SAT UK J TJ4JJ I.fllCV1tONS. my: t oJ War Department, ) WASLRNpTiowpefrtflfSp pm. ) For lW SoAth'Aflanti States 'ftorth- rly toeasterly winds risiiig barometer, parti rcloudV wteatber; and stationary or 'a slffrtit falI'iWeitft'-.,!ni v."; 4 Barometer. - - ' Thermometer..., Relative Humidity.;., irfflnd DlreeUon " Velocity--..., v Weather.. 80.354 43 59 N. W. 30.808f8a449 54 I 45 4rt- -:N. Clear. 12 Clear.1 Highest temperatur Htfcdeg,: .lowest 40. Index to THeiir .iirtlseiheiiu. Tlddy & Bro Juat Received. Barrtnger & Trotter Second Stoek. J- htwryr iv vMf 11L LL Synod proceedings oalouwii page CliristfiSMRiafeilistant tmtjtw -months from t0-ft.Ty. S5 - The teeefrtedfsLiil most as-green asin The rkilfoad men are still npttf the Stote peopteilfardly had time fester day t. go to beir meals. -w' A semd croinof damsons is ferOught forwartH'MgC, Sralth: There, flfponl; likelihood di frost this mjorning, provided the winds do not continue too,high..''' 'jp?? The pYestBce of ttottOflCis knock ing the blafefcrfcut of Paw Cr&ek spots. They Jiayeh been almost driven out of the market.,, An excursion for colored people left this city yesterday morning, for Salis bury, where a Good Samaritan celebra tion t,qok,p,ace yesterday. f ' Mr. D..M. Rigler's"Mecklenburg" fell, vesterdayv in the mile beat on the At lanta course, with three other horses. ThefefenopaWctnaYSr"' n i r rt fi y The audience w him 'gathered at the Military Institute t hear JJrof, 8"VVil-loughby- SKead wW&s&dWfUyeeen delighted with the entertainment. Better , order, has rarely ever rbeen known in the City thaiik has "prevailed throughout all of this week, notwith standing the, street hate .been crowded with' people and friany of tliese have been Hush of money. A few partridges have been seen on the market but they are scarce. The gunners in town haven't timejust now to hunt, an. trapping has nxji yet fair ly commenced.' i ' The register of deeds yesterday rcr cejvejl 40O copfep c.;thereVised school law; to Be distributed among the' sclrool .committeemen and teachers of the pul Jic schools of the county. An advertisement of Barringer & Trotter,"to whicrrattention is-invited, announces that MiV Barringer, the sen ior of thisVeliable firm is North, laying in a second stock of fall and winter goods. ' Pumpkin custard is now on deck. If a nran wefe Starving and puippkiii cus tard and polk berry or dried apple pie were set before him, he might be justi- hed in .tanina 11014 tr thatjoswd it is MuMftiL mum. f ' kiitl -J : The members of the Carolina Fair Association meet to-day at the court house. The subject to be considered is "small grain," d-the discussions will doubtless pro ve'i very interesting. A full attendance is hoped for. "Josh" -bad-' hardly gotten out of the Iock-rjpt' yesterday , morning, and passed through the jjaayorScourt, before Tie' began filling up little tank again. Before night had come -he was "fully organized," and a'a'taatter of course ruugt Beedg raakepn exhibition of him self. WtMkkiwc or ftve men to put him up, but .the job was done, and he will settle this morning for his fun. IWr. enkjas and the Govern orliip. The Reidsville Times, referring to the recent interview; of r. The, -.Observer with ex-State Treasurer Jenkins, on the subject of the!,ger3hip'; remarks that "the ex-treasuferis1;' clever and excellent gentleman, but: is evidently too mijch at home with himself on. this subjertjvfhiph we, take to iridicafe that the Times considers Mr. Jenkins , tool previous. In the Old Quarter . The Lynchburg, W, ITefat, of Thurs day, says : " Wyatt Cardwelli an :alleged newspa ler man, well-known . to the police, was an ested Tuesday night for being drunk and disorderly on the street. It required t lie united efforts of six persons to es cort him to thejeage. : The mayor agreed ( i) let him off if he would leave the city, which he promised itf dry,:butyesterday; lie was hauled up to the