ISO ' I SUNDAY, OCTOBER STATE NEWS. A Catwba county man stole Concord is looking for a 4-nrrk I more cotton buyers. rI so: itizen ofT1 Co IT on, ine: tw l ft Kff so MM end vfiars old. He has Deen reuisu T. w r-n established- tween Lincolnton and far rfen Gen. John ,ne Jones has so revered f ba able to fevrT haee visited that region M. 0. Sherrill, pnm prise a strong appeal in its Denaii, KatrnX;a an election to to MbUnV Litaker township, on Thursday Novem ber 13th next, on the stodt law quts- rp1uoioV nirht. There was a dim-'T cW&mmilgtilWtBVQ with the teach erVSissHettie Peck, a graduate of bcc- . ' ! tiMLing""'! fll hibition for the Denent oi i,ue at Old Fort, "and a snug little sum was realized, JThe string band rurmsneu i -The Republicans of Edgecombe held a rountv convention one day last wee which is not e, wrJaintxA hv t.hfi Tarboro Southerner. tween one of the delegates and the Re publican sheriff, Bryan. I j y J' Weldon News: The earner pigeon ton, N. J, to let loose for an experiment made his way safely home in time te cmfnrnnsfc that nieht with his mate. So we are informed by the parties who go we are informed ny tne parties wno Tha Tarbnro Southerner says that below Hamilton, in Black Gut neigh borhood, Bertie county, Peter Freeman, fnlored. was Kiliea Dy rtoueri, uuw;i- said to have moulded the balls and oth erwise aided and abetted the murderer, Ikl 1 IH I llti WILD UL X J- vvuiMi w as did another negro woman. The Northampton TRejMtr njd jffe Weldon News have to say Soffit veYy handsome things of Judge Avery who 'iroVdrBg4fter?u!is (W'-the- second judicial district. His friends in this section of North CaMltav-wM mucbr pleased to know that1!1 A gifag th utmost satisfaction in discharging the duties otlua ameer i i 11 Morcranton Blade: Mr. Thadde Levfs Judson, general superintendent Gran ville gold company, of New York city, passed through through this town this lhisig-? f&"W'rt ci gtmipc llie g aB owiiec tion of McDoyrell county, ins com pany has purchased nearly all the min eral interestin, ihe lands in that sec tion of country, long Tinted for gold, and thro wilrVrinp,iirhiisrM)era- Concord Register: The project of a cemetery is again agitating the minds of our citizens. John McDonald, Esq., offers 12 acres of ground, between his cotton field and Winecoffs -grfrvV for $500. Yesterday morning a move was m aJenDaeThe mw-cirase m takfibaiistfifM attn Molla: ,chV y have ten, 1 1 1 Jf rrii n a Aout thirt antfl tmrTfofSvi1 balance will be. Fifty lots will be sur veyed and appropriated to the share holdersabout three acres set apart for a potters field and to persons who wish Kf ec mg lot in the cemetery. IMspbi Wash Washington, October 9. The Post- master Gener; raTliaff 'a mtef6niut;dhJ- gressman Wait, of Conecufegto-dar, setting forth that telvdfia refcui(ng all matter which is not directed to a postoffice address to be treated asi Ha- f nan Sprague, which has two postomces in it, "Baltic" and "Hanover." More than half the letters for Baltic are si$anly,di-. 'whicn is not -WllUVUMUi Willi lelteis su addieaaed. and gn Pniae stealing letters have been based upon the taking of letters not addressed; jand when it is considered that there are 160,000 local names in the United States. and but 42,000 postoffices, it M3WWbJ to renuirfl the emnlnvsf"h"rv;W . 