i&xottxizs. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1879. STATE I 1 V f 1 M. Moore, of Asheville, is Mr. dead. H. 'Last week 158 bales of cotton were sold in Concord. Sheriff Brinkley, of Cnowan, died .leiiisl of fcotin iiuilaleigtr1s3!r sAttmtaT 48HaleSr receipts for the week, 1,902. Col. J. McLeod Turner is to have charge of the shooting matches lat the State Fair. 1 - -- -fir. - A citizen of Harnett cently lost all seven county has re-' of his children from diphtheria, A thief" entered the residence of Mr. W. L. Stone, of Iredell, last week,while 1 the family was at church, and stole $119. As Mr. Neill McNeill, in the lower end of Moore, was mowing on Friday, . last, he, was stricken with apoplexy and died where he fell. Judge Gudger, who is holding the courts of the first district, appears by the newspaper reports to be making friends in the East. - . . A correspondent of the Iialeigh News says some corundum has been found on some land of a Mr. Tomlinson, near Cool Springs, Iredell county. .a. lFrank Bell, tried in Wilson for mur der committed in Pitt county, was ac- qiititpfl, .the snlifiitnr having acknow ledged his inability to make out a cage. The prisoners jif Chowan county jail got into a free Tighfclatid one had his nose bitten off by a crazy man, who seems to have come first best out of the engagement. The Warren ton Gazette says Mrs. Jane Y. Christmas, who the associated press reported last week as having died theraxfj,he yellow fever,, died of acute inijjurfmatlon of the stomach. c i , . A"corresponaent of the Iialeigh News states that Judge Thomas, of Newbern, is at Beaufort with a view to the pur chase of property on the water-front for parties who propose to erect a new hotel there. The Raleigh Observer says the Gov ernor received a letter last Friday ad dressed to His Excellency, Monsieur the President of North Carolina, at Raleigh, America," and it contained some very Frenchy religious advice. Tarboro Southerner: As J.' Weeks was leaving town on his cart last Wed nesday, his mule became frightened, ran, vu,, and threw him out, when about . "tlire lnufies f rom town, breaking the large bone of his right leg. Monroe Enquirer: We learn that on Friday, the 12th inst.,Mr. Marshal Stat on Wjho lived near Polkton, fell from a seaffokv-a distance of 15 or 20 feet, - at liking head first on the ground, and received such internal injuries as to Produce, his death on the following uesday. Winston Sentinel: In consequence of the threatened action of the .Etna Life Insurance Company, in relation to the policy of the late Col. II. L. Patterson, several of our citizens, who have re cently taken policies in that company, tov&madg propositions to the general ageht to! cancel their policies. ifffiPf JSxpriss: Miss Mary Ann tVfe,l )$deri lady, aged about 35 or 40 years, who lived nine miles south east of Monroe, committed suicide by hanging herself with a calf rope to a small tree near iter, house, one day last week. This . cash act is accounted for from the fact that she had been in bad health for some time, and was partially - insane. ,She belonged to a respectable family. Asheville -Journal: A large and in . terestine railroad meeting was held in Bj4?vaTT on Tuesday; last to take into I colisidefatlonithe building of a railroad tr0rtF6J,th&Air-Line Railroad, ttf this placS. Among the many inter keeting facta developed during- the- pro I gte$a Ot the meetinwas tutf announee- (biMttthafc -the. survey, mad showed a .etp&oniv .0$ jeet .tome mlie-aseen- Mie Jilae liidge- ftom the South ina line-and 'TO feet descending 'to iBrvard. The prpositjon .istwbjuild .JTIunhediy South. Carolina, the coun ties of Transjlvania, and Buncombe Jfeedng, cjqthjiifc ArMI paying the ex pense of guarding convicts from the South Carolina line to Asheville. The estimate for the work can in no case exceed $30,000. Gen. Robt. Vance, Capfe.' x at AiKinson ana uoi. uiayton repre sented Buncombe at the meeting, the two former making speeches in favor