ft (Iljc t)axMi bscrritx. CIIA8. BU JOWES, Editor Sc Proprietor ESWKKD AT TH FOBT-OFFIC-t AT ,ClU-tirn, K.a,4SXnCU96 Maitsh. ' "xvl . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1879. XIIE IWDEFEWbEPTT BOOM. The letfer of "Iwlander "written from Raleigh, and printed on" our "Erst age tliisi morning, would be almost as surprising as that of "Lochiel," from Washington, if the Raleigh papers had not previously prepared us to believe that the independent movement was a reality. As it is we cannot repress an expression of surprise at the substance of this letter from Raleigh, and yet we feel fully justified in giving it place in our columns, f It agrees in manner with certain of Judge Tourgee's ; state ments, and the truth of the main point brought out is established by the com ments of the Raleigh Observer anifTews upon the letter of "Lochiel." That writer and "Lowlander" have sought to show that an independent movement, having in view the capture of the ex ecutive office, will be made next year. The allegation is one which cannot be disregarded, coming as it does from re sponsible sources, and anything that tends to throw any additional light up on the alleged schemes of the enemy will find a place in these columns. If wrong is done in the matter of detail, this may be righted; but if the warning of an impending danger remains un spoken we will be responsible for our own undoing. "We would not be understood as try ing before we are hurt. The danger may be imaginary; there is much great er probability that it is real. If imagin ary, no wrong w.hich may not be right ed has been done; if real, it were better that we sound the alarm than seek, when too Jate, to justify ourselves for a failure to do so. , - ' Henceforth, all good Democrats may well look out for "signs." No harm can come of any scheme to overthrow the Democratic party r in this, one of its strongholds, if the garrison is only awake and stirring. The danger lies in over-confidence, by reason of which the enemy may haply catch us napping. IHOORE'S SCHOOL. HISTOHY, The publishers of Moore's School History of North Carolina Messrs. Al fred Williams & Co., of Raleigh, have finally remembered us, and now have our thanks for a copy of this work. It traces events from 1584 to 1879, and is a volume of 309 pages. Our judgment of the character of the work, already made up from reviews and criticisms from intelligent sources, has not been changed by a cursory glance at the volume itself. We note a number of errors of omission and commission but as we have heretofore remarked, perfection was not to have been expect ed. In the collection of the facts Maj. Moore has evidently been laborious and doubtless conscientious, and as it stands the book is valuable, since ?ii will teach the children of the State much that they should know and that has not heretofore been accessible to them or to their teachers. The volume certainly demonstrates one fact which should be gratifying to all North Carolinians, and that is that we have among us a man who, with the disposition to undertake the work, com bines many of ; the elements of an his torian. That Maj. Moore is a gentler man of sufficient capacity for such a labor as that which he has imposed, up on himself, we have never doubted; that he has the time, the means and the inclination to; give to such an un dertaking, we are assuredly glad to learn. The criticism which his first effort has encountered will be of immense advantage to him in his future efforts if, as we doubt not, he is possessed of sufficient good sense to receive It in the; proper spirit. Errors having been pointed out, he is given the opportuni ty to correct them in his later editions, and in his library edition of the History of North Carolina, upon which we un derstand he is now engaged, the State will have, we are led to liope, a worktuut one part of thel which will be worthy o it SOUTHERJf- COTTO MAACHrtTRfe The late report of the National Cotton Exchange places the total consumption of cotton by Southern mills during the year 1878-79 at 18,489- bales, . against, 147,747 bales the previous year, showing