7 . . r vrr.TT ; 3r hm ia foe J . M 1 - - lH.fT- - !1 Sf HEaiJB luiurmeu oi toe propcB.r. w.'MQ ox&ie nepuDlican committee in Which matter addressed to a tocaliiifabusing his trust bv Dackine in hiq may be addressed, and the Postmaster y mmmmYfWnW-Tim oppose the re-elec- nave a iair tnarntTOfe-n'ra Tescme.Mnr4iel.Hjrrantt or the use of Ms1 pm rHTinTSOM OT WMantaWMRJi lei.iLiKlW clique The-most importantcaseon the dock-1 sffiltu tt) of ChastainCox, who was sentencedtoTpuolican St 10 was 8entfinrfirf t be hanged on the 29th of last August mi me uiuruer os ju.r3iJlUll. , Y eater day the matter he(XUUIoflarltli way 'for the mTuln TKl endarfor argument before Presiding- jusuceuavis and Judges Bradv and Ingalls, and District-Attorney Phelps arose and announced his rearfi proceed with the motion. Mr. William .III viuiuuvuo, uuHiuuvu m uuj trial OC- cupiea one weeK. Tne questions to be ' " Presented were very imporfanafid the bill of exceptions had not been aam.Ioh ceive Judee Cowmg's siglatore durCTheTenlson life DemocrsTdf--- me aay. jar. xiowe stated f urmeT he did not think he could be MftTte tr8nifalt'tW p&vfy teMfl ordinary generallerm mnrhrTiP vened." QUMmtSim SUM TkmsmMM that there was no apparent necessity tv """" , , 'i. :T r"3w,f,!ujwA 110 we COUia get rtsnuy lor uie iourta Wednesday. pr uns.monin, for which day tha Mil HUM PenIe(entIr.Wi,eBy.n Washlnetoo Letter, 9th, to Baltimore Sun. Brooklyn last nignt, saia mat ew yorkpalcfone . -national expenses, nileems strange T ' tror a man of Mr. uonKiins mieuigence TItortitrate a statement the absurdity . aiuiiaitf wiiiriuisLSO2!,T,ifest. When he made a sifar remark in the Senate last . - spring b.y position was shown to be so untenable that he made no attempt to reply. He toust have a very poor opim ... , ion of the common sense of the people lie was addressing. PrAnrrt4iit linil llAiilllla ftf IfpV IIavIvaI I at Mooretrrille I t . . j . r A i nave just reinrnea iroiu juuuibs- ville, where-i-spent-a few days at tne I religion at tne jvietno-i e.T&y haWeK" eiinnisaea, except bf pAnt. 1 1 sldufd think city ronBe owror-oOOper it 1 A. A. .1 iJ inwromWTTPaKS. ni IT basH W" e hro pac ter, from Iowa, but whose parents were AJM 3I9P5 orifficiillv, Irom. , .Norin Carolina ..ana v lrginia, is doing the grandest work as u nas fieei utny f yearsr e-'hndteBdinety-twWilWMons ,nsi the :oraea asnappy iu Jesus, mere WiiWtyrivqpny,erfijj,.JTur- course,, .come, at nrst trom cu- ximm MMm J.wpmanJ1prgaQ ; out; wnen tney usien 10 ine noiy, Durnin f&TiTbnrWlipr;Tli au d-dke4 plaifcnesfiijll povler. IfTe ouDOSition eives wav. and thev hnd it a folly td"fryHttfube vise abwe,,lVati3! wrrittejnft83injypy have done, declaring that it is a shame for a woman to be fcetad"iit!i ilfar&rf'fcehWtheyi vSom late thatPoriiirfftnrt.f intibBolate. one, every! Nrtfe&qtyjf jermitting their wives, sisters and daughters to take the Bible in their hands and instruct their olaoocfl, iii feobbatb. pohooli and-tey-to inflnepfi hej1 B1 h earfs dtf JTv the cli iiwfhe change its smell. Some of the ntest violent opposers of woman preachers in that section have woman preacners in ioat section nave h h d -i- befin 'ftnthnsiaa- some who had always been enthusias tic Sft JMrViPf0 tjrprdiaiB9 the BoWVfewfiVl w M he 4ilece of the Holy Ghost, and, not being able to resets jwita sfl9le; ?of nvq on their faces, went to those who had shouted, and asked to be fully under- oaathafted ienireM i'nJthJulA s and feelings. Many veryold men have been con verted; rifl the 'Very y-rfWfittv ete-t' braced Christ. People ride ten or Ltyf f)f jMite ! nigtitiy tf rhfe present. lTrerfrwraTufrsixBypeinffents at the altar Thursday night, with the interest ieotf raiaitoiwneasinflr.