jf trjit :iut ur a t JrilAf. am bne jy. H heeded it. and nth Tit fctUi t mi ewty auuer of Job PrUiUngjcan io be done with J,eqiT lorrH mauuer of Job Prlntlngcan oow ,P done with neatne8S,.Itept41r aMMBi6apde8a.1Wdcan fur nish at short notice, I 9flII ifojl t ikU 1 no i WtSKLT EDITION i if teftty, (I the county) in aatxmet. 4 .12 00 tiAinn, , i r rrnfTrT uioftMeomtv.pottpaid..:..... 1. 2 10 pU U U i) 'lAd -J! jlgF tVl i:-n IS'tiyir.; -m t H'f)'J,j..M .,1 i- J'Tt'JJ I'Vl'T VimiiR'l.lk VOL. XX. - Liberal MtOuetkM OkOti tl 9X11 vsiiJ JiuSijMia iiiiiiifi iUiv i. oris 'Ml -A-yitv 'i'Aj A I 1 1 I I I W 1 II I W .- -II II III 111 r nil' i i . ibb -y "i s iii.il 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 . Hi i ' i i i ri P'1 frtjl paa laud U r f ' Ik 1 " Ji I m i . , j) i hi hi . it IMF -BlteJ I IIB IIB' IB 111. Ill i -ii j f T 1 i i. yj mm j m - - t ii it' u WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL VXJOX IB , We are nooffirtE i) inllre Margaret Ellrtfi, JilJter, Magazine. w f. anu -fwimhatT twi Arlnk the wine. XBeirea lUWiniBI annum uhh mow' r ' Bat not for as, who trained the meagre Tieri.i;oi TO IrUllIUl Btrengin, Uit TUIUI uau Bnectj we snail not join me wu When these rich drops shine. We shall not Join tbe baa4ers who meet 1 EUVPB UUUUJgU imilIB HjDUIi. JTot fee oar ttps the stock of jiar we ine nusD&ni .'.1.13 fln'-W "A f.t.w'4i Dnt nhun aim Hnu tllU rfnATIAft It. Uld WhftTl I X iff meiipM warmui numes Kiau luu uwuio vin, le nosDanamen, ui syuu oumo , , . wnicn we, wim painimwa.. n ko fkofnitttHalv tori 1 . ...... l-vtafiiO-f : f OBSERVATIONS. - . iitirt. Willey, pastor of Appoqtanitonik M.J?. wu-avw vi.v . . r- beto isufeffbyiane-iofficiat'lkyattf of the flan Rnhi-kfiolfl ha.o tp.1iorr arJh fiiT ' -ffin' Sectetatft of i.War thiait'Msi orde? n S do 5 n r , at U a H pt.! f ftP. . h abin 6 . -tl ftfi the 5 effect of mtorifi gooii oMer aM extreme measures against ine mner six rrn BEDDING, &G. ' I. , A..U10MI WUU BOJB UO BVOMB AtVBU vavi full, and any omieMaxi viTthlng in thla line r ihinklkat one felon on the hand Is wore thafn I,, I vWv lAl uto Aiuiicuuarj)- wiHfi41tolheJrVkfltotDlfc 1 Thi nn'lWiiBkMfrtWtlilriblfiiiiH' anoloelzed W m nffortn anlaniflif liuhmmcnli In nil I a UUUUaaj W oer wmrwrer fnror -, ; i : " " i :TTio TT- ''TOT FriTTi; ta tto toogbMN!MMPMHM one oc tnem. . : i I i!i-f . i i: 7,ut. .sfrir..ii,ii') . . ,,-ouosc 'stf on A thev wereeomlnr In to order their na . T- ,rT?ff.M I., W vAn IfflteraJe .wnwbondent, whollgtfeisw- Ling, wants tojoiow vtoh. the fm .1. -..ui ! mf.1iit;liril fcii jiioSmi'i! CHEA OBBSlE ADS LOUNGES. .?OOTg-JJA". PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS. COFFINS of' all kinds on band. CaIIOPIES California, has cleared out' with $600 of the m man oritn Tmilartmnfc1 tn link jl thonsand DOS- , tage stamps in a thousand jrsdjites, gave out on 1 his seventh hundred lap . H e says he had rather undertake to u MaMejJnerai. Mr. Walter. M. P., th leading proprietor and j L found it neoessarr the other dax to write a Iettei to ' r . a 1 1 .1 a matin A lpeech In the Bouse of Commoo8l inleg ine necessarr currecvioiis. Kiyi ta Moscjiito Nettings,i w. I ; -it " I -pasure onthe side board of ih ow. gentlemaa , i.r ;, ! j .woo does not allow himself to drattaaa X iiaii vro cud vaacaaai twj vuvu beverage. :ahhO ."1es; tout I don't think he can read R." '-Whfjbo, John?" "Because he Is blind, sir. WhtlSIwHs 111 us room ue oxeu lira twice nuore taj- uoc OUR STOCK OF GENTS' ; lancitt was on my head all the time." .,!!' nnUns th. MAAnt flAAliwI lAim ft ClllAlUn .IT. man told his hearers that unless they repented ABt l.m; fVs; - ri'. .T;! i t;U J Mill i i-;r.'