of the enterprise. ..HENIIEUSONVILLE ACAIIY. A married Gambler Kuus Away with a A'oung Liulf. Hendersonvllle Courier. Considerable excitement prevailed on : i the streets of Hendersonville. vester- day afternoon, caused by the sudden de parture, unuer peculiar circumstances, of a man named C. E. Smith, and the "'! ''simirttanebu'disappearance of the aaugutef . ot one ol our respected citi zens, Mr. D. S. Martin, a tobacconist, who came to Hendersonville from Da vie county, early in the summer. About four weeks ago Mr. Smith, who is a gambler by profession, but, as we nave learned,, respectably, connected. came to our;ti)ton and put up at Chase's noiei. lie was not long in lorming the acquaintance of Miss Jessie Martin. uu wtw iir loosing, possessed oi a good education, and excellent musical trailing. i . : :; .-. v. -;. . Smith engaged her company but a short time, however, before it came to the ear of Mr. Martin that he, Smith, 3Yas. married. Immediately upon re- 'eeffirtg'this information, Mr. Martin .(,ephmially forbade further inter course between Smith and his daugh ter, and even threatened to shoot Smith on sight if he persisted in paying his addresses to her, This produced a tenv porary check, and Smith resorted to his defeBse4yHdeavorlng to disprove the -wo! i4ijl4)beirpquest fy:Mj.Swith1we in- Mircvwweci a prominent lawyer oX Ash-4 IX ,e e"2?heatterand Tearn--.es. JwatL Smith -had. "been tiarried,1 but .!xjjUa!hia, wifevafcutne timfvnf mar. RSfiSS'J aUvfiifiihand, vorte. He also, stated tiafc thmaktA .;i J!ArFatifflha been obtained from nirt KMiejenfi-Qttae interview, ju3i where we .xbeeawwiB firava it n a aina .inh f'iT; T." jcauon Detvreen, ptivEo4Jy at n 4ltasMibtiteUrom which - ii i r 'tt Tin w"t rwm v bi s j i - nuedup to . yesterdar rfterBopn, when Smith took - theTSouth vbo"iiAdjrin 'as he said,! for it tmV&&Kmti&n leaving 8hOTl Short time? feftef Iwa hacfc drivmeW .xt-v -station sdnui'iit'.'liA a-sf.wA JmuVahi b uijthititaote dnite' h been ieArn" ' U?o anff WMhMtLm jiy quaimtxi mi. xuar lae the confidence" he til so? lltii Kh ichf, ni'l A Great SO ccts I'tatge Crowd and Three Excellent Speeches. The re-union of the surviving Con federate-Soldiers , of Union county atCl A S wv .1- XA Ui , -I. W I. . A UUVi, 1 I 10 C gratifying success, as is learned from the Enguiref'B.-aA. Express, from which we condense a report of the proceed ings." The RdcMrigham Cornet Band furnished the music. The crowd pres ent was estimated at between j2,500 and 3.000. There were twelve companies from Union county, in the Confederate! servicerto-wuv: ' Company is, 15th Regi henti fto F,48tb.yCo. C, 10th Artilleiy attaiiou j Co. l, 4tn itegiment ; Co. A, 48th ; Co. B, 43d ; Co. F. 35th ; Co. D, 37th ; Co. F, 2d; Co. L Senior Reserves ; Pp. B, 26th Regiment ; Co. E, 48th Regi ment. Each of these was represented at the re-union Thursday by survivors, and the companies were formed in the orderdesignated under command of JJ R. Winchester, as adjutant, and, after.!: 1 formation were turned over to Capt. L. A. Turner, who marched them to Tantrough Spring, a mile from the town, where the speaking and barbecue took place. All arrived at the grounds, where seats had been prepared for the ladies, Capt C. M. T.' McCauley introduced to the audience Hon. D. G. Fowle, of Raleigh, who delivered a finished and eloquent oration, an hour and five min utes in length. At the conclusion of this, Capt. D. A. Covington introduced Hon. W. L. Steele, whose speech, forci ble and appropriate, is said to have been entirely worthy the speaker.' Jas. F. Payne, Esq., then presented Col. R. T. Bennett, of Anson, who spoke with great effect and commanded the undi vided attention of the audience. After the speaking the large crowd partook of dinner, which ended the, ex ercises of the day. The occasion passud off most pleasantly and successfully and with perfect good order from first to last. Both of the local papers promise to publish this week in full the addresses of