ahcharlotte ,bsmt ' $l ':?4 'SM& ' 5r3lfobmli oils f . SUBSCRIPTION BAXMB : tBK OBStBtEB JOB DtPlBtHENf Datfv, one ywr. ;r."7l 00 Six Months vv.; C rro7 0 MurUh yfKMKLT MDITIOS : wey, ti hie f o a OuttMiontV'VmtVaa' 10 Wx JfooA- ").' j. m I 100 neatness, dispatch and apneas. We can fura- lan at short notice, BIlIKKS, BTLI-HKXDS. LKTTKB.HKAD3, CXUD6, , TAOS, BBCXIPTbV P06TKBS, VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C.,,TtfURSDAY, OCTOBER. 16, 1879, NO. 3,319. n-.I-.i .1; .a.. ..jtll-Ot lii; ) lo JkuU ' Snj (Sorxrls. The tuuMfiutniAfit and best stocked' Iq North Carolina ic&rfti at me Establishment of I I S I f 8 I 1 (I t Room Soodg t .5 j 4 i i I n ii J i Alexander k Harris, )7 Representing between Ait ' ' . '. ' $20,X)0rAND $?Q,O0q 7 . ' 'Hit' u - i J -IN CARP ET ffflfliil iwEH: We a It your special attention to our handsome stock of plain, brocaded and striped SILKS, IN BLACKS AND ALL THK NKlfeCOLO: Our stock of iteln, striped and fancy Sattlnes and Velvets tor trimminirs is the largest and hand somest we have ever offered ta this . market . Be D RE 8SGOOD8' - DEElBTafENT ' t '- " ' -' A careful Inspection, as we defy competition in this tine In styles, qualities and prices. Our stock oLaius'juidCpihlrea's i ( ) j j , HOSIERY i . . : . '. .; .. .. In nlaln and fancv colors cannot be excelled. We ' ha vf taken special paAs In seletthiz our stock of- CLOAKS ND D MDH1S, We can show a larger and better assorted stock than the combined stocks In the city, and at prices as low as can be found atlany JetailfhooBe W the United States. u Samples sent anywhere when requested, bat at the expense of those outside: of thclj orderlnK tUem- AiEXiSwEii iiBklsl Oct 15, 1879. vXQ5 awtt Xt&icints. DR. J. ii. SieAden, and have everything that Is new. Shetland Shawls In endless variety. A handsome, stock ot.ru. , i: CLOAKING Istklg Day Oar Dally Brea4." A beggar boy stood at the rich man's door Ui IOA4U 5 jaJ ; . Tm homeless and trleadleeB, andfatotud poaaii MmaHoA M MPfeW 'Whea Vfrtd, s.ntd LhA becvar bor. as the tear droD rolled Down his think cheek, blanched with want and cold. '' '" 'Be off, and work for yoor dally bread. His face grew grava as he trod the porch. And the thronging poor, and untaught maaa, ., , -, Drew back to let the rich man pass. The servkjebe.tleehoraliymn-1 ; f- - Arose and swelled through the long aisles dim; Then the rich mad kMlG, and the words h jald, , , Were, "Give us this day our daily bread!" ; ? The fur on the north side ol fall peaches betok ens a cool winter. : i . ,; ; The only safe way to go pp in a balloon Is to. aeiidaBuhatltate,., ..,,; ';, , ;,tli , ; Phlladelpbla possesses a young lady- so exceed ingly modest that she ilaoes a veil over her stock ings when she hangs them en the clothes line. - Last year every female was crazy for & pair of sixteen-button kid gloves. This year all eri satis fled with two-button kids, If they can only, have the widest surcingle evec worn by horse or woman. ,.. An election is soon to occur In Mexico Sot. Presi dent, and passengers In stage coaches 'are being appealed to for campaign funds. There is not near so much hypocrisy m Mi ours. Pee Sun. lexlcan politics as in "Why do we say in the Lord's Psjiyer, 'who art in heaven,' since God is everywhere?" asked a clergyman, ef some ehildren. For a while no one answered-; at last, seeing a little drummer boy who looked as If he could give an answer, the clergyman said ;" Well, little soldier, what say you?" ''Because It's beadQuartera," replied the drummer.' : ' x "These Is a small fever blister on my lower Up. I wonder where I got It Are such filings catch ing?" wrote ex-Coegressman, N pi Boss to Mrs. Emily Bell, of Mansdeld, Ohio, Mrs. Bell being a Kor Children. A fulljflne of LADIES HATS, And trimming for same. Come and examine our stock, Whether you buy