-i:!'. ii .-n: i- ! -:'! 'j .h jJn.. 'iii. .i: 'ifj jiriif 'j ';!; cadets accused , of .jiartieipfitvagt, ii4 , the )AIAl Boston! diswttcli! sajrgi "iThei so- Sullivan,, the, ;iigiisa tcomposer, was . mcprrect.- ar wasv mr, .a- ouinyan,, pi ; Mdbi' Vhbarrive "by XWkm'ejc j Barry Sullivan, the actor : ntl . ; ' . . t . . !, " . . ..' i . , . , , i , 11JTIU ,v.',7nii.i 'nrrrn r tr-rr..n-.... h-. . 'i ... . . ,? .v1l,!.ii: .. ' ' - ...... , iUV. iV:; .t: .'ii ...! a !... - Q ..ill vi io i H.l- 1 i .Uivu:.i. .! t . ' i i . i ..... j . i iJ'.iti'j. .Jli V .l'i"tti iimi?..v a ui ,1 iU JiitU j" fM-; .Ir.'lfV -MlJ id! jui!i EhBi-HiCi-i -i-.il i.jii-i A stofekofail wool Oassfiriere PtVratWniteiiii -Sg-SO. i i.i Ji tiiTTT iir cum -Atrr l.tf.i.i -"nil J.:-ai L. I. i : , , iiiiUl - il .lioaiiwl. tli!? ,tH'Ulul Jxiti PAY ..jit t i- 1 -tU .i,i:n ;- ' ' ' A. IlrlC. . ; " I j. ;:-." I-..!. 4... i. r : i. !'!:'' I-"'- ' -' i.-.ii -i ; (. ' 'i : -'. 1. .'' 'ui 1 r... :' . . ;! lll-l it . i.; '...!:' .isvi.'i -ull i i if . j'.hi- in.' "D.'.D;Ti':iP CI in!' ..i I 1V lbrak)Bn4tS' aad odd sizeA tA'be closed out at a henvV sacrifloe. Ouf luuul .l.ki. n O.l r.M0 Kk M no. 4 61 OK An.t I Kl n. f In -niimiMvariety and beautiful, la deslgu of style ; and. cbaracter of texture, are j Srri t A WT TT A T C bom again, they would go . to Uuwktre lJt,i.VV U A 1 O the worm dleth not and the thermometer 400 i j ' i , - ,- T 1 f ' I " T I degree In the shade. He made many cowertK . . L - V ..... .iUi In mil Vnvriiimia Tftvnltl .T T t f ' I T I I degree In the shac in MtA . mut mWU full. amd-f s fertMsto suit HarriiHoum Herald. you. Gl.cairt "fldeftw Ka.J5iW9rTBASB Sranx. . . ;t1 i- In: .1 ii . . : I Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a "'" -- - ' .'' i- we-cartmiBre It to your adTantage-w-aoao. "v"t .wm thfnb- it mat dui iwtiifCi aJtY-tel forty than fifty." "Not at an," replied Higri, J$ RespeetfaUy ' ' ty years Is the old age of youth, whlir fifty yea 1 T. h, 8EIGLB OCXi ' ' i . . tnaries u ssuiiy Riunpea mu xusamBei'-nf, a Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Try on at, Charlotte, N. C. L fer days ago, ragged, hungry and disoonsoMit6V A I .mi lwruiB. iim hartmwJe the ueuule uf that city July 13. stare at his way of MijaaouK20;OQ0 that had stare at his way ofauailerJH SzCfcOOO that had . been left4kmW -On mT tet 'he begged a July 24. JeMcitxts. DR. J. Ui MeAden. ;Xi?fi03 rE3V0J3-.Ya3i?-DH DRoeeisT avd CHjaiisT.. Now offers to the trade a full slock of English Select .. SPICES, Colgate, Honey and tllycerlne Soaps. - MHO : ; .t.Ll it- . -.