4. Air il.. SUBSORIPHOn BATES : Dully, one year, (postpaid) 1 advanc. . ... .18 00 gir. Month. .. . .- tost- . " 4 00 Three Mowww.. .....;... .'.. 3 00 One AfontA. A.iiJ..,.. 75 ' TUB OB3ECTJ JOB, DEPARTMENT , Has been thorWsapWted "with every needed . want, and with latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now 2? done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness, we ean furn ish at short notice, ... i- ''.' .' - i BLANKS. BILL-HK4pa, , WEEKLY MMHON : Weekly, (to the county) ta AifwMM. . .......... $2 00 CHARLOTTE, BF.s 0r S UND AGIJ 31 , 1879. Six Montht. i. ........ ... .....i,, oo VOL. XX. NO. 3,281. ' Liberal Beduetiongfor Olube. u I ill km iv l;r l J- LrfUT . i J I nit fct C4U;;Zi i lttM hi I uiv il r , , j l.i' 1111 .III , , PAMPmJfa. cmCULAfiS. CHECKS, AC uvuittxxz. S II ID HOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ... DULKB IB ALL KINDS OF Iff.. i BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS AND LOUNGES. PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS. IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 Wkst Tradk Stbxbt. CHARLOTTE, N. a Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a fine supply. July 24. DR. J. H. McAden, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a fall stock of Lubiu's Extracts and Colognes English Select Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. MOADKN'8 Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AMD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from a West Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposon, bunt - a'We & Sons, Bampre. For Sale by bb. j. h. MoADXN, Sole Agent CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 ffertMti V1 rNDEBTAKEfO- ; iil.tli-U H'jjjo'i A- . ' -; The undersigned is now piepared to au ftUonjni for every class pi Unijei JBtavlng on baud fullassortmentol. COFFINS, CASKET&ANB- BUjRIAL' CASES, ' - ?. u t. ' "b- BCSb Wood and MetaUc; Hi F KICKS AS LOW AS AMI Hearses furnished IT desired Kurnlture of every Description Bernir4 at sbor W. M.WILHELM, ' with JL 0. Brs. Trade Street, - IMS ... Junsao. Another Decline. We hare Just made another redaction in the pri ces of all oar SUMMER FABRICS, DRESS GOODS, COTTON AND LINEN LAWNS. DRESS LINENS, LINEN DRILLS, Ac, Ac. OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY Is good, and going off at Agures below New York Cost OUR STOCK OF GENTS' STRAW HATS In white and colors is good, and at prices to suit you. PARASOLS 1 FANS At greatly reduced prices. We have on hand a good stock of Mosquito Nettings, AND CANOPIES. Any one lh need of SUMMER GOODS Will do well to call on us before buying. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. July IS. FOB Bottled Lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for 81.00 per dozen. F. C MUNZLEB. All orders left at John Yogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 lager wmi HAPPY JOE FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY "-- " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschesser's and drink the more." FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL THE WAY. I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which I am able to keep on draught, and for sale by the keg PURS ICE COLD LAGER BEER Brought to my door In an ice-cold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. Persons in Charlotte, or at a distance, can bay beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant ed to be as pore and fresh as if last made. My facilities this summer for the delivery of Beer are better than ever, and as. the sole, agent In Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Wines and the best Liquors on draught or for sale by the quantity all the time. JOSEPH FISCHESSER. ju27 gTOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N.C.: C.S.BBOWW, Proprietor Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.) C. & Brown, Jr., Chief- Clerk; W O- Shelbom As dec SO J ' 1 ' 1 $2.00 S2.Q0 MARSHALL HO U S T? XT O U S T? o u s II XX o u s SAVANNAH, GA. ) ... Reduced rate S2.00 and $2 SO. aoeordlng to loca j .! tionofBoeia; M. L. HARNETT Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. .nan