t" . i "' fe ' . - - '"'- .'", j. ,. K - ' -., :.. :. J . . ' " ;" --rf "J '"""!" ' " " V'" T'1 ; ' ' .j ' '--'" '' mywrwun ' 1 11 n mm.i y m 'wmfmiiumn Mini . jwin 11 m iiiiiaaaaawawamaaaaa nmmm . r :- - . - -.. - nr?'tfl. "S ' ' - i'. :'.'' 1 S.I.. ., -'-i... ' - , " . . - - . ; - v -. -. - . : - " " w - . . , . , 7, . . I . ... . . - . , - . Stye Charlotte fascnjer hVbaORIPTmif RA.T&8 I THE 0BSEYEa,C DEf ABTINT Onto, cm iMar. (ixMtDaid) in admna.f . -x Months i ..... 4 00 Om Mont A. mner of Job Printfht can now?be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nlsh at short notice, t , BLANKS, BILL-HEADS. ' ' ,f . LETTER HEADS, CARDS, ; TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, J. '. PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS ' " PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C neejay, im Mfmtv) 1n (klvcmoe. ... . 4 , .. . .ja 00 Vu of the county, pontpcdd, ...4 2 10 Six Monthi.,,. ...... ! 1 vi Wn ...... . - - 1 VOL. XX. -J si CHAKLOT-- 18791 NO; 3,255; : JMcrai Btaueltontjor Clubs. . I TBA6EOY. I , M I I 1 II 1 II T . 1 " ;. . Ill - . ,. -p- m- "T- V Iw'V. mill . i - - - I V CZ -. t Z J ' T U ' t-vvr i.. t, :.. ' f: . ill 1. I 1 x 1 7 1 I 1- jfl T it I vJI I If. li IT .; 1 f 1 II If F 1 1 V T 111 ' III.I'I "N . li I ' I 4 I 1 If " 11 1 11 f I , A 1 I I I V V TT.V. H'iflV 1K A--X T" V BY m. lfW , I - - - - iv U II Jil . II III il III ! v r .I'J.L Lv I U C J . v: . ilsZ - iAV r- I U.T- l If ' ' 7 ' HeHrtt!t 1 ; ! ..1 - I l- BUflfiESSiNfGHQLS, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL -B'Y DUUK IM if ; I i ...1; ALL KINDS OF 7 ) :vKi:!iOivrr".v BEDDING, 1 --A FULL-LINE OF CHEARBJEmTEADS AND LOUNGES. 1JARL0R & CHMBER S(JITS. IV COFFINS of aQ kinds on hand. No. 5 Wist Tbadb Strkkt. CHARLOTTE. N. C. tXad!?s',and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a One supply. DILvJ. U. McAdeni URUeeiOT AJfU CHKMIST, Now oilers to the trade a full stock of Lubiu's Extracts and Colognes, English Select SPICES," Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. . "ft EiiiiPsh, Kreiwn and Auiertoari J i , . TOOTlt BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefuliy prepared at all bourn, both nlgbl and day at J, H MCADEN'8 Prescription Sto SECURITY, 1 SECURITY, . SECURITY. - . . 200 Barrels of f , C WEST SOWS' ; ser EXTRA No. X KEROSENE - y&s? . ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. c. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C, West 8ons,BalUmore. f ' ... ..j.,. .: m vv '- ii'tU 5 Mawatdeaat Cehtei Vl""" VIU WOlira Oinlnn Vamnturi fl otiinrl a. fire test of lift bum. C. West 4 rees Faiirenbelt before, It wm, ns, Baltimore. XiH ' 1 '' ''it'i ; ?? -f.f' The underslpied Is now prepared to fill all enters for every class of Undertaking: Having on hand full assortment of , i ... i .COFFINS. CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES.' Both Wood and Metalie 1 r ' if . PRICJW 48 LOW AS KT' ' Hearses furnished if desired. - - , ; : , Furniture ot' every1 Description Bepoired at shoi . , notice.,. , -jJt ,itj, t . W. If. WILHXLX ' i j With I. O, Rogers, Trade Street, . 4 June 20. i We are now offering ourntlra stock of, . . MILLINERY GOODS At and below New York cost Our stock Is luiuandranx oaeneedlpg anything hvthis be will find It to their advantage to give us a trial. We are offering splendid Inducements In all summer fabrics, such' as DRESS "GOODS.r' LAWNS, DRESS LINEN" PARASOLS, C. We Have' received a new lot of CANOPIES ANl J ;' Mosquito Nettings, Ttaafcwe are offering very cleap. OUR STOCK OF GENTS' ST R A W H!ATS In white and colors is, fuH and at prices to suit : -: ' T: ' - ' 4! : I you. Give us a-calt before buying, as we- are con fident we can make It to yoiur advantage to do so. Respectfully, - T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. July 13. (&xothzic3 atid (BXnssxonvc CHINA PALACE OF