tittf If i &VBSOBIPTIOS 1BJSX4 i . , Dorfy, ofM (war. (j4 JL- -C-t8 bO Six Months iySt aasbeenth nlted with rerr needed want, and with the stylet of Tjteiua mr Three Month mannef or Job can now eeoM woa One Month v...vv.;...y ........ 75 Weekly, (A th eounty U adtwn S3 00. neataess, dispatch au4 tan at anon nouos, BLANKS. BILL-HXAD& UCTTXB-HSADS, CABDS, ttix Months ; . 1 Art TOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 15, 1879. TA6& i NO. 3,318. lOffla! Reduction jor ciufe " r r PAMPHLETS. rClBCULABS. CHXCU, C. h 11 a . WOOD-WOODVILLE. h r ,u.-.i .... , , , . . , ' - : i L 1 1 RICMPTS. HHTHB ( r f 'h lUVd HlHIlKll.lA. In North Carol! Establish ut o: ' Goods The handeomssi and bert stocked Carpet Room . can pe louna at ue Dry .Ml J Representing between $20,000 AND $30,000 IN C ARPET S We can show a larger and better assorted stock than the combined atocksjn the eUr, and at prices as low as can ba found at any retail house: In the United States. ' H. ., Samples sent anywhere, -when requested, bat at the expense, of those outside-of fne lty ordering them. 0 , '3 - f " ILSXiNDER aTHARRIS.' Oct 15, 1879. Oil. J. It. McAden, mDIES. stlk ofpfuta, beatdOU' handsome SILKS, IN BLACKS AND ALL THE NEW COLORS. Our stock of plain, striped and fancy Sattlnes and Yertets for trimmings la the largest and hand somest we have erer offered In this market Be sure and give our Fancy 8rjeWs GOODS DEPARTMENT A careful Inspection, as we defy competition In this line in styles. Qualities and Drlces. Our stock pt Ladles' and Children's j ; ? HOSIERY The Brooklyn wife too many, but Dana (00 lew. nikci. ntl- , . fA.ir - One Is an onion boiled and ttoe other is a bunion oiled, There is the answer; ' You can fit a conun drum to it tour leLsure. Arf ir MontHy. ' Itis'sald that If yon: strap a man dghtly to.aj him and death will be p&raless. : nt :te suggested f lOOKea fptwia ami Htppy, Mm uiB experiment oe maae on weston. , ' ; Along Biyes ptopoyuteio Kankas flitr'fan ; road companies have ordered rail ards inscribed, "Beware of frauds" to be removed from the de pots and ticket offices. omurf J, TUdeu. In plain and fancy col iiaw laaenspeciaL-: cannot be excelled. We s n selecting our stock of S3 i-g f pi "; DRUGGIST UXDrOaaqpf,, Now offers to the trade a fait stock of: LubiuN Extracts ftndvtylogiiW ' ''. i'' -7 T HEADQUARTERS e, HonVy and fflycerjneaps. 5qfiJJsh,French and American in.-fci,i- i-". ,. Mi',,, 11 i.-.r .jihlA ,Es,naics, . CaiefuUJ prepared, at aU hours, ooth night and 4ajrat Prescription Store. SECTJRXTY, . V ' ffWr .... :!. -SECHRITY. 200 Barrels of c. wssTAsbNs'1' j f, :. r a KXTRA Na 1 KEROSENE -f. '!: . ... 1. fat- - AXI ALADDIN SECURITY; Oil. - ! ' West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. Highest Hedal awarded at Centennial Exposition. ore lerrjTTTja bum.; CWfi f , Db. ,J a TMc ADEN.ok Agent, 4 CBlABfTE;K..: .. 1 ij.im.in,..., m.h'iW .aoii; SU. ,Sll'tYI. ; g DEALER IN ., . .V.Mili.i. Having JiWrseoriOTIfjCflptfor tne -ttfailne sensni shortest notice. My stock Js ottuitd on this Market and i iwmia klndsj:or Families'. F ""Si Persons whaCHsflfV ber until first of Mar next My cart will not run Saturday89" wLfabla t"antlu'-'1 oa I haU also contuiiie the Lumber business and keep full stock' on hand, together with Lathes, 8hlngles, Sec. Bills cut to . order on shortest notice, of any quality desired; alse esUmates furnished on appli cation at office, comer of Trade st and N. C. R. R. . J. T. ANTHONY, P. O. Box, 153, Charlotte, N. C. TO THE PUBLIC. JuJ.?el on consignment and must be1 8MOKING TOBACCO, 25 boxes CIGARS. 10 bar- MM: vV nirD V8 n 80 sacks Choice miir - ruu, yi. IlvuuUViUnVUIC uw dally 1? r5 ?? onslgnmente solicited and personaY r"dt0 , L. HARDIN, ign . r, VHton and Prodaee Cnmmiuinn MArchant. j . octin Flret door b810 & HowelLj IOC: COUIITEfiS;: TO THETRinv. --ri;iifLlSLiii.i uay are atartinir Uxxix. nr. .tkiiiL CLOAKS AND DALMONTS, r .and have everything that is new. Shetland Shawls in enaiess variety, a nanasome siock or CfeOAKING For Children. A full line of LADIES' HATS, And trimming for same. , Come and examine our stock, whether you buy or not; will take pleasure in showing you through. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO., . Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st., Charlotte, N. C. Oct 1. fob; -Bottled lager Jfccr, ALE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C MUNZLEB, i . ' ; All orders left at John Togel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention:, - mar . ' ' ' HATTY JOE FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY i-o . " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe. Flschesser's and drink the more." FRESH FROM TB3SAt1IaNTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL THE WAX. I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which, I am able to keep on draught and for sale by the keg FUR ICE COLDLAGER BEER Brought to my door In an Ice-eold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. Persons in Charlotte, or at a distanoe. can buy heer from me at bottom rook prices,-and warrant- ea to do as pure ana rresn as u just made, n ' My facUloes this summer for the delivery of BeT axe better than ever, and as the sole agent In Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public; s t Wtaee and tlie best -Liquors on draught or for saleby theQantttrllththne. v - O Y S t E R S On'the haif-ehell or by the quart or gallon. Lov ers of the losclous bivalves can be supplied by r p JOSEPH FISCHESSEK. JU27 tfttlS, XO AT THE-T r ; afialniryVK.'lB. I Bootrs, Proprietor,' Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. fl. BiwwnJr., Chief Cleik; W. O. Shelhum As dee HO . . $2.00 MARSHALL " S00 H o v a E H o u lE ' SAVANNAH. GA. A BtLUCE, Proprietor. BuexaOQ m&V&BQi aoBordlng to loci; r?f? - tion oi Boom. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of PlantersrHotel. &t lug A. 4 i. .1. I.I . - i I 1,1 IWJ I J lit AW FI- j-v . Vjf i C 4lttt " t'.Wi'i tat. I ft. i. 1 fV fCtf! ."J Tfmi-t I 'ill lt .r,! I tf-l Jli l W f Li . c . ;-r l j7ik '.liil ;','',biM.u)ei,'llkthleVe'i'atfacl thff weak.- Fortlfr your prganizauon witn, tne itiuers. ana n wui re slrtananuffle alike the vli us of epidemics and tt I changes of temperature which disorder the const i tutton of the feeble, ,Tn pure vegewiuie aniHDUious : -t -j f ' i wiittler Revised and Improved. TNorrtstown"HeraM,3 Maud Muller on a fair June day Went to the field and turned the hay. Beneath her hat her hair was "banged," And fromlts brim no ribbon hanged. TbeEy she pitched on" an Old ox-cart UpUl her hands did bleed and smart ? Aid when she rnked into bumble's nest. Of all last time Maud made the best hi 8ke tossed and mourned the live-long night j BaUieleft optia wa bunged up tight Now, when her dad a farm hand lacks', Maud ataya at horns and fries slap-lacks t ; ad tells, him to hire a tramp. 0oVAT10JrS. Husbands never meet their wive t uusoanos never meet tneirwivet.th hiwi , on ttaelr lips; they wipe ithem ofl teioSSrSit H home. jyuina w says that Fechter had one' Bernhardt nas one nus-. A careful observer had discovered that the worst comb and brush in Christendom can be found In the average photograph gallery, and the worst pen In a telegraph office. ' A fidgety maiden, Luclnder Poked her head out the open car winder, And when she drew back, ' " Struck the sash with a whack, i Having caught in her eye a loose cinder. Keokuk Gate City. I -A' Milwaukee girl suffering from lockjaw was left alone with a mouse by a shrewd physician, and she contrived to open her mouth enough to give a yell that made the crockery In thechlna eloset.to rattle. Boston Post. . When President Tilden assumes the duties of Chief Magistrate the old joke about the President's eldest son marrying the Princess Beatrice will have to be laid aside for four years. -Boston Post. Not necessarily. Samuel J. will have a son plenty old enough to marry by that time. Lowell Courier. Old Lady (on donkey) Boy, boy, isn't this very dangerous? Boy Werry dangerous. Indeed, marm; there was