froggy 00ii atid gal gritttiug. THE OBSEBTEB JOB DEFABTUENT Has been thorougbiy supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness; dispatch and cheapness. We can furn- iotttA- 2 00 Three Month .'',,.,,,..,.. . WMMMLT MDOfOXi , .J -ui .!-. gixMoril. 1 00 Liberal Reduction jor Ghtlm., r , BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, t i 15 ft 4 vol. xx: cffitRtOTtte; JsiioiiMdiMx November ii, um UETTSo-HBADS, CASI TAOS. RECEIPTS. NO. 3,341. PROGRAMMES. HANDBILLS. PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, MX - l k U'L in - ! r vi ii in n yi 1 .-'(TvTn rn- in n i 1 1 iiitrv trsvsv Aiu j -r ; - n s r i-- a mu www - 'H... r- i im ii i mau ipii ii riiJrrnarftr-'' krWWW"'' ' 4 AA If!' JM- . :. tL Af ft I 1 Ik I W ' H m. ar ' V't "V" I I I f I : '.MIT. V J ( ' , 1 ft : t 1 1 V: I V a T ..' I I :i e ' ' -' m "IT" m m m maw -tm i ' I i.' I Ii 1 II I in I ' I lie m " I -ll M " ' Jill I rt-li Ti ' ,-" ' .'- - -',.,..., v , j nu .!..-. i ii II "I r ' i - ' ' 1 - , r af V. Tffi" - - 8r2r5?rK2?ft f5"" ' J 1 riiiurr.riaT? tereeeled 4 ' ! K -1 . ' ES AND PUBLIC GENERALLY, r We hti We baneiel WaUafeeSelTed We have received We have received We have received We have received We have received r ; This tfay by Express This day by Express This day by Express This day by Express -;o M.i : A. beautiful line of A. beautiful line of A beautiful line of A beautiful line of A beautiful line of A beautiful line of A beautiful line of A beantlful line of DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS AND AND AND-, CLOAKS. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. All grades and very cheap. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Nov. 11. ; DHU&GIST AND CBZWSI, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes . English Select S-P l.CE 8 Colgate, Honey arid Glycerine Soaps. Xngllah, French and American TOOTH2 BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and We are now receiving our second stock of Blacl anavwureu . If. ick CASHMERES AND FANCY DRT&SS GOODS For this season. Notwithstanding the very large and varied stock we bought this season, we have found it necessary to -luy a second one. Cmr stock of CLQAKSAND OALMDNTS Is beautiful and very chearj. Our new Flannels and Waterproofs are also handsome and cheap. Our stock of i Is complete. Including some handsome black Cashmere ones. We carry the handsomest and: most varied stock of SILKS AND SATINS To be found In the city. VELVETS. ,t, , flUUfft JL. DORR. I have four noble lovers. Young and gallant, blithe ana gay. And ln-all the land no maiden Hatha goodlier troupe than they! And never princess, guarded By knights of high degree, Knew sweeter, purer bomr -e Thaa my (toterspartonie , One of my noble loirers S Is a self-poised, thoughtful man, Gravely gay, serenely earnest,, 1 i Strong to do. and bold to plan ! . And one Is sweet and sunny, 1 Pure as crystal, true as steel, with a soul responding ever When the tuth makes high appeal! .. -And another of my lovers Bright and del mair is he, Brave and ardent, strong and tender, , .And thefloweiof oourtesy! , Ltut of all, an eauef stalled, hi Upon lofty aims Iritentl Manly force and gentle sweetness In his nature rarely blent! But when 'ol noble' lovers,'1 ' " All alike are dear and true. And her heai j to choose refuses, Pray, what can a woman do? Ah, my sons! For this I bless ye, Even as I myself am blest, That I know not which Is dearest, That I care not which Is best! OBSERVATIONS. Another lot of Ladles' UNTRIMMED HATS Just received. Remember we lead In Ladies' and Gents' Underwear.- All are respectfully asked to examine our stock. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., i Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon sL, Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 19. icixcav8. t U A M If a hotel Clerk fimUen nlenjiantlv Khun van natr him a question, that's a sign he hash'tbeeil there iuug. jm. x. norm. After studying the weather charts the Nonlstown Jiercua oreaKs io..n with the rash prediction that the next winter will be colder than last summer was. , , Aufinowa aner .jnaii..aas;Oaa five, or six laimiy ngnis ana lost a leg in a threshing machine he Is counted worthy to be called "Judge" around hid giuvci aujico., .... . "What the dickens do you call your mule Ann lorr- asKea a rounst or a Western teamster. "Wall." said the Inttrroeated. " 'If n nlvh mnla of the pan to I iuk the name out'n the Scripter au, a uign ass.