i I &xtttm&: .'tl Hit 6i TsmiYt(i SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1879. THE EliECTIOJIS The Iteult in Mo A Clean Sw p (iovernor and I,eirUla.ure K'epnbU- ....-Annihilation of tlae-TMit lopai -views a waninrtone . -v.-i, A,. 'MM t4UL iirUlViklferf 15. oivaith nwav th last vestiee of hope for the Democracy of Ohio as regards tt$. insult of yesterday's electiou. up io i noon lo-tiay some lomfi'i "sr Tr , overwhelming reports of last mffnr, anu i ii .t .,.iAi!tu in. DiA. !frisi:L- i ts of last ntelir, ai tm whs lfift them, or at the least tlve control of a house, by whfch they con The only comfort i;rawa byAUiem, fmm to-dav's develoDmentsis the iacc that Foster's maiontv fJjfo u-ill nrnlt:il)lv not be SO l.mt nicrht indicated. . The rejort. last "hrght received vere aimtmy 'from the cities, and it now appeal's that it is in these that the ReniiblicairtsJjKve been largest. From the indications jo night it is probable Foster's "plurality will not be over 20,000, and indeed it may faiUft ,1,5,000. r nn t i The cause of this revolution in senti ;leirtte'4ndkated last night, is twofold thetesolutioti of the Greenback and socialistic parties, and the unwilhng-neJlslh8bmeiV-16 support Gen. TCwinir's financial views. The total vote in thtjttrtl .yijlprnlnlily n -iliout fii - - FIH f-Jl mT7 Jm kD,e 000. Jt rom presenungjc;uji)nsii J2ilu bable thatfhelfpIlhtfWiliililOTote, which two-eiJvbtMl Plr'111 not lie more than StuOu. Speculation is already begun as to the senatorship. It is generally conceded that Sherman could have it for the ask ing, but manv think he does not want it. Witn his name off the lists the figbtrf will probably be between rare, uarneia, Foster and Matthews, with chances in Judge Tjait, it lmftia. t m, mrev iimi is irrrltpDSiHOtf,' and .it seems probable that Tie will be tlie successor of Senator Thurman. VIEWS OF THE RESULT IN WASHING TtiN.f Washington, Oct. 15 Over Ihe Re publican headquarters there were sus pended several brooms, indicating that a clean sweep had been made. The re sult is unquestionably a surmise disappointment to the. LD&i While for a week or two past tney naye been satisfied that Ewing's chances were slim, they have had the most per fect confidence in their ability to carry ,;thjUgWaiireij The. .Legislature, baa indeed been considered .the priae of the contest That it has been wrested from the. Democrats, under uch favorable c3&iw4rices$or fi l$i if$(cb fcfcl usiH that the people of Ohio nave tired of "the Ohio idea." .While thereis a feet ingtfp TeMtQfmi will be retiredto private life, still there ... . . , . , i i are many who think that he has reaped as he has sowiy Hurtate ougut warning to otuRanolric slates that it is always wtsest nrbe trtre to convictions and principles which have been cherished for a lifetime, no matter yc?sterday's elections lie in the fact that not only Judge Thurman, out every other Western Democrat, is now piit out of the field sojf ar as the presidency is concerned. ,i here, are not a few of the broaaerami mtffe sagacious Derao- crats here who consider that the Demo cratic defeat is a blessing, together in disguise, either afidinoJt al-j .Ifadw- ing been elected Governor the soft i anoJkejtiDiaocracy ot; Ue West weuld have come into the next national con vention with wild chimeras, and if they had not been able to control that body they would most likely have caused a the country must look to the men in the East, who have never swerved from the time-honored Democratic doctrines on the currency, to carry them through 'iwflttjfear.