-a ' i an -lj - i An Attempt to SI top Gambling- in I.ot- i U .1 l i The decision of the law officer of the postoffice0deiptoe that letters ad dressed to lottery companies cannot go through the mails will be hailed with fstisfactibn afmtiierA)bscle tltfotfij in the path of these demoralizing ana law-defying institutions. The assist- aBt;attKeyg(iier stated, is that the law presumes that a tion makes it unmailable unless it is re moved, and, th power to removerthis presumptidft islso easily within 'the' reach of the writer that he has no ground for complaint. A circular will therefore be issued instructing all post ma&tjgss to refuse to mail or xejjis&er all letsjt addrfi!9eTp-or to mljLiffJfegis terTnfrs orefrwaMs in mrlt&v W lottery schemes. The astonishing state ment is made that nearly one hundred of these schemes to defraud the public PVtiytJto be pulis r w r. r x r j m -Ft-.ft'imirw organ oi tne department, mere is rea son to hope for good results from this new departure, particularly in view of the fact that every person who offers to mail a letter of the description above give- hot 'tally stakes a great risk as' toy iu leacmug iia uesunauon, out oy tne epjeshnit in-B69teft-2e mifeei st IXAWto heatv terbfties ationvof the pbi To newspaper advertising the srreat in crease idttris$riff 6f eramblineis lareelv due. Very recently one of the two best- 1 3VeirVf thBTbifctoesa ofirunni uDtimsies wouia aopf tuuaot otWafie ma3 in a thousand who invests in lotterv cfctt ieven gatsMs Moy Mbk, and mere is aDSoiuteiyno guarantee that he has a fair chance in the game. In any other kind of gambling the odds are more in farorhofthe novice. Biltlmnrn Bun, IS there is trouble in the Democratic ranjsf in jnjtw Yk,Ithere is trouble in N-uepuiian UJb, The Tammany Democrats long since announced their determination not to vote for fiov. Robinson. The independent Republi cans now announce, in like manner,. bucxx ueujiuiiiiaiion not to vote tor jar, In their letter, addressed to l Leaerue f!lnh. t.h (Poll, mid Ur&ArlJrhMIlttTir nt 1 m ' ... . r. ..iu.i Ul own interest, the convention that nom- xpfiwpie - as a cioaK lor the return to pow- T " that tbeonlv safe wav to nfnvid isltd rflftn thft T?p- r a . j Tnublican Stat, r.iftlrSfn,,i'jrTiyr r nell, and thus defeat both thA Tamma. LDJL ana. tne mhina o.i Republican ranks of that hndv nf inHo, Keoublican ranks nf that. hiw nendent T?.fniihlirnn vntara h I Progrcww and, Rsultsunt Iter Revival ntrciuienarw mrmuutioy V - . . . J brseafuiicr capa Mlrn. utllWA'.IL 9 rrfi"""""hTay' ''ilMiantf tap"" "o Mipvnnn - - - I r VAk'M'WWM' ec LJianyQf my aunt) fufvibl aid in 1880 the success of Th tnOTPXlUE AND FEVER. can canaina.r.A rnr t ha nrmaAnitt i the affirmation of the principles and KiwiKi oumi ciiiiu:v. HiiiinupT Uii.?i f 1 IT. ' ' r orm mav I U3 f!ornpll winer nf fr,o PZ . ----- " o r , " . 'uuiitail! PiU iPttJte un-T assureu. xni -"""',,'j tciuiwiiiv onseK,miiif.i, 1, 1 j i aa'i uili ttisg: n ui OTW,1J' comes iww'f3 UJbbleSikill....,fA few davs afru.llmxZ1 nToddTflff SHnn affer l,ia r,ln, Vi ir!H?a" meditation, a farmer's attention rUl- iracieu to a larcre fox mnninor aAnoMtifnu i-w ecu iub iwo uorses. jnow. Webster . nK-vttn. .v. lav. u k . . '..! f Efir,1yfifJP or acts 011 taespnr Liieiuiunieirt.