LOCAL INTELUGPCE. -KA1LB0AS DIMCTOIjT. ne'f6tanY table snows the running of pasaen ger trains U and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): BSCmtOHS davttxxx i . r 4 Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12.40 a. m. Leaves tor " VI 3.40 a. m. Arrives tram lhmood,-. , 11.12 a.m. Leaves tor v : ? ...4-i-..tM. r&55p.m. , ATLANTA CHjVMjOTT AJB-UUS. Arrives from Atlanta,.... ..., ..., 3.40 a. m. t .. 1 12.40 a. m. 3.65 p. m. 11.12 a.m. Arrives from Atlanta,. .... ... Leaves for Atlanta, CHAKLOTT, COLUMBIA AtftXOTA. - Arrives from Augusta, i... 3.50 p. m. Leaves for Augusta,. I . 12.45 a. m. Arrives from Columbia (ac Freight)... 12.10 p. m. Leaves for Columbia, " 2.15 p. m. . OABOUHA CKHTBAIk .Arrives from Wilmington,. I . . 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Wilmington, . . 8.25 p. m. Arrives from Shelby, .U. . . 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, , . i ..... f .. . 8.40 a. m. ATXAHTIO. TXHITKSSBS At. OHIO. Arrives from StatesvUle,. I 7.00 a. m Leaves for Statesvllle,. - 9.00 p. m INDICATIONS' War Department. fvvww nnivir STfJ-TJ AT. OFFICER Washington, August 22, T:30 p. m. i. Tot the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, occasional! rain, winds mostly, from Southeast to; southwest, statiowry;lbeiHp?iatTire and harkiafAfcMfc f-Wr 1' ". iTesterday. 17 A.M. 2 P.M. 19 P. THermometCTr..Vrt, ueiaavv nomMuij,. . VeloclrTTi:v:.. Weather, Highest temperature 85 deg.; lowest 67. meteorological Kecorrt. ,M mOOO U29.911 29.922 72; I 84 75 Of i v64 81 fafe 1 a s. w. - 8 ' 6 2 Clear. Cloudy. Cloudy. Stations. Barom Th.1 Wind. VeLf Weather Atlanta,.... 29.86 80 E. 19 Cloudy, Augusta .. 29.98 80 8. K. 4 Clearing. Charleston, 29.97 84 8. 2 Cloudy. Charlotte,.. 29.88 83 S. 'H Cloudy. Oorslcana,. 29.60 92 E. 12 Cloudy. Galvesfioa, , mtssn 100 . ' 00 Havana .) 24.fe2 t89 -S. E. 2 Cloudy. Indlanola... 29.56 87 N. W. 16 Threatn'g. Jackson'Ue. 29.93 86 & E. 14 Fair. Key West, , 29.86 88 &1T 15 Fair. Mobile,, rf. 29.75 76 E. 47 Hy Rain. Montgom'y, 29 87 82 &. ,l5 Threatn'g. N. Orleans, 29.59 81 8. E. 21 Cloudy. I'untaRasa 29.86 86 S. E. 18 Fair. Savannah.. 29.96 85 8. K '2 Cloudy. St. Marks.. 29.89 85 S. E. 8 Cloudy.. :wVjrii'ipPENCii.i;s. .. . 'i The coming exhibition of the Caro Vwv.i Fair Association is beginning to be a good deal talked of. ' Rev. Buf us. Watts, colored, a respecta ble colored preaeher, of thei Baptist de nomination, died yesterday at his home two miles north of the ciy, and will be buried to-day, Mr. "Vj. I. Smart, superintendent of ltudisill mine, returned to the city from the North a few days ago, ahd was ac companied by several gentlemen who come to look at mines in this section. Among the improvements now in progress in the city, is a dwelling house which is being erected by Mr. Piatt D. Walker on Tenth street, jidwthat of Mr. E. S. Steele. j ' The State penitentiary board will be requested not to send Gus Byeis, the negro desperado, and two orthree others convicted at the : late terni of the In ferior Court, to the railroad! Prof. F. M. Agostini, of Wilmington, is in the city, for the purpose of getting up a dancing school. He :comes well -endorsed by the press and people of his town. His advertisement ;will appear to-morrow. j The. reminiscences of Charlotte, as furnished The Observes by an old citizen, will be read with interest, and with especial interest by the older peo ple. The writer of these has promised to continue his contributions from time to time. ' j The new moon is visible 'early these evenings, and we shall have moonlight nights from this time until the end of the month. On the last day of the moirth we shall have a full moon, making two full moons during the month of Au gust. ': A case-of assault and "battery, the parties to which were W. H. A. Brown and II. J. Stone, was tried in the mayor's court yesterday. The affray occurred in The Observer office, a Brown ap peared and answered to the! charge and was