It gooli and goli grlutitriff. Stye l)arlolte" temjer. fft it uS 3 THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed We canfum- want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every w be done with manner of Job Printing can now neatness, oispatcn and cheapness. tsn at snort uouce, BLANKS, BILL-BEADS, LETTER HEADS, CARDS, TAGS. RECEIPTS. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS. CHECKS, AC TO THE PUBLIC. OUR STOCK OP STAPLE AND FANCY Is now open and ready for Inspection. We claim to have tllE HANDSOMEST STORE Anil the most complete stock of Dry Goods to be found hi the State. oun- Magniiieent Carpet Room, Representing $20,000 In Carpets alo nnvthlne ever before seen In the city. vol. xx: CHARLOTTE, N. O., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1879. NO. 3,297. HVHiCRirTION RATKS f r Daify, we year, ( jwcfpaKt) in advance., . Sise ifonfto..,...,.. ,, Three Montr?. : : .". . . . : .'. . . One Mouth ...... S8 00 - 4 00 Weddy,Vn XAiwSmtfvCadv&ide . .92 00 Out tfthfcopottpni,...1 12I.7.H.V.A. 8 10 SixMonlfu... 1 00 inifwAVi..lnHiiJ11 1 mrrf w .. i Him jir. v TIIELATEST BUT NOT THE" ;4 v. ts alone, surpasses a cltr. It la a well- ladles that we lead the known fact among the market In , DRESS GOODS, Carrying a larger and handsomer stock than any bouse in Charlotte. Don't fall to ask for Ribbons. Call on us for CASSIMERES AND JEANS. Ask for Towels, Table Linen. Ask for flannels, Napkins, etc. Be sure and ask for Ladles', Gents' and Children's Under Vests. Our Hosiery Department Is well worth seeing, being the Ian Our stock of Ready-Made Clothing zest In the city. Is eoual to any In the market. We have the best Shirt sold In the State for the money 75 cents. In short, we have everything you want, and at prices as low as can be found anywhere. Everybody Is Invited to call on as. We will show them polite attention and nice goods. Very respectfully, ALEXANDER A HARRIS. Sept 14, 1879. Democrat and Home copy. -LEASTS ( ; -r We will have our stock ready for exhibition by Monday, September 15th, which Is the largest and handsomest we have ever offered. Our stock of DRESS GOODS, -YIZ- Black and Colored SUk, Black nd-Colored Sat tines. Black and Colored Alpacas, Tamlse, Henrietta Cloths, Drap Be Almas, and Fancy Dress Goods In ! " all the latest styles. We have a large stock of Bepellants, In plaid and manseis mixed eolorsv Cloaks, shawls, sna .Fiannei.. Ifumttttrje. BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKR TH ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. This branch comprises a large line of Black Silk, Black and White Breton, xorcnon, itauan, real and Imitation and Valenelenne Laoea ( Ladles Silk and Lace Scarfs, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Illusion, Tissue and Berage Veiling, Dress Buttons, Hamburg and Swiss Embroidery, a handsome stock Ladles', Gents' and Chil dren's HOSIERY IN WHITE AND FANCY COLORS. Corsets in all grades. Ladles', , Gents' and Chil dren's Underwear. A large stock of Kid Gloves, from 1 to 6 Buttons. We are selling the celebrated KEEP'S SHIRTS, Cuffs, Collars and Umbrellas. Be sure and look at our stock of Gents' and Youths' Stiff and soft Hats. Gents' and Youths' Caps. Beady-Made uiotning In Diagonal, Basket Cloth. Fancy Caslmere and Cheviot Suits In dress and business styles. A large line of Carpets, Rags and Oil Cloths. , We ttolt, epOvllH CHiCHUVU IV visa uho vj. - iuuivo u.u and Millinery Goods. We are willing to compare s and prices witn any one. our stock oi s and Shoes la comDlete. Give us a call. Special attention given to orders. Respectfully, T. L. 8EIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon SL, Charlotte, N. C. Sept. 14. Noboa j's Cat ...... BT KABT SSTHKB 'KILLIK. Independent He comes again, that sneaking scamp, . That Tile, disreputable tramp; . That yellow cat, with one eye out And minus half hlsHail the lout; "His scanty hair torn out la light 4 A wretch forlorn, a sorry sight. v I mind me well not long ago He paced these fields a full-fledged beau. His whiskered head hia dainty paw, His glossy coat, without a flaw. His well-curled tall, his high-bred stare Proclaimed him favored of the fair. Ah! then his food was creamy milk, His bed a lounge of