- m mis case heici this nasp hAlni-inllv iook in tne situation and caref ualy re- yoivea the question in his mind df how to capture that fox.? He sonn if w .yy.vuiu uury. nim riivhi Kiiacien enfirineerincf tho ninw with a iKTr - VUU UUlBRa (A aillal u llli mrV:MIFIU xurrow ana over the fox went a cover ing 01 tne earthr ' Nothing but the hind legs of the animal were visible, and these Webster raIzaiI and whislfmifr.hla foxship out of the furrow, dasHeffli' urams out on a swWd near by. v,BIWfii i1' tiaomsTAiBTOCatetiori&sio 1 -diie isckiv cutiuii-. Kti unit irf .1, ui. - i HTCHilv JAarsnj. mar swan Kf mm - .8T ft' from Vegetable products. the Mandrake or Mar t m mm T j' r . . phyMciaoa bad after-effects. ,,,&AII ANTI-BILIOUS I. i7 1 iirniniiir t.lLUIUIIIt the TORPID LIVES, invigorate the id give tone to feet digestion and thorough Rimimilntict hiugj feodimteyttApewerfigllpflueooa LIVER, and. these organa remove all impuri- lus vitalizing the tissue of the body Bing a healthy condition of the AS All ANTI-I.ULARIAL REMEDY - l.Theyjhave no equal ; and aa areault act as a preventive and cure for Bilious, Be mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevera, mtneneaitny pend& a! moat D Cure of this disease and its attendants, ' SICK-HEADACHE, NERV0USNESS,"5 f qmdemcY, CONSTIPATION, PILES, &e Tl ITTC Dll 1 O- 1 W 1 I w 1 ; 3 MMn. .til., .imm T Mn.t.ilia tion. No Remedy has ever been disoovti tlO ts ,ly and gently en edigesfiVe ving them tone and vigor to assimilate food. This being I acmplished, of course the 3 YOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED tup bbiiu ie ufiiiBieurn AND THE BODY ROBUST. Being composed of the Juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agon- . cies, and prepared in a concentrated . I . to?y thy.are -jmarjmteed, free from icate person. . A TiritnA rlinmiot vhn hftfl Anftl-VKPI them. UTS TnKaVK IS KO&S VISXUJS 1X1 UflJS W IN A PISTE iX9 AS Y OIEXB." We therefore say te the afflicted Try this Remedy fairly. It will ntf harm you, you have nothing t e-,t yloeeabutwill surely gain a Vlgt u aoui BoUyv Pure Blood, 8tron4 Nerves and a Cheerful Mind. "uTitoikliiMrry Srj H. H . PRICE 20 CENT8. 1 1 !Kli v JDromriHta thronehont the worlA Jl IT IT nlw TuTT'S TTATR DYRffl t GUr Hnt) WBxAxBaeksnsed to s GtOSsT i ttlcx by liile apificadJbnJbf thn DTK. It kn pirta a NatonlOolor, seta Iiut&ntanaotulr. and ia u Uirmleu u iprinc water. &ol& bj DruggmE at tent by exprma on receipt of $L , Office 30 Murray St., New York. sapr 1- THE GENU1 DB.dJlTclAE'S ;U OR VERMIFUGE. J4 SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. . LA '"THE cdpnterEnqis p26 and lea 11 encorferrwitlf oVasiinal flusHes, or a circumscribed spot on one or botj cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle rofif lalong the lower eye-lid ; the rrcreen irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; .ccastaial Jhaadachr,with humming I bi ItfroebirtffJbl tf tes ; an unusual ? r. j.a secreuon oi sauva ; snmy or lurrea iwjBfflien uiotm very iuui, ucuiMiy i in th mnrnmcr anrwitc varianle. I ii JL?n rr o fonfetiHles voracious, with a gnawing sensation ot tne stomacn, at outers 4 the virtues of that mlfieVBT, without it Ollf L2?mL3ir!KN8.ereatinKDer. . , andyever and Ague, ypp action of Iflie gtdmaehVttej YSM Ul lUBJ kaiV : 1 1 n 1 1 fmw-1 ntirplv aonP- flpptintr nains in hi-TTne iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen : bowels irregular, at times ' i costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration accompSA sometimes dry and convulsive, uutaav and d-... s t . mg ot the generany J J i u ymptoms are found to exist, fcirfDRaiCi iMclANE'S VERMIpFJUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CCW8T.41N W,WRY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable xf doing ikUightyt injury to the most tender infant. v."l The iEenuine. Dr., McLane's Ver MiFtbr'DfeaW'ffi!1 signatures of C. Mfm. fd F,vpp$8 Brc;S, op the I wrapper. :o: ! , . or. q. Maimrs LIVER. PILLS. ' fre nltrJnfnlentii af Jlemedy for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections efShe liver, and in all Bilious L VQmpiainis, dyspepsia ana 01 Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head- I AI,lseUesfcf AitlcMA cter, 'they stanorwiinouraTrrvan Nobetfer cathartic can be used prepar- rt.U.srmni rTarbailhe am tin r 1 .n mw Mi a .1 .1 . . 1 1 . " , 1 r -t -ti-i ?J . WibllTiflT" w ll-4 , -The genuine are never snroa ed; R .W biaaij- Inoi sa tttaevent f JlitHaldlld IHOW SJlOii JlioY TB W. ALKXANDBB,ajxAAy r fJi68 mil. -.4. ... j.-,:t:tt-..."-:t ". .suoiud UViHaV .11 f T f I Y VT vKJIIV ri ..OFF1CK U VERJi.B. WBIST0N f .U WUSaWSWt. Pf W Ml4ifert ItVnal JOS elf HatAirt. K. piWri8inSyPVf8r the - JWIJi 1 CXJ WfiNf W(UFil MI1I1UIM1 Ve KH,f"JirtvHj!J 1 i?T3 IU IsiJiU YM JhiO-uitH liiin ulii;nsi ill Ml J I, in .A .w .J; Jdhu DrookfiHd W ,fo. i; CHINA AND SILTKB-PLATXn WABS, CBOCt BABY CARBIACE. , MKPSi ; -i nh n, vfcb 'owest'l' hi ill, ther In orlKlnal crates and packages itfift MMafartinnu, ,ir:flaka4 Mcuted. bWeua atrial., promptly executed. bte us a trial.. Oct 9. .! hUfiO fit ITOJ U .l 11 n i I C W id China; Silverware, dmi hi SILVER AND CHINA HOUSE, . ML, iJJllli:fl I i U-ail TDVflV OTSVlttlll " .ii 0141 lady's .4X)k store- i !"Jo nil, ii JH.l 1 ' i.uiii-U'.. THE BEST STUCK. Ur ()fltJrK(Tsjj:iiii,:Ri, "!1 i ;lii : cJ Jllf UJ: 9rtn I'r i. ' i.s 1. 1 Xec.PWHKbt q Charlotte. : . .'.(4lUld'J i'li. .1 certain lines, of on the sane' to eoodsrwe wlfliMter'Tliffucef wholesale and retail buyers. October 1, 1879. a 'ill" t:l .trrctrrTfprsH.- 1t8Tr?f1i TOE f iU OPENEi) Sill lilt ''"' l-......t.f. . Iv. If .t. .'I i'li IJ-i iM'li "l.ll fi 't l.iO . HI J.111 (HIT I Q ;;A;,: McLKAN&'CO. Hi?!'. .H i j oi io i"i IN THI FOLD Anlieif!the sale of tbe FOB THE i s i ii LMST" EI0NEY. H'i II J l II l UHl f.ll iljUVIiri i 1 tlllll We toTe had a hard summer: People had to economize on account oi ine acaicnjroi money; But thincs are,, looking no. You can now aee smiles depleted W faces where gloom and spoiideiMonee held their sway. &,WpeopleV csqer un; ax&p oring oara timec ga4a w&rkiUie FJPFW ne i5e-ergOiO B 1 JaXJ GTttT STQiyft -ftt rWi.TT F. i' in IN XH1 OB8EBYX& BUILDING, On Trade Street Charlotte. N. C. . Mil 'YUX Mil I IN S' BE SOLD: 111 tUi YARDS,, 2,000 IiBS. BACON. lb'AC'KS COFFEE. t ... t 11 til J -.A 10 BBLS. SUGARi" 1 .HM)!i l! 1 111 (ilJUi 111- 10 BlU. MOIlASES. ;).Kni-7)ii KEARD, STARCH, , jtMJ'lttJ aUJ Id r.f.-i i!-iii: ll ill lui lciii.'i jJJ -4liLX tf-tf .r,lLliib .UltJ iKli.'f tloini-) yh..lJ Alnsa riaMHini-aT WTfnral We4ytte ( frtencfl aVaie tttM i snf m-psctear goods, aiiq I Liie,H.ountM1tn irivn ii a 0d1' ta'f or ill jji fiWWhere. We have the largest, I ana sen gooas as low as anf wwern not dt!LlneL eloHlL Dibnts ii n TOCK AND MUST A tUMlM jWi,il i- . i . . ... .11 flJOO uiiiiJir 4 tfAMiWM KSXnfVoWeet the wants an WlnlWi.llA e i.uCTjiiniirinw IMOA ul iiJi qaioa tin a ;.". " aiA ul xut.