-'1--- :ur THE EFFECT ON NEW YORK. It is alleged here on the part of the Republicans that the victory in Ohio will insure New York . to them next month. This, howey ujitlpkiijg calculation. New York is a State whose politics have never to any appreciable 'exttetrt beeninflnenced by 'the politics of other States, and the result of the contest in that State If le&si likaly than ever to be governed by 'outside1 causes at this time. Indeed, if the Ohio elec tion shooM hajie ant inlaenaeion New York it wfeula be more apt to gain votej for Robinson, as it has now ibeen plain ly manifest that the financial heresies which possess leading Democrats of Ohio,iwUki) Sr aeriod appeari and the guarantee is thus afforded that the Ohio idea will not and cannot domi- raey in-the fa ture. Eoxthi ew ork may be con&dired fe ftr R soolin NovembenwiCT Dore-fconfi4fene tlfan heretofore. Opinion in Democratic cir cles has settled down to the view at but two men are now likely to be promi nent before the next national conven tion Gov. Tilden and Senator Either of these, it is held, can JfiPffrMifc atanqam mYi it! Ml mHiKfcldlUtt a; Press Opinion on Ohio. States in 1880, IS, ginning to loom up bef '-to US i 9VCWlfcll U0 it UiiUllU ..iii;i.il' M)Hl.H .New i ork (Sun, Ind.: While, how everr General Ewins was xmt forward aiiu vi. uo wiicoaivc, inquisitorial, un constitutional income tax. The circum stance that he heldk tosuoitMtrmtn&d and odious doctrines go'es frfr to recon cile us to his defeat. New York World, Bern.: The De mocracy of New York, with Gov. Rob inson as their leader and representative stand for the old Democratic nrinrinia ing ior tnese, tne lesson of Ohio is that they have nothing to fear and every thing to hope. date to be taken from Ohio and favors Mr.Tilden's chances of a nomination ,.JsfiH&i.nWP ottiiffiincjiMtl, .rjyals, out orlhe field. But m proportion as it impiarfiMiiPs'hahCr w nomination iLSniUanc and the chaiicesofany Democratic can didate for an election. , , Philadelphia Times.' TliekJ,vlfteJ of Oliio simply means that the present na- erlera and crrumblers back ta their partv alleeiance. and that. the State, has. -an- nhnrfid herself in the KeDUDllcan col- nas a great aeai ui iiuiiiuto. ..f"" - certainly can't have ttiMfgtt'-'W hmmpt . 1 t M lMM'mlaniia rl-if tfto impose itself upon anyuouy any . ? trin nttar HotflAlit.Inn Ctt that DartV." 1116 - rMriAintg fnnW paei I v have lost e very- thing in the state, ; ana buu materially damaged their presidential prospects next yaar. tlflprdernaflfdi areaso Win carryiniTo ttery. ExedJ AIJM UmMST ill I 71 L ,j JW"" mm jm m m wm mm mm mt t mm w. mm . known as the "Oiiio idea m finance. The paper money1 delusion has been re pudiated in the State in which it had its Philadelphia Enquirer: Ohio is firm Iv tixed in the Republican column, an intiegal,, piu-tHof1,Jtfeef coming, f solid . North," made necessary by the ominous threat! ot asoftcl SDUtfa Burner, tl e s&iRepub- reaurc in OhirindicVte&a ncan column mis iau WM inn crvti.i nnf fi!i uv a hamattt Foster, of eVFn' Sher Rut we could not beat the government. nT bis result ought to satisfy 'Democrats of the folly of financial .equivocation, t siovgj. conclusively) tifctlhe ."bid idea,' so called, is, and has always been, a telnslfoitoid ar.snare. E wlngr.was its stfohgest expression : Thurinan its most Lreed:Hiile adtoeate? irth are rj migBt mahv fX)atTjJLifbE2ioieiur i "eV loses his seat in the Senate. I is too bad that racb able and serviceable" men should be'sacrificed to such a blunder. altwinre Sttnjr Tta-rs4 sMue xhe K)l)tfes If the firtArerBd pecAlly-oT r v i r f r 3 I . i. i impending corttest rbrttlF presiden- r y in.l880 in a most salutary way. Ihe election, -which seems to have been par ticipated in .by. nearly evey .vater of lelStiitehowi conclusively, juid it is be hoped finwlv. "tbafr the fntlation heresy, no. matter how strongly Jiiidprs- ed by those wlio wouia set tnemseives up as the champions of a great politi cal party, .no matter how forcibly but tressed by subsidiary issues of tlie ut most importance and , urgency from constitutional points of view, cannot succeed in securing a majority of votes to snnnort it. even in the State where advocates or "rag monev were f Uiwriti4 berpnaesU ItoughUi tfidmfttieB how.lfiitlhat AiniWfity