RICHMOND A DAKYHJJL Arrives fromBlclrnjone; TKTOt)ld?lk)ri, 12.30 iaavesfoi '1 il fx i4 118.50 a. m. a. m. Arrives from Bicbmonn,.. 11.17 a.m. Leaves lor vesfor . 4 20p.m. T Arrives from Atlanta... . . , 3.50 a. ir. Leaves for Atlanta.. 12.30 a.m. Arrt ftrimi Atlmitsti.rr.r,..'! 4.20 p. m. Learn for Atlanta,'. .M .V.yv 1;J7 a. rh; CHABLOTTK, COLUSf&IA A AUetJOTA.' Arrives from Anruta.J- p- m- Leaves tor Augusta If -gjj ; m- Arrives from UlumWa (ad. Freight) 11.20 a. m. Leaves for Columbia, " . 4.00 p. m. lB6lTWA;OkHTSAlu1A Arrives from Wilmington,, . -,nv -?..' a. Hi. Leaves for WImungtpo1i'r.'i"rr .!! Arrive. from. Shelby,. .,,,..,...,,,, ,5.05 p. m Leases fox a rrlves from Statesvffie, O.SOa.m Leaves for State svllle,. '.' y:iil)tVl"ll:'ii- '4.00 p. m x iNorcjA'noifs. ; J. AiiM I 't Wab Department Offiok fiiiiEf ' Signal Officer W AanruaTONy. Oct! 20 f t si. ) For the South AAlwUvwiates, norths east to foutheast winds, areas ot mun and uartlv cloudv weather, slowly fall ing LWcr$ ifltr ' t'efotyfeX I 7 A. M. 12 P. M. 9 P. M barometer, lifsiiS . . . Thermometer -rr,..i Relative Humidity,... v 30.151: 52 93 K. . 8 Lt Rain. 80.124 80.136 55 87 N. 6 54 w ina uireoaon. . . . " Velocity,., Weather . Goody. fClondy, Highest temperature 57 deg.; lowest 50. Atlanta, AuKusta Cloudy. Utoudy. Cloady. Cloudy. Charleston, inanonen Corslcana. KJOlear. j r TTa-rw Galveston,y TTivnnn I rStaloudy. Indlanoia,.. Jackson'lle, Key West,.. Mobile,. ... Montgom'y, "8 mzy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy, '..Cloudy," Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. 30.04 29.92 29.97 3006 2996 29,92 80.09 80.01 74; 83 u 72. 10 14 8 ,6 .6 J 3 9 Punta Baaa Cnvnnrirt:i 84 70' OUT (UlllUUi St Marks'. 73 N,K. .51 -;f "II M JPENCI til NS. The cottoivj4atfer4s-badly- in newt of repairs. . -, '' A proposition has been made to con solidate tlie two corn4tliawlaiylvas discussed yesterday 'afr'tn "nnlifary meeting. The police .tJJilrufi)i-med fotfli with, that is as soon as the uniforms, which are .to he, of, regulation blue, with brass butin. V'W-be made. ' t We acknowledge with thanks an in vitation to attend the fair week hop at Chester, S. C, to be given at Brandt's Hall on the evening of Thursday, 30th inst. Umbrellas, overcoats and overshoes weee-the chief articles of ,tnul -;yestejM daji arid vpod : advanced twenty per cent, "Paw Creek spots" hung in good demand jat fair prices. CottOn-buyersiuther "liung off" yes terday, notwithstanding receipts 'weft light. Good mixJdliriff at one tltiie. dat-; ing the day teached ;iOjc,i;bivt buyers were not fighting over the offerings. ' The sale of speciel privileges in the fair grounds took place afc Tclioii1lat eveniiyacortling ItHajlvertisniertt. C. L. Adams "bought the nght to keep a Another Marriage. Last evening, at the residence of Mr. J. Spencer, Ms datagHtet. ,Iisa 3Iary an(3 Mr. Joseph G. Smithy were united in matrimony. Rev. A. A. Boshamer officatirYg!,7Tlfe 'ceremony was per firmpd In thPi DrPRfnfg Af a fw friends, The young coupje have a,, large circle of friends mlherfywtaof-rtif cdngratu- late them P&WflfJA 1- Personal We had a pleasant caLl yesterday af ternoon froTriuMr.