cage in a wa gir and sentenced by the mayor' to thirty days in the city jail." : The gentle Wyatt is known tq. the' jMlice of every town from Maine to Mexico as the champiop dead-beat of the century. He is oner of your high toned inebriates. Giandatxn of Patrick 1 f ry .' Xlitindiiorru'pnt; ' Qnotes1 poet r v; ,Uite tu Charlette. We' have injTrnftJipn'ttuit 'ilr.'UaEt lour, receiver of. the Virginia Midland Railroad. Mr. Spencer, assistant' to Mr. Jarrett, of thealtimoi erand Ohio, Mr. Holland, president of the common coun cil of Danville, ' Va., Mri ' Hawkins, a member M'im &tmtMnM& an'd Mr. J. TurnEtMarliead4 of 5'LeakvilIe l'ekinghain county, left IjeaksviVle on 1 morning ,if Wednesday last'cfOming ;ktoss the uiuitiTtHtaU'Sville, for the purpose df gathering npdata looking to the pmposed'coAntiorf Will the At lantic, TmwkW,rmM NiMtesvilJc, which the' 1 but Whig- of a link from Danville 'Will effect' 'The, l;i:ty expect to reacli'tteiW'tUlB : veninpr or to-morrow, and in pursu ance of their, plan, will, come 011 to "I wrlottt Wiii&qbdity nJoruini'sTrai n. The editor, of ;Tiie 'Observer .bas re- i r-elved and acknowledges- with thanks t le reception of a complimentary-ticket, to WllrnTngto'n, ll'oln fimm. J. 11. Chr- 1 if, r 1 eu. imeinstiM Hd- ciaytott uiie committee. The ticket is nn nf mi s,: fi'ut oufciby thecirunitteAnd.a circtt- 1 U' letter acenmpanyingit is as follows : he merOmm W'TOrnlngton, desir-j I'Himty u interests, heretof om wistin "'V -m j i ihv.i laiuryiutKHtti tuum 'stgntf'ycworleptanee" to S3 hof, sir" for l i VWMW mittlMfftm arttl with' Ji it niitSia i rLurr muMU The Cnanotte on Their-Re- tekiett ADout ntteen minutes Deiore the ar rival of the Richmond & Danville train Jt'inm avr.m.yesteydayj & ..teJegxmJ urea vnini trnH n nn rti nr. thut rha liara I was receiyed announcing that the Gate City Guards, of Atlanta, were on board, returning home from their extended Northern ancLEastern trip. It was im mediate decided bifthe1 Officers' of "the Hornets' Nest Kiflemen, of Charlotte, that the Guards should be invited to stop over here as theuests of the Rifle men, and they were accordingly met at the depot by a detachment of the Hor nets, opfdsslianiinyitaftlon upon them to rlmah-r1 oSref at iefest-Until night, as their guests. The invitation was accepted and the visitors were es corted to the Central Hotel, where they put themselves in readiness for dinner. The places where liquid refreshments are wont to be had were thrown ,open to the visitors and all refreshments went upon the account of the Hornets Nest Hitlemen. After dinner, in which champagne figured conspicuously; tbe members of the Guards were escorted around the city, and at 4 o'clock thtf were formed and marched to Independence Square where they wAWiPut through the man ual of arms and company evolutions. tA large, number of persons witnessed the drill, which excited general admira tion, it being unanimously voted that nothing equal to it had ever been seen in Charlotte, The precision of the move ments were marvelous, The men showed themselves to be almost perfectly train ed, and reflected the greatest credit up on themselves and tneir officers. After tea the visitors were again taken charge f by the JIfrnts and carried to" "the dime5 concert, ' after which, at the invitation of Prof. Agos tini, they repaired to his dancing hall and enjoyed all the pleasures which the german grants until near the arrival of the houTi for their departure12;30 a. m. when they left amidst a general hand-shaking and expressions of cor dial ffood feeliuc. "f ! This company-is composed of some t)f the hest voune men in Atlanta, and they do honor to their e'rrterprising'eity. Their tour or uia iNorxu and Last was a continuous ovation, and Capt. Burke, said yesterday to a reporter of TiiE Of-1 sekveii that nothing could have excell ed tha, warmth of,. their reception ,11 eery , city that . the eompariy, .visited. He