fined $5. and cost Stone being un able to appear, having received a seyere blow on the head, his trial was post poned till to-day. , A half dozen or more Charlotte mer chants are already at the North buying' goods for the fall trade, and others will go next week. Among these will be Messrs, Phillip Schilf and Thos. Grier, who have recently formed a copartner ship in the grocery business. They will -occupy the Schiff building, and have made a commodious wagon-yard in the rer of their store for the accommoda tion of their customers, j -Crop Talk. Crop talk in this county is to the ef fect that the cotton which bloomed late is rapidly going to weed o4 account of the continuous wet weather. Thai chief reliance of farmers must there fore be upon that which;! bloomed in J uly, Corn, especially the" late crop, is looking vigorous and filling out well. Oatbe whole frVWers have very little iCawse to cQnpjlan. .; ' "JDlie Southern -Viurietr Minstrels. OChis organization of young men of ithis.city, open their season at the Char 11 otte -opera house on the night of Fri day 'jftejet, 29th inst If "their venture ihere-meets with any success they will iro to States ville. Concord and other Places ir4jhetateasd neighboring States. A feature will, be a street parade-on ithe 'ternobn pre ceding the evening of their berf ormance. They are rehearsing regularly and have great expectations. j 1 TUCfcai,,w,TtaM. ?h. Lunsford A. Paschall, Esq e ?u h 12th to,Jt- his home in Oxford, at a very advanced age, as alreadj4ipted.inmiLritat SewaVcol- xnw uviUK ;luxuou uj mia place some years since on Visit, fifty1' yeart after - in finding, -among , all .thej persons that lie flnep a single lanuuar race not. a ul-vrtina be bad ever . known before. JSonao Conntt,.People Against . A citlzerr'Who lives in the northeast ern part of the county Ostites tbalj the peopie oi nis section are opposed to uie proposition to make the residents of in corporated towns pay - taxes for the maintenance of the tubli roads ahd give four days labor to the same,and that a petition is in circulation- asking the county commissioners., not: to put such a construction on the- law. Thev think they are able to maintain' their vtttu jmuiic ruaus anu 'inusnu uauu; it is a mistake to suppoife Jbat all coun try people are In favor of this construc tion of the law. - i i , Tiros far no, seps bavebeen taken to respond to the floggestiott contained in the telegram of GovvJarvis to Mayor Osborne, in relation to aid for the suf ferers in Beaufort from the storm dis aster. - The inaction in this matter does not arise from any lack of proper inter est in such matters, but from a lack of positive information that the people are in actual need of such, assistance. The losses have been very heavy, but the newspaper correspondents do not re- E)rt the existence of actual destitution, et's have some positive information on this subject from citizens of the place, and if destitution , and want ex ist. Charlotte will not be slow to make her contribution. A Colored ISan Pleads His Own Case. The rare spectacle of a colored man pleading his own case was presented in the Inferior Court yesterday. His name was Jim Williams and he was accused of robbing Long & Bros.' store on College street He examined the witnesses, receiving a few suggestions from members of the bar, and then got up and spoke for nearly an hour, with the wild attempts at displaying his knowledge which only a"tony"negro can make. After haranguing the jury and amusing the court and the spectators for this length of time, he stopped, and the twelve men good and true, retired and returned a verdict of guilty, of course; whereupon with becoming dig nity he moved the court for a new trial. This was overruled, and Jim Williams was sentenced to the penitentiary for the term of three years. All Arretted and Jailed. , , Five negro men and one negro wo man have just been arrested at Belton, on the Air-Line Railway, charged with