a lady a ridln' up here last year and tbe donkey fell and the lady was chucked over the cliff and killed: Old lady Good gracious! was th (donkey killed too? Boy No, marm; that's the werrv,donkey. POLITICAL. Gen. Scott once had as rousing a re ception as Gen. Grant is getting. But it did not make him President. Another case of revolution. Grant's name was hissed in a Republican meet ing in New Jersey the other day. John Cox, colored, brother of Chas tain Cox, the New York mnrderer, is spoken of as the Republican candidate for the House of Delegates in Chester field county, jVa. A story printed in Wattertown, N. Y, describes how a Mr. Smith, cast away in a junk-boat, was eaten by his starving companions. Neither of the gentlemen who ate Mr. Smith was from the South. Courier-Journal. George Wm. Curtis has resigned as chairman of the Richmond county (N. Y.) Republican convention on account of dissatisfaction expressed with some of his articles in Harper's Weekly as serting the right and duty of every Re publican to scratch the name of any candidate upon the ticket whose elec tion would be injurious to the Republi can cause. Stanley Mathews thinks Grant wUl be the Republican candidate for :Presi-: dent and there is no person who can prevent his nomination but himself, and that can only be done by a firm and positive determination that under no circumstances will he consent to, accept a nomination. ! : 1U "Two Senators." , ; Under this heading the New York Journal of Commerce very happily, draws a parallel between the partisan speech of Senator Conkling, in Brook lyn, on Wednesday evenlnglast, arid tbe speech the next day delivered by; Sena tor Gordon, in Savannah, uon the occa-i sion of the Jasper centennial. As the Journal says ; "The Northern Senator, in his speech, was nothing if not section al and the representative of a party. The Southern Senator repudiated sec tionalism with great vehemence and eloquence, and .said not one .word; tq identify himself with' any , political off,' ganization." "Mr. Conkling," says the Journal, "sank far beneath the level t6 whiQh a man of his pretensions should have risen in discussing campaign' is sues." The Georgia Senator, on the other hand, took and easily 'kept the. high table-land of patriotic thought which so many American statesmen Sen atof Conkling chief among them-rJongi agq deserted." Our New York contempor rary adds; ';', "Senator Gordon calls the tFetlerjit. constitution the omnipotent arbitet1 from which there is no appeal.' iHe J rays for a broad patriotism, broad; as he republic itself.' He says: . 'God speed the day when the maxim, 'This is my country, all my country every sec tion, every State, every acre of soil over which the flag of the republic floats shall be embraced in every American freemen.' It is said that the part of his address containing these passionate words of devotion to the Union 'elicit ed the most vociferous and prolonged applause.' How is this? Senator Conkling, in a speech totally devoid of patriotic enthusiasm, told his hearers m effect that the Union was hatecl at the South, that State rights are as ram pant there as ever in the days before secession, that the ex-rebels having fail ed to destroy the republic oy war are now seeking to capture and control it with a view of upsetting all that the war had settled, as we had fondly sup- TJPPdOI HjdfiaresjthatJMnational finaaitM lijold.iimscr tiul6uS3outherneis. tUciff&JawmouWhtpe Durmng sun onx - :"r'B r lj t t . ---- - 3 rTonxnal. M ,rifl3"an4 ye vperl laps, rintojflirrrraTr r.np. nawspapersw uivu dejrriSftAtriR 4)wirisrJmrnal are. as a YMvW either for tne clearness ineir xpresiun or tuc fixity of theiropimons. Nothing is easi than lagginf behind the line of march todecQthosevwho Je4 tt. Nothing is safer than non-corjamittalism. - The fun ny part of itis that eredit should be tak en forCwoh'to men should pique themselves uponapourage tks notmmyanct--wisdom tnat thatTisi a. has rabandoned K&WMMBlio odds. f'fteBftPewy tnor-1 jrxarriaf e fteflN in1 the Old Vonilaion. 