- ruees reac feic-uper r. the name of a knight who rode In the Philadelphia tournament lately. In Justice to the norse it s&ould be said that Scaggs was thrown to ipe goo una ana wisen senseless irom the field. An article In a Greenback paper Is headed, ' Or ganize ana save this4 nation." what kind of a nanon Minis, any now! A man don't more than turn his back to go about his business before some one is pulling at his coat tails to come and save mis nauon. Better put this nation on ice. Last week a tenant entered the office of a Tip- Serary land agent, and throwing a roll of notes on le table exclaimed : "There's 4v'i 7 penny I have In the worlds If s a halt year's rint, and ye may hums or lave it av ye taite it I'll go to the work house; av ye lave it m go to America ou It." The agent opened the roll of notes and counted the money. "Why, my man, there Is more than a half years Tens nere. xnere is over lour years' rent In the bundle." "The dfvil there Is" erled the tenant, putting his hand in his pocket "begor, I kot you ine wrong Dunaie or notes, alter an." (ANALYZED BY DR. W. H. TAYLOR, STATE CHEMIST OF VIRGINIA, AND PRONOUNC ED PURE, AND RECOMMENDED AS A BEVERAGE OR MEDICINE. day at J. H. MoADKN'3 Prescription Store. SECURITY, cSERITY, SEODIIITY, -200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AJSTD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, BsJttmoiwrr& Hiehest Medal awarded at Centennial Imposition. Crrstal Oil Works. Canton.. Warranted to stand ft Ore test of 110'degrees Fahrenheit before tt ouro. u. west s sons, jMiamore. wlIT Fot5aijr Dr. J. H. J Agentr CHARLOTTE. It fio. j J. T. A-N4?'H 0; Northern Ice, Coal & La Having lust received -jbt supply of Coal Irari ensuing seasen, I nrepi ffUaliprdfri a$-. shorteHt TiMMy? stoek 4s the largest' ever otten& WHti&r Market' aTrdembraces alt the various klndsjorTamUtes', Foundries and Smiths' use. Persons who hav formerlv boueht from other Markets in ear load lots would consult their interest by giving me a call before ordering else where. Special contracts for orders In cargo tod Car load iota. tj . ,," . Ice on hand the year round, from first of Octo ber until first of May next My cart will not run on Sundays, but will supply double Quantities on Saturday. I shall also continue the Lumber business and keep full stock on hand, together with Lathes, fchlnglea, Ae. . .. :- . Bills cut to order, ob shortest notice, any quality desired; also estimates furnished on appli cation at office, comer of Trade st and N. C. R. R. . J. X. AJMXHUXHI, r Box, 153,Ch8rlotteiH.C. J ' ' P.O. 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPRO VED FORM. (Just Printed and For Sal at the OBSERVER OFFICE i Jyn. a. w. alexandebI1 DENTIST OKFlCE OVER L. R. WRISTON 4 CO'S With 25 ye&n ufacUon Dkuo Stork. experience I guarantee entire iftnll The attention of the citizens of Charlotte and the surrounding country is again called to this Pure Whiskey, now so popular both North and South. We have the endorsation of many Drug gists and Dealers in New York City, Washington, D. C, New Orleans, San Franclsoot and many oth er cities, and we can confidently recommend the "Durham" to be eaual to any Whiskey distilled In this country. Call for 'lDurhara'r at W. R. Cochrane's Central Hotel Saloon. ELLISON & HARVEY, Sole Proprietors Oct21-dtf. headquarters' FOB Si Bottled lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Incomer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. MUNZLER. -All orders teft at John Yogei's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention., mar4 t - ,. HAPPY JOE FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY -4 " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flsohesser's and drink the more." FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL THE WAY. iJorafisdsS&l Brewery, bywWchf-amaWeto'keep draught, and for sale by the keg , ; ' PURE ICE Cox"lAGER BEER Brought to my door In an ice-cold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. " . 