rocking a car, and injuring Mrs. P. B. Simms, an account of which appeared in The Observer a few days since. The next day after the occurrence the aailroad authorities sent a detective to; the spot where the rocking occurred and he went to work immediately. The result is mentioned above. Three of the negroes were committed to jail and the other two were bound over to ap pear at the next term of. the court. The energy which the company has dis played in hunting up these wretches and bringing them to justice, is worthy of imitation by other railroads. For tunately Mrs. Simms's injuries were not serious, but had the rock struck her head instead of her arm, they might have been fatal. The Road Law and Cotton Prospects in mallard Creek. , - . ; A citizen of Mallard Creek who was in town yesterday, reports the '.progress of road working under the new road law. He says, further, that some of the Mallard Creek people are speaking of doing tb$vhandsomeAthing, by peti tioning the, board of county commis sioners to release the city of Charlotte from the operations of the road law, though in fact the decree has already gone forth that the middle-man as well as the granger shall take his little exer cise with pick and shovel. Regarding cotton in Mallard Creek much appre hension prevails. The bolls are already shedding in large numbers and expec tations of any considerable yield from the August growth have almost been abandoned, though the July cotton is expected to turn but well. However, the farmers are apt to become despond ent, and it may be that they will not starve after all. Recent Periodicals. Scribner's, in all its captivating beau ty, is to hand for September. This is the handsomest magazine in America and one of the best conducted. In the current number are continuations of serial stories, while all the regular de partments are well filled. The illustra tions are up to their usual high stand ard, and in the number for September are several very notable articles, well worthy perusal. Considering its many excellencies Scribner's is cheap at 4 per annum ; address Scribner & Co., 743 Broadway, New York. St. Nicholas. All the children are familiar with the name of Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, who conducts this publi cation so creditably. She has a faculty which amounts to a gift for entertain ing while she instructs the young peo ple, and this publication does both. It is conceded, we believe, that St. Nicho las is the best of all the juvenile publi cations, and its excellence has made of it a marked success in a pecuniary point of view. This, also, is published by Scribner, and the subscription price is $3 per year. The Inferior Court Closed its session yesterday, havinc by hard work finished up all the busi ness on its dockets, uunng the term the following were convicted nearly all of larceny and sentenced to im prisonment for the terms of years men tioned: Jim Stewart, colored, two years ; Lee Potts, colored, two years ; Gus Byers, colored, seven years ; Clark Miller, colored, one year; JNepiiiover, (a boy) colored, : one year ; Wade John ston, colored, one year; George Adler, colored, three months; Matt Cooper, colored, one year; Isham Fullen wider, colored, three months ; Jim Williams, colored, three years ; Hal Hall, colored, six montn. Nine other persons in the jail were released some acquitted, others let ofE with the cost, and still others fined. The names of those released, are as fol lows : Wm. Taylor, Dave Blackwood, Bill Doster, Patience Young, Alice Hayes, Charley Walker, Luna Wiley, Ella McBride and Hannah Trap. This leaves in the jail for trial by the Superior Court which begins Monday, the following charged with the crimes annexed to their names : : Adam John ston, false pretehces; Jesse Walton, rrSiirdAi3! Tunn Hoover, murder: P.iil louston, murder; Lizzie Trotter, per jury; TftOiary.r.ape; LTvin Clinton, rape ; Jaiissa j.awKins, iorgery ; ueorge Jf etnei, muraer ; worn