mm,,ummmmm,M . i'nww.w.,1, wwwwt -.min.muL::!)! m -.n mi iiui ,,, uj,,, ,- ; VtbV-. Jjiul, ' '". f?rlTfLlJ " ' fr-' ' V Si' & 'jh$ .1 J ilflafl' 2 rf I fit! "fll If' : f2-Z.lfi) ja- ,..;;.';. . . , : . i , .. - " 1 -.. " 1 1 . 1 . i - . - . . . - .. , 1 ., rltH-''M ' JU. U I imJi 1,1 I L ilf I lILs- JU yJLl. Ill III III I I 1 1 Jill I I.I c I i I . I K- J W ' Z V '."inn CNV Ml I I TTT I Ji V A : II WVT ' f. t h .1 n lift? j. . -I'. ; Vi'.'. t- .,ifl 1 . .-.I . f , ' . '.. ,1-1 - Ml 1. ' . 1 J I " " ' SVSSOSlFXrOM MAXM0: OIZ SLUTUIK n WtekiV, 4. iJi'j., l'3 .ta 00 gizMonuu.. ,....,.... 1 nn lAoerai tusauctiOMjor Glut. f T L 3m Goods haw 6 oIi dwriita (A ot JLBBOI.VTEI.Y PERFECT. stem Tbe many annoranees connected with the old iem or untton Gloves are entir t oUowlmr adrmntairea Mnved let The perfect ease and rapidity with which it la loves are entirely overcome, aad Mcea. .I At 2nd-Igiitthiflflolttha'4flMtlBedwrlt ura ine aavantaee eainea or. graaxiauy Btramini the Kid, Instead of the old system whJcf rains so manv nairs the first tima hnttmuui 4th Strength of Hooks and mode of clinchtaue thm Vkah faafanlmi ZMtfepetMfeirt of Improvement in fastentni the QwUitjfUmprmnteedk eqvml, if not euperior, (4 tfifo4M flora in.UMrltet anv elove. e with buttons. 1 J F0R.8ALB BT Alexander & Harris. Hepresenta between $20,00 A-p $gp,000 IN qAKPETS A&ONE. Wet can show a larget tter Assorted stock than the combined stocks in the Wty, and at prices i0, can be found at any retail bouse in the United States. u .?.", 1 T r Samples senranrwhere wheirTeqifested. but at the expense of those outside of the city ordering them. Oct 15, 1879. ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. DRDOfllST AMU CHKKI3C, Now offers to the trade a full stock of -AND- PUBLIC GENERALLY. We are now receiving our second stock Of Black uiiu uoiorea CASHMERES AND FANCY DUES S GOODS For this season. Notwithstanding the very large and varied stock, we bought this season, we Save round it necessarr to buv a Mmndms w stock of' - .4 CLOAKS AND DALMONTS Is beautiful and verv chpan. Our new mnnaia and Waterproofs 'are also handsome and cheap. Our stock of Is complete, including some handsome black Cashmere ones. We carry the handsomest and most varied stock, of SILKS AND SATINS To be found in the city. w VELVETS. Another lot of Ladles' UNTRIMMED HATS Just received. Remember we lead in Ladles' and Gents' Underwear. All are respectfully asked to examine our stock. I. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 19. CHARLOTTEj WEDNESDAY j 0CT0Bl-jR ,;tS7g.j- Kightaa Manias. Was it a lifttfiai tfiefl u& Was it a pitiless hoax? A sop for my soul and its longing, Only to cozen and coax? - va-: And a Voice came down through the night aad rain : They Jled; thou hast tzpstad l yaj? j uown out with a breath liktr a lamp ? fhtta thefnture to ioottd" HavfrFfrougi Ana me anwei .rknAna and th'ai&dckl irhtna- Wbat of tha grave and Its conquest, Of death and the loss of Its sting? , Was Jt only