7? Persons in Charlotte, or at a distance, can buy beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant ed to be as pure and fresh as If Just made. My facilities this summer for the delivery or Beer are better than ever, and as the sole agent In Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, 1 respectruuy solicit the patronage of the public. ' Wines and the best Liquors on draught or for sale by the quantity an the time. SENATOR VANCE AT CHERAVf, S. C The Noble North Carolinian Receives a Hearty Welcome His Views of the Situation The Fair Not Very Success! ul A Riot with Serious Con sequences. Special to the Charleston News and Courier. Cheraw, November 6. The Fair of the Pee-Dee Agricultural and Mechani cai Association was opened yesterdav. on the topmost of people present. Senator Vance, of -N orth Carolina, came this morninc:. He was escorted by a large number of peo ple to the lair grounds, where he was enthusiastically received and enter tained. At 1 o'clock Senator Vance addressed the A anxious crowd. His--subject was tnat or agriculture its power and in fluence upon' the prosperity and happi ness of the nation. .Xhe address was jcepltte' with philosophical thought and -. . A : - 1 1 1 i.1 X ,. AMI J 1 uiTtcucai iiuviue iu iJtoatj.wiiu iui iiie soil, To-nisht the Senator lectured on the ' JwHticar situation, reviewing the his iperjttfifcc of me KepuDUcaKpajjFWJ centralize tne irernuiut iii6 despolpsrii. He wieved thatrtif0T4d never be con summated, " that Geiranfr might be the nominee of the liepublican party, out would never be tresident -.aarain. PHe" said a desDerate effort would be $ fcaa4-lSl Arrest -this State from the control of the Democrats, and that South Carolina should be the last State in the South to-. break ; thea Democratic column, but ih&tfljii Jremain solid and invincible. He Was Tiopeful4hafc in 1880 a Democratic President would be elected, and gave convincing reasons for the faith that was in him. He ex pressed no preference for any man as the riarjaiaepf ithBiD?mocr3t3irparty. S J.iie nocso run iiu .auiraciive :Malj9uy lB.&ef!t$$itll the fairS have attended. thia fall Some disorder;6pdnrred to-day outside the en closurej aao lnAhe meJee -one or two men were shot and painfully -wounded, and two others cut Avith knives. Mr. Haticocki'Kas thrown from his horse, and severely, if riot fatally, injured. : .. x? " hx?.L ... -.itJi:; ... ::yfe'-. i. THE NEXT PRESIDENCY. RS n the hal JfieJC"5 Lovers of B6 Tfcscloua bivalves Ifeaa be supplied by - FISCHESSER. 1; J STflMLnJCttilili meetins- of the Republican National Committee A Strug-g-ie for the Chair manshipWhere Will the Next Con vention be Held ? Special to the New York Herald. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. A meeting of the Republican national committee has bean called for December 11, at the Arlington Hotel, in the city of Wash ington. It is signed by Governor-elect Cornell, of New York, and Mr. Thomas B. Keogh, chairman of the Republican committee of North Carolina. Owing to the death recently of Senator Chan dler, of Michigan, the committee is without a chairman and singular to say it is also without a secretary, Mr. R. C. McCormick, who held that position, hav ing resigned the place when he was ap pointed Assistant Secretary of the treas ury by President Hayes. The object of the meeting, the call recites, is to take action in regard to the death of the late chairman and select a place for the hold ing of the next Republican national convention to nominate a candidate for the presidency. It will also become the duty of the committee to elect a chairman and sec retary and, as their positions are of con not improbable that there will be some nice wire-pulling in the committee to ob tain control of them. When Mr Chandler was chosen