'.I 1st 'i J ' ! : 1 t ?1 ; i t I MM '.1 , Stye Cljarbtte b$m)tr. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1879. STATE NEWS. There was frost in Lenoir on the 12th. Another tobacco warehouse is to be built at Hickory. A Cumberland county family lost fqux chjidreiUn a few days-by diphthe rial .; . ATi?AshevilIe man has bought up COO sheep and proposes to ship them through to Philadelphia. The summer being over, a turn-pike road is being constructed from Ashe ville to Warm Springs. The Asheville Citizen announces that Gen. Ilobt Vance will go to Washing ton this week on business for the peo ple. Mrs. Jane Hood, of Raleigh, died sud denly, it is supposed of heart disease, Thursday. She was found dead in an out-house. Enochville, Ilowan county, proposes to build a narrow gauge railroad to Mooresville, organizing under the char ter of the Charlotte and Taylorsville Railroad. Mr. J. Augustus Gamewell. of Spar tanburg, S. C, wa3 recently married in Asheville, to Miss Julia McDowell, daughter of the late Dr. Joseph Mc Dowell. Father White, of the Catholic church, of Raleigh, is still canvassing the North for funds to be used in the erection of a -- new church and,-the News reports, i3 meeting with considerable success. A negro child on the premises of Mr. A. J. Heath, of JolinSton cotinty, v;is burned to deatli a few days ago by the carelessness of its parents. 1 hey pro bably locked it up in the house and went off. The Fayetteville Gazette savs the board of directors of the State Normal School, located in that town, will resign at the next meetirg on account of an attack made upon them by a public meeting of the colored people of Fay etteville. Mr. J. S. Manning, of Chatham, has declined the position of assistant pro fessor of mathematics, recently tender ed him by the trustees of the Universi ty. He had opened a school at l'ilts boro just before his election to that po sition. Says the Chatham Record: There is a man in the western part of this coun tv, who some years ago, married the widow of his own son, and she was al so his own niece. The woman has had children by both husbands. X6w what kin are they? It presents about as mix ed kinship as any case on record. Judge Gudger didn't go to Baltimore when he started to Currituck, but he took a jide on a boat on the coast down Uiei-e,aays the Elizabeth City Econo mist, and. paid the customary tribute to Neptune upon first introduction, and experienced those sensations that rind no friendly sympathy, but take ns to the iortals of death and invoke the mountains to comedown and cover us. Julius McLurd, a slack wad from Cleaveland county, in Catawba jail for cost, took the insolvent debtor's oath some days ago, says the Entei-prise, and .was jeleased. He was immediately re arrested for infractions of the revenue la vtJihd re-committed to jail, but the same night wrenched a bar from the t -windowmade a rope Df his blanket, and quietly slid down and out. The Enterprise says that last Mon day Mr. Ashley Gilbert, of Wilmington, and Miss Laura Bost, of Newton, went horseback riding in the latter place, when the young lady's horse took fright and ran. Mr. Gilbert thinking it a ban ter for a race started after her at break neck speed and didn't discover the mis take for several minutes. On checking his horse too suddenly he was thrown over its JieatL" his face striking the ground' and rendering; 'him insensible for a; tithe. vllis'Iace was pretty bidty ; bjf u sed, butf th 9 wounds are n ot of a sen-"- ;''oaa natur .ferhe - young, lady escaped ,U4injuredv 3&t8aturday 51 fence-law -meeting L:jasjield at Lincolton. We read the 'vUt? proceedings in the Newton Enter !ipfise. Maxwell Warlick was chairman j.Xnd J. M.H6tz secretary. C. Cobb and W. IL Michal addressed the rneet , ing in behalf of the adoption of the law . I in Lincoln.' Amtoictee on resolutions having been appointed reported in fa vor of petitioning the county commis sioners on the subject ; requesting Ca tawba, Gaston and Cleaveland to co operate and to send delegates to a meet ing at Lincolnton on the 20th of Octo ber to confer as to the time at which the proposed election shall be held. These resolutions were adopted and the meeting adjourned. Asheville Citizen : We learn that a company has been formed, having for its object the connection of railroads from Hendersonville to Wolf Creek, Tenn., a full line of stages and Concord wagons to be placed on the route about the first of next April. The main object in inis movement is to endeavor next spring to turn the travel from Florida back North by this route, in order to enable the many thousands who spend A " 1 . ineir summers in jMonua to come through this way and stop at pleasure. From l",,000 to 20,000 visitors annually spend their winters in Florida, and al ways stop somewhere on the road in re turning North m the spring. The road irom here to Warm Springs is to be placed in thorough order, and a tele graph line is to be run from here to the hprings. Lincolnton corresDondence Newton Enterprise : The annual prize drill of the Southern IStars came off Monday, Capt. E. W. Ward, U. S. A., being cho sen as l udge. Trie members of the com pany all showed proficiency in the"man- uui, a iisi ocigciiuii j. Xj. Vilnius, UcUTV' ing off the plume asbeingthe best drill ed member of the Stars. After the drill was over, Mr. dames xempieton, in a well-timed speech, presented on behalf r the ktars a beautiful silver cup to miss jNunnie u. none, as a toKen ot their appreciation of her untiring ef forts in their behalf she" having been .c' iUie, manager ot Pinafore," a series of renditions of which was given for the J benefit of the Stars and which was an entire success. After the presentation,. air. x. ii. uouu in Denaii or. Ansa Moke, in a oeauuiui ntue speecn thanked the .4 i hiff) , T ... - . ' . ' W A V . iii i mi ii ii , . j i,. .1 y&i k , . 74srtnfQTOK.ptember ihort i " time since a6tate court in lorti Caro una ordered tne release of some tooac co seized by Uiiited States revenue offi- . i-ers. Commissioner Itaum, after ex- wiiM08 vu&casias-aayiseja tnis pnw iFVmmwWFi10, wa? :or; .JBasekJ0ii8eizea gooa3f aaacnac .orcutig'4t4t kabietp pros" interesting queuonriufctate juriBdioi- or .vt. 0TJi&s)lfifiiN.land ij'jiiii To all who are ufferlng from the errors ahd ttn tlcr6tlCbi oi yo'lnerrons wea1dieMr; eiahy' de Mlt to 'Lwi imm nt mfinhood. I will wad a reclDe ihai X t t'l 'win cHlWtoa; JBEB OT CHIbGE. Tbii ! greet FROM WASHINGTON, p 'I'lie Coming: Session of the Supreme Court Important Political Cases to be Decided Ohio Politics, dec. . -- . ' i - J Special to Baltimore Sun. Washington, September 18 The annual term of the Supreme Court of the United States commences on the 13th of . October. Mr. Justice Milltr and Mr. JusticefStrong Irealready in the city. The first day -the court will merely meet and adjourn, and then pay, respects to the President. On the ? seel ond day the docket , will be cajled, be ginning with number one. There are 821 cases on the docket. On the same day, by special assignment, there will be taken up for hearing the celebrated Virginia case, involving the right of colored men to be tried by juries ( f their own color. As is known, this case presents most important features, involving the constitutionality -of the reconstruction legislation of Congress. There will be quite an array of legal talent in the case, as among those who will argue it will be the Attorney-General of the United States and the Attorney-General of Virginia. Mr. Jus tice Strong has set for a hearing on the same day, hefore the full bench, the case of the Ohio election judge, involving the constitutionality of the election laws of Congress. The record in this case has just been received at the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court. It will be necessary for the counsel in this case to move in open court that it be placed on the docket When the mo tion is made it is understood that it will be accompanied by another motion to adjourn the case and set an early day for the hearing, as otherwise it could not be reached during the next term. As has been stated, Chief Jus tice "VVaite has also set the 14th days of October for the hearing of the habeas corpus cases of the Maryland election inrlo-es ma.v h tliiif. fhft r.hipf illS j l v ' -""j j tice will also aesire to near tne Mary- and cases in conjunction with his as sociates, although he has not, so far as is known here, given any intimation to that effect. At all events there is now the prospect that before the ensuing term of the court has terminated there will be an autlioritative decision as to the validity of most if not all of the re construction legislation which sits so ieaily on a large portion ot the coun try, and which it is no longer concealed works only for the benefit of partv, and not for the whole people. The progress of the three cases above relerml to will therefore be. watched with much interest all over the country. It has been an open secret that the Supreme Court has avoided, as far as possible, rendering opinions on the political leg islation of Congress, but the nienibeis ot that tribunal have at last uoubtless realized that the point must be met, sooner or later. It is better that the