or not; will take pleasure In showing you through. er, in the s owner of 1877 and now Mrs. Bell, who has Inst sued Congressman tieddes tor breach of promise, shows the orlglnallove letters of the re tired statesman, witn tne iever Duster. THAT LATEST LOVE TKAOEDY. Respectfully, DRUSeiST AND CHXMI8T, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Now offers to the trade a full stock of Opp Charlotte HotelTryon st, Charlotte, N. C. Oct f 1 1 '' LubiuN Extracts . d CoUgtfe Sf .HEADQUARTERS '. TffiiHfei! ton.,.. VJ ( Colgate, Jioner ana uiyeenne awtiw. mfflb&lM .OIHO fOHAJ3V3. AXS AND POBTXK. wr;i Is porner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per English, French andAmBrtcan r-3 ta 5- 9 if K i V2r i F. C. MUNZLER. 'AIT orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop wl" re oelve prompt attention. mar4 ' . ... PISCRIPTlONS " Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and if day at HAPPY 2HDSlTDOTOqC&5iiscHESsfiR; r - ' 1 : L . ' I OTT V krsVTH'P WlW TTTK 1TT.4NTA SRKWEHY ..... . )i w. . . . Tietinose wno never aranK oeerjyn, , u SECXJRITY; vu- Security mmm a a tStiSEGBERITY lwWcn,libleo keep pntoujjht, and . ..... J aula hv tha Vpcr ! . . Go to Joe Flscbeaser'sand drink tne mjjie. FRESH FROM TmlSjllL. ON ICE tk THE WA ;u, I have an arrangement with the Attanla Brewery, Ibleto keen on dxaunC. and ior sale by the keg PURE ICE COLD LAQERlEEB Brought to my door In an Ice-cold re: from the Brewery. or oi 200 Barrels of ' '-.r , t 3 W " C. WS3t4T80N3 irrf ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. . i Persona In Charlotte, or at a distance, can buy beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant- red to be as pure ana iresn as uiuawnaue. Mr fal" this summer for the delivery of Beer are better thaa ever, and as the sole went ; in Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, I. respectfully solicit the patronage of the nubile. w -- wines ana tne doss uijuwb uauu sale by the Quantity Q the time. T E R S IT West's ExlraVo'Aeroseiie cUom C? West ' sons, Baltimore. , . ... . -,u..- . Odthihall-shilort)j lhpojuart or gaUon. Lov ers of the luscious bivalves can be supplied by JOSEPH FISCIIESSEK xftt Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil WorkayXtoiwWarrantert ta stand 110 degreet tignt stal i Ore test of 110 degrees-Pat burn. C. West 8olrt,.BliHIffiIIItI iff gxrttts; 50 4 f,Fy DR. J.JL MCAJ) '5, pif2 ,aSbnrr71Lrs C a. BBOWa, tropnetorr i Asrent ..ills.' ,i i 5T- CHABLCrrTX..l CgBrownlt. Cbjef Clerfc tfX9nfftm A Story of tHe Attempts; of Florence iricDonald Upon the Life of the ITIan She Loved, and of Her Own Sniclde. Cincinnati dispatches have stated that Florence McDonald, whose ; home was in Syracuse. If. l ., shot b. M. Hie Key, one ot tne agents ot miss Mary ivn- aerson. the actress, in tne ronner city last Sunday afternoon, and then, be lieving nim to be dying, blew her own brains out The shooting was dqne in the ladies reception room oi tne isur- net House. The woman, it is said, lived with Hickey for some time, but of late he had tried, io cast her off. She had followed him from place to place, and her arrival in Cincinnati tast Week -was- unknown to him. Sunday she sent him two notes asking for a hieeting, botli of which he toie up without reading. At length she got word to him1 by a mes senger, and lie met her in the. reception room.