moore, larceny. Ben Jones, convicted at the last term is to be sentenced. The Summer Stay at Home. Those of our readers, , and their num ber is many, who in the absence of their families have been passing the summer within the boundaries of Charlotte, are now beginning to look forward hope fully to the near approach of the busy season, and, the return of io2se and bus tle to our streets. Quiet in itself con sidered; is pleasant but the uiet caus- eu Dy tne Dusmess inactivity ui summer is generally rather too ; much of a good thihfc- The resident therefore who has - 1 A 1 Sit - 1-. ""n""""1 ir. np.rw Will wmumiih familiar of othe mghearnvweatlrei;duli Uinesiuus' otoesetotnliribHieis ribttoyr. iwr means an nripieasant season to inescay at home. If he be fond of reading, no better opportunity "Will be .found for gratifying this usefaL and improving taste during the cotrfid oftfleytar. If n011? of ' ease, andcomforihei a UJctll lib Kilo W 3 Whaf. tr :an more attention paid by servants to his wants tuan at any other season. For ueis uioiiurcn oi an ne surveys in the absence of the nnmmsniiinr, - Bat bfa sovereignty , cannot now ilast long; and 4 strange to say. he is mbVea than ready to surrender his short-lived authority. He will now begin to count the davs that .must intervene hefnrA I cold weatherr sets ; in, t .And, inT the meantime, ne wm. welcome any appear ance of business activity that will make the time pass more quickly. Aiwr 7onrW The Superior Court ioL Mecklenburg meets If onday.r. Jiiaga Btbcton wifl preside. The court continues for three weeks. It is believed that the first week will be entirely taken up with the trial of the four cases for murder on the docket In any event the dockets are sufficiently. larssB, to occupy the coui L.throtighout its entire ferai. Summer Absentees. Gen. and Mrs. John A. Young left yesterday afternoon to visit friends in iredell. Miss Bessie Wristou is visiting Miss Conrad in Fprsythe. !. 1 Mrs.W."R. Jones and family left a few days ago for a few weeks visit to friends" in Statesville and Newton. Returned. -.-., j ; j r; f ' The last of the party of young men and boys who made a tour over the mountains on foot, returned last night, arriving in the city about 9 o'clock, having walked about twenty-five miles yesterday. They have been absent seven weeks and: have not had o .stop an hour on account of sickness; on the contrary they were in better health than ever before m their lives. It is estimat ed that the whole trip has not cost them more than $15 each, although the ten devoured six sacks of flour, and meal and meat in proportion. 9Iannfactured Specials. It is astonishing to contemplate ?Low tion. Three or four Northern papers had "specials" concerning the banging of the negro McCorkle at Taylorsville, last week, and no two of them tallied and only one had the truth. In one of these specials' there- is a 'falsebfod'in every IiheptoyJaetual count, and in some of the lines two. Another account gave these as the felon's last words : "Kind friends, remember me in your prayers to-night, for I don't know where I'll be." . ; He aidTbotlung of the kind ; ' on the "contrary" he expressed himself as perfectly confident that he was going to heaven. The secret is that these newspax)ers become aware in advance that the execution is to take place and the able editors sit down and write up their own specials each to suit himself. On the Railroads. There is some talk of erecting a tele phone linq between this point and Statesville along the line of the Atlan tic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad. Esti mates of the cost have been asked for. The Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Railroad is soon to have another branch road. This runs up to Law renceville, in Gwinnett county ,Ga. The contract for grading it has been adver tised, and the Air-Line proposes to Dear a portion or the expense, will make seven branch roads -L 11 AO from the Air-Line between