expressed bimsejf deeply enible of the many" co'ui'tetes'an'a kintjiiesses which h aiid his.winmand had' receiv ed, at the hands of t)ie Northern people; arid epess' Jibe opinion that their , visit would result 1ii a' better under, stamltftg and -a eo 11 aoqttent -better-feel-ing between the people of the different sections ';0 .V'. X H i 2 1 tV 0 . The IWnet's Nest llinemen are glad of the opportunity which enabled them to expend a slight courtesy to the crack cftmpsflyM I Sl$ter Stafe, ImifuStf' that t8e(ilii-ds cirry bac lijpule with them mrgJoibe memdrfes,'5igreeable recoJllciiliR of .CharlotlA ULI cojpdial welcome, no doubt, awaits them at home, and this was in some sense fore shadowed yesterday by the following, which came over the wires as soon as it was learned that the Gate City Guards were in Charlotte: -1 Atlanta, Oct 24, lgw. Cgpi, J.W.Burke, Offitws aiVdlMember of the Gate City (Juards, Charlotte, N.C.: The management of tiie Atlanta & Charlotte Air-J-ane greet the Gate City Guards on their return to the rails of the line with a cordial welcome, which they trust will be none- the less apprer ciated because their route through the East has been one continuous ovation. The management beg to tender their congratulations to the Guards on ac complishing what has never been done by a military company in the history of this continent, and- to bid them wel come back to their homes and friends. ' fiPErvf RE 'k" Lincoln Court ..The Lincoln Su perior Court, Was fiiustted upfrhbrsday evening. There were no capital cases. Yesterday morning the civil docket was taken up and will occupy the re mainder of the term. It is believed thaHbe'csfQf fie; widow of the, late' J.' K. Hawkins against the Atlanta Si Charlotte Air-Line Railroad com nan v. for causing the death Of her husband in March '78. will not .be. reached at this session of the court, and Dr. J. P Combs, of this city, one of the nesses in the case, returned home terday afternoon. . Mc-yes- An Energetic Cat. A cat which has its home at the store of Mr. J. M. Sims, on Trade street, got out of the store some time during night before last, being lonesome, no doubt, on account of the absence ti, rate, and made its way into Mclntyre's beef mar ket, further, dwn. tbcatreetwhsre it established iteilii fat ibie.. night. Yes terday morning when tbe proprietor opened up he found the .cat in,, charge It was lying on its stomach keeping guard over fifteett rats which it had killed during the night and stacked up in the floor. .iA-hal dozen sueh cats in the community would utterly break down the sale of rat-traps. ABinctor Canght 'analDbnTnilttea Tu3 ife&ra, Bob jJ-Dhnfcibif, wubOut three weeks ago, abducted the little thirteen, year , old daughter of Alrf Isaac Snell.'ifroaQjIierifathei-iS house in i Provi idence township, was arrested, Thjrrs day, at 4SiitlCl Tjornopt, a.cithe'Char lotter Conrmbiit: and 'Augusta 'RaifrSad, iu South Carolina. It is shocking to re- f&tfi tbatb'd; pie dluld wer6 married hist Tuesday by a minister1;, named Boyd, and thafr when ebrrie' up with tliey were living together as man and wife. JMbtfohyiua tliBJcmia vvira broilghtto Pineville, in this county, yesterday, and the former hakfa trial 'Wefore Justice J. T. Downs, who, ordered him to jail in Chailotte, .the . negro being , unable to give :bond for his appearance.' The ehilrj. as taken 'fcbarge of by her ,f atber ao'ciffr4ed'Vliou).'., She is represejitett as weak minded and thus more suscep tible to undue influence. ; jQbn3ton ia QtoiiV black negro,ientyTeya)t; agOv' it i . '-.'i.- -fjmni!..v . . i. u ;.'i, 1 ,v.. . m y i 1 - '. . . Irjteck1.;'nt iirg t)arkle and the Eoduv. The Independent Pilot is the. ?iftnfe or Tr,newspaperrrw3uane.a . at, upnaoixr, wUH ; Aii SKcHartltoli 'idioi-laKd proprietor. The editor is, we believe, a . colored man, andJtlwpaffcnWepublished! in the interest of the colored race. The e.''fch'e: Ist ; iustrit; is ief ore. us, nd the following is tha.tirat paragraph of a leading editorial; .