I Lf ibalnttople alUiSM tM, asXvie the East, are in favor ot nonest money, of the honest payment of all public debts, and of a return to he substan tial coin-based currency with which our .fathers, xere contented.. Parties which ignoifejcluHbje praici)e!siucB as these have no right to expect to last or to triumph, so long, at least, a the ine umo eiecraon uoes not seem io have mucji significance nor bearing be yond what 1ms been indicated above. , A 7. XU-W . . i ' 1) i THE STATE FAllt. The Second Day A Novel Procession A Good Attendance and a (Hood TheftrJtt'ablerfea!tftPcP WeclliCl- day in connection with the State Fair was the procession of tradesmen and mechanics which formed on Fayette ville street in the morning and marched to the fair grounds, headed by the band, a carriage in' which rode GW. Jarvis, Col. Holt, Mayor Manly, and Maj. J. W. Wilson. Fire companies were in line and a section of the Raleigh Light Ar tillery. Different trades and callings Ulan n Itilx UHqII 9lirClo OvD and mules. Tobacco and cigar-making were renresented. settinsr tvDe. printing nbindlnA iheTerdfiplaysffapy "Ooftsts, an ehiUfifilis dfiiiits andM manner of wooden work. A boiler making establishment also had a place in tlio lino ( n tho nir rrrmi nlc tlo who was responded to by Rev. R. II. Tn?dl fHieVrouns during the day was estimated at 4,000. The Ring ham cadets appealed and went through the drill. The number of exhibits in the main building, according to the stiteWent, of teajeigh' Otyerieri i more than twice as great as last year, and all day , Wednesday they continued to come inl' Among other articles enumerated, mention is made of an dadrbterbapy pre$ by Mfs: Dr.jMiller, or Charlotte, aw plaras, spun " cotton and home-made bags from the Odell ' il&(ifrt'wa.kly of horses entered for premiums, which was creditable. ; Running,, trotting and draught horses were exhibited, also pans tine quits. . Thif display wa fine saiisiuT liifleigh namesifke,ndfehow ed that North Carolina was producing stock of high grade, and pure blood. There were four races during the dav ( RajeNM-trottngMMdMcGa- aiu, entereu uy iassuer; wooaourn Hambletonian, entered by Norwood; Almont Mambrino, entered by Carter; Henry Clay, entered by Pomerov. Hen- Race No. 5 Running Annie G. en- teofcd qyj Jqynerj; S wan natioa, entered oy- wyene; caa, entered by Untnt. Swannanoa won in two straight heats, Race No. 6 Trotting Blue Wing, entered by McKee ; Henry Ward Beech- r.pCBifiaea oy romeroy; school (iirl, red py Bennett. Blue Wing won tii&raight heats. Time. 3 and 3 :10. Race No. 7 Half Mile Dash. Pill box, entered by Whitaker; Austral, en tercd by-Cartert Nannie Broadnax, en- tered bv Norwoi t ood; Gad, entered by A raGrSntl Geo.Benn The first prize in the glass-ball sb mg match, a $50 breech-loadine s gun, was won by Mr. John T. Pullen, of Raleigh. The balls were released from a revolving trap, Mr. Pullen hitting 12 ut ot 18. lhere were 14 entries. amoni? these threj hmond vefKmunlub.' tor an TftSlhunt 'v jur. - (Vormiey4 ore utof Ifa. 9 en Ail63- Atniehtthe State AeriniH.iiml so ciety held a meeting in the hall of the jBsenof-jRepiiesentatives. Dr. A. R. WBottk liteed an address on the f ubject of commercial fertilizers. He argued that the price of fertilizers was trnchangeti since thef establislfment of the station, arid' urged on the farmers .present to send up for examination The Ealeigh News's report of the pro ceedings says further: trfjP1- Johnston, of Mecklenburg coun ty, ffe aii called upon and proceeded to relate instances of improvement in agriculture, which had come under his observation throughout the State. "Capt. S. B. Alexander, of Mecklenburg county, explained the working of the gave inmiiaitmtdlinM,irMi laccount the same in favor vor ot the operatic operations of the law' Capt. G. . Amis, of Granville, react an essay on the eunng of bnght yellow tobacco, ni, Col. 5u11e informed the suciety mat nne, light