1 --- - ;. -fitiui a ii i CoTrespobdence of The Observer, , . , ( ' . i In Orange county, y., ton Wednesday evening, ucwBeriu.ju..Auuiuu Tvooa, vanvuie ana t;nar UM6 agenV to Mlsa Mary S.' WoodvUle, eldest dugnerof lUunund Woodne, EsQ. ; , 1 "Tiiii fMSWafee took? place at Palo Al ti JthDitable ' home: ; of the , hriH 's parents; situated near theRapidan ad river wnose name -wiu live m song ant? stdry." It ; has seldom been my happykdt to witness it social, event so joYons and gay. Old Orange seemed to have dohned her ante-bellum dress, re- daHmtfthe'.festiYe days of the old re-itfbnti.'"-Rer.1 J.. Willis, the officiating Cierc-ari iri-'vWnsi: annrnnristtA nnH fo ' ncitoW' ianjnvsurfli 1 f (f ftrrftd to woman drice-ttte slave-lanttf -otf of man nriw exalted to be hi -equal ; and ompanioa anngeLsjBJifeitQ iead poor fallen marifeack lo his lost Eden." The man- It' gsoeirt, as he held his blushing bride, looked-woud antir nappy.' jso doubt to him "Xhe sup shines brighter. The grass Is greener, ." The birds sing more sweetly." And she : "Changeful and faint was her fair cheek's hue, Though clear as a flower which the light looks through; ' And the glance of her dark, resplendent eye. For the aspect of woman at times too high, Lay floating In mists which tbe troubled stream Of the soul sent up o'er its fervid beam." The1 bridesmaids were tastefully and elegantly, costumed. Mr. Chambers Sisson, as best mau, led out as first bridesmaid!, the1 'merry and' fascinating Miss Florence W0od, of Danville. Miss Sallie Herr of Staunton, handsome and queenly-looking, came in with Mr. Jas. yood, Jr., the irrepressible and laughter-pro vokirigj 'brother of the groom. Miss Josie Willrs, of Lignum, Culpep per county, deservedly merits profound est admiration ; to say she looked sweetly is tame ; she was simply "Miss Josie," appear irig- at aH times charming in dress and winning in manners. She stood with Mr. Chas; .W. Sburl, L a most pleasant and agreeable gentleman from Staunton. Miss Lizzie, Willis, with Mr. John W. Melton, both of Lignum, sus tained , their merited reputation for popularity in the social circle. ; Altogether it was a charming wed ding. As merriment rounded the rosy hours, " the old home seemed as it used to," and more than a hundred guests re- ? aired to a sumptuous feast, as laid by 'imon ; certainly as plentiful, surely a& well discussed. Among those who con tributed largely to the eniovment of the assembled guests Messrs. Newton anay CKson' sisson -deserve honorable mentionurales ' to'the bride and truly genial gentlemen "of' 'the "old school." After a delightful trip through the beautiful country fwhich the Virginia Midland road passes, and an agreeable sojourn of a few days with the parents of the grdom in Danville, the happy pair arrived in Charlotte on Monday, the 18th, which place will be, at pres ent, their home. We wish them a long and joyous life. ...... D. A. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Sylvia Gilbert, of Wilmington, was found dead in bed Sunday morning. Heart disease. Carapbeil Landing, a near sighted ton last week, and was drowned. man, walked into the river near Kins- Prof. Humphrey, the mineralogist, who has been living at Morganton for a year past, is about moving to Greens boro., ' i The colored militarv have been or- . dered, to. Raleigh to attend the , colored people s lndustnai1 airvto be Held No vembexillth : i , . 1 1 "WiiTfcPltfhfri TntijoK Oc H ... 