4 fooft aafl Soft geiutiujj.. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and erery manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can furn ish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS. LETTER HEADS, CARDS, TAGS. RECEIPTS. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS. AC, srBSVKIPTIOX RATES : niy, one your, (!"-t'Sll 4 ft Oi Month . wggKLT SDIIION ! 1 w.a,.'..'...,....t2 00 ( . a io i 4 . VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1879. NO. 3,328. - " . V-a" ..rsts V I.-. I : a l it 1 , is D1TEMTD JUHE 1 3a IW70. MP!mm t txf 0 faofning ' The mtflV esulqtaneea eotiifected ftb fhe old S (tern of Button Gloves are entirely overcome, and e following advantages eecnred let-The perfect ease and rapidity with which It to laced. i XJ.i u t . . . . Jtod-Iti adlMtaWlity to fit the difetent J,udw?tgU. rnln.Toiiiirpkiit the nwt Unw bnttoijed., 4th Strength of Hooka and mode of clinching ... which is a rerr rare occurrence with iommm. lnipnient of Jmppowmont in fastening tho ar uoifK fttntt! oW, if not tuporior, ( any tW glove in tho mark. Alexander & Harris. Represents Detween" $20,00 AND $80,000 IN CARPETS ALONE. We can show a larger and better assorted stock I than the combined Stocks Ini a stocks in Jhe elty, and at prices T as low as can be found At any : Mr retail nous in the 1 HamDles sent anrwhere when reauested. but at the expense of thosebutsklt-of the clty rderjng tbem ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Oct 15, 1879. DR. J. II. MrAdcu, DKC&QBT AMD CKBtlBT, 1 i 'J V Now offers to the trade a full stock of LoMn's Extracts if'sfej English 8ek3 CoIg&IABoney and Glycerine SoapXi ;-' - ' . :zzfsc " ' Knailalf."TlWich and American. Ti4 .- . . TOdTHflBRUSHES.1 , &a &5 4? PRBSGRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, Txrth night and mm Prescrlntion Store. ... SECURITY. .1 ry. ' till i ' Aim- .in t ALADDIN BJCUUSajJlj j d West's Extra No. 1, Kerosene Oil, from C. Wesf ft 8ons, BattHnom' ': Highest Medal awai i;rygi Ore teat burn. ' C5SLtTXTff.:.JaW!: . tf.tr. r Hi Hvia1ijat ensuing season, I am prepared to fillrdrb offered in thi. VfHrt aiul m braced. AttlHaJlI inner ssarwete tn tar load latWQaiAeoiuMt4M . Ice on hand the year round, fwnfirsfo! i Bhau'alieoBti'aiU tkl kkm&i xmess and fchTngl 00 hand, together with. Jathes,. cation at office, corner oli 3Pde st and N. C. K. B, p n B J. T. ANTHONY, ' "YTV V vnaripne, jt. c. . . i ' i tiff . LITtti'A WATER, SALEM ALMANACSJ For 1880; JuJt received by r; "e.strMng these eoanteraw ilness men of the rtir-t lienor 0- lu2aBft9urte hav thaonly -. . V ft. Klin I M JAhhn,. , -T f . . 1 U Send IWPA.B ,?y J t.EB 1IUOS.T 8ept rsrtrs tram AM) AND- PUBLIC GENERALLY. We are now receiving our second stock of Black and Colored :i ; CASHMERES DXESS GOODS i For this season. Notwithstanding the very large and varied stock we bought this season. w nave found It , necessary to buy a seeond one." Our ttoek of CLOAKS AND Is beautiful and very cheap. Our new Flannels and Waterproofs are also handsome and cheap. Our stock of i if ' r ? i a. ' itAA ham a nononttlA. Hlilk Cashmere onea. We carry the handsomest ana most varied stock of SILKS AND SATINS To be found in the city. "Tf I , VELVETS. Another lot of Ladles' . , : uNXRIMIflfD HATS Just received." Remembef we lead in Ladles arid Gents' Underwear. All are respectfully asked to