the brag of a madman,. ' who believed an Impossible thing? And the voice returned, as the voice of a ghost? - injLftPWIienses,.. , Is my soul a slave without! AinafehgaAdtodlngao4 first and traaCdAiahU9' And the; cruel answer put me jBj&MBi, , V , ' Ws P uie aEf fjthy ftealj,- V . , , biWXK81 IWteurMWun sin. The voice replied to my passionate thought: "Thy longing and travail Is nought" Then I bowed, my head In my anguish folding my face to my hands, And I shuddered as one that slnketh i In the Clutch of mmklno- aaiula And Xstared, as I cUnched my fingers tight, vm mrougH me oianK piack night, , , ,. M.or life was shorn 6f its meaning, : . .. And I cried; "O dd, la it so? ;, . , TJOer the truth though U slay me, , Utter If. vs or nn 9" .' But I heard no answer to hanl mv nuln Snyee bluster of wind and rain. , i '" And beholdi as I sat in, my ferrew, . A quick ray shon WEasT Another and then another, lt ,,, Ahd I kbearthat the nlihl Tnait naaaA Apd the dark clfuda rolled away to th,We?i; As thfireat sun rose from his rest T VUpXf. WASHINGTON. PIitlcarVteww frin the Cabinet A ColerdL Furore ffeir Grant Preai- -gpedai Dls' -.h to the BalUmore Son. .TON,Oct i9.-The Evening Sfqr of Saturday has the report of '"TO! Atha "cabinet officer" Wt of Ohio election. This distinguis; public functionary, whose talk niightoeem to bear the ear-marks of MrLShertoani professes himself a being not e least surprised at what has happened. . he bad record of the Democrats made it sweeping victory in evitable. , The. Denjocratic party, he ai,' prqted;itself tti be a patty of 4m mctiuw wuiiteve r. ic bas-forsaken an ics own doctrines and gone chasing after anything and anybody in the hope or advancing itself. It whs the partv n!Tr KOi 3,324. 800U atxd Sorfir 2rltrtiti0. 'fvi'F ft t!!-'! .Ji if THX OBSZRTKR JOB rjXPAKXlfXST' -i , been thoronghly supplied with every neeieof t, and with the latest styles of Type, and every ner pi Job Printing .can now' be done, with We eajtnan 1 i . J T -. . ?- , "j: . ,,f.'... neatness; dispatch isa-esortaawe, . BLAinaj,ttiMiJiiA'"1wa UETTSB HKADa CAKtS, 2 1 PAMPBXSTS. CLBiClllItfot, c:i ixca, Cv , !' i'.ti: !ui. i.l ) , '1 ... 1. ., , t 1 1 n- hope BUT NOT READY FOI$ A; FORMAL OPENING. . i . ' I 1 ! I ! "! .' ' " " AS PRESCRIBED FOB TO-DAT. (. w tadttimpNeteiBakepreara sollclUngthe public's kind In-. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11" ' fielng Aslayed In gaming possession of our' new store, dulgenee, we will no designate ' ' FOB OUR GRAND ENTRK IS TO TBI WORJLD OF FASHION. -0- . And now, a the fair diwn troa&ened i Strdng and Joyous and bright, my whole soul swept to meet It, RaDt With a dean delight Anda new voice rang downthe radiant sKles; "Relolce,:Ihayehard thee; arise!" OBS ERVATIONS. of hard money, bo t it abandoned its soundnest in that d irect ion s-and' em braced all the tlieories and issues of in- sake of catching the adherents of these 5 financial heresies." The indictment was Jjnst one ; but supposing