-' - 1 - ' ' - 1, . - i .-. -- - - i Ihi - X. " " fcT "I ... I . . - h i -2 .x . v - - . , -.-r ,- - . - - . -. i '. '--- 1 sssssssssssBBfc CHAS. II. jftjfES, Editor & Proprietor ENTKBXD at ths -POST-OrFICB AT OaAAUHTB, N. C, A8 Sboomp-Clabb Mattkb. ,: ' ry " SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1879. THE NECESSITY FOIt() WW, THUB MAIf fit PUBIiie XI FE.' In tlie course of "a lengthy editorial; in its issue of Friday, discussing the character, abilities and public services of the distinguished senior Senator from Ohio, the New York Sun says: "Looking forward to this coming con test between the corporations and the people, the servicesof Mr. Thrmn afp k - J, needed in Congrerf, and-a rfoWet h f. 1 . TUB okeat stPl on foot to send him to the House of Ilepresentatives from the Columbus district, where he resides J TbaU E trict is now Democratic, and though the new Republican Legislature will doubtless gerrymander . the State, it is questionable if they can change its po litical character. Mr. Thurman is said to v. i'.'j ' ' - t.i." i. The Penalty of Truth Telling. It is right hard for C? fellow to knpw. always just what to dt. Here, lorj in stance, is "Hon. Alleri Rut&iprdof North" Carolina; whrjfcas teen bbnfeed from the Southern Republican Associa tion, at Washington, for saying that the organization was perfected for the pur pose of securing fat offices. If "Hon." Allen Rutherford had lied about this thing nobody would have believed him, and npw that he has told the truth he is caafl out of the synagogue by his asso- ciaues, anu tuaue up. i cut uiavvnuic. Th6 part of safety for him in the f u ture; as doubtfess he realizes by this time, is to keep his mouth shut. DECLINED Wl InvUa,tin be averse. '.to, ibis suggestion, but he should bear in mind that John Quincy Adams, after having been President, considered it an honor to represent his people in the House of Representatives. "Mr. Thurman served in the Hous6 thirty-four years ago. A generation has passed away since then, but he is still strong, clear-headed, able to do good work, and well equipped for the great battle of popular rights against corporate arrogance. Such men can not be spared from Congress at a time like the presents '-TTJ . - The suggestion of the. possibility of Mr. Thurinan's return fto public life will excite the liveliest- pleasure every where. Whatever"" missteps lie may have made (and what man is there who never errs?) weigh as noth ine against his lone, brilliant and hon orable record of service to the people, He is witn rood cause regarded as one of the very greatest men of his genera tion, and his retirement from the Sen ate will be nothing short of a public calamity. We have to-day no public man who could not be better spared from the councils of the nation. With in the last quarter of a century the Democratic party has lost no man from public life whom it could not bet ter have spared. Senator Thurman will but gild a lifetime's reputatiqn for wis dom and patriotism if he will accept the lower station which we are in formed above he can have without the asking if he will only take it. i mmmj i MBmrn IIELPINO THE BAl'ARD BOOill. The l$ev'Y6ik' Herald evidently en tertains a very genuine admiration for Senator Bayard, otherwise why should it desire to help his boom ? It discuss es him in an editorial article a column and a quarter in length in its issue of Thursday, and jt is worth while to note what it thinks of him and of his pros pects : Senator Bayard seemsrthe sole politi cal survivor of the Democrats who have heretofore been talked of in con nection with the presidency, if we ex cept one or two popular generals who are destitute of experience in import ant civil trusts. The President should be a man whom long service at the na tional capital has rendered, familiar with the practical operations of the government. Mr. Bayard is the only" jcmuuctt iuus quaainea wno nas not become a, "lame