examine our stock. T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO., i Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. Oct 19. " ; ;!J D U RH AM. CR. W. m TATLr.ATE jOFVIBGINI. AND-"jrBOaNOr t-JUBEr'AND BECdtfMENDErAS A' BEVERAGE OR. MEDICI K -The attention of the citizens of tmanone and Ih 3UTroundlng country is agalnt .railed to this fur Whiskey, now so popular both North and South. We have the endorsatloh of manyDrug- glsU and Deaiew m rtewiont ny, n iismujuiu, ?., New Orleans, San-Francisco, and many oth er cities, and we can connaenwy wwwmeBii uo "Durham" to be equal to any;Wht8kWjdlstilled in this country. J. - w" c , Ll, Call for "Durham" at W. B-.jC6cnrane's Central Hotel Saloon. , . EttlSOX & HARYEY, sole Proprietors. Oct.21 dtf. ' : HEADQUARTERS ., , , FOB. " ' AXJC AND PORTER, . 1 : ' 5J.; ' Is corner Trade and BoJIk ' DeUvared Io any5 bart of the cttytrecarge for $1.00 per J .-.tu., if dozen. ..,;; .-. i i All orders left at John YogePa tailor fehdp will re- SI TOE TISCHESSER. kk JgSbH U)i lira Atlanta bbbwebt r 80 ' Let those-who never drank Beer before, Go Jo Joe Flschesser's and ddok the more." FRESH ntOM THE J . 1 1 ' - 1.-: ! .!', :'A' : ATLANTA BBIT ; -....( it ; il; 1 anaagemiBt,wtth theJtlantaBrgwer, :r-. iBEXB Broagi to my dbor fsjia ratortflreat fromthp Krejtpt mi w . -J. k '. ., ..rf' ,.. .?! HP. iri mKMM. btei a distance ranrw befer from.Tneat bttofnitoeli;prlee9t and wamni-M-porevndfnBh aa tf tustroade., ; iZ ' tBds-ummrio'ne aeuvery m . w i i. -w Lsoltcttthefiatronageof tti pubUc-'-'r7" Flneaahdbe Liquor9.tt draugfat iOf fnr aarli sale by UieiQtumutpjaU the tuna.; : in :m x A f-Jj i.C. IriI od o) Z'jfM' Ujud I i i.j .ail 63 FlHtoldjwfrlge Id 12 K , -.')'iotkM-shellorby the quart or gallon. iLojr- AlUkiSIe, by" , tap r "mfpvn,xtrii:i tti . .ccf tyWiW r mar m ftaj r t My cart wui not run i In I 1 rnFRBlTPn ""Ull il I hi - lOT lint i J n Win ii 7 il-m$ .1 -J. Ml fit'.' P-Tj'ut !tuit hts X.iMrttuM ' -t- - Dteeasesj llk' Aleves! attack the eak..iiI,ortUyi your organization wlth the Bitters, and it will wi t 1st and baffle alike the vims of epidemics .audita changes of temperature which disorder the consti tution ottb feeble. There is vltaUty in Itis a pure vble TsUmuUji t a yire ialtarave and anU-mhoxis todlctne,"and hai tiot a tarmfai-ele-ment among Its many Ingredienta.- - 1 . - . i For sale by ail Druggists and respectable deal r 1 ii ii i i Quietness. . I would be aulet, LoiaV . Not tease, nor fret; Nor one small need of mine Wilt Thou forget. ,i 'J , I am not wise to know What most I need; 5 I dare not cry too loud f pest Thou abouldst heedg Lest Thou at length should ,ldf ..1 sayis; "Child, Have thy Win; As thou has chosen, lot - Thy cup I fill!" What I most crave perchance Thou wilt withhold, as we from, hands unmeet Keep pearls, or gold; As we, when childish hands Would play with Are, Withhold the burning goal Of their desire. . Yet choose Thou for me Thou Who kaowest best; ' This one short prayer of mine Holds all theuiestl OBSERVATIONS. Not a put up Job. as yet: The Washington monument. Vin. Sat. Night. Deadhead was the name of a winning horse at Jerome Park. Of course he was bound to pass. Bon. Com. Bui. Negro pedestrians are coming Into faor. ,1s this an indication that blacklegs makes the most out of walking matches ?Bto 0om. Bu. - Since these large white surcingle vests came