--Ernest Wiltz,for years past connected wity the na$4pfj Kicraona, ay aa BMiynappoiruea passenger agent of the Charlotte Col umbia iijuslvIUthaffith head quarters at Sayannah, . , Mr. yilfcz is a lnother of Hon. Lonis A. Wiltz, lately nominated aa the Democratic candidate for Governor of Lcuisiana, is a' verl agreeable gentleman and onewho wiB doubtless make his line a very excel lent ageot, j ) , j .)( ; 1 XeTf nadn jr Sn)pnon (Joy. Simpsofit of Sorath Carilinaaf, rived in tiie it ; yesterday moining ! i oni the uNortl,.JMWBither' he;,wenlrtt?'i original .tljirteen State in Philadelpuuu 1 le waa the guest of General JohiK A; Younj?,' and last night the Hornets' Nest Jliflemen went-la-Ge. -YoungV residence in a bodyi nd tendered the distinguished governor a serenade. In response he, made the company a neat little speech, thanking them for the lioimr done him. and .bisuUte, and re ferring appropriately to the ties which held togethe the Carolinas. Singular Accident to H Train. A verv wneliiar accident bapnehed i. to the Chirl6tteJ',lC(U4nibia :&, Augusfcri liassengex train a at eame in yesteraay in temoon at4 o'clock;. As the engme l;issedover:th&:Jj iumued the track, and striking he? side Hack ran along oh the1 cross4Fes:of tnfef?, tr a , distanee'rfii;,ttW1;MWl tiiexrain was stopped by'afcatibYif the air brakes, the engineaUtw0 i lie cars oh the maiiftraekand Ikrten der of theeri H6WtWBC . ii i Li 1 1- frtheHwo tracks. In al frtnfnaIon and cnanging tn Ilic bee f!hfljTrT:ilt.utv i imTtA'rx iaf jtuin 1 4anyme an -4 . . I ' ' BulJ vacesow A. i m r o titind-)ttEitfteii tin of' 1 ' iniw,(i The goi road walo; it 1 iettSparUfibWaS -tt r rwuv ua K Utt T U1U UUU A VUv iienderson villa nntil &il&-tXAKW StShoW "p urtiuages naire;iiaweveivT!een re- paired am regularly. Sunday frrooni t&nsx tfctrtk i)ark froirf fhe'cttrAr. AfcfTMrfrtVtt i y roof of tlie depot of the Atlantic, J ennessee .iftMnrtionm!f!rCpiitre. iv ri-'iy Vaie3 cr ccit :i a u; 'led water anri a-rtintmi&an fho fira hpy AragajgyoBT, oct. 21. 4:20 P. ny, tloneBaroW .TrS0.07J5 .3t .. 80.14T 63f N. E. 1 3 80.08 75 N.E. 1 1 0.1 1 54 N. E. I 29.95 7 S. E- 8 29.98 72 H.WV-iLfl CBS E. t,4 Sfy.OftW N. E. T N. E. N. E. beer stond ancLresturait, and4r? cee'ds orthe sale amounted to $85. trro as uroKeu. and iWttij'hff Mr. JiA.-m :aAJtnnttrt ! lotel ?llieet ft Is leSfrfeff KeYe- that' as' the fesulte of thB destwiCTipni ofithe i Attapt rHo-, iner, two new hotels -will in all probaH bility be put np. the one on the More-? head side of the sound and the other on Uie43eafDtt side, both of vfhich wfll eic-: eel in architecture and appointments any seaside resort ever built on the North Carolina coast. The Beaufort house, according tar jueen, proposition, will Ve built oh the property or Capt. B. D. Graham, of this city, not far from the spot where the Atlantic Hotel stood. The building will be done by companies, and we are informed that already part of the money.. has, been subsctfhM. I rrkvl 'g$i hotels . will make Moreheda City ana Beaufort the most popular resort on the South At lantic coast. The New Baptist Church. The architect is now drawing1 the" !de tails of the plan of the new Baptist church to be built on the H Arris ' lot, diagonally opposite the Episcopal church. The general plan; has already been adopted. The building is to be of brick, have