duck," either by yield ing to the inflation heresy or by disas trous and humiliating defeat in his own State. And again, the following, while neith er very complimentary nor very en couraging to the party, must certainly be very pleasing to Mr. Bayard and his friends, and is entitled to a measure of consideration : The Democratic prospect is not flat tering at best. It is more than doubt- New ithout . i Tint ictiL wiui r;iyam would leavtfflie tnirty in a far better condition than defeat with any candidate who is less 'respect-' t;d. The Democratic party has many lalse steps to retrace before it caii'de serye success, and there is no way in which it could so convincingly return to the sound Democratic which it has deser.ted,as by nominating roan wno Condition, November 1st, of Cotton " Wbe&t, Tobaccy and. Corni . , fi Washington Nov! IS.-f he follow ing is the condition of cotton, wheat, tobacco, and corn, as issued by the De partment of Agriculture to-day : ...COTTON. There was a decided increase in ; the condition of cotton during s the i. month of October; Unfavorable;-weather Ws reported in Georgia and Alabama. In all other States it was favorable. The returns indicate a,yield per acre of 176 pounds" llntamst 1W last year. iTbjsl at 2 per cent, more than lastyear," would make a deficit in this year's crop of 290,000 bales of 450 pounds each. All the South Atlantic States .show the same decline. Texas falls off 85 per' cent. All the states Dordenng on tne Mississippi liyer show decided gains. - ; : WHEAT. ' i Returns of November "1st To Ousde- partnaent sbj w .an increase in .the wheat J cropoi millions ousneis ovprtaac or last year. This, great increase is the res suit of a very large yield in? the States bordering on the Ohio river and Mis- 1 aourt The JTorth western States show little variation from last year. Kansas and California both decline in yield. Texas, of all the Southern States, is the only one that falls off in yield this year. TOBACCO. The indicated product for the entire country is 98 per cent of that of '78. The gain has been greatest in Tennessee, Connecticut and New York ; the loss greatest in Ohio, Missouri and West Virginia, with a material decrease also in Maryland, Illinois and Indiana. In general quality it is better than that of j the previous crop, thdufrh damage' to some extent from "louse burn" is re ported in Kentucky and Virginia and from frost in Ohio. CORN. According ;tc-Teturns, tyvembej 1, corn promises an1 increase of oyer 20O million bushels or nearly 15.,per cent, over last year. "The Atlantic and Gulf States note some decrease, but the other sections of the Union have great ly increased their yields. The Southern inland States increase nearly 30 per cent, and other sections of the Missis sippi Valley' nearly 20. The'Pacffie States report about the same yield as last year. CRCTIE IN KENTUCKY. iiu wnetner tne party could carry i oik even ior Mr. .bayard, and w uxew lorKdeteatis certain Ikmtmr.tii Iff Hi Ml V i the close of the testimony in the Cham pion disaster inquiry, the following let ter was read : November 13. Edward R. Shars wood, Esq. Dear Sir: We have to ac knowledge thefaepeiptt'of ybfar faNktvtf the 12th instant relating to Che'investi gatibrrriow penmn-rtowt4ie-Sritrai naal court at Philadelphia, tfoinquire into tie particulars of the collision be tweeH the steamer Champion and the ship Lady Octavia, and your courteous invitation to have Capt. Lock wood at tend.' In reply, we beg to say that Capt. Lockwood is now awaiting the United States local inspectors, to whom he has already SiUafcittedhis.reporf , artd before wfiom hfdifilxjiects to b caHed. If, therefore, he and other parties interest ed in the vessel lost should desire to avai thenweJ.Ye pfe the opportunity yf politeMifatian offers, they could not in any event appear at an early day. Respectfully yours, George W. Quintard, For N. Yi and Charleston S. S. Co. ! The codrt' 'adjourned' 'until Monday, the secretary, Mr. Sharswood, being in structedto see'when thS captain-of the Champion "would attend-It is under stood that there is lid way to compel them to attend as they are amenable to .the iocal United States inspectors, fwhete? tii0 3teaffiyiui belongs, and this ieing IfeivToxlSffty their trial, if any, must take place there. Nw Tlrutpi!ii6lo4SeSay. Sales 188 pecember...J.i.Ml..fr..u. Ji 12. January. . . . HJ&t.