JNO. fiROOmEO & CO., LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Just received, a lot of 1 Ice Cream Freezers, best make, freeze hi 5 min utes; Water Coolers,' Refrieerators, Wire Covers,- Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes, BlrdCagea, Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. - . We constantly keep on hand a full line of Plain and Decorated China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Cattery 'and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Tin, Wood andWmow Ware.' ; COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to calL We sell goods as cheap as' Northern houses, ana cruarantee satisfaction, wni send quotations on application. . . . TnanKing you lor the liberal Datronaee In the past, we are, : Very respectfully, '- ' JNO! BROOKFIELD 4 CO., Charlotte. N. C., June 1,1879. r - . s. taTttirris. HEADQUARTERS . ..1 .A..,ki L-i i3j;F0B-' 10 i ..' i-.-: :. Boitled Imager Beer, ' ALE AND PORTER, 1 '' ) Is comer Trade and Boundary. Avenue.' Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. .. ' ' - , ' V.C MUNZLER. All orders leftrat John Vogel's tailor shop wlli r celve prompt attention. . V ' : . ijar4-:-'-'- L'TjO..'. Ui!l'M 1M (.! i . ('( :' . . . r.i:'-::V.-i- ! ,J it , ,-;! .. .. .... . CI. -.j!J -V v SOLE AGENT FOR THE-ATLANTA BREWERY '.WJ MS tit ii ... ... P. . . . . - ftliftr.itf- :,:;,- i i Let those who pever drank Bfe25Bftivi"l . Go to Joe Flschesser's and Mnk the more." ,". r k. -ij?i! : i: !)'.. .. . O 1 ' 1 .Hilt A-A " 'JJiTt;f!; Ws V:. A FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BBEWEBTy ON ! "I ICE ALL THE WAT." ... .-u : -.-t..v -t ': ' A I T I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which am aWdia? keep on dmaght,tidlor. sale by the Iter ; . . 't 1 .cHU7 II iiU lid Brought to my door In an tee-cold refrigeratordirect from the Brewery. " beer from mB at bottom TOcfciHlcesy tott wsitantf Beer mm&wib,wi:M mmwm m Charlotte of th Atlanta Brewery?: i wspwannrj' -oiicit JMimm , Wtaes nd thst'4u0ff 'W ffM ale by the quantity al) the ffet "J w tfV- i -iihi,vBi i"tp vb rrf - ' I itl .aaav a - - w-" i It 7 ! AIv,i!w ptbrs ,riX! IWHOCJBiliX AKD BXTAIL S. M. HOWEm' in min i i iiiuin nrin UUHItniUILLUUD . ifhoa aif so heat andrel so far,' o pmay, paie mosquito oar, -. In Rilent watches of the Weht -. Whentwlet moan and bats disport " And cats upon the woodshed court. : t We stretch our bands to thee so white, : To pluck thee "round us all about. . v Lest flies blaspheming find us out , i w By dawnhig mprnJl iliouliatM'nearBByetsviar, .".-''v.:. CoqueOsh, vain mosquito bar! '. " ' Some nan has caught thee on the floor Perchance some nook iipon the wall Impedes thy graceful, sheltering fall; Yet when the dreary night is o'er We find thee splattered on the bed, Entwined about our feet and head O clinging, gauzy bore! . ,'dpSEBVATIOKS. ATexas'iudgel with 'titlM:eiM.'aDan4 Economy is the road to wealth; tout all of us wlo can raise a nickel are going to have- soda Just the, ' Thew ia et're1 OTwater in different seotlous of the eountrj' Hew - fortunate It is that out iew men uk e water. .-- a uyna ' Pious old iafiy" Just think, Bose, only flvel sionamwtonwenty- thousand cannioaisr'. juna hearted nieoe-"Goodne8f the poor cannibals will starve to aeain atinat raie. ' tn A strolling theatrical company was at the dinner table- A waiter approached oneef the members, andaidj:.',souT"--,No. sir, awthe person ao- aresseat-ofi raenepitne musicians." When freedom from her mountain height. Unfurled her banner to the breeze, ;? We'U bet tea cents she dldnt wear Her clothes pulled baek against her knees. Society psrs deelare that Mri' TJedfrey, the dashing widoV7 whose name was so painfully con nected with that of ConsTessman Acklen In Wash- ington- something over a year ngo. has gone to London to run opposition to '-Mrs. Langtry in the oeauiy