two toweja ope higher than Sunday school rd6m;' tunning at right the other, and in the rear of the pulpit a angles to the main building and project a few feet beyond the sides of it. The size of building and other details will be agreed upon as soon the state bf the, finances can be more definitely determined. Capt R. D. Graham has been out making collections of subscrip tions previously made in different parts of the State and met with fair success. It is not yet settled when the work khall actively commence, but some of the brick has already been , put, on the ground. 1 M I An Affray in Which a Pistol Figure. ,!3obn 'Adams 'arid Zacli ' Goober, the latter a railroad man and the former baftkeepera for.iBlack Bros, on College street, had a rough and tumble fight iri Blacks saloon yesterday mojcning., Thev were separated before mucnw harm was done, arrested sand taken be fore Justice McNinch who let them.offJ wrrn tne cost, aaiei m tne uay jroouer, who was drinking at theti me, return ed, to the saloon, an, tliej(djjeQculty was renewed. In the course of it Goober drew his pistol, 'arid if is'said attempt ed, to fire, but at this, moment a party standing near placed his hand on the weapon, which wa3p,'prevented. from firing by the hammer catchingbn his finger. The two men got togethet again, and had quite a severe .fight, Goober corning out, worsted. Thai po-. lice arrested Goober and locked him in the- guttwr-rrottse to await'a hearing be fore the mayorsioff Born Alive and Dead Coroner's In. quest. tfie clbrdiiey; began yestel-dym4rr?-ing an investigation of the JcaleSof the findingof tlYKlrof a chiM Ii Third W'ard, alluded to lit yesteMy4 fesne of this paper. Dr. Wilder, the county phy sician, made an examination of the body and decided that the child was alive when born. This much having been agreed upon, the officer, set about to find the mother. It was learned that a negro .wonian who, is known ty have given birth' tot a child reeetitfy.liadleft the neighborhood a few days ago.and no one knew where she had gone. A further examination led the coroner to believe that other parties were connect ed with 'destroying tlie life of the child and during the afternoon two negro men, Julius Baker and J. W. Rankin were arrested and placed in jail to await trial to-day The coroner, there- fore,not having concluded the case, the jury has not rendered its verdict and will be again called together to-day. jniliiary Day at the FairPreparation for Entertaining Visitingr Compa nies, i . I F It was the original purpose of the ex ecutive committee of Jiife? OarolfnafFjiir L Assocfatidn to hiave ih6 military con test on Thursday and the address of Col. Duncan K. McRae on "Wednesday of fair week, and announcements to this effect have been made we tin theiprdmfum lists, but the speaker'nav4 ing written that he wouM be unable to be present until Phtlriday, the pro gramme has been changed. Wednes day is military day. The president of the association is anxious that there "should be no misunderstanding on this score, ana expresses the nope that the newspapers will correct any that may exist. This can be made a very enter taining feature of the exhibition if a half dozen or more companies enter the contest. ; '-" 1 ' ' ' " " Xesterday, (, afternoon . a .meeting of officers of the military companies in the city was held to tak6 hrto consideration the subject of providing for entertain ing the visrtaieOTQpanie& rQol.'Alex ander annUte TOAt frehadifirorina tion to the effect that there would be at least five companies-present, besides ,our own. The meeting thereupon re solved to provide" a hall and furnish it with substantial eatables, a few kegs of beer, &c, and do whatever else the companies could to make their guests comfortable ancl their stay pleasant, quarters and refreshments, .and CoL Alexandeav;Ca$iBk?ut4ii&id VAith Moss were requested, to see citizens anq business men and; ascertain what; asi Bistance oaultt.;be obtained. The vari ous committees will report at a subse-. quent uiiigJ41ieii-the details of th arrangetwillbHfertlri. JsJ T r Theatrical Note. ' " .. Bessie Darling's manager has Written for the 6th of Dcenjbef as Uie-date on which ilwycan -appear tferei uMlss TMr tong has been starring tjhrpugh Great Britain the past season as Lady Mac beth Lucretia Borgia Amy Kobsart, Pauline (Lady of Ly,on$) and J alia (ftunchbackj . .':;T .T.'-.A Louise Pomecoy laim heniouiih star ring tour. .!....! !' " '.' '. Tim Adah Richmond comic opera k Aucust wamenn has announcea ose f Clalotte, ThDnt)son and :JHrs.! j-j.iP: iBdwers have combined and afre" travel' ing thi season, ajSie-Pmmpson.Bowi cardith4nWe Hneh&rIott3 optera honse.ttiSfYetfidvS ftvade no Jeffersoil'p 6pe"rid irt2f e wYork ri 4. intiv with his rip Rip van Winkle, and notwithstanding he8s laectiit' there many more -man -tnousanu- times; tvisited tfjM'j(tr-cuaehav reoenre'4 lijitrtod - f gem abroad and opened" in Italian! opens iai&ew uiruruuvui n jiv . j j i ' - ai oxjaoing, J Fannv anny Davenport and Jotm - T;Bay ; Two h4tnnd wereoottt .4itua t in'atesNortlsdW? aTHvW4il! Uhk Vtora-CHftoTrnttteTrtzStanleyl ony JJguier s xi uiu uty juiu pty us in t isosi.on.v- iiT wouia nraw a ; larei a larger house lAn,mialACIeiiJraW liver vflLUy'rrrtt LnehC Even a Third. roj Qfft ' , There ha'veijeen second growths this year of many kinds of fruit, but it has remained fejr appear -Jree pnth.CL prem ises oTMrriL P. Pegrart, bf this city, to put itself beyond the reach of all com petition. This tree is now bearing its third crop of pears for this year. The tree blossomed in the spring and the Uwt wtaririjed. tmti nsost rfeii MiKie theigAfiidl Anoi latere Twas 'assfq Bwayj iuiere lassia md this is now hanging on the tree. The pears of this third crop vary in size from a hickory-nut to a walnut, but they are green and hard and two months ot fiunshine and free dom from frost would hardly suffice to bring them to perfection. For all that they are pears and not bad-sized pears, either. QUI A Steam Engine Running Away terday morning, suddenly started off of its own accord, ran off the end of the track and kept on towards Logtown. There is no telling how far it would have, gone had it not, en eouii tared k the dirt Fotd WchJar-tia Jofn iSNmt down three or four feet below the sur face. As it descendedjnto the cut the pilot was driven into the ground and the thing brought to a stand-still, fifty or more fTeyfrV M end of the track. ThfatWrlfevror,ortteKof an engine is not altogether unusual and was