(iuioM ,!iu uU-J MLrhl .iiiu'Ht Kurw,. 5o MMMA J &;0.u,TiSfe5il T oo k du if u Jiri.u . ivi-1 mil ,.eiIfl'I fli.Fmm TwroJ snT . -ols!. 1 jobn WfirttTft ixn mt fiome in ttoose.ttM bsk - fOwiKhtnri tTstoa, Mnmtr-on,, Friday, ihe! Statb gy. . I herehv internum iau efbns akaiast tadin for either hor or huzzi. as he fi&nd bdwetsiei 'lohl "i. Mtla tn fhaiai -.iXIll . wMiseuexneH y regaiajnps-j hta steed, al8j!T Ja-hUvaoa voneoe siae, OTKing oraer, ewttluoiae - , ?P' ii- !3near!,riwivnc ranvnew. edi rrV , i 1 . ; dcW f. X sinali 1 JsinaliblBck WW "sf-.i -y'. . fiuf abooti 15 yeara fl',,'irl"vlrt. t in he was in CharHttef TheuuueSrureo&idr 4 great favor by aasistiBg rvHuuo, oiiii ih 11 immi 111 iia.siua uncu auvuf w 1 wiiim mini ;TiTOimiTl.,1 JR- iMlii -II (' yfl'lV '(l'.lfVlhfH. ,viJil.l Intuition lmn th)4 i-tT.TTCP't?TSfII?r-t-lPWr ') Wt hX P-I OWM flUW'JWP ft ail ) 'ids in ynlntU-rf iynnicl r tvtff FROM TBX.h'joH lu-iJ lii4 it tiia'WlijH Jli.l Mi IrViHHlH Oil u ffci ! 1 si'i innioulxfititr m rtaW-u?iTiiiju"w! Urn -u h PSEfKWiPTHfff liflHWW. via ever had. v i ) ! -Jj; .tlali tsiitml Jil l ' i yiTj : .'liiv'i'j ti iu .II''1' .uaaaawa uonees, mi grvaear iu i p Ho - ) i9olsiDd nsaageMBie aaiflJBiaham Jlour, iJ;ialaB!Ialfafca ago, (ftbteeiOh, a j; odoadagsoaliifie Sauadflj jXctoitamlBackeTl,, .esaMia8 J(l. iil&lJXibray iPte - Hpn .) ililetii ; ftWer.y0dnderi3dr aUJgradiflji:' jlpii UU I M III! ! u; riu:0 JI r-J,.! ; l! till It;' . -J'.1U fjil) 1 hdi; f:i ... lit .Hi 1 I t s 1 . -t . i.siif :-. vou M s: 11 1 is 1 li ! 1 ;L it 'iifLijj. T . JUST REJ.QKIYBI) ON CONSIGX3tasX,'A LO! O I CHOICE SEED RYE. II. u.jf. B, 4LEXANISiB CO. ":'' 1 i . '''-.1 WriOESALE ; D03P3VBUY YOUR ili" ii- - Ml t' :iR Sell tour , Jl, l-h- ,1 r ml ;'tii$$ElFG!U$, in ft. M. Miller & Sons. ,1 1 ii i-fc m 10 Tierces 'sugar Cured Hams.' ' t !500 1 Choice ! 1 North Carolina Heeas, Cowlea' cure. I i ii'iti :ii i limn ill I ill i 1 i I ) 1, I ii 'tl ) sf!it f.-jliiJ.i J vp-m-t, .1 i-iill um. 1 s: It ?(-; hi-'i . ; . ; 1 1' iuui nAum us- .vuj ituss'ti 1 . .1 . hi!., ,-2i: ) 'hII !u ,'!! qui. ,: PATlSKiTimODESS, if .1 r.i .1 M ; " Warranted eiual to any in market. il ':)-' 1,001) baYtollin4 XoA 2 yd.Bagrmg. 8( 80aBira the Nells Ties, newt and Jlrst-cliss ia .eTety re-t spect. All the above to arrive early next wee. burwell & mum. Ant.9.R .1.11 -Ihi-.J . 1 . Hot Power itltjct frofik t-OflUtie .ocinee fMattit 100'HaM.Vwwav6bHpimd Oornaa aizM$bm Fitrnt Ravarmible uaiounai PorUbla Corn Mil OaeiwiaaamMaMfcnHBi ; I rHnriMi t .' ; ; a m 1 11 it. uwjwi ' aiJ i "tinfr mi ual5o ami. r Infill 1 1 bjm ot 1 u.ji:oiM u.t.'i a nw-aifcieJioff FJTK3 leonstanUj on hand that. .Mi. .vja-?y.; ougn- xiuxiaurf owre. IfiuLFsaeal Baauiiltiaii d0 and Cigars lh IacCT8mnlng,j oa..l.iijI1,rltU -j . hi.! li..fl!wif'WrT'flt A rk . il -l m "f":.-. i.i I ni frin i'iifr ,'iti i i i . : ' !-l- .- :: .. : r :! r..; , . ; .: , 1 X iiil-'.' I . lli, . ii.'l ; R 11 I1 C D P i - 1 m ' ' , . it; t , -..l il R Li I MB! "Ma 'J II II ?Tr i(Tr T. mmmm fiiWM Ira f A iliiirfalitnTIti Hew'liiiliai toraiie :.Jorttt 1 if 1TW - .-J"'- I ifti 'ni jll Tfii V if Bid ieieaSifc olx milii;i i 1 1 m !l ibJit-j Iiilt, f ! vj f ; ! t l l -" life liiiia fJ .Mi-jil liiiii 1:. .'4.ii (!(-. !:. :i... Hiyj-'li'tl'lll) lJ-e 1r''sT? lt ,...! I).i.!-,; '.ul. ii'dnn-i .11 )1 I!. Hdlil i . a ?Tu;aJ insiu I I, .fl ;iii'.;ii'j i i fe'jjJJ.'i i'l TVI;1 'l iil :10-i'JItil "itI I ili 111 ir-llf-r-.tflij if i It.. eiWiii !;ijitlyb n -mil haiMtQtlL - - - . i .. fijinf i. i; )vtlu;'.