it r mr.'s&c J-'. ji.Kjf nil RE-GRAHAM HEAT. BEESD, , - Af BATHER'S, CAKES" CAKES! - Pound Siioiiii-j.aAirf,,! Caket PRATHEB'S, Maylk TraaiatreetH ELL IMPROVED Any person desiring to parchase well-Unproved eta uotwm mm wntmitua jnooerp; venienoas, fine mil of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes waScof th publlo squaie, oanbe ao- commodated by applying at aeci THOFFICR September. H. H., In Scribner, for September. The'goHen rod is yellow; The corn Is turning brown; The trees In apple orchards With trait are bending down. i The gentian's bluest fringes Are eurting to the sun; In dusty pods the milkweed Its hidden silk has spun. The sedges flaunt their harvest In every meadow nook: And asters by the brook side, Make asters in the brook. From dewy lanes at morning The grapes' sweet odors rise; At noon the roads all flutter With yellow butterflies. By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer's best, of weather, And autumn's best of cheer. But none of all this beauty Which floods the earth and air Is unto me the secret Which makes September fair. 'Tis a thing which I remember; To name It thrills me yet; One day of one September I never can forget OBSERVATIONS. Dennis Kearney Is now called "the great Pacifi cator." The youne man who loved above his station was always getting out at the wrong depot Them are fears exDressed that the Rev. Mr. Murray has become a California politician with all that tbe name Implies. Peaches and pears have a knack of getting into boxes with their spotted sides down. New Orleans 1'icayune. No woman was ever made round-shouldered at the wash-tub,and no man ever became hump-back ed rrom splitting wood at the iamiiy pile. The Tountt ladv whose lover wrote her that he was doing duty on the tented field, afterwards as certaineoVthat Instead of fighting Indians, he drove a team for a circus. The traveler writes that in the far East a person who gives a present always does so with a view of receiving ai leasimty times its value in return. only in tne East? It seems paradoxical to say that a thine can be bigger inside than out, but if you eat a pint of dried apples and drink a Quart of water you'll find that such a thing can be.Addie Boyd. Blaine says he feels it In his bones that the Re publicans will carry Maine this year. It is proba bly mercury that Blaine feels and not victory. And yet this gifted state m an took a turn at Hot Springs. The following advertisement appeared in the Rochdale (England) Observer of June 26 th: "On sale a set of teeth, the owner having no use for hem, having nothing to chew on account of hard tunes." A boy In Crawford county, Ind., married when he was seventeen and was a father at eighteen. lie tateiy mamea a second wue, ana now, si tne age of eighty, is happy with a second child. There Is sixty-two. jears difference betweetuthe ages of tne two cniiaten. Josh BOlings believes In politicians -and people in eenerai attendtmr to their legitimate business. and not Interfering with the rights of ethers. Said he recently: "I never argy agin a Buceess. When I See a rattlesnaik's head sticking out of a hole, I bear off to the left and say to ml self that hole be longs to tnat snaut" RESIGNATION OF PROF. PHILLIPS His Letter to tbe Oovernor, and Reso lutions of tne Board of Xrastees To His Excellency Governor J arris, President Board of Directors of Uni versity of Jyortfi (JUrotma: my dear ir: iieaitn ana tne in terests of the University require me to perform one of tne most painful acts of my life. I hereby resign unto your bands the superintendence of the de partment of Mathematics, with which the board, over which you preside, has honored me. Until lately I have been hoping that I might still be of some service here ; but this hope has fled, and I now ask to be released at once from responsibilities I can no longer meet Praying still that the University, to which I have been attached for fifty three years, may always be blessed by Him who put it into the hearts of our fathers to establish, I am, Yours most faithfully, Charles Phillips. resolutions of the board of trus TEES. On motion of Mr. Saunders the resig nation