it isknown that ex-Governor Jewell, of Connecticut, who was a member of the cabinet at the time, en deavored to secure the prize. Minister Noyes was also a candidate. ' and was unsuccessfully pressed by President Hayes. Mr,. Cornell, it is understood, Is now a candidate, and, of course, will have the support of Senator Coukling. Mr. R. C. McCormick is also in the field, Mr. Kenffhitis saidVis-anxious- to- get f the secretaryship, and?being a Southern man,it4s not improDarjie- jnas- ne.wiu be.glweasful.vT06'??.??1176.11- ti6nc1ltt U beHeveay pr ueiai m,tne tjt. vnnv first . attack of lndhrestlon be the i last. Bouse the dormant energies 01 me swmacui with the Bitters. xue who tuu.uuwuw " maln. Tula is a tact established by thousands of witnesses, whose, testimony Ui simply a statement of their ov expeflences. - xnpse anucia wwn, ceneral debility of every phase will, tod this medi-; cine iiurfallinK agent to bulldtoe upd renew-; toforsenShi)rugflst9 nmMOkJtaA era generally. dkwl till decl. STATE NEWS. Mr.W; C. Mercer; of Curritaick, got 22fiM shingles out of one cypress tree onhisland. TEherffiilfflingtiftBa Review aets a tn pudawtpoapQn.apole for eve ry body to idok at. TvafiFiPdnufis stcpi piBgoaaecotmtref wantof water all ov er Eaterft.parona., s - Mr. N. R Joiresvot Raieigh, had his Jjand badlv tjpeqej last , Friday by the explosion -of a shell cartridge. ':!Mx, i&.(xi S. Rhyne, of J Catawba, iwaa strickeir witbr !paraivsisf one day last '$p$'tW 'ssje&m&& from his horse. , GMsctims piiyM tihat.the cottpn rti ceipts rri Hwroe are- a ihousand bales ahead of what they were at this tim$ last year. . - xnere nas oeen a ueciaea aeenne in the price oi turpentine in Wilmington. within the last week, but the Review maintains that! the boom has not yet vaiiisnea. The store of Smith & Hunsueker, of Conover, Catawba coxinty, was entered by thieves one night last week, says the Newton Enterprise, and robbed of $25 ana a tew dry goods, The Chatham Record notes with pride ana pleasure the success or Chas. Rog ers, a Chatham boy, Who left his home about ten years,-ago. and is now the largest merchant iti Cedar Keys. Major Latham, of Greenville, says the Tarboro Southerner, will doubtless1 be the next nominee of the Democrats in the first district. This is told by many prominent men in that district, who claim for him a thousand majority Married, near Princeton, in Jphnstoa county, Wednesday morning, November 5th, by Rev. Ben j. Hall, of Wilmington, Mr. Henry C. Pearce, of Newbern, and Mrs. Lonia Avery, step-daughter of Hon. W. A. Smith, of Johnston county, Miss Nellie A. Hamlin, of Excelsior, Burke county, dropped dead on the morning of Wednesday last, in her fa ther's house, while tying a shoe string, She was a pupil of Rutherford College. The J3ly,e ' Ridge Blade tells of., her death. , During the recent session of Pasquo tank court, a negro swore a lie at 12 m. The Tarboro Southerner says the solici tor was instructed' to draw a bill for perjury: the grand jury fqund it true, trial and conviction at once' ensued, and by 5 p. m. the perjurer was sentenced to the penitentiary for 5 years Raleigh News, 8th : Mr. tsaiah Riggs- Dee, 01 unatnam county, was killed day before yesterday by the vehicle, in which he was riding, becoming upset. His body was found in about two feet of water, and it is not dfinitely known whether the fall killed him or he was strangled to death while under the wa ter after the fall- scaffold of the five-story extension to the tobacco warehouse of W. T. Black well & Co., of Durham, and when they were carried into a magistrate's office one of them denied the jurisdiction of the court in the case of an affray that high up. The joky Wilson, Raleigh Observer, tells of the incident The Raleigh Observer tells of a rack et last Thursday night, at Clayton, Johnston county, in which. Mr. Joseph Barber was struck across the arm with a stick by a negro named Nat, who al so cut the hand of Mr. Barber's brother and stabbed to the hollow a bov named Jordan, a nephew of the Barbers. The negro then ran, and Mr. Jo Barber fol lowed him, when