( i Ahail ds'W'yiNCT imY OODS-, is now IT -:; . , :. .. . ii'; jOpfnttepf.j.jIa.esli nd Most Ctotn'ttSW of Goods In ouV line we nave ever ,.J,nadttexhlaaureof ifthovlnK. An Inuwtinn nt rwestantf headdnJeuTlleev aod we ctn make it to nr'idttfehej Whases lo om-line ; at one estabnabanemX tthe 'largeetj and meat com- taAXSiatfaSONKKTSon ; lfoaday.iaatat when we 'ffiftmj&ii&s greatest variety' jfine "' J' . ...... . , .i 1 i 1 HATS and BONNETS that they have ever seen U thlsdly. .esnel JIB& iP) QUEEY. 7 ,!l..t w; !.. .t GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry aitd roner Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Ware, J. T. BUTLER'S. ; . I WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVEB AND SltVEB- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVEB SPECTACLES. 1ST Gold-Head Caues and everrthlnsr you want J. T. BUTLEB'S. eec4 P. LASNB, .From, Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER GILDEB and SIL ; 1 1 : ' : VEBPLATKRj i'.'t ' ' 1;. , ... J 1 i : . ,' ! Tradp Street, oppo&m FlrsV .Presbrterlan ; Church, ,. NatGrayStore. i:. - Every kind of repairs made' at once at halt prtee, and warranted one rear. Every kind of Jewelry or BronttdlhraiCek)rina and Gal- 1variiiaaK made ar short notice and. equally as good as new. wonc oone ior ue traae ai low pnoes. pr Apprentice wanted, with premium and good lefcraMefi,"-'"''' " ; Bpawdj .ork nnealled , for wOJ. be soi4 at the uW uurr - - : -gouts nn& tt0jes. We have Just received a alee Hue of IEGLER'S SHOES, Consisting of LADIES' BUXTON, LACE AND CONGRESS BOOTS, SL1PPEBS, NEWPORTS, CHIIf i !U: ilT DREN-a PEARL SHOES. !' ii; v. .t'!.;:: ' At 1 - til' 1 ; I , f Tl AUaaoeautlfullotof . " il 1 1 . I ' I ' I-!; ;ents' .... . 1 1 1 I. 44 NEWARK WORK' . 1-n ii;:, ' irxWpmsTKo Gai tei My Oxftrrd and Strap iAjjiiiiu:.!. 1 : t 1 1 rT1(.; iiSi.41 .Ml 1,,..: PLAIN AND BOX TOK, Whlcbj wej are now prepared uj oiler at extunnely ."-lli lew prices. J,;u , Hi. bin: -il. r? 9a.t j.a- inor, TiMt-j r : ?-k-jt TbanldFitrilTTH4"") W HPH "Wf?"1 ng to i fawruvtfeoiitiniaau by keeping the Jawesf stock," best Asaorted tirU' ' , Muthun ti::u,ii. 'j.nii .HiiriKNt-.yanAlttffM ' tw ii lui rrs iufvaM1 , 1 Andstrlet'aCleAUbn 1 I li ilfM'.l 'i- - ( ff I rlJ 1 1 -Mi n f " ' i i to business, with iollte'younk'' letalmrWnd before ordering their Fall JiiJ.1''liL,V.:,i I ' ,l,l andWtoteri Suits, to gtvernea call. ! Anperience 1 i jjiy urn ti-JifHWiAiFORBESJAreni. Mill fill ,.titT ' 100' 1 aaitiifr'toi Viiiimt.i. )Mi,ll-ari! 2 J 9-ji t l uii moiiM in tf warca n r rrr iirririm fmkt iiw.1 BlTviirVTirJ t In these dars of politleal WiekAr DRvWMJHALL'S FOB LUNGS. LCrjMPTlON, COUGHS; COLD3 1c wl Wl diseases of ih- edse8of the Lungs, chest ane-.fc This nmiiw. . "- 'y years anrt Ka .I?-?i?lT naen8rltorthtr SSS 01 many Balaam lor the oiai 1 ' 1 1 I 'TOf.PNBY. CURRAN ft CO., 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW I0RK. For sale by L. R Wrlston 4 Co., Charlotte. N c mar4 smith'swcmoil: ; ATRara,Ga.I February, 1878. V vStftMy lUd, five rears old. had symntoms of iwormu 1 tried calomel and other worm medicines but failed to expel any. Seeing. Mr, Bain's certifi cate, I got avial of Worm, 0U, and the first dose brought forty ; worms.1 and' the second dose so many that I dM not eewMfcent; - " .' . S.'H. Anim ' PrepareaDy E S.,LtK,' 