Cols. Steele and Bennett. Regret is expressed that neither Gov. Vance nor Gen. Barringer, both of whom had been invited, could find it convenient to be present. Mr. Til den's Ke joinder to Mr. Field. The letter of Mr. Cyrus W. Field to the New York World about the elevat ed railroad and Mr. Tilden has pro voked that gentleman to some viva cious criticism of Mr. Field, the con venient means for publishing which is an interview by a reporter of the New York Times. Mr. Tilden impeaches at once Mr. Field's memory, his judgment and his discretion, and the general ten or of his remarks is not sucli as to pro mote Mr. Field's digestion-. "Mr. Field's memory," says Mr. Tilden, "has reached that last stage of infirmity in which it remembers what never happened." Mr. Tilden not only denies having bargain ed with Mr. Field to keep up the value of the Elevated Road stock pending the completion of the latter gentleman's arrangements in Europe. He shows that Mr. Field's son and son-in-law both sold the major part of their .stock, ana m tact that selling out on the Dart of the directors had become an "epidem ic" before Mr. Field had started to Europe. He says that he had nothing to do with Col. Pelton's election as vice president of the Elevated Railroad Company, but that Pelton showed orear. :u mimsr riilivo nliliHr qtH Qii4 abled the enterprise to survive the im mense incapacity of Mr. Field." In regard to the electoral frauds and cipher dispatches, Mr: Tilden, rafter showing tne tacts or lus own election and that he refused to buy any electoral votes, defended his nephew by saying that Col. Pelton neither initiated nor consum mated anything. His wrong did not go beyond a futile dalliance. The benefici aries or the consummated wronsr. its instigators and patrons, are high in the seats of governmental power and honor. Shocked at a lesser wrong, which died in its mere mention, or the great crime actually consummated. Mr. Field "crooks the pregnant hinges of the knee, that thrift may follow fawn ing.'" JUDGE JOHN Am lilLCTER. The Impression which He has Made iiti 4he Holding Of ills First Court. iisBXTEy, N. digBBtember 20. To the Editor ot Ths Observer? ivt-f It was my , privilege to' attend the first court held by the newJjr-Appointed judge, Hon. John A. Gilmer, in Davie. His course pn the bench was closely watched and scrutinized bytheJ public The Governor, having a large number of eminent lawyers from whom to fill the-appointment, public expectation demanded that the appointee should not be wanting in any of the qualties essential to make a good nisiprius judge. Judge Gilmer presides with great ease and dignity, and is free from the usual embarrassments which most young judges labor under. He is quick and correct in his rulings on the points of evidence arising, and clear and full in his charges to the jury. He possess- es the rare faculty of making himseif always clear to the dullest mind, and the accuracy and clearness with which he grapples with and decides legal prirfT ciples, met the approbation of the en tire bar. These qualities alone can and never will constitute the possessor a good nisiprius judge. To these must be added an amiable temper, an abun dance of patience, good judgment, and a sufficiency of courtesy. Judge Gil mer, in the opinion of all who saw him at Davie Superior Court, unites all these essentials, and they are so admi rably blended in him as tn mai hia friends believe that his appointment by I the Governor wna a mnof ovr,niinn. K. Many of his father's old clients thought tney couict see in him many of the?'' cnaractenstics and nun. Hps whinh . deared the late Hon. J. A. Gilmer t.n the people of his State. T th dent from the manner in which Judsre Gilmer has commenced his judicial ca reer that at no distant day he will be regarded as amongst the very best judg es upon -whom the ermine has been cast He evinces much charity in the administration of the criminal law, and it is evident that his iudements are tempfired with rnorc.v " t nimasaiudee a career nf .nBfnTnoa totfie State and honor to himself i ' r ' 4 i ' LEx. , SHEROTAN'S IJEqrrjER. A Dig: at the Cursing- Commander, the state Press, and the Salisbury Exec utive Committee. r i'OAiiaMJBTinCypmJ) 20. To the Editor of The Observer: ! Why should it be Uttlawftlirfor tou orf at bner maa a letter, om the; occasion be? iPffJ t&'mwnmn the ncattoh that nou one but ShotweU 1 has ttflfl t h & DOld T1 ABU fyiorwriilr:H4-4rt v,4. WIT. M;,havd 'Wohfloirori Krt-rd- WA ;iAU' lieishouldi have ibeeiilntitwl ttnd if bo. thes votir fiolca VdzLizuu ' Z7 rr- - i h I Da give the subjeet the benefit of som POLL '&ra extracted from Vegetable products. 'Combining in them the Mandrake or May f Apple, which is lyoogajged by physicians J t:' as a Bubstitate for calomel, possessme'all 4 the, virtues of the. mineral, without JkMM bad after-effects. AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE they are incomparable. . They stimulate the TOBPID IJVEB, invigorate the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and give tone to the DIGESTIVE ORGANS, creating per fect digestion and thorough assimilate of food. They exert a powerful influence on the KIDNEYS and LiVER, and through these organs remove all impuri ties, thus vitalising the tissues of the body and causing a healthy condition of the system. AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL REMEDY They have no equal ; and as a result act as a preventive and cure for Bilious,Re mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers, and Fever and Ague. Upon the healthy action of the Stomach, depends, almost wholly, the health of the human race. IS THE BANE of the present generation. It is forthg Cure of this disease and its attendants, SICK-HEADACHE) NERVOUSNESS, PES P0NDENCY, CONSTIPATION, PILES, be, that TUTTS PILLS have gained snch a wide spread reputa tion. No Remedy has ever been discov ered that acts so speedily and gently on the digestive orguhs giving them tone and vigor to assimilate food. ThiB being accomplished, of course the NERVOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, AND THE BODY ROBUST. Being composed of the juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agen cies, and prepared in a concentrated form, they are guaranteed free from any thing that can injure the most del icate person. . A noted chemist who has analyzed them, lays " THERE IS MORE VIRTUE IN ONE OF TTJTT'S PILLS, THAN CAN BE FOUND IN A PINT OF ANY OTHER." We therefore say to the afflicted Try this Remedy fairly, it will nc( harm you, you have nothing t lose.but will surely gain aVigm rous Body, Pure Blood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind. Principal OfflceTSS Jtfirry "St., N. T. PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold by Druggists throoghout the world. IUTT?SHAIItDYE. , Gftjar Hjxaea WEobkxbs &ansd to a Globs it mi. and is Dnurffiato. of lent by express on receipt of $1. Office 35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 1 j. 45 Years Before the Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. MoIsANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN-in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie . on, the left side sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, . accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part There s gen 'erally a Considerable loss' 6T Memory, accompanied with, a painful sensation of having left undone something which otight to have Tbeen , done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. ' The patient complains of weariness ..and, debility be Js easily startled, his feet are-cold, or burning, and he com 'plains of aJ ipnekly- sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; and although ( he is satiafied that pxercise; would be " beneficial' to-llim, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease-but eases have occurred where Yevfr 6f themnexisted, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has . shown theIJVEB. to have been pvton. '-w mm 14 -ymt" OH." 