Mr. Sher man to have brought it, the preverb i recalled? of the pot which called the kettae black. Mr. Sherman likewise, In. the hope of advancing himself, has gone chasipg After varying thing in the shape of finance. He has been known m the Senate to change his views on financial and revenue measures within forfyieight hours, in order to catch a VarySing or uncertain breeze of opinion. Even now he opposes calling inland re deeming the greenbacks, not because he is not as much a hard-money man as Mr. Bayard, but because he fears lest the suggestion of such a thing would lose him favor amongst his Ohio friends. xutj cauinet, omcer is represented as being particularly severe and unjust to the bouth, which he claims as being uvieriy uaa ana unregenerate. The South is intolerant, he says. "They i." ! Weare fully;9reparedfwil tiied '! iri iiUiill.H' 1, and exMS MSSttf - W mmmmUmmm. ear frte'nd ."" i: ! i s. ,i hi ,.(' I,-! .,,, .' i:.l .... ' tiiltl li.'i -ji! .!jt ... it j.i -yr E. D. LATTA & BRO. rj. ri:i!.:. FOR TBE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC ; .i if." -ny v.' '(!; .li J.-i ) tirSi a f-.o r. .! I ...i. Lubin's Extrne Is and Colognes English Select h-' ;-f lit iqxoxs. lover, when she heard the old man stumbllne They stood all alone and twas late, And deep shadows were cast, by the gate, When her very bad brother, the scamp. Climbed the post, and lighted the lamp; And the meeting adjourned without date. "May I have your ear for a moment?" said an anxious candidate to a rural delegate. "Which ran i jwuseiy respunaea me rural agent: "Yi show the bully all through." This is bul , ho ly. By its aggressiveness towards the i oiiun mo uuny nn WiroUKU, A Ills IS 1 u n " . . . -vuo uaus t "Cut and come again." as the girl said to her not the feeling of the people, but of the ri il if5Leu' single-breast and old man stumbltner noli tinal rnlprs ho t,;r.irc i,,Q w w J I iese suits are all rt r 1 V. WUAtAAO, HUlTCICll But still, "the South has acted verv had- 1 Our stock is now eomeelBrficFrw hranh onri fn fko i y.h . .. j ... our goods: f ' iiw3icac ulub uonc we win quote tne prices of some Men's all wool Business Sack Suit at $10. singie-oreast and J? ese suits are all of ; A rery nobby Scotch Cassimera Suit ar. i eJri i rock Suits, oar lMdwi. f w fti s n. " ZZZiZlZZSk " " frffl foreign good imported b, "oow lr anQ Hcwn su eleel then our urse." reDlled the ciindidutn u.,h iedVi - k Heary Merchanl to Young sfan-Toirare nowin vs fn oE s Colgate. Honey and Glycerlneaps, (ANALYZED BY LR. W. H. TAYLOR, STATE , CBEiUST OF VIRGINIA. AND. PRON0UNC r ED. PURE, AND RECOMMENDED AS A BEVERAGE OR UEDICI E. " -r ftigllsh ftench and American Nil fei? rn -i T(imBEUSHES. TT PRfeoRIPTIONS both alU hours, MA ,tee surrounding country la . again called to this " j-Tj. i.. "w v( .""I1 . uwu uunu tutu South, ve have the endorsatton of many Drug- Bisw aiiu ucuiers iu new lore uny, wasnington, D. C, New Orleans. San Francisco, and manv oth er cities, and