(c, uVJ3pW'&a quite; a large iuner xjooved pepple in ; Charlotte attenflE)ejO wefHig, and;;tlAtarigernenlaera ;ioad to Kansas prepatato to a general im mi- contributed'- to-the paper by -r'coiTs-. ldefltHereisthe followtngf i! ;);:,t: "The exodus meetings still continue, in Bid41etpwn by persons .vyjio, wanj to tabiition uoxos passed around to enables an.aernt to.SDV out the JauU.. M-tliese1 HpltfJcnAWtheir interest they ivfll tain tlicir :is). stay at -home and d'ti-j twtiM iiifir children a good eltiaonoi in ; The paper editorially , takes strong ground against tnexoaus movement :edi peop4etOE.Nurtittiaf-' tdtbid gteatei? benefits than are1 now en-4 Meby tiiem." ! to the VUitor-; &c " v " y 4mw may -H well 'ruB. W'flnd tWMtvl rov auoai the;United States exnecum? An Incipient Fire Checked. i Last night t8ilo,c6cPolicemen Blackwelder and Carter, walking down the North Carolina. Railroad from Trade street; jfisjovired. fiHint-he-roof of a shed in rear of the foundry 01 W. J. P. Liddell & Co and connected with tne main building. The blaze had fairly F - . Btarted when discovered, and Police- m to a houst r wateri ildite jedtMeire as ck Kindness. If nothing stronger, should induce any one to use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup lor the relief of the diseases of Babyhood. Price 25 cents. 1 1 1 Counsel Incarcerated. The young man from Providence was in town and on a turn-around night be fore last. ad hniqlf) conspicu ously disagreeable and resisted arrest when the police went after him. They coui l x lie mayor nearu me testimony and levied a fine of $10 and cost. When the judgment of the court was pro nounced, a friend of the young man from Providence, and one who evident ly had .not recovered entire Ly from his bout of thfe flgfht bteft5reTviuFjblin Bar leycorn, arose from his seat in the rear end of the room, and steadying himself and putting on his most lawyer-like countenance exclaimed : "Oh, that's tocvmtfc W is enough a plenty!" 6 -" - Uj- "Who is that man?" demanded the court. "Lock him up until he gets sober. The volunteer counsel bowed grace fully to the mandate of the law, and when he. was et out at 3 o'clock yeserr day afternoon he: said hehad Jio idea it had turned so cold. See to It that Dr. Bufrs Baltimore Pins are al ways in the house. They are sold by all druggists. Secretary of feitate Sims is seriously ilb The ricflrnroBiof SniitVi yfSarnlirm fiw tla:yiiDaMattd4tf 44000 tilroes. f The Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company-will carry tie liock Hill Cornet lianrf and- kheir iwaon to the Chester fair and back free of chargp. ChajrtoimaiybeitaazEns.gj, ur) i few moraiflgs hzo and nrbceeded toMke fiii pistol from unflet thipillowl iot tne Bin-pose or locgin rj up, iwiien? cjtaSingnfc disehargisr theNaallwssiftsr 1 through his heart, The Democrats of Kershaw, in con vention assembled last week, passed a resolution, instructing their repreaen tafit besjegorjs islaturaf tct MMHBeira oaoraish theorace9:ofiun-i tvEUflltotf dtfeasurer. analoistAUrRhi omical mode of- ctllicaiiffl the tax Money Itapldly Made, Small and large investments (from $25 to $10 000), In tbe combinations of Messrs. Lawrence & Cy--pi J large pronti This new? and eucoegsful s stem unites tSrtusandg'ot 'Orders' from customers into one Immense capital, and is managed with the best skill and experience in the stock market. Profits Jifa shared pro" mta bji dustoniers eprys montlij aharehdfcfllrs'.tWs obtata all toetklriiH tages of large capitalists. Thousands' are rapidly making money, and many have acquired hand some fortunes by this safe and legitimate method, which has. been amoua the moejsuccessful of the moveiient8 of tha SWoklixchangai SUSwAtmnk $125, or 5 per cent, $100 will return $500, $500 will net $3,000, etc., according to the state of the