'WW Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in iA'St fAcrE 'AHd' FtVBrf,; when takenf wiflf Quinine4, afe'produtfive of me most nappy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after takTng Quinine. "We would advise allwho are afflictedwith this . , disease ta give them a fairtrial. ' if or all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equaled. BEWArtE OF imTATIOXS. ' The genuine are never sugar coated." HifMtoetf.UaL ha?a;red-ix isialn the hd, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver-Pii&"'.ujii. i - The genuine McLane's Liver Pills. bear the Signatures of Cj eLAWE'and FLEMiNd'BRtjsf bft;the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. (Q, McLiA's' Livife PiLtsl jare'ptred by Flemfog Bros.', of TiftsBurgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of tri ; aitteMrn';spe'lled'diffetent!y but ' JB. A. W. AUEXANDXRJ' DENTIST )!f.v ii. jh, n:K i,ur. iiuxl .,'T ;t ' WJTICX OVER L. B.' WBJSTON COB I rW-lff.',lPW4M t''guarsntM''entir DYSPEPSIA GcREAT i . Ut IOREAT -TO -TO BUYER S -J ob - W " ; tl fTTTTP TJriRTY DAYS, AT THE CHINA PALACE OF JOHN BROOKFIELD EAST TRADE STREET, THREE DOORS ABOVE COLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. a MR. LUDOLF of our firm, having left tor the North night before last to purchase the lar gest stock of goods in our line ever before brought to any Southern city, we will, for tiie: next thirty days, offer our stock of goods at a sacrifice to make room for our huge Wholesale and Retail Stock, comprising China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Silverware, Wood and Willow Ware, Cut lery, Clocks ftue Grasses, Fancy Goods, Bird Cages, Ac.,' Ao. - 1 ' T banking all for the liberal patronage of the past and soliciting a continuation of the same in the future, we remain MostTaespectfully, : JOHN BROOKFIED & CO. aug5 1879 1879 rjHE FOUE REVIEWS AND B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of . The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative. The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), ASD BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections; they give the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modern thought, discovery. exDeriment. and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art The ablest witters nil their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. TKRM3 FOB 18J9 (IKCLCDIKQ POSTAGE) : Payable strictly In advance. For any one Review, For any two Reviews, For any three Renews, S 4 00 per annum. 7 00 10 00 12 00 For ail lour Reviews, For Blackwood's-Magazine, 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review. 7 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 1 0 00 " For Blackwood and three " 18 00 For Blackwood and four " 15 00 " POSTAGE. This Item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on the cost to subscribers in former years. CLUBS. A discount of twenty ner cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views anu tJiacKwoou ior shs, and so on. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (anDlvlne earlvl for the rear 1879 may have, without charee. the numbers for lhe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as ther may subscribe for. Or. instead, new subscribers to anv two. thnA or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the " Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews " or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless 4he money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. To secure premiums It will be necessary to maka early application, as the stock available for that purpose is nmiiea. uepnnted by THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 41 Barclay Street, New York 5,000 LBS. Jno. T. Lewis A Bro's Pure White Lead and Lin seed Oil, just received by WILSON & BURWELL. 25 CASES Concentrated Lye, for sale at low figures, by W1LSQN & BURWELL. 'pOOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES, ; AJJ kinds, at WILSON A BUR WILL'S ;'S Drug Store. B URTQN'S COUGH SYRUP X , I A 1 Never has failed to relieve a cough. Sold by WILSON A BURWELL. 5 BAGS PEPPER. 5 BAGS GINGER. 5 BAGS ALLSPICE. -f BBL. YlMAICA LINGER. ? JL BBL. fj AMAICA VJlNGER. ' '' ' .liS 1 BBL. pURE REAM TARTAR. 1 BBL. ITURE AJREAM L ARTAR. Just received by ,;- ' ' .... au8l5- WILSON & BURWELL. 10Q BBLS. I Kerosene OH at lowest market rates. WILSON & BURWELL. GROSS ; S; &G. Matches, at WILSON 4 BURWELL'S, 0 A) mm Car. rci CDRiTrn l.X Ik li t iO ii j i W.uX." . I5t"1VBv win in on ui ine spring, i. iSi?yer5Jn ne fal1 and winter. It is strict JJt m,HaHi18 dl8easej and ?o surely as the Bitten 25S?'"l!fT?t".-1,'.'n- individual ;who SSSPte this precaution! exenipted from Its- pains .Paltle TAdtl tcrlhlrttsalue as a stom achic and ana-buious agent, and1 who will ventor J?iLLLts claims to toe first place among fara Uy medlcinVa? - V" - aJSS'mp Uroggista and respectable deal ewgeneraHy. ' deod&wLm. (mm ONE OAR LOAD 4 . . Ill .iji vtu;t?jn.rii:tf m - IN WHETS SACKS. TWO CAR LOADS BULK C. R. SIDES. T R Y O UK PATENT PROCESS Send your orders to BURWELL & SPRINeS. sept 11 o cc CD CC ill Id LU H Z cr ZD o ill Q O H i ( JUST RECEIVED. A large lot Ramsour & Bonlwell's No. 1 Flour, A. L. Sbuford's and D. W. Howe's XX Flour. 500 Bushels Prime White Corn, 500 Bushels Prime Mixed Corn. 500 Bushels Heavy Oats. A large lot Cigars and, Tobacco. We are also closing out a lot Family Groceries at extremely low figures. Come with the cash and secure a bargain, for we are "bard up" and must selL Respectfully, F. B. ALEXANDER 4 CO. sept 3 HAVING HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE Northern ss eastern MARKETS, Where I have purchased the LARGEST and BEST l SELECTED STOCK of CHOICE HEAVY 'and FANCY GROCERIES I have ever had. I respectfully Invite your Inspection of my stock, ' ' consisting In part of SUGARS, all grades; SYRUPS and MOLASSES Rio, Lagulra, lloeha and Government Jav Coffees Berkley & Husson's and Arbuckle'i Roasted Coffees, all grades Of Teas, Oat Meal In bbls. and packages, Rye and Graham Flour, Pearl Barley, Tapioca Sago, Choice Cheese, a full line of Larrabus Crackers, and Canned Goods, such- as Salmon, Lobsters. Mackerel, Sardines ij lb. and lb. boxes, Potted Ham, Turkey, Chicken, Duck, Tongue and Beef. ' ?' v u ' : VW Wilson Pkg Co's Canned Beef, Condensed Milk, Peaches, Pears, Pine Apples andQulncesv Also, Olive Oils, Brandy Peaches, Pickles, Kxtraets French an Plain- Candles, Sea 'Foam, Mustard. Patapsco Baking Powders, Maccaroni, Tobaccos, Snuff and Cigars all grades. "In fact everything that can bethought of," which I am determined to sell at bottom' prices. 1 ;, . Call and be convinced that I mean what I aay.. : f,5 Respectfully,' l . ; .... : LeROY DAVIDSON, i septl2 ;:. FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRE.! fPH undersigned is prepared to K)ffer to our (J eople jgecaritj agahtst FDiEvOnnost faTora-( ble terms. Among other companies he represents' the STRONG. PROMPT and WEALTHY LIVER POOL & LONDON & GL0BB 'FIRE INSURANCE (til-assets over; $i8.6oiy.ooa Dwejllug house Insurance a specialty. Rates very moderate. FRED. NASH, I aeptjtm.. ) ji 'lo -bhl Agent,; , JPITY PROPERTY .fobsale. I . . f-M.-m wvVH; Vl M USD ClrXUlMI I T ml . Jlla "feA6 day ot AftrlW W8, and regf I i,i k in, page 2uy. uegister's omceof . il T 1. 1 wui seu at puduc auction; - yrrI L-i1 mrruumunMO, UU (ne 6Jkll ui uctuuer, i w, a ioi rrontine eighty-flve lees SiSIllSP4 extending lack about 275 I feet. With" the hMllrtlnim nnrt mm..m... tv.lr on the one side and Jas. Norther ja the other; '-1: ..Terms cash. . -iiiuTiurv.T,ii . i ij .mi V " JL G. BRENIZEB, Troateaai : S3pt 10, 1879.-dlawtds. T3P I U'lll 111 ii ni l ri ii in i m FLOUR j j r- j I . I pEl ., t - - i. lii. f j '."St. .fc! '-f-t.-. jL1- , - GREAT BARGAIINS i ' . ! - f .A v r 1 1 1 ' ! ' I il f.ttu I.ii Jfti aeweiimdFaocTyaoods'jGeldt n Sliver h 1 - f ' - i 1 i ' ? Watches, Silver and ateoj THble ,ta-e', ' 1 5. ,:.f .. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 p LASNE, , From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. JSverv kind nf ana warrant a ri nno vaqv "BVaw u-ini TAnnTn A- Bronze Gliding, Coloring. Sllver-Platmg and Gal- " cm. ouui ii uuuuo cuxu euucuiy as kooq, as new. Work done tor the trad At. in rw ' ApprenUce wanted, with nremirim said owvl references. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septl5 Authorized by the CommonweaHh of Kentucky POPULAR 3IONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULET'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on S E P T E JIB E It 30X11, 1879. Drawings, msteb postponed, occur regularly on and will be supervised by men of undoubted char acter and standing, and ticket-holders, agents and viuus mo icopcciiuiiy reuueswiu w senu on repre- B A.. t.HnAn 4 . V. . - . oouwuim mm piuycr cnsuenuais w examine into A NEW ERA IN HISTORY OF LOTTERIES. Grand and unprecedented success of the new FvP.I-r tfrfror. hollar Mn ha V, 1 a Awn a.nsAlaA call out his number and see It placed In the Wheel. . The Management call attention to the grand op portunity presented of obtaining, for only $2, any THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. 1 Prize,..., $30,000 l rrize,,..... 10,000 i x-nze 5,000 AX iTF58' l.WO each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 eacn,.. 10,000 199, Kzes' 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 . ivy rnztss, eacn 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 ' " " " 1,809 v jrrizes, iuu yoo 1,960 Prizes, $112,400 Wbole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, 8 100. Applications for club rates shonld be made to the home-office. Full list of drawing published In Louisville Cour iers ournai ana New York Herald, and mailed to au ncsei-noiaers. For tickets and Information ad dress T. J. COMMERFORD, 8ecy, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky. Sept 6. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE TENTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS K,AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, October 1 4th. 1879 113ib Monthly Drawing, - LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of .the State for Educattenal and Charitable purposes In 1868. for thk tekm to Twsmnr-ms tears, to which eonbract the Inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since. added a Reserve Fund Ox JS350.00U. US UKlflU BIAULJS IS UM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly, on the second Tuesday. It never scales or post pones. Look at tne following oistriDuaon: - CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 190,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-TlcK-, ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : I Capital Prize.. 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize...;. 2 Prizes of $2,500 - 5 Prizes of 1,000 20 Prizes of 500...... i 100 Prizes of 100...... 200 Prizes of . 50 500 Prizes of 20 1,000 Prizes of 10 $30,000 ..10,000 ... 6,000 ... 5,000 ... 5,000 ...10,000 .10.000 ...10.000 -.10,000 ...10,000 APPBOXLMATION PRIZES: i 9 Approximaoon mzea oi nw. , 9 Approximation Prizes of , ,200. . ,V; ft Approximation Prlzar erf ' 100.;. , $2,700 1,8 $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at Ml prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation wlU.beiald.' - - ; :". . -a '" ' Application for rates to clubs should only be maae to the home oftVce InNew Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders to , . M. A. uAxirHLH, " ..Poetofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana prfctme person NewYor All ora Grand Extraordinary Drawbar, under the supervision and managemeni; of. Generals u. T. Beauregard and Jubal A Early. , aug 12.: . -: ffllsctllancotts. A CARD TO, THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., , ,' , From fifteen years experience in hospital-and pri vate ' practice, guarantees a permanent core In all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz: Organic and 8eminal Weakness. Imnotencr (loss of sexual rowerl. Nervous Debili ty and Trembling; PalDitauon : of the Heart Dim ness of Sight or Hiddlnesa, . Pains In the Back and Auciuxiiai i Amissions, etc mu resuiunK , irom abuses in youth or excesses ta manhood. 