a gain of 26 per cent. .Georgia is by far the largest cotton manufacturer, hav ing 160,000 spindles ia operation, UorJk Carolina standing Second, and-fiouth Carolina third. Texas js the sm,alleit in the whole list, her consumption Quir ing the past year having been onfy 31 bales. While the consumption in the Southern States last year showed; an in crease of 26 per cent.' the gain ii that of the North was only 2 per cent. A; num ber of new mills are now in course of construction m. different parts of ,the. bouth, and; tlie,. production thus being increased, the percentage during the next few years is expected to show a much greater rate than in the past. Ife looks bad for- Westbn.j Ipasri'f i a6wn nimself worthy pi the0expecta-r shown vions 01 nig friends. He is a badly beaten man, and it is much more than probable that Eowell wm carrrthe belt back to England, his sickness of yester day to the contrary notwithstanding. If he does, and if the result shall Jte an universal acknowledgement of his sti- perionty, it will probably put anenrj .to this international jackasseiy. .not, it win cpntinue indefinjtelyTJjeje xoie, ova sympathies are,, with, Eowell witnm l nigger as second choice; ; The Mobile Izfer, in .the subjoin- ed arai?raTilT: hud wrue mwarU" ness of many a Sou,thern outrage avs the Register:: ;When eblbredkk At. the South gets cowhided for beingirva !he sendif word' to the .'NewiTbik Tri bune that he was there as a Republican for jpoliticaj purposes, ;and.thafc periodic ; cai i : announces anuiuer orutai out rage" A "N"ATTTA CONSEQUENCE. "VTe read in the Richmond correspondence of the Petersburg lndex-Azneal,i3xaJ, man whose mind hadSefcmf deranjmdH on the subject p the'gdlfc visfd the Virginia . - -r.-js Z ana aemanaea an auuieuue nuu wo Governor, for the purpose of ventila- ting his views on the financial issues of the day. This does not strike us as being at all singular. The wonder is Jliaterejs a sane, majijjft mVir ginia. The manner in wnicn tne cam- palgn is boffig conducted fa thafiSKfe . - '. i "ijif ' s.ifii is ; enougn p;o .run every -piijzenruejgi distracted. Even at this distance from the scene of carnage this writer's mind is beginning .slander, caused by a close reading of the Virginia newspa pers for the past two months. ,'" BRIEF NEWS ITEJttS.j g , It is rumored in Richmond tRaf ilr. John --T. Ford intends building Am opera house in that city. The Virginia tMidtand road has ar rifid an averasre of over 500 'passengers r a day for the last four months. Gen. Fitz Lee has been unanimously) nominated as the Conservative debt paying' candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates for Stafford and King George counties. One hundred English farmers have arrived at Montreal, Canada, en route for Little Saskatchewan, where they propose to settle. Tbey;3me capitSBfot the amount of $50,000. ""itfong tfeS party are sons of English noblemen. Gen. Grant, in a dispatch to, Mayor Stokley, of Philadelphia, feturns:thatiks for the proposed recoptionn that city, says he cannot now name a time for visiting PhfladelphialmL wlil-tefririnr know when he can. r3r . .. ,r,y Alderman Tto latest- - prominent witndrawai'S.ffom Tammany. He says he has always been governed bv the action of the national and State conventions of the Democratic party, and that it is now too late for him to change a habit so long practice ' The' Springfield t'CMass.) Republican says: f'Thomas F.Bayard is: to-day the 4 only prominent leader withi imme-J diate future in tna uemocratic party. He represents something more than the Democratic organization ; he repre sents independence jnClicsr 7 '' Francis D. Moultob; iiie-"mutual friend" in the Beecher trial, and Wm. A. Hazard, comprising-the firm of Francis D. Moulten & Co., have been suspended by the board of managers from the privileges of the. New lork produce Exchange, of which theyfai-e members. The charge against them is "conduct inconsistent witli the just and equitable principles of trade.". Xfre dif ficulty is said to.be the refusal of Mr. Moulton to be governed by the decision of the arbitration committee 'in a, dis pute regarding a consignment of saltJ ; Ex-Gov. Broydcn Gaugbt at but, Reldsvllle Times. .Ex-Goy. Brogden is aboat5.. He has. b$en 'office nearly all; hjs Iffiatq A saving nian, has put up about $40,000. He is a most amiable and lovely gentle man, but for thirty years has never seen the woman he would marry. Of course, like all old bachelors, he has his eccentricities. Raisedjon4heiaxm.