he turned and fired three shots, one of these lodging in Mr. Barber's arm. The negro was finally captured and committed. Newton Enterprise : We have a young man in our midst who is somewhat of a walkist, and he don't make much pre tension in that way either. The other day he wanted to see parties at Denver, Lincoln county, and horses being rather hard to hire, he concluded to walk it, and accordingly set out about 8 o'clock in the morning and reached his destina tion by noon. He spent the evening with his Denver friends, ate supper. and stepped out for home, and reached here by bedtime. The distance from this place to Denver is 16 miles, making 32 miles traveled. His friends will for ward a challenge to Rowell in a few days. Monroe Express: On last Monday Messrs. Gordon McRav,L. C. Blake and E. Shaw, of Boston, and Prof. N. S. Sla ter, of Harvard College, in company with Mr. J. C. Bates, visited the Brewer gold mine, just over the State line in Chesterfield county, S. C, on a prospect ing tour. Messrs. McRay and Blake, who are represented to be immensely wealthy and largely interested in min ing in calitornia and Nevada, visited this mine with the purpose of buying it if their observations should prove satis factory. The other gentlemen came with them as experts. They carried back with them about a thousand pounds of ore, of which they will make an exhaustive test, and if it shall prove satisfactory the gentlemen named will in all probability purchase the mine, and at once take charge of it and com mence working it on a scale never be fore equaled in this section. Evidence Against . Baltimore' Post master. Special to Philadelphia Times. Washington, November 7. The President is devoting his leisure mo ments to an examination of the evi dence in the case of the Baltimore post master, and a very fallacious case it is. Prom all that can be learned of the re port from -outside sources, the, Balti more postmaster, evenJif he was aTiero in battle, and is a personal friend of the President, is a very active disciple of Don Juan. The story is an incredible one, for the postmaster is a man1 past middle life and has had honorable ante cedents;' The most damaging evidence against him is said to be that of a young woman, wno is a very pure ana worthy person. The purpose of the defense ap pear td be o attac'ihe ! veracity and virtue of this ypungwoimaB The de fense seems to rest unon their abilitv to do thji Ujecessfttlferil ?Thermficatfcaas, nowever, point to tne ultimate defeat of the postmaster, as the purity of the young woman is said to be above sus picion. ' ' r LfJargraefing? t HSII, It. was resofyed to! .appoints coifi mittee ot nve prepare' anaoaress jos the,Detoocray,?One'of!Uh&&peakCTft stated the obtect'of 'thfeflddres'seuld be to explain the position' of. the Tam many adherents during the canvass just closed, and "refuting the slanders heap ed upon the organization." HendiickH and Potter " An Indidanapolis (Ind.) dispatch says : 'Senator McDonald, in conversation Wednesday, observed: 'My ticket is Hendricks and Potter. That is the win ning combination.- The election in New Y6rk yesterdajr shows that New York is clearly Democratic: sound, to core. Notninff but ' local divisions -prevented the .ciledittvwlMte Stats tickets Thes& divisions wUl not affect the electoral vote ror anypopuiar candidate outside of that State, and it is now -iclear that, with Indiana and New York combined, a democratic can didate can be elected.' " - :.&MMm0xm block Great dotMng Centre. l,leOtrni ?ter: outfits occurs this dayi and nothing surpasses our immense Selections and 1nSt?i,nhm,,Tanfiyof .tttamttttuwrf preserrtedfroni ottr counters, and their attractive designs and ex fceedmgly popular prices shouWcommiaid te atttoUon of all buyers. ' rHSSr have been in progress for a week past to meet ttie demands of the purchasing public during the fptfXoU m completeness we feel will repay the examination re- flllnGaination To-RIiht. JMJfP'f 1"rneraJn-f 2Ji a"a?? Jurmng darkness into, light; and those interested at the Fair Grounds can defer their purchases till a moment that will better suit their conveniences. ?