was accepted, and thereupon Mr. Cameron offered the following resolu tions : ' '" . Whereas, The Rev. Charles Phillips, D. D., has tendered to the board of tru tees, his resignation of the chair of ma thematics in the Universirty of North Carolina, and the same having been ac cepted, therefore, be it Resolved, That by his long and use ful connection with, and services in our University, in which he received its highest honors as a student, and suc cessfully filled the offices of tutor and rOfessor, and was associated as col eague and companion with those emi nent men Swam, Mitchell; and the El der Phillips, and on whose shoulders the trustees, with so much . propriety, placed the mantle of his learned and venerable father, immediately after his sudden death ? by his manly and .earn est efforts to reorganize that insf itulioit on the broad principles of an elective University, and as demanded by public necessity and by his intelligent zeal and co-operation as a citizen in and out of the institution iri the support of the cause of general education and sound morals, Rev. Charles Phillips, D.;IL lias endeared himself to the board of the truestees of: the University, its fac ulty, itstodertts and the intelligent citizens pf tfae&taterand we therefore deensifalikeduetd bini and to ourselves to express in this manner our sincere regret at the 8iepftratto--the worse as it has been caused by long oontinued bad health, suffering and affliction.: and of our contined interest in bis-iwelfare and of qut desire for his restoration to health. Resolved furtjier, That President Bat tle be instructed to tender to Dr. Phil? lips tbe use and occupation of the house and lot now occupied by him, free of rent, until the same shall be needed by. .ifeefi That the seeretary of the board furnish. Pr, Phillips with a copy of the resolutions at an early day. , ,i. The Swepson Case Raleigh Observer, 29th. t Thls casewas called in the Superior Court yesterday morning. The counsel for the State moved to amend the re cord,' so. as to make it appear that the efendant, swepson, was not preseiit at rxnaf n is. 4 ne aef enaane jwsjsi. thw. motion, on two grounds: st, ;want of power in the court. 2nd. If there' was such power, then .he facts roust bp found by a jury, and & aejnanaeg a jury m pae pne quess ipn ftf power sftoura rjeaecjaea agamst Jndffe Averv held. that, as he had not the power to try any criminal offense without the interventWft 'of a jury un HAf thA nnnstitution. he could.no, more amend a record, which raised apre-1 scmption of acquittal, so as to; snojecL a defendant to another trial land put him in jeopardy without a findingjjy a. j dry ; ?that the record "did mot steak the truth,"and that 1th6 txercisi ictsach Sower by the cou'iiwoiflAM;ia..4jio. ontjf the stitutidni J e H fWCIIEW JACKSON 8 BEST SWEET NAI tQBAOOQ. tEuiisws;: There were twentvii visiting law yers at Catawba fonrthis week. Mr Clias. Washer, of Concord, an es teemed citizen died on the 26th, aged 66. I Mr. H. N. Latham, a former citizen of Wilmington, died recently at Aiken, JakerHalyburtfent editor of .tiie Mor- ganton Blade, is president of a debating society. f : - " Raleigh News A Mr. George Harward has accepted the challenge of Paul Lincke fof a walking match, and they will test thieir 'skill in that capacity on the loth of September, and also at the next State fair. , Tarboro Southerfter: A naked neero is said to perambulate some of . our back streets at night,;? .His nudeship is a ter ror totaepoys. twonaer it ne eouwn t be hir tdscaielfiufiia; out of , ; the tin- can-beating bWiihess. Raleifirh ObservetJ A new vein of plumbago was struck a few days ago at the mines four iqils from the city. It was reacnea'at point aoout nrceen feet from the stttfacei and is thought to be specially firieu" 'These mines are to be morVlargelyworJced. ; Salisbury Neixa i i Salisbury has one lodge of Odd Pellbws, one: of i Masons, one juugnts 01 jnonor, one : xoung Mens' Christian Association, : three fire companies, five "base . ball : clubs, and about forty "culmd scieties," and yet un happy people can be found among us. Stetesville Wiricflin ; On Friday last, Vhile