-andJ at the plow handle he was ever relig iously opposed to ever wearing a watch or a boot, or owning a gun. This was well known of-hiaajwhe.n Governor of the State. But in his recent term to Congress. Washington Girv Droved too pmueh foii him.i xne p,eaMgmm I Adasmng widow in to Asdaahlng widow in the Treaswrf partment, lovely and accomplished, shot the death arrow. It struck home. We leam they are engaged. And such, a metamorphose does Love work that the ex-Governor not onljjr sports two hundred dollar gold watch, but he has presented his inamorata "with a 'dia mond ring worth one hundred and fifty dollars, r. .When Love- leads, the danpe money pays the fiddler.' ' The ex-Governor is setting to his partner. .The Locblel Ittejr Againi Balelgh News. probable future of 'the guBi field. Rather racy and good in itself, but nqttrictly&urpjte inj its; details. For some weeks it has been an open secret that a prominent lawyer of this city a very, able mail, by the way, and JUt5 W11U HiW lUMlt) l(Ji U1LUSB1I A UU.11UU- al reputation would like to lead the independent movement in this State. It is no idle talk-an "independent move ment. This movement is already "booming" in XJeorgU, Jssisgipgi' and Fliida, wia'arbilctoJldil) mg the Democratic party on local is sues, ana aner tne isu campaign, on general issues as "well. - ' " Consequently when The Charlotte .UBSERVEX"cjpne to hand we werHsomi WAat prepared to Usten fScerahpo tion of the statement" without wonder, a surprise: we refer to the allesrations We wmldmkVfiq litaf. Wha nihse papers r Tjaptain -Tvstre expiieitty -ac mes any outside ownership and so ao we. - ' The OhU Elertlob. i '.VAIK , Washington Letter to the BBlamere 8on-54ttf ' Representative4 'Neal.- 6f OlfioV b etaunch Republiean, whis th lateaw amvai irom wiai tateiiqmrMSjft. wciici buait tue eiecuon win oe ciose. fand- if$!eter'is- elected -Hdfrwr&gofr bf by ay-Tf6ryftma; 1 1 .-. z i.z -. if t . 1 XiW"ig, us says, nasBUpw skfll as aieader andSan ori circumstslncA accorin? to hs hadtfee-endencto heln. DemocTatS'Yfii'yrflUcli'-tQrlflg' paignuie lmpossjjpuitjnpf wauaasoes ailHii uin. candidates for Governor and neutenant- governor were gallant Union, officers, Mr. Raunu'the: .commissioner of in- umuiiicu, maves 10-mgnt ior ine vv eat T-i. t t- . W .... 1. -,: wun a Dunaie; D'CampsMgnvfipeecjaej wnicn ne; win .ore.Kn acfi.-icom venientpointa. 1 It X34inaei3s)0-Uthat he has also: as tatt of i fiifl ainmunitin( a mass of internal revenue statistics. twisted and tortured to suit t&6tefrA sion. T&ett atad,'iVoiv'.'! ' In lookine over the" "Gold Circular. issued by WmjB. Smith & Co, Raleigh, in 1866, we find "that on the first of nrtv nronthlics TubilshedrvtheBtate.r Of aI3e,lre b.hIthalLare uuunsueu dv tne same oersons wno woweoijWfiiw Xi 1 . . ; . . - . r ca Press, of SOletri? Ifrthe .sain tabular statement of thn lof Con- Ai-i.LLeQ.?l25e cutfelic eSnbacka" at whicfTtime a jh ' ; . i : .. uuMr.wag WOEHli piOO Altt fTUon- n lJ Pll -- 1 .!- 91 --w.ut a 1 1 1 v i rw. i iiiu -k m 1 'rr 1 p.-' r. 1 wanaiAenjehH 1 1 -... fi:;u-! q Memphis, Sept. 26. Last night two masked negroes entered the dwelling Of Wm. Howler. -rfiRidirter t.wft Triiiaa V 1 O,. -"" ""' a,ioad-. the4 JNOtiliner 'tt'- HiiiinH r,a di-AUJ. The Charlotte Observer of Tuesr 1 day contained a tetter relatinj to the'1 ernatorial 1 if "V anizSElr. Onll 411 KicotntK the ITL L . . Ai -v V1. n. A. Xl m. SL'JC.WjmmsZ g JSXMTT-Z JTT f waiiieu, iwogan-weeKues, r jwo sfp.fi ljae vourssr weeklies, tnirtv weeKiies ana three east. 1. ot4jhaiotKff -and m J "Z B ; ; ft K ft X Nil i Ui 9 I sp.nrMifinn t ' aim kx a act A Tr, ana-presenting - pistpi -Droceedd' to iaiisack nouse. The burglaiae.." OF THE STEPPERS. 