ouamess. . : . t vi. A New York man went fishing and returned with out a fish. And let -It be recorded, he didn't He about it either. He told the truth, and the citizens just tooK nun down to the wharf and dumped him overDoara. a man must not trine wun traditions, A girl of sanguine temperament and fastidious tastes will tue a conniption fit. if she happens to Ket a Blnele ha m her month oat -of the butter. but the same gfrl wm browse around oa a luty moustache attached to a good-looking young man's lip and never say ft wordi j - V aw"'ji She held firmly on to: the ropes and gayly war bled: "Oh. George, isn't this lust nice? Now. really, I think this just too exquisite for anything wun tne cooi Dreezes oiowmg silvers loam arouna In little fairy goblets, and." ; The dash, denotes They had an amateur brassaand at a funeral a while ago, and when ' they had squelched out the ' 'Sweet-By-and-By" at the' grave-side, the minister in nis aaaress said that xne deceased was in one respect most fortunate In being called thus early." That was all he said, but the mourners erinned. and the amateurs think that "blamed sarcasm is internally out oi place at a funeral, you know' BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. It is given out , at the Treasuiy De partment that the public debt statement tor last month will show an increase of probably six million dollars. This in crease is attributed to the large amount paio; out for arrearages of pensions, v. John Kranz. of East Farminsto Polk eounty, Wis drove into the lake with six children in his wagon to water his horses. The horses becoming fright ened ran into deep ; water, the wagon upset, an,a Kranz and five of tne cnii dren were drowned! One bov escaoed by swimming. Thei" eldest child was a gin oik. The New York Evenina Exvre$8. ihaY ing published a statement about the rob bery at tne Shoe and .Leather Hank, made to its reporter by the cashier, John M. Crane, and implicating Mr. Hughes, of Brooklyn, Hughes sued the Expfess and got heavy damages. The Express has now sued Mr. Crane to re cover the amount of damage caused by the article. Mr Crane denies that the statement published is an accurate re port. . ,t ,-ki William H. Churchill, a respectaD3 New York merchant, was Arrested on Monday and taken to the Tombs Police: or robbing a Californian by whose side lie nad stood while making, .some pur chases in a store, but when the: prose cutor arrived at the station he found the missing money in his own pocket, wnicn made.it decidedly unpleasant tor hiiri. He will now probably have to pay for his mistake as defendant in' a smt for false arrest. - The Philadelphia Record chifges that: of 21 bodies reported as buried . by ihe' coroner in tne irotter s J? ieid, onljrsi reached the grounds, the retnaifider navmg been sold as subject4 fo.r.Mie tus secting room. The coroner receives i fee of $8 for burying an adult $nd $5 for a child, and if the Record's ? ,l$tat ments are correct, tlie city lias paid the coroner nearly S1.000 tor interments ilutthaYg nffY.Rr ton matle. ' 7 The? Hajraatpn? munty ,QbioL.Kpnb lrcarr 6(yvterition'6MOrMay44vy some- thmg,of a noyelty,. f ltumb:e4 JOO niBmberg-roner f or evfery!23fY0tfei-3raiid met in the big music hall. Eighty-one .candidates- were nominated for the low er house of the Legislature,' and it took four hours and a-half f Or the first roll call. Rye hours were required to.elect the representatives, arid two hours to nominate Senators. Little JTobnny'a Story of Ole Oaffer. San FranclMOigonaut, 4 , ... . AncfnowJorJa fetoiy About ola Craffer Peters One day Jack Brily, wich is the wick ed sailer, swears and everything, he was goin by ole Gaffers house, and he foun - him digin a wen, ana a dov was pm up the rocks in a bucket with a winlass. So Jack lie giv the boy 2 bits, and sed : "You go and git sum candy, and I'll pull up for you till