4toe;Ga. For sale by DR. T. C. SMlf OhaMotte. N. b. - teb21d&wly. H OTT'S GERMAN COLOGNE In small and large bottles, oirect from aanufac- tUrer8' WILSOjjf i'BCBimX'S Dng Store. F INK FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Powders. Yeast Gentsv Baker's Chocolate, Eppa's Cocoa, Nelson's-Gelatine, Pure ground and whole Spices, "fie ye Top &eet eelHeff prteeat- WILSON Sl BUBWELL'S. , riiiii,iii. . . jVICK EXTRACTS FOR HANDKERCHIEF, (Both In bulk and small bottles.) Lubtn's Extracts, Imported German Cologne, Hoyt's ' " Imported and Domestic Soaps, Nice Powder Boxes and Poos. Hair Brashes and Combs, Nail and Tooth Brashes, Whiup Broeme, Ac. ftc at , WILSQN A ByRWELL'3 - - Prug Store, WISS COND1SNSEB' IHtii?, Colman's MuBtard, Tapioca and Sago, at WILSON BUR WELL'S. BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, A Water. Hunyadl Janus Water. Con- gress Wi t, Hathorne Water, just received AT WILSON A BUR WELL'S. No one who is thoroughly regular, in (he bowels is half us liable to diseabs an he that in lrrtKuiar. He may be attacked by contagious diseases, and so ntaj the lnegular, but he is not nearly aa sub ject to outside Influences. The use of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient secures regularity, and consequent Immunity from alokseaAi Sold by aU druggists. .. !' .WHAT ' St. Louis Physician $ ay. Pmnrrm nv aTiT ibt.i CMOm'a TJhiur'a Extract of. Beef and Tenle InviKorator is uai tlcu- larty useful when tonics' are required. In Dlph- inena, Ague, uaiaruu Typaoia fevers, and every depressing disease, Us use will be attended with great advantage. We have, prescribed it with ex cellent success: J. H. LestlefM. D. ; G. H. Copp, M. D,; b. a. nasons, M. D.; B. A. Vaugban, M. u. , Drs.-8. L. and J. C: Niedlet, and many others. Wj U.-BAIUW& BRO., Druggists Agenta. ; ; Baltimore. ,Vt j w iii iils . rtmui y MOW (M.r uiuulll &ii1 i (,-..&.' ., vi '. ! cuuifiiiKtfhiu, tosil our sr n.l wiii.iiilttl iuvi-niioiiK. M ' neon wtal vr wy. ttuiplu iruu. AUtiivMOBkkMAii ICa, MurnU&ll, AlicU. dbnrr7 a month and expenses guaranteed to 11 Agents: Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augus ta, Maine, & TTT YEAR anal' expenses to agents. Outfit qpi I 4 free. Address P. O. VICKERY, Augus ta, Maine. WLiBtzUmuiyns. qrxSansJpi TO BE DISPOSED OF. JIUSICaHMDOWRTEfiS FOR THE SOUTK Pride of tneCariiiag ! PRICE LIST AND' ILLUSTBAT1D CATALOGUE 1 ..I. MeSmith Mnsic Mouse ! :i ,.,- : r; JfOBGWITI !V ;etct)t an e mptr pQtW you how to I't ttlt Otl arLkrtAlr- BO&-tU0i I'Wiuteii till every McloetwUh hand! eashi JWonM a cent.ty jtlndouy 1 early.. . .. .... . , pArrr mcsiki 1 n. Sept. 23 T7T 4ldxi.JJi4?ihii 1 1 Kif U'Mol , -takes pleasute In announcing that lie 1 lS burchased a stock of Foreign and Domestic Gixis, so various imy.lHrmre tHwrnl if uije rior ia aualltr. ihat they cann4,faa to please the mow iastidlbusj' -' ' Mratock ettceeilsBB other ver eftered , In Char- rin twenty, two years .mKiwiying., uie mntiemen 61 CloieTenable me to give entire lattsWlonVat anjrthne,- as my Workmen are as Corarnt iny taat are found la the. Northern fOtlleS j; t':f HiJ WKI! ilrtijl , , - i ooMiHTKl AU4 MT?wpaic sundftood right here at homB. Ml ny mistake SdSuse it to be tested 111 nWe tobe hunted up In some city a THOTOAND M1L AW1Y.-' 'ffJOHN YOQEu, - . Merchant Tailor. Tryon eU Charlotte, N. c ! 1:1; i.Tf ..!. '.. Ctee foVevetflhlhs van (ma

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