8 L Doubts ,of Weston TO en La Testi.!move- gffijaarthe fiigJdSsrere errat ic and uncertain. His physician this morning declares that he is not in his right mind. Rowell has been off the track since seventeen-miautes - past 6. a tArritty skkv'ili Afiiritikeitia waPoRwelsEness inspir,eoT new life into Merritt, Jiaa,Gypn, and Hart; and they are affibslorig , with increased energyMalgmstJinan ages to keep his lead of 4 miles over Hazael and is 16 miles behind RowelL rJ, Rowell came On the track at 11 min' utes past noon -and was greeted witn5' great applause. He looks sick and left' the track, at12.30, during which timq hef afc-lyi ila&e d$e mile and two laps. : ii ti Hi 4-Wefffcnn Sfti miles and 3 lan. NEWS KCs!lrltt: H 1 fc. i Ail . I .if ! St 1 T-. J L 1 1 i V t Xbtr&t RoweS 421 j aid 3, Hazael 402 and ifrn5 GpyoiH387 anqf, jaaniB 343 and 3, Mer ritt 407t"Hart-S74 atrd STKhrone 341 and It Taylor 193, Federmeyer 322 and 6. Fiiere was a rumor this afternoon' to! Rowell had been poisoned, but the trouble was a rush of blood to the headJ a severe attack of colic and vomiting; He went off the trac sVeilMmebut Improved and is walking easily. Mer ritt, Ennis; Hart and 'Krhone 'are' also walking without apparent difficulty, but Guyon, Weston and Hazael make great effort. 9 p. m. Weston 394, Rowell 445, Hazael 429, Guyon 412, Ennis 371, Mer filt 436, Hart 401, Krhone 208, Feder tneyer 348. HOW MK.1IPUIS FAHES. ;,; Four De&tlis, ' One that of it Cailiollc Priest Tbree New Cte(j Memphis, Sept. 26. 10 a. m No new cases are' reponeo'twoealh lastenifidit Lyttleton Penn and Rev- Seville. Tne rormer was left in charge of the street railway com nanv's office, and second lieutenant of; the Porter Reserves, the white military. company recently organized. He was also a prominent Knight of Hoior being financial reporter of Diamond Lodger ltev. Fathor RyviBe fPfas a Catholic priest of tltf Dofhinlcaa rder. Heas ablative of France agid Came to Memphisiist Januaftr frOnAV'asliing fenFOay, Ivpere helidi:eidM fo? two TBarsr He "was stTrdrarasrj0nday night and died at 5 o'clock this morn ing. The deceased was 39 years old.' The-weffSSipfrclQudy. iioori-'Miee new cases are reported W. P. Hiestand. Charlotte White and Loul W ong,the last-named a Chinaman ; two more deathsr-Hattie "Sprftgue and Antonio Praggto;'1- ' ' Race at JLouieville aud Peoria. T A n C" i- rt rry. . 1 ' two mile dash, Himiar won, Dave Moore second. Ecker hMd, Time, 3.35. Peoria, ali.' tsepti 26.-r-At , the fair gro und yesterday Hopeful trotted two me Heats -agawt a runnipg norse in 2.21 and 2.213$. r, ilu't ;,; i.-, JIliA'fIaiielioia Democratic Nuui aew uuu riuuuriDi St. Paul, Sept. 26. The Democratic Convention nominated Edward Rice.of St. Paul, for Governor; h. P. Uarnum, Lieu tenant-Governor ; Felix A. Bowen, Secretary of State ; Lyman B. Cowdry,; State treasurer; Gen. Jr. M. liabcocJs, Attoroey General ; Wm. Colville, Rail road ' 'Commissioner. The platform arinpterl rlAf.larpa that trip. TTnitftd States is an indissoluble union of indestrucfc ible States, and demands the revisibtt otftirf vstm, aeciarrs com ana silver trie rtoftfjwetithe t;nifaition, favors; re form in the civil service and denounces the presence of the army at the polls. Brace's Revelations. W'ismxGTbsr, September '25fSena- Itor Bruce, chairman of the .committee to investigate the anairs 01 the Jb reed man's Bank, said to-day that when the report waft made there would be start ling revelations. He should try to in duce Consrress to buv the Freedmen's L-B&nfe tending? if a stiJeToan ibe effected. Mt?wtrilA guarantee waddrtitfhaf divi dend of twenty per cent to creditors, which -with thirty per cent already paiflwnliaggregate a total of fifty;p"er cent., probably all the creditors will ever get. 1 Tbe Engiifck Laborers and Masters. London, Sept. 26. It is probable that the weavers in other cotton mills at Wigan will follow the example of those in the Victoria mills and refuse to w.oxkybut a long resistance is not ex pected, as few of the operatives are con nected with any trade union. Tlie Kgucnpfttde ftqTrtfi! at Bolton, have given TioxlceT a further