- Ife'w'as a stormy meeting. Hk kev told her that he did not wish to have anything further to do with her, and she begged mm not to cast ner orr. He was unmoved, and she seemed to be willing to go away, asking him to give her money to pay her way to her home. As he turned around to put his hand into his Docket for the money she pulled a revolver from her pocket and shot him in the back of the head, just at the base of the brain. He fell to the floor and shouted, "For God's sake, take her awav." She fired a second and a third shot at him. and missed, but, believing thatrhe was dying, she placed the muz zle of the pistol to the right side of 1er head, just above the ear, and shot her self. Hickey crawled out or ine room on his hands and knees, and was assist ed to his apartment. A priest and a hysician were soon summoned 1 ne 'L i! i i i. da. w : 4- woman uveu auuut mi, ecu minutes, ilickev. believing himself to be dying, fnade hia will, devising his property to iriis brothers and sisters; and confessed to the priest. His physicians,' say tht unless inflammation sets in he has a, chance for his life, as the bullet did not touch his brain. At last accounts he was resting easy, and his recovery is probable.' Coroner Carrick found an Ivory-handled dirk in the dead woman's stocking: and a bottle of laudanum, in the bosom of her dress, i She bought the laudanum in Buffalo. In a diary found on the girl's person are daily entries made during the year; They ailude to the relations which ex isted between Hickey and the girl, and are interspersed with expressions 'of great affection on her part for him. The later dates show that after his busi ness relations with Miss Anderson be gan his attentions to the writer gradual ly lessened, and that he finally sought tri dpsfirt. hp.r Antirelv. telling her that he loved Miss Anderson, and liopdd tdj maKe iter ma wiie. vyvuiiu uuai v the date of her arrival in Cincinnati, last Friday, the' writer tells how she went to the theatre, saw Miss Anderson upon the stage and saw Hickey? watch ing her with love beaming from his eyes. "He would make her his wife," she wrote; "I am only his mistress." The last entry was made Sunday, evi dently just before, the fatal .interview,' Ins it she details her love for Hickey artd his course towards ner, and closes the last entry with these words, heavily underscored, n.aa sporueu inc. xte most die." In a note written October ICC in Cincinnati, she said : -I would like to have my body given to the medi- SEIZUBb OF TKAviC Freight TratJ,ja jfthe Atlantic and North Carolina Bailroad Stopping; the United State MafJ and a Cena ter Action rnerofeir. u Correspondence Baleigh Observer. :. , ... .. Kinstoh, October 14, 1879. Ed. OBatVR:-i-The down freight train of the Atlantic and North Caro- ina Railroad company was arrested on Friday under aaexeButionuBUed out by J. C. Kennedy, Esq., on a judgment ob tained btWin bef ore William A. Coh- man, smmm. $175. Th&uotjieejri lev&ea o ): train and stopped the ,,prs. The:: roadway was blocked tfpfana the mail train com ing on, found the freight train standing an the main tracfeftnoobBaito its progress. The conductor gave a bond and thd train1 then was released. tTh company took an appeal. From Mr. Kennedy, tne piainun, we learn that the company owed him sa17; for lumber ordered by the previous ad ministration under Maj. Hughes, but received and used by the present ad ministration. He says that he present ed his claim time and again, and could get no satisfaptioft. lie then notified UOi. u nitioru uiai u ue vvms uui pam no would levy on the taain, and he has done so. From Col. Wlutford, the present pre sident of the company, we learn the following facts: The management pi tne rqvo leu tne Dresent manasremCht xlCbrs ' to the amount ot about $10,000. Mr. Kenne-' dy s deot is : mciuoed m "us auiouuu, The treasMKSC'of the. fcvte management was hehind-ftSOO when he left office, ac cording Ufpmp committee of finanee wfiienniriLs electeo: by the vote of the tomx, nmmv at the meeting of stockholder iu June last Not one dollar has since been paid by him. There will bfe hfcal proceed ings to collect it as earl v?as practicable. Mr. Kennedy soon alter tne cnange oi . - n 1. ? 