due to the fact that there is a leakage in some of the valves by which the steam escapes into the steam chests un til a sufficient amount has accumulated to set the piston rods in motion. The engfnfe'dtfel rBbt ip)ear tW be) in j rrted ; to an' corfsiaerable extent. The front truck wheels and some niinor parts of the machinery Were broken' or ' dis placed, but it will be no small job to get it n)tb tyclp airj. f , f 4. Big Religions fleeting Hr Btttt' Scheme. Rev. J.f. Butt, nafitcBTiof Gaiva ch-flO&a xttieltt WJliaiid . for. co ducting religious meetings in the city which shall exceed any thing of the kind ever kndvfn In tjJi&refcJo)il THbTstates that he is hf ccrnipdnaence with par ties at the North with a view to obtain ing capias cfmablfrvpf jyenng-se ralOiougalid KpleIwhi fie niopo! to Mut rhi onfthe vaa: I lot hear his: charch. He fx,OQa fiKi; JTv. J prfcpose toibigin! hereral :igs Wfiicll foaU tasta )con?Wcted-lbv -some br sefi of Biee msaih, -fliM bWeonfMcted-t)v -soTne the most distinguished revivalists in the country. Mr,. Butt thinks that Charlotte is in great need of 'such a re vival as an effort of this kind will be likev-tOrJm jdbout. If lAucpees in cirajinjg futai schema1 tfc influence of ftifta anjgeni will bfid Qirqugh Outf Wstr Kotth Cardirfaf TBe de tails hi tne pfarr cannot be arranged until he discovers whether or not the canvas can be obtained. If you want to feel well and vigorous and able to put vim into every action, take an occasional dose of Dr. -Bull's BaltHapr. Uls. 25c . ; Having connected-mrself wlUntte Shaving 3rf loon of; tJriy J. TolpiI hereby. notlfyWfrtebds and patrons of the change hi my location, and trust that they will continue their patronage at my new place of business, promising only the best of work. Orders from ladles and families respect fully solicited, and work of this class done prompt ly, cheaply and satisfactorily. J. W. GOBDON. Oct. 22 5L WM AL EXHIBITION OF THE rAROUNft FAIR ASS0GIATI01, CHARLOTTE, N. C, November 4, fl, 6 & 7 1 679. LIST bpiiEiitMs ATTRACTIVE. The Fair will be a splendid exhibition of Agri cultural and Mineral productions of North and South Carolina, and a grand display of Live Stock. Improved Machinery. Agricultural and Mechanical Implements, PalnUnif8,,J"a!ncy .Work, altain. Pro-1 aiicteandjHoreciituril I Cropfc? Ogther-1 wunqnpiaioi women's Handwork fri ae an DfaqKireciPifesertei. JelBes. Batter. rr&bM Ban- A GRAND MILITARY REVIEW afth eNqrto Carol State fluan tlDg ftrgft onsundei t e Movernor arnf Atflutanf 'General will take place on Wednesday, November 5, 183. wnicn, wiin me rate urni ror $ iuu uu Will make a Military Pageant seldom witnessed. (.Inss lt.ll S'boiitiu, ) Under the auspices of the Charlotte Rod and Gun Club, will take place on the Grounds. Besides the Medal to jb contested' for In the glass ball mat'h. one or more Breech-Loading Guns will be shot for. The Hob. Duncan R. MrRae ill deliver the Annual Address on Thursday. ovember 6t&, l7ft, at l o'clack, a. in :i tl3 i. Ill !' wUl be nin Aikit(leTe- . and srooably other BaUvoadai ' . The, Railroads leading Into Charlotte have made Uberal reductions in Bates of fare. i ArUetea Intended Cor exhlbittoa wIM oe trans- EDrted freej except over Atlanta and Charlotte -Air lne; oa