reductioh.of, 5 per cent in the wages of weavers, to take effect after October 8th. Seveh of tne teaaing j? usuan manuiacturers at LBerry liayfi gixepL- notica olaj:ediictioh wgesof reavers a: 1st. New York, Sept. 25. A brief was nited States Dis- jled jto-toyranrcafBv j. iiiaen on mo rticulars. It sets forth that the defendant swears he is ignorant of the claims made against him and that it is necessarv and mattv riai to his defense that a bill of partieu- 1 L lit.. f 1 iars snouia oe iurnisnea. Wfcfcftr Virginia. ! ffl'flSCirRSBURa. V A.. SeDt 2fi. Thn fifsf. Lidst bt&he season was plainly perceita- Die in many places hereabouts this. 1 uiurmng, uut owing to the heavy dew vejeiaitioiB escaped uninjured. The mefircuiy stood at 50. Should an earlv. f aU ocour toe cotton and tobacco crop& wim us cupsiaeraoiy cui snort. sakfrona Fire at Deadwood, ,jW2wobaf ft4?(5T)-, Sept 26.-i flrftKhfs mbWildg-brke out in ; tl Jet spread ra: piui anu airaost aescroyeaxne ousmess portiuu vi ine ciiy. a tnousand ver- ai tfrtiomess ancUa adeetitute . .... .0 'iWMiiMnWVmiiiikitit rn.ii Li l f?ui mr r?' -jsw a okk, &ec ae. a greatmasa JMH ' piastiiftht by' the 'rianimanT '.ueraocrats'to' ratify the j;ViiViiviQ.tArt crKunKrwii f r ; 8peehl wefe-mMe diBmeiife Tilden ii.im- jx. w yi L ..t-Xi jr r i VXJ y CIXIUI. ana rtopinson. RnrdinnnkA Chnlr . !TT .... I . , ?rrl, MEMPHis,ept. 26. A slight shocky ieit nere last night. ijas northwest to south- SPARKS FROXE THE WIRES.. 1 n . 1 ' TmmttrSrf3 dealers 1 res. aiuonen tner mar aesnair or raiief. it in attainable by rheumaao suflerers. for there Is a i kt.i. .!. v. . a . inuicuj muu rnas uu. ut iiinruin ill iiifinuuii-ku T.- .,' - .. , . 1 i'yiy.tvr:V"-c'e iportant channels Joe' niiu-i- urin-u-iHMAnii mjtii i c.iHfnHTi I-1 mcir pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful Bjmpwma a meory completely Dome out by uqni ary analysis. The name of this grand depurepl i Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a etrtnJn means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and ague, aircl nervoiis ailments. It Is, perhaps, .the finest itorde tttaiWandishlgtirji -eeenm6iiaB ajtAfiiedlcinal -ftmllith-tKttmnitimri hVnMmol.. uer wacooer .JL V ' The logs is estimated at a million and a; hifotWoMUdiiKdollafs?1 .- OTeRs&Txss. ixaienBBSDencea. it is 1 l&ltttlna6ltfyrftff-Vn-Aatlc. I lBU7SSSf5m Jl brakeman on a Western railroad placed $50 In a combination, which turned a profit or 3 per cent . ecuml to.2H&7.fiOHier ona huDtred sharps. etUh a profit ot SI -7 S.'-lu addition to the f 50 b nojF f esiea, A:onai cU)r.maae 31,140.24 in two cotm ltatfctis. !Theapef titenaentof ah Eastern ran ay mruie jiOfZr la 0j.rna v ateo madi t ,. of -stock roeculatlohs odbso. thousands into one whole, dividing the profits pro rata every thirty days. ' The combinations handled with the best skill and experience, attain ereat success in the stock maiRei. jrrom s From $25 to S10.OO0 can mu te Invested arith vast advantaeer Tlie new explanatory circular, wiui "unerring rates tot stiffs bailed hvi Ifrsahi.'. XawrAiee & tx. BikerM STxchauee Place, H et Ye GKy F ' . To all who are suffering trom the errors and in discretions ot youth, ''nervous weakness, eSrly d cavVlesa of manhood, Ac., I wHl send a secfpf that wlU cure you, ,VKSX , OF . CHABGE. . This great remedr' was" "discovered, by -a missionary In 800th America ' Send 'A self-addressed ienvtlope to the BSfljpSPHIi IN MAN,. Station ftsew itt iillii Hfri6iifU?8 'ji3JIt! i-j. dtpber J !$t, ' 1 879. vA B EVOLUTION Of MINSXBELSY 1 .Old Furina Discarded, IatroducUonotltew, Ideas. LV'S . i. .Neeroes. J .,TrT( Ml N S T' R,E'L:5I . . .' ' ' 1 ff'1 'I... 't-, r The Greatest Geiiuin Negro'Mfnsliel (Sjiirpsny in! r.r - ( the World. '' -, ''.V ABmSRmh 6 GRKlT Bi'ratiis.' i 1 Motto 'im DANCE MEN. ft ES3BNC&a)AlGi38a. : ; J ..: . .aiif- . j T" ..""fi-: : i '. . T ,:. ; "The Bogtown"' Qnkriette; ! '4v!aneirakW Spectres.'' "Gllmore's JubUee, vaThe Mulllganji GuaTda.! -"The BarnyafdSReveL -J'TJie SlrBaa-! jo Orchestra.' , -yne urenees.": ..