Charlotte and Atlanta. The colored excursion which left here last night, having come from Dan ville, was run by Mr. M. L. Holmes, of Salisbury. There were only about 260 passengers. A calculation shows that each con ductor and engineer who runs on the passenger trains of the 'three 'longest a roaas tnat run into tnis city travel in the course of the year more than three times the distance around the world. Preparing; for the Norfolk Excursion. The business men of Norfolk and Portsmouth are making' extensive pre parations for the entertainment of the merchants of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, who are to go there on an excursion on the 26th. A meeting was held Thursday at the cot ton exchange, which resulted in the ar rangement of the following pro gramme: The visitors are expected to arrive at 10 o'clock on the night of the 26th. " l ne following day will oe devoted to rest, during which time the strangers can visit our merchants, form acquain tances, purchase goods, &c. "At 9Ji o clock on the morning of the 28th the visitors will be taken down to the capes on one of the fine steamers of the Bay Line. On the way back a stop will be made at Old Point in order to permit those who desire to visit the fort. "The steamer will return to our city between 3 and 4 o'clock in the after noon, when the visitors will be wel comed in an address by Mayor Tucker, after which a banquet will be served in the lower warehouse on the Boston wharf." Committees were then appointed to take charge of the details of the ar rangements, ana they nave gone to work to have everything in order. The visitors may expect a jolly time of it. Those Norfolk people know how to en tertain, and they have especially a warm side for North Carolinians. The State of North Carolina Against IttaJ. TV. W. Rollins. Asheville Journal, 20th. We mentioned in our last issue that a bench warrant had been issued, and executed upon Maj. Rollins. The case was set for last Monday, but was post poned until yesterday, when the case was commenced. J. S. Henderson. Esq and Hon. T. F. Davidson appeared for the Western North Carolina Railroad. Hon. James H. Mcrrimon. Cant. Mc- Loud and Judge Henry appeared for Rollins. The whole matter was drop ped and no particulars.gone into except the constitutionality of the law. Mr. Merrimon opened the case with a two hours' speech, producing decisions of almost every State Supreme Court in the Union, as well as quoting the con stitution of the United States. The ar gument was so forcible that when the dinner hour came, the friends for the prosecution desired a different mode of proceeding, which mode, as we under stand, will be accepted by the defence. Prudent stock Speculations. The stock exchange never presented such an ad mirable condition for profitable and rapid stock operations. There never before have been so many ionunes maoe Dy quick nnccuanons ana skillful manipulations. Careful and reasonable people only operate through the combination sys tem of Messrs. Lawrence & Co.. which enables those with large or small means to Invest and real ize handsome pronis, wnicn are divided pro rata among the shareholders every thirty days. New combinations are constantly fonnln i Xjroii $25 to 810 000 .cat be- safely invested with splendid opportunities for quick profits. An Illinois grain dealer made $13,220.41 In two Investments. A Michigan farmer Invested $50, which yielded t 483. 