Special Deputy IlaU M. Caldwell, of thi Sixth districtin tbe discharge of his duty, was inaiing : examination of the stamps on tobacco offered for sale by a peddler at Shepherd's X Roads, some unprincipled wretch gashed his horse's legs with a knife so as to quite disable him. Wilmington Star : The schooner John A. Griffin, whose arrival has been so long 'and so anxiously looked for, came inside lebarJaMyeslpay even-T ing. Messrs! Davis and Dyer, the two young Wilmingtonians who were pas sengers on board of her, were landed at Stoithville , sound , and , well, heartily glad, no doubt, to Once more set foot on land after what 8iu$'t havej)eeti a most eventful passage. Speaking of the rumor started by Me Dairmid, of the obsonianf that Matbes of the Winston Sentinel, would ; wed Cousin Annie Mima Barnes, in STovem- her, the Tarboro Southerner exclaims: Happy Mathest-Accept ottr congratu lations and prediction that the Sentinel will have twice the circulation of any paper in the State, within three months after the auspicious event Remember the ides of November. Wilmington Star : Capt W. II. James of this city, goes to Tarboro, early in September next,' as engineer in charge of the work of removing obstructions from the Tar and Pamlico rivers. work which will probably occupy some five or six months. Many of these ob structions were put down by Captain James during the late war, under the .Confederate eovimmemV and it is. per haps, an odd coincidence that it should fall to his lot to remove them. A telegram from Durham to the Ral eigh Observer says: Between Viive and six hundred wagons are here with to bacco for sale on the occasion of the opening of Parrish's new warehouse to morrow. The sales at Parrish's ware house begin at ten o'clock. Sales at the other warehouses will continue Satwv day. There is the largest break known here for years. Buyers from Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina and . Canada are present. Five thousand people are expected. Salisbury News : The Rev. Mr. Moser, a Lutheran minister near: China Grove, was recently the subject of a severe spell of sickness, supposed by some to have len typhoid fever, which culmin ated in mental derangement about a weekince,;aM hfeis now a dangerous madman, from whom bis wife ana chil dren have to be kept for safetyr H is subject to fits of imcontrollablfi frenzy, during which he attacks everything within his reach, both animate and in animate; It is feared fhaitbe case will prove incurable. The Turning of tne Tide. Baltimore Sun. The export of gold from England and France to the United States is exciting discussion in the English papers. The Times does not expect an immediate ad vance in the rate of discount which is now as low in London as from one to one and a-quarter per cent but con cedes that there may be contingencies which will stiffen the market. Apart from the probability nof larger exports of bullion from London, it is estimated by the Times that the organization in Paris: of a multitude of speculative com panies, more or Jess unreal,; creates in London great uneasiness, where any re action ftom an inflation' movement in Fraflce; would tie severely felt. The London sFiiwTjatfr, while showing that tho present -export -of bullion to the Unrtd States can be met by the bullion imports, , is , of u opinion that the shii ments of bonds and of other commodi ties "will be quite inadequate to settle, for the time, , the ; enormous balance which must be accumulating in respect to American food." When the bills f or the late supplies, which are drawn at sixty days,- tall due, the extent of the demand for bullion will be better known. ' In some quarters it is claimed that demand from the United States for gold in-payment for ; breads tuffs will reach, two millions of pounds sterling, (ten millions of doJlai-i) , Hew much more wi) be drawn for, il is impossible to say j for the English harvest reports, in view of the heavy losses sustained by the recent rains, continue to grow more and more discouraging. ' o . ' Tbe Jefferson monument. A Washington dispatch states that the Attorney General, in investigating tbe statutes of