this road one fare will be charged. ' SEE PREMIUM LIST. J. S MYERS, president CHAS.X. JONES, SeciftOTr IREDELL JONES, Chief Marshal, Roek HilS.C r3Uas McBee, LlncohftxttntfthNS C? fi-R. B. MUler, Cleayelwi4 epwJi C -j jrranJK urowu, nonau cuuuitt, . v. . . jbmea AibMFMevRatherfordcoanfr. "Haoan PreslarlJWoscciwitiv KC.i . ,(c,-ii Hohert L. Steele. Kicnmonaoouniy, p. u. wt -rr TT -1 , T.ilrA Miinr I f tt 4,Ji. TkiUA T-ftMAfi. AnflrtAnhnrv. S. O: '-'- H OapifJ, aardner, xqnc counw, o. u u u B. KeL Davenport, G? 'Chanel Hurmraora, JoseahlD. Meahsi Cbi .1' Rhnb-psnAAm Hams. Cabarrus. abarrns, eoonty, N. C. Capt Robt. A. Bpst, CBtWbaobnrr,- N . C. R C. Carlton, Iredeu eounw. u, Ji . McLean. Iredell coUhtyt W. O, - - -r - Dr. W. B. Withers. Meoklenbors eooBtx. N. C. B, Bqsseu, MeoJuenDurg county, Cbas. Henderson, Mecklenburg county, N. C. uaidweu. Meojuenourg ouuuij, . v. B. W, 7.?rj.!1:ien,'ur onwi ifl-Ja'-alBT St w: MecktenbimTOtmty.'N.-a : T'ichard A, Myers, MeakleabarR eobnty, N. C. r, . V. KhhiJfcPottav MeeklenlKire-eountyj fc'CV" R jLKWUSI lUIVi A 61 ftttnifflljo therjcrlp caHeDmuser ItifizAL Afttrjtltr fhfrfxtrbto. table track at the depot in this city, ves- ibfferluff reduced rates to Charfotte, I over lite Western North Carofliuu nessee A Ohio, and sronably other r ,M DOZEN ij 17 ti 1 y eSETS AT 60 CENTS EACH, SOLD JSVXEYWHXBE AT SI. 00. t ONE OF THE STOCKS OF Cloaks & Dalmons IN THE CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES, V JDr RECEIVED AT MRS. P. QUERY'S. Oct 22. AS MY IMMENSE STOCK OF WAS BOUGHT BEFORE THE RISE IN VALUES, And is now nearly complete;'! wfll be glad to have m rnena8 ana customers ea chasing elsewhere, and leap Injr their goods from aJarge on a l ar"& among whl my menus ana customers can on me oeiore imr- the benefit of select stock of goods bought irke, lea wll) be found 25,000 Cigars. 50 Bbls. Choice Sugar. 50 Sacks Coffee (all giades). rOO Bbls. Flour. i ?' 25 Bbls. Syrups and Molasses. 100 Select Cream Cheese. KtV notu,l. Waal lOTIerces Lard.1 25 Tubs do. 50 Buckets do. :-f 5 Tierces Hams, Bacon. " 'i Soap, Crackers, Rice, Teas, Candles Axle Grease, Grits, Irtia Potatoes. i V CANNED GOODS, Candies, Northern Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, and Raisins In large quantities and at lowest prices, wholesale and re tall. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. Oct. 22. TO THE PUBLIC. JUST Tcelved,1 VW sacks N. C. Fleurnd arriv ing almost dally Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Flour and all kinds Country Produce. A lot of Cigars and Tobacco on hand, to close out cheap for cash. Orders and consignments solicited. Write for prices. J. L. HARDIN, Agent, Cotton and Produce Commission Merchant, oct22 Charlotte, N. C. 0xrls and gUaz&. Great Exehemeut. Walking Match in Charlotte FOR THE CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT! The people of Charlotte and vicinity nave found that by calling at L. ASIEL'S They can be better suited, and find goods for jnpney than at anv ether houaelo the cly. fetock eom prises a full and complete hne of " BOOTS AND SHOES From the cheapest to the best Hao4 sewed goods of all makes and styles. In addition 4o bis large : stock of Boots and Shoes Re will oarry a full line !Pf Mn's, Boys1 and Children's 3.'3!SM3 u Of th4 bentmrfrl nhekner thai vititaj tmfnr In this market. " Ham tTrunksv Vatties andatclK f eia. uiu sua examine ms gopas, as mere. 19 a bargain for all .