we can confidently recommend the "Durham" to be equal to any Whiskey distilled in this country. , t t ; : i H. Cahl for "Durham" at WvBssCocoraae's Central Hotel Saloon. , ., , . ... t ELLISON & HARVEY, NortJi it has alienated the conservative element ot the JNorth, and will doubt less tramp it out altogether. It has given sucn encouragement and strength to the stalwart element of the Kepublican party that it will continue in power. The South will go on, no doubt. ujiui n is nai on its DacK. This, he- w w-w.utww iv iviuiK juaii iunnni iinwTn 1 . . r-. . . . . . ' my employ since six weeks: cause xne ooutn. so ne claims, has failed qrements are admirable; but what I admire to recognize the North as its conqueror. -ffifdff11 whlct 'ou hau fv?4lnf t0 8uch "f orgiveneS" as tne "stalwarts" are willing to coa- JZ3$2i"to. cede it a foreiveness whTchTnr.f. ? ",a "P'wwpwt luuKea in tne class and v. u i j . j i t r . said to the nurse: "Marie, you needn't take me ri.-w 1WM51i 1,1 ue"."Oi, woras, ana in walking down Walnut street to day for the ladies tnls caS6 the proper degree of humility The New York Times amnui Itaolf l.v, v. v. I A nnKin l :n , I A a xtra Yain thn n4 i- i i . . of themEnVushSoveXwho thinkrhimseit " " L "CT ZZTa: iock, uesc assortment and cheapest in the South. All we moaisuuie iu proportion as ne is rude. It is a o-o- ..ucuu tu mm uuca ye stupid woman who ever forgets or fonrtves "oli seem to D6 altogether ht to hold his hSrVSRrwSS lHerl?v.won by ttiese Dresent high position, much less that , B iWl luom. IJjU. nar waited one to-wbich the sup- a J3e mH,dressed la ne,ght of fftsbion. posed member of the cabinet is report J ! drivtag along ed tof be;asprrrnff. ' Mr. Sherman. whh Xirtad S.rui:i" 8'.B P.n if he should be elected rn f he ci,;: would like to lave my healed head in those coon CV, exDeteb-to DULthe Snntli Waters 1' An Trtahman niliiiHr,.H,....i.J? I :jT, unli. '- i - I i a " ,r.T,r-i:. ""b uc uuar i iws uacK. aim lo govern lr. unnn tha J 1 X 1 A. X 1 --T- J V . GENTS' DRESS SUITS, All the leading stylefl-and single-breast 3' button Out Away frocks. YOUTHS' SUITS FROM $8 TO S18-BOYS' SUITS, $t;50, 85.00: 50 .00, ?7.00, $8.00 AND f 10. School Suits for-Boys a specialty. - : .. . . . . I.- . ' Don't Buy any Overcoats Before You See Our Stock. . i . i i -' I i ( r l H 1 1 ask is a ckll, fhd We stow, youf acts. llespectfully, ILi. il ll. M l "!.JUJH i I'liii-' -1 ii til) '1.. ! in -ii;il ;': , : I J. EL MoADEN'S Prescriptlori Store. Oct ZX-1 'Sole Prpprfetors. watersl" on, immediately replied: "Bedad, you mleht lave Kjere and ft would not sink." W Whifrie was riding through Maine with ius sis ter when ne caught the inspiration for his poem. "Maud Muller. Near the village of York he en quired tbe way of a bashful girl, who was working in a harvest field, and to Mde her toai feet she anemptea to cover them with grain, while she an- i. ..'t u:..;j-: , , j: ,,, .j,:..j.. ,'iijt)')vai -Ad; .:(iii.- ! j; '. . , , - , i , : :;'.' . : t'M ... :. " wUS-'m''l ".