- E. D. LATTA & BRO. BENEFIT OF PC Our stock is now comDlete in everv branch, and fnr thA intavAsr. nf fho mi hit m mi ,ivf our goods: ' ' r " V1""w "l "VI" "l iJSFr &l oo1- B"si?ess Sact Suit, at $10. A very nobby Scotch Cassimere Suit at $12.50. A fine Scotch Cassimere Ma Kffc LinKed'IIlsinSle:lreast and Frock Suits,-our leaders, for $15. Our own manufactured 3, 4 and 5 button suits, from 315 to $25. These suits are all of foreign goods, imported by our own house direct. GENTS' DRESS SUITS, All the leading styles and single-breast 3 button Cut Away frocks. YOUTHS' SUITS FROM $8 TO $18-BOYS' SUITS, $4.50, 85.00, $5.50 $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 ANDC$10. School Suits for Boys a specialty. Don't Buy any Overcoats Before You See Our Stock, As we have the largest stock, best assortment and cheapest in the South. All we ask is a call, and we will show you facts. Respectfully, Fine Clothiers and Tailors. ATTENTION, GENTLEMEN ! IT IS COLD, AND YOU NEED CS ILo QP TESL H ISST CCS- . Then do NOT buv until vou have examined and tiriced our stock. Onr mntin is nnrl Avor hoa Wn tn nlo ha . m - X - hum I v. UWW KfJJlM. uv Jmj OCWUU iiu die to no house in any of the lines of goods we deal in, and hence we say it with fullest assurance that vou are UNTRUE to your own interest not to call on us Fora WORKING SUIT, j or tor a BUSINESS OR OFFICE SUIT, or a SUNDAY-GO-TO-MEETING SUIT, 01,01 OVER-COAT, W AS IN THAT LINE WE PRESENT SOMETHING QUITE NOVEL IN ITS KIND. 5 Shirts Laundried or Unlaundried, We are headquarters on, and everything that appertains to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. WHITE VESTS-A SPECIALTY. HATS Soft and Stiff of the Latest Fashions. WITTKOWSKY &d JBRXJCH ciMymiE, mn 'eider, i. WE DESIRE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TQ OUR LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Coods, Hats, Caps,f&c, &c, Selected with great care. Our shelves and counters will be found replete with all the Novelties of the latest and most al.f.rap.t.ivft flAsioms. AND ALL THEDLATEST STYLES ARE FULLY REPRESENTED. In our Store will be found Goods that, notwithstanding the advance in the raw material, we are able to offer at the old prices, and in some instances lower than ever before. The reputation of our house for keeping Goods of well-known makes, (so that the customers may be assured of getting full value for their money) will be f idly maintained, also its character as THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OF CHARLOTTE. W. KAUFMAN & CO. Comer of Trade and Tryon Streets. P. 8. We are sellhus off our eatlie stock of Boots and Shoes at and below cost W. KAUFMAN & CO. Corner of Trade and Tryon Streets. W. K. A CO. P. SCHIFF. ; J.SCHTFF. THOS. GRIKBf GROCERiS; SSiS,iSf&it FANCY AND HEAVY GROOERIESrl5S5?i,rr; i MacaronlTcracked Wheat, Farina, Split Peas, Chooolate, FlaTOriug Xxtraeta, Potted Heats, Cream Ciieese, Cholcs 7Goshea. Batter. fall Una of Caftn ed Goods, viz: Vegetables, Fruit. Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters, Okra, Cbadensed HUk. A3., all of wnteb are fresh and cnotei. - -Farelifii and Djmflstio Pick tes, in Jars and one gallon buckets. Our line of Teas and Coffees cannot be excelled in the city. We call special attention to oar Patent Process Floor, a r few barrels of which we will sell at very LOW PBICBS IN ORDEB TO INTaODUCS IT. To the wnelosale Traie we offer a larga ani wall selected stock goods ia oar line as low as can bo bought In any market , City and couatry consumers will and It to their Interest to call on n3 baf are p arch-wing else where. l I N. a We hare a splendid Wagon Tar (ntnerearof our store for the ase of our country friends. SCHIFF & GRIER, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. I i ; Having become interested in the firm1 of Schiff & Grier, I respectfully and cordially invite my old friends and cai tomers to call and see me when they want goods in my line THOS. GIHER. uctooer 20i87sr

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