- A February. r- . -X: . : . X-:.. . . . X... 12 ST Jaarcn ; 12.50 Apru 12 .HI ay 12.71 Jane 12 .82 July . : 12 .91 Cltt COTTON MABCKT. ta. Offics of thk Observer. aaoTrOTember 1 6 1879. f The market yesteiday closed steady at Friday's quotations. Sales were made early In the day ia 14 higher, but later prices receded under a decline m iew ion ana uverpooL , Good Middling. Middling. Strict low middling. .. v j .......... 1 Low middling..... Tinges . . Lower grades t ., ? , , Receipts 409 bales; for ttie week 2,142! lm 11 11 11 6-10 D URHAM (ANALYZED BY DR. W. H. TAYLOR, STATE I CHEMIST OF VIRGINIA, AND PRONOUNC ED PURE, AND RECOMMENDED AS A BEVERAGE OR MEDICINE. TI10 itta,ncUeter Cotton Market,. Manchester, Nov.: 15.-The Man chester Ghmrdian says: "Friday's quo tations were higher and more firmly ad hered to all around than they have been duringibfi present exciternntTxaris actions, however, were quite limited, as prices-were beyond -thareach ro- buy- L I Two FeTvr Case at Hie in phis,' ' CiNCTNNATr, N"6v: 151 A special from Memphis states that reports of the lever Having again Droken out tnere are untrue. There have been only two new cases in tne city in the last ten days. No alarm is felt. Of these two cases one caught the fever while visit ing an old case and the other is from a house not disinfected. The attention of the citizens of Charlotte and the surrounding' country is again called to this Pure Whiskey, now so popular both North and South. We have the endorsatlon of many Drug gists and Dealers In New York City, Washington, D. C New Orleans, San Francisco, and many oth er cities, and we can confidently recommend the "Durham" to be equal to any .Whiskey distilled in this country. - Call for "Durham!' at W. R. Cochrane's Central Hotel Saloon. ; ELLISON HARVEY, Sole Proprietors Oct. 21-dtf. Landing- of tbe New Cable. North Eastham, Mass., Nov. 15 The steamer Farraday came to anchor. off Hftnsett lights at 10 a. m. The wind is southwest and fresh, the sea smooth and the time favorable for the landing or tne caoie. Regulators on the Path -They Issue a Proclamation (Announcing Their rarpoiw. - - - - Cincinnati. O.. Nov. 15. A snfiftial to th& -Enquirer states, that f-awia Louisville. ocoggsDeen nas oeen convicted of the murder otWaddellj- in raiintr. Kentucky; and sentenced to eight years imiuwuujciii. uuuge xviaaier reiusea a new hearing and the case is to be appealed. The prisoner was removed from the county jail for fear5 the' regu lators would shorten the sentence. .The regulators in northeastern Ken tucky have issued a proclamation fash-, loned after the declaration of indepen dence. It recites that in view of the reign of assassination, robbery and rapine which has lasted in that region for four years, they have had to band together to protect themselves .and the property of honorable people, They deny that they are a mob but "assert that they are fen organized and discip lined set of men who mean business. They assure f good citizens, JhAtthey have nothing to fear, and warrrVl uarn-ourners and murderers ,to leave- me country and threateh them Kvith. lyncn law where the State law fails of its duty. LTornade and Fire in Kentucky The Constitution. November 15. A dis- patchrrom Tad u6aTT "Says considerable" damage ,to juulfUngs, fcc., was done by a neavy para ana wjna scornr. The constitution of Kentueky is now stated to be safely locked up in the State vaults. - Fire l4st night nearly destroyed Fer guson,' Smith & Co's mill, together with nearly 2,000-bushels of wheat. Loss, $25,000 ; insurance, $0,000. the one .distinguished from his convictions,-- ... They may be unable to elect Mr. Bayard, but they can elect him if anybody. , Tlie tact of running him would re-estADli3n the party on its ancienfr foundations giving it strength and dignity as an op position, and paving the way to solid success when it shall have retrieved its shattered rapuftaiionj unddrwise leadprv ship, with restored " unity and better 1 uisuipune. 