-7 .... ifni Ti.ut HkAAl vtful. & InA. tit lee Cream Freezers, best make CHINA PALACE- i . - 1 -1 JB : t mii. HinniitriaiinWihtfi i mthi dftbt JNO. BROOfflELD k CO., -M' ii'H.nii-it'.J'J LHMi heen, haunting uiegas.i;n8urpc, and ; ,Ui,as.8atdrwiot . ya: imagine utesl WersI Refrigatori SiVSIrTO .iV WTers,nrTr&paa;rinm ji S&I2Zi&n. lin o Birauages, irrmt jars ana - 1 wjojUu-vuvq ytusAuiji mv. jelly Tumblers. rsecond ; inMyiew aftei;iyiiia Aeaxd her at some length en a-first.- She is x . f .1 always asiuug tu swxno xiaipicao, cvu UTA ikAtiataiitW Vaan An fini 4 full llMA'hf WttTTI I fKaw - aYtt - etupg Q1 fTVV qilll intT Hp ... . i.- m in -n i J -Jj- mi. I t. .- ; nr wflll tkO'ifliA'd';Wftiokn i,?t ' - ' ,1 a.U.ha.U -Writ firWimiwrrAv7HnsAi Wood and Willow Wart.' I j . :n .J7 -t a-.-S ? I 1 1 a 1 1 A. - , A! . .l -TktA thor ana mav no iiur. 'niuifii liiiwm syAlCbW OUy -AAVJ W, -i v GOUNTRx" hour whoiri every greaniWwieyrit " " A I 'ii Tl ITT- A.ATflniCJi I nnfiirnllv havflrTiiiirftJ iftnff nt,tbftlB ,;, iM.XlXVXl.V undertakes to tell us all about ftshfe 1 -. 1 (.:., '..-:! I . Tk- x :-u- : J 1 !U, 1, ,j .ii!... - is me iaiat!rriniu.wiOTMu wiuuw i are invited tocalL-We- seH goods a eheap as j There was an adventure in .his life, for Norm housiandnia wui , it 1 itrrecM'essr'm made wuaouwuua WSM,, mar(.h -with a 1 . . - j i i . - ' ' " English. French and American - m "COS 2'fllpiT PRESCRIPTIONS i, r i. Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and : . i .....i.i:' ''. - "' day at ' "v " J. H McADEN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, .,-j.,l.:i. SECURITY, SECURITY; . 200 Barrels ol l': . i !'c. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRXSe-1 aSStOOOfi i "' ' AXtf - . I ALADDHt-BECtlRITT OIL. j . i i .rt-Vl iil K Mill i !'"' '.'( West?! EtttraNo. 1 Wroaer$.6. f C . , ..... u.w,n,'l'. ... , !'!' iHHH4".f mguest veda! awtrrdm at cteimiai js?owh",u. crystal mi Canton.'" Vattantea n utand' a Am test of tift ;v ... J i.'i ...' , T r"f,W.n..,ui. . .s. - ii I'. fit Jj v: '.wi- ii. inj-'Hiiinll nt- Dir. . -'-! VI' rM')5TTT, ' V TWundentgned U now prepared to fin all orders i mii, ! kf nmiiwtekinflL Havlmroo hand full assortment of ' '1 ..v . COFFINS, CASKETS ANlf BiL ASES. Both Wwd and MetalAn t i . ! 4 j il r i, !j- w i 1 . .. '" ' '.' :V" " pkioxaaa uiw.ia usni .'f;t flearees furnished: U deslnxl Kurnlture of eitrj 'Description Repaired at sher 'lBil? noqee.., 'j.r t, juncza t W. IL WIIJIXLM, t WttaX. 0. Rogers, Trade Oreet, pa8t,;eare, . '..i .neu I Auglaiae ui Qerman am quoting; k,., ' .uw..M.Mnu not inventingrrv.yiewn account . :i .,.-)f ,,,5?nfOTi ... tr: i.,iirt- and, on eotaifoe -Cape, solemnly JNO. BR00OEELB ft conftaed her to the care ox a ci ansniV timt IVi -thlh riitV.3oItfhasJiseati jeapacityii l2jD00viersoaa)jaad..rthe ireneffal arrangetoenta ;rei nofei unlike streets exhibited the audUy ; painted wagon&iS Rev. Hugh.Mogemeriidde in one of the boxes, and Ins haodsbtiae appearance attracted no little, atten- iolreemanv . the LL?oxsestt.CMa&); adr rentistj who .mWd&rediislltttledau ter under a f aatical fddttaixM.taat God would restore her to life, and who. is still in jail at , Barnstable refuses. to take any legal advice, and ?ays; 'should the State furnish him icoilhBeyJie will hott:permit',riim to;tn66th xr the facts tdiriake'a gdodefeie; cn tfrrufes td assume that W was ,Hustifled of God" in slalighterintf Ms'chlld. His wife, i who shortly) afteraherA arrest amoA in ao.A thA fn ftrm-TTV fl f til ft ideed. has again faUerA-uzider the ohivdeiusiorH and tiriaksiheri hubitnil Aidvperfectiy . i . , i , - a 11 .1 - ml. Dotn iaiK xataonauyiypojiiieyeijyjiiHiiMjr i. -""J! ifii:j.ii .v.,-A n.iJ-utinin 7 i-id ..': i . " .11 Tthiii: j j , , , it Will UAUVliliili i-a-avwBM iiiNVj!..