yu get Jt)ack? and the boy done it.. Then Jack he puts his bull dog in the bucket and let it down, and the dog it juiriir but 1 in; the well with Gaffer, which hollered wild, and the dog too. Then Jack he cot ole Gaff erses cat and pitch that down too, and the dog tackled thereat between Gafferses' legs, and tha cat it run up Gaffer like he was a treed all yellin' like Injens, there wasent never such a fite ! After a while Jack he let the bucket down and hauled ole Gaffer up with the winlass. lookin mity beat and his close tore bad. Tore Gaffer cud get his breth Jack sed: ?.Tell youiwotv.Gaffer, if I hadent come along yude had a pretty Then Gaffer he- helped Jack git the dog out wich had Mid the cat, and Jack the boyleome in site Gaffer he met him nrprn halef way ana ncsea mum o lnv.i39. Late fas' tst pvenin a white-man named Charletf E toWeldoniwastuiKryef by the male rial train oft the Seaboard . and Kpanokt ailroadandinstantly:kiUeletter found on the body, disclesed the name of the mari. -Moore was iu company with rfothei tramp? !dicbarged ina m fim tnej bartacKdtt&G uavy yardAThey boarded.tUe fe-aiii to, passing1 from mef -tot-W-imothte fdi entlretram ixassed oven his skulJv crasn UCllVtXlL UIO:Utt0 vT'-r-i"". t s .. ...I. .- i-' Af hAiunaa muni. ing out tne oram aim utuc " ating the body. ; He was buried along side the road by the train hands. ' 4k l9peTSui JBreaJk fwtXX, B(ardeans- ly AtiacluHii Own Hsuier and la Shot EI r HitBrlar.: 'Ashee;Jar30thV Oh Saturday evenine last the neish borhood of Flat Creek, in this county, 'was shocked" to the center.' by a report that Joseph G.TVilds: a , respectable cit izen, had shot and killed his brother,. JV H. Wilds, with a 'squirrel- rifle. -Upon investigation the information was fouhdto be a sad teattty. " - J. II. Wilds had been 'arrested for some . erimel -and his brother Joei his ; mother and James IL Sams, Esq;, had ..' crone iris bail for his appearance at court. I-At last iMadison eounty court the se- curiuea gave Wjn. over to the sheriff, wholtiut him in jail: At court he was eonncted and imprisoned, we do not know for how Jong. k Upon getting out he came to hisife'ihouseand imme diatelyv together witl bis wife,: went to his mother's, .an aged and highly re spectable lady; knocked her down and commenced beating hef to an alarming extent. A little- girl-ran to the house kofJ Joe Wilds, a hundred yards? away; ana tola Joe that donn nenry was kill ing his mother. Joe grabbed his rifle, and his. , wif said o, don't take it" "Yea,": said Joe, "he has threatened; to kill me, but 111 no k, use the gun unless I have to."., Joe ran to his mother's, and Ljust as be' entered the door he behold a I -i Ll-'i A. V t A m a i 'm ' i 1 j. sigui at wnicn me neart t tue oravesc of the brave would have burst His mother Jay upon the, floor, bleeding, the giant brother kicking and beating; her, the wife of J.H.with a drawn axe oyer the head of her mother-in-law. ready at Sa instant to strike theftal blow; but oe 1 hollowed "Stop ; in'f .the ( name of v. j i. . j ;. j ; nr i its- point J. H. grabbed the axe arid made for Joe,,. jAeaj4niItelling his brother to , lay, qowq the .axe, but pur suit seemed to be his intent, and at five steps from 1 the -"door'olus ; mother's iiuusB ue leu, a ueau, uiau, , . , ( ... i nns enaed the lite or . a dangerous man. Joe walked into the house, as sisted his aged and much beloved moth er to the bed, where friends in a short time dressed her bleeding head. Joe, at the solicitation or his wife, went and gave himself up to Esquire Blackatocks, who summoned all the .witnesses, and after a; full hearing, discharged the prisoner, hot beinsr wulirie to even cause him to give bond to appear at court. . . , . ;, :. .. .... i- Sunday morning xeDdrts' came, which were semi-official, that JJK, Wilds had broken open'MarahalT jail, in Madison county 'iandrTie and: all the other pris oners had made good- their eseape, iunon wnom was a man cnargea witn muraer,: - - - . - - Wild Statements have it tliat J. H. Wilds was almost a raving maniac, and that his wife was actingunder fear of aeatn nerseir. ..j .. . SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. Governor Simpson has gone to Glenn Springs to spend about tliree weeks. 