tobaccos were upon exhibition at the fair grounds from Craven county in the east, and 'Madison an the west, and wmwrt'verv The society adjourned to meet th Fouwiwgaiightfiwhen the report oft th committee appointed last year to Visit isa.ecKienrjurr countv and lnvpst.iimtfi the workincrs of the stock luw. was trY Mokey fiaplalr Maje. Small Rd large investments (ram $2 to $1Q 000), in Uie coimblnations of Messra. jSwsnce 4 Co. pa large pronta. Tms new and mvmatSU M!8UluuUdUua vx .vruors JLTOm CUSlOmerB nse.caDltai. aM Ttf ihanaeed :with tee best kill &nd experience lne stock marked rronw are snafea pro mm oj icaqrauirs .eyenr tages of lance capitalMs, , Thousands are rani nuine jonuneg f)j f.aisau muit wgiuuuw iuempaf wbicb has been among the most swepessful ot foa movemenU of the Stock Exchange, fe?o wlllmak 125, or 5 per cent, S100 wlU return 8500, $poQ wiu nt non. tn . AMoidins, to the etate ot tha Market : r w -r , ' . itew exDianatorr circular. wu.. uunow ruies lor sneoess.' mMcuuA. .nfliiMi to . ail aDDllCanWt ton WessrsrLawrenEe Kxchadga, Place, New York QtJ. octi4 eod 2w TElfe 83xxfti(f bfatlhi liir-iininiMLWB ic 3tli!fftief4 or It is said that 20,000 men are now "fcif strike" in this country." " I su ciGlie JS&w York Tribune declares that sraiefe bio truth whatever in the re port of the discovery of evidence against the robbers of the grave of the, late A. T. Stewart. The grand jury at Wareham, Mass- havej under consideration the case q& Mr. ana Mrs. Freeman, m jail for the- urue&ot ttievrJjUieclMr Mrs. Freev ' i.i'.t H lis iAI rt.Ii-Lf I b Baa stacea iiiau IT faith wasi as strong as ever. The majority of the old spinners at Fall River, Mass., have now returned tofctrtkV put several hundred have not yet been able to do so. At a meeting .of the spinners it was voted by those who bad secured work to tax theinv, sekfesSl per week jrthe support of tl&ragi&vtti&r fesejbren. Ill Hew York health board inspec tors are dealing with the watered milk question in a summary way. They emp tied imp the river on Saturday more ucu iiiuj ijj ikn htooa quarts of the alleged milk received on one boat, and reported to rppTv1wl nr the 'health board and the public the names of the persons guilty of foisting tMi stuff upon the New York market. Both of the dentists who dealt with the teeth of the late Mr. Gardiner, of Brooklyn, N. Y., have now been heard from, and both deny absolutely that they used arsenic; consequently the theory of th0 attending physician, that the man died from thief effects of arsen ic which had been put ito a hollow tooth by a dentist, altogether falls. Some other account of the death is call- eutui. 1 L.. Ex-Senator Simon Cameron thinks Gen. Grant will surely be the Republi can nominee for the presidency that "no power. on earth can prevent it" "That fellow, you know, who is draw ing my salary." In this way the Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, in a recent BOeecli af Toledo designated thellflon. All Presidents of the united States, save nine, had previously been United. States Senators; and all save three, Washington, Taylor and Grant, had been members of the Senate or House. The Troy (N. Y.) Observer, a Demo cratic iournal which began its career that of Robinson, the regular nominee. Hon. S. D. McEnery, the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant-Governor of Louisiana, is ..brother of the Hon, John McEnery, who was elected Gov ernor of the State several years ago, but who was euchered eut of the place by Mr. Kellogg. John Cox, colored, a brother of Chas tip Cvpt, thEiXev Yrlqm)ur6rer. has MthidminKfefl thfeCMstefTield, Va., readjusters as a candidate for the House ot lJeieirates, tox was nomi- h -a clnyBtion composed of j Jolarwi He ran for the Legislature in 1877, and was defeated by a Conservative. , Since the.Ilev. Ileuty, )V;ml. Beep her is on fnefstunip Eor.benntOD L ofiKlrngs crowd, he ought to kindly enlighten the public