- ',,- Fine Idttnrt ikct tailori , '. 11 'i t " I-,- ...i.ii r-;lr,) oin rll ii.t : l Wv - i. ' ' . ,!-.. ', I. ... ! Ti. , ill-.i nn, i" in. iii.ii, : now mat (Dor (Bradd prinipl that th North xwas the onn. qpejdtiidicduW dictate "anything to iue uonquerea mat mignt nave been aesirea r GRANTISM IN THE SOUTH. A KejuiblioHii tustfromew Ofteans We tender our thanks to the public, and the Ladies SECURITY, 1 1 jni V i I . I . l ; . j J U A. TTTi A JS00 Barrels of C. WEST 4 HEADQUARTERS t . . . i i , . . . i . . , IMi. . ' ii p Boiled iliger fteerj "'i . fia -i .u;t- ALE AND PORTER, . .... .1 i'l -5 - 1 :r " i s: ' 5 Is comer Trad an(foBijfary Avenue. Delivered IlSyJ 40 W o' ft, ttforjLpdSer aozen. . , , . F. C MUNZLER. All orders left at John Yogel'a tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. - V- mar4 V3asu'm8- poem and its name aavs thir. in fho " e to mm ai once, ana were written that mm. I r J , r . i"lu"j cicu- i a- . , . ing. "But it i had any idea," he once sal ?'thaf "ns of hls party, the tickets bore at tlon to the People of this city and surrounding country a Stock of Ooods ishould hive-ore"t bSuS S the preBalon of every horseback." The picture of Grant took with the j colore i people like wildfire, airu tuey ueposixea tneir Dailots with great entnusiasm. What was known as the.tustomrhouse ticket, and which was understood to have Sherman dele- - 1 ; ;,;-(', Hi" , i r i r i j,' especially; for their appreciation of our effort to preseat lor inspeeu never before equaled in Charlotte, and to quote' LETTER fettoai COLiTJMAlA. . ; 1 .1 .i ..ii 1 1 ui Attotber Industry- Prize roaicl EuterprivewriMi State Fair ; The Observer's Democracy, Sec To the Editor of The Editor: Speaking of . industries; it may not be amiss to mention that neat little "trick," a combined coffee and tea machine, in- ventea ana soia at 3.oo Dy rJmilio Car fates, got only about, one-flfth of . the Otes received fcy the Grant ticket T -I. THE SrATtbNAL " CAMPAIGN. Mr. MeKinneV. the chairrnan nf tho al:. .TT vmy. jpmymw committeejoms nis EXTRA Na 1 XEROSEXK ' J K - I . --i to !' i ' i I i f v :i i v r-a mm mm m m a a n 1 AaiAA.X4 iAAA , ill urn ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. i jut tju i S .If West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft ouus, oiuumore. ... HAPPY JOE' FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOB THE ATLANTA BREWERY ' "XetloHe wh ftever drank Beer Befool ' i- Oo to Joe Flschesser's and.drlnk the more.",. AnU;.M n,:ti,l.. i. t darelli,.of this city, by birth a Neapoli- VSSIL "Wrre- ubw.IkaliSWKW Ohio1 DeSrSv wm bffortt so invented'alld patented a syphon for nextl JSSSnrVSfi rTflH'nlri ?e.however, and it is said sentiment the filter, which may be-attacSed. ife SXfbS'tSSd MJe athirnf "rftl has refused as nofi for t.h nfont.rini,t aimost D6 styieq. the father of the hairrnAuliin n rounuation'roF t one of our visitors to the Grand Opening, !We have the Largest, most Soperb aipieb ...!,. I ... II, . ,1-.. , V ,.. .1-11 -I Dry Coods, Fancy Coods. Notions, Hosiery and -Cloves, MILLINERY, LACE GOODS AND TIES, T !' , Now in the City of Charlotte." it .iii. 1. 