14. He made by three investments over 3.000. A Wisconsin country merchant made $4,249.16 in four combinations: and others have done equally as weu. .new explanatory circular, with "unerring rules for success," mailed by Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bankers, 57 Exchange Place, New York City. . . augiz eoa aw TheAeUoB ! the Lomlslai CenstlUtioBftl Coi- veatloa In providing for the official recognition of the con tinuance of the contract entered into by the State lor tne preservation inviolate oi tne irancruses or the LoulaiarifkBtate Lottery, is the best evidence of the warm'TeeHns; entertained at home for the etability f 4hat 'tosUtntlon, baaed Uro a thorough expeTiOBeeof twcvocrerrfefFfMS 4t90T9BQ6 to the support of the charitable qpd educational In stitutions of the PBlleaa t&ttte J Ja .drawings on the second Tuesday of each month will therefore, for many fea,e a source . of Interest to all who have ,lnested;twd .dollars d addressing M. A. Daupnta. itK O. Box 692 New Orleans. La., or same at No. SIP; Broadway, New York City. f won w u ' 1 . ' -v.. .UttlKUIUIIHIUHIUWC v. iYAi-tartrmiri the rkaf 3hesrkr' bf irerfefVlt Is attainable ty heumMC ifferert1,1'f05 there Is a Tnii vhtAh raurtM air hi means of increased activity 'of the UtoeymportanCcharuaela for Wood .purification the acrid-.element to which nnfhnfncfsts the most eminent attribute the painful J Tiimtnma a theorr comDletelv borne oat by urln Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for consapatlon. which causer contamina tion of the blood, with the bile and a certain means of relief la dvsneDBla, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. . It Is, perhaps, the finest tonic exiani, ana is nigniy recommenaea as s meaicinai stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very oenencuu. The press also endorses u. SOUTHiCABOtllfAWEWS. xne iounaation for the newBdpl vuiuvu tti.jcww.jaiu rjaaneerxiaid. -u-5? ffronr Colnmbia - to New Xork via. Chareston has been reduced to $28. . . A mulatto child with a stone Ued tt its neck was found in the Saluda by bathing Abbeville boys. While an Abbeville county minister, Rev. Mr. Pratt, was preaching at a country church last Sunday, his horse, hitched to a rack:, in the yard, was sto len. The Press and Banner says he tracked the horse the next morning and pressed the thief so closely that the lat ter fled and left the horse to fall into the hands of its owner. , A Sinfralar Bnrl&l Suit. New. Yokk, August 22 The ques tion of ; theyigbt. of trustees of ceme teries controlled by the Catholic Church to prevent the interment ' in consecrat ed ground of Jhose who had in their lifetime belonged to secret societies, will come before the courts to-day in a test case .brought by relatives of Denis Coppers, who was accidentally killed last week. Coppers was a communi cant of the Episcopal Church and his relatives were .woman Catholics. The body was placed in a receiving vault of the cemetery. Fending the decision of the vicar general, and this being ad verse, Coppers's friends have applied for a temporary injunction to prevent its removal, and this will be argued to day bef oreiJudge Brunt. The case is exciting much interest. Presentation f the Portrait of the Dittcorer f Ansestheaia. j Atlanta, August 22. The presen tation of Carpenter's portrait of Dr. Long, the discoverer of anaesthesia, to the alumni of the University of Geor gia, to be placed in the capitol, was made in the hall of the House of Re presentatives to-day in the presence of the Governor, Mvs. Long and family, and senators and members, judges, members of the medical profession, alumni, mayor and members of the council of Athens, and large numbers of ladies and gentlemen, Senator Gor don made the presentation address and Hon. B. C. Yancey made the reception speech. Mr. H. L. Stuart, the donor of the portrait received hearty and rnetitr ed praisid Wo&pTeeches., , . . i --,-irV' L'---.H - It! is the only medicine I would give to my baby, a mother said, speaking of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. At all drugstores. 