WS Drug Store. M S E A S H ORE . BY authority of the N. C. R. R-, I will run an ex cursion party of two or more coaches from Charlotte- to Beaufort Harbor, N. C, leaving on Saturday, the 19th July, 1879, at 8.80 a. m., on regular tram ' and arriving at 8.15 p. m.. SAME DAT. Tickets wfll be good to return on any train for 15 days. Parties taken In ALL ALONG THE LINE, and will buy tickets on the train. Fare for round trip from Charlotte, S7; from Greensboro, S6; from Raleigh. $5; Goldsboro, $4. No. 1 board at $6 per week, by Miss PlgotL bouse on Front Street L. W. PIGOTT. ulyl2 Manager. ICHMOND 4 DANVILLE AND NORTH CAR OLINA RAILROADS. Office of Gkxxbu. Passshgkb Agkht, I Richmond, July w, miv. t NEW DEPARTURE. Important to Travelers ! $33.00 CHARLOTTE TO NEW YORK AND RETURN Tickets good to return until Kforember 1st, 1879. Chablottk, Columbia and August a. R. R., Columbia. S. C, May 8 1, 1879 On and after Sunday, June 1st, the passenger schedule over this road will be as follows: DAY PASSENGER. Going North, Leave Augusta 6 50 a.m. Arrive Columbia 1 0 48 a m . Leave Columbia, 10 55 A m. Arrive Charlotte 4 00 p. m. FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED. Going South, Leave Charlotte 2 20 p. m ' Rock Hill 4 46 P.M. ' Chester, 6 80 p,m, Winnsboro 9 05 p.m. Arrive at Columbia,.. 12 00 M. Leave Columbia 100 a.m. Arrive Augusta 9 00 a.m. NIGHT EXPRESS. Going South, Leave Charlotte 12 45 a. m Arrive Columbia, 6 30A.M Leave Columbia 5 85 a. m Arrive Augusta 9 2o a. m FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED. WEEKLY STUNT, A large Eight Page Sheet of Fifty-six broad columns, will be Sent, post-paid, to any Address, till January 1, 1880, FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address June 21 lm. THE SUN, New York City. Bnr further information, annlv at DenoL JOHN R. MACMURDO, July 10 lw. to .Ticket Agent Gen'l Passenger Agent CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE, Via Wilmington, N. THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. -o- Going South, 5 15 p. 1 80 M M 2 80 am. 6 45 a.m. Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia,. " Winnsboro. Chester, w. 8 15 am. ! Bock Hill, ..1000 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte. 12 10 p.m. Pullman Palace Cats from Augusta to New York and from Greensboro to Augusta. Recllninz SleeDine Chairs from Danville to Washington via Lynchburg. T. D. KLINE, Superintendent. Jho. B. MacMurdo, G. P. Agent D. Card will, une3 Ass't G. Agent To Stone Contractors Proposals are Invited for the erectjoq W an Episcopal Church, to be built of stone, for Trinity Parish, at Asheville, N.C. For information as to plans, style of work, quar- ' LAWRENCE PULLIAM, Secretary, Asheville, N. C. July 10 dlaw3w. This Line being fully equipped for business, oflers unequalled facilities for the Transport! on of Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Charlotte, Statesville, Asheville, Batherfordton Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations on thp Atlanta & Richmond Air-Lice, Atlantic Tennessee A Ohio, and Western N. C. Railroads, As well as points in Georgi a Alabutu n ! Iis issippi. Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as via auy Competing Line, and Time as Quick. Information furnished upon application to T.T.SMITH,.,! Agent C. C Railway .Charlotte.' ' f. W.CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent Wllinhyton. g c septOO

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