market. New explanatory circular, with "unerring rules for success." mailed to all applicants by Messrs. Lawrence & Co,, bankers, 50 Kxchange Place, New York CJty. octl4 end 9w Kgge Attainable by the Khrnmatlt, Yes, although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the- kl&ieys-r-iinportant channels for blood imrifrc8tk)ntTtha acrid .eleraeitt to i which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urln ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy fof const! pa tfca, which causer" caitamlna tlon of the blood with the bfle and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses It. J.WKSOSJS BEST SWEET XIV I lOKACCO. re toMecis 10,WCPrrWbict Ij David D. ttte fcelAnown few at No. - 8 John street iw Tone C&ygwas aske If he had ' not held ticks Ho. 31,13gwfick drew thfe second capital Ptfzeff SlijSJO fchf Louisiana State Lottery Company's drawing, on September 9, and said: "Yes; I held whole ticket No. 31.913 in trust for a client It .cost $2 at the office ot M. A. Dauphin, 319 Broadway, New York. I forwarded it through Adams' Express for collection, and re ceived $10,000 In cash without deduction. I would rather not tall the maie jbt the fortunate possessor of the money, stacef it would be a breach of confidence, and the principal object of collecting the ticket in my name would be defeated." The reporterdld not pursue Ills Investigation further, as he was assured by the representative of the company that the Louisiana State Lottery never desires to reveal the identity of any of its patrons without their authority. New York World, Sept, 27th, 1879. . paonucfi. CmcwMAn-rFiour steady; . family. 5.90a7.00. Wheat in fair demand and firm Lggal.30. Corn lower at 50a52. Oats firm at 35a38. Pork scarce at 10.50all.00. Lard higher; current make r 40 caahBteajn9a Btilk ineata Brcej ui - firm ahOijas j $m sshorVibs ariijcret:3 VQM snort clear bacOn qiilefi'snouIdeAtro,, clear ribs 8 50, clear sides 8.75. Whiskey t ady at 1.08. Butter strong; fancy creamery 30, choice dairy ai)a2y, prime Wesjora reserve- 17a I rri me Ceiurtiljuiiw V5:lt.i .usatnrm; hards W.Hm. A white KVa-iSI, New Orleans 7a8. Hogs active; e-nu-inon 3.00a;i.45. lit;ht 3.3.a3.70, packing 3.50a 3.75, butchers a.lfWi.lU; receipts ; shipments, Chicago -Flour In light demand; Western spring 5.25aH.50, winter wheal grades 5.5Ua0.7o. extras 5.00ii5 5. siei1iii 4.00ao 0(i, paieiits! ti.OOil 8 50.v Wheat in lair dermartd; Nof 1 Chicago spring 1.24Ma,25,, No. 2 Chicago spring. cash, 1.17at8 November. l.lfl7fia.tJ0 December, all yea& iNa. 3 do 1.08, rejected U0, Corn higher at 45 h shJ i-'yA foteaiber. 42V Daetmber, 45i,6 May. rejected 44li. OatsTirm7it32Cash,32lrii Novenrb.-r. 331 Dacetuber, 3Hi,h May. Pork high er at Yt 505isnrTU Norember aird-asked Decew ber, 10.55a.57 ia Janwiry. Lard strong at rt.40 'or emit ud; OT,enber, .50 Decftniber,i.57i,2 1 .(50 January. Bulk meats higher; shoulders 3 9 , shorf ribs 5.65, clear sides 6.80., .Whiskey steady at 1.10. ' . New Yobk Southern flour-: lower; common to fair extra o-HOatt. 75, good to choice do (V.H5a.8.0t. Wieat wnsetlled; ungrayded winter red 1.41a.4.". No. 3 do 1.32, No. 2 do 1.4oal.4. No.l do-. Oom dull; uugradwl S2a!2i4, Southern yellow , No.i -Miial. Oats more active at 411aJ for Na 8,;:wtol;e A'bilk-' Coffee ;quiet; : Blo.iQUote fi4a J7iohios 14tat9i Sugar higher; , Cubans. Ceuirirugal rA4, fair to good refinlngUa7!i, priaitt fl M; refined rinnen standard M W-i. granu-, iated 1 1 0, powdered 10. crushed lOL-.iloiaasiis quiet Kice steady; 'Caroiiii' quoted - tfn7), Louisiana aasvj Wool: fairly active; domestic fleece 8 5a4ft. pulled 22a44 unwashed a30; Texr as 'iaSlk' POiis closed weak; mess on spot aO70a 75, November ;December , January oew or old 11.00; middles very firm; long clear 6.50, short clear 6.50a.75, long and short -k Lard closed pfiirte eteam- B-ft9- spot .95a7. Nevebr 6.97a.72i, December 6.9597. Whiskey firm erat 1.15. Freights dull. C COTTON. GALVKSTOif Steady"; middling 10: low mid 10; good ordinary 101;uet receipts 3,213; gross ; sales 869;. stock jBJttti&j, exports coastwise ; Channel ; CohOhent . Weekly -fiereceipU231; grtjsa 28,653; sales 3i,exRortft eistme K; GreajHrmain lo;uouneni jjjiuuj . NoRHLXrFlnn.. .middling.. 