-vi Si ,.. T7-TJl''ri-;t',y"l,i' j ...iThjere, w-ere,, dea,W:Oijr4eswn a racfc ifr the ' house of Tr.'E'. W.J ; 8cr vefil of t3olWnbia.: - - street wftteriitg cart drawii bf twra( genuine BrahiMk .bulls. : " i Mr itnnraw.Hnrkfiv-ar iurtiiHUi. uniu- tpi uau 114 wuiiiMiuiqiu a 4 a tpko, last Saturday. ;, ,; m :-t v . Th rtiarHot. rrmf eretieft fofiolhtribia "nistrint. M. "R. Church. iSouthLrvett ed July 30, at . Bock lJilCan ,wiU cpn- j 1 i 1 1 .liV. 1, Mkrtrf oil A Hia nnthnritiKft'flst AiSiTiAatirtP!' Theatferls'QMtfe geijiattd fa saidto TjatiseBfverybfferisiTfj srhelf at tittles. -e An v Ad An Tan vn. . . m. . . i. . . . ri in Vnrlr. lm tATulArfkA 1 Hias iTAsifrn&iiniL of his seat in .thelteweis UpusftteMtftft GftV- cuiur, auu 11. una uceu luiwmucu iaj ' ' tIr i-AiporrWnk Vifffrft at itliiibni wihicli eoayenieiicing th publi wxllbe. open-: thereaftitf.aU.th'e' vear.rou 11 rirTWialmriWfifttirh hiU hflfiti rftfMTWl from one of the officers of the Charles ton lanH qna.r"rntinft.thfcJha VlQa '""" Honlr snvpn npmnna. nn t.hfiir wav to thatcityifromMph ficial liifofmaftotiiTfjfmtherr pei suns iwiug tumeu luiik. simere rants at 93. uunvow&QU ana ya.6u anniiE uul u utn uuiiunu uncn. k 1 . xTemencwuscxaan vpncesworaer tocwar ui ucBT0iUBeBocsa.cjek:anaj uorvugn mraey wut .Damage, m ,jwMniere : aw,; ;ww mww inei lots are small and g&es are broken they are tq. be loeed.at leas than the value of tkelr raw material. . . oaetkit JW-styBsajiCTWIrboTtiBk assprtment t Sack and Frook Suits ranging fromS14,' to 817. are elostosr sAy Ub Ar iiBdld etT' istyliSa.' aM attrc and Sprtag , 8ultlug3 In latest . deslgiiai -sold. t readily pKhouTihe inSlfiim?JSl)ato:$a4 rteliltoiytl,B. i nTO ... ' ' ' ' ' ' - large-orfme.Whttetlnelri ()... ,nv- loiiii.t m .tl '.; ' (i an9HDtJte1teeB'tedaoBdlUi tb aaiiie 'p'0P0rtsn. ,We caimtHjnTe,if.aeecriptlon.aa ?vaJitoi space prevents, but we, never make any promises we cannot fuiniL We are determined taW iw borSpVuiig 'aio tiuir in tn rcwiiiM tnn nnrtl in mun a. nnint that it mnirxdi uy iniiaiM; ad nnteaaH. Minri thftv (sn economize best, .we nrcier 10 couven eur stocK. JntAiSsi andioperi eaili'seaAetf ri and increase the solid jevutahon we have atready achieved as being a,Head- luaners ror novel styles ana rename gooqs." ... .j.t!; !: - . . nr- ...n i . i i :BiljiieriileMii ,, , i ;. i in , : i4bna8SiJiii"iup i Hfw wiiVti -ui.! ., ,., i,...k.w .Ifespeotfaliy.i' -.i II"- :f 1 .1 ,H AiATTAft BQ. -MH'.v '-,.! :. i.'.sil v. J; -t il.:i l.'.ii it ' T -m( I V - -y .!? t : ir.i r . . , .1 .... ..,..,.1 ' "'""J "- .;n)Ui;u fill io wii. '!! hih 1. '!"-, j , tu u .1.1 il! J-K'i -1 ' til The .claigyman had TT"-H7r-"i -11 the rank ot the 'husband; he had !Xr r.