Virginia, has discovered that a law exists prohibiting the ces sionof any territory by individual to the United States without th authori ty of th Legislature of the State. Therefore he will be unable to carry out the provisions of the act of Congress authorising the purchase of the ground and the erection of a, monument oyer the grave of ex.president Thomas Jef ferson at MontioeUo, until the neces sary aotion is had. by the. legislature. The descendants'? of Jeff ersoni with whom the Attorney General has been in correspondence, have informed him that they , will unite-in any efforts he may see fit to make to secure the neces sary authority from the State and to carry but the intentions of Congress. . ; j ' n" . . icin.,;,:;;, ' f- : Toan who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness,, early de cay, loss of manhood, AeI willsend.a recipe that wiUcure you, FRER OF .CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by & missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed, envelope tothe REV, JOSEPH T. IMMAa, Station D, Mew York City. . ' 1 ' - ! :V ' L fi,&f-; A L L ! E ARE GOING TO MOVE ! W And we Intend to dear out every vestige in remnants from this season's business. We wnl occupy a elegant New Stock; hence, from this day a tremendous sacrifice on pur remaining odds and ends. All of our Straw Bate, without reserve, ranging at Summer Jeans Drawers at 75c. and $1, at 50o. STARTLING PRICES To Close the Season's Business Prior to Removal ! 0 SpringCass. Suits wUlaQ be placed upon two counters and closed urilformly at $10 and $12 -f overprices ranging up Our entire stock of Cs. ntswm be reduced to two classlficattons,vl2: $3.50and$2. ; Such bargains have never been bestseteettons. ! v .n FLflfBli. CLOTHING, Customers can purchase goods cheap enough to keep them over for another season, at . "'.. ' ' ' THE NATIONAL CLOTHING HALL We have just f 11 18T9. FOR FALL o JTJ9T RECEIVED FALL DRESS GOODS, NEW STYLES OF LADIES' FALL HATS. ' FATINITZA " PINS, THE NEWEST THTJTO OUT BELTS, GREAT NOVELTIES. CALL AND EXAMINE, AT WITTKOWSKY & B A HITCH'S. SUMMER STOCK. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, V&itUiBail and'Throagh Cars, Enabling Quick- est Possible TimW'toaltPbmts South and : HO DBAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EPNSTE MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight received latWyiour of IHe day, and Through iilte of Lading issued at Steamship Wharves or ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac, appiyfoeltheTrofthe ndersigned. ' ' --O'- , April 30 d5m. 3KL IBS O' HAVING REMOVED TO THE STOREDFORMERLY OCCUPIED BY S. LANDECKER, ON TRADE STREET, THREE DOORS ABOVE ALEXANDER k HARRIS j J WILL SELL - ffl BALANCE OJP MY SUMMER GOODS, , .SUlMiR 'gOQI, lRE(3ARDLElS5fe 4 ' MRS. R. 1.B0, $1.75, $2, $2.50 and $3, closing at $1. Our . Bespectfully, TO CLOSE OUT jOUR. STOCK OF SUl"'.liV: i THING -OF- received our Merchant Tailor Samples for T A EE I 11 -o- 00 K;k FINCH, South OVELTIES TEMBE S SE g ' Br F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) MNELIS. '- i new Store, and In compliment propose' opening an Nainsook Underveits, at 75c. and $1, at 50c. Our ottered, and we Invite early attenUon to secure the E. D. LATTA & BRO. Fall and Winter. V ill SUMMER STOCK. offl- Western Agent, Charlotte, N.Jp.. pXistcUaueotts. i.tiu artn KontbArln TursfnJrlT ooem.x' t hoa hAiinmo nAMuuitv. I fim nMnund tft Illla VJV9MMV vm ' W r orders at shortest notice and with a superior q? . m w .A A blk 1 VnWA KaA -Tegular customers. flhose. who do net desire , eacn aay m regular quantities cuu piwou w by applying to drhrer of cart of to me at offloe. Ice by car load, Darrei or cxnerwise spiuuij, promptness guaranteed in every instance, j nanitlM curled In the business, embracing all klnda for families. loundnes ana smun use. uiwnr B nottoey Jii vM-: . J Mi-tK'li- My stock of Lumber Is complete, and of all the various kinds usually carried In the business, iel 8a&4jdre8se4ftoorln,5 dressed ytojMf5 yuT.rtEnnt Yard: comer Trade street, and, .N. jCJR. B, , f , Ida. 1M rrh'nrlnttA N O' tOIEIi !

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