- Bespectrally, ; JVj . , Nexi doer to'Dr, Jf. U. Mcidens oSetore. boaseil Ato sore that iy old frtdi and costomX k era ."Mffi Oct llfj T O T T s4 WANii t j m 4mMav . bWEEftltS ill t.(,) yajf tsiviA l.u'l a .1 .tU , ' " " 1 : J--1 '. -I " - f S ? BBVBBB-.-BlBieiBi.fc.tSlBB.'BWai SB " SB I I I T J ISSLlte! I Lrnow Complete wji drodped) (o Sustain our former reputation for selling - L ) Ctt foods, wWtft ith, thelcheapest In the en. Please call and see os ! 1M'Ui :- , PXGBAM CO. Democrat Borne copy, -r - i WHEN -i. , i - t i .i ' Mi Is .V BOOT Ever brought to the city, comprising the most popular makes of the IXTerrarls Such as Bannister & Tichenors and 81 EASTERN GOODS, That is warranted .. give satisfaction, or the money wall be refunded AH of the above I guarantee to sen cheaper thaa they have ever before been ottered . , . in this city. In Hats I have the very popular And wUl aeU P. S. I take pleasure in announcing with an experience of ten years in the Sept. 14, 187f. Democrat and Hume copy. WW MWS F01 HUE ( Ircss Goods, asbpepes, Cloaks, Sepbyp Sbawls, ; JiMrpets and blankets. Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots. Shoes. Hats, &c. . i . . We have matle our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of the above goods, to gether with a great jnany not enumerated, lower than any house this side of New York ; we except nobody. - r ; : n V H. MORRIS & BROS CALL FOR THE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY $lP0p OUR MR. ELIAS S NOW NOW NEW GOODS MM; WHICH W35 ARE OFFERING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, BOTH AT WHOLESALE 1SS RET AIL. ,.' WE SAVE A MAQXIFICXNT STOCK OF HOtE FDHNISHING GOODS, CARPETS and BUGS, BLANKETS at any price, well WortH the : topectlon of RETAIL BUYERS. ; Our Stock, Oar Stock CASHMERESltDRESSGOODS,IiSI:EMBROIDERIESb WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK -Price, 93 up. READY-MADE CLOTHING Will and our stock well made, fashionable and cheap. We have a large supply and are anxious to reduce tt. Give as call and we will btfkie KtJ YOUR ADVANTAGE TO BUY L D E S T A B L I S H E D o Democrat and Home copy. 0olis and .Statiotiertj FOB INDELIBLY ! MABfilXG CLOTOES, Without Pen, Ink or any preparation. No expo sure to sun or artificial beat required, and can be josed either by writing, or with rubber stamp. La- useful to stomping. We warran t . . 4t to gly Ail IndeliMe IrapressUn. a trouble to use It, and sufficient for BOO names Sold for s -; i . ; fit. t. v TIDDT ft BBOTHXB, Soke Agents for Western N. C. .' i PUBLIC SALE. On the '28th day of October, I will seU ai aoction at the 'Court House door In Charlotte, C., the iionatng an, t. a-uurewm, iiueaadupiUM seaan. raraes wisjungio. pascoae uus St private sale wm pleas confer with the aed before the 28th. The-frant fend back B. M. MTLLKB. qcti7,i879. ,(.TifrtJ-aa-aa nnKiiA. Tta Mancv. ooBveuenee and ill km ngnMW ewj wnwuwiw a "wn tory, which wiu be given. iree. youDeeome owm propnetorwsHBeasHuaiironxaue omml .Write for terms and territory. OHIO SCALE WOBKa.