-i." Jit' ew:jiijiiiJi ki'..:.. ;;. I simplv made the acquaintance of the ... i-i. -: ' j,t couple duiiagiu short vfeife which ttpy Xlxiiil. iJXJijWJLMZi&r.wi when tiie youinrui nusoanu came w .iiif ..i.:M!N.WB't.i! .:-njfiiiiT . nim that he was an officer and i, , . . .iu-i v. '.11 nnfcrAri nn foreicm service, he promised Ui...Wn. J'UI-MI W I i i.,. " 1 ,lfon TP lirfr 10 waicu uver nio iijo ncuoic u'jint the mournful event at the Cape reached ... .vr.nimni - ... 1 K.norianfi rhfl ftierervman. auriner one i uiil Uku in Miuu v jof his periodicalortettitd the lady, drew ..(.iMriii - i la narkPr fmm his -noeket and beoran to Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered I ,reai t.lli piece ofnews to her as a LtWtiL 'iaii wAi'JJSir4fX nnr I'vrvattr nf o-nnersil intemsL - She fainted. ' 1 i . 1 ft tnihh name out. It was a All orders left at John VogeraAaUor shop will re- j Engeniefs son, though. EllgBDia ref Usett . , . ' . VI ! 't;.-tiI I XCWKUAAU AAV A. Au VA1UV V HB r a v ariAnHAn . I . -r. vij 1 V 1 uvw invwf w.kimki. i. . , ru, , .i.j . , 1 euataewf. it euguu tu uc uuu, uun xu '.li-- .-"' a . .Li.. I not uu ii i..l 1:1L il vi.i. ,11 .i ur ;i 1:1 1 "jfKUl .'I.Kir.'.l.iV' . i.'iulflo'j ir rrvit. r. jiidoiwioJ '. 1 JOE FISCIEBSSER. 1 ..if .t an ii f !iiif. ,1 t- - 1 i i j-i'"( 'J 1 ' S0LE A(JENT FOR THE t. " Let those who never drank Beet before,'" " '-1 ( GOtb Joe Ftochesser'aand drtjrjf ' ' ; " 1 0 .ho - FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA. isifWptj p$L aEl-v;;-::,. "i .. itt. I -r. '',' S'.iU'wl? Stfwl'f J'-.lii'ii-jiH.l i..);i:liilj. I nave an arrarn'jMWA by which I am ah)e, to kef p on draught, and for' sale by the Jteg.MVuA jut m fiTIT Jo 7 a W Plf RE ICE COLD L AGER.BEEB - from the Brewery. . . W1., , asJnCliarintarat A flmWr FWS W I iiidwock tMbMk'af Persoi IwMAnAnASi 4 to be af Jir.iaeuinea. mi,BuiMMWiuk i"9tj "- in KlHMlArf.Wk'AflArr AU bf th. MuUtollu Ummh t.luYttixl Oi l3l5 t w i .rweKi:erod l sruufe ito4 -rJUSKREGEI1El) .mi II II I l.r tal IIHIAiWWIBW id -1 -fc . .a.iw ii 12 t '-'l.'.l't k;'3M H'ltWiC ' " WIMJBUU AVI) MTAtt - S;'.Mr HOWELL. Wash. Cor. Baltimore Suit The latest 'teoeived here from Calif oraia conQrm'the story that Mr. ftpn. v.. finrham-4rfi4HMtbbrtinff the Dem ocratic nominee foTMvernor in that rf;1tr.-Ww44mm".''tft will hflftRrWerh, for item, years tfadet- KepuBiumiiMireie; anffwas'tne Becrecar-cc.ine, :puij r'aTi'tVirMoiial'eafni in da .StaSSMffleiW here, .-iu5 iex'i4aaifttkhritEjA Oarkaw gayrthat-Msvipporf4f tlw'Dettrei,fttrc nrrrrij z x i ai aflorwitn'aexy rcefiSr Beatrice ' m aua at m m m w . nlrVfi (rm.m OL Jmat IS. CO airIXJffOVHO fnrt.hAr than TTiv information he had formed spflg.affectiunfoj.tU JPriivi CctJS, W111C11 wao duxuo daucuii loviyiir- nated. There was an exchange of rings, betwelthj ypflngerand an exchange or views between the elder, ana tne tjue&u, wiluuul saymg miifih as to her own personal tastes, ex pressed rrfeaTtBarBarfrant would not 16okAfitfaiornisuha irfettch. One secret motive oi tne jrrinces irkii'mov wsua t.herefhre to conaner this difficultly by winning popularjytyniwilih the Jfinglisn people, a aonoi pretenu 10 Know uy Lmiig u. Hie jjiflfy w WIUCU lUC JTI1UICS moo ncuuu vi"vi wnni Rnt.vnn will observe that she accompanied heV'rtiother to Chiselnursc