as to which of the Senator's can- uiuatcs xui uuvcinui 110 is buuimi uiik- There is Mr. Kelly and there is Mr. Cornell. Probably Conkling's first choice is Cornell, but Kelly is making the best campaign of the two Fritla- ffilpAfa Times. Mr. Georee II. Pendleton's entrance into publiclife washe declares, an ac- ciuem. i reaiiy loveu me preiession of the law," he says, "and desired to practice it, and if I was to meet with any distinction desired it to be there. it fell into the head of my law precep- tor,hel4te GrdqrgejH Pugji, to want to be a united Stares Senator, and he asked me to run for the Legislature, so as to be a vote there in his favor. I ran the Senate. I attribute my politicaF 0 UlVVtVU, C1VA JA.X . . LI ICfMUCU I career to nothing Deyona the aesire to gratify Mr. Pugh." From Iligb Ufe to Lou. Reldsvllle Tlmp. A goftd jaoking young woman, wel dressed, and bearing an infant in he armsvwith a trunk packed with fifre clothing as her baggage, made her ap- pcrtuiiuc iiL iiis. i s, in iiteweji i;ouuty o otmjer week and applied tor the post tion of cook. She was given a place and did her duties well, our informant t6tatiig that be hid eaten a meal she IT. JT'"- i.t rii. i a i naa cooKea. one was wen euueatea, played the piano like a top, and in her endowments bespoke the college bred lady. She wrote daily to her home in Virginia, and it was afterwards said that she had told her people that she was teaching in a family as governess. It was not long before her brother made his appearance: he "had tracked her rfrom Danville. He bore to- her she should Have a child s treatment of the DroDertv uauioniiu sne .... -jsi tsy . ' ira Dehincr and re Ami, - . , . 1 ill. turn to her home. It was a fierce strug gle for awhile but she finally yielded and left the child and a trunk full of clothes in charge of. a negro woman in the neighborhood : but lier moans in mrtinsr with it were distressing to i r " two weeks after the mother left it. A Woman Farmer In Beldsvttte Tlme. i ' We have a better than Dr, Mary waiKerin oor midst: for our woman does hard, wpjk, an is senble with it an. Aim uiuieover hub uas worn me male attire a nmoer oi years, and no comment is made because she is known as one of the best and hardest working iarmers in me county, ana sne simpiy goes alongi and aitVnda t her farm WMfcHiVfehb'wfn'nMsetf nrfch on the Dig road ot lite, save now and then stie 4f4Y.es. lr.span of, black horses ,tQ Peils vdle, dressed in pants, boots and hat. She wear a striped cotton cloth"drss over her pante that takes her just about the kner She w3 Iji town the other day with wet pair oi Wscfes, Her name is Miss Jane Small, and W ag is be i ween thirty aad forty. She lives near Wade'g Miltnift this county, and runs a Binall fanu uf her- own She -worms, cutkaprtcurtsfllftr.owtff tobacco, cuts wooalor the coaLkiTn, bufns her eoalj gjxqnea, iiigs, ana in. fact xLoes every tWIlurKheJKlSlIecllsoruns a StiH ncfrSjff. Shfrisnolazy woman, and isiittsp t V,?fHfu'' than ma- Wasniugton, star, i'-' '" UQhVy -five changes are required tp 'mate the United States tsenate "a tie In 1881. Thurman 4wfllibfluepede4 bv a Republican, but there wiu be af stand off UhJthXDa$8i'aMIJenator who I'WiltBtee tewerrJti(Jep X'Senator loue to makfi ara.aaiaesuGcessora Senatoj'3 Knim'Ottl.k, Ea- ,fiQnnj8ctJjcnt, McDonald; of Icdi- imoMQMtfdiMar jjrs and i ; . am tbey rtiie 1I0 only a mpntli or so ago with an open ad rrcjciapfc of the Kelly movement, has f hftmea 'ojow-n the Kelly flag and run up whisk: wouju leave tne cn flit I Waal 11-4 41 car jreirvilLJUia.l M r 4 ' MJ lt it- w m . m V Aa m lrf . Jm A mil 1. NnJirtlA. mm ii3eiiJowat8twhav?''mnjdi-ity'K T-i$P!Ojtai9;,5aot,jqfiJao 6, ' teAdibimng in them jbf1 heivirtuea of that mineralf wttacm na bad after-effectg; AS AlPAiTlfBILIOUS they are Incompi sompartible. Tl the TOfiPrD TjIVEK. to snsavous system bM pw loct digestion and thOTOiiJg'iWy offood. They exert