1 this 'idea. Mr. WmSMTO fntexniDi- Pendleton, it is understood, tk vV berll.. ulBUOmmgD "oniNovem- ntue interest in the campaign just closed. We are now ready to receive the trade, ana promise our determination Not to be Excelled in Quantity, Oalfty and Price, Save your money and buy your goods from . ! ! rl.k j 4 . X. ne juv ei nor s uarus are nn ir i n tr forward 'with Pleasurable anttciriat.ions current topics. to the.annual drM for i the red Dlumei Senators Saulsbury and Vance, of the niArfilP f ihlTJ . i , ,L I a iit-Amr inn UiA .J! 1. 1 . , ujco iicAt xriuaviiiffncaE oii-""iii.m:b 01 me committee nn Hill ..1 wKi ore testif no degrees uum. y. west ix sons, kWr-'l. B;0AiSSHe Agent' , ' the onera house : and at the nroaettt tl privilecreB! .and eler-tmn. invcafioirr. fresh from the atlantI brewehy rftT! K ftJpis ook yery likely that the 1 th elejstton . Senator Ingall of Can-i ttOM Atlanta bbewehy, ow honors will be sharply contested; i of 1 Arilvid?ili Washingten- f&SJy wK Aij xajt, ax., , course wie uouse win oe qrowaed, as it meeting ot tne committee in ! . 1 O I .r liQ naan . ...I . , I irrii. n. .Jibtri,YMIl.k mk-U.J it i i lunajD uua tou wii nicoo uuutHsious, tUiQ i " wwoiirvtT-fw-inuiTsuaj aiier tne xnere are aoout are in contempt. appear before the ases ViU be re- i i Mi II II IIIUIil .tA Ski: k fu-l 1 FAJLVa ais flnaniumant akrlr-t rVtA 1 flnr DwamAdk. I i .- .b v. mimi.iiiuus BwsaMflBMsiaaaMbflasaBBiaEwasa. i. i 1. 1 iiiiii i .n. i v iiiiii mi i m ur u rv s. n n-k i vn j intitii.i hit mi :i 111 irraoa Fahrenheit befew it will i hT whuh t am kMa t- kuimn s. CfK;" r "T.. I "V? -r" , Baiamore. Ii? in t.s 1, T Tr:I,A T; f zl . "';""k uo yuuui ana ine .twucdow wum ; i 'fW 5f VWrT ' I I 'W.! 4, ueautyoiuiH capital ciiy. - uaviuk reiusea TO ; , "72 PUBS iCTcbnyttAtrBEER - Ane new spmi oi enierpnse winch is RffiWjina;tiBii: c -k.-v fe i . ;i v - i t.4 v wv nervaainsr tne houin Carolina H-AUnmt i poneaxo. tne nate iUl Trrrr ' i . i:i ti' Broughtto ttoWthe4! r,1 Uuviiflj Mst received my supply oft orlrf iri.A i i:. ".nor. . . . r rersons Deer ed My taciiitles this ..t ?4 sale bfti '. A .. ' i i . . . . . t a Tr ... atprdiwt m an its departments, cl, . -indeed, out ,1 representative Money, of Mississippi, ,Jt3 Self in. the. manv excursions whinh ura 1 On the 16th instant nrmlre laro-lw nn rccsotia vw0-Jswvce. wi uy: cuuwnuaiiy airangeu, vriugingxogerijef I i"Mui uuuups, ana maae a strong ar Z&SBSSM&EL "Wi our peobl ana'alording thepbil gumeniCfavor pf a bonkvatiyand I rr ".?m" i nA.. iini.i. a I . I . I ...... . i . i nnnm ta.A.n ...... . i i i .. .i cuiuae lowarus io tne arguing that the recent Demo- ses in the .North , are due to the oestrijgtidw off dranght oi ifcq i?;lf -ooojtea tor t uaiiestou on occmouju uiscussions m congress. He veaiisaay,rom an poi enaorsea, ana nis speech iinc. . ,f; . v . y' w tuuueu aupiauaea. Our State fairm uooming aid' in' mag- 'A i J, M -. uiuuom iHuporuouB. mtj laiuoaas WE DESIRE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTKXK TO OlJ i " ' 'l ' ' LARGE 'AND' -:: ; VAfelfit)' , ;;ASSQRf MENT OP- n. t I . ' . i )ii V-Vv 1 ..