question should be disposed of at this time, and in advance of the next presi dential election, as it will remove the source oi unbounded dissension and bitterness. The Virginia case, by rea son ot the attitude of Judge Rives, of the United States District Court,- em braces points of Yast magnitude, inclu ding the right of the Federal judiciary not only to imprison State judges for carrying out State laws, but also the Governors of the States for executing the laws, and members of the Legisla ture for voting for those laws. THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. Ohio Democrats of prominence now in V aslnngton protess to derive consid erable encouragement from the politi cal situation ii that State, They claim that the prospects are bright, not only for carrying the Legislature, but for the election of the State ticket-Within sev eral days past quite a nice little fund has been collected here among Demo cratic sympathizers to be sent to Ohio and placed where it will do the most good. Campaign documents are being scattered broadcast over the State from this centre. The documents which are principally distributed are the speeches of Senators Thurman and Voorhees on political issues, made at the extra ses sion of Congress, and the notable speech on tue nnances made in tne House bv Gen. Ewing himself. . DEMOCRATIC? NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Various exaggerated and distorted statements are going from here to-night m reierence to tne meeting of the na- a: 1 J j. . f 'i A . t iKJuai xAHuucraue.'COTarnjiiee to-uay. For obvious reasons 'the members of the eommittee have seen fattc preserve a discreet silence in reference to their proceedings, and it may Te considered that the general press aceonnt furnish es an outline of all that the committee deems prudent to disclose ;'at present. Hereafter it may be considered proper to disclose more in detail what reallv took place. It can now be said the committee were furnished with such in formation as justifies the belief that with such an effort as may readily be brought to bear the Democrats can car ry Ohio by a very considerable majori ty. IMPORTANT lUILnOAD JPUOJECT. Aa Effort (o be TIade to Extend the Virginia Midland Railroad Beyond Danville into North Carolina by Way of the Coalfields and Thence to Statesville. Danville, (Va.) News, 19th. Hon. John S. Barbour, receiver of the Washington City, Virginia Midland and Great Southern railroad company, arrived last evening, accompanied by Col. Wm. E. Sims, one of the directors of the said company, and other railroad authorities, all stopping at the Arling ton, where a sort of informal confer ence, we believe, wras held last night with Maj. W. T. Sutherlin, president of the Danville and !New River Narrow Gauge railroad company and otHers In an interview with President B4r hour last night he informed us that th object of his coming here at this U8ieO is to inaugurate an effort looking to the extension of the Virginia Midland ra4L-, road beyond this city into North Cajo-,s Una 'by way of the coalfields of Rock ingham and thence to Statesville with the purpose to form a connection at that point with the line of railroad now being extended to Asheville and thence to the great South. He brought with him an engineer arid party to make a reconnoisance of the route of the pro posed extension in order .to, ascertain the-probabie 08fe -of eensferuction and the resources of the, , country to be de veloped 6y its 'This-reconnoisance will be made forthwith and the result re ported. ; . ...;.: v.( 1 President Barbour hals Just returned from New York where he has been in consultation, with wealthy i capitalists who are deeply interested in the pro- t Dosed. extensions and it Ah. .ufeflirstnnd f thiithet have deteVrMhedJtorpftsh the enterprise to a speedy success. , :.- ri.-ifr.T.MVuu.Mi.,,; .-' Att ArvhbJKho FHtei;w : Londonj iSentembers' 90-Beriin' de spatches say the; Atchbtshop' bf 1 Gosen tribunal r 16.: a .finpif an nnn. mnrWa nr seventy days imprisonment,! or "unlasR 'frill fiirftnrnfnrlT?i4it!vi" ' ' AfKH in Hit- .a TOM apporraniwwocvilOfits-fOTtane toevef man tt to saiaeome day . or another, bat how sel domdoeBamaB twUy toMmtiw eacadl opportnnl if.; TheBewwaper evWnow-an(tuthenteU of sovie person who, has n-w m kondrcdOioasand llahed LoulriMia State Lotteryj twuioh-la Jrawnn tha seeond iTqesdar 'In' ereir oithvt Kew.or lnnn Ia.! Silt dOS It 6TW trtli)tl:ru1,n leading about tbe auckFinjn that & BlmUar cood fortune might attend hlr If be werel to send, two dollars lor the next, .w&ioll Is the 118th drawing, to IL A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 