--jLoe rm Boat FroUe," etc. T ,v-, : , ; (Seats secured at the McSmfth Mnitc House, and at Central Hctel Cigar htand. : ; OPBRAOUSK. EXTB-lOSDEHABY XTTEACTfON. iiONE NICHT; ONLY I ; RATURJDATC, SIPyiMBBR 27th, 1879. Smith, Waldron, Morton and . Martin's brlgl.nal BI G MINSTRELS BIG ft MINSTRELS 20 Artists. 25 Artists; JOHNNIE MORTON, the Prince of Comedians. CHABUES HiYWOOU, the only Male oopruo in the.World. - ' .i EINB BROS., the' VtHlc-l Wonders HAHKY ARMSTKOKU. the Son of Memos. i i ! j Magnificent Orchestra. Superb Quintette. ELEGANT BRASS BAKD. . ; ' "J i'if' '' Mrth wHh Decorum. s: i : ce OTadalsskm,: SO Cents and 81. J. 8. SHEPPABD, Business Manager. Sept 25-L43l BST H?WEST METHOD FOB IKI1U,BLT SURKIM CLOTHES, Without Fen, Ink or any preparation. No expo sure to sun or artificial heat required, and can be used either by writing, or with rubber stamp. La dles will find it useful In stamping. We warrant It to give An Indelible Impression. - . . . . No trouble to use K, and sufficient for 500 names. Sold for " 50 CENTS. .,: . , WDDX M BBOTflER, 6ota Amenta for Wfestern N. C. COLUMBIA sjfi$Dl AUGUSTA RALLBOAO.' ' - it CWAKtOTTB, OOLtJHBIA &WD AUGU8TA R. R., u, I, ... . PQMnuaA, a C Sept; 7, 1879. , On and, after September 17th, the passenger ichedule over this road will be as follow. : Oonco South,''! Leave Charlotte, ....... Arrive Columbia, . , , Leave Columbia , . . . Arrive Augusta. . . -.1 j j. y. . '1 1 j. . . , ; hi i 1 1 : i v i : DAT ASSNaR. (- ; 'nil ; Gonsra Noeth, .12 35 A. x . 5 80 A, X . 5 87 A. H . 9 45 A. If Leave Arwabtn. .; u . -.v. ............ 6 50 A. ft.' 10 48 a.m. mvewuwD-- ..... Ieave Colambla 10 65 iu ft. Charlotte..:.. .: 4 OO P. M. FREIGHT WITH COACH !AT;a6HE). ' ' ' ' rvrrA GfvntmT ' - 1 teave Ctiarldfte,, . V. .', 1. :. . : 4 .00 hjc i ' 1 J Rock WOik . . ; .v.;. 6 10 T. M. it VJ VML1 T CIUUXJ3. ij.fi i 'Chester, . lu &u . . u; . i . . , . ; s : . ft CO'P.'Ki . -Mf: wlmsiao....Y. ...... ilO 10p.m. Leave Columbia.... ...... 1 10 a.m. "Arrive Augusta,... I . 9 15a.m. 1 1 FRSIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHKB. ,; Goma-NOBTH. ' '- Leav'AuU8ta....4.,t.i. ........ 5 15 P. Leave Columbia,... . ..... I 20 A.M. ,." , WlDnsboro..,-.,f : ,., 4 50 a.m. .,-..i. Chester,. r. . ...... . . . . . 7 25 a. m. -!,rf- BOCfcHltl. ..f.JJ..i.' ..i....t.V.Lvl 10 A.M. j-mveat uiariotti.i.:j;.sv;ii.,i.Hw1lL 20 p.m r, FREIGHT WITH COACH : ATTACHED. . fiomeSooTH. ':.f.:i Leave Charlotte....... ........ r 4 40 A, m. " Rock H1U,.-... .., ,.... 7 16A.M. Chester............. 9 25a.-. ' ' WinnsboroVJ. j .. . .12 !80 A-ac j-uve at wiumMa,;. . i. . . .uv.v ...1 sOPiM ; : ; JREIBHr WlTH COACH A TACHEP, . ! Qotsro NdKrtt, rv. i Xe&ve Columbia. ... 1 v. . .v. ............. 5 SO a. M. : Wtonsboro : ,,B 40xm. " Chester, 1120 a.m. RocitiBit.'rr..-. .v.... 1 iop.m. ArtlveCaHotte.i... ...-.;... 8 45 p. m. Pullman Palace Cars from Augusta New York AMdJ-ni' A ;TINTKVBW5SaES: OHIO RAILROAD ".JoJftiir uu fsri "id U.-Yk-A in- - gisrti '.'iii. f? a?.' H;:x Scpraiimrwrrt;D-TO3,!i : r 1 -.!: .irrtt...-.,.-.j.. a..v.-.'Tl . . ..... i ana aner Tnesday,- 8ett 23d' the lollowirti mm fad fro GreeMlHHO -to Aiffiuata,-, , t Wl : ; . wMigtonviaiJrl-lraii1 ' yniij,; ji'-j ji3.t. . K-L-JC-l SupeMntMident. 1 O.'i . acrid element to wMchfuie iwm ltun?ve. thirottdt i i !m : vt-j moil KiWfSHfi'bmr tfE. " Davidson College,. ...... pm. axamDh-(iM 6 00 a.xa. fhe3IIo8t CoBiplele j et -. s. w ' A A "4ii ",Ak j 1 ill If: rrX) BE FOUND IN THE CITY, IS NTJWBErNG JL and of excellent quality ; and our line of FINE hMt maiTM Mtinnt ha inttMw) in beauty of finish, These Goods were all carenuiy seieciea, wim to Inspect our Stock, earner, to Portmouth rtrrHNBfnfHii-lisBi ' ' ' ' ; ' NO DRAY AGE, NO WMM3SI02V MLEN ;. i.i-.a ..-.,-. ! . j ... . . ."' :' 'j' -ifl.v-'- - . .' .i".it:, i F Martt Goods plalrtrf via SeaLoard Alr-Llnd. Freight received at anxhadr afth li. m,-.. ces of the Line. Tor InlonnaOon u to Tariff, Schedulp April S0d6m. X H. BleAden, DRcoeisT aitd cbsmstt, Now offers to the trade a lull stock of 7 Lubin's Extracts and Colognes English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American .TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and j day at J. H MCA DEN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AHL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil. from C. West & Sons, Bait-more. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire tester no degrees -ranrenheu bejoro it will burn. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dk. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. U RENT. Two houses contalnlrtz 5 rooms each -one on the corner of College and 4th taeotneron oorner or onurcn ana .m stpeets. : JAS. H. CARSU. 6ept-lT--tL JjM)R RENT. The basement of the Metropolitan Hotel, under the music store, and . Commercial National Bank. Also furnished rooms In the same building until January 1st next, - Apply to H. C SCCLES. septa tf . - y ' ; ; '. ptlscellaucotts. As the warm weather is now fairly open, when Ice has become a necessity, l am prepared to fill orders at shortest notice and with a superior Quality of Pure Lake Ice at figures which: 1 have been for merly selling. My cart makes dally deliveries to regular customers. Those who do not desire lee each day in regular quantities can procure tickets by applying to driver of cart or to ma at office, ice by car load, barrel or otherwises specialty, and promptness guaranteed to every Instance..; ' " , In Ooal I have a toll stotk, as Is nsnally carried in the btalnesfl, embracing all kinds for famines, foundries afad smith use. UideK' filled at short notice,: . Iiffjj y. . . .'fJ- i : .My stockotjLnmberis complete, and of an the various kinds uau&lly carried lu the business, snoh as 5 4 dressed flooring, 5-8 dressed ertlLnr, select rry boards, e.i large stock of latiis, shingles, fcc., constantly on hand, t Esttmatmi m speetal bills furnished on application. Also llls cif all kinds f .timber furnished 6 shortest i4otee.T Office and Yard orwr Trade street; aad N. C ft. B.; f. o Box 163, (XbJUtotte, N. C ; JapAae. ff. lfov.;H . ; T ARTHOIST. : KING'S MOUNTAIN; BONING COMPANY, ur.-.t -J?l$WwSUBt 2. 1870. , rrHEu meeting of the stockholders of the' 4- -CNG'B , MOUNTAIN 'MINING COMPANY will be1 held at the office of the -company; no. 52 Brofldwar: Room. No: fVi (mi .TUESDAY. October I T.,1 itt ,! orinnk m tnr thA alecdon of offl- eeraior tne.j9nsiuig year, ana tne iransacuon oi a Ji 1 ; ;itj s-iiTf. G-SORGB BOWLEND, .:-, in.-i ' ". , AMtatan. pecwtary. 1 tivil "and ; Mechanical JS:N..G::I1!ir!E.'R:l'N; G F'i iENTeLkiei Wf.Wimr.r4T WgJ&Vfm na oidTSSiug .mia1 AMk4i - Vaw. - .. rtTJ" OTA ffifimaa ..... . ' . - - , W.The.IelteiliaeontiS aUstofthS ge8 tor the pafti T'yeart; vrltu ttSr i2 .ttottii lsoJ cotirM'irfitwiv. twm ot .-iL4-.c. ..... - r ii! ill,'. ' . rZ . ... (JO K ZTt ' ....... RECEIVED BY US. OUB STOCK OF HEAVY GOODS FOB COMMON Wear ic , MACHINE and HAND-MADE GOODS for Gentlemen, Ladles, Boys, Misses and rh , ? u style, oualtty and cheapneaa. rr . - i 00 S - ullUln. o; j rmtfehoapnoM. - ; 00 vf TT:" lren, 0! i wants of our customers, were bought very cheaply, and will be sod assured y ctpr sutt eBrrjme in styie.aallty and price, who may favor rexerence to me feeling well Va, atd'.helice yi'Rail and Throngl, Cam, 151,1! Ouick- I : KK.IlSrCH, South We have Just received a riice rjtee of ' ZIEGLER'S SHOES, Consisting of LADIES' BUTTON, LACE AND CONGRESS BOOTS, SLIPPERS, NEWPORTS, CHII.- DRITSPEAIIL SHOES. Also a beautiful lot of 1 j" NEWARK WORK," COMPRISING Giiitcrs, Oxford and Strap Tics, PLAIN AND BOX TOE, Which we are now prepared to offer at extremely S5 low prices. .y Thanking our friends for past favors, and wlsh ng to merit a efciiinaa-rci bthe'same bv keeDina uie largest siock, Desi assorxea, SELLING LOWER, And strlet attention t6 business, With polite young men to show goods without trouble. W.S. rOB-SES, Ag6nt, Smith A Toibes'Old Stand, Trade St, June 13. I . EE. uZ cGinn, WITH pegram &:co:, .1-, i-.-lls DEALTClMi-N aJ- BOOTS H0ES & HATS, lstNattoiralBank Building, CHAKLOip,, N. C. Call and see me. OUR STOCK OF Boots, Shoes, i 13 ACj-NOWLEWJEDffO BB v Thcoficstiiii M State, IdBaXj&i And DB'pli call and ei amine for yourself before buying. Sept 8, 1879. ,Demwat, and Home copy. pcisjcjellatte0tts. I Ol d i ,4i 1, frying!! 