In to use among ladles, it makes a very bashful young man blush whenever he comes upon a young lady suddenly. Young Joe saw one for the first time yesterday, and blushing to the roots of his hair, whispered, "Miss, ex excuse me, but you've got your corset on tne ouisiae. Small girl, very harshly, to a doll In a toy car riage, dolly having tumbled from the seat: "Sit rJsrht ud vou horrid thine!: iDom't you dare to do that again, or I'll whip you." Seeing a passer, who had approached traobserved. she modified her voice, anoyoennnoeai in a meet . tones) ; -now, sit up straight, and be careful not to fall and hurt yourself. M, . Let us ronsole ourselves. General Grant said in his speech at Portland that Federal and Con federates are "now associated together in a coun try of which they all have the right to be proud." and the organs have already begun to pummel him about it. It U getting so now a man can't be sociable even In his cups. Atlanta OomtHuliark. Some of the papers are Inclined to rap Colonel Paul H. Hayne, the poet, because he Is reported to have said that the Southern people do not ap preciate the efforts of professional literary men. We are not of the number. In the first place, the colonelmay not have fd It, and In the second place; fl.tMdWiyJt. it (may be taken fw granted that he is ready to defend his position with twen ty-seven separate and distinct sonnets and a pie tortal odo on the "Prospeots of Pineries." The Constitution has made It a iule never to antagonize a poet, for we have observed that a man who is onoe struck squarely In the stomach with a fresh sonnet rarely ever recovers in Ume to be of any subsequent service to his country. Atlanta Consti tution. BHIEF NEW!? jITEMS. The election in Baltimore resulted in a majority of 5,899 for Latrobe (Demo crat). Mr. Hooper carried tAro wards, and three Republican councilmen were ejected. The grand jury of Bridgeport, Conn., has presented an indictment for mur der in the first degree against Mary E. Loundsbury for killing her husband, ltev.'Bxter i,. Loundsbury, , Septein ber 24 ' -; ' . ! A splendid Bengal tigress over three feet in heigth and nearly eight feet long appeared in the neighoornooa or lor resdale. , near Philadelphia, cThursday ough discipline of .New England I bec ig, and was killed" bythe resi- ond that secession was both 'planted mornintr, dents. She is supposed to have escaped fratravetog!enageri- f "Aufte' trial lh: New Haven, ConK 'at Rev. W. W. Hayden for the murder of Mary Stannard, Prof. Dana, of Yale, testified that he found the crystals of arsenic in Miss Stannard's stomach to be of the same size as those found in Hayden's barn. Maryland Republicans profess to de rive much encouragemeftt for their party from the present situation in that State,,,.. They, say, that, the, Re- EnDiieaiacanfliaate. iori iiovexmari win ave a maioritv outside of the city of nbUcattfeiiiMata for, Aioveialdri will Baltimore, and .that they, will make large1 gains in thfe LegisUttrrb.' u w n The annual report of the , Ppstmas.ter- General, now m course of preparation, will show a deficiency for the fiscal 11 " . A Z w.T "'"XY. r, tv r, service generally Is coiisiiaefced tw'the Pncimagf pr-npnftriil t.n hb 'P.ry' efnp.ip.nL t..:. .- .''( inMiljMies.' l. U- l'H'i .I.