-.! i'i J , hi ,il)io. ii iri-l..!. I ii i. ii7 n-m.. 1 M. itityj ; 'niOesson, I am prepared to fill all o! -M,r nonce, ny si offered ChnTthls Market various nh4iiirTliUj3XJezXmAMi iiua n . ' ouuiiod irvuuuiroo wivuiuituo aaRettha Ariiehivs bivalves can be supplied by p uterest where. cir ii i it mmi A 1 1 Special contracts foe orders In cargo and m I Ice on Jd'iEe fl par nf u II"! JlLj.. a. . until nrar ur u... . Of! Huriri... mTZ m! ! J - "in -snsfraraj' i i ? . mm . . am dib ana comnieie. vvricrnr.'a into mii'A fmmmmmn tbeWheeler House, aiid ,. Mansion' fLEight deaths in Wilmington during HgFj. JH . . ; . . f ' .... -: i ouse nave ueen repienssnea with bran , " v,Jf?'r.f ,1 i ? IP v uju . .iv .ijt.ia iii i u ju un g... newrrnttare. ftn-fiTflwovaren t.hrmifrh. iviimii.u ir i.i . . ... out. ThedemW uaies or cotton crowd will be met. nOUjl T, . . !,.') xne muitryuspiay pax)mises to be f1? u wHi;4ie cow and buck mnW e, "f ;pus'tounty. ues aii ims, me. rair grouiias, wqi ran Riesoa auliltv mJ2 laet OB shortest; notice, pf any Snffii estimates JuniUned on appli cation at office, corner of Trade at and N. C. K. R. P n n,M . ' J.T.ANTHONY. BUFFALO LTTHIA' WATER, Appollnaria AT WILSON & BUBWlLrst rorlASOHmtwceivedby A BITE ''Sdli 6 NP IOC, couiiTfRtrr y arlitrJS.w. TiieilTe basfnesi uwiiol tie., , BaitAtera juaoerjl.t,r , have , the; enly io ui.! T7TJ awosw vHxwvwnMAM a tw 200 v .i . ' .iA .'"Tj ! .. QUV S T E R S JMKir .TIIKTSIIIP T ?? d centering here offei: most 'liberal terms oS'Sitir auartor g- toexhibitors and to visitors. The hotel a ' IliOIiOTp'liHr' J." 1 111..- -ill '! 1 5 . i i ....... STATE NEWS, rrlie WulIMl ftaiM Jawv.' 1 IHAUiuuiuuauuuo 1. ti D ?T7f UOAUItl Mil II UV arnnla on1 .nmnlA.A 4-... IT . A . 1 I LtLESAT mi haye bei; cqmnleted. will,be.the fln in the, bcjqth fnetoue,, eon I d la i P The pure, out&pMerf,tmadulteruted uemooracy of ;i HK.UBt;nyf-:R Aus won fojr it hfire many wfernTifriehds, andlarr li'-Kient admirers. annLihe . universal ver- VVelruWHeC-4 Wouood and i. aw . i r 1 1 J I W " J r, , I I I .1 "tM I. JUWIKIB lj-fli AiT2?r.yyu. .x-ii.. ...... . .r.r. iiawfaTar7ww'Bv'' Mivris?nii(,iJi8eases, lurauuevea, aaacK tne weas. ironity Kxei .wjts" b s . nave . uu en jy -?i0.l,' ldc..4oWiinr, Houses Im Aha 1L& iMmronanizatton with the Bitters, and tt wilt rr isist and bafflp eMhy tliq,vlrai ojeiudeinlaawdrthsr ebaags aUirafcnuure wblehruUsedUerithelooistil MttiDQ oi tne ieenie. xnere is viuuity in it, h is a pure vegetable stimulant, a rare alterative and sati-blllous medicine, and has not a harmful ele ment among ita many ingcadlentst v.v- i'f i For sale by all Druggists and respectable deal ers generally. d&wl till novl . 