1? el(j'iga.ye,4inr people a practical and 1 sensible '.talk; . on the issues of the day and explained the faction of the' late session , of 'Congress, at the court house in this place last Monday. Wilmington Review: Hon. George Davis, of this city, has concluded to ac cept the-appodntmenjLtendered him by Gov. Jarvia) a&one ot the. commission ers under tlie act providing for the ad justment of that portion of the State debt whichia, a hen , upon her stock in the North Carolina Railroad. Mr. Da- vis wiUprof)Iaby ,b, cJiairman of the vuuiiuiBsiqn, as uis jihuiv. appears urst on the list. ! A negro, i named Alex. Howard, was convicted in Wayne ounty last week of the murder of an old man named Ra bel Autry, in Sampson county, iu July, 3878. The object of the murder was to obtain money, and , the manner of it most dastai-dly The. counsel- appealed irom itne decision at: tneieour,,! Tne tioldsboro Messenger sy$ he WAS taken backiitoi Sampson county,) where he stands ihdictexi for burglary in connec tion with the Uling of Mr. Autry, but; while- h 'admits- his connection with', the murder,..,in his ,own, eydeqee he states that Autry's door was open,- and the villain w'ill probably cheat the gal lows and get off with a terra in the penitentiary. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Conmup-isiu is, again growing noisy in Paris. , The Georgia State school commission er has appointed fourteen colored pupils to the Peabody scholarships in the At lanta University..' , The production' of print cloths at Fall River, Massachusetts last week shows a large increase, amounting to 130,000 pieces, whieK is Within 10000 ot a full production. ; ! The Cincinnati industrial exposition closed : at 10 o'clock Saturday night The total; attendance has been 422,622. The cash receipts, will meet ail expenses and a surplus of f ip.ooo will be left. Judge Harry Hayden was shot and killed at Ceijtralia, Wis., last Thursday by W. H. Cbchran, eashier of the First National Bank Of that place, for alleged intimacy with Cochran's wife. -The-Georgia Senate concurs in the '' -KHUS Mil f ... Bill lii 1110 BUT NOT READY FOR A FORMAL OPENING, AS PRESCRIBED FOB TO-DAY. House resolution for the Governor to issue executions against Treasurer lien f roe and his .securities to recover the interest on a deposit amounting to about $20,000. The dry spell in the vicinity of Peters burg; Va for the past month has caused creeks to dry up and mills to stop.' The Appomattox5 river1 is so low that' the cotton, apd i pur milhv earinot do more than naif work. AThe free Jb&th vNWp York .were than ever Deforej'having beenf used by nearly 3,000,000 persons auring tne eigh teen weeks between Jane 1st and Oq- tober 3rd.0Jui this number 1,028,669 A llH. 'fWfMw&Snffwinit.lite errors and io-i discretions oi youtn; nervous weamesa, eany oe- eay, 40SS oi mannooa, k.i i wui seua a recipe tnu eureyouTREO? CHAIWK This gnat Being delayed In gaining possession of our new store, we find it Impossible to make preparations for the occasion, and soliciting the public's kind in dulgence, we will now designate ;. m-, , SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th FOR OUR GRAND ENTBK INTO TH WORLD OF FASHION. We are fully prepared for all the demands of trade : Bot it wlU require time to consummate the arrangement and adjust the general fixtures of the Store, and extend a cordial Invitation to one and all, with a genial greeting In our new quarters. We respectfully invite the attention of our friends E. D. LATTA & BRO. Js THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC ! . ,.'.J.,iti.lJ T .t. If, -nit! ) .i W Our stock is now complete in every branch, and for the interest of the public we will quote the prices of tome of ourgoods: :, . Men s all wool Business Sack Suit, at $10. A very nobby Scotch Cassimere Suit at $12.50. A fine Scotch Cassimere Ma lansh, lined, m single-breast and Frock Suits, our leaders, for $15. Our own manufactured 3, 4 and 5 button suits, from ;iii:.!i;s:i .,;jrn'w-iL niii l: i-: $15 to $25. These suits are all of foreign goods, imported by our own house direct. GENTS' DRESS SUITS, All the leading styles and single-breast 3 buttoh Cut Away frocks, YOUTHS' SUITS FROM $8 TO S18-BOYS' SUITS, $450, $5.0016.80 ' $6.00, '$7.00, $8.00 AND $10. School Suits for Boys a specialty! Don't Buy any Overcoats Before YpM 3ef -0w,r As we have the largest stock, best assortment and cheapest in the South. Alii We ask is a call, and We Will show you facts. '.. i ; r , i 1 1 i I ! i : 7ii . . ii j til II ' Respectfully, i. 'j ' 1 Si tun iv 'iJjiuniiij :im, I . 