10ei..i5Kiepts torane -r-ifionjitnt 1,214)1 i u II BAi.-nwotiK - Flrnuiuldi IOLWl: .rood onhll-4Pa Ine 1114" "lddllng' fli-rcc' 157; gross 1.387: sales 166: -stock. 1,977: Jfxpon- .-iKistwise; spinners ' et'pons to (irnar riniam :. toWkneVm'f1fft.!b; sales 1,742; spinners 7o; exports iirfiiii untain , ; coast wise 875: Continent 228; to France , j 111: good onUiiajTlOjiiet receipts 1.299; gross; 1.918: sales : stock 250: exports to Great! Weekly net receipts 7188; gross li561;jSale& i ; exports to Great Britain 8,189. 1 j anJilackwelder.JiasteniriS' neai di fro ureal aBJupffieyo andBiAlM on tfpilt m&i m n m m m m a a mat ji m i h m urn mv-mry- rrTaiermi-ain at? w J.WnjN piddling ltKfec. ; low mld- img xuwc.gooq ra riolfti Mt receipts 931: gross -: sales 600; stock lOl 4: rotST-fi: ports coastwise ; to Great Brltaln ; tO COD- neni ;(ociiamieiH-. i Weekly net rtcerpti ejj;' ss -MfSales 2,130; Britain 8,497: to cxporui vuaNwise ; vo ui Uonnnent ; to Franee Channel ; shipments . spume rs ; to LWrm:frSld ters ixportsmo GraaiBrli dj let receipts spinners, z,3W i Drrniin ; Nkw Oklkans Strong; middling 10S4; low med dling 10; good ord'y 10; net receipts 8,57; gross 9,781; sales B,000; ttoek 155,151; exports Great Britain r coastwise . Weekly-net receipts 58,434; gross 71,770; sales 44.800; exports Great Britain 18,729; Chan nel -; Iccej7i84 (aWiser2p. ) j y AustJWa Qufef; " middling lta ; low mid dllng lOic., good ordinary 9c; receipts 1,644; shipments : sales 932; stock . Chablxstoh Quiet; middling 10c.; low mid dllng 10c.; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 3,588; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 53,933 ; exports coastwise ; Great - Britain ; France ; Continent : to channel . Weekly net receipts 24,561 ; gross ; sales 15,500; exports coastwise 8,522; to Continent ; to Great Britain 3,965; to France ; to chan nel Nkw Tori Steady; sales 964; middling up lands list, nttdduyg Orleans lift; oonsoudated nets receipts A-;;exorts Great Brttain - 4 , Weekly net receipts 2,895; joss 22,843; exports to Great Brit'n 22,955; France 3031; sales 5,712; stock 24,390; Continent 880s -Channel . COMPARATIVE COTTON STATEMENT. Net receipts-at fflLUfltld States ports; . tflnilas) fiielwefk.Vj. . . . Xi. . . .Vi U 13.748 Same week last year 162,091 Total receipts to this date 996,567 " " to same. date last year... 807.861 Exports for the 'week.', f . 1 1 2,176 same wees last year 100.9H1 Total exports. to this date. . . , .-" f to sjum die last year.;. . ,' Stock-at m United States ports " " " same time last year , ... Stock at all Interior towns " " " s me time last year,.,.,......., Stock at-Llvrpopl . I . . x 1 . 1 . . . . " ' "same time last year, Stock of American afloat for G. Britain, 446,883 284,999 450,810 412,026 26,040 45,409 226,000 306,000 226,000 Sme ttmejagt Jmi.v , ,,- J47,QQQ. LrvERPOOL, Noon; -7 Cottoa firm. Middling Uplands, 6d, ;-alddflng' Orleans. 7d.; sales 10,000, speculation and export 2.000, receipts 19,700,f Amertoaqj le.'TOO; Futupesi elle at 1 82 deelmCV rjpUiids lowtalddlini clause fOotober delivery 7al-82a7, October and November 6 11 82a, November and December 6 5-16a9-32, De cember and January 6 9-32, January and February 6 5-16a9-82. February and March 6 5-16. March and April tf 5-1 6al 1-32, April and May 6. May anunfasn, Apne maA Joiy!l)fe,""J uhy-nd ugusfc-r. XMewjerop imDpea anipiry aayefraari per sail venlerin( ttcepber - Safes forfthe weeltf l ..... '6T),000 4J..000 ? 8.900. 