-. I : if.. ... ..,..., tv. . anitnsjN contamVari',aCcoTrt of hWe trocji- tion. The institution is'tsba at the'di coition of th.e court ,aS.a State; brfsdiy. An inteligent convict; Just released whoseeharaeter forveracity is vouched fofby promihent persons who kriowhjlm inmate for two years. All that time he was not alloweato write to his counsel, friends or family, who supposed him dead; 1 Hesavs, the;wead f arpwhw ihe convicts is made from damageaxo feed, and this stuff is paid fot by tb county at the rate or w a Darrei. uur ing his conflnement embryo calves, dogs and slandered horses 'have been, fur- nished as meat, and he brings the boues, which are now in tne possession or tne editor of the Sentinel, to provejt. The details in this respect are horrible be yond description. Of the brutality of the keepers he says ; the prisoners were beaten and confined in the blacMrole, which is a filthy dog-kennel of five feet four inches by five feet A man cannot lie atiengthtirttris ken neljiar ,-is there ahfUfcatttiUtioB Jor-4siieoad w?fcli$decribabte HUh.,Jlen m$ pl$r ce(Uhoeioi.'!4ttehty dAysjakAtime-hd twojicr his whglfjliavwdied from thnete6serlbedi( Tbere?fe ' chair f4ctoryvconug&'d WItirtb&jrrtitimrni, and 4t iachaaged that the poHoe, te-;4n amttjiirieth.' tBe;iUOTntexilent'-'to kmjenfa rtiilg a .muhes thattlhw- illin in -ij- fccJ1 Me,a&QMfc iu.f4?AiLWil iAV& TffTrff fl IV "Tlfbf wksJ3isaihaB,ls9iWP-gaiMt 88,000 last year. . - lMvi TfTMihllfti noiiticiaim, expresses- a (w dla) cay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that wi tm-nstimn remedy - was discovered by a inls&loitJVvAl attt-r is? ma eop: s mm Jo4harleFpster declares t hnt1 liP'Sillt hiflflianKf ofidl ; lmted States Se WtmVjty;jm botb??from..whose presence ' nnn tfpar.' ftf 'Itobiftso'ii. aAaithat .bttW abashed, and under ithe';feAWAlr; sectionalism; the ayb'mfflmaifa' elefcfcMrifrrilMjaDaiak khwi tic Senator HUl's Reply to Mr. Chitten den. Baltimore Sun. " Mr.S. R Chittenden, of Brooklyn, member of Congress from the third dis trict of New, York, was lately so impru dent as to address an "open letter0 in the New York Tribune to Senator B. H. HiJL, of Georgia. X0. this Mr. Jlill re plies in an open letter published in the; New York World. ' -Jdr. Hill's letter is teidpetat& ; jtis;ratiQU&t;on same poiiifcSri it rends asunder, .tne i sophistry . ot the outcry against tbtj Smth7itts iiiOte ef fectual way tjian has lately beeir'.done. Mr. Hill says that afteraqyiejs ana care-. ,ful study, 4n a spirit ofrmere than usual 'solMtee)jtb-.temper, of North to : wards Sputb 4 aQmpeHedrt,Q admit that the impression- made .upotii him is ;nr.' a YilMftunt, one. -At ho uerlod of our ) 'U!ni(ni,lt North ern peopWiSQ'greaiayiOir so unjusnxflisr trusted thw Southern 'people, ior do-1 think there was ever a genertiort'.' at; the NK$)t who so little understood the , constittition as our bond of union."' Mx. Ilill proceeds fd illustrate by examples, furnished by btlieis as well as by Mr. Chittenden, wlat he- means by this. He cites the talk --about" "tn final . ibattle with rebellibh','7af tearing uir the- con stitution" (unless'th'e stalwart construc tion of it be the true one) "and consign ing it, with the rebellion, to (Saianatiori, &c and asks : "Is that what you mean by the 'gateway -to "comparatiTe' Rood feeling and assumed national prosper!