iowfitftoflaypoa jaLina. "'" "iiii;B in-- throu.h these prgana ve au unpuji- . t aud cauaing a healthT condition of the , system. AS AH AMTHIALARIAL They have no equal and aa aregnlt act as a preventiva and aura for BlliouBe- niitten'tntermittentj TypmaTeTra, anAever and Ague. TJpon the frealthy ; ' action of tho 8tomaohT detenda aJmost -: wholly, the health of the hnnoan ra6e. IS-THE BAWE fef ha present reneyation. Blfjforthf '" Cure of this disease and its attendanta, BICK-HEADACHE, NEBVOUSNESS, SlS-' fOaDEjrCYt CONSTliAylON, PILESj jeT, that have gained such a wide spread reputa tion. No Remedy ha ever bean discov ered that acts bo speedily and gontly on the digestive organs 'giving them tone and Yigot to assimilate food. This being accomptiahed, of course the 4 NERVOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, AND THE BODY ROBUST Being composed of the Juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agen- cies, and prepared in a oonoentrated form, they are guaranteed free from any thing that -can injure the most del icate person. A noted chemist who has analysed them, says THESE IS KOBE VIRTUE IH-0SE OP TFrrS PILLS, THAN CA1T EE T0JTSD IS A PINT OP ANY 0THEB." We therefore amy to the, afflicted Try trfl fee rrfe dy fair ly It will n harm you, you have nothing t lose.but will surely gain a Vig roua Body, Pure. Blood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind. Principal Office, 85 Marry 8c, N. T. PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold by Drofgiata throughout the world. TUTTS HATH oDYE. Cut Hats ob WstsnBa chaared to a Oixwar Black by a aincle aoDlicatioa of Uua DTK. It fan. prta Hatoral Color, acta IinUiUiTMmaaty, and rtHiuilianiiaByoMrJiMiataor at by prM on receipt if JU ' QTTioe so Murray 8t.f New Torx. apr 1 lj. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE TR;C.oIiAinEtS ' J 'J ' ! . , ; i - . r J v : CELEBRATED FOR THE CURE OF F ! Eepaiins. rUAVir UODipiaiJll, mmma . m - mm : ,1 DYSPirSlA A SICK HEADACHE. ige ofAe ribtf, increases tn pres : sometimes the pain is in the left sure : I syfle:jtM ptiem is rarciy jawe o ne ' on the left side sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it freauently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are cpstiye, soinetimes alternative with lax ; the head isAroubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which (oufhto Vavebeen dohfe )A ht, dry cough is" sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold pr burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exerejse would be beneficial f$6 hint,' yet he can scarcely summon p fortHi&e enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, vef exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the Uver to have been exten sively deranged, AGUE ANP FEVER, Dr. C. McLane's Uvea Pills, m cases of Ague, and Fever, when taken wjdi QuihiWare productive of the most happy results. No better preparatory to, rr fte taking Quinine, we woum ill Ivho! atd anlictea wim jn to4ivetHen AIR fRLAf- r fall Jiliyps erugrcw" as a simple purgauvc, wj equaled. BETVAbE OF IMTTATIOXS. The gfinuine are never sugar coated. jEvery bp? has a ed wax seal on the lid. wtfh the impression PR. McpNE s bear the signatures of C. McLANE a4 Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist nnon having the genuine Dr. G. McLane Liver, Pills, prepared by FnincriBfo.. of f ittsburgh, Pa., the rnlrirt iin full of ifiiitations" of the jaame McLane, differently but ronunciation'. ALEXANPEB, I VSsUl Ml IT l,.t ftUUfH-? if4H l'ul "it'"V !' 'fill, (MM) !Ul iiStii yt 1 H-'J " Dbus Sksul INK; With 25 yearn expertoneb'f fgbbMe tottn itUfactlon -'-v H ' i-jj j k. DYSPEPSIA LIVEK nap JSP i riiu-1- t-ilflo? :f)hlni .'Hih't ii till . 1 i FKOM THE .' 'r ; ft ': NORTHERN iSS EASTERN MARKETS, I ll..f !'!. .' ! i I i' 1 1"- ' I Where I have purchased the LARCSPSX and BEST , SIJCT8TCWKofiWQI9BA.VY and FANCY GBOCKKIS I have t, ever bad. respectfully Jntftg your . UispeoUon, of my Jck, - : 'consisting in fart of - ...... . -il -!fl I! ..