25c SbmtthlBg 'Mew tnipi the San. A new era ls'dawnlng upon the life of woman. Hitherto she has been called upon to suffer the Ills of mankind and her own besides. The frequent and distressing Irregularities peculiar to her sex have long been to her the "direful spring of woes unnumbered." In the mansion of the rich, and In the hovel of poverty alike, woman has been the constant, yet patient victim of a thousand IDs un known to man-and these without a redemy. "Oh1 Lord, how lonrf ' la the agony of her soul hath she cried. But now the hour of her redemption is come. She will suffer no more, for Dr. J. Brad field's Female Regulator Woman ' s Best Friend may be relied on to core all the diseases "peculiar to women. Try it and be convinced. . augl lm ...! Atlanta Medical College. The Twenty-second Annual Course of Lectures will commence October 15th,, 187U, and eloee March 4th. 1880. - Faculty j. U. Westmoreland, w. r. Westmore land. W. A. Love. V. EL Taliaferro. Jno. Thad. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. H. Logan, J. T. Banks; .Demonstrator, j. w. w imams. This well established College affords onDortnnl- ty for thorough medical education. it is in amnaoon witn. and its tickets and diplo mas recognized by, every leading medical college in tne country. -j ... -. . . . ; " BequlrementsTor graduation as heretofore. send ior Announcement, giving run tnlormanon. JNO. SO. THAD. JOHNSON, M. D., Dean, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 22 tf. TO LEASE, For three or five years, a Wheat and Corn Mill. Saw Hill and Cotton Gin, all with excellent cus tom and good water-power, six and a-half miles from Charlotte. Good buildings connected with the above property, and all necessary lands. Terms liberal. Apply to H. K. STEWART, ' At R. M. White's Store, August 22 6t Charlotte. N. C. REMOVAL. Having removed to the Old Auction House, op posite Ellas & Cohen's, I will In the future keep a better stock of FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES. I resDectfullv ask mv friends to examine for themselves and hear prices. Aug. 2141. J. Jtt. SIMS. BTJRWELL & SPRINGS (NEAB THE NEW POST OFFICE,) Offer to the Trade the following goods at lowest market prices: 100 BOXES C B. SIDES. 75 BLS. SUGAR. t 75 SACKS COFFEE. 1,000 HALF ROLLS BAGGING. 1,000 BDLS- NEW ARROW TIES. 100 ' " Spliced - . ' " 100 BOXES TOBACCO. 400 BrSHELS CORN. 400. u Choice White MEAL 1 ,000 BUSH ELS 0 ATS. Aiid their Huual stock ef GROCERIES, &e., &c. We solicit your orders and will do our " level best" to please you. BUR WELL & SPRINGS. Aug. 19. ov mm A first-class store room lh the old Grier ta Alex ander building on Trade street, next door to Prattl er's confectionery. J. L. MOREHEAD. augl thu sun tf rpHE YORKVILLE NEWS. -. The above will be the name of a weekly Demo cratic newspaper, the publication of which will be commenced at an early nay at Torkvlae, a C, by W. M. War lick. -.- . . i The Nxws will b s good advertising medium for the business men of Charlotte, as the paper will have a large circulation in the counties of Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, North Carolina. The price of subscription will be 92 per annum. Address, W. If. WARLICK, Junes. Yoriatle, 8. C. it7 ,'A -,T. L-t."V--- . , ' ; r taklesofe to stating tp - , ... ,4 That has never been surpassed in this niaikeCad SPRING P. S. I take pleasure in announcing with an experience of ten years in the W & ' Aug. 2(4 im&?- - - Demoeratand Home eopr. m 4 V t . s s : e t- . Call at once, before the great rush cart PRESS GOODS, XAWNS, PERCALES, CLOTHING, STRAW GOODS, LADIES' HATS, AND LINEN DRESSES, Now'.is ' Aug.7,187iji 6 j JUST RECEIVED, A large lot of FINE SYRUPS, YELLOW "C," GRANULATED AND EXTRA "C SUGARS. 1,000 POUNDS Arbuckle's "Arlosa" and Barkley & Hasson's En terprise Coffees. 12 Bbls. New York Cider. 25 Boxes Ghoiee Lemons. ELEGANT. CREAM CHEESE, And a full line of fresh Crackers, Pickles, Canned Goods; in fact everything needed in a fancy and heavy Grocery Store. Be sure to call early and of ten, and your wants shall be supplied. ... , aj.tr .j I have on hand one dozen School Desks and a fine Milch Cow that I will dispose of very low. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. P. S. Highest price" paid for Corn and Wheat, delivered here or at the mills of J. Springs David son. LeROY DAYIuSON. Q. A. MCLEAN & CO., HAVE REMOVED To the well known store room to the drier ft Alex- ) ander building, on Trade street. Where can be found a full stock ARrfcbFEEE, m MOLASSES, BACON, CAN VA8SSB HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, . : ; : I - : .; '..r,.r;vr B AGOING and T IE S, AUU DUC1 VU1W D QUO . t ' l I atiAh Atna mAa M a n ma found In a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY- STORE, new uooas une&p zor, uasn. Consignments solicited and Tsaflsfactlorr Vikl i;T iT-i .. . .,(r' - - '..,1 i i, m ivJi P j .: OQ H p5-?""C ui , ' S - As- . T .r-' . , fTl f h '- yj 1 S . f a: p J i- 8 r ' CM guaranieea. : augO dJtw tf ' my customers that I am now in the Northern Markets i A STOCK OF In order to make room for my superb stock of Fall AND SUMMER GOO D: FOB THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. to my old friends that I am now staying1 with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied that Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you gools in that line to your satisfaction. Very respectfully, . J. Mo. ALEXANDER. ' ! BiRGAISrS ! v" f Th Largest and best variety of Goods just received for OUR FAMOUS FIVE CENT COUNTER, ; f ( i fry THIS SEASON. ies the best bargains away. We are also Stock, consisting of At Less than New York Cost. your time to buy the best Iwirgains in Charlotte. JSJ . H. MORRIS k BROS. BARGAINS ! Our Entire AND MUST BE SOLD. CALL AND SECURE WHAT Y0D WANT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. i ALEXANDER & HARRIS . THEBST ' SOLO $Y si5oo:oo BEWARE rl UW HOTlCEouG?toO4SMDoEtVZ&&CEIL4Tc: FOR KAKncULARS " WhiteSewiwo Machike Co. in...... CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE, Via Wilmington, N. C; THROUGH FREIGHT 'ROUTE o Thls Line being fully equipped for business, offers unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern ClUes to Charlotte, StatesrMe, Asheyllle, Rutberfordton (Jreenvllle, Spartanburg, aU Stations on tne Atlanta & Richmond Alr-Llne. Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, and Western N. C. Railroads, As well as points In Georgia, Alabama mid, Mississippi. -0 Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. (Jen. Freight Agent, Wilmington. K. C, sepL'10 BAUG -IN iiifiilii. AT- E.G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, . a f r : i KEXT TO PJiTOFFICE V j; Mf stock Is veiy large, and embraces a full Tine of Parlor CJiambef, Dining Room and Offlce Fur ninr - All gooos psea rrse oi caiuxc-i pOBSALE. s-i TlMBouTgeolseandMlnlon type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Uu. tana fnmwhv nf - lhnAlnM'tail Ms not discarded because , no longer fit for use, bat w ty oeeanse it oeetuao ubcbwkji tw w amereni style of type. It will do good service , for several years to eome. It will be sold m lots to sol pur- hmM . Mil fK.i fnnt Af RAtnl nnfUtia with at wtthouf ae AddreM O&KBVKR, . . D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, ..-TTr..NTiai. 'if tftm til I .?.. i!i;t ii ",, rr''i . it. -y ' ' ' ' ' 1 J ' ' ' 1 "' 1 u "- ' ' ( tltV , XFHCE OVER It ft. WStSTOX 4 "COU ' .' DB08 8TOBK. ' With 25 yean experience I guarantee entire atlsfactlon Jan 11 ' . .' . '." ' '. t-. (or the purpose ofbuyIng x " ' and Winter Goods, I will offer my entire stock AT COST, J. MOYER. selling off the balance of our Summer BARGAINS ! Stock of ' SO SIMPLE . ttlM-r: uvUBEHS ADDRESS! Cleveland, ohio. -...euuj ." . TO ALL POINTS SOUTH, via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway .Charlotte. - A.INS Q.ROCERIE3 CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS t NEW tXATCRES , Come to me forBacon, Com, Sugar, Cofiee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. 2 Just received, a tern barrels o Berry Foster's (Da jrteowoitrti wariij i.a mhiwijt. 1 v .''!: r.'-.if ,H"( ;Uiit til 1." . . ; i BEST RTE VFHISEETj iin - ;' ,JilrSri'iJ lUif hfn:W Also' a fine lot of Ctrr'iWeash. Trade Street ' Next door below Wilson ft Black's old stand, ap 16. SUMMER