0VSEBMER hS, tfuch1 towards diet is : raitnrui serv adtwithoufcdti MWngiug about a grand national D4meMf mo9HH oiuau oi laiutu preieasnjus. . . - nurf east I:'TrW?.V-yiuil to nui oT 1 ; if uiauwa-Miut,e40iLTai i ifeilt f 1 fcT-l 'r l i1NOM jjJ 1: A Seed Deed liaae la this Naaghty world. conseBceXjC -The 7et.Sdence" Ml iu the-sHimfents giveh to ttofif aflraem of-th Lioulslana tate . iiotterv At. its success has been great at which physicians hi chante of the celebrated Charity Eos. nitalam feioloed. aa lfeaflorda. them innrnafl nm portuflittes to da sufierin jsnanklrKl. JTwif mumnamtuthfosMm neiarawmg, ji(iov.i llUky "'i wrn iJwviwvper (Ml WyyortmiHj w hiu uw. uenainiyne will do, intentionally or natj a good deed. For tdnfonnaUpB write to If. A. Daaphln, P. O. Box 692. New Orleans, La.,r to tbe same person at No. 810 Broadway, New York. oct21 lw f MwWnk Ai'M6Arthtfcr - clever tne jmprovenieiitsuin progress shall I young man of Goldsborn. died vriHa; .will,bettjje fineataf Ritohi'UW - i - - . are promised a glorious time 1' T1I ....... V" I .1 'j I J fAei?i?H uy JLa weefildjAroman I The increase tn Ilii of fjoH1 pro- o? ii5, is snown Dy .tiie JXewtoha $124,0i5:rJinsrjeasai3r the. county. aa49. r4- Thereis ndinwnnoementJ that. f. ect, but we hajaWQ6tiiWff& savinir . . Xrrn j : "1 a fe 1 napirs r8feksickrjetna.t fbWTOl .iiusiness wnicn must oe reported. Our vyumington sar .giyea an ac- Frank WWUmmmerville, Brunswick county. He was on his erapa rails ot;Whlch the arbor waitm.rrni tea nroKe ana ne ieui nponiothe jagged tmOBMW JAOKSfUtJl KXrxwBBm vi w Gents' Furnishing Coods, Hats Cabs'; cu SteM' with gret ear,; 0 hvd SIISML ARE FULLY RPESENTEP; ;; iin the raw matoriaLi(re,e able to offer at the ,,, fo?tbl5StkS In onr Srire .-or ii fio fAmwi. iinAaiiili-1 't uljJ j- .V old pricsTlind toTKirtSE m&? aWotaoffer -t th makes, (nn thai-. t.h natrtra VS 1"" .10Kut"1i cuaraeteras TH fHQUSE.OF CHARLOTTE, 'tililiir Corner c Trade an4 t r!i h;ih.1.;i ,fi.SCHIFP. i jiilj.:-!!. -ii rl';. i t : i 'g' i i .. J. SCIIIFF. ! fii -('jj'-iiiitil 'K-i-' 11 1 ifiixi : : i : .: Ii -'l ii ,' 2" . i:ii r-M ), 1 i-jrH4. , i i UVIAU-" ill . 1'i'i f. J l.-An 1 J. ,f J . ui liojj'Ui"! J.i'),i nil.! :iHi; .Mi. H'I: , lll!l.'l3! "'f .if) tt f5-itij;. V( Hi ui-ikf JJO-Jt rami imii Jai-i fall llnftof Cans. , .1. lea. In lan and nnXmiinn (vu rixi i.n,rrrr"rL,"'',sea ww oarreis ot which we wiU aeU at very LOW PRICK IN ORDER TJwfSSammi it KZwmhim'xTrEZT01" Firt8B emi.; r.J iji - - ., 'i . t :T7rrr- .Trnr'TrrjTtfTrfri?jt''""MiiiraMemw ffattaruuii 01mm nere. '-. 1. . -rrv fWTv a iHQBiUK wngw sar vae tear or oar stora forthei 0.1 lo mtr.:siifJ9 odl Oknu'ii:. Li-.J jiJB M ti,i:.lhj.f Iii '.un ase t our oountry faUMdsV ' '' r ! 1 , , lc,,-t..-!n .ivtii .N,t.- I - -. - nirrrnn o n n- L - hwrt a- "" '-.?"- i iau.1 .-...ih t'v w.n gV'y.f y KIJK, Trade Street, Chahfaitte, N.C " .-.."" "r 1... ' i 7i!T .l.Z. iii;U -,& i(,l n-wdrial fpm8 rf W Vi'ff .vJ f' svvuwa iMji AWiU asrvuv jf LUXiUXIV