692, or same person at No. 819 Buoadwar, and see what fortune bas In store? - - ' r j.uWio'- t ' ,u . septie lw . - ... . " j ere extracted from vegetaoie p roquets, combining in, them the JIandrake or May ' " Apple, which, is recognized by physicians eg a substitute for calomel, possessing all the virtues of that mineral, without ita bad after-effects. AS AH ANTI -BILIOUS MEDICINE they are incomparable. They stimulate tha TORPID LIVER, invigorate the ". jJEBYOUS SYSTEM, and give tone to theDlQESTTVB OJ&Q AH S , creating per ' feet digestion and thorough assimilaty of food. They exert a powerful influence on the KTDJJEY3 and LIVER, and through thes e organs remove all impuri ties, thus vitalising the tissues of the body and causing a healthy condition of the system. . . AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL They have no equal ; and as a result act as a preventive and cure for Bilious,Rfr mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers, and Fever and Ague. Upon the healthy action of the Stomach, depends, almost wholly, the health cf the human race. IS THE BANE of the present generation. It is for thy Cure of this disease and its attendants, SICK-HEADACHE, NEBVOUSKESS, DES- P0NDENCY, CONSTIPATION, FILES. LL. &0.i that TUTT'S PILLS have gained such a wide spread reputa tion. No Remedy has ever been discov ered that acts so speedily and gently on. the digestive organs giving them tone and vigor to assimilate food. This being accomplished, of course the NERVOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, AND THE BODY ROBUST. - fpiiig composed, of the juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agen cies, and prepared in a concentrated form, they are guaranteed free from any thing that can injure the most del icate person. A noted chemist who has analyzed them, says ' THERE IS U0 VIRTUE IN ONE OF TUTT'S FILLS) THAN CAN BE FOUND IN A PINT OF ANT 0THEE." We therefore say to the afflicted . Try this Remedy fairly, it will noj harm you, you have nothing t lose.butwjll surely gain a Vig rous Body Puret Blood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind. Principal Oflce, 85 Blurry St., N. Y. PRICE 23 CENTS. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. TUTT'S HAIBDYE. Gray Eusob "Whibrb cha.nei to a Giossr Black br asingle application of tkis Dr. It iin. aartaaNaUa-al Cakir.aots lostantatieaosiy, and ia u Harmless aa spring water. Sold by Druggiata, or lent by express on receipt of $1. Office 35 Murray St.. New York. apr 1 ly. 45 Years Before the Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND StCK HEADACHE. Symptoms of aiseased. Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left Side ; sometimes !the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness ; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, "nlf6d7ri4lduirhSiQr sen satiortinthe back fart.'Thefe is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied, with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight; dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and cfebHity ; he is easiTy sfarfTed, his J(t ire cola PXburningrand he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skip ; his spirits are Jow ; and although he is satisfied thatjerercisiiwould be 1 beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the abPYC symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has Ac J dj Ahtil ( 11 V U - Dll.vQ MgliANE'9 LlVEIlPlLLS, IJi casks' dF- Ague1- anb -FkvER when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all Who are afflicted' with this disease -to gi ve 4hem a fair- trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equaled. - p- i BEWAltE OF IMITATIONS. , . - Tne genuine are never .sugar. Coated. " Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, -with the impression Dr. McLane's .Liver Fills. The genuine, McLanb's LiverPills I bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. ljiiftpon ha-yjnff the genuine Dr. C; McIAAe's LiVeR itLVprefWed by i Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the J market being fall of imitation of the iuciiTik bueneu uinereniiy ltoi j same pronunciation. ' ! i lull A. W. ALEXANDER, '1 ' I l-ji f: a- x 11 iti tit I mil . DENTIST efir X'i f train si .tr-.:.!h..i hm ist. ii sdu OFTiaS OYER la WBISTON 4 003 ,r iifji .... xurArxntfl Htiliiir il aai-nkl fi i .... - Wa W&Fs.i; n n. WW xeaw xperlence-1 aiiarantea entire atUfactlon Janll 5 DYSPEPSIA &tozlivunil (SVxssxwxvc GK1MT ; i GlEAf iNDtJOEiVIENTS -TO- -TO BUY E K S THE- NEXT THIRTY DAYS, AT THE- t CHINA PALACE OF JOHN BROOKFIELD i & CO., EAbT TRADE STREET, TmfRR