1 ' As wpreenteninutu (lotUwlIl e lilr n.xtweek, this is to Inform any peCToia'wbt. maf desire Ubave TrflCont do-tA-'ier-kWinnL taste -u arusus manner, uuu we gla to confer with them dwlnr tprlel-VFwC. Des Jgns-ean be selected lot imy da of rootns V jiailvJIll ii-Jild .l.Ii v W:iMfcJh.M.,..! aup siWuq 52yTbrSfSTiS rIT? t r -W WIT -Tfl-ir 1 ' V Kl ITU l l i low call. S2 thwest,. I rt r r, . n -t n a mn - t . ' Bllls ot taroed at Steamship Whams or offl Western Agent . C. BaLTlKlOR El MO.. ' Na -franklin SbreeL , EDGEWORTII Boarding , & Day School For YoungJLadles. MRS. H..t?pjyRS, Principal Will re-open on September 18th Thorough training in the. English Departments, and the French and Griafa languages. pttlcily taught. augslf-leod2ru 0 I' J C HU U SCHOOL NOTICE. I will open a school for boys on Mon day next, Id the school building on Gen. Barrlnger's lot on Church street The school will, at lrst oonslst of on ly two departments, Primary and In termediate, my obleot belne to secure the best possible classification In order that the instruction may be thorough. TERMS, (payable monthly,) Primary Depart ment, $3 per month; Intermediate. 84 per month. .. ' -' V L. HOLMES. sept5 ' .; JOHN.V0GEL, MERCHANT TAILOR takes 'bleasnre in"litne-tng that he has purchased a stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods, so various In style, immense in quantity and supe rior in quality, that they cannot fall to please the most fastidious. My stock exceeds any other ever offered In Char lotte, and I even venture the assertion that it is the largest and most varied in North-Carolina. I ask my friends before ordering their Fall and Winter Suits, to give me a calL An experience of twenty two years in studying the taste of the gentlemen of Charlotte, enables me to give entire satisfaction, at any time, as my workmen areas competent as any that are found in the Northern cities. I GUARANTEE ALL MY WORK as to style, "fit and ! quality, and my guarantee stands good right here at home. If any mistake should cause it to be tested 1 will not have to be huatedjuo te2sMecJt THOUSAND MILKS AWAY.1 . jTI IjOHN VOGKL, Merchant Tailor, Tryon st, Charlotte, K. C. sept!4 M, LICHTMSTEIiV, MR1n TAffiOftr MERCHANT TAILOR. Just received another lot of the finest goods In the market. Also the MONTHLY FASHION for September.;. WlU have hereafter K I W STILES fbr ever month for the benefltr bt my cust6mer as the monthly differs greatly from the large Dl-te, I which Is only for the months of August and Feb- l Mai j. sept4 ' R: M. ROBINSON , FASHIONABLE : ANDs PRACTICAL TAILOR, Rooms up stairs over J. J. Sims' Grocery Store, opposite the Court House, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. New work made to order, and warranted to fit, Cutting, cleaning, altering and repairing special ties in my line. All work done at short notice, and on rea- sept4 tf FIVE THOUSAND nOKLD ! ia n-. TUST RECEIVED, five thousand of th abov. Li i brana or 4lnui vutrrnntAi-t nnrii Ha Havana Fll- lersthe test 5 cenf Cigar tathe State. For sale at wholesale w4.t4J id ' iittOY DAVIDSON, sept 14 Exclusive Agent ORGANS 1 PIANOS a. ai:'.i.v TO BE DISPOSED OF. MUSICAL HEADQUARTERS FOB THE SOUTH. Pricte of the Carolinas ! TSTCErSTlinmLTSTfiATlirCATALC (IK BlcSmith House ! DON'T FORGET IT ! i AUre eure DrevArrth1no mvsnt nn emntv DOck- t-Tmob-'f-iTl anil :T -nil foil n hnu III - J fillvery poekS with baid cash. WonH cost j-uu ... x .. ak35KcT McSMITH. :o. ,- itf S''A;Ki' rifh iWW 1879. i lil rft NA4t nf RalHth! th! tttldT1i will CUU. 'I Kaii SSTfiSHSS WZZrXi r.itJLKK Til K;. tj fiJL-J-SOKXII tlAIOl--XA iA--M.UCliA a i Ki t t-K liiw , $OSWFAPt. i!" lpe-iU'ti5 and oountry; ' toe pnbDeaaeiH)! all the wews ; tb . K(utfa AiMiuvun ir. their seal of approval upon his 9 f'snd he doei not deubi me mturei wlU be $2 perannura. No name will go upon i v. lhiMt MtfMtriT Knd no naoer will oe HALE. rv Thut Mr) Ha thA IHSl 1U tbCtR-SK-OTttsnbscrlber tut fr.-n, iM(n Tim tnnniA nave Arrive at Charlotte, v . Wm ti vnmti Raleigh, N. C. aters. TrBnBr

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