-V. -- ; '( i ' ' ' . SUGARS' aji(gra4es;:SirBtiips ahi ;MOIASSIS Bio, Tagujra,' Mocha and Government Java Cbffeips, Barktey. Husson's arid Arbuckle's ' Boasted Coffees, all grades of Teas, Oat Meat in bbls. and packages, Bye and Graham Flour, Pearl Barley, Tapioca, Sago, Choice Cheese, a full line of Larrabus Crackers,' And panned Goods, such as Salmon, Lobsters, Jtfackerel,; SaMIhlVMdlp. boxes, hv Turkey; Chicken, Duck, Tongue and "Beet i . Wilson Pkg Co'flCanned Beet, qpdensea flllr' TnaphAii. treats, rine Appiea mmunjc. Also, uuve mis, uranayreacnes, i-icmo, awaao, Fmnoli arid Plain Candles, Sea Fa, Mustard, FUtapsco Baking Powders, Maccaroai, a oowoos, Snuff and Cigars all grades. "In fact everything that can bethought of,", which I am determined to sell at bottom pnees. ' Call and be convinced that I mean what I say. Bespecnuiiy. sept!2 - - JUST RECEIVED. ONJOQIQMJT. A LOT OF CHOICE SEED RYE. F. B. ALEXANDER 4 CO. Sept 25. R. M Miller & Sons, WHOLESALE AND DON'T UUY YOUli OR SELL YOU It CO TTOH BEFORE SEEIXG US. It. M. Miller & Sous. HAMS. HAMS. 10 Tierces Sugar Cured Hams. 1.500 Choice North Carolina Hams, Cowles' cure. 100 BARRELS OUR BEST PATENT PROCESS, Warranted equal to any in market. 1,000 half rolls m and 2 yd. BaggUig. 8iX)Bun: ches Nellls Ties, new and nt-crass"ln every rer snect. All the above to arrive early ' next Week. Send In ypur orders. BUBWELL & SPRINGS. septgg NEW FISH, PICKLED SALSrON, PH&LEp 'SHAD, EXTRA LARGE MACKEREL PBIIfi (SppFISH AND HERRI G. , S. M. HOWELL. OCt. 15. . ;.H , , :. J. Lr HA RD1N , Agent, COTTON AND PRODUCE Comnriisaion Merchant, '', .'a Eas't TriMle Street, 'CLarlolte, NC,'. ' ;Ordtr',..iiiffiRifiits aud coirspovtli ce re uH)y i.l4'rt d ta Jo troub: t. answer wrj3j.ju? f 1 list h ht a wunitd. h tilts l- y i' W" w- -:iid price lars ig wrss DEi Milk; Colniau's MustarJ, Tapioca and Sago, at u .:T7b, . WILSON-BUBffELL'i 1t- : -.1 T ... t i'.ii t'..''"H'y ii.iil ii-JtSiU ii tiiiaJt. ..:,. i ,-; J , -:i EITHEB BLACK OB C0L0BED, Without looking at our stock, lafwe avV Jspfeb V . . did stock of both, and are flejr'': . -i , -.: yer?: Great Mntcmesg. ;j,lu iMv rvr;.u 'octlS. . BABBINQEB a; TBOTIB. GROCERS COTTON 1. FLOUR rilil I5ia9vfciel II eiM 5? 1,11 kI.T I OUR OUR i ii- I -tit i Mt FALL 1 WINTER stock: STOCK OF -MILLINERY: AAiWfiT. W GOODS, Is now COMPLETE, Cottprtsingoneof the Largest. Finest and Most v-.- :,Ant. rTff.,. . . " f Tzr m wu une we naye ever 'had the pleasure of showing. An laspectioii e our goods and prlees will convince an lady that we stand bead In our line, and we can make it to her advantage to make her purchases In our line, at our establishment, the largest and most com plete of the kind in the State. Will open Pattern HATS and BONNETS oil Monday, 29th, When we will show the ladles , the greatest variety of fine HATS aWrWNNET 'that'theV have ner' seen in this city. : Bespectfully, ept28 ' MBS. P. QUEBY GlEATARGAll In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Sliver Watches, Sliver and Plated Table Ware, J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELBY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 J LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDEB and . SIL VER PLATER. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half brlce- and warranted one year. : Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. SUverfTatlHg and Gal vanizing made at short notice aad equally as good as new. Work done tor the trade at low prices. W ADDrerrace wanted, wiu Dremium and eood references. . Benaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs septift v. We have Just received a nice line of ittEGLER'S SH6ES, LADIES' BUTTPV. LACE A1JP CONGRESS BOOTS, SLIPPERS, NEWPORTS, CHIf- DgEN'S PEARL SHOES. GENTS1 NEWAiW Uiiitorf Oxfurd mid5 8tnp PLAIN AND BOX TOE. Which we are now prepared to