1.. ? VI management demanded pay ior ius wu of lumber and was very courteously answeieu uy Hit! uicoiucnu m a rcwci that he would be aid rat ot the first money collected fro nil the'late treasurer. Thereupon he, warranted the company and ootaioeu juugmeuu x uc umyuy annealed 'for time to collect from the late treasurer the amount due, , The claim was not disputed. Mi- Kennedy was one of the most influen tial late dlriectors on the board, and con- -seauenily if teas thought he shpnldnot be an xception and paid out of ithaje- cepts of the present management or tne road, while.the more (needy should have to wait fox asettlementwith the late treasurer,' especially when they were nol themselves in any way responsible for the delay in the settlement of . theii Killa 'Ftii'hiSrrprrt. reftintS Of the'FOad were all required to pay for Trriiriihg the trains 'dr forTepaitinthe'damage of the road at Morehead City. The freight tratn was stopped at Kinston by a writ Mr; Kennedy obtained, and the mail train coming up was thereby de- tained there. The company having or dered it, suit will be Commenced against all concerned in tne anair ax once. ' AS PjIXSCBIBED FOB TO-DAY. ' Belne delayed in Kalnlns Dossesslon of our new store, we Ond R lmBossible to make preparations for the occasion, and sollclUna the public's ksadtn-i dulgence, we wm now designate . , i . t i.h , , TH EE MME'::- BUT NOT READY FOR A FORMAL OPENING, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 FOR OUR GRAND ENTR1S INTO THB WORLD OF FASHION 'V We are fully prepared for all the demands of trade: il u, li l-.ll:. B t it will require time to consummate the arrangement and ad lust the general fixtures of the Store. ana enena eesauu lnvttauon to one and an, with a genial greeting m our new Quarten. We respectfully invite the alien ttor or "ot friends E. D LATTA & BRO, i- i. THE Or mnn I H H lllil I-''!' Pill 1 Our stock is now complete in every branch, and for the interest of the public we will quote the prices of some of our goods: , , ; Men's all wool Business Sack Suit, at $10. A very nobby Scotch Cassimere Suit at $12.50. A fine Scotch Caasinoere Ma- : lansh, lined, in single-breast and Frock Suits, our leaders, tor tflo. uur own manuiaciureo 3, 4, ana a putw bum, MV"f; .i 1. $15 to $25. These suits are all of foreign goods, imported by our own house dirept. ., GENTS' DRESS SUITS, i i u. I - All the leading styles and single-breast 3 button Cut Away frocks. , , t . j YOUTHS' SUITS FROM $8 TO $18 BOYS' SUITS, S4.50, $5.0(i, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 AND $10. School Suits for Boys a specialty, ..a -,n Don't Buy any Overcoats Bef0re",You .See Odr Stqck i in. i V " " i 1 1 .r in- (I ii . . i . en i. 1 I X Jr. i. As we have the largest stock, best assortment and cheapest in tne South: AlH'6 ask is a call, and we. will show you,facts. Respectfully, i Fine Gohers ani Aim.. A fountain in Travail. Vr.uik.llu Reporter. A few. davsgoMnN. WviJnes, mail rider from this place to Shooting Creek, in Clay county, called on, us and made the following statement: ffTwo weeks aro last Ffidav. 'fhile 'on my ronte, I was descending ClXriky Gal Mountain, and when-near the base I heard a very Mow, that Jar Grand peDiog MMm. j. i,i, ii ..I J, 4 $2 00 MARSHALL H 1 iTJinl . 1 S Al . A-A. ailYAJJNAB; OA, - ' ai v - $2.00 ti48 T7 V a 4V jr.. ij fimutng geason.! am' Vflnrt ou wM Market an untu arat of May next Mr cart will not run Uurday 1111 Bupply wble quantlHssoe ShffglwAw00 on hatogeWr -wfuTles, n.SlH8. & orter bortest nothse, of any qudllty desired; also e ti mates furnished en tppll- tulou at office, corner of Trade st and N. C. R. R. p n r, J.T.ANTHONY, K O. Box, 151, Charlotte, Si C flTiTVJMfrrarCToariDcraati mvww.v, ... M o,loca- iwci tin xmnsr IM-U RARii?TT, filefk, late of Planters' Hotel iMimaHlinattmiaf. A' was perfectly clear, and gave the noise no further AwOMTpft that (layti ffhf next day I was accompanied by aybling man, and as we were ascending the same mountain we found our path blockaded bv a very large rock, about 18 feet souare. . TCegavelbe rock a par tial exaiDicKR0? ltM as if it nad been in tlie ground. T;hen we noticed the ground torn up in the direction of the summit, and concluded i tkairint the, matter, and trav eled over had made great holes in the earth, large enough to build houses ih. Trees and every thing -else were ;siuvaIre,1uryiien, torn up by The -Tootsihd thrown dutr of its way. We did not have the time to examine further, but think it must have traveled at least two miles. The people in that section were terribly frightened, one old adr euigl M Wy W&M $ .that her recovery is very douDttui. s'Hiis is what Mr. Jones related to us. He seemed a little excited, and promises td' report all further" researches. He; firmly beU'evW, that .iW.tfteKttoittoQt out of the mountain side. b ifannfac xnere- To the STot'eQiJerleT 1 O Hth Point. Oct 12. 1879. Business J at High Point has taken a, decided start, I O'S. Causey, Esq., is putting up a large cotton iu l, and is now .pcotiii uuytng his macihl i I (CWdjgreaitlT to the prosperity ot the town. ,Capt W. H. Snow1 has just pu in a fine new boiler and i',Wtt,'lwilni srmkft and shuttle business with an tri- Lcreased force, as his stock is now recog nized ijorth as, a. ataiiflaro, anstaen rsrrjTOetJT--l UI UMJ IT PI f'9 CELEBRATEQ iiiniA W ATxfiK, i WIrrt8Wae'r' Hinali Janus Watei ' -M Waxer, Hathorne Watejjiwt received . ATWTLSON dcBTJRWyiX'a 1 lust received by - -WILSON A BDEWKLL. 1. - , Sole Agentf.- 5 AND IOC. COUHTERSi J5f JH?1' Tbe Mv business meirSf' IW 5 are SLlltln tku. .,w.. nr. nwt, Kill. .v-iir. , wm t?LTfi.,5fn lOe,' Joboing-Hoosfl lit ioV4 vataipgwr ahd'partlcurai yi VvIV ' ' - C IB 1 W iI-HAI IK calco.Uege. i Miss Anderson was lntervieweu uy Beteral reporters Sunday aftejuOop She said that Mr. Hickey had not breathed a word, of oye to her, and that she was 'utterly unconscious of h$s at tachment; he had not; been to her more than a friend and her man of .busiuess. Members of the Anderson troupe also say That they had seen nothmg w Hic key's condqCt to indicate Meferenee ffw "Miss Anderson, and it is surmised that haMthftMcPpiwktMi?8. was enamored sf Mis Ano;erm:sim to ffet:rid or ;iieT kmrfm The wonaVagbinaiiBhf OlUll.Uk- she Hickey no store', tid ilie' Randleman Manu- ifaoturing Company, who make High Point, their shinning point, are just fln- rtehmg a new ootton mill, 350x70 feet. mi aaA. that the outlook for II isrh v J " 1 1 milii arvacipv w j - -w---a-rw stage rymmpB-MWf1 S K he?KSSi i : that St f ttrfcWXlpl Xf Wiytff?J1iatl Explosion tn Boston Harbor, 11 inn 11 iBsMismimiiimtMMi"ffi,!-''jtti 1 a aYhandUTtaotoj will rati a Ci able f ovoe--about, Op ,aapgr, ,as , wsual. 4 Stores are, an doing a goou iraue. a very heavy bhsihiega In their whole sale stor this fall. , Mr, K, , .JUaiton nas put up a nne Hickey e3ettsirtfr aritemif!it-withA xfaiwwUrfrtrtT:trt itwMiomo hferihana-1 ger.MoiSllfSmiiWtiW We tender our thanks to the public, and the Ladies especially, for their appreciation of our effort to preterit f6t Inspec tion to the people of this city and surrounding country a Stock of Goods never before equaled in Charlotte, and to flnoe, the expression of every one of our visitors to the Grand Opening, 1. . -i ! ii ii-t. i We have the Largest, most Superb and Cheapest Stottk' of ' ' 1 ' ' ' !... i j 1 ... 1 Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, MILLINERY, LACE GOODS AND TIEV,;!, Now in the City of Charlotte' I We are now ready to receive the trade, and promise our determination Not to be Excelled in Quantity, Quality and Price. Save your money and buy your goods from WITTKOWSKY Sc t :).:!. .r.if.'