down and silk; t A darllna mistress sought his weal, No grief ner petted puss might feeL - By night, by day he went his ways, Well surfeited with love and praise. O But' now, you beast, you wretched wight, 1 Begone from decent people's sight, Go steal from swine your moldly bit, Make haste my premises to quit, Or else be pelted well with stones. There now, Jog on, old crazy bones. - But what U this that dims my eyes? What stirrings of my soul arise? There's something human in your look, . A something that I cannot brook. , , That boy of mine In foreign lands, . Afanfrom reach of loving bands. , Totfed on by Fortune's fickle beams, Only to see their fading gleams (For some get wealth and some get pain, And some get want and others gain); In life's hard race, ohl what if he A. friendless, homeless wand'rer be! Come back, Grimalkin, wretched thief, For all your pains now here's relief ; A kindly hand to stroke your fui, ' A bed where fouaf ffreaffi anoTgun. No more on Winter nights to roam, For here are friends and here a home. OBSERVATIONS. FID EMMIE, BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS AND LOUNGES. ;PARL0R & CHAMBER SUITS. rr COFFINS of all kinds on hand. ES No. r wrr Tram Strkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C 1ST Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a Mine supply. July 24. mnxtjertaMttg. U NDERTAKING HEADQUAR FOB, Bottled Lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. v r. u juum&ijUs. All orders left at John Voxel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 Even the bootblack says his' business is bright ening up. : Now Is the time to put up your stove pipes and get your fall soot. k Candidates in this country don't kiss people's babies: they cet the people's babies' fathers drunk. They call the Tammany fight in the Syracuse convention a bolt because it was made for the door. Circus proprietors mournfully contemplate the cable dlajtatches statlDg that 60,000 camels were lost In the Afghan war. "Every dav brines Its own trials." said the court clerk, as he wearily closed the docket and lighted his ultimate cigarette. To disinfect a room where there are smokers, bring In a plate of boiled cabbage. While the cab bage remains the smell of nicotine will not be no ticeable. Smoking will not be allowed at the coming great walking match in New York. That is to say, it will be a match that you cannot light a cigar at ho. Com. Bui. Ignorant young man to Professor Tyndall "Professor, how is a man to tell a mushroom from a toadstool?" Professor "By eating it If you live, It is a mushroom; if you die, It is a toad stool." The editor who squashed a juicy cockroach with the butt end of ms lead pencil ana aiterwaras ior getfully sucked the same while wooing a coy ex pression, suddenly found a word, but It proved to be foreign to the subject under consideration. ( l . . , , . A write in the Aueust GenS&nkrig Magazine says that it is true ot nations as of individuals that a aaeer is almost as unpleasant to bear as a blow, and that he la not sure that Dic&en's "American Notes" did not do more to estrange for a time the two countries than the Alabama cumcuity. The- Yonkers Gazette remarks, t&at the negro ex odus reminds It of the story of a Western man who was describing the advantages to do gainea by emigrating to that country: "I tell you, BUI, when I went west I hadn't a rag to my back, and now I'm covered with them." SOUTH CABOI.INA ITEMS. Last Saturday 101 bales of cotton were sold in Rock Hill. Mr. J. MiHenkle and Mr. Archibald Barron, of Jork, are dead. Lieut. Allen Jordan, of Chester, has gone to join his command in Nebraska. A daily train will run henceforth on the Cheraw and Chester Railroad from Chester to Fort Lawn. Mr. D. P. Hutchison has been elected second lieutenant of the Catawba Ri fles, vice Lieut Poag, promoted. Dr. J. F- Ensor, late superintendent of the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, has received an appointment as surgeon in the United States army. The aggregate weight of five men who weighed in Greenville Wednesday was 1,317 lbs. The heaviest was Hous ton Rucker, the well-known drummer. In the Presbyterian church of Green ville! jWedjiesday, Mr. Andrew Park, of Meriweatrjer