iWltlll 11. A nnnlcnr Boated wi by BlMd- A TT 1VT A n a" Jul v 28. Officers have ljust reUxrydifrom a bloodhound hunt 'after & negro, one oi u umruemw ui, iDefbdr and his wife, on Friday night. nniiAir Aontiirpd him and he confessed to !g.uv, . - jthe murder being-done by himself, a white man ana anomer negru.. . .. i a -fcf nrottrt .hn MAttired' man. savs jhe held the lamp while the white man llled the OKI eopie.'j A-wQiuwQBra.iw t tor th(Htwrf Morgan is in iaiL lie was badly bitten by the hounds. He pays a large amount of money was ob- tftlnPfi py tne paucaw:. j .;w---'4 r.-r'inila.itlmore Sun. A ia fMtm-Kl ' the-f amil-d lar nue to uio x-uwuiy.Mvi.. w...rJL ii.il j onaii if oTAce rfimarkablV limpid. c-(yuld! il)e-.seeii evPdeWfcW depth?. The waiey wiew f!T j:-. .1,0 Wnran i T)ercet)tibiy My(bne witlaaAWstDaiB ?perio4ha the rivSl W tet .iti ii. i:i-ri ht" rMrimhla. .1 puuianiis iBo,w.w--'--- ,,t4 Jvthlahit4tMsi9,t exwnaea4Qyer ,Av? ifr,;'' toagr nratui intra ail(Tllt iri Xl'OnUOI OJCJ" JVUVMkUWlf 'ly..WiWMw , I lli haven's tobacco house, where Alexaw- ... I .".. ;.V ''.' '; aria now suurus. ialAlAl.i.pJHllJl... ' - V' - VIBIIB Wl Prestdeh' He- lives'that.'thi:' nMfir HiFXwiQ,"b, "fho A Vff AAA ,lu bilv ft ft -ctafaiffttof wiioare bnoreas- ino-.. tli a .', HAirvntA.r.tnf (iiit.bA n Htat... A ft betweei-th"raittiaia fie, ,1s Toifpe; jpt, the iJemon cratij& BOitfiiesi.ia .tfiifee of the rail- f.ha'ittftiWJWaflfrih.tAk Biai4aJEeti4hto0eow8e as Got? Hawf .'WAWJia1aTitl6at damner to ttuT.iltepuwMl defeat of their riarty in''Caiifotnia irl' the September eiecimns. VI);: a w h a . 1 a h Jl'ff: iimpmnuU1lil:l!i;1.IH OilliL M U lflJjIL: llljUUMlUly I , 1 As.-th'e sesoaadvgce $k .We'vestiii a'cngrabxe'Vi' of SimimerjGoods, woseH rithof ; ' 1 -; .' ;.-.:ii J.; -.v-s 'r-u a V ."jyi",)- , tsu .;K:j.;:'J i! ? i. .VI ii .: '' -nil . - . i .Mill ! J-:iViiDe-I V;Ul2'iii fA'i-tl". v m I A a j i v -O- : i 1 1 i . ; i i . i : I . . t . i I I 1 i f 1 ' . . ,.!! y:;-iilXm&& (HtSETS; BtJlidNS AND MILLINERY GOOttS ' : .1: , irrr ' -1 ?l.-.! 't: ., S3 ; x: .t- ,'.!-.!: Are still further reduced. I'M1 '' fi It ri "fvv- CLOTIlINfi ! CLOTHING ! SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! . ;t,,.lv';;'',:.'''4i . half hose MliNECKEAE. . ! '.u-l: ' These goods jraust be closed put before the opening of another season.-1 Call early, ajnd oftsn, A big'dTiyJe Is Offered at ' -i : l. . J. J WTTTTTOWSTTY" RAtlTTr.FrS. I. . i. .1 l'l I i-t.,1 , It:.'. ln:ii ! Hliliil I i- ." -1 .in-. in . - I nr. Vi: o ( lwi.limr. io rti.i;l ft 'Hi'l'. - I l. JOII r-A r t:a ii. I t .!.'.'.'' , , . '.'.,,' : , . 1 ,.';' i Our?tfXIeyio18ult Sells now for $8.50. Our $12.50 English Twed Sbtt sells noijfofJlO. Our Slgwd $20 French and English Casslmere Sack aaFjTO Suits eU now at.one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and . Vesta of Diagonal, Granite, Basket Jtench ana jsngusn, uooas aj greasy re- , dnoed1 prices.' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' r " ' 1 VnWdahl forBicent The very bes$ made In Ahe United States Jer $1.00. Linen Gbllars $2.00 per doien, and all goods In proportion. Call atidBtjefeWuVrag elsewhere, as wearethe rufers oflow prices. , ' iiiilf..;! -.ii; u?i;;iS79.V;'i;';; fir. ; U i Ail .ill ' : , !t RiwneetfinlK. '': hi BWA&GER & BROFine Clothiers and Tailors. - ' i ' : i r m ' i i i I'm A fcA mmmmmm Mil kaAiAAAMAAAM l l l i r.' tl 1 V '":.7tf0 fitJ AYAGE, K0 C0MMI3SIok- NO HANDLING EXFEKESi MNIMLfM INSTJltAN: ' : MaieocliBuWyvlaSeaLbaril Air-line. Freight received at any hear 4f the day; a&ahrough BulsotLadmg Issued at Steamship Wharves oroffl softhe l4ae For Information as to Tarirr, Schedule Ac., apply to eiU , , i- -'i-- ;1 ' i! ! h.;;-'.', r'-.-i. - K.S.!F.INCHj South Western Agent ' ')' " ". . : ; - " i ' ;v ? T. T. SMITH; AentX G.' Railway,' V Charlotte, N. C. April Sorbin. . " 1 (. .11" t Si''! . .. it !i!i. . ft n: ii:l I ' ' !'.- ',!(! -JJ5VL CLARK, General Freight Agent, f : ... t . I'tllU T I Mjll'l ii ill i HI MM in 1 ' IjMil! . ,r:I - i,Ui..'-:l " ! CL()StNG OUT SALE' OF : . , i! IL i ' -I'iiil Mil .Js i! . Ll i f ,t I ' L-J .! i.ii-i7 fntfnuT-.iu i i . t . . .-..( r i i ni r.i i w- I'-.. tl , A Taste! uUf .Plfuuiedl Saici. r.JJI rjTit j..-. ,-.a- w t . " ' a-lffi-j. TWKftt ..rlnpW wife 'ht a! Wheeling (,VT. VaJ salooriTieeper, cora- djace4:thefceti, it Msxipposed, by a iuar- . i-l . X k...V....l .4.. 1. A imriilikiloll ref wnu iiitn. uu3unt.. - mouo cip her preparations withthe'greatestcaTe. Ti i i ,1 Ui 1- hurl fl-raO aitjMlH - JSiiWWlUHUU.UMkU auw-nau mm mvuvif, i-Li-ik.. ui.i.' WAi.i'"inA niralif VlKiaa , WU1C11 DUD nuic uio UIKU S9i r . M . . , ii a "ViAf Art iii nan irnt inLaxne ea, Ana let had beettiieatlf thrned iwr, waist ana uickku iu uu hii wuw ui nip bed, while VWEWS' f. t.hft blooitf EDmnowinirxiDOn. nrAVAtir. thA tfcOOftrrxm nowinffuoon . ? .1. l n.i lin n. AAi clptbing- .Everything ready, she placed the pistol to heright temple sad fired before h could- seeufphyBiciaft thefj rim Sbrw lttBUnk iraH I lWA9hi 01 .J ir. nrnrtin tlo T?pnnhlwan 'triAmhi Uii TTrfttoiTrrtwfhA pjwfprn PftaLsti (jtdetfNortb tJatollpa, peevl-Au V4B fI,.R - - -79 anyxoduffof tHeiiegromirom chs-; triCWl rcsgarawua sue aww iHiJLHOrttt varoHiij uw'uoiKjvps iu -1 iiranimM-A.ciA' w ww-mm-- Sesar that Mr. Martin 1mww1W44 Suspibiaf,tfrtt'al Grant man, aau uio 0 RTflittl Ul lUO Uou vk - '" Ms a snennauiuiiu. , . . . - . .... 1 ; . . ..... ' f . If iT.i III J ! ' . - .I..1U1UJ. -! IH If f. .' JlHil-Hli, m-:-- 4'. .... : . :, v :.W: KAUFMAK..&..C0.T- -illli'' .. I! 'IU i . 1 1 J 1 !.-. !'!" '"n ,;:.!. . -l.l Ui 11,7 Jl 'i:s BW.lViIiAarliWDel (Bants ati 1 4 : i . ' ! .1 m .1 iV. $ 2.00 i 1 -u:ii '..i 70Plv .T6 tidve raad tkli vedaotlon' tw elase out Ibe SboVe lots, as the prices iiamed-sxe 1 betow inanufactoir- The WXXXI9 remains easily at the, head, et tUaa-. , trtted papers by lie fine literary aua, tha beauty nf llitotiA am A KnAilAiibi-Snrintranli , Its pictorial attractions are superiv and every vanwy i saujev. emu orasuc Zlon's Herald. Boston. xne WKmxiX is a aooirM correct i y 3 -miwafS on. nana a nne nne otTieiuieunsu uriusuiug uyutu. sintw nu iwiikii. j""j? p $lweeTMr5at$lA10; aaellnderAhlrtf. tt ifj. '! -u.iit.f ; W- kt-ftCOT . q,f . 1"-.' .i!.