1 The.Chestr fair grounds are rapidly being put in order for the fair, next fall; There is- a proabiIity that the Ybrk- vme gas works twill be put into opera- tion before a great while. ! jWiwsfiii thflj-CliWles-.! tojp'evs arid Courier; has sailed for England, and will make a partial tour of the continent " --!- a;:; u-. :?z-su n.: 1 .. s --vh i lj 1 -ii.-'.shO j Henry Hartzog, Esqia member: of the Legislature from Barnwell county, died on the t9th inst being the second death among ' the members since ad journment ' ! : Greenville EijLerprise: A week or ten davs aero. Mr. John namnbelL a waI I known, citizen residing ; near Gowens- viue, wmie leading ant ,nn,ruiy tptue, hadi the thumb.of "his left liand jerked off, the rope with which he was leading the animal having been5 tightly wound around it. ' " Charleston News and Courier : Messrs R. M Marshall -A; Bro. will sell at auc tion, on August 14th. 4660 shares of Greenville . and-' Columbia ; 5 Railroad stkiWiirigtf pohtrdlingr intJerest in the ro., '?TlieY will also dispose xtLi at the same time and in theame mode; $546, 000 -of '.second mortgage ,,bonds of the B'i'ill.iii of tiie seconaortgge bonds. : n o '1rihii Intelligent J 3fasi,(;;" New York Graphic. ; ' ;:''' V r 'oiiTiselDo you thow anything f this case V i - - . No. - Ever read of it?s Ever read anything? :.:whaU:i&vei:?;;r;:;; ' JHO.. (.Applause.j .: ! ' Haye you formed any opinion as to thiscase?, .:--".v . j 'Ah rnion about anything Neyer have opinions ? What! never? jciver neara riuaxore r .idStow- :?jnir-- v lo ncr.:I '' '-" Groans;- Remarks, ?No wonder ire v;MtonIa1MnV opinions, no taste for reading, no desire to know what s going on in tne woria 7 None whatever. , Good. YouH da for a juryman. You are accepted. t -. '. f.'s i u-m ti ae "f" k. i.-w..;-.!.jr. Vi .!! li lHttolil lelleaMi',,i;: M Hji4 hi vutStii'aii;j '.-! i Vi.' i'i'Vl. Wsjhlhgton Lettei'.aOtJitoBaWmOre Shttv1 !''' CoL Keating, the editdr of tm Mem- nhis Anneal, who. is so well known through the country . for .bis brave-Aud numane uuiiuuut uuiiu umv, yeiiMp f ejterpid.emic of ,, Iast,-.yar. aaivRd heto-day from Memphis, which place he left ontnrdyeveniDC JasUHe says that he thinks - the fever there has srent its force? fThe people left in the city-are so few in number that it will De lmpossioie ionc xo ispreau. lie re- Eorts the authorities" of Memphis as aving the affairs; of trrecity well In; hahd, and that they wMltaWe'care; for all..withothaying(fitoiAppeali for aid from otitsideThtf cases so farde yeloried, heliayiHa'Holvayresentthe: malienantf orra the fever dioduring tha epidemid bf-' last year.5 He. anticipates; that withW Six Weeks, business inMem:' Plus will be going .on as usual.; ,t :'i 'a itr. - '.hi.). u U ui,I .0T. . A. Dlvtr DrowHeajii j 4 Vjj-j r New 'okIkJ uly 80-Jne Jenldns"aaiver who- was Iet: dowp'; its the'water below thft'hattery'-to-day rin gul)inaripe cofc-; tumeito recover v suukkh 1 auaiurj; w uv nallorl. tn was at first mistaken and whhe warf raised to &e surrace w"1". moved hewa dead; tHeblaod diving trashed profusely from his mouth and nose during his last struggles. ;;;:;::: :::: iujwo syinpatby with anything iertain ing totbpnblie interest r ' '' - wwned rjy tne-Durawngi wick viw whi6h 0applled bim with.ir,1 He sfej Joiiori: tn Twn' Jrawa uu rbut, the; signal C L O j; M y E R Our ptomeridoTM crash to prices in order to clear W wm in imuima sizes are oroKea ' Ohe'lot. of stylish Cheviot Frocl 815, B5 to $17. are doalnr at-810 A large