1 CM6IIG THE Until Wheat oei lion 'iVWiir - - Ht. Loins, November lai-h-.There is a jiiyve nepc among, the millers here to fclpst tle mils-until ilrlc-of; wheatf declines The reason assigned is 'thaT iiuur is oeiow the:pnce at which it can be made without loss. It sbitpd tht hasten contracts mad2 whin, JLJi $,Jl flH!etr-v Poiuoui per uusnei, nosieyee rib n7 w Hr, V tUtt" 1UiIeaiax&iuturo. But little flour has been shinnori fvnm rfpr the -i raft tlier 'vreatas Trnrt ir amount aiaRsibrerS ,thlS enough to suppty-H IteiAaiidML 'some time. The millers are satisfied that there must be ajeclirm in&eat pretty soon. At all events they will not pur chase lintiL the pried M1& I cfr ifhej H marcin on firm ,T7r-r,T ' f ri" w "V IA. There is mo other prominent Demo crat of whom the Herald would speak so well as it does offthe SlnsftVfrom Delaware-it wouldsay becausejtnofte other deserves to be thus spoken of. Does it represent the sentiments qf e class for whom it profesesto Speaijr the great mass of the ifidepertdeirt thinking people of the North? those who elect Presidents and make and de stroy parties ? If so, enough said. Bay ard is the man for the Dtethctats,, td nominate. He is acceptable to the Democrats of the South. If the Herald can prove that its views of the man S?h6 vAewS tt&dS)8 rell will do Mr. Bayard the service of secur ing his nomination for President next ye:r- -....u..i.. ri Toombs's. .Telkokam. Better, for Radvcticerjflg ipurpes, than the.KlUinr of adozan, "nggjthp telegram of Bob Toombs to the editor of the CMtfagbafeawUJt will make thous ands of votes for the Republican party mext year. 4 J udge PearfjUf was fvont to speak of people whoa. Dltrly f smartness but no sense, and Toombs has, by this telegram, better than ever before, vindicated his right to a place in this category. We have not the pa-? uence necessary 10 a temperate dis- cusBiQi pifv,nif iQpushw message. rWe i havWfyraited .ft'twb darat fo a fetarfej of -that ; degree; .f ;ifihuoso1SJi ?&VL& ter, tJutfhere'is no laughterin us; t.fjfh influence of this telegram will be evil,- only eviandj atjaiipdUs, is all there is arjoub ju nivuiua weeic from the time he said it, we have proof of the troth of Wade Hampton's utter nnAA thof Mia wiolnm of . a dozen wise men.cannot counteract the folly of one fool." We have no more to say on me subject. . Excitement Over the lUaine f.eiriin- tlve Embrogiio. ' rdtathnoVanii!C V 4TO t.finninor tn ominf 4-1. , V. ' I A- --- - 1 - ;o w wuui uun luo xvepuDiican majority m the Legislature are P.it inz ctneral atnfjcn,M.xrf;. . r "f"ftI"ituc- ujrouceat cases ltf wl- in -Lmcoln. Penobscot and .Washington counties. It is reported that no hearings will "ho aTWmA k7 disputed cases but certificates will be etermined. A-oare- uuuiiuans nave . members in the House and 1 vacancy by death, while the Democrats have 61 in: the same branch. In the Senate, the T? ernVl i na n a nfzio anjthe vwsmfcmD a Gatherings in Gotham. , New Yokk. November is gamer-Stosson 300: Gamier B8. The winners average 23 l-ift. Th hirroof run of Slossonis 107. I he Cohen familv. arrested on siiQni. -OL"n vf gettinc: firn tn the house, were" discharged w account of iokk oi eviaence oi -ifleendiarism. ! i Tl n .. m - NEWtYokK, Nwei&ber 13.4-Ma: ii.