8,000 8,000 68,000 American k Srcaoa...45 Export. TfiT.. '.t..r Actual exports, rmpqi. American Stock, actual American, actual.: Afloat-. America!.. !? rr 53,000 87.001 78,000 26)00 FINANCIAL. New York Money 6a7. Exchange 4.80lAa governments weak. New 5's-1.03 Four and half per cents 1.05. Four per cents 1.02. State bonds dull. FUTURES. New York Futures closed firm. Sales 222. 000 October ll.33a.36 November 11 .27a.28 December ll.29a.80 January 11.40 February 11 54a. 55 March 11 .6a.70 April ll.84a.8o May 11 .96a.98 June , 12,la.l8 July I2.l7a.20 CITY COTTON MARKET. Oft ice or thbObskkvek, i Charlotte. October 25, 1879. t The market yesterday opened weak, but dosed firmer rj( 4 shade Wgper; i ,' Good Middling '. 1 0 7-1 fia Middling i , 105-16 Strict low middling..;... :t, 10 3-16 Low middling io Tinges ; Lower grades. Receipts 897 bales. I beg leave to Inform my patrons and the public generally that I have removed to the large store room lately occupied by-Messrs. F. B. Alexander & Co., where I will continue the produee and com mission business, and respectfully solicit your or- Cotton and Produce Commission Merchant It gives us pleasure to recommend J. L. HAR DIN. Agent, our successor In the Produce and CetprqiflBlon fcusHiesgrto. onrlrieiMty an cofitoui ersf aad,tol)espetk ftnihira; a ontlnuaiioe ofjropr" fayeris llberaUy beltJwBrlution ui T IF i'- Is now In New York buying ft Genuine Sfcoml tock OF GOODS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, Which will be sold at low prices.- Our large trade this fall has necessitated an entire .' Which us. will, be open In few days. Respectfully, Call and see BARRISGER & TROTTER. Oct 25. JUST ftE6EFED -ATr; TIUDY'S , A'H 0 STORE, MEfltOPOLITAN ! 1 Ynas :. ; f ET; FOR NOVEMBER. W CALL AND (JET ONE. Utr- Full stoclf-of Buttriek's Patterns always on hand. TIDDY & BRO. 4$ii .mm y,mn NOTICE ijj hereby given that owing o an ealychAnge to take place In oar business, we wnaot receive any more goods oh consignment. v Parties owing us are requested to come forward and pay. All claims against us will be paid when presented.: ,: Respectfully j r i F, B. ALEXANDER 4 CO. Oct 22. TQNSORIAL.,,.,. i f . ivii g connected myself with the Shaving Sa Gray J. Toole. I hereby notify my friends' rons of the change In mr location, and: loon of and patrons of 4rustJtther willconluw thecatrQnagfta( W' new place of business, promising only the best of forlu iOrdec. futftiulles irtd families respeet-: illy solicited, and work of this class done' pivnipt-' Oc". 22 5t 3;ot jfji .g tt,, . SO A VIS "MEETING, ,01 JiuO Tbere will be a me in ofitkU Conn ifeif TAs rrif' "tlv" " Hfh g-"r Tf nrfnrwr. 1879. The subject of iscussioaT wlU h y.'Sma,lt Grain." J. J. Price aria W.lTAiexindeFw chosen to lead the discussion. All interested are; requested u parHciyat". . ,.tr .;. . .. -, J. 8wMtiiRa,!PresIdent.i (cii?'?2t.i y.' W-ronnaFalr Association. ft T". BSHBB W89rsto2r,68."" n it Uj mw ;s-"i ; f 4 Is to be found the largest, best selected aud cheapest stock of .y. -BOO TS, SHOES AND HATS Ever hrought U tins cUy.Wiprialng the moet popular makes of the country, such as Miles', Zleglefs, and Shirley & Rommel's goodsf or Ladies, Misses t and Children. In Gents' goods I have the very best I&ewarik and Philadelphia Goods, Such as Bannister A Telenor's popular hand-made shoes and gaiters, (every pair warranted the very best.) and L. DIckerman & Co's hand-made Boots and Shoes, than which there is no better to be found. I have also a very large stock ot good, reliable That is warranted to give satisfaction, or the money tf . , And will sell P. S. I take pleasure in announcing with an experience of ten years in the Sept. 14, 1879. Democrat and Home, copy, - mm news tor tie QDress Goods, Cashmeres, Cloaks, We have made our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of the above goods, to gether with a great many not enumerated, lower than any house this side of New York ; we except nobody. V; H. MORRIS & BROS " GALL FOR THE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY $1.00. M.ORE JNTEW QOODS. OUR MR. ELIAS IS IS NOW NOW WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, ROTH AT W H O L E S A L E iSS R E T A I L . WE HAVE A MAGMKICENT STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS and RUGS, BLANKETS at any price, well worth the nspection of RETAIL BUYERS. 