tot of fine White linen Duck Vests, worth muif uuier unes, reoucea in tne aamei we cannot fulfill. We are determined ta iol r that is to reduce the price to such a point that k ....rrl11. !!.n i1, He newe Quarters for novel styles and reliable mods:" Bemember the first , comers secure the best JuneatJ. As the season advances and we By us STILL DRESS GOODwS, Will'rE AND FANCY GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY, GLOVES & CORSETS, BUTTONS AND, MILLINERY GOODS CLOTHING ! j; These goods must be closed out before I Li i uj filnoai'A REDACTION IN Ml: -. ..; , ,. i. , Our 87.50 pbeviot Suit sells pow for $8.60. Our $120 English Tweed Suit setts now for $10. Our $18 and $20 French and English. Casslmefe Sack and Frock Sults sell now at one uniform price, $16.5a Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re- i price: ' , )u i-7 ii'i .'. J a:... .. . , ::;UnJArJdiled shirts for 50 cents. The very best made In the United States for $l!oO. Linen Collars $2.00 per dozen, and all goods in proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of low prices. Bespectfully, .; , . . Junei,lS79. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, ...est-ossiDieAime.to au jroints,.soiitn1ana NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, t Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line.' Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills ees or tne Lime. or information as to Tariff, Schedules, 4c, apply to either of the undersigned. April 80 d5m. -GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE Of - - .-..r. V V , .... . i,iiJf-:-:j 7 !'r, nu' ?V--; '. If SUMMER - AT THE W. KAUFMAN CO. 500 pairs all Wool Pants at - fiOO . -; M ' - 400 w " extra fine, 850 Suits, Sack and Frock, from 200- " a-kavj-k aa. a. - SI l,00t tight umeVco!ypaca, We have made thU reduction to close out the above rs.rlaesV(jCaaim ers! Railways on nand a fttTeBue of bantlemen's Furrdshlng Goodi Straw Bate fohriy sold at flAO W seJl:BWit pl0uv(Mbr.(9W! ltodMWr W 26e. v ,. h ,(f r.;-;-, P0v,f-t -3k i-i . . f l'ti'WjlJ ui ytHimutt kmi triT . Tho Botngeoise and Af lnlon typo on- which tola paper: was later printed. It was made by the (Ad Johnson' type foundry; 'of Philadelphia, and was not discarded beeaose bo longer tt for use, bat h ly becanse it beeame necessary to use a onren trie of type. It will do good service for seve years to come, it wui do sow in tow kj sui pur ehaser,iand In fonts of ; 60 to l,O00mfiwitb or wUhoeasea,. Address Ji:jj BSEBtEB, .;J ' t l. 'i.tO .Ik n.s J J n :.?!! DK. A.JW.aKSBfBl"-- rfMl li ni Jiil .iti.H.l vitju'j ml v.'.fi ?vif 9 ai ':rz iin XFfOVESllt W2lSTCfi llC0,8J !J: V( -' ; Dbu0 Stobs. - , iilu With 25 years experience I guarantee enUre UsfaeOoa - '. ' . Janll S I N Gr S OF- BEGINS TO-DAY. i -Hi l ,.i OiiO itaofl: all broken lots and be closed without reserve unlimited variety and beautiful In design bf style and character of texture, are o Summer Stock. " A efean'and tndrougn sweep $2.TO Ij Will 1. o. .) rr. 1 and Sit last ' season are now tn tie dlsnnaAd iiwuuu;. jve caunot gi w ' a , iuu i oeson as i want of out our Spring Stock,, and know of it compels the -pubilc to iut -One WAT to wuiAi uv inivuu w uuivuiw urchase where they can selections, and our Job Counter stands awaiting your J -i U.SesneetfullT. .-; , have still a considerable stock of Summer 'if;:; designs In fabrics, and Increase the solid reputation we have already achieved as being oifering still greater inducements than heretofore. o- Are still further reduced. CLOTHING ! SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! HALE HOSE AND NECKWEAR. " ' the opening of another season. Call early and often. A big drive is offered at Va., and thence all Bail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick- K S. FINCH, South-Western Agent, ) ' T. T. SMITH Agent C C Railway, . Charlotte, N. C. E. W. CLARK, Generajreight Agent,. ) ;, CJLQT til N G .1! STORE OF- $ 2.00 2.50 4.00 . 