-Ai:nKry, of iteChurcH uuiiieu out venterrlav Tin ,an iSrJyPPinery and jr a r l -A L 7 V J Fshall Pf mkn, wJg.l I & 0004 Examine Harbors. SB) II M 111 T - Ann. Ohm-jRailroadaV tothe alermmusffiSS V 1UVS TV m Z extent upon good health, a i i ,v. " bt great CougaSTTup. UcurWS'oiwrrt1'" f Harmless Explosion Cleveland, jnov. 15. The main boiler in the plate mill of the Cleve land Rolling Mill exploded last even ing, scattering iron in all directions jNoone was Kiuea. rne tireman was slightly injured. Damage, $20,000. Burned; to ecmfn Hif Ifftfiwe. Petersburg. Nov. 15. While Ed ward Grammar, aged 85. was asleep in his residence on Prince George county, Thursday night, the house was set on fire and before he could escape he was burned to death. Storm in Indiana and Ohio. Cincinnati, Nov. 15. At Pooii and Princetown, Indiana, and South Bend, Ohio, considerable damage has been done by storm. The simplest, 'safest and surest means to relieve the Baby of colic and Induce slumber Is Dr. Bull's Syrup. Price only 25 cents a bottle. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. NOVEMBER 15, I87W PRODUCE. BilttKoitB-iOj quiet: Southern 44a45, Wes tern whit 43a44. uo mixed 41a42, Peuiisyr taute. 4!Ja44. May market Arm; prime I)mr sjrlHiila and Maryiand 15al(5. Provisions firmer; Uiess uork J 1.50; bulk meats-loose shoulders "PrlrS sides 64, do packed 4a5; bacon t-sftoulderVfcte, clear rib sides H. hams lOall. Lard, rellned tierces 7 Butter firm; prime lo chotee Western packed 13altf. rolls . Coffee firm; Rio cargoes 18al7&. Whiskey quiet at i.iz. sugar nrm; A sort 10aii. Vreiarhta I r Athenif flour i air extra a. naan.Hi ). mod tn cnnim dft ai i 7 tr neat closed wcafr. -ungraded winter-4mvi.4 va. o uo , no. v ao i.4aa.44, mixed do TfM). 1 OA R. Wlflm Iftirlr nntiVA llnimrfait ut. ve at 44a45 1r Na 8. Coffee firm: Rio n.iotd Centrl nrm; tommii lo iQ ar(fOe914af?.-t0b-lotS lAalO. Sum, nnl.t. fair to rood wfinlncr StfaaUlfc dt, muuou Bie&u ; suwaara a lovaai, eran ulated 10all, powdered 10all, crushed lltfea aU. Molasses quiet Rice nrm. Wool quite firm ; spot ll.00a.10; middles firmer: lone clearB ?h, short clear 6, long and short . Lard closed firm; prime steam on the spot and to arrive 7.30a a7.40. Whiskey nominal at 1.15. Frelzhta auiet. L Giltkston Irregular; middling 11; low mld UVi good ordinary llVt; net receipts 8,872; gross NOld4)rj--Onlft?rnlrtrlllrio' ll(i. no. B.rSrgftss jstttek 44,834; exports coastwise 670; sales 425; exports to Great Britain . I BArmrotaFlrra; ikUtUn 13 . lowi middling lllC.: KOOd rdln'.V HUn nAf ra'rJ ZZrZZtt 455; sales 180; ' stock fT,854: eipbrts 'cOaitWisS BriUto - '' 540;exports to Great Wrr.TWfXTON Staartv nl111lrn mi... , . . gross"-; sales "J ttock' 1 Vfiihnere - ex! ports coastwise 1,030. to Grlati BrttiS i-; to Co nent ; to channel . P?gDXVPnii.Ftrm; middling 123hc.: low nuqoung lac; good ordinary llc: net recint gross 1 264; sales 692; spinners 638; stock 162: 7,845; exports to Great Britain , Nkw Orleans- We; dllngllc; goodord Nkw Orleans- Weak; middling H5fa: low m'd lng 113bc: Kood ord'v 1 lli? nt toss i lB,41j sttlgi i TiOOOf tttoeii 105i00fli sipoiSi. Great Britain 11,765; coastwise . AU6U8TA Easier; middling Utj;f low mid dling Hfec, good ordinary 10c.; receipts 1.207; Bhlpmenta ; sales 1.239: stock . rvSftt V Great Britain r555VFmr!cr Continent : to channel . ' nrecelpw'85.681:exnrtai ft France 818; Continent -faSf. '0,' Middling 7d,: .sales. HEADQUARTERS FOR Bottled Lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, tree of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. MTJNZLER. All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 HAPPY JOE FISCHESSER. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BREWERY " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschesser's and drink the more." o FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL THK WAY. I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which I am able to keep on draught, and for sale by the keg PURE ICE COLD LAGER BEER Brought to my door In an Ice-cold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. Persons In Charlotte, or at a distance, can buy beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant ed to be as pure and fresh as If just made. My facilities this summer for the delivery of Beer are better than ever, and as the sole agent In Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Wines and tbe best Liquors on draught or for sale by the quantity all the time. O Y STER S On the half-shell. Lovers of the luscious bivalves can be supplied by JOSEPH FISCHESSER. ju27 fheJIor,Co II; fe J ft- t X fe- it ITS- and: iet 8 mmm i of BB FOUND Ttt -TITE CtTY. IS NOW BEING RECEIVED ..BY US. OUR STOCK OF HEAVY finrms rnu vmhuav wii and of excellent quality; and our line of FINE MACHINE and HAND-MADE GOODS for Gentlemen. iiSesTBoMiM ha rAnS, ")J best makes? cannot be surpassed in beauty of flnisti. Style, quality and cheapness. - - - ' , ' Ul '? nese trooas were au care may seieciea, wiin reierence w me wan is oi our customers, were uuugut very cneapif, and will be sold at extremnio ures. we invite all mircnasera to lnsDect our stook. leeiinn well assured we can suit every one. in stvie. auaiitr and nri. vhn msvfsvn. a wiv 'J M,w B R O T H JC K S.. is li A: V I N l can. JJcitr &&vzKtiszttxttits. JMINENT DR. WM. ALEX. GREENE, MACON, GA, ., . .,-;. Writes: ' I cheerfully state that I have tested the virtues and efficlencv of Colden's Llebhr's Ltauld Extract of Beef In my private practice In eases of general debility, weakness depression, oyspepsia, loss of appetite and nervous afflictions, when med icine has proven more than useless. I have found It the best remedy I have ever used In chronic al coholism, when the stomaeh Is always Irritable and food required to nourish.- Sold by Leading Druggists; -.''.-.i- A SQUD PLAN. Combining nd operating mnyord.r in ou rut sum M erery tannun oi capiiu, wiui nktllful mnttemeu. Lare profit dlvtd4 pro rat on llnnitniMiiiaf lu to tlo.OM. Circular, with full ex planations how all can succeed in stock dealfnca,nitled free. LAntfAAtA m w.t xv atwi-Duwt, stew xura. . $1(1 T(l 41 Afin Invested In Wall Street IV IV $ AVVV stocks makes fortanes ev ery month. Book sent free explaining everything. Address BAXTER & CO., Bankers, 7 Wall St, New York. iij a month and expenses goaranted to Agents 3p I I Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Maine. $777 ta, Maine. A YEAR and expenses to Agents. Outfit tree. Address r.v. viukjsrx, Augus- ADVERTISERS Addressing GEO. P. HOWELL & CO'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York, can learn the exact cost ef any propos ed line of ADVERTISING In American newspa pers. 100-PAGE PAMPHLET IOC. ryeTgraham AND WHEAT BREAD AT PRATHEITS. CAKES ! CAKES ! Pound Sponge, Fruit, jelly, and all kinds of Fancy Cukes at PRATHER'S. May 22. Trade Street Orders for ornamental Cakes promptly attended to. FIVE THOUSAND WORLD'S FAIR I6ARS. s ''a i t :; rx ESurgess KTichoIs mac flOEESALBT AND RETAn. DSALKB ALL KINDS OF mm, BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF Cheap Bedsteads AND LOUNGES. PARLOR AND CHAMBER StflTS. COFFINS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Rni NO. 5 WEST TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. "I'l'iy. .P9 Oudi r I -rue ore -r ttlFff 1TV B XJ V 1 I SOLO BY 3T -VfV WWVA . tilt ld tJ FOR PARTICULAR WBf RON SV ADDRESS J 5 WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, omo. MY f lira TUST RECEIVED, five thousand tf ibrand of Clears, warranted mire of tbe above Havana Kil lers . the best 5 cent Cigar la the State. For sale at wholesale and retail by LeKOY DAVIDSON, septl4 Exclusive Agent A CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. JUST RECEIVED. A full line a!l gaiJos reaily-ruade LADIES' U IV DER WEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for ca.- h at New York Prices. .1. Another Lot of those FIN&CLOAKS - . :iS . 1 If Ji I, T, ;: , j; t. At the same low price. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz: Organic ;uid Seminal Weakness, Impotency (loss of sexual power). Nervous Debili ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart. Dim ness of Sight or (iiddliiess, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., till resulting from abuses In youth or excesses In manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly c-ured. Dr Robertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, reiers to any of the. leading physicians of Baltimore. Special .attention yiwi t- all fe im'e complaints and irregularties. All o-ii3u'btlnn, strictly confidt ..Hi-' Vm ' U C 'i"s s ii! a .. ;.! rss. v. all u v..i. . oin:;oM.ig Mi 1 v DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, LMNENS, COTTONS, Ci-AAUAJSAHilti;, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERT, ana aoyv Suits, Ladles' Underwear, Infanta Outfits, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES j RUCHINGS, ILANDKJERCHTEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, f HAKBCRGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES. FANCY GOODS, fce. , BY MATT,. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you' fianget everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us by MailtorJSxnre. We carry an uvffrScKstock of about $166,000. alt louaht. If or prompt cash. tTry us. Have the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. . COOPER & CONARD. Importers and Retailers. ,-fJt1 ILADELPHIA, PA. BUbliphed 186a. May 11-dAwtill jan 9. J niMTimiMITTTTtH II1IMTI1 MtllTTTTTyV L Cver 2.00O Druggists have signed the following remarkable pa r. lie signatures of which can be seen at our office : MESSRS. SEABURY & JOHNSON, 21 Platte Street, New York: Gkntaemen - "For the past few years we have sold various brands of Porous Plasters ana me punc preier Be To all others, we coosl.ier them one of the very few reliable househ uence. xney are superior to an otner rorous Plasters or medicines Phv lc . ns Portable sndAfriooltorai JEnginas ClipparKngines from 8 to 10 Horae Power ; Dry Steam Engines from 4 to 40 Hone Power ; Utic (or Wood A Marw)Engfoes from 6 to 40 Horae Power ; SUtionariea ; Adjustable CuW litic Knrines from IS to 800 Horae Power; Improved Corliss Engines from 15 to ISO Horae Power; BoUersjdl sizes; Iron Frame Reversible Saw-Mills, four sizes ; North Carolina Portable Corn Mills ; Corn-Mill Stones, all sizes, guaran teed to produce better Meal, with 25 per cent, leas power. than any other MulStone tn fa icorla. rHE 1 AY: Co. or WESTJtlSSTKX, MD.,"Westminster, M August 2 i.Vwm. Mfgl .8. A. 1' ;, - , .; New Style Trimmed Felt XtKlKGHATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 aozen of those jl Corsets left at 60c, at MfeS. P. QIJERY'S. venzovcisi; LlTXRPOOT. Knnn .r!nfinn ..t. DKIanHa Jht. VOSlCr. i una . Axrmrt' .1 w yy.Amean0tiCturet;2I ntr'X y o aoaaaa, Aprn ea Janua rv an1 V 13-1623 and Mav 9 a, , June aiul FTNANCIAL. IRONBuTERS,,. A Great Tonic. IRpM-ftlTTERS,- lBOSBITTIRy': t OPhJBtirartbtarn , ?'WM -it, rt-. i.n IKUN olTTERS. r y- iROM BnTERSia IBDSBITTEBSiJ,; gllorfffPeywgd COMK AND8KK ( UK NKv Kll). X OK DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, SHOES AND CLOTHING. We are svlllng them very low, and respectfully ask a call before you buy. BARRINGER fc TROTTER. Nov. 5. JUST RECEIVED, Apples, fine Turkeys, Cabbage, Potatoes and all kinds country almost dally. Ca t early and 25 barrels fine Sweet and Irish produce arriving give me a rnai. Respectfully, ' ' : J L. HARDIN. Agent Genetal Commission Merchant, ; , Trade street, first door above The Observer building. i i.'-ii ON M' -NDAY. tha 1 7th44 November. 