1 1 i X J ! .".JI ' i ill " ; -i i. i ti r -i a ' i ':.: t t'.i.K., ..I ' ,i : -j-- .. . . ..:.:;..;.:! ," - ,,',,J.- i-i. '" " 1 J . - L :- : Mow that (flipr raod HHpeoing is . (Ml Ml'Xi Jl; ill 1 I' .(Ml -lii I 'f!, nillllW.M4iD'.-. - -..It nirWulirVlwiTi 'iMi l.: i tiIJ;rnl ! i We tender our thanks to the public, and the Ladies especially, for their appreciation of our effort to present ior inspec tion to the people of this city and surrounding country a Stock of Goods never before equaled faiGiwiottlw$ ifcaqWe the expression of every one of our visitors to the Grand Opening, ,v '; :, '''" ' ! "We have the Largest, most Superb and Cheapest Stock of . Pry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, HitfeM'Gb. MILLINERY, LACE GOODS AND TIES, , i t ... Now in the City of Charlotte." 1 Af.hli ) ,i. i. iin.l : ilj) I . li jlif f-Jrj.' : i -IS.' ! .1' We are now ready to receive the trade, and promise our determination ,!l;i.7 .i !!:( lii It..! ! Not to be Excelled In Quantity, Qiiality arid Rrtce, - ! '-ill ,. i - j ' Save your money and buy your goods from if - . . it i ii: wnmowsKY il- 1.,'f i , t r , ,.i iiUn' IL'UUlUJlUljUJlff Il lU UHI 41 U J U U. U JJ11I llUUI UtSnl -'-Lf'w jF'IJr wwm '' ' ."' 'ii ''''''''' - : 1 i i ' 'mm 1 1 i ! .Vili )! -m! I uit.-ri vui . . i.:.-. .- - i ...'i ' .. , t , wc tM?CTr-i? nATT BBi?nTAT a nrirr-cxfrTMcr rftt titii ' . .t ! II WE DESIRE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OtJB LABiGE AND VARIED- AS;bRTMENT OF i;lli VJ, li i! ii , en .Ci 7f;f Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gapsif cc Selected with great care, &Ca ! i Our shelves and counters will be found replete with all the Novelties of the latest and most attractive designs,! . , Uli: ;,;,,,,., ...li; AND ALL THE LATEST STYLES ARE FULLY REREpNTEp. In our Store will be found Goods that, notwithstanding the advance in the raw material, we are able to offer at the old prices, and in some instances lower than ever before. ' The reputation of our house for keeping Goods of well-known makes, (so that the customers mav be assured of crettine full value for their monev) will be fuflv nurfntkinmi. alan its cnaracceras xtw ruruijAB i;riuxiiiiii iiuusji; u uu.A.tiL,vri:t. W. KAUFMAN & CO. Comer of Trade and Tryon Streets. P. 8. We ara selilne off our entii e stodc of Boots and Shoes at and below cost. in: tl I I". I. I l I Ml i W. KAUFMAN & CO; Corner of Trade and TrffflTBtreets. -I .hi- W.K.ACO. 1 5 i i -.f. t.t.iiri j P. SCHIFF. J. SCHIFF. :! 1 Tffoa GBIEB. ... t ...I, 9: t " - ' - ' ' it, I'l'.I M . f I.....-.' V- , ... . I ! J . , '!!: -i . ,'i ! i. I-.'-- t il ifT'o i-iT'tfii : Can attention to their stock oi in A "MOV A XTTTk TT17 A IT. V "I "D" jP 1 lt Y t? Cl'''amW wiuc1 tnir fodnd Pearl Barley, Sago, Taptoea, Oat Meal, r illU J. lAlliy JL1.1UJ V i, TJVVllAVljll0Bei Ffouii nlxn&Mi VamaeilU, ite, riarorizy; Kxtraets, Potted Msati. ' Cream Cheese, Choice 'Qosben utten .. i, full line of Ca a, uxra, txmaensea muk, aj., au oi watca are iresn ana enoiesi voreua-ana Ban Mauant iaeked Wheat. Farina, Split Peas. Chi Ad OnodcL vir. Vnratablea. Fruit. Orsters. Salman; Iab. in 1am and rain ration bnekBts. Oar line of Teas and CoSeea ennot be eceallad In tha eitr. Ws ftm barrels f which we win sell at very LOW PRICKS IN OBDE8 TO INTB0DUC8 IT. To the Wholesale FkMtr. a iected stock fpeelaj) attettutiir!Ptenti jBroeees Trade wa oiler a lanra and toairaiUAitti goods In oar Una as low as can be bought in any market, 'City and eouatrf eoosameM wRt dad it to tblr taterast to au on oi before tpirebaslat eteewhere lfiBLWi-totwatptoadld Wagon Yard In terear of our store for tin use of owconMfOdi. s,,f! ' ".UOlfehrKl mmJmV . . . , SCHIFF & GRIER, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. , , . 'oil iii jj o'jJ'jji, j.'i 'Hun ti n .T-.'rtn Tirt;ifti n?a' wfsriiiiRr. aa t mcinrdhrtoS alalia " ; ; G&ffiSE&Sfc t Havi?8 neme mter in tne nrm or sch uuiek, i respectrutiy and cordially, invite wyoU Jjtenwafus- mnt among Its era generajsj. . jiorsaie jf j