-' ty?, Is this 'tearing up' process to be the final battle7 witli rebellion " The feelittg of distiu abuse and hate of the South in the stalwarts of the North Senator Hill thinks assumes all the symptoms of a manja, ,It . pervades everything. It is found ' everywhere. "It is beyond reason,' and I feur beyond' remedy,. I see ho evidence " hfe adqSv "that the North is; weary, of(ecuoaal; strife. The Republican party t lives on and thrives by this sectional strife: Bad men speculate on it, and demagogues ply it as the best means of getting of- fleer' -Miv-Gltenden-had-aid-4hat "if there be anytlwwso beddBff.Jh our his tory that it Can never" be got out, it is the tact that Southern ideas andbouth ern men naye generally ; brpofeed the AmivJf,nn h-h people who planted and rooted .5br in stitutions arid thrift in the' hardand tliorough discipline of New England." To this Mr. Hill replies incisively-ihat he had supposed our thrift was - due! to the natural advantages of the sod; aid climate of the country which tyeiSettledn to the industry of the people, and the protection aiiiejicouraieinenlLflffOTdfed them by the , unprecedentecl constitu tional system of ;aaltedferal and free local governments, which Washington, Jefferson, Madison, ihctriay Jlhlledge and a great number of Southern men had much to do in "nlantiner and root ing" in-this country. Mr. Hill further said that he despised sfefetionaKsnt. He did not believe that any one. section 'of the country had the monopoly of either its vices or, its virtues. But history teaches tw6;i'facts indigputably, and these are : ''First That slavery was 'planted' in the South through. thferJiard and thor U11U XWV4Mftp I" VAWVA LUV.M W VlUVt tutiontl system (by- New England, and was tatfgktf adfocated aml iareatened as a corutittrtional ifitedjTToT State grievancea-by- leadia NWiJgland statesmen, maay.y.yars before it was ever whispered in the South." The first threat of secession was du ring the first .term of Washington's ad ministration, on the question of the war debts of the New Engl and, States. This Jefferson settled, says Mr. Hill, by a nrads.'iiyia iWhieh ;the -New lSBgland States got their money and the South- ciu wemuou -gyi. wuwwj!1"! t0omT'Qtoma6;:ii fdtitp gm erations afterwards; dds the Senator, Hhft VdtebjouthU SSffifiSSMBSME process tbe:Nh'has' grown so great nat m -ms 'tfpori TiaVin M f the money ami aUthanorsand upon treating the boutti as .crimiuais an traitors. - mr; im;',goes into ana amines the fijainojal. relations of the two sections in the same energetic vein. JHejretnainds Mr. Chitfeifqen that in recounting how much New i.XQrki has - I and by slavery in the South especially, i wttin r.rvp. pnt.irp Mrrn npvpr rpTHSPff rr. profit by, even while (ndemninglfnost domination, ,.Mr- f ill. said it was IKcreditadltl actfie'ihmfgence to urge it .fTae South is And -must re main; the weaker section. Shehasnro interest in wctionalfcril"JW terestin tiue coustithUonalism. The South can have strength in the- future only ' in advocating1 the soundest of soundiprincipl for the national credit, the national" iKKwjM And' the- natfbnal prosperibr, ar;mT (sendrigli,her aMest imen to Congress to roaintain.auch pnn ciles." In eonelusien i'Mrj Hill savs that the SOttW rSouChfern 'WW WV$ foreyer abahdkn0, seoessiOn, ilwt.they Vt AAA llvT vl 1UUaCUb IU (VUUI1V. VUOUKIOi f tdbriraitors, Theywill hot starve government,;, ib'ut i. they J)reserVife their self-respect and the respect ! of all brave and honorable men everywhere and for alt time. Mr. Hill says he be ItuveT thfecesalQipjsts to hgT tregntHe had, but he at the same time believes that "the Eepublicaa ' party is the most dangerous enemy the Union ever had," because "it'lwes cn.