1873, at 12 in., a tiitj cQw.f, Jiouse, will b" o!d that. desira ble clt property ui fhe co'riier'of Church dftd ev enth streets, known as , Uio J. J. iBEaRYHXLL PROPE tTY. . This ,i:openy cuusfsts of two fujl lots', nmnhtg rrfthl Church to Poplarstreet. i Prop erty iwell LuuiowcljHlthaood well ef jwatBr,H ' u . r-it ; --;. fw- G.BRBRYHltL,.,, '3ttd fr. .., ... Commissioner.; r.son's Capcine Porous Plaster Lousehold remedles worthy of conn foeteinaLuses" : i - ; i i THB AND POPULiS PS7 GOOD OF P2QLASSLFSIA. yuLrLruuvj With na through our SAMPLE AND MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT is simple, easy, and advantageous. Anyone writing to us for Samples, mentioning the kind of goods needed, will receive, by return mail, toe desired samples and information.. j G.qocU sent BY MAIL OR EXPRESS. Through this means ladies everywhere throughout the Unlte4 States .vaJH them selves of a very convenient plan Of receiving Dress Goods, Trtamingsrina a General Outfit from the head-centres of trad vhere they can at all times obtain ui& best goods, newest 'andt latest styles to be had Iti the least money. . , HOMER. COLL AD AY & CO. Manufacturers, Retailers, tnd Importer of Choice IToveUie in Dress Goods, Milts, Trimmings, etc, CHESTNUT, ABOVE BROAD STREET, i PHILADELPHIA. PA.. (ESTABLISHED 1842) : " And 13 nuo Richer, Paris. Prance. ' 43-HavB the chJldfefl -send for a set of our Fancy Advertising CsJds."Ct All Samplog 'tad' hformatlcn tent frea ta tU'r'aka "cf tlur TTnlted: States. 0ct.;14-dAwlm. i;,u( 1 ih-j H. P. rLBRIIVG; SOLE AGENT FOR JOS. SCBLITZ'S CELE3RATKD EXPORT 1? CORNER BALTIMORE' and -HQIljjkHEETa jSaLTIMOBS, MI). -o o- 11 1ST nov7 2w ORDERS BY MAIL PK0MPjLYAt'EMDib 1 'Hi; u-J BUTTERIQK:1 r fi IS r AE6IBu XX pin. Whe ck'aPatterna are fastened lsTtn has been removed we can not take therfijacaV When the Dln'.hJis not been removed patternf .Rre exchangeable fee others; wMa Hi uiese conations are un posed by Ju.te no & uo and we.Mmot deviate ftooi them". ";s;f2v novJSifBRO. HIarhlv to the public eases requiring aoertain and .efficient TOWMCi especlall V tn fiialm. fHnrlu.pea(a, CHcrsy,,Usilnx. StreDSihns 1 the, 'rhrtl; cles-and give hewOlf! 4 aed, ladles.' and chil-; diwn requiring reoBpem anon, this valuable 1 : i 4 i forwent; u iiu, aigesuve organs, wpoonfal - before. rneals will remove all Byspeptis) sspmDtomaj Not, 16-d.kwly. BSVllle. Is frtr ntnfc hnfffE St.! Charles feorei: lh fita A it to an excellent property, well furnished and m good repair. J'Oisaaaion-cgtten 1st January. Liberal terms to a good tenant. ., Address " '' DR. 1C. O.' ELLIOTT, i evtt'eod-2w u .-.! f-.j. fltatMrOksitt. .mil tw -Ki'rHtX. ft! -vl .l ' mm i ss, m wm open a scaooi Tor rjoys-on Motv iu.j nexvw xne isenoot OMUdlna: -n HGexu BarrinBrer'8 lot on Ohnrrh uw ' 'The school will, at arsi.ttnNi. nfnI "'2 ' ' !i; iwoewuinHiia, rnmsrvsiwtTn. i ssT . ir aottermedlateumroblMt!hAirB t,..' the est possible lasslrieaUon In; endersBAAh lnstreetlonmay beihonxsgiuiumw m . t77 4 TERMSiMpayablfr imontmyi! Primary beMrti w wjt mm w . hit v. -v i i TO THE TRADS: Bve b'.islness nfeti-o? he day are starting theses mtersWe are the origfe nators and Headquarters M- We tayff thr 'y twi nimi o tuiu iuu. toDomg aouses u i.. 200 4 201 Randolph BixeeL ailcjeifft-'28 Chauncy aaBolJ0 28 Sept j4eoaBCa Zt- '1L Mi" wj M f'mi KmGr t Libs iJtedi : k I III I I I I ill iaj ii i I M I I i I i M-i,.w a. Rogers' Furniture Store.' ! :toi-". wlsn am Hui'-"- .feli- M uliwwl ckY.::.s? .... iWBOLgSAADXAIL t..;l ln ft,;., y ,, ''Kit:il:t.-j:i ddJi'ob , .. ' '., ji-. ! t!l?. 0 .f.'.Uu ,hor 1J,J '.i..!., (,i ' ueankf llfBeQ; tkw. kuslcil Instnunfn' : n aatiJs h -.. CHAlLOfti-.C. ; iU Is aifcg -" 4 !)iTK Wt!l7l J, beW ' stocc'?? 'tlrycerles, Conf ectio n e rl i Prize CaUdlea, Toys. Musical instruments, Oti Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Wooden-Waryt Paper B.igs. Gunned Goods, GMsHli CrMJjSers, Pow.i.t. Shotl Salt, Ac in Th city wftl be round at iir Wholesale and Retail Store, Call and see us be fore buying. iiia7.jc.J.ji H , A. B. NISBKT A BRO. (Not. 1lnr. : . HOUSE WAITED. 'a good tenant who will pay a moderate rent. promptly in axtvaHMt'taottau, desires to rein aeorafortable dwelling bouse, within tbe busine MttUio aoeesslMsr thereto r LINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFIC notTZ 5t Appw Si