DOORS ABOVE COLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. am u. liUUOLF or our firm, having left tor the ITA Ni North night before last to purchase the lar gest stock of goods In our line ever before brought to an; Southern city, we will, for the next thirty days, otter our stock of goods at a sacrifice to make room for our huge Wholesale and Retail Stock, comprising China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Silverware. Wood and Willow Ware, Cut lery, Cloeks, fine Grasses, Fancy Goods, Bird Cages, &&, &c Th inking all for the liberal patronage of the past and soliciting a continuation of the same In the future, we remain Most Respectfully, JOHN BROOKFIED & CO. aug5 1879 1879 rHK FOUR REVIEWS AND LACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative, The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selecUons: ttaer edve the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English ediuons. No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modern thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether In religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers 11U their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. TKKM3 FOR 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE) : Payable strictly In advance. For any one tteview. For any two Reviews, S 4 00 per annum. 'I uo For any three Reviews, 10 00 For all four Reviews, 1 2 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 OO " For Blackwood and two Reviews 1 0 00 " For Blackwood and three " 13 00 For Blackwood and four " 15 00 " POSTAGE. This item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers In former years. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for Ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the " Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to clubs. To secure premiums It will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose Is limited. Reprinted by THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 41 Barclay Street New York gvttgs, Set. 5,000 LBS. Jno. T. Lewis & Bro's Pure White Lead and Lin seed Oil, just received by WILSON & BUB WELL. 25 CASES Concentrated Lye, for sale at low figures, by WILSON & BUR WELL. T OOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES, All kinds, at WILSON & BURWELL'S Drugstore. JURTON'S COUGH SYRUP Never has failed to reUeve a cough. Sold by WILSON & BURWELL. 15 BAGS PEPPER. 5 BAGS GINGER. 5 BAGS ALLSPICE. 1 BBL. hbL. JAMAICA AMAICA GINGER. INGER. BBL. BBL. T3URE CREAM REAM TARTAR. ARTAR. A UKE Just received by WILSON & BURWELL. auglS, 100 BBLS. Kerosene Oil at lowest market rates. WILSON & BURWELL. 50 GR0S3 S. & C. Matches, at WILSON 4 BURWELL'S. JPlf CELEBRATED Fever and aeue is most common In the Sprtne, but more severe In the tall and winter. It Is strict ly a malarious disease, and so surely as the Bitters are adopted, so surer? will the Individual who J adopts this precaution be exempted from its pains Buu ioutuuQ& Jiuu W7 bUia IMS, laiug aa o owuc- achlc and an tl -bilious aeent. and who will venture to gainsay Its claims to the first place among fam ily medicines r Miimoouwir. f,.j i,'i-r-'r ' ! For sale by all Druggist? and 'respectable deal ' ' mn mil ers generally. aeoaowim. ONE CAR LOAD . CHOICE IN WHITS SACKS. TWO CAR LOADS BULK C. R. SIDES, TRY OUR PATENT PROCESS Send your orders to BURWELL & SPRING. septll O CO Ld or CQ tr u u LU U o P o w P3 JUST RECEIVED. A large lot Ramsour & Boniwell's No. 1 Flour. A. L. Shuford's and D. W. Rowe's XX Flour. 500 Bushels Prime White Corn, 500 Bushels Prime Mixed Com. 500 Bushels Heavy Oats. A large lot Cigars and Tobacco. We are also closing out a lot Family Groceries at extremely low figures. Come with the cash and secure a bargain, ior we are nam np and must selL Respectfully, F. B. ALEXANDER & CO. septS HAYING HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTHERN Sg EASTERN MARKETS, Where I have purchased the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCK of CHOICE HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES I have ever had. I respectfully Invite your inspection of my stock, consisting in part of SUGARS, all grades; SYRUPS and MOLASSES Rio, Laguira, Mocha and Government Java Coffees, Barkley Husson's and Arbuckle's Roasted Coffees, all grades of Teas, Oat Meal lu bbls. and packages, Rye and Graham Flour, Pearl Barley, Tapioca Sago, Choice Cheese, a full line of Larrabus Crackers, and Canned Goods, such as Salmon, Lobsters. Mackerel, Sardines lb. and Vz lb. boxes, Potted Ham, Turkey, Chicken, Duck, Tongue and Beef. . Wilson Pkg Co's Canned Beef, Condensed Milk, Peaches, Pears, Piiie Apples and Quinces. Also, Olive Oils, Brandy Peaches, Plcklesy Ixtracts, French and Plain Candies, Sea Foam, Mustard, Patapsco Baking Powders, MaccaroBt, Tobaccos, Snuff and Cigars all grades. "In fact everything that can be thought of," which I am determined to sell at bottom prices. Call and be convinced that I mean what I say. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. septl2 FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRE ! THE undersigned is prepared to offer to our people security against FIRE, on most favora ble terms. Among other companies he represents the STRONG. PROMPT and WEALTHY LIVER POOL & LONDON GLOBE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $28,000,000. r Dwelling house insurance a specialty. Rates very moderate. FRED. NASH, septll lm Agent. CITY PROPERTY YOB SALE., ,-n in i- By virtue f a deed of ; treat' executed hjr J M. iatered in Book. 1 ft, page 207, Reglster'a office ot nauciiiiuig wiuiiij, a nut ku cm uums auction, at the Court Bouse door in Charlotte, on the 20th day of October, 1879, a lot fronting eighty-five feet on Church street and extending took about 275 feet, with the buildings and Improvements there on, situate between the property of Sam'l Grose on the one side and Jas. Norther on the other. Terms cash. i',-!j-- . in . 0-0 A -J BRENIZEB, Trustee. Sapt 10, 18 ,9. dlawtds. liii FLOUR pad GREAT BARGAINS u i" , .. . . .. . :,. :: ' ; i 't?,u 'Ifii .f'i; : ; f !'-. ' "! "? -t.i! ; In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver ahd Plated Table Wa.-e, I li..: - . . f AT J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 J3 LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half prlce and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Sllver-Plaang and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. Sr Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septl5 otUxits. Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on S E P X E M B E It 30X11, 1879. Drawings, biveb postponed, occur regularly on the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and will be supervised by men of undoubted char acter and standing, and ticket-holders, agents and clubs are respectfully requested to send on repre sentatives with proper credentials to examine Into the Drawing. A NEW ERA IN HISTORY OF LOTTERIES. Grand and unprecedented success of the new features. Every ticket holder can be his own supervisor, call out his number and see It placed in the Wheel. The Management call attention to the grand op portunity presented of obtaining, for only $2, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. 1 Prize 830,000 1 Prize, 10.000 1 Prize, 5.000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 t00 Prizes, 20 each, 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,801 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1,960 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, SI; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, $100. Applications for club rates should be made to the home office. Full list of drawing published In Louisville Courier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders. For tickets and information ad dress T. J. COMMERFORD, Sec'y, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky. Sept 0. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNETENTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS K.AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, October J4th. 1879 113ih Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, fob th tkrm or TWSNTY-nvx TSARS, to which contract the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which tt has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly, on the second Tuesday. It never scales or post pones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tlcn-ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 1 0,000 100 Prizes of 100..... 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 1 0,000 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES t 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 u Approximation .razes oi zuo 1.800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounUng to 8110,400 ttesponsiDie corresponaing agents wanted at ail prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the home office InNew Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for further miormaaon, or sena orders to ' . : M. A. DAUPHIN, .. Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana or same person at , "Not 81 0 Broadway. New York. All bnr Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management oi uenenus u T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early, ang 12. CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience in hospital and pri vate nnuLIn. uBinnisu ji.. j T.i' ir"rX kmumumjii cure iu tui Sw? j 0 Urinary Organs and of the Nervous "i"'r" viKouic ouu oeminai weakness Imrjotenftv (lnon nf uni .nAm u.-. t.vm' tT and Trmhl1n Pnlnl.Mnn ,k n.. m xEi?1 io'.wwdlnoss, Pains In the Back and abuses in youth or excesses in manhood. Diseases recently -eontracted cured In Ave to ten days, and uiopuuuu tuureiy eraaicBtea irom tne system. AlSn All Uill 111(1 Kliuvd llnAnnn. AnfA.l. Dr Robertson,' a graduate at the University of of Baltimore. .Special attention given to all f e- uiura vuutpuuaiii anairreguumes. ... All eansuia.tionB KtrtetlT cnnfldnfitlfil mil martl- ctaeasent to any address. Call or write,' enclosing QNE OF THE .MOST f IMPORTANT DTSCOVEUlKs .fLIi1iPfiee,nth ceiltury and one that Ukes , , , rank wUh the invent on of the telenhori? tu t"1 trie right and other sclenting marvJls ot the that of " HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVK ! wZiS?1011 Possesses the most remarkable SrlKofcur kM"n e'' ' SORES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISEd, -:-Imflamed and abraded surfaces, and for - ALL SKIN DISEASES. NDEKAPleL Tt 7i without a box of It in the house Physic a s tules; and the Oiousands who have ud unite in recommending it Beware of counterfeit. Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, and take no oth.-r JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN &C0., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wrlston & Co., Charlotte. . , marll JS i'!ily j a perfect Blood Purifier, and is th mrely Ykuktabi.e remedy known to sci Umt lifis maile railical and Permanf.ni f :ice. oi bvpinus and Scrofula in all lhci ihoronrhly removes mercury from it,, i :t relieves the sgonies of mercurial ::iiisi!i speedily c.ires all s-kin ilis- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m e SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., February 22, 1 K7K. SLR My child, five years old, had symptoms uf worms. I tried calomel and other worm meiileines but failed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain's eeitiii cate, I got a vial of Worm OH, and the iii st dose brought forty worms, and the second il se so many that I did not count them. S. H. A i Prepared by E. S. LYNDON. Athens, Gx For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte N. u teb'ild&wly. txxr xixtjertisemtuts. No one who is thoroughly regular in th b ivls is half as liable to diseases as he that is Ww-i ir. He may be attacked by contagijji disenos. and so may the irregular, but he U not nearly as suii- Tarranl's Zclizsr Apcuni secures regularity, and consequent immunlti : r mi sickness, sold by all druggists. WHAT St Louis Physicians ny. PiuEVgNTiv or M4LARLA Celden's Llctiin s Extract of Beef and Tonic Invleorator Is narticn- larly useful when tonics are required. In Diph theria, Ague, Malarial Typhoid Fevers, -md e.vrf depressing disease. Its use will be attHided witii great advantage. We have prescribed rHvltli ex cellent success: J. H. Leslie, M. D.;ii. H. Cupp, M. D.; S. B. Prasons. M. D. ; R. A. Viughan, M. U ; irs. a. Li. ana j. v. jNieaiet, ana many otners. W. H. BUOWN 5 BHO., Druggists Agents, Baltimore. We will puy AgeiiwuSaiury oi tlou per an'i (XH'iiti., nr m low a Inrie cuuiniipuu, losi-,1 oi.; new hiiiI wimdi-iTiit inventions. We mean what tie say. free. AvidreusbBKUitfAsi &Co.v Marshall, .Mich. dUfyrr a month and expenses guaranteed to w I I Agents. Outfit free Shaw & Co.. Augus ts, Maine. $777 A YEAR and expenses to agents. Oitfit iree. Address f. o. YICKEUY, Augas- ta, Maine. $ti$ttlllXUtBXXS. 8 to 10 Horsepower ; Dry Steam Engines from 4 to 40 Horse Power ; TJtica (or wood tt Mann) Engines from b to 40 Horse Power : StaUonariea: Adjustable Cut-Off L tica Entrines from 13 to 200 Horse Power: Improved Corlins Engines from 15 to UO Horse Power; Boilers, iIIbizi; Iron Frame Reversible Saw-Mills, four sizes : No" Caro lina Portable Corn Mills :Corn-MiU 8tones,all siiea, anteed to produce better Meal, with 25 per cent less powr. Co. or Wsstkinszsb, Mi).," Westminster, fitd.,U. August 29 dfcw6m. FOR INDELIBLY MARKING CLOTHES. Without Pen, Ink or any preparation. Noexi'o suretosunor artificial heat required, andc;ni used either by writing, or with rubber stamp, i -dies will find it useful in stamping. We warnmt It to give An Indelible Impression. Vq trouble to nse'lt, and sufficient for 500 name .11 . . J . ! ' ! - Sold for i-.J ; 50 CENTS. , TEDDY & BROTHER, SMe Agents for Western N. C.