--r . .. ... . i i . ... . .. : .: . . i-H . ii.iil Charlotte City vTaxeslSia TOTICR'-ATf'redfritnkfel l . iiAUAndAv tai Februarv last. wid'au bodies poliuc or corporate, who owned or possed taxable property m me cnxiraMe raiuwioswu, an mmr by notified to returntotlie city clerk and Treasurer oft h,wtthmaOdam and attar to lday ot Ady, 487 a 'trdelaml perteeMjst ot their taxable 1 Dolbx eal Tmdi pewonat estatev and m nerxneomes' reuontw uuriutr wini . . C A- J A- Tl tl ' W Ol A- preceding me ivaw waaitf auwiinqi xo By oraer 01 voara 01 . i v! wii rt 5. Office nextdooT to Court Housett iniri-tiA. . ; ,... . ..,, ., , A V .-Jl. iJ.I'U.Y ; ..lul .11 1! aROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Kuril,.', 'f 'i I Cliiifll. iiTJU; i iiy-Aj'x HiUKUi H.s.i - ijiiUniin ; .iXii ! il'iijlVf tl J! 1 1 La j! i f 1. .'ivl.'-j X4 i.iit' ' - 'in.'. "-j-'1Wi-'-.-''f J ,l'l? j tt',4.h-l , I;fl3i.T- !WV I V- J rt i.i;.; 3 '-"'? lll ,7l"i. K. h . P it 'lm. ii ii 110 V u''l v-DBDABnauu! 11 sTrtHiiwtf i 1 With 25 yeajrr 'exrenence i floaraniee ni auAfactkm ! Come toBtoBaconC Tsui wuioiwail a fma nf VaMTntTM4! ", ,Tr.k' L VJil!iJ ,iii'Sr,M 1 : .,fk 4 ..j.r . 'ui K'i;t. 1, 5.tiiWi j -V BESTTEr.I9XT,l Tj ,'iUK.w 5 Tf.ic-il.-w iltl3 SUflliMl ill Ji Also a fine lot of CounUx Pan- I wa 'or cash. t s Jlili ..rl - iI ...Ulli fiiriJd Ii HO .'L'lSS f Mjr.clwvitCBrJonNGEBj i ...... . Trade,8UeeAy u. 1 next aoor Deiow wuson a tuaca s on suuiu. ap IS. 1 ER'S WEEXtt 1 87 9. LUSTRATED. i 1... , r ll - ... - . . fl :. ; ..1 Jil n.1 'I 'ti iortneaissemi-. amim ilni IiJaa nAi:BMBr. ful opponent of shamsTfrauda, and false preJencea., , Evening Express, Rochester." " liiU; i-iJj.il j- y i! li;'4 l.ui K.-it n .. in -Ji-jI 'IT. -d li r'ui iAr.'. i -.i !..' ui iwiliBa'srctBAniiCAik- i - Harpers Magazine, one year,, . , 4 00 Hatim'aWeeklyvTl iTt ;u.;...v...,'.l. 4 00 ' The Threepublicattoris, one year.. ... 10 00 any xwo,one year.,! 4. ii,i.'i i:w.i Six subscriptions, one year, 20 00 , Terms for terge dubs fnrnlsbed ori apppHcatkm. " Postage free to all subscribers In the .United fHafesi , i nlf Jj5 iii. 'I Jmi. 1 MO!!! '.'-! -1J THe armWvenAnes of Habpib's WaAaXT, hi neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided tne rreigntooes not exceea on dollar per volumeJforSliH) .eachA complete set, eompnsuia' iweinj-u vviuiues, tmw, uu ic ceipi ot tne casa at tne w. w Ba2p pw.vwuuBf freight at7 expense ot iwrchaser. ' , , lewpeftDrnosoaeyiii e of loss.. , . . I..ii.ti.)l9i. ww uv '. W' . " without the express, order of Harper ft Brothers Address ' -HARPER ft BBOTHEK3, m a r M.dl Vaa n VeM-ifcHiV "flat i.iit.-M'uew.w"" . .' ; ...i ...i . .-..-.1 rpHE XQRXTlXiEWSk 'i,,m" MX hM , A- " w " " ' " " . . r The above '.will, be the namef a weekly Demo- omHik-ttiikAMMtiArf IhA buiMlnatldti faf yhlrn Wtltbe-' commenced at an early day at YorkvtMe, & C, by w. u. warucx. --t . , : The Nxws will baa good advertising-medium for the- -basmesa 1 men of Charlotte, as- tne paper will 1 have Gaston Mstnesa 1 men M Charlotte, as- tne paper will a large circulation in the counties. 1 LUjcoLu, n and Catawba, North Carolina.' , J ' " J c UtUSWU BUU VManin, imimviiiviiiiij . , . ; ThenrloB ot aubacrtirtlaa wlll be $2 beV arrmmV o Address, , W. M. WARLICX, JuneS. - - ' - Yorkr'le,S.C.

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