-l 2fr)oiaTrTirrmTari Q. Sppt27th Hrlm 1 . T : CTr7P0arTTrOB8ATJL jm noma desiring tomxSase i wen rmprosed W AM, uoose wiw nine Tenaemee, fine well of water, brlek kttcbjrw wthl 4 mi kduttvtt the nuLus ouare."Wi beay T jjBommoaifl(i ny appiymg at ft mi -mm lTPml KXVKB FAIL to uvwtjantiuiktMMM' stw iAAaausaiuuw c" M. VI lailAI '.' IssT mm&afiSEa. V -Un wp f -'diV "ri ' I " ' . ' 1 " i n uonwna' aianima Ann iiiaaiaini:.. ... fwvtfiea TESI0FT1CX. A Penny Sayed M a Penny TOU WANT 1 PAIR 01 SHOES, RETfXVBXK 7 )() to be found tte largest, best selectotr and cheapest itock S, SHOES AND , anch as Maes', Ztegfer's, and Children. In govus i nave ue very vest - and. PMIaclelpSiia tE-oodc, puUr hand-jBade shoes and gattera, eviry pair warranted the very best) and L. Dtekerman jDe's hand&ade Boots s, than which there Is no better to be foaad. I have also a very Urge stock of gootL reliable STETSON," at bottom figure. A call from one and all is all last to msore a sale. ' ' Respectfully, J. MOIER, Yates Building. Charlotte. N. (1 to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Mover, and feel satisfied that Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in, that line to youT satisfaction. LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW GrOGDS. IN ATTTTTT" ITrVTl T" iND TFTTS HTXTimTTTlTlIT r -M-v Tr r- rr r. in H JCj X Wll IV and the IN WILL PAT TOD TO LOOK AT. Of LADIES' CLOAKSraTH,MAW,TOB,r,,f,?a PCBCHASXBS OF OF- BARGrA.1 " . . ' ''' ' AT E. 6. R06ERS' VMREnOQMS, . . KKXT TO My stock is very large, and embraces ia full line of Psrfor,' Chamber! Wnlng Boom and Omca Fur niture. All goods packed frae of charge, . ' """"""V nhmi vrnee w CAROLINA (CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE; Timoumi iiiEi TTifc Uoe Wr'fOequlpped lor 'bualaees, iiW" a'-'" Freichtfr.: ?; ' "r v""s7" " ; 11mlBgtooajWaUNettheraaadXastem fH Vr nttiilnttn ' ftsterrnie. iiUnttlln. 'Biithrrf iritrr-s ' .. Qreeovllle,apartaflboj all Stattons x isAkriac ant Bates tnarmoUed hi Lost ai .) A - j ' u!'.. .wrv nil? - .? ;' ' 3 uU bii;-- jo-jiSj mx -5t . .... . , ; i r;H I: IS ltiii-:i' - i- I , , . 1 1 I M. ' ' I -.-u-. !.aees)Bss)-9ataiilBltn --'in:!.- - tif.u..ii..--. ' -.. -'-"i"" ,riilv.- ifiu ,!!!. tlhi.." mi; : ; cneaDneee i f h .w wMn.r iw!"; ' , Hs .ijoiiTtiii'Y -.suHnM , . ;'!i-i? ii.ih'ii!o eni!w die T .iv.i iUitiii 1 -;.ii.r:b ' i, ujuuiuiui ! .tea ; !! "iu :MH"t .t;n win lTr W W " .... -.ili.. Gen. Freight Agent, septSO ltn-f ffi h tfj Madei?? il l i :mi .lit t 111 III.' Ilil ll' i ti THAT AT of EAtS and Shirley Rommel's goods tor Ladtea, Misses . .-1:1 ' i -I -t!.-il f t . if ' 1 nl - '!!, I'M- ) IPWffiJC I 1 xl Hi 11 IN MAKKH ' S. OF THE H O U S E EMM & I ht.i. In- POSTOfnCJL 1 i'.-l- -l;. 1 1 i )iilf . i ; -1 lil; A i v .;- fr iil , t r-ll,.! 1 11,11 i .' ' ' - 1. i j ............. I i i offers unequalled fa ittOas fer ft TmawMttoff en the UflsflBi itoaBfcbmoiAlT-Vn.; it nt tt It t iti (-1 ritj n i . tla AmrOHkMrin rimm knsf-VfiUr .-TClAt!' opoaaiutildMft v ttfh .iidllff OM i IS 1 1' 1 iii-a. 1 ji.i...vtlii;i'v tiT r. ini tjiw i -jj fijyUiviUai ari w Pac Mum olr jict t mKiji .van tu.-iaoa .lonofi .rli(f.3t..Jo. iioiJKi-'Hni ent,wllDlngtoll,Kf;, ; .y. irrollc. -,: Jes J! i . 1- : 1 1

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