county, Ga., was married to Miss Lllla Park Gibba, only daugh ter of MrifiSGibbs, of Greenville. The struggle for the mayoralty of Charleston seems to be a sort of Kilkenny-cat business. There are three in the ring, each with tail flushed and swearing his conviction that he is the veritable choice of the people. Miss Lucy "Walters, daughter of Mr. A. T.Walters, of Lancaster, was thrown by a fractious horse last Wednesday and had her arm broken in two places. Mrs. Rebecca Taylor, who was riding the same horse with her, was thrown off and severely bruised. Constable Wiley Team, of Camden, pursuing a negro man namea levy LAST t !; !!.'.. '- -I. U j i i . n i-- .1 ! ;-i , .' '. r i 1 i. I. i WE ARE GOING TO MOVE ! : ', i ' s i). -'Mil And we Intend to clear out every vestige in remnants from this season's business. We will occupy a new Store, and In compliment propose, opening an elegant New Stock; henee. from this day a tremendous sacrifice on oar remaining odds and ends. , ' All of our Straw Hats, without reserve, ranging at $1.50, $1.75. $2, $2.50 and $3, closing at $1. Oar Nainsook Underrerts, at 15c. and $1, at 60c. Our Summer Jeans Drawers at 75c. and $1, at 50c " f 1 STARTLING PRICES To Close the Season's Business Prior to Removal ! Our Spring Cass. Suits will all be placed upon two counters and closed uniformly at $10 and $12 -former prices ranging up to $20. Our entire stock ot Cassi Pants will be reduced to two classifications, viz: $3.50 and $2. Such bargains have never been ottered, and we Invite early attention, to secure the best selections. Respectfully, K. D. LA.TTA ABRO. I EW GOODS 1 the Yadkin. HAPPY, JOE FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY ' Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschesser's and drink the more." The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders Tor every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metallc PRICK 18 LOW AS ANT Hearses furnished If desired. Kvimlture of every Description Repaired at shtf notice. FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL THE WAY. I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which I am able to keep on draught, and for sale by the keg PURE ICE COLD LAGER BEER Brought to my door In an ice-cold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. Persons In Charlotte, or at a distance, can buy beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant ed to be as pure and fresh as If Just made. My faculties this summer for the deUvery of Beer are better than ever, and as the sole agent in Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Wines and the best Liquors on draught or for sale by the quantity all the tune. a , . JOSEPH FISCHESSER. ju27 . , Navigation of Salisbury Watchman. The following are taken from Ihe re port of S. T. Abert, United States civil p.nfrineer. ut)on the survey of the Yad kin river, S orth Carolina, between the bridge on the North Carolina Railroad, over tne X aaKin river, ami uio wwii ui Wilkesboro: Distance from the railroad bridge near Salisbury and Wilkesboro (miles) 121.98 Total fall (feet) 887.28 Average fall per mile (feet). ...2i78 Total cost f Improving the Yadkin rlv , or betweeuabowe. mentioned places, lor three feet navigation, suitable for light draft steamboats $444,653.25 Average cost per mile $3,645.29 By the above report we have about 122 miles of the richest part of the State opened up at the expense of $3, 645.29 per mile, and when we compare the coat of oDening this river with the construction of a railroad, we -are sur- thompson, alias Belton Kennedy, alias Belton stucKy. wno naa roDDea me store of Baum & Bros., at Camden, was turned upon by the fugitive, who fired a shot which passed through the con stable's ear. The officer then fired upon the negro and killed him. A farmer in Abbeville county who a few years ago had a place valued at eighteen hundred dollars, well stocked and in a good state of cultivation, has had all his possessions, personalty and realty, absorbed by liens, and is this year paying six or eight bales of cotton rent tor tne same, tne uues naviug en tirely gone out of his hands. i i i i Blood, Year, Blood ! Cincinnati Enquirer. When the editors of the Okolona States