- sectionalism," and he concludes thus Is it strange tha-leaders wlja grown rich ana powertui oy sectional ism should.desire to makeaQlid North against a solid South, and thus perpet uate their1 fortunes' and power V But it wiJlhe straue if. an. intelligent neoule cannot penetrate such a transparent Pse artdnry'tts acconiplishr E prove a year of ,i purgation to the ocracy, and cleansing the- party of its' internal feuds ad.StS runhln' af ter issues, will recall, it to!wind(vpi:mc4ples and a healthy condition for 1880. If so, shall be able to presentr a'taaaJfor thedeacyiiWhs TWwirtjnn whose wtee-.iiOiurwlotlOndminjistlrar tion will inspire confidence in all good men, will majntainthfl. napiial honor and the THatrohar" Credit antl' advance rogues will w hode influ- wJ41,Tif,lthcter- J. H. Hargve'tjf LexliiatOnL is uooaman aisaigooac oo .ui mrfn r-ii 1 fu&eg an application made by counsel of the Louisiana Lottery Company fot .vuv.,,u bse upon tne grounttflttaLMi(B uatiOTiSiiiivolvi'r8 snMribfdeii.tlie main in force. .t ,9i-ijwj ,sni lost by the south he neglect to git e-the topnosite page of the iWafeE' SfttdL'how what New York has made bv the South l arp.Terence to tne Attornev-irenevai or tery mail matte&..7ii:KMraaBd tnereaui iii I f I 'ill UU, REMOVED! BUT NOT READY FOR A FORMAL OPENING, !;.!:::. AS. PaESCRTBJp FOE TO-DAY., .i .if..:. Being delayed In g lining possession of Jut new store, we-find It impossible to, make preparations for the occasion, and soliciting the public's kind In diligence, we will atf.v designate . : ; ' ' t3V FOB OUB -o-i i -jti B tft wM require ttHwtf e&nimbfegitrruttgement and ad lust the general fixtures of the Store, and extend a cordial Invitation. owe, and Uw4th a genial greeting in our new quaiters. i THE Our stock is now complete in every oor goods: iii Men's all wool Business Sack Suit at $10. A very nobby Scotch Cassimere Suit at $12.50. A fine Scotch Cassimere Ma- . lansh, lined, in single-breast and Frock Suits, our leaders, for $15. Our own manufactured 3, 4 and 5 button suvts, f f0tnr $15tQ.$25. These suits are all of ioreign goods, imported by our own house direct. GENTS' DRESS SUITS, All the leading styles and single-breast 3 button Cut Away frocks. YOUTHS1 SUITS FROM $8 TO $ 1 8 B O YS' SUITS , $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 AND $10. School Suits for Boys a specialty. Don't Buy any Overcoats Before You See Our Stock, As we have tho largest stock, best assortment and cheapest in the South . . . i Respectfully, ATTENTION, GENTLEMEN ! i.i ,1 a IT IS COLD, AND YOU NEED C5 Mm 0 OP IE3I H CS- . Then do NOT buy until you have examined and priced our stock. Our motto is and ever has been to play "second fid dle" to no house in unjrof the lines of to your own interest not to call on us 0r ,or 8 SUNDAY-GO-TO-MEETING SUIT, ?Tlof,m OVER-COAT, t- as in That line we. present something quite novel in itskind: .ja . ; r .-ii ('.! .- 1 .'".i: Shirts - - We are headquarters Jl. Ml. ill : .. . !,-..... 