8SiCASHMERES,ii:?iggg:DRESS GOODS,g?:EMBROIDERIESSSi:lgi', WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT. WE HAVE THE LARGAND FINEST STOCK OF LADLED CLO AKSIN THE MABKET' g? factory of Brownhokt READY-MADE CLOTHING Will find our stock well made, fashionable and cheap. We have a large supply and are anxious to reduce 1L Give us a call and YOUR ADVANTAGE TO BUY O L D E S T A B L I S II E D Democrat and Home copy. goohs and JitattuuerB FOR INDELIBLY MIiltl(. CLOTHES, Without Pen, Ink or any preparation. No expo ?4T sure to sun or artificial heat required, and can be used cither bl wtfni, or wttU rubper stamp. .La dies will find It useful in stamping. We warran it to give in Indelible Impression No trouble to use It, and sufficient for gQO names. Sold for 50 GENTS. TIDDY BROTHER, Sole Agents for Western N. C. NEVER TAIL to make $125 PER MONTH, selling our nickel-dated FAMILY BCALK. It is indorsed by the press and public.. Its accuracy, convenience and cheapness sell it at sight to every housekeeper. By securing territory, which will be given free, yod become your own proprietor of a pleasant and profitable Le88 ...write ior terms ana territory. Uuy iBWSKSTI2ff Cent lve.rclhnaff, O. x Sept 27th d-j.f n Portabia .LI. J U 1 " - minwi am inni frnm 10 Hon Pnm; DryBtMm BncmM.fraia 4 to ) Hon Wm ; UtiMar Wood VwiWaAMfonllta 40 HarrtPMW : BUKnaiMrAMtaMRaMUtoBa KniiM. iraautoaw ttone mr; improrwa ucna. KMVMhwUtolMHorwFowr;BadmUiH)a;Iroa FraaM Kennibla Rmr tmli,- fowuw; Worth Carolina, VotaUa On MiUa t OomJuH Steaaa. all aixaa. man. oo. (W itwviBMvaa, w," wennmsterliM.,utft a J AGENTS 5 A Penny Saved is a Penny WHEN YOU WANT A PAIE OF SHOES, REMEMBER THAT AT J. M OYER'S mm, mm mi EASTERN GOODS, will be refunded All of the above I guarantee to In this city. In Hats I have the very popular STETSO at bottom figures. A call from one and all is all I ask to Insure a sale. Respectfully, j. MOYER, Yates Building, Charlotte, N. C. to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied that Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. Very respectfully, J Mc ALEXANDER. ' LARGE ARRIVAL OF CARPETS AND BLANKETS. Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. IN IN NEW YORK iB 5S1 NORTHERN MARKETS. We are daily TJT7X7 ( A ((T of all in receipt of IN Hi VV VI V ) ) Uo of all -PURCHASERS OF- OF- BARGAINS -IX- nwiiiiii:. lgjiii!ifii!i:. AT E- G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOmCE. My stojk Is veiy large, and embraces a full line of nlture. AH goods pacied f rse of charge. CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH LINE, Via Wiliningion, N C. THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, offers unequalled fa mties for the Trsms'portloo Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Charlotte, StatesvUle, AshevUle, Rutnerf ordto o Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations on the Atlanta k Richmond Air-Line, , ' Atlantic Tennessee & Ohio, and Western N. C Railroads, t As well as points in Georgi:i, Alabama and Uis issippi. Insumnee and Rates guaioteed as JjOw as lntonnaUon furulnhed : : F. W. CLARK. ,' ' " ': i .. .. i :'" : . - r ;i: f flw. Freight AsentJfv'llmtastba'. N. ... : - . -. t I Made." STOM sell cheaper than they have ever Wore been offered N," praiLnqj Zephyr Shawls, kinds, kinds, we will iriae it to OF THE II O U S E ELIAS &-COHEN. Parlor, Chamber, Dining Rwm and Offlea Fur TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. -o- vla'any CompeUag Lle, and Time ai J U upon application to T, T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway :,Chartbtte " '