and the Lemars Sentinel were introduced the other day they each took three steps backward, ana for some minutes glared upon each other like fierce Numidian lions. The Okolona howler was the first to find words, and said: "What! ' And is't thou? Come, then, bastard. Let me have at thee, And by the gods That roost on high Olympus rireatyetfp In a holy second ! Uglif .... "Rur Tniun mer ThA "Rftval Beneal Badger of the Sen tinel displayed his fangs and rejoined with his native ferocity : For this opportunity To call thee To thy TEETH, Liar! Hippograff I Hippopotamus! Snide! Shyster! , , And baldheaded snipe of the valley ! .O, come and see me, -And 111 mop the ground With" your miserable carcass Thosi thou thou Three ply -And doubly ayea Horse thief, A tm! sinn of A eun r Rut. t,h Okolona howler didn't come. A Vnr-atAnrler had seized the hem of his coat-tail between the tips of his thumb ARRIVING DAILY -IN- LARGE D . ! . i :l .; -.'.1 1. n -! ti'l i:i it i II . . 1 w..i ! .;.. at i-'!t' i nl : .' i - '.;. 'tin i I 1 'i,' 'I .uiu.utj.R .il. hi t u.l. mmm. -AT- 1. EI3IVJ"-iITG'EK. BRO'S Mammoth Southern Clothiers and Tailors. ' ' '' ' ij i N. B. Our Stock of Boys' School Suits is complete. ' f !,. ,-!!-. .. ) : : ; , t : : i i '. tl in: . '!.A '-IP t ti -iv ''Hi ri i -4 IPOB ME -FALL fl Mm ! Ij:;... Ji.tiJ And with this announcement we beg to bring your attention to the fact that wo. produce this season, in our newly arranged and spacious store, . ; . i . THE LARGEST AND MOST ELEGANT STPQK. if:' Ever brought to this market. Every care has been taken tqtma,ke eapff.dfarmo com plete inelegance and style without losing sight of this most essential point Jn trade,! i VERY LOW PRICES," nrS that the T river :haTnot been open- and finger and held him securely.. So So as to make our estabiisnment wortny oi the appellation ot "Emporium qr ii aempn ana fhft Tnwii man thatthinirs tt j i. j t T: j , muiiniu. . : - . nHniuiiianHrs iiir liiiw rniN. .-i t. i We respectfully invite each and every one to the inspection of our various lines of eoods. A large and polite corps of clerks will always be in attendance, ready to show whether you buy or not, t i . ' . i Samples given with pleasure. 1 , V T ' Very respectfully, " ! ! 'tune 20. W. M. W1LHELM, With E. G. BoKers, Trade Street. . (groceries. HAVE REMOVED To the well known store room in the Grier & Alex ander building, on Trade street, Where can be lound a full stock of SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, BACON, CANVASSED HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BAGGING and TIES, And such other goods as are foundlna FIRST-CLAS9 GROCERY STORE. New Goods Cheap for Cash. " Consignments solicited and satisfaction ,uumueea. augttdtwtf ' lJisjcjellattC0tts. 1000 F3SE 8iMpIjEDKBDa - MOST APPROVED FORM " Uust Printed and For Sale at the : OBSERTXR OFFICE attts. TOP AT THE . BOTDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C 8. Bbows, Proprietor. Late of the NaQOftal Hotel, Raleigh. c S. Brown, jr., i;aiei smr, " dc sn sistanL $2.00 H 8 MARSHALL E H SAVANNAH, GA. S2.00 8 T7 S JCJ A lnno- aim. We know of a railroad miles long, not far-from this place, bnilt through a favorable country, that cost over $7,000 per mile ; and even a narrow guage road will cost fifty per cent more, mile for mile, than the open in 11 n nf this river. But there is an- nt.hfir view of this Question: ltailroads of necessity are nearly always built up on the ridges, and all the rich returns of the valleys have to be hauled up to them. But this beautiful river flows through the principal valleys anddjrains those contiguous to it, anu wiieu open ed up would bear upon its bosom the harvests of as fine agricultural lands as are in the State. It would carry to market the timber on its low grounds and hill sides, suitable for the builder, the furniture maker, of MS manufactu rer of all kinds of implements; and it wnnlrt nlaee the larse deposits of lime rock on its banks within the reach of those who desire to use it; and in short, a large portion of seven counties, ' that are now shut up fiom the commercial world, would ave an outlet for trans portation -that would bring, to their doors wealth that they never dreamed of. Verbum Sap. Hackensack