1 WE desire to call special attention to puit ; LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF C 1, 1 1 J Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c, &c, Selected with great care. Our shelves and counters will be found replete with all the Novelties of the latest and .most " "!'- i u ' attractive designs, r. AND ALt THE L ATEST STYLES ARE FULLY REPRESENTED, ' Itt our Stort will b found Goods that, notwitlistanding the advance in the raw material, we are able to offer at the old prices! 'and in some instances lower than lever before. The reputation of our house for keeping Goods of well-known makes, (so that the easterners' may be assured . of gettinar fall value for their money) will be fully maintained, also its Character as THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OF CHARLOTTE. . W;KAUFMAN; '& CP, ' ' W. KAUFMAN & CO. 1 Corner of Trade and Tryon Streets. ' ' Corner of Trade and Tryott StreeW ' P. S.--We are selling olfourentlie stock of Boots and Shoes at and below cost. '' W. K.ftCO.1" ,'iri ! i .m:cio i " , . .. , . ,, ,. 1 !-n- P.SCHIFFj .ii.i1 -. ! t 'i '.'I't'Xe.u..'. ii iilii Call atftnUoW61thilr;8tock' Barler. Saso. Tanloca. Oat MeaLr Macaroni,. Cracked Wheajt, Farina, lint P. ed Ofoods, viz, Salmdn. i.irt Lira Miii!niii:invirt fciienetiJdOiir Hne of. :.. .. :-, ,..il ,u.J 1 iif ;. -'.ii.iin: II'! i t. . i! .';-.ii!:... !.-!.' 1 j.i!-)!-;1! II '; ,' : 'iilii 'SSD 1 few lwrU tf ich we win eeU at very Law; PRICKS IMOBDES TO To the Wholesale Tr4e we offer a, largs indwell selected stock,, gpodoUglOf canehouglj jnarket ''taty and eoontry consumers wlB ftn It to jthstjr interest to'Cilton ti3 before parilns'elsttwhere.' ' IZlll ZiVV Llildlm ' iho h,it .J-iO ,au( . SQIi& GBIERv Trade StteeCharioUeNjiCJiiiVl if t i;oJ fl?oh fiW ti lilv f.'; ly ' -inoiil .isitiJ! liniTrtkrl hJMrttt 1ntjirtMnV't.rffe fl'm jn-w CS-wsirrH Jtr lit bus nollfib Saturday, October lr GBAND ENTRE iNTO THK W0BLD OF FASHION. We are fully prepared for all the demands of trade: ,,E. D. LATTA & BRO. BENEFIT OF THE branch, and for the interest of the public we will quote the prices of some of A.11 we goods we deal in, and hence we say it with Fora WORKING SUIT, . , orfora BUSINESSDR.OEFICE SUIT, - lJauridried or Unlaundried, on, and everything that appertains to a Gentleman's W-ajairohe. . , WHITE VESTS A SPECIALTY. HATS Soft and Stiff of the Latest Fashions. jj. &IUU. illiJilVilUyiLilLQ 0THI N U rr ; (;sOttIEF:';:: nil ;.l GriuE OlJ E R S Y AND 1HI& GROCERIE Ihocolate. Flavoring Extracts. Potted Heats. Cream LobstBrs. Ofcr. Condensed Milk. Ax. ail'of which Teas and Coffees cannot ba excelled in the city. We , ni l"i! t' o j; S ;m d vliiuii.ui hip SniiTFF & (Irtkr. I re3b3ctfulR 'ani I .diuiib mmi bn ad buc uu-.t'5 itwkO 'Hi.8 ,iI I TH We respectfully invite the attention of our friend ask is a call, and Ave will show you facts."' I : . . i I'J Fine Clothiers and Taiilors. fullest assurance that you are UNTRUE 1 !'.; Mil, l.r.lii t.l ! ' I . 1 ill' :f! Jl I ft T9' 1 3 ft It It. jl rrr TtlOiS. GRIERi " I .HI lil'MlU.!' i i 1 1. .ClI in I ' l An :- -.!.. If ;i;i! -lii il l Hi VU. r lc,' ) i I'll '! . i - t i . i . . i a O j I I i : i ' I ' PUBLIC ! Cheeae,. Choice Goshen, Butter, a. fulUlne. of, ant-, ard fresh and chulca. .Fofelgn and Damestld Plck- call snefflal attentwa toou PatBntlrronessPleili; 1 1 7 Jini ,Ti.!lo .oh oivtr 'e.icdiallv, invite mv old-friends- and: cos . i !a'!.iT inoi Hwtt pi ! i la I -I Vr it V ft i r 1 1 If P v. 4 1' V 1 1 1 M . .1' r j I:! i,