.n: .ir: : 9 "S EE1 MUM 1 I . ) II.' ,'MHH .'II. J, TTT, VI!. I'' t 1U!!I !lrl .,.1 bin; 11 - ;i! ) iTii-i? t :- .! 1 1 1 in- '.it; i-iiijt.i! . u.i WB DESIRE TO Cm'&fiQmS&tO LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT.. .'-.1 tl ,1 .1:1 . I;. !l in - I'i'iif! ).: CL01MM! . I i- .:j Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats Caps, Sc., Selected with great care. Our shelves and counters will be found replete with all the Novelties of the latest attractive ueaigue, . , ( , , AND ALL THE LATEST STYLES ARE FULLY REPRESENTED In our Store wUl be found Goods that, notwithstanding the advance in the raw f 'iii old nris and m some instances lower than ever before. The reputation of our house for keeping Goods of welMr.n0W om unwis, auu ui boiuc moiomo i t-i-i .,n ttair mmui will Ka tnUv mtrintAituAi aim its makes, tso tnac tne customers may ue aasuiu ui kclliuk, mu v.. " "-j character as THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE Oi? CHAHL1UTTJ2. 1 1 1 't--.il !..)) li'( 'i W. KAUFMAN & CO. Corner of Trade and Tryon Streets, p. a We are selling oO our entti e stock of Boots and Shoes at and below cost. W. KAUFMAN & CO. Corner of Trade, and Tryon Streets. W.S.ACO, rhen Hart, House in tins citv. laore 1 a rrAl TTrflrAV-of desertlnff her for Wirt And prsofi' arid i wore that if s&e1 Mlknat have 1 Hicket Mff aiwtiirtjj ; -As Hickey JUf t-tke iabia.8h L B06TQU. Octoberit T, wq men narn- erimenting witn a tpfpe i ftrW tiiaV. ai sunnosed t6 beamed lya premature exptos idh!. " Clintock 23s samsffi-aa?ijs sate. WHO was, nowevei, uut uu tc nun ... . . m 11 ,, 1 1 4. mm MXffit v,n n TO J TVS 3;m M'WMtU. Vita a?.; J , a. I Ll k ... tl ' wifi 'iKin fcjrnj ((.is-liliiv ffi M(i., ,i-il'j. Ai.aa. iiirAtiitAVMi nttank the Vteaki'i Fertlfr buroKftnfMttifltb'4he lltorsjJind. .ttsrtU stsv ana urwxr wko tmo --v ' itS i 7jt aAi lX' 5dfD ribi" hand suddenly ' and fired a 01 1 1 rihr And -ithe ..kultefceraaim, W? Pfore feri rRt ttWiOM. -rt'j-ip ai.! afa ta and asied.;ufB4?JJ3,: "ie. I aKrWHlrii-Fgr?.3iJ3S toe eon Ul neti driafci ito WLarettciBa - ' t j at jriau&JiiiJJii MM iinnh after his men pnp.- r A. L. wate. who was remromg- uu tue uw, eard an explosion and started to look ang corks and splinters. Swain and Clintock were aged 40 and 55 years, re Ispetiveiy. .t guinmv nstiouisM-laef' 'efaanaye ot temperature omen oiaoror uw epmmw 1 s )fJJ,Yr"Ti raSfffiii totoftelSwSaThere t vitality la tt. f .1 It ls I put rj ; .iscrlw t! fbriwd. 28-' pure TOgetaole h",,e"?Xe, f nleanfrto pokwrt-t antl-bUlous medicine, ana aaSinotahanafal eler. I ttT f mentaownaltsinanrtnawdtenM - . ti iii a 1, ; . ' , A vara H 5bo aresujtert afeetDethat HaBQS. This creat br a mlsslonarr in elf-addressed envelope StheBJSV: JOSKFB T. IMMAIf . Station D, New P. SCHIFF. tho& oimaf 1 ii hi J. SCHIFF. RCJTTTTTFT &D G R O G E!R8i 7 arji ti.,.. hnonintj navorin vxtracB. rooBO aeaw viuaiu aww Mnww w , m. iuu u i .it .-. WW, ! ijenamsj-1 a ereiewui : 1 . A ..11 A DUUVb A IUU UW VI MUUT . . .Vtw pmcasiN OBJJKtt To UITBODUCK IT. To the Wholesale Trade weoBer.a JtwewaM t Pull Bttantlon ta their stock- Barter. Saco. Tapioca, Oat Meal., nacaront, uraeaea w 1 ed Goods; v laa. In tani i i V.I-K ma mHTT SAll at flTT UM goods la dor Uoe as loeir, ai can ha6tiTOln Myinarkt. N. a ieadl tracoa'&ia to d tear of any lf of tm oqnBy. mK , ti 1 ,,,-..! ,. .,iiii;!.: ru.Ml ' i iii : Cltr and country 1 . . . . , . i . . . 1 wffl and tt to their interest to call on us before parchaslng elsewhere. il 1 :!.' tw. . ' ' 1 '?f i d yU i stt m 1 Jilf 5 fri.i .1T- .1 Wbmrintertod in the firm of Schtff & OkiIsb, 1 respectfnlly andcDrdWJyMvite my owfge an4gs0r, tomlrsto caUand see me when they want goods in my;llnei -i.,m Jj ufj ;;,;jJ ;. - . ,9PftSl- e!. . . t i... ., ' ."'".4 UUlIf" ! 4I &et'; 24-Tdeoalnn -4:k jfta iwi-ers-i ineraiiyy iwi wwnuu wvri . 1 -I!I1!!J" I ''Hill 1