5.06 np. 7.50 HP. ' ' ' ' ' a "V AA Linen Mohair and Cotton Coats as- low aa.40Oenti lots; as be prices named aW ibefow niatrdfactur - i; iu W.WJViMi.p:fXkM: 'jii :fi r nnrrsnrEsi rrm two tram wvn , inSivXiV. ::Vi $Liy,rttVn'i Vj-? inert; SEW GOODS f -ri.: 7f,. , . f..., il.-f r-.., ',f .-. t NEW FAUtU&ES'. rill "'.1 f'n Iii. 1 -.tl !f;. Come to tne fortacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Uo lasses, and other Family Groceries.' tni Just received, a few barrels of Perry Foster's (Da vie eounty ' ;''. A' a-'flrie & of" CoanUr BamA. I sell To.f cash. -.1"'-' "i i-l 1 4l 'fi, jL,)f Hf ( 4 , 1 ll'til 4tllJ"l 111 goods deliverod in the blltltf fliJ i Um W. B.CRIQnNGErl?O.T ' , . " Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's oM stand. a ap 16. . - - A. L E odd sizes to be closed out at a heavy sacrifice. Our at 2. Our 9Si.RO. sa.7s sj. sj. or nt i ui win be made In Casslmere Suitsi an4 where the assortment, of Sack and Frock Suits ranging from $14, ots and Snrlmr Hultlnm In lua . iaicriw aaTkl1 aouHiltf nf nt 1 snace nreventa. but we new mnkn an nmmiui AMmmnliah this numlt mniais nnH AfTAnfiiail .rw. economize best We prefer to convert our stock Head- command . D. LATTA ft BRO. GoMsV werp'po :phtihiuinc'e of WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. ooutnwest. MINIMUM INSURANCE. of Ladlna Issued at fiteamshin WharvM or om- , -.! . XT AHPEB-S -WEEKLY. ri.nfl f- "....-..'ill L U 8 T B A T X D. '' --.''r ! ? -!;. I I i i 1 .1 -: -1 .,.; .,'.,.) Wm09 XHX.PUS6., J -u: . The Wkksxt remains easily at the head of illus-4 trated papers by Its fine literary quality, the beauty of its type and; woodmts.--prlngfleld Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, ; and embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment Zlon's Herald, Boston -uSr 1 I rtf!- '.: me WraxT is a potent agency for the dissemi nation of correct political rxlneiples, and a power nil opponent of shams. fraada,and false pretences. Evening Express, Rochester. . " " .ij1 r ,-.v. . . .,;:n -iiiiJ ii : L. ' .'--.'ii HABPEB'8 PERIODICALS. : ; 1 Harpers nagazine, one year,.'. Harper's Weekly, ya ni..vJ.V Harper's Bazar. . . . ,M . r, .,,,.... The- Three iMmlicatloW one year, : . Any Twos one rear, iM ; j . . 5 4 00 .. 400 .. 4 00i .. 10 00 ..i700 cux suosenpaons, one year, 30 00. -Terms for laren luba famlahed on snnnlkrarloii. Fostae free to all aubecrlbexs in the Uiilled States orCanada: 1 ""- ' -ivita. ?iU 3l t ! uVmd'i .! si- - i The antraal volumes bfHABriB'ftWMiLT, in ' neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, frea ot . expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $70 eaclu A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re celpt of thaxsasn at the rate of - S5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser., ... , Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding, , wuibeseot by maU,ostpald i receipt ef$lX)0 fmlbincei should be made by pbstomoe money order or draft, to avoid chance of toss.t . . r A t Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement . without tha' express- order of Barber ft Brothers. l"Tflbi1 ban f.ty.I'i-Mie ibdi ii; ? i The above -wfli be the same of a weekly Demo- h eratte newspaper, tbe publication of which will be .t commenced at an early day at YorkvlKe, & C't by ' W. M. Warllck. ; The Nkw3 will Be" a goouad ?e rtisl n g medium for th bmlnssfani3f,JBarkJtte; the rper'wlH have s, large circulation In the cormtierfoliuiebin,' l Rjutnn nnrl nutxwha.- Vnrtk smllna ill ttri! i.14.'ll-i aston and Catawba, oftH. Carolina, .ta u-liiii The price ot subscription will be $2 per annum. Ladress, , , .W.M.WABUCK, , , JuneS.- - - ; Yorkr"le,aa P!': 1 V f m m 1 ?:' 1? u f 1 5 ! .lit N t f i "11 1

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