1 Diseases recently contracted cured in five to4en daysi and the poUon entirely -eradicated irom th systemj Also all. skin and blood diseases ouioklv eurecL Dr Robertson, a graduate of the Unlveraity of uaryiana, reiers to any or me leasing paysicuuui of BalUmore.r Special .attention given to- all fe male complaints and lrregularUes. , v. -,i 'v ' All consultations strictly, confidential, and medi cines sent to any address; 'Call ox write, enclosing eptlO If -s'iiwr RUiea t-U vco c 1 - 00 900 QNEOFXHJSMOST WEOFTlilJos; r MHlMFORTANT DISCOVER i E8 6C- thatof WIUle age, is HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE ! SORES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISE .Imftomed and abraded surfaces, and for-:-' ALL SKIN DISEASES. thafhmrrryML without a box of It in the house. Physicians Py,,b1 Ii3'' and the thousand? who used il unite in recommending ft. Beww of counterfeit Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, and take no other JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R Wriston ft Cow Charlotte, N. c. maril Mffeot BtXlOB Ptlftlglgn. anJ (o .1,. only purely Yegetabpe reiuody known to sci enoe, that has made radical and Permanent Ccres of Syphilis and Scrofula in all thdt U ihofoueWy removes mercury from Ui& a ui; it nelieves'the agonies of mert-urial rli.. !iinutisin' arid speedily cures all skin dis- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., February 22, 1 87 S. SIR My child, five years old, had symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other worm medicines but failed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain's eertlli cate, I got a vial of Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worms, and the second d se so many that I did not count them. S. H. An.ois. Prepared by E. 8. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte. N. u tep21dfcwly. Ipttf &&MVtistxmits. No one who Is thoroughly regular In the bowels) is half as liable to diseases as he that is irregular. He may be attacked by contagion diseases, and so may the Irregular, but he is not nearly as sub ject to outside influences. The use of Tarrant's Seltztr Aperient secures regularity, and consequent immunity fr.nn sickness. Sold by all druggists. WHAT i '".I ,i. St. Louis Physicians Say. Prevjkntivx of Malakljl Celden's Llebiir's Extract of . Bef and Tonift-tavlgorator is particu larly useful when tonics are. reaulred. InDiuh- therla, Aeue. Malarial Tvbtioia'FeTeTS; and every depressing disease, its use. will be attended with great advantage. We have prescribed it with ex cellent success: J. H. Leslie; M. D.;;G. H. Copp, U.D.; S.B. Prasous, M.D;?R. A.Vaugrian, M. D ; uis. s. ii. ana j, u riieaiet, ana many others. W. H. BROWii 4 BRO DrugglsU Agents, "". , V " Baltimore. . i , ... .il ii' .ill tUilii,. ' i., i We will pay Agents a Salary ol MUOperiiioii;:i and expf hBex, or ullowa large c6uiniiiou, losrll our m Bud wouderriil ftitftilioii. We mean what w mv. t& rjff a I month and expenses guaranteed to 1 1 I. , , Agents. . Outfit free. Shaw ft Co., Augus ts, Maine. . i777 A YEAR ah expenses to agents, i Outfit free. .Address P. ,0. YljCKEftY, Augus- ta, Maine., Ko. August 29-HMfcw6m. 11 BEST HETHOO AND j r. if. -ui ' ' .'VI i , !-. .'. '. Ml . i mmwoi CLQTDES, vr ;) 'Witnoot Pen, nk br. 'ay pafation'. No exio- ft1!!? i::)j' 1, Hi sure to sun or" arttfloial hea .TequUred. and can oe iused either by writing; or with rubber stamp, w dles will and it useful fa stamping- We warrant it to give ..- ii.li;.'.- ' - An jnlibIeU(niprion to use it! and JsBcipnt Pame9' . ,-'.iHi; ' -lf- -"riv: 50 CENTS."''' No trouble Sold for :;'! : lu , . , V h Mi'iiKnl Shi' "