offt-r at eilretiifly low prices. . . . , ' i ' ! i . I III Thanking eur iriends for past favors aud wlsh- og to merit a continuance of the by keeping ! the largest stock, best assorted. :tl,'i; Jt.l UiHM V v i v i n 1 it . t I fi IB, 5T V, m .iJjr Mutt tyf?;ltiftH ith Kloches'; Old, 8tand, rjide gV i t ! J ; j ; ' i 4 rim m.J j.f. jt.01 bsaViBOFFiCB ;n. t : QNB OF THE MOST ii .3)iMSANT vi uie mneteentn century, and ono k . . SrSV1 Jwentiondi tte Ln,at We. equal ntandoiher "S CARBOLIC SALW. HES,'W0CNDS,CUrsiBBUISES. -s-lmfiamed and abraded surfaces; and lor-v-ALL SKIN DISKASBa Ask "for Henry's Carbolic SaTveTand take no other JOHN F. HEjiBY, CTJKRAN & CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGB PLACE, NEW v0EK. MwaaiODjL,. , wnston 4 Co.. Charlnto , N. C. 1. iar4 SMITH'S WORM OIL. !..!). Athknb, Ga., Februajj 23:1878. SIB My child, five yeajsoid; had. itavptoms of worms. I tried calomeLandothoi worn medicines but failed to expel any: SeeJjfiuswtifl cate, I got a vial orwonri iSttVitod IhTflrst dose brought forty worms, and. the second dose so many that I did not count, therdT :.. .i..- S. E Adams. Prepared by E. 8. LYNDCW, Aihehs,' Ga. For sale by DR. T. C. SMITHS Oiarlotte, N. 6. teb21d4wly. gatoxcwt Sic. Ex-President Grant Stoned by Worklngmen IN CALIFORNIA Imagine what indignation would be aroused among Grant's political friends if such a thing should occur, and you will have some idea of the sensation the sale Of '. ' PERRY'S BOUQUET (The best 5c. Cigar in America) will cause in the cigar trade. ' Give this delightful, fragrant Cigar a trial, and you will smoke no other. PEBRY also sells the finest Bananas ever seen in this market, and French Candy at 25a and 50c. per lb. Whenever you want anything in the lux ury line always call on him. A magnificent stock of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Just received. Prices lower than ever before. . , Octobers. FIVE THOUSAND FAIR CIGARS. JUST RECEIVED, five thousand of the above , brand of Cigars, warranted pure Havana Kil lers, the best 5 cent Cigar In the" State. For sale at wholesale and retail by . LeBOY DAVIDSON. septU Exclusive Agent. BALTIMORE, MO., No. 50 Franklin Street, . EDGWOlitH Doarding &iDiY School . . mil 'nil vtf 7l;!n-T ; ;.. For Yoting Luetic b, It P. ijfVBPrilpi. WHl pe-open on 8eptemlier :16th ThoroubU training in the Kngllah , Departments, and rencn ana Ufrman languages practically taub'lii ancr 1 U deoriwt. " SCHOOL NOflCE. I will open a school for boys on Mon day next, la. the : school building on Gen. Barringer's lot on Church street. , The school win, at first, consist of on ly two departments, Primary and lu teraedlatev my object belne to secure the beet posslhHt; classlttcidAqn in order that the Instruction may be thorough. - TERMS, (payable monthly,) Primary rx pirt ment, 93 per month; Intermediate. $4 i' month. ! i L. BOLMEri. septa . pARD TO TftK AFLrCTE. pR. BOBEBTSQN, SPCn EUTAW STREET' BALTIMORE, $ID., Fropa fifteen years experience in bospiul and pri Tatn' nnkHJra. iuiniiltMi a. nermlinent cure In M dfseasei of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System Vlt: QrganlcTujd1 Smtniil Wedknesi. remDBnS: fatoltkddifo the tfeart1. plm- RwTInsanf dAtftml rifiwnrL MeniOUS UfDiu- f SlPtit nrgiddlndss. Pains intlie Bm -U fiiiu NodfirnarEnHssien,' WiH-VtSolUnff Horn a'buies ln'youth or excesses In manhood, pinease SfeUy'outractedCui icafr6n;';the - sytstn- lo nTfl io.ien aajs. anu JlsjTallln an mm rntl va atasv s - ut o Hiding paysirfar, j isfltittoa OUUBUIUHVI fidential. and medl- CaI o wrjto, ejefosinfe nfofreniy. KBdnM. frm U to ISO hjm row ri J5roroUn Ut full in. tw ine of T!iOFTldSSTeonslantly on nunJ- -,-4'Uj it,!jw I fii.t 's f --sf j.o.-m-w. 1BWII' Oct 3. Rogers' Furniture Stor. " inns new IWI W aaxj' ui -mi IL' J' .Wl lit. i! Wrlle awlAgrimlturl ttngin iCUpperiine ir' ii in nM iiinw una rwwi "!"r..i

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