Republican. "Papa," said a bright little girl who was trying to read the Republican with out tlie aid. of dictionary, "what does verbum sav. mean?" JNow it seems been considered A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Ill .i-i-H' Reduced rate-$2.00 and $2.60, according to loca tion of Room. M. L. HARNETT, uent, law oi rauiwsn nwu Fet 1B-tf. ,; I RYE, GRAHAM AND WHEAT BREAD fimt. nana had once ciuite a scholar and had graduated from one Ot pur conegea whii,." r A several &rs aglKjnany uus r4 f mimkhi he bX .MiWtSJrif studies to such an extent tnat me siuipicot iiuy tation bothered him. So summoning all the latent Latin which long had lain dormant within the cavernous recesses of his mighty brain, he said : "My chUd I'll try to exrilaiir and simplify so jtoa can easily understand it. Now, ver is the Latin tar 'green pumis the He Wrewiot 'ttirtleand ajdUii a corrup f inn of Rnnn.' hence verbum sap. means. creen turtle soup.' Put away, your pa pr child; and ask mamma it supper is ready."-..-' - -!-'' : Is a Dost Property ? Bock Hill (S. C) Herald. ;;T"'; ; 5 that' PTfiiteti cdrisiderable in terest was. tried before Trial Justice Tewttl on last Thursday. The facts are briefly as follows: Miss Cynthia Gam l,nH a finer which she nnzed very highly- It strayed iOff. to .thehouse of vis f.moa ftnrriaon. who shot and kill rrKnni.r,'nf the doe broueht -..,4- :t.A rnnverv of. 'damages estl- a Z Th nlea of the defend Threeardea the dog . as Mrt 22- .iU. a. . .THUleatreeL !" t,mflAf ehnniincrit Tnetes- w -f i . r t,-.', 'I ,.- . . TI1H 1 2111 U1D WUIW v CJ . m Orders for ornamental Cakes promptly attended to..,! Iirnnriv anbstantlated the Usefulness OI 1 " i l rr. j . i ,amMAt that it was WELLIMPBOVKD S C ffi'KiFat Cornel - j :- city property fob SALS. "nkinst i i The fnrV "conitMJscd HJf 'wiitfr'men, rer i:rsa.t fcUi- wwr-m-. -tf AuZ'fordititfot tkfely'e dollars in fa- m. mnon deairfnc to Durchase s well Improved I erea.jexVI?5Si.,'n ? "v 9JIIJ JAM. wnu iuuv I ' ; je ; venlenees, tine weu of water, brick kitchen, wiuun flye minutes wane oi uie puouo suuttiv, out uv r AT PBATHKB'S. Pound Sponge, f ruit. Jolly, and alt kinds of f ancy Cakesat.,, ?1UTKKR,;.- turned out as they did that he went out , and breathed a silent prayer to neaven. : :'i , Deepening the French Broad. Brevard (N. C.) Correspondence Charleston News and courier. Brevard, the county seat of Transyl vania, is twentv-one miles from Hen- dersonville, and in wet weather it takes considerable time for wagons to go to and rnme from the railroad depot The citizens anxiously await better means nf rtommnnication with the outside world. That long looked-for desidera tum will be furnished tnem ere long. Thft national eovemnient is now en- cracroA in dpp.neninsr the French Broad. Tn -a. mnversation with Capt. Averill and Messrs. Cole and Jonnston, wno are superintending the work, I learn that, thftv are buiidine jetties in the shallow narts of the river, which when completed will give at least three feet of water at the shallowest point. The intention is to onen navigation uetweeu Brevard and Hendersonvine. a. ireignt and nassencrer steamer will be built the drawinsr of which IS at Mr. JUl fetair tons, a prominent, progressive uuu of that section. They hope to have the steanier ready by next summer, when visitors will enjoy an excursion on ims nintnrftsoue and most romantic soauI, which meanders through soft recesses, intermingled with dewy paths of mead ows and whispering rills, checkered with verdant and nower-emDroiaerea hillocks, and abounding in perspective of unsurpassed beauty, grandeur and effeet. This will insure the populous nftss of Brevard, now a quiet but really delightful and thnvmg town. secretarr Sherman and Political As sessments. sneelal Dispatch to Che Baltimore Sun. i .Washington, Sept. il. fcecretary Sherman took his first objection to the nasftssment of clerks of the treasury department for political purposes to dav. . An. acrent for the New York Ke- )putlicaa Btat winniifcteeUjjpeared to day ana askea ior permissiou tu uau- vasS Wie uepaftjueuw: xuj. Bumuiuuua. The credehttali WeTe taken into Secre tary .Sherman's room, and after a ten d and said that the object of the mis sion was in. violation of civil service order Host. The employes in the de partment would naye Deen giaa to nave fearried tiii ruling before the Maine election. eommodated by applying at TB3S OFTICX .,' arOBMW JJlOKSOXJ&.BXSTSWXET if a II tOBAOOO. '' SEPT EEiEl M. ' i ' WE DESIRE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION 'TO Otll LARGE AND VARIED ASSOMMENT OF ill t Cents' FurnisHing G6odvHats, Ciaps Selected with gfeat caret Our shelves and counters will be . found, replete with all the Novelties attractive Resigns, AND ALL THE LATEST ST YLES ARE FULLY cVc, latest, fn.4 m09t t I UtxlffHtl REPRESBNTE D. . : ' -"- ; .i. i : -. ! r. : il I ilmlll JUKI i. 'IM. Tn aiw fitia will a found fAnda ITiat. riritwithatandmor th advanA in fhp raw material, iva am a hi a tnnfTflr, at tha old priees, and in some instances ;lower than ever before. The reputation of our house for keepirjigCrOoqs of Well-known makes, (so that the customers may be assured of getting full talne for their money) wfll'be fttny'mamtMnerl.'also its character as THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OF CHARLOTTE. : . truii hah y.t; U. W. KAUFMAN & CO. ' ' ClllllaXa Comer of Trade and Tryon Streets. , . ,,,,, ;i Corner oi Trade ad,Trp8treeto,flIj.J'' P. 8. We are selling off our entlie stock of Boots and Shoes at and below cost. , ; , , ;o . , . j0 .HHrW.f ,CO. :siff KING'S MOUNTAIN MINING COMPANY, -. Nsw ToBKr September 2, 1879; TEB annual meeting of tbe Stockholders of the , KINU'S MUlQiTAIN MINING COMPANY wilt be told at the office of the company; No. 52 Broadway, Room No. 64, on TDXSDAY, October 7, 187U, at 12 vetoeK sl, ior ine eieooon ox am eers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legally transpire Assistant Secretary. Sept lO-ertatd. Civil and Mechanical ax B BENT, JL.' " mi r T8ept i l Ii I. Two1 bxraseseontalrimg 6 rooms eachM one m wagoner f -Colleee and 4th toe other on corner off Chorch and 4th .streets'. . ;. IB BINT. -(; ti A Strange Suicide; A Paris letter savs that a suicide took nkna An MnndaT at the Follies Bereere under very pecunar circumstances. The "O. "KJ j. T . "VT T? x T M Q. Xtf lrsrsZt fmm a lAttAr fniind on his & IN U 1 i A 11 VT nnmsa to be a devotee Of science. He left the following letter:- "I desire that my Wlv hft iriven to the Facultv of Medi- to fitudv. I shoot mvself because I am suffering from an incurable disease. In spite pXthat I xim as strong as a w knddannotTdie. Let me be very carefully dissected. . I shall afford the, doctors a very curious study. nwVunnuBitaf tlu VAtwnviltfaui. lintel, irtiffpir i the music store,' and Commercial National Bahlcvf t Alan fnm(.h.l nvwm. In Una. .in. twiHHtna nntll il Minimi., p iiwiiip iw. :i i wii i 1 arm .m . Apply to . u. u. jsuuijuh AT THK BSNSSXLAXB POLYTSCHNIC IN8TI- TUTI, TBOY, N. Y. Th owe engineering x.Knni in imariniL NaTt term beaina September 18th. The Beglster lor 1879 contains a Ust of the! graduates ior ine past on yean, wun umit.vvb Bonsi also- eonne of tody, lequirenientst ex penses, et& Address aogl7dAwlm Wnu a TOUNO, Treasurer. January 1st aext septo a ' .1 i ill li TJH)B SALK. .i- ,r A Y ABM Or 78 ACRES" ehait'neh'mbred; three rauea norm, ox uaanoaB, ma, tne v. 21 tiijj;. .; 1 ifiHiK' .jAliiii'l. Aatbe. warn atealher ia. tutai faJrir him lee has become a necessity, I am' prepared to fill orders honetodce and vKh4 snperiet quality ol Pure Lake Ice at figures which 1 bare been lor tuerr selUngLu if r ean miakea' dally 'deUrertes to regular cuiOomera... Those , wheto not desire lee each dar In rwiilar fakknutina an nmcuna UekttM ly applying to drtrei aCearMc it meat fflDe. lee dj eaE.Joaa,, carrel or otherwise a, specuuty, and rompeas gnaranteeaa erery mstanee. ' j In Coal I haw Af&U stoalUBf As kMUUT earned in the business, embracing all kinds for families, oundriea1 lanT mtUi ai tMlefhTfilied' at short : My stock of Lumber Is complete, and ,o an the various klnd'auaUy Carried to the baslneas, such as 6-4 dressed flooring, 6-tf dressedtpeuiiig, select, ttry boaras, Aci' large BtdcK of laths, shingles, Ac